#sry this just turned into me ranting about furnace. it happens the brainworms get u sometimes
🗣️❔📝 for the wip ask game!! :0
🗣️Talk about your favourite WIP
OHHHHH. DREAMSTUCK. Dreamstuck is my favourite wip, no question. It is a thriving crop and I am its loving and caring farmer. It's so cringe (affectionate) and I am so badly invested in it. It's a love letter to both source materials, Homestuck and DSMP. I love both of them, and while the original creators (Dream and Hussie) turned out to be assholes, everyone else who was involved in them poured their entire souls into these two stories and I love just. Showing that. Taking apart the best bits from the Homestuck story which is so nuanced and complicated and took great care and time to make, and placing it on these silly little Minecraft roleplay characters that have so much heart poured into their acting and storylines. I'm just. Yeah. Dreamstuck. <3
❔Choose a random WIP and talk about it.
hmmmmm. u know what. I'm taking this opportunity to rant about my Escape from Furnace wip because the fandom consists of like maybe 4 people so there's no one to talk about it to. Pull up a chair bro
ok ok. ur not gonna understand this unless you've read the books but w/e SO THERE'S THIS GUY NAMED GARY OWENS, RIGHT. He's a 17 year old and he dies in like the third book and he's an asshole who beats the shit out of people with no remorse. The only hint of a real character under all that is when he makes an offhand casual comment about his dad beating him, and later when he see him crying after the wheezers started their procedures on him, and lemme tell u. I ran with that. He survives in this AU which I have dubbed the Almost Everyone Lives AU because I also wanted to save two other characters who died. Because I love them. and I'm going to give this troubled teenager who committed patricide a good healing arc ok. He's the oldest kid who was put in Furnace Penitentiary in the time frame of the series and i think he'll definitely have a crisis about turning 18 while Alex and Zee are still like 14-15. my guy's got issues <3 my little scrimble scorblo
📝Share a snippet of an unposted WIP, with or without context
FUCK IT. FURNACE FIC CHAPTER 7. because i haven't made any headway on my next trigun fic so i have nothing 2 post at all for that, and my humanstuck fic would make no sense out of context. SO HERE'S GARY OWENS IF U DON'T CHEER AND CLAP FOR HIM RIGHT NOW I'M BLOWING THIS WHOLE WEBSITE UP
“Get to the point,” Gary snaps.
Bodie just smirks. “But you’re okay. You may not have made a good leader, but you’d still make a damn good Skull.”
He sets down the crisps. Another Skull immediately snatches up the bag and digs in as Bodie rummages around in his pocket. He pulls out a black scrap of cloth, a crudely painted skull on the front. Kevin’s old bandanna, the one Gary took from him on his first day.
“It’s not like we’ll be doing much for crime from here on out anyway,” Bodie says. “Ain’t much point to it, now that the world’s gone to shit. And yous ain’t takin’ back the leadership position, that’s mine. But this is still yours if you want it. You earned it. Once a Skull, always a Skull.”
Gary stares at it in disbelief. First he finds out Bodie is still alive after their escape, and then he wants to offer Gary a spot in the Skulls again?
“You’re really just dropping bomb after bomb on me today, aren’t you?”
Bodie snorts. “Guess so. It’s alright if you don’t want it. I wouldn’t blame yous.”
Gary carefully takes the bandanna like it’s something special—which it sort of is, if he thinks about it. How many Skulls have worn this bandanna? How many members has this been passed down through, stolen from, claimed as a prize after a brawl?
He can’t think of anything to say, so he just says “Thanks.”
Bodie smiles. He slings an arm over Gary’s shoulder. “Welcome back, Owens.”
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