#ss sweets display counter
delicatebeauties · 2 months
As a queer woman, who might be sometimes projecting/delulu imo a few things missing when people discuss queer ships :
1.Sexual attraction <> romantic attraction..
. Some people might have strong sexual chemistry but aren't and wouldn't be compatible romantically or as long term partners due to a mix match of :
-romantic/sexual attraction model - into women romantically and men physically or vice vers very emotionally into men but only attracted sexually to women..
- bottom/top incompatibility. Some people aren't switches at all and such an incompatibility would be a deal breaker.
- kinks incompatibility
- emotional attachment models -
- strong residual internalised *phobias
-monogamous / open / poly (including bi) styles
- classical personality/social incompatibilities (families / backgrounds/introverts)
2. Professionalism
Some actors might be queer and feel a certain level of pull but would never act on it because their peers or crush are straight or not available. or even to simply keep it very professional despite the fanservice to keep it emotionally safe.
Anything deepening a relationship can also fragilise it to the point it becomes not professional viable. Or even just from an acting/chemistry point of view, actually consuming that chemistry reducing its impact on screen.
Counter example "messy" queer friend groups with an "experimental" vibe might shock the general public which is used to a more 1 to 1 relationship style.
3. Unrequited attractions or affections
Any kind of relationship has to be mutual and changing equilibriums are a tricky challenge, some actors might be attracted to others but realise the other wouldn't be or couldn't be and they would keep their distance or crush in secret and hope that it can be disguised as fanservice or simply not seen.
While sweet moments between shipped pairs are sweet, sometimes i do get this residual empathy for the actors that behind the spectacle have some real feelings whatever they might be.
Tagging here as well cp that might have or haven't crossed some lines creating emotional misunderstanding when one party is more attached than the other with different level of success.
On the other hand more basically, actors might have already a partner or crush irl of whichever gender, despite being queer.
4. Homosocial behavior
Being not straight i struggle with the concept of straight homosocial behaviour in either gender.. eg behaviours of affection and or intimacy which aren't labeled as lgbtq while technically could be included in it, such mouth kisses in ss sex people or hand holding or heavy petting.
Different cultures and individuals have a different lense on where they identify it as actual lgbtq behavior vs homosocial behaviour (sometimes with a heavy internalised homophobia and rejection of labels, kissing with mental no homo). Some people not wanting to come out or label themselves also exist.
Same sex experience leading to people identifying as heterosexual does exist as well. And ambiguous unlabelled relationships also exist with different level of comfort for the people in them.
I do agree as well that to some extend playing queer roles - either on stage or in front of a camera might help either hiding in plain sight or exploring some aspects of oneself to a certain extend or a contrario being challenged with roles that are very far away of themselves..
I also wish the industry was more accepting of actual out lgbtq actors and behind the scenes cast.
Fans might perceive some elements of the above and added with the context of the characters or social intimacy displayed and assume they are in a relationship when a mix of the above is happening.
I found Bump up Business, War of Y and "Method" quite interesting for the BL lense into character bleed, business gay acts and the push of studios as well as the relative homophobia of some audiences.
As Uncle Jim said, it's already a struggle to be poor what if you are lgbtq on top of that... Actors that are some kind of lgbtq are usually the less supported both financially and socially particularly if they come from poorer backgrounds and might face homophobia from even other lgbtq people.
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rmindustries65 · 4 years
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parthkitcheneqmnts · 6 years
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Find the best Jhula price! Jhula for sale in Odisha. Buy and sell second hand Furniture in Odisha
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Flowers & Leather
Pairing: Alpha!Bucky x Omega!Reader
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: A really good kiss. 
Summary: Bucky and Y/N go on their date. 
A/N:  This is part of the Honeysuckle Girl universe, which was originally written for @the-ss-horniest-book-club​. Read the first part here and the second part here. This is also my Day 1 entry for @ibwhellowriting ‘s 31 day Hello Spring Challenge. 
Prompt: “Can I kiss you?”
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As soon as you heard Bucky’s door close you turned off the stove and made a mad dash for Wanda’s room. You knocked furiously on her door knowing she was a late sleeper. You heard shuffling and stumbling coming from the other side of the door and it soon opened a crack. Wanda’s head peaked out, her hair disheveled and her eyes puffy from sleep.
“What could you possibly want?” she asked.
“Bucky asked me out! For tonight!” you whispered excitedly, knowing Bucky could probably hear you from his room.
“Eeek!” Wanda squealed as her eyes went wide and she pulled you into her room, closing the door behind you. “What!? When!?” she asked.
“Right now. I was making breakfast and he just walked into the kitchen and asked me out. And he gave me his hoodie? It was all actually very sexy.” you said, blushing. Wanda sat down on her bed cackling wildly and pulled you down with her.
“What did you say!?” Wanda asked.
“Yes, of course! I’ve been dreaming about him for months, I don’t think I’d be able to say no to him if I wanted to. He’s just so… ugh! I can’t handle him! What have I gotten myself into!?” You buried your head in your hands and started to panic a little. Oh god, what if Bucky was terrible. What if he was nothing like you’d been imagining. What if you had just set yourself up for the biggest heartbreak of your life. Wanda tugged at your hands so she could look you in the eye. She wouldn’t read your thoughts without your permission but she could feel your emotional turmoil.
“Bucky is just about the loveliest guy I know. He’s kind and sweet. He’s attentive to everyone around him. He’s worked really hard to get over his past and it shows. And he’s never once tried to take advantage of me or even suggest something when I am in heat. He’s a good alpha and a good person. You’re going to have a great time tonight.” Wanda reassured you. You took a few deep breaths and collapsed in a fit of giggles as your nerves began to disappear and your excitement came back.
You and Wanda spent the rest of the day holed up in her room eating snacks and watching movies and dreaming about the night to come. At around 6 o’clock you migrated over to your room where she helped you do your hair and makeup and pick out your favorite outfit.
Right at 7 Bucky was knocking at your door. You threw Wanda a wide-eyed look as you went to answer. You opened it and all your nerves were immediately comforted by Bucky’s scent. You couldn’t help but stare, he looked too good in a pair of tight black jeans, a t-shirt, and his leather jacket. He’d pulled his hair back and was offering you a nervous smile.
“Hey, Doll,” he said sheepishly, ducking his head to glance at the floor. You blushed at the nickname.
“Hey Bucky,” you said and he looked at you with those gorgeous blue eyes.
“Hey Bucky,” Wanda said and Bucky looked at her confused. He clearly hadn’t noticed her standing just inside your room. Wanda giggled, happy to see him so taken with you.
“Ready to go?” you asked Bucky as Wanda handed you your purse.
“Yes, of course. May I?” he asks, extending his arm out to you. You gladly hook your arm around his and head toward the elevators.
Bucky takes you to an old greasy spoon he typically haunts by himself. The floor is warn and the upholstery on the booths is cracked. But the counter is shined within an inch of its life and the display case full of pies makes your mouth absolutely water. Bucky led you to a corner booth facing the street and settled you in before he sat down himself. You both looked at each other a little awkwardly and laughed.
“Well I guess the fact that we know nothing about the other is a good thing. We’ll have plenty to talk about!” you say, breaking the tension.
“I’m sure you know plenty about me. More than you want to, probably.” Bucky says, his eyes dropping to the formica table top. You reach out and take his hand.
“I know plenty about the Winter Soldier. Sounds like the guy didn’t have much say in the matter. I don’t know anything about Bucky Barnes, though. I’d like to find out everything I can? Is that alright with you?” You lace your fingers into his and he stares at your hand before he glances up at you with a shy smile and bright eyes.
“Anything you want to know, Darlin’” Bucky said.
You and Bucky proceeded to spend the next several hours talking and laughing and getting to know each other. You both eat way too much food, including a huge piece of lemon meringue pie that Bucky caught you eyeing in the front case earlier. His regular waitress, an older woman named Delores, was delighted that Bucky had finally brought a girl in. She sat and chatted with you for a few moments about the kind of trouble he and Steve got into when the two of them would come in together, eating the kitchen out of burgers and fries.
Before you realized it it had been hours and you were suppressing a yawn, not wanting the night to end. Bucky caught you though and insisted he get you back to the tower. He paid the bill and you both bid farewell to Delores on your way out. You walked out into the night and it was significantly colder than it was when you had left the tower. You had been too excited about your date to even think of wearing a jacket. Bucky noticed you shivering and quickly slipped off his leather jacket and draped it around your shoulders. His warmth and scent enveloped you and you almost swooned. You offered him a smile in thanks and slipped your hand into his. The walk back to the tower was spent in comfortable silence as you both stole glances at one another.
Bucky held your hand all the way up the elevator and to your door. You let go to slip his jacket off and hand it back to him but he stopped you.
“No,” he said, “keep it till tomorrow. I’ll get it back from you on our next date,” he said with a smirk. You smiled back at him elated at the thought of another date. You started to turn to go into your room but Bucky gently took your elbow and turned you back to him.
“Can I… Can I kiss you?” he asked as a blush crossed his cheeks.
“Of course you can!” you said.
Bucky slipped one hand behind your head and the other around your waist. He brought his lips down to yours for a tender kiss and you almost fell to the ground. His lips moulded to yours perfectly and after a moment he gently swiped his tongue across your lower lip. You opened up to him and he immediately deepened the kiss. Your hands went from lightly resting on his chest to tangled in his hair and you felt yourself pressed up against your own door. Bucky pulled back after a few more moments, finally breaking the kiss and resting his forehead against yours.
“Sorry,” he mumbled, his thumb gently rubbing circles on your belly, “I just… I like you so much.”
“I like you too, Bucky,” you say with a giggle.
“Ok. I’ll see you tomorrow?” Bucky asks a little nervous.
“Absolutely, you will!” you say, with a final kiss to Bucky’s scruffy cheek before you disappear into your room.
You close your door behind you and hear Bucky’s soft step walking away. You slip off your clothes and pull on a t-shirt and a pair of shorts. You slip into bed and cuddle into Bucky’s jacket breathing his scent deep.
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tina-nightray · 4 years
Pandora Hearts SS Gift~!
i-prefer-the-term-antihero My Secret Santa Gift of Pandora Hearts for you my Dear,
Hope you Enjoy it and wish you Happy Holiday, Sweetie.
From: Me~ (Tina Nightray)
To: This Lovely~
twitter: @nightrayuwu 
tumblr: @sassybitch-classyqueen​ 
Archiveofourown: heismysoulmate
Pair: Ozbert~
Type: Fluffy and caring.
Gilbert thought of his cheerful young Master while holding his White Rose.
Oz thought of his old servant / friend while walking into the garden holding a single Blue Rose.
And then, their fate started with warmth going through their hearts.
