#srry that its been taking a bit but its very nice to have the money since i may have to pay medical expenses soon
razzafrazzle · 4 months
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lil venus to start pride