nicolelchalker-blog Β· 7 years
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insane-arcane Β· 3 years
Having pink hair and Jinx confuses you with Vi
Walking through the streets of Zaun you hold your bag close. Your real money was stuffed in the bottom of your shoes but a mugger wouldn't guess that if someone tried to jump you on your way home from work. You just finsihed a long shift and you were a mess. Not the best thing to be on these streets. Your hair was disheveled and you could only guess how easy a target you looked. As you passed food stalls and people selling their wares you wished you could stop and get something to eat but you had food at home and needed to save your coins.
Listening to the sizzle of food and feeling the thick steam and smog coming from the stalls and factory buildings, you grab your scarf to cover your mouth. Voices and sounds blur in the background and you keep your eyes straight ahead as you keep walking just wanting to get home.
"... Vi?" Continuing to walk through the busy streets of the UnderCity not realizing someone is calling for you as they follow you, you pause as you feel fingers graze your hood. Stopping to turn in case your in some kind of trouble someone takes the opportunity and grabs your arm. Looking at the blue haired girl who was gripping your jacket you pause as you've never met her before. She stares into your eyes and slowly tilts her head as if she's contemplating something. "Violet...?" She whispers.
Sruntching your face up confused you go to laugh at the misunderstanding when her grip tightens. Flinching as her nails dig into your skin through the jacket your wearing, she suddenly gets real close. Glancing around confused you notice other people backing away not wanting to get involved, dipping into alleys and avoiding the two of you.
"Violet it's you! It's really you!" Shaking your head slowly reaching for her hand you try and make her let go she won't.
"Hey I'm sorry you have-" You start but she simply wraps her arm around yours and squeezes it tightly interrupting you. She hugs herself into your side and your at a loss at what to do.
"Oh Violet I missed you so much! I thought you were dead! I forgive you a million times over for eveything that happened! Where have you been?" She demands and you just blink at her owlishy. Now concerned looking around for help you realize the once bustling street is almost completely empty. The only people still there are stand owners selling their wares and they avoid your gaze.
Swallowing you close your eyes taking a deep breath. Maybe she just got a little confused? Squeezing her hand you smile softly doing your best to stay calm in the situation. She clearly doesn't want your money as she could've easily pickpocketed you by now and you hadn't pissed any of the Chem Barons off so this wasn't you getting jumped. This was a confused possibly inhibited girl.
"... My... My name isn't Violet." You say with a strained customer smile and voice before you begin pulling at your arm trying to loosen her death hold grip. She doesn't let go and you just stare at her as she stares back. She tilts her head and you suddenly feel very uncomfortable with her gaze on you. "I'm sorry who are you?" You question and she hums softly lost in thought.
"Of yeahhhhhh. I look really different now huh?" She questions before giggling. "It's me! Remember? Jinx!" Jinx? Blinking as you scan your thoughts you wonder where you'd heard that name before? Did you know a Jinx?
"Okay well... Jinx I need to leave." You say softly as you pull at your arm again but like you thought would happen she still doesn't let go.
"Leave? Your trying to leave me?" She demands and you suddenly notice she has a gun and is slowly reaching for it. "You just got back. You can't leave..." She whispers with tears in her eyes. Too tired for this and feeling scared for your life you sign.
"Jinx. I'm sorry." You soothe as you reach up and carefully brush some loose hair out of her face tucking it behind her ear. "Whoever your looking for, whoever you think I am. I'm not them. I need to go but can I take you somewhere? Do you have any family nearby?" You question concerned about this girl being on her own in this fragile mental state.
Loosening her grip on your arm she nods slowly as if she's in shock. As if she's realizing your not who she thought you were. Still smiling at her she points into the distance. You glance where she's showing you momentarily not paying attention to her. Feeling a hard whack to the back of your head dots fill your vision as you stumble forward. Her hands are on you keeping you steady and her voice is distorted as she speaks to you.
"Hey Vi it's... it's okay. I'm sorry. I'm sorry... it should only hurt a little when you wake up. I'm gonna take you home. I'm gonna take care of you okay?" Feeling dizzy as blood trickles from your mouth you groan in pain as your bodies shifted. "I can't loose you again. I can't. I'm sorry..." The girl mumbles as she slings your arm over her shoulder and begins dragging you away. She continues mumbling things but you can't hear her as it all fades to black.
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