Saturday morning, a peaceful calm weekend morning, the sky was clear and the cold breezy morning signified the upcoming winter with its gentle blows.
A fine young man was resting in his chair on his balcony looking up at the sky while smoking quietly. On his free hand was a white rose with few water drips over it ‘I wonder, what should I make for today’s meeting?’ His thoughts were calm as he blew the smoke out and sighed knowing there was no escape from the sweet tooth Break but he also had to make something warm like a pie, a classic cherry pie would be a good choice then.
‘I hope things stay calm as it is and the weather stay clear for tonight’ with another sigh he stood up and walked back inside his room to change into some proper clothes and head to the kitchen ‘good thing they won’t be here for breakfast so I can have my time making that pie with no bunny to disturb my cooking’ he smiled at the picture of Alice trying to taste every ingredient while Oz try to stop her with loud laughs “I better have my breakfast quick then get started on the pie” he said with amusement in his voice as he sped up his steps to the kitchen.
After 30 minutes, he was done with his breakfast and started to make the crust part of the pie when someone unexpected dropped by to say hello coming out of the cupboard and startling the man as always “Hello there, Gil kun~” that was enough to send shock to the other man who was about to lose his pie base “Break! can’t you come from the door like a normal person?!” After that flustered yell he sighed and calmed again not like that was new anyway “Good morning, I thought you'd be with Sharon until the meeting time” he asked quite curiously as he focused back on his pie.
“Well she sent me here to get her some fresh bread knowing that it should've been baked a few minutes ago, but what are you doing here this early, Gil kun~?” The playful man was quite interested as he watched the black haired one place the crust in the oven “I’m making a cherry pie for today’s meeting, it should be ready to offer by noon” he answered while his hands reached out to start the second part of the pie.
“That looks promising, I will be so happy to eat it, Gil kun~” the excited Break danced then took what he came for and left humming a sweet cheerful song on his way back.
“That was.. unexpected,” Gilbert mumbled as he continued. After an hour and half he was done then left the pie to cool down on the counter as he went to check on his reports and the meeting preparation himself. 
He went to the garden and got help from two maidens for flower selection and rearranged it in a beautiful vase in the main room. While he was fixing the flowers angles for a more stunning display his mind went to a memory of his past with Oz as they were hiding from little Ada in hide and seek game.
“Gil, don’t make any sound she will find us easily if she heard you” Oz told him with big smile of his “Y-yes, young master” he nodded and covered his mouth, while waiting there together, Oz was sure to stare his young servant up and down then try to hold a small giggle noticing how fragile he looked and how cute he was while trying to do what he was told as to not make any sound with his eyes fixed on the outside of the closet they hid in.
Gilbert on the other hand, just noticed the soft and smiley eyes of his master that kept looking at him “Ma-master, is there something on my face?” he whispered his question and Oz blinked twice before realizing what he was really doing and blushed slightly and tried to hide his small crush by saying “I just realized that white looks good on you” looking away from him.
the younger boy seemed to take in the words as he slightly blushed and smiled looking at his shirt “You think so, young master?” he asked again looking up at him with sweet smile that always make Oz’s heart beat faster which cause the older boy to nods his head and smile happily at him “Maybe I should get you a suit that matches mine for the upcoming party” he suggested and made the younger boy blush but happy as well and got a nod from him before they got caught by the young girl “Found you two!” she cheered and giggled hugging them both as they whined in defeat.
Gilbert’s cheeks were slightly bright as he remembered that time and giggled quietly, he left to the front door as the time went fast. He then heard the loud sound of horses and cart being stopped by the gate to the mansion and the servants gathered to greet the guests at the HQ.
Gilbert stood outside by the cart and opened the door to have the duo walk out then turn to hug him for more flustering greetings “Good morning, Gil~!” the blondie boy said “Good morning!” Alice said knowing he would make something for their meeting she was so excited “Good morning, how was your trip?” he asked as he patted their shoulders gently “It was nice and quiet” Oz said as he walked to the gate with the two following him inside.
They arrived at the lounge room and rested there until the others got here too so they could start the meeting “Alice do you want to go to the garden for a bit?” Oz asked her and she nodded. They walked out with Gilbert left to get the last of preparation done. 
After a while they heard Break calling for them to come inside as everyone has arrived and ready to start the meeting in the main room. A few hours had passed before the meeting was over and everyone went off to their ways.
Oz, Alice, Break, Sharon, Mr. Oscar and Gilbert were together in one lounge as they enjoyed their small meeting with Gil’s pie and gray tea to warm their hearts. “It’s good~, Gil kun~!” the doll said loud and clearly cheerful as well “I never knew it could eat” Alice said looking at the doll “Nope, it was only me who ate, Alice chan~” with his usual playful tone Break answered as Oz hummed like the rest in satisfaction from the sweet treat the black haired man made.
“Thank you, Gil” they all repeated and he only answered with a nod “You are very welcome” his voice was calmer than usual as the day passed by for lunch and then some nap time for the afternoon, yet Oz was not with Alice.
Gilbert was walking through the corridor when he spotted Oz walking alone through the garden and went after him. 
The young boy sat on a bench there surrounded by flowers and roses, he sighed only to be startled by none other than Gilbert, his old personal servant, dear friend and secret crush “Oh hey Gil, what are you doing here?” the shorter boy asked as he looked at Gil then to the blue rose in his hands upon his lap “Nothing, I just saw you walking here alone and I wanted to ask you if everything is okay?” Gil said calmly, walking to stand three steps away from his master’s seat.
Oz looked up at his crush and smiled but Gilbert felt as if that smile was a bit odd not quite the cheerful one as usual “It’s nothing, Gil. you still worry too much over everything, huh. looks like you’ve never changed from back then. soft and gentle oh but of course you’re more stronger not like the fragile boy you were back then, but still scared of cats” he chuckled at the last one which caused the older male to blush and try to defend himself “They still want to scratch my face off!” he seemed flustered with blush all over his soft cheeks.
Oz smiled at the sight and hummed “You know Gil you’re still as beautiful as you were back then” the words came out naturally that when Oz saw his crush’s face turn red, he blushed slightly himself and looked at his hands “Sorry, that was weird” he tried to dismiss the matter but then “Wait.. um.. you.. Oz.. I..” he stood in his place stunned and unable to finish his words like when he was young and his master looked up at him blinking a few times before a wide smile spread on his lips “What is it, Gilbert? you still hesitate when you want to tell me something about your feelings or thoughts” he tried to tease him only to be met with a shy Gil, the exact same face but in an older version.
“I.. I don’t think you are weird” he mumbled looking down on his feet, the cold breeze blowing a bit stronger this time taking the white rose the taller man was keeping in his jacket to the younger boy’s lap next to the Blue one in his hands “Oh? is that so? and why Gilbert?” Oz decided to hear his thoughts on this matter as he held the other rose in his hand now “Because I..” his words died this time and he couldn't find his voice anymore. 
Oz stood up and walked to stop in front of Gilbert and into his personal space then looked up at him to see how red like tomato the man was now and ready to run off, he held his coat to prevent him from escaping and lightly tug on it to get him to lean in toward his face “Gil, do you like me?” it was a direct shot to the man’s heart causing him to face away from him and sulk in frustration unable to answer him.
Oz showed a smile of sadness and sighed “looks like it’s just me then, huh” he mumbled and let the fabric go only to have a strong and bigger hand to hold his retreating one and rested it on his chest forcing the blood to rise to the younger one’s cheeks in rush to feel those strong heart beats drumming so loud and clear through that always seemingly calm chest.
“I think it’s cold, do you wish to share our bodies’ warmth?” Gil’s words were soft and low barely above whispers “Oh Gil~, that would be so dramatic but of course I would love to” Oz’s words were low too as he moved his arms to wrap around Gilbert’s neck while the other kneeled down closer to wrap his arms around his thin waist too and pulled him into his chest whispering the words softly to his neck “I love you, Oz” the young boy smiled and whispered the same way to his lover’s neck “I love you too, Gil” closed eyes as they shared quiet and peaceful moment before they pulled a part to share a soft and sweet kiss to warm their hearts while sealing their already intertwined fates.
The sun was setting and the night was coming so they decided to get back inside to relax and enjoy their newly found love, with those feelings being finally revealed and spoken of, their lives would be so much happier now despite the hardships, they had each other's backs forever and ever. 
“Will you stand by my side until i’m gone?”.
“Rest assured that I shall never leave you side, no matter what, My Master”.
“I would love to sleep forever in your arms, My Dear Love”.
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beckzorz · 5 years
The Perfect Date
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Prompt: [image: Sebastian Stan, captioned with “She was just so stunning.”] + “A Bucky POV prompt: Bucky telling everyone at the compound about the most perfect date he’s ever had (with you, of course).” Pairing: Bucky Barnes/f!Reader. | 1.2k A/N: Happy Valentine’s Day! Thank you so much @sallycanwait68​ for such an adorable prompt! Sad news: I definitely did NOT write this in Bucky’s POV XD Hope you like it anyway!!! Thanks also to @kentuckybarnes​ who always inspires xoxo And a huge thanks to @the-ss-horniest-book-club​ for hosting this Week of Love! Love to all!
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“That does sound pretty sweet,” Bucky says nonchalantly. He take a final slurp of his iced coffee.
Sam smirks. “Yes she sure was.”
“Fireworks, flowers, lingerie, a gunfight… How are you going to top that, Bucky?” Natasha asks. She drapes herself on the arm of Sam’s chair and raises her eyebrows.
“Well,” Bucky says, “easily.”
You roll your eyes, a smile tugging at your lips as you start unloading your tray of clean glasses at the bar. The worst thing about your job on the housekeeping staff at the compound is that you can’t tell anyone what hilarious bullshit comes out of the Avengers’ mouths. The other staff, sure, but not your friends on the outside.
Well, insofar as you’ve got friends on the outside. Which… not really.
“Well, we got started at a little bar in Minsk,” Bucky begins.
Your eyes widen as you slide a wine glass into its upside-down holder under the overhead cabinet. In Minsk?
Uh oh.
“Nice and dim, a couple booths… Kinda a mix between classy and not.”
You steal a glance at Bucky. His eyes, bluer today with that fitted turquoise shirt he’s wearing, are sparkling in the sun streaming in from the giant windows. He’s not looking at you—why would he be?
Okay, enough dreaming, back to the tumblers.
“There’s this table of middle-aged guys hitting on the waitress,” Bucky continues. “It’s normal stuff there, y’know.”
“Normal here too,” Natasha says drily.
“Well. Yeah.” Bucky shifts in his seat. “Anyway, so in walks this woman with a long coat and tall boots—”
“How do you know her boots were tall if she was wearing a coat?” Sam interrupts.
