#sry i went off at the end there i swear thats a trimmed down version im just weepy about humans and art these days
breathplayed ยท 3 months
Helloo! I'll be up front and then explain in case you don't feel like reading the rest: are you okay with fics of your fics? Like fics inspired by/written in the AUs you've created?
For context: hello (again)! I'm a big fan of yours (ultraviolett on ao3), I reached out to you on Twitter but I wasn't sure if you'd see it so I thought I'd reach out here too (I apologize if you like, purposely ignored/didn't answer and I'm being annoying or something). I wrote a little something inspired by Folie a Trois and I was wondering if a) you might like to read it and b) if you might be ok with me posting it (as a gift to you on ao3 of course!)
Hope this isn't bothersome!
YES YES YES iโ€™m so sorry i didnโ€™t see when u reached out (i tried to go find a mention/dm and couldnt rip ๐Ÿ˜ญ im very overwhelmed by talking/notifs rn sowwy im trying to become a luddite cryptid) BUT this isnโ€™t annoying at all, ppl writing fic inspired by or even directly of my fics has happened a few times and iโ€™m ok with the idea + find it interesting to see the different interpretation + find it an honor that something i wrote touched someone enough to inspire them to create art of their own in any way ๐Ÿ’–
truly not at all bothersome and btw, like public psa tbh, even if it takes me a hot minute to read/reply to something, or i forget altogether, i promise i never intend to ignore ppl!! i have terrible memory and debilitating executive dysfunction issues lol, itโ€™s hard for me to reply to ppl even if i rly want to/like something, i forget to go back to reply when i have energy + miss a lot of notifs ๐Ÿ˜ž plz do always come bug me again on something if i seem to have missed it/forgotten and u would like an answer!!! i will do my best! especially something cool like this!!! im always happy to hear my brainworms infected someone else, i only bother to write so i can increase their community transmission ๐Ÿซ‚๐Ÿ’ž
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