“Cool your tits, I’m getting there,” Bucky says. “Anyway, so I was at the bar, getting intel, and this woman struts in—no, she wasn’t strutting, she was… stalking, I guess. Like Nat stalks.”
You have you bite your tongue. Comparing his date to Natasha? He’s cutting it close.
“So she stalks over to the bar, orders a drink, and heads straight for the dart board at the back.”
There’s a particular glass that you don’t recognize. It’s beautiful—nearly paper-thin, with a detailed pattern of air bubbles caught inside the glass—but sturdy enough to survive the dishwasher. Asgardian, maybe? You tilt it to catch the light, and the air bubbles inside glitter like gold. Gorgeous.
“And you’re just watching her?” Sam asks.
“If you were there, you’d’ve been watching her too,” Bucky assures him. “Trust me.”
“So… did you play darts with her?” Natasha asks.
The Asgardian glass can go in the display against the wall, you decide.
“Not exactly.”
You can hear the glee in Bucky’s voice, and you let out a slow breath as you turn back to face the room and get another bunch of glasses to put away.
“She grabs all of the darts in one hand and immediately comes back to the bar, takes a swig of her drink, and then turns around and whips a dart at this blond guy sitting at the other end of the bar.”
“Shit,” Sam says; in the same breath, Natasha says, “Good for her.”
Bucky’s quivering in his seat. “Hits him straight in the cheek. So the bartender yells, the middle-aged men yell, and I have to duck because the blond’s friend—I think his name was Zhuk—pulls out a gun and shoots at her, but she’d already moved and it would’ve hit me if I didn’t get outta the way.”
“Shit!” Sam exclaims. “The fuck! What kinda crazy—!”
You grit your teeth, hard, as you slide champagne glasses into their slots hanging under the counter. It’s so hard not to speak, but you’re gagged as thoroughly as if—well, hm. You squeeze your eyes shut for the barest moment to contain your latest urge to grin. Not quite as thoroughly gagged.
Still, you can’t butt in. Bucky has to tell this tale on his own.
“My kinda crazy,” Bucky says smugly. “Smart crazy.”
“Funny,” Natasha teases, “that’s my type too.”
Bucky stretches out his leg and nudges her knee fondly with the toe of his boot.
“Anyway she throws the rest of the darts at once, then she just Obi-Wan Kenobis her way out of her coat and she’s fucking draped in weapons. Real beauties. Pistol between the shoulder blades, holsters at hip and thigh, knives in her belt…”
“Are we on a date with her weaponry or with her?” Sam says.
You’re finished putting the glasses away, and you’ve got to leave. You grab the tray, stuff it under your arm, and as you leave, you hear Bucky’s voice get louder with excitement.
“Both! She was just so stunning! She took them down to perfection, and I just sat back and watched. Maximum pain, non-lethal, the perfect take-out if you wanted to get…”
Not until you’re on an elevator do you break out laughing.
“So who won?”
Bucky blinks at you, confused. You’re in a tiny round booth, and he’s as close to you as he can be without actually dragging you into his lap. Arm twined through yours, hands clasped, fingers interlinked, your ankle crossed over his.
“In the best date ever battle,” you explain, and he cackles.
“I did, of course,” he says, looking for all the world like the Cheshire Cat. “I mean, first of all there was the spree through the back streets, then the disabling of a neighborhood power grid, a break for soup—”
“That was really good soup.” You sigh wistfully and lean your cheek on Bucky’s shoulder, smiling.
“Hah, yeah. What can I say, I’ve got good taste.” He squeezes your hand.
“Yes you do,” you declare.
“Where was I?” He clicks his teeth. “Oh yeah. Soup, you pretending to be a prostitute extremely enthusiastically—”
“Anyone would be enthusiastic if they got to hump your thigh and make out with you, even if they weren’t getting fake-paid for it,” you point out, squeezing his leg for good measure. “Anyway, don’t forget the fact that you made a damn convincing client.” Your fingers dance towards his crotch.
He glares at you, but he’s grinning, and those sweet lines around his eyes and lips make your heart dance.
“Yeah,” he says. “Guess I did.”
You kiss his cheek and pick up your glass. “Here’s to—let’s see, convincing people we like each other—”
“And don’t,” Bucky adds.
“—taking down a HYDRA sleeper cell with darts and daggers, and me not cracking up while you told that story to your hopefully oblivious teammates,” you finish.
Bucky snags his glass and clinks it against yours. “I’ll drink to that,” he says. “But first, I’d rather drink to us.”
“Just us?” you ask.
He smiles and leans his forehead against yours, pulling your clasped hands against his heart. “Yeah,” he murmurs.
You stare, eyes fixed on his, your heart pounding and toes curling and breath catching. The restaurant sounds—clinks from the kitchen, other couples’ voices, the orchestral music piping in above your head—all fade as you drown in his ocean-deep eyes.
“Yeah,” he says again. “Just us.”
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maluminspace · 5 years
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Genre: Fluff
Pairings: Michael Clifford/Reader
Word Count: 4.3k
Dedicated to: My sisterwife @h0tsos
Trigger Warnings: strong language
A/N: This is one of many Michael fics I have planned for my fave Mikey hoes… This ss meant to be just a cute little fluff before y’all get bombarded with filthy smut! I hope you enjoy this, my lovely steff! 
Unlike most of your co-workers, you love working on Saturdays. Sure, it’s the busiest day of the week and therefore you get more than your fair share of asshole customers. Most of the shit you have to put up with is worth it, though. 
Saturdays are just usually great for your very favourite part of your job at the music store: helping kids pick out their first instrument. Nothing beats the excitement on a child’s face when they’re allowed to choose a musical instrument to play. 
Today was turning out to be a slight disappointment, though. An unexpected rainstorm had swept over the city and kept most of your would-be-customers at home. 
It’s fast approaching lunchtime and you should be reaching your peak selling time, but the shop remains mostly empty. You lean on the polished countertop, sighing with boredom as you watch your co-worker help a middle- aged lady pick out a new case for her beloved violin. 
After a moment your attention drifts to the rain-splattered window. The street outside is pretty much deserted. A couple of people run from the cafe across the street to the bus stop a little further down the road. You watch them distractedly for a few moments, huddling together under the metal shelter until the bus pulls up and obscures your view, snapping you back to reality.
Just to give yourself something to do, you head into the back room to change the music, determined to put on something a little happier to lighten your mood. Pulling up the playlist on the computer, you queue up a few of your old favourite tunes that always help to bring a smile to your face. Once you’re all done you head back into the front of the store. As you take your place back behind the counter you notice a new customer has appeared during your short absence. A guy with a couple of kids are standing with their backs to you, looking at the selection of junior guitars you have on display on the front wall. 
Knowing that new customers usually like to just browse for a while before being asked if they need help, you leave them to it, busying yourself with tidying the display of plectrums on the countertop.
When you look up again a moment later, you notice the smallest kid isn’t standing with the man and his other child anymore. Confused, you glance around the room until you see him heading over to your display of speakers and amps. Kids have tried to climb and sit on them many times before, but you’re not about to let this kid scuff up your perfect display.  
As your co-worker is still busy with the violin lady, you realise very quickly that the job of controlling this child falls to you. You head out from behind the counter, making your way over to the little boy. “Hey, buddy!” You chime, keeping your tone light and friendly. “Where’re you heading off to!”
The child turns around, his bright green eyes wide and startled like he’d already been caught doing something wrong. He stares up at you silently for a moment, seemingly thinking of the best way to reply so that he doesn’t get into trouble. He looks extremely adorable, his dark blonde hair is fluffy and in disarray, like he’d recently taken off a hat or hood. His shiny red raincoat is still damp as are the bottom half of the dungarees he’s wearing and his Star Wars themed wellies are flecked with mud.
“It’s okay.” You reassure him, smiling brightly. “You haven’t done anything wrong, I just don’t want you to get lost, this is a big store y’know.”
The little boy glances over to the man and the other child that he’d come into the shop with. “Is that your daddy and big sister over there?” You ask kindly, trying to make comfortable conversation.
The boy nods, nervously stuffing his tiny hands into the pockets of his coat.
“Are you all here to buy a guitar?” You ask, determined to get this kid to relax a bit, he seems incredibly shy. 
“For Cordi.” He replies quietly. “It’s her eighth birthday.” His face lights up as though talking about his big sister is one of his very favourite pastimes.
You can’t help but mirror his large smile. “Wow, that’s fun! Guitars are my favourite, shall we go and see if your daddy and Cordi need any help?”
The child nods again before scurrying off back towards his family. You follow him, feeling pleased to finally have something productive to do. 
“Hey, dude.” The dad chuckles, picking up his son. “Cordi can’t decide which one she wants. We might be here a while, but I promise we’ll go and get some food after, yeah?”
The little family seem adorable and you’re looking forward to helping them out as you step a little closer to them. “Hi there, welcome to RockBeat, can I help you at all?”
For the first time, the father turns to face you and you have to fight not to blush. It’s instantly clear where your new little buddy got his pretty eyes from and the rest of the man in front of you is equally as perfect. His bleached blonde hair is damp from the downpour, and his cheeks are a bit flushed, but he’s by far the most beautiful man you’ve laid eye on in a long time. “Yeah, please.” He replies, smiling shyly. “I’m looking for a junior guitar for my daughter, do you have any recommendations?”
“Sure…” You reply just about managing to tear your eyes away from the angelic man to look at the young girl holding his hand. Just like her little brother and her dad, Cordi has the prettiest green eyes, surrounded by thick golden lashes. Her hair is tied in two long, dark blond pleats with a red ribbon at the end of each. “A little birdy told me it was your birthday.” You smile, hoping to give off a friendly vibe as the girl shifts closer to her father until she’s half hidden behind his leg. “I’ll do whatever I can to help you, birthday girl.”
Glancing back up at her dad, you feel your cheeks heat up with embarrassment when you notice the puzzled look on his face. Goodness knows how freaked out he must be that a complete stranger knows it’s his kid’s birthday. 
“Oh, your little boy told me!” You explain hastily.
The stranger glances at his youngest child, still nestled contentedly in his arms. “What have you been up to, Mr? You weren’t wondering off again, were you?”
The little boy buries his face in his dad’s shoulder, apparently feeling shy.
“Why do you have to be such an ass, Caleb!” Cordi huffs, rolling her eyes as she turns back towards the wall of guitars.
“Cordelia Karen!” The father gasps, his cheeks turning pink with embarrassment. “Don’t call your brother that, it’s not too late for me to change my mind about your birthday present, you know.”
Cordelia pouts, folding her little arms across her chest as she stares up her father pleadingly. “I’m sorry, daddy…”
The beautiful man in front of you immediately softens at his daughter’s apology.  “Okay, just don’t do it again.” He kisses his son’s cheek before placing him down on the ground and taking his hand.
It’s obvious that the father feels a little awkward now and you’re eager to help him relax. You glance over at the counter where your coworker is checking out the violin lady. “I’ll be right back.” You tell the little family before scurrying over to the counter. By the time you reach it, the only other customer in the shop is already heading off towards the exit. “Hey Gina.” You smile brightly, “I’m just helping this customer over here and it’s the little girl’s birthday, do we have any of those lollipops left?”
Gina nods as she brings out the pot of sweet treats from under the counter. They used to be left next to the till so that customers could help themselves, until a group of stupid teenagers used them as missiles, throwing them at each other across the shop. After that, your boss made it clear that the sweets and lollipops were for special customers only. 
You thank Gina and head back to your customers with the little pot. “We save these under the counter for our most important customers.” You explain in a faux serious voice, looking between all three of their faces. “I definitely think that a birthday girl and her family qualify as that.” You offer the pot to Cordelia who examines the contents for a moment before picking out a strawberry flavoured lolly. She offers her dad a questioning glance to ensure that she’s allowed to take it. He nods, rolling his eyes fondly.
“And what about you, lil buddy?” You ask, offering the pot to little Caleb, who’s still clinging to his father’s leg. “What’s your favourite flavour?”
Caleb surveys his options before pointing at a cherry flavoured lollipop. 
“Nice choice!” You commend, picking out the boy’s chosen lolly and handing it to him. “There are some seats over there, if you want to sit down while your sister decides what guitar she wants.
The little boy nods before looking up at his dad. “Can I play games on your phone?”
The father takes out his iPhone and unlocks it before handing it to his son, “stick to the ones that are already on there please, I don’t want any nasty surprises on my bill this time, young man!” 
Caleb giggles cheekily as he scurries off towards the little seating area and clambers onto a chair before unwrapping his lollipop.
“He’s gonna get my phone all sticky…” The dad groans. “I really need to buy him one of those kid’s tablets or something.” 
“Yeah, all of my friends with kids have said those things are a blessing” you laugh, sounding a bit nervous because you still can’t get over how beautiful this man is.
The blonde man returns a tiny giggle. “I wish that more of my friends had kids, maybe I’d make a lot less mistakes with my own, if I had people to give me advice.”
Your smile slips from your lips as the man in front of you suddenly becomes quiet and vulnerable. It takes all of your effort not to reach out and touch his arm. You’ve only known him for a couple of minutes and that would be a much too familiar gesture. Instead, you adopt an optimistic tone. “My friends make mistakes too, like every single day! I think that being a parent teaches the adults as much as the kids.”
The stranger gives a tiny huff of laughter. “You’re definitely right there…” 
There’s a sadness in the blonde man’s eyes that you desperately wish you could take away. You want to at least give him the opportunity to talk things out, it seems as though he keeps these particular emotions buried. You’ve known enough people like him to recognise the signs: the fake smiles, the worry lines on his forehead and the few premature grey hairs lurking at the dark roots of his bleached hair. “I’m sure you’re doing an amazing job… Your children both seem happy and they’re so polite! You wouldn’t believe some of the horrors we see in here sometimes.”
The blonde brightens up a little at your words and places a hand on his daughter’s shoulder, as though he’s trying to display how proud of her he is. “Thank you, that’s nice to hear. It’s easy to feel like a failure as a single dad sometimes.”
Cordelia huffs indignantly as she cuddles into his side. “You’re the best daddy in the whole world.” She declares, her pretty green eyes sparkling as though she might start crying. Her father appears to be just as emotionally affected by the words and the thought of either of them shedding so much as a single tear, breaks your heart. 
In an attempt to lighten the mood you paint a bright smile on your face and lean down to the little girl’s level. “I just realised that we haven’t all been properly introduced yet.” You hold out your hand to her as you tell her your name and she shakes it shyly as she tells you hers. You glance up hopefully at her dad, still smiling brightly. “And I’d love to know the name of the best daddy in the whole world.” You prompt, straightening up to your full height. 
The blonde man blushes a little as he shakes your hand. “I’m Michael.” He mumbles, shifting his weight awkwardly. “I’m not sure I really deserve that title, though.”
“Well I’m pretty sure that Cordelia said you are, and I trust her, she definitely wouldn’t lie to me.” You insist, your cheeks aching at how much you’re smiling now. There’s definitely something between the two of you, a connection of some kind. You sort of wish you’d met this guy in a bar or club or somewhere else that you could flirt with him openly and not have to worry about being judged by his children. “Anyway, we better get the birthday girl her big present!” You announce, finally letting go of Michael’s hand that you just realised you’re still holding.
Cordelia’s face lights up in a bright smile. “I’m gonna learn to play even better than daddy!” She exclaims, her pigtails bouncing as she jumps up and down on the spot.
“I don’t think that’d be too difficult.” Michael chuckles, tearing his eyes away from you to glance down at his little girl. “It’s been years since I even picked up a guitar...”
You scoff loudly. “Once you’ve mastered a musical instrument, the skill never leaves you.” You reassure the beautiful man in front of you. “Even if it gets a little rusty, it’s not hard to polish off. Maybe a new audience would help build your confidence back up.”
“Yes!” Cordelia grins excitedly. “All of my friends would love it if you played to us like you used to.” 
Michael bristles uncomfortably and you feel guilty for suggesting something he’s clearly not okay with. “Well I’m sure they’ll love it even more when you play for them!” You chuckle to Cordelia, hoping to redirect the conversation. “Let’s take a look at all these junior guitars and see which one’s worthy enough to be your first one!” You gesture toward the wall in front of them. “Are we looking for an acoustic or an electric?”
“I think acoustic to begin with.” Michael replies, surveying the options you have displayed on the wall. “I promised her she can have an electric one next year if she keeps up with her lessons until then.” He adds, shooting you a sideways glance, almost as though he’s seeking your approval for this parenting method. 
Nodding, you offer him an encouraging smile. “That sounds like a good deal to me! I think Cordelia is definitely right about who the best dad in the world is.”
Michael’s blush deepens a bit, but he keeps his eyes trained on the small guitars in front of him. “I’m still not sure about that.” 
Cordelia huffs and folds her arms across her chest like an angry teacher. “I’m gonna tell uncle Ashton that you’re being silly again.” She threatens. “He’s told you a million times that you’re great and that it’s not your fault that mama left…”
The blonde man gasps in horror at his daughter’s words as he cuts her off with a frantic wave of his hands. “Okay, Cordi, I get it. I’m sorry.”
Seemingly pleased with herself, Cordelia goes back to surveying the guitars on the wall.
“I’m sorry about that.” Michael mumbles. “I know your job must be difficult enough without hearing our life story.”
Resisting the need to hold back this time, you reach out and place a hand on Michael’s shoulder. “You don’t need to apologise. If there’s one thing I know about, it’s heartache.” You assure him, although your pained tone only seems to make him sadder. “I guess that’s just musicians for you, huh?” You add, hoping to lighten the mood a bit.
To your surprise, Michael doesn’t try to shrug your hand away, he simply raises his eyebrow curiously. “What do you play?” He enquires, seemingly genuinely interested in that area of your life. 
“I play guitar and sing, mostly.” You reply. “I’ve recently been trying to teach myself to play piano too. I’m not very good at that yet, though.”
Michael opens his mouth to reply but is cut off by Cordelia making an impatient noise. 
“I’m sorry birthday girl!” You giggle. “Do you see anything that takes your fancy?”
Cordelia grins, pointing at a bright red acoustic guitar with a decorative design around the middle. “That one’s really pretty!”
You nod thoughtfully, reaching up to take her chosen instrument from the wall. “Red’s my favourite colour, so this is the one I’d have suggested, too. Do you want to hold it?”
The little girl looks up at her dad for permission and awaits his confirmation before holding out her hands eagerly. “Yes please!”
It’s hard to tell who looks more excited and emotional in the moment when Cordelia takes the guitar from you. The little girl is obviously delighted but her father looks so proud and you’re sure that you notice him wipe a tear from the corner of his eye. Not wanting to draw his daughter’s attention to it, you call for your co-worker. “Gina, this is Cordelia, it’s her birthday today! That means she gets a free strap to go with her new guitar. Will you show her what options we have please?” 
Gina agrees easily and beckons the little girl over to the stand with the children’s guitar straps. Cordelia looks thrilled as she hands you the guitar back to you, before skipping over to your co-worker.
“This is a big day for you, huh?” You ask Michael gently. “Your little girl getting her first guitar, that’s a huge deal!”
Michael sniffles, trying to hide his face behind his hand so that you can’t see the fresh tears that escape from the corner of his eyes. “When she told me she wanted to learn to play an instrument, I expected her to say she wanted drumming lessons. She’s super close to my friend that used to be our band’s drummer, so I really expected her to want to be like him.” His voice is thick with emotion as he continues. “But when I asked her about it, she said she wanted to learn guitar so that she could be like her favourite person in the world. I thought she was going to follow that up by telling me about some band I’ve never heard of that her friends listen to or something. Instead, she said that her favourite person in the world was me and I…” 
When his voice breaks fully, you throw caution to the wind yet again and place both hands on his shoulders, not feeling quite brave enough to go in for a full hug. “Of course you are! I’ve known you all for like five minutes and I can tell that you’re a hero to both your kids. It’s obvious how much they love and look up to and from what I’ve seen, it’s well deserved.”
Michael offers you a watery smile. “I don’t feel like I deserve it all. If it wasn’t for my amazing friends and my wonderful parents, I don’t know I’d cope. I definitely couldn’t do this entirely alone.”
It feels slightly awkward because you want to know more about his life and how you can help make it better but it feels strange to think that when you’ve only just met him. “Well, from an outside perspective, I think you’re doing a brilliant job. It’s adorable that your little girl wants to be like you. She’s made a good choice if you ask me.” You smile all-too-fondly.
Michael seems to really appreciate your words. He hastily wipes his eyes and forces a brighter smile onto his face. “Anyway, I better go and see how much this fancy guitar is gonna cost me…” He chuckles. “Kids never seem to pick the least expensive option for anything.”
“Well today must be your lucky day because, this is in our lower price range and you qualify for the birthday discount, of course.” You give him a friendly wink before heading over to the counter.
“Is that a real thing?” Michael asks sceptically. “I’m happy to pay whatever the real price is, I don’t want you to get into trouble…”
You wave your hand in a dismissive gesture. “It’s a discount I’m allowed to give I promise.” You reassure him. “It also comes with a free case. So she’s really let you off lightly.”
Michael doesn’t seem convinced that he’s entitled to all that you’re offering but he doesn’t argue as you enter the product code into the till. You add the ‘birthday discount’ which is really your staff discount that you should use for friends and family only, but you see it as helping to secure a future friend, which is just as important as existing ones in your opinion. His face brightens as he sees how much the price is reduced and it makes your heart feel full. “Are you sure that’s right?” He questions disbelievingly. 
“Yeah, that’s right.” You confirm, ringing through the transaction.
Before Michael can question you further, Cordelia bounces over to the counter brandishing a bright rainbow coloured guitar strap. “Can I have this one, daddy?” She asks hopefully and squeals with delight when Michael nods. 
The father still seems taken aback by your kindness when he slides his card into the machine and types in his pin number.
“I’ll just go and grab the free case.” You offer, before heading into the store room. You wish that you could give Michael and his kids even more free stuff just make them smile but you really would get into trouble if you gave them anything else. Once you locate the plain black fabric case for Cordelia’s chosen guitar, you pull it from the shelf and head back into the shop where the little family are gathered near the counter. “Do you want me to put the guitar in here for you?” You ask, unzipping the case.
“Yes please.” Cordelia replies. “Thank you for all my free extras!”
You grin widely as you place the guitar and the strap into the case and hand it to the little girl. “You’re more than welcome! Just remember to always ask for me when you come back here and I’ll always make sure I give you the best deals.” 
“About that…” Michael mumbles awkwardly as he picks up a sleepy looking Caleb. “It’s been a long time since I played guitar, I could do with a refresher on how to change strings and tune it up, would you be able to help me with that?”
“Sure.” You nod, hoping for the first time ever that a string breaks on the new guitar sooner rather than later so that you get to see Michael again. “If you’re passing before that, though, I wouldn’t say no to a piece of birthday cake.”
Cordelia giggles at your cheeky wink and then tugs at her father’s coat sleeve. “We can bring some tomorrow, can’t we?” She asks excitedly.
“I don’t see why not.” Michael agrees before turning his gaze back to you. “As long as you’ll be here.” 
“I will be.” You confirm. “I can’t wait to see you all again.”
Michael reiterates that he’ll be back tomorrow before thanking you once again and turning towards the exit.
You can hear Cordelia chatting excitedly all the way out of the shop and your heart sinks as they step out into the rain.
“What the fuck are you still standing here for?” Gina chuckles, startling you out of your thoughts. “Go give him your number!”
You shake your head, watching through the large window at the front of the shop as Michael places Caleb down on the pavement and takes the guitar from Cordelia. “I can’t do that, he’d laugh at me…”
“He made it clear that he was single and the tension between the two of you was un-fucking-barable.” Gina groans, rolling her eyes impatiently. “Either go and give him your number or I will!”
Trying not to overthink it, you scribble your phone number onto a scrap of paper and hurry out of the shop. Michael and his children are still standing in front of the window and look up at you in surprise when you jog over to them. “I wanted to give you this.” You smile, fully aware of how much you’re blushing. “Just in case you have a broken string emergency or anything before tomorrow.”
Michael glances down at you number before meeting your gaze, his green eyes sparkling softly. “Is it okay to use this for a general chat as well?” He asks, the nerves in his voice barely disguised. “It’s been a long time since I made any new friends”
“Of course… And I’d love to see a photo of what Cordelia’s cake looks like before she brings me a slice of it tomorrow!”
The blonde man smiles softly. “General chats and cake photos are the least we can do to thank you.”
After saying goodbye once again, you head back into the shop to dry off, feeling proud of yourself for being brave for once. You head into the kitchen to make yourself and Gina a warm drink, still not quite believing that your risk had paid off. When you return to the counter, you are rewarded by a text message pinging through to your phone. When you open the message from the unknown number, you smile to yourself at the simple words that suddenly mean so much to you. 
Thanks again for today. You’ve made Cordelia’s birthday so much more special and we can’t wait to see you again tomorrow!
It’s strange how quickly you’ve developed a fondness for Michael and his little family. You’re fully aware that nothing may come of this, but you have a feeling that you’ve gained a new friend at the very least.
Tag list: @clffrd @byxthexway @afuckingunicornn @painkillerash @moonchildsblack @calumbbyyy @h0tsos @loveroflrh @sexgodashton @megz1985 @myfalsedevotion @aulxna @honeyedlashton @tea4sykes @ghostofmashton @fairyintheglass @cashworthy @cashtonasfuck @opheliaaurora23 @5sosnsfw @wildmichaelflower @loverofcashton @irwinkitten @cxddlyash @wildmalumflower @lowpowermodex​@cashtonasff5sos @iovehemmings @pinkbubbles-and-bigtroubles​ @celticclifford​ @5-secondsofcolor​
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cchellacat · 5 years
Happy Ending
HBC 1K Celebration Winner
Vampire!Bucky x Reader
For @littledarlinhavefaithinme
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He’s not sure why he let Steve talk him into this. They’d known each other for nearly a century and although he loved the little punk, he had the worst ideas.  Meeting up in a coffee shop full of humans was right up there, especially considering the close quarters in the tiny space.
Bucky shrugs off his jacket, placing it over the back of the chair before sitting.
The little café is warm, cosy and all too alive. His control is better than it has been in decades, but the temptation of so many hearts beating rings in his ears, the rush of blood through veins and arteries a haunting and tempting medley. He’d stopped breathing as soon as he entered, there were at least a dozen humans in the small shop, chatting and relaxed with their coffees and hot chocolates.
Snow drifted down outside in the half-light. It was one of the things he loved about winter storms, you could go without seeing the sun for days.
A girl slides past his table, lost in her own world, dark hair caught up under a knitted cap, glasses perched on her nose, he can hear the music playing quietly through her headphones, some sort of synthesised bass, thumping enticingly in sync with her heartbeat.
Even without breathing, the scent of her drifts to his notice. His fangs involuntary lengthen and his mouth waters.
She smells sweet and musky, a hint of vanilla in the undertone. His mouth waters, the impulse to get up and follow her, get closer to that pretty neck, hidden by a bright purple scarf, rears up hard. He reigns it in. That’s not what he’s here for.
He’s meant to be meeting Steve, he glances down at his watch, it’s twenty minutes past the time he should have been here. He pulls out his phone, shooting off a brief text then pulls the coffee he’d ordered closer, relishing the heat of the liquid as he sipped slowly. Still, without consciously willing it, he finds his eyes drifting over to the counter.
The girl exchanges a few words with the waitress before gathering up her coffee and cake and looking for somewhere to sit. She comes back his way and for a moment he thinks she means to sit with him, but she brushes past again and sits at the table behind him.
It’s difficult to resist the temptation to turn around and watch her. Being what he is, instinct drives him to know where she is. He pushes the chair back a little and at an angle, from the corner of his eye, he continues to watch her, his fingers drumming on his leg repetitively.
She knows what he is almost as soon as she sits down. It's not the first time she’s run into a vampire in New York and she counts more than a few as good friends.
The city was famous for having the largest population of vampires in the world. The strange thing is that for the most part, they keep to themselves, they don’t like crowded spaces. It’s hard to imagine how difficult it must be for him to be here and she wonders why he’d suffer the discomfort when there are plenty of places that cater exclusively to supernatural clientele.
She casts an eye around, checking, no one else seems to be aware of the potentially dangerous predator in their midst. Not that there’s any law against it of course, but its generally not done.
She keeps an eye on him, notes how he’d angled his seat to do the same with her. This is exactly why she steers clear of strange vampires. They get fixated so easily.... and she never could resist the ethereal beauty and the seductive quality of the danger such a being embodied.
This vampire was possibly the most hauntingly beautiful she had ever seen though. Sharp cheekbones, azure blue eyes and a full mouth that looked soft, kissable, the shirt he wears pulls tight over his shoulders, dark blue denim that accentuated every perfectly defined muscle. She licks her lips, unwinding the scarf from her neck, dragging her eyes away from him and his perfect everything, when, for a brief moment their eyes meet, heat flaring down every nerve at the hunger in his eyes.
She idly wonders as she sips her drink if it’s because he wants to eat her or fuck her… maybe both from the way he kept licking his lips and glancing at her, his eyes drifting between her mouth and her pulse point. 
There’s something about him that makes her heart race just a little and she wants to move closer, not run away, which is exactly why she should be scared, he could be anyone and here she was ready to throw herself into the jaws of death, probably quite literally.
She shifts slightly, lifting her chin before shrugging out of her jacket, letting it drop to the back of the chair.  The way he stiffens at her little display of submission sends a tiny thrill of triumph through her.  She can't stop the swift smile that curls her lips and crinkles her eyes.  Before she has time to enjoy her little game her phone rings, interrupting her thoughts and breaking her gaze from his. She answers quickly.
"Steve, hey, where are you?  I mean, I know I was a bit late, but you can't have been and gone already."
Bucky stiffens at the name, frowns as he recognises the voice who answers the pretty girl on the other end of the phone.  There's no mistaking that sincere tone or any way to hide the familiar cadence of a voice he feels he's known his whole life- Steve.
He knew he should have smelled a rat the moment his friend suggested they meet here, now he knew why.  
She tucks a stray curl behind one ear, tugging her hat off, letting a long waterfall of chestnut waves fall to her lower back.  Damn it, Steve knew his type exactly, it hadn't changed after all, not in all the time they had known each other.
"Sure, you want me to let him know?....  Okay."
She ends the call and looks back over at him, this time there's a purse to her plump pink lips and a tiny crease mars her brow.
Bucky stands, pushing back the chair, gathering his coat and coffee and takes a seat across from her.
"So you're the infamous Bucky."  she begins by way of greeting.
"I'll go out on a limb and say your Peggy's friend."
She smiles, a light blush flushing her cheeks and gives him her name.
"He told you about me too huh?"
"Kept insisting he wanted us to meet."
"I'm sorry he dragged you out under false pretenses."
Bucky shrugs.
"It's fine, Doll.  He never learns, little punk always did like to meddle."
"Not the first time he's tried playing matchmaker for you?"
"No... but it might be the first time he got it right."  Bucky replies slowly, quirking a questioning brow.
Her eyes widen a fraction and she ducks her head a moment before looking back up, bottom lip caught between her teeth.
"You know," she begins, "he's going to be unbearably smug if he thinks it worked.”
His eyes brighten as he leans forward, arms braced on the table.
"Well, we can't have that, wouldn't do let him think he won so easy."
She mirrors his pose, leaning in conspiratorially, "I guess we'll just have to keep this our little secret then."
Bucky's smile is sharp and full of promise.
"At least for a little while."
Out on the street, two figures stand watching through the window. Steve's arm is tight around Peggy's shoulder as they grin.
"Let them have their fun my darling, I'm just glad we finally found the right one."
"He'll thank us one day, they're perfect for each other.  I was starting to worry he'd be alone forever, the stubborn idiot was convinced he didn't deserve to be happy."
"She'll change his mind."
"I think she already has,"  Steve replied, pressing a kiss into Peggy's curls.  He watched as the two people inside talked, heads moving close, hands reaching unconsciously across the table for each other.
"Let's go home, darling."
Steve nods, and the two walk away, arm in arm.  Steve got his happy ending long ago, now it was Bucky's turn.
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At Choudwar Steel Furniture we choose value, practicality and design for our customers; we have spent a considerable amount of time and experience that has taught us to look for right products to match our customer needs. We hope you like them as much as we do.
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jobean12-blog · 4 years
Midnight at the Library: Chapter 6- The Reference Sextion
Pairing: Bucky x reader (College/Librarian AU)
Word Count: 751
Summary: Bucky finally gets what he wants out of the reference section. 
Author’s Note: This is for the HBC’s @the-ss-horniest-book-club and the Week of Love challenge: day 6- First Public Display of Affection. This was a fun chapter to write! I’m forever thankful for your lovely support, enjoy and thank you again for reading! Much love always! ❤❤❤ My beautiful divider is by my love @imerdwarf
Warnings: teasing, flirting, light dirty talk, oral sex (f rec), smut (18+ only please)
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Series Masterlist
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You walk into the library and smile at Bucky behind the desk.
“Hey, baby,” you say smoothly. With the flick of your wrist, you drop a folded pink post-it onto the countertop and walk away.
Once you’re seated at your table you look up to see him staring at you and holding the note in his hands. He looks back down at the paper, reading the words again; “I can’t stop thinking about this past weekend. I wish we could spend every weekend like that.”
Grabbing a post-it from the drawer he jots something down and rounds the desk. He sticks it to your computer screen and saunters off.
“What was your favorite part about the weekend? 😉
You giggle into your hand and pull out your pink post-its.
“It’s hard to pick but I really loved when you ate me for dessert before we had breakfast.”
With some extra sway to your hips, you head toward the desk and stamp it down on the book in front of him. Winking, you walk off and try to keep your face neutral to the people around you.
You can hear his low “fuck,” before you sit down and inwardly salute yourself.
Not two minutes later he’s standing over you and sticking another post-it to your computer.
“I wish I could get my mouth on you right now.”
You inhale sharply, the weight of his heated stare nearly making you crumble at the table. Deciding to see how far you can push him you grab a new post it and write; “what’s stopping you?”
You walk over and slam it down far too hard for the quiet of the library.
He pulls it off and reads it. Crumpling the paper in his hand he stands and leans over the counter.
“Reference section. NOW,” he growls out before stalking off.
He goes in the opposite direction to keep things looking less obvious and you go to the table and close your laptop before walking to the darkened area.
You browse the book bindings while you wait, the sound of echoing footsteps making your body come alive with eagerness.
“I was wondering where…” Your words are swallowed by his mouth and his intoxicating kiss.
He pulls away and holds a finger to your lips.
“The library has rules you know,” he croons as he starts to place kisses along the line of your jaw and down your neck. “You have to be quiet,” he continues as he works his way down your body and kneels. “And most importantly,” he says as he starts to slowly pull down your leggings, “you have to listen to the librarian.”
Your head falls back against the books and you grab two fistfuls of his hair, tugging him forward. He hitches one of your legs over his shoulder and pushes your underwear to the side.
“Remember what I said baby girl,” he whispers just before he gently slides his tongue between your legs.
Your hips jut forward into his face and you can barely keep yourself quiet as the tension in your stomach builds. His long fingers smooth up your inner thigh and you silently beg him for more. His hum of satisfaction vibrates over you before he languidly pushes two fingers inside.
Within moments you’re falling apart against the bookshelf, your heavy breathing too hard to contain as you come down from your high.
He stands, caging you in with both of his arms and brushing his nose to yours.  
“Now I get to taste you on my tongue for the rest of the night,” he says before kissing you.
You whimper when he pulls away and saunters off. Pulling up your leggings you try to will your legs to function like something other than jelly before carefully walking back to the table. When you slide onto the bench it creaks obnoxiously loud and you shoot Bucky a wide-eyed look.
Bucky is back behind the desk and stares at you over the top of his book. His tongue darts out and traces over his lips and his eyes visibly darken. You sink lower onto the bench with a quiet groan. Grabbing the post-its you scribble something quickly, pack up your things and walk over to him.
With a sweet smile you stick it to the book and head to the door.
Bucky watches you leave then glances down at the post-it, his pants getting even tighter as he reads; “I want a taste of you. Come over after work.”
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@addikted-2-dopamine @bugsbucky @book-dragon-13 @castiels-majestic-wings @drabblewithfrannybarnes @eurynome827 @asoftie4bucky @emmabarnes @fxckbuckyscoming @hiddles-rose @hockeychick10 @jamesbuchananbuckybarnes1917 @jhangelface0523 @jewels2876 @lizette50 @loricameback @lookiamtrying @marvelgirl7 @nano--raptor @pinkdiamond1016 @randomfandompenguin @white-wolf1940​ @moonybarnes​
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nano--raptor · 4 years
The Game
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Pairing: Vampire! Bucky x Female Reader
Word count: 1,500
Warnings: Cursing, alcohol mention/consumption, smut, smutty ending, implied smut, Bucky's fangs
A/N: Written for @the-ss-horniest-book-club​ for the Second Chance Drabble Challenge! Based on the prompt below and featuring my love, Vampire!Bucky! Thanks for reading!
“No fair that’s cheating!” “No, I improvised. There’s a difference.”
You and Bucky had a game. A game that you’d play when you were out in public, with friends, or out for dinner, and it was simple. Try to turn the other person on. The first one to initiate physical contact (general displays of affection aside) would lose. It wasn’t all bad, as you usually both ended up winning in the end, but it was fun, and added excitement to your nights out.
Tonight you were going to your friend Steve’s for drinks on the patio, and of course Bucky looked fucking incredible. Perfectly broken-in, dark wash jeans, and a black button up shirt, with the sleeves rolled up and the top few buttons undone. As soon as he walked out of the bedroom you wanted to get your hands on him. He winked as he walked by, and you stalked into the room, choosing a fitted pair of cropped jeans and a cozy, open-back sweater. Usually you’d wear a cute lace bra underneath, but tonight you chose to ditch the bra, hoping Bucky would enjoy the view of your naked back. You strapped on a pair of heels, and after double checking your reflection, were ready to head out.
The drinks and conversation both were flowing at Steve’s, everyone was enjoying the evening. You’d naturally separated into guy and girl groups, Steve's friends Sam and Clint were there too, but it had been so wonderful to catch up with your girlfriends Nat and Wanda. Every now and then you could hear Bucky’s laughter float over towards you, the sound always sending warmth through your veins.You sat on the patio sofa with your back to him, giving him a nice view of your figure, with your legs crossed, lifting your wine glass to your glossed lips. Every now and then you’d make eye contact, and he’d wink or you’d bite your lip. You could see the spark in his eyes and you loved it, loved having his gaze on you from across the space.
Bucky sat looking absolutely relaxed and comfortable in his skin, which is one thing you loved about him. It was sexy as hell, and his charm never failed to captivate you just like it had the first time you met him. He seemed to notice every glance you stole at him, his eyes flicking to meet yours every time. It felt like he had the upper hand, even though nothing had really happened yet. You did brush his arm as he walked past to refill his drink earlier, and he dropped a kiss on the top of your head on his way back, but other than that, it had been a pretty tame evening.
You still felt like you were burning up though.
“You’re staring again!” Nat’s voice broke through your thoughts, and you tried to hide your blush at being called out by taking another sip of your wine. “You two are so ridiculous,” she teased.
“Why, what do you mean?”
“You’re practically eye fucking each other! I would tell you to get a room, but I wouldn’t put it past you guys to just go inside Steve’s place and start going at it somewhere.” You blushed again, but Nat’s smile was warm and knowing. She always bugged you and Bucky about how in love you were, but she didn’t mean anything mean by it.
“Oh come on, I like to think we have a little more class than that!” You paused, and then smirked back at her. “Although, if Steve happened to have an empty sofa somewhere…” Your voice trailed off and Steve piped up from somewhere behind you.
“Oh hell no. No one does the dirty on my couch except me!” Bucky’s laugh rang out again and you were pretty sure you got goosebumps this time. You risked sneaking a glance over your shoulder again, and you nearly dropped your glass when you saw him.
His fucking fangs were out. 
Bucky laughed full out, head thrown back, hand to his chest and suddenly your heart was pounding in your ears and you couldn’t look away. He rarely had them out just for the hell of it, it usually only happened when he was feeling extreme emotions. Or when he was trying to make a point, which was clearly what was going on here.
He damn well knew what he was doing, and you were definitely going to lose this game tonight.
You swallowed thickly, barely registering Nat’s voice as she tried to get your attention. Bucky caught your eye for a brief moment, and then slowly, teasingly, traced his tongue over his teeth, feigning interest in whatever Steve was now talking about. You drew in a shuddering breath and blinked, tearing your eyes away from him. Shit.
“She’s gone,” Wanda mused, her and Nat smirking and giggling over your obvious lust. You cleared your throat and turned back to them, clearly flustered, your face heated in a blush.
“He’s doing it on purpose!” You tried to keep the whine out of your voice, but Nat laughed and flashed you a knowing grin.
“Looks like someone’s getting lucky tonight!” She winked and sipped her wine, while you sighed in defeat, finishing yours off with a single sip.
Once you arrived home, you followed Bucky into the kitchen, dropping your bag on the counter and stalking over to him. You wrapped your hand around his wrist and when he turned to look, you grabbed his shirt collar, yanking him close and crushing your mouth to his. He smirked against your lips and his hands flew to your hips, pulling your body against his own. You licked into his mouth, nibbled his lip, dragged your tongue over his teeth, and Bucky swallowed your every moan as it quickly grew heated.
"You lose," he rumbled between kisses, amusement lacing his voice. You whined in response.
“No fair, you cheated!” Bucky barked out a laugh and pulled away, grabbing your chin and forcing you to look at him.
“No, I improvised, there’s a difference.” You pouted and yanked your chin from his grasp, but leaned into him, smoothing your hands over his chest and underneath his collar, over his shoulders and back of his neck.
“Hardly… you know when you show me those fangs it’s game over.” Your voice had dropped to a whisper and you trailed your fingers along his jaw now, and over his bottom lip. It quirked into a lopsided grin, flashing those goddamn points at you again.
“I know. But showing so much of that gorgeous skin is cheating too, sweetheart.” With that, Bucky’s hands wandered over your skin, smoothing up your back and pulling the sweater down over your shoulders with a growl. You gasped as he exposed your breasts to the cool air and reached for him, wanting to pull him close. He lifted you up by your hips to sit you on the counter and trailed his mouth down your neck, licking and sucking your exposed nipples into his mouth one at a time. “I was thinking about this all night, do you know how badly I wanted to rip this damn sweater off your shoulders? I almost couldn't stop myself."
Your fingers flew into his hair, lightly scratching his scalp as his attention to your nipples pulled breathy whines from your throat. Each swipe and nibble of his tongue and teeth on your sensitive tips sent a spark straight to your core, you were aching for him already, getting wetter by the second.
“Bucky,” you breathed, needing more of him. He broke away and found your lips again, kissing you hard, grasping the back of your neck and leaning you back. You could feel his hard length pressing into the side of your thigh and you moaned into his mouth, your body clenching in anticipation. You both moved to undo each other’s pants at the same time, hands clashing and fumbling until you were finally successful. Bucky kept one hand clenched in your hair while his other grasped your hip, his mouth still on yours. You squirmed and maneuvered impatiently until his cock was prodding your entrance and he was pushing into you with a groan. A shudder rippled through you from finally having him inside. Bucky rolled his hips and nibbled your throat, his breath fanning across your skin with every thrust.
“Are you sure that I lost, baby? Because this feels like a win to me.” Bucky kissed your mouth again and pulled back enough that you could see his equally blown eyes and kiss-swollen grin.
"Let's call it a draw, we both win." You held his gaze for a beat, feeling your lust melt into pure affection for him for just a moment before he jerked his hips and pounded against that sweet spot deep inside. You cried out and captured his lips desperately, clutching onto him for dear life, enjoying every delicious part of him, before finally breaking away, panting.
"Hell yeah baby."
Tags! ❤️ @sfreeborn​ @jobean12-blog​ @crushedbyhyperbole​ @mannatgalhotra @bubbabarnes​ @buckysthing​ @marvelgirl7​ @ikaris-whore​ @aesthetical-bucky​​ @littleredstarfish​ @godofplumsandthunder​ @winterboobear11​ @stuckyinamoose​ @our-whitetulips-us​ @throwmyheartawayagain​ @cristie24​ @jesslovesyouall​ @buckybarney​ @my-own-private-library​ @hawksmagnolia​ @peaceinourtime82​ @infinity-saga​ @kenzieam​ @sallycanwait68​ @hailmary-yramliah @ballyhoobarnes @earthworthies​ @tinymalscoffee​
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cutiecrates · 5 years
Cutie Reviews: TokyoTreat August 19
The other day I received what I assumed was my November NMNL box- but as it turns out, it was a REPEAT of my October box! I was so confused because I knew I already had this box, and as far as I know I wasn’t supposed to get a repeat. I contacted them, and according to what they found, the box I should have gotten was actually the November YumeTwins. Now, they are going to let me keep this box, as well as re-send the box I was supposed to get. So... I was thinking, instead of keeping it, I might do a giveaway :D
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This months theme: Slice of SUmmer
“We hope you’ve been enjoying the summer weather where you live, we certainly are feeling the heat here in Japan! This month we wanted to bring you a box that conveys the feeling of summer in Japan and have brought together a number of fresh fruity flavors, and some salty savory treats as well! We hope you enjoy this month’s Slice of Summer TokyoTreat box!“ This month prize items include a few figurines and quality ramune candies, while the Lucky Treat is full on My Hero Academia and a couple other anime series. As you may notice in the picture, I got a brand new candy kit :3 so I’ll be covering this in a separate post.
Pepsi Refresh Shot
When you’re in need of a quick pick-me-up, this cute little Pepsi is just the drink you need! It features double the caffeine and a sweeter taste to give you the energy you need and a refreshed mind. ....I beg to differ though. It smells like an average Pepsi, but when I tried it out, it tasted like a stale or flat Pepsi <_< It wasn’t opened, nor did it expire until April, but I didn’t like it. I only had a small amount of it so I can’t say it did anything, and even when I had someone else try it they said the same thing. I didn’t finish it, but I did hang onto the can because I thought it was cute.
Mandarin Orange Gummies & Fruit Gummies
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Our first item is an adorable cup of mandarin orange gummies. These are by the brand Kabaya and the entire cup is 158 calories. These gummies are made with fresh orange juice, and have the look and taste of a real mandarin orange! I have mixed opinions on these. I like mandarin oranges and they taste like them with a slight sweetness. The only problem is, due to the “injury“ my cup took, the lid was slightly peeled open and that caused the gummies to become hard (unless they were like that originally?). The gummies are still edible, but they’ve become tough and chewy and gummies like that are too much for my mouth to handle, I prefer the softer, smooth ones. But I find them pleasant enough to suck on until they soften. ------ I had bigger hopes for this next item, which I’ve seen a lot but never personally had before. They felt much softer in the bag, and for 81.7 calories I figured they’d be a good alternative. The fruits are chewy, but softer than the others. I know this will sound bizarre, but they reminded me of lemon hand or dish soap with juice from the fruit its supposed to be. I really liked the green apple/lime and strawberry ones, but the Pineapple was also really good. The only one that disappointed me was the grape one, because it had a weird taste.
Ramune Caramel Corn & Crab Biscuit 4-Pack
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Not everything we got in this box was super-bright and colorful; for example, we have these two crispy-crunchy snacks! Our first one is ramune-flavored Caramel Corn by Tohato. Caramel Corn is a caramel sweetened corn puff snack that can be found in several unique flavors; like ice creams, drinks, desserts, etc. You can even find normal/original caramel corn with nut pieces or clusters inside, usually peanuts. The only downside about these is that the calories are very high; this entire bag is 415 calories! It’s also a very sweet snack, so they can begin to taste cloying after a while. If you never tried caramel corn I would still recommend it though because it’s really yummy and would make a great “sharing snack”. This ramune flavor is perfect for summer because it brings to mind a refreshing ramune drink you might get after a long day walking through summer heat, or maybe for the commute home. ------ To balance the overly flavored snacks and sweets, this month we also get a 4-pack set of cute sea animal themed biscuits. The biscuits are also on the thicker side, so you get a really nice crunch when eating them. Each bag is 73 calories, and you get a nice handful so I think they would be a nice little snack. The booklet mentions they have a slightly sweetened taste- but I couldn’t notice anything of the sort. They just taste like really thick animal crackers to me. I’m not a huge fan of plain biscuits, but I don’t hate them either. Like I said, they counter-balance all the sweetness we did get in the box, so in a way they’re kind of nice.
Salt and Lemon Kit Kats
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Yep, you read that right- SALT and lemon kit kats :D It might sound a little strange, but I guess it depends on the person because I’ve seen salt and lemon mixed before, but when I showed these to my dad he found it to be really strange. And yes, they are kinda warped because heat likes to melt kit kats. Each mini-pack ss 63 calories. These unique kit kats feature a delicious white chocolate coating on the outside with a yummy lemon flavoring that brings to mind the meringue of a lemon pie, or lemon cereal pieces. The wafer contains the saltiness, and together, you get a creamy lemon with a slight sourness and salty after-taste; it feels like you get a simple, yet still complex flavor profile while eating these. I really like them!
Lemon Umaibo
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To go with our lemon theme (or perhaps citrus would be more accurate?), we also have a LEMON umaibo! Usually Umaibo have a savory taste, so it’s always weird trying the sweet ones. I’ve only tried chocolate, apple pie (which didn’t taste too sweet if I recall), and sugar rusk, so lemon is a new experience. Each stick is 43 calories. As you can see, it looks like a plain umaibo. There wasn’t really any physical sign of a coating or flavoring on it. It’s very crunchy, and it actually tastes a bit like the kit kat, but not as salty or sour. It didn’t have a sour taste at all, it kind of reminded me of a salty lemon meringue pie. Which might sound weird, but when you actually try it, it’s not terrible.
Fruit Ramune Powder Candy & Strawberry Soft Serve
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These next items brought some nostalgia to me. Our first one, the strawberry-shaped container is full of strawberry ramune (powder pressed) candies. It was available in strawberry, grape, or green/muscat grape! I love strawberry, but I also really like grape and muscat so I would have been happen with any of them honestly. Now the reason I found these nostalgic is because when I was little we had candy like this at all the stores that sold candy. They had powdered tablets like these, as well as little pellets, and just straight up edible powder. My mom’s grandma even collected the containers and had a display of them; I remember spotting them the few times I saw her as a child and just loving how colorful they looked~ These ramune candies are very soft, so when you put them in your mouth/liquid they turn into a dis-solvable mushy texture before disappearing. They’re light on the tongue and pretty sweet, but you don’t get a strong fruity flavor from them. ----- Meanwhile, the other item is also very familiar to one I would get as a child a lot; they were little wafer ice cream cones with marshmallow “ice cream“ on top. They still make them but as an adult I never really get them, even though my marshmallow obsession has grown since I was a kid. What makes this one special is that no only is it a regular sized cone, but the marshmallow is strawberry and sugary, and features a tangy jelly on the inside. Each one is 65 calories. So, while I was eating this I noticed something funny. There was something inside the cone moving. I bit into it and a bunch of white pressed sweet powder came out. It was very delicious, and it did make the rest of the stuff taste better (considering I only took a few bites of it, then let it sit for a few days).
Grape Ramune Candies & Pokemon Gum
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One of the things I enjoyed about this box was how a lot of the snacks went together in some shape or form. If i wasn’t the flavor it was the textures, or in the above case nostalgia behind it. The next item is one I had before- but never in this flavor. I’ve had it in soda, strawberry, mixed fruit, and now this grape, which is one I never saw prior to getting it here. I really like these ramune candies, because they taste good, come in an adorable ramune-shaped bottle, and some even have cute little droplet characters on them. The lid is also really fun to pop! The entire bottle is 100 calories, and there is grape and muscat flavors, as noted by the 2 alternate colors. I like how these taste, but I will admit that the grape flavor tastes a little like grape medicine. The muscat one is really good, and has a bit of sour fizziness to it. ------ To go with those crunchy ramune candies, we also got some ultra-soft grape gum! Each stick is 22 calories. So far I’ve come to really like Japanese gum, it’s very smooth. This gum is sweet, but the grape flavor is really light. Like if I didn’t know what it was, I’m not sure I would have known what it was <_< but the flavor lasted for a while, so I’ll give it that.
Wasabi Chips & Texas Corn Salty
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As the odd pair out I decided to save these last items. As you can tell they’re not fruit at all :D as much as I like sweets and fruity candies, I’ve come to find I love savory snacks (unless its fruity or chocolate pastry) way more, so I was very happy to see these and by this point I really wanted more salt/less-sugar. By Lucky Cone, we have a cute little bag of salty texas corn for 70 calories. They were definitely a good item to eat after trying everything else- but I was disappointed because they don’t taste like corn at all. I love Japanese corn snacks, while these just taste like salty puffed corn cereal. I didn’t hate them though. ----- Our final item is a bag of wasabi chips! Now these, I feel like I’ve tried before, but I have tried a couple up to this point so I can’t exactly confirm if these were one of them. Each bag is 359 calories, which is kind of a lot >3< but it’s not terrible if you ate the bag over the course of a few days/week, or shared it. As a person who only likes incredibly small amounts of wasabi (the overly strong mustard taste is a big turn-off for me), I always get a little uneasy about wasabi flavors since until you try them, you never know how much wasabi will be in there. You can’t smell the wasabi on the chips, but you can taste it. They’re not spicy at all (unless you eat several), but they do taste like wasabi. I really like these :3 I think they’re worth recommending if you’ve wanted to try wasabi but might have been too afraid of the real thing, or if you wanted to try to build up your wasabi-tolerance level, this might be a way to go.
♥ Cutie Ranking ♥
Content - 4.5 out of 5. After making so many complaints about repetition these prior boxes I was very glad to see that this wasn’t like them. As much as I prefer savory-sweet balance in boxes rather than one over the other, I did like the items, and I especially like getting cute containers. However, I feel like that even though we got several small items, I’m not sure it equals what we pay. I’m always iffy about that because I kind of have to “guesstimate“ prices. Quality - 5 out of 5. Everything was fine, with one item being barely damaged. But it was still edible and I’m not sure if it was my fault or maybe it happened during shipping. I almost opened everything about a week ago and snacking on it now as I write this, it all still tastes perfectly like it did upon opening. But other than 2 items, these aren’t re-sealable and will need some containers to keep fresh. Theme - 2 out of 5. I thought they kind of failed this time around. The theme was perfect for summer, but when I think of the beach I think of flavors like pineapple, mango, coconut (I hate coconut so I am thankful none of that was included), other fruits, and maybe grilled flavors. The mint, soda, and melon flavors were great for the theme to provide a refreshing and light taste, but I wish they had played that up some more. Total Rank: 6 or 7 out of 10. Lately the boxes are improving I think, I keep liking them more and more and I really loved this one (with the exception of the poteco rings and the DIY, they’re good but I’m just tired of seeing them!). The flavors are all very yummy, but the items correspondence with the theme needs some work. Let’s see if they do better next month with our last of the 3 summer boxes this year :3
♥ Cutie’s Scale of Yummy ♥
1. Wasabi Chips - I never thought I would like wasabi-flavoring the most out of everything, but here we are.  2. Lemon Salt Kit Kats - They were amazing~! 3. Caramel Corn Ramune - Yummy, but I could never eat a lot of these at once DX they’re so unhealthy, and cloyingly sweet. 4. Strawberry Ramune Candy -  They’re good, but the strawberry flavor could be a little stronger.
5. Grape Ramune Candies - They weren’t as yummy as I thought they would be, but I did like them.  6. Texas Corn Salty - I was disappointed because the images and branding implied corn flavoring and I didn’t get that at all. 7. Umaibo Lemon - It was worth trying, but nothing special.   8. Mandarin Orange Gummies - I loved their flavor, but they are too hard >3< 9. Pokemon Gum - I loved its texture but I really wish the flavor was stronger. 10. Pepsi - If I really didn’t have anything else I’d have drank it, but I didn’t have much of a positive opinion on it.  11. Fruit Gummies - They were good, but they could have been better?  12. Strawberry Soft Serve - When it was fresh it was delicious, but having sat, it kinda lost its quality. It was expected, but. . .  13. Crab Biscuits - They’re fine, but they were really bland. I can appreciate the difference they bring to the mix, but this would have been better with the prior box. 
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kayfabejake · 6 years
WWE Survivor Series 2018 PPV Review
I mean, I’m not expecting it to top TakeOver of course, but I am pretty excited for this PPV. Let’s go ahead and get started.
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Date: 11.18.18 / Arena: Staples Center - Los Angeles, CA / Attendance: 16320 / Tagline: N/A
Women’s Survivor Series Match Nia Jax, Tamina, Mickie James, Sasha Banks, & Bayley “Team Raw” def. Naomi, Asuka, Mandy Rose, Sonya Deville, Carmella “Team Smackdown” Sole Survivor: Nia Jax in (20:09)
Bayley and Sasha inserted last second? Okay, I like it
Crowd is hot at first but seems to have cooled down unfortunately
Wonderful Thesz Press off the top rope by Mickie James. What a pro
Dissent between Deville and Rose
“Well Cole, you’re an idiot.” GO OFF GRAVES
Backstabber into Banks Statement is a dope sequence
Asuka looking mildly vicious? What’s this?
Nia Jax’s heat is absolutely nuclear. I’m honestly starting to suspect the whole thing with Becky is a work like Jericho says.
Jax & Banks vs Asuka is a sick matchup
Lol yeah Jax throws Banks off the top rope. Imagine not thinking you’re being worked here
Becky Lynch run in?
No! Jax is the Sole Survivor. The fuck?
My Rating [2*] / Daddy Meltzer’s Rating [2.75*]
Seth Rollins pins Shinsuke Nakamura in (21:26).
Fuck, what a cool matchup. Yet another moment where I just sigh and remember how much I love wrestling
Shinsuke rocking the blue, not an awful look! The deep V is hawt
COME ONNNNNNN yess Shinsuke get in this man’s head
The feeling out phase is going on too long here
“Nakamura is also an American hero” yes, Graves, he is. I agree
Absolutely brutal punishment on the outside between both guys
They keep putting over Rollins’ head not being in the match but its not really showing in the match itself
So many fucking rest holds OMG. Both these guys are so dynamic, why is the match so slow?
Rollins dumps Nak off the side aaaaaand the suicide dive! The double suicide dive! The crowd calls for a triple and ROLLINS OBLIGES! 
Flying springboard clothesline from Rollins!
A badass spinning kick from Nak
High impact superkick from Rollins...wow, that was brutal
Rollins reverses the triangle hold into a bucklebomb on Shinsuke!
Rollins does the superplex roll-through into Falcon Arrow is super cool but...he does it constantly. always impressive but i knew exactly what was coming when he went up there
Reverse exploder from Nakamura sets up Kinshasa, misses, Rollins counters into a two count
Curb stomp and Rollins beats Nakamura. Cooooooool, man. Not boring or uninteresting at all considering the lack of interference or anything.
My Rating [3.5*] / Daddy Meltzer’s Rating [3.75*]
Sheamus & Cesaro “The Bar” w/ The Big Show def. Akam & Rezar “AoP” w/ Drake Maverick in (09:04).
What the fuck is this match lol. Insane skill on display with the Big Show just standing around.
If they’re putting over Maverick’s ability to make AoP tag champs...are they technically burying Ellering?
Punch, Cesaro, punch away! Again and again!
a pretty sweet double hot tag spot and Sheamus goes ham
Drake Maverick fucking pisses himself, but that’s a distraction and AoP roll up Sheamus after a double team hit. Jesus christ this is so cringey. You could also see Drake grabbing at his crotch to get the gimmick going. Boring with an incredibly bad finish
My Rating [1*] / Daddy Meltzer’s Rating [1.75*]
Cruiserweight Championship Match Buddy Murphy [c] pins Mustafa Ali in (12:19)
Right out of the gates they’re going hard, insane flip by Ali off the top rope and onto the side
And a massive fucking push into the barricade from Murphy to Ali jesus
These guys are insanely good but they probably need two TakeOver type events a year in order to make me feel invested in the stories at all
Some fucking comically complicated and impressive spinning DDT from Ali, holy shit
Ridiculous Spanish Fly by Ali off the table
Vicious powerbomb into sit down powerbomb by Murphy
“This is awesome” chants kick in, and it’s seeming like they’re turning down crowd noise here--I can’t imagine why to be honest
Dope match but Itami / Murphy the other week was better tbh
My Rating [3.75*] / Daddy Meltzer’s Rating [4*]
Men’s Survivor Series Match Bobby Lashley, Finn Balor, Dolph ZIggler, Drew McIntyre, & Braun Strownman “Team Raw” def. The Miz, Jeff Hardy, Samoa Joe, Rey Mysterio, and Shane McMahon “Team SmackDown” in (23:58)
Already pissed because Balor has to wear a fucking shirt
Claymore Kick from McIntyre to Joe and IMMEDIATELY pins Joe. Fuck that. The crowd agrees and chants bullshit.
Shane O’Mac throwing them potatoes at Ziggler lmao
I understand he’s not a great wrestler, but I will never ever understand the vitriol of some of the Shane hate. He’s so fun and so willing to put his body on the line
a pretty great story being told here with SmackDown being able to cooperate and mack up for the difference in size and skill while Raw has insane amounts of power but can’t work together
Such a stiff stomp from Balor he would up falling on top of Miz omg
Mysterio pins Balor, damn
Lashley just fucking up Mysterio
Shane is the last one left for SmackDown. Get ready for some bullshit that will make the internet mad lmao
Or...not. Raw just fucking wins. Ok. What the hell. This is dumber than Shane shenanigans.
My Rating [3*] / Daddy Meltzer’s Rating [3.75*]
Ronda Rousey def. Charlotte Flair by DQ in (14:11)
Not smooth or technically sound, really, but absolutely brutal and believable
Ronda is really good at selling that leg, I was genuinely concerned at multiple points
Charlotte viciously attacks with the Kendo stick is this a HEEL TURN? A DQ finish but goddamn do i love this
where were you when Ronda was kill
such props to Ronda for taking this beating
All of a sudden Rousey looks very mortal and I love it
My Rating [4.25*] / Daddy Meltzer’s Rating [4.25*]
Brock Lesnar pins Daniel Bryan in (18:43)
So...is Bryan gonna win via Heyman screwjob? Because the commentators keep putting over how Lesnar is absolutely guaranteed to win
Bryan just fucking around with Lesnar lmao
“I’m...legit concerned for Daniel Bryan” -Renee Young
Lesnar just fucking ragdolling Bryan
Bryan is “out”
yeesh...just what the fuck
Lesnar wins. I can’t believe I let my hopes get up. Fuck.
My Rating [4*] / Daddy Meltzer’s Rating [4.5*]
Overall PPV Grade: B
One of the better main roster PPVs of 2018, Survivor Series had an incredibly strong card despite the loss of Becky Lynch. The SS matches themselves were a mixed bag but overall enjoyable, and Bryan vs. Lesnar as well as Flair vs. Rousey tore the fucking house down. Really solid stuff.
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fitanddangerous · 7 years
How To Makes A Choccie out of Yolanda Gampp How To Gateaus It
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How To Makes A Choccie out of Yolanda Gampp How To Gateaus It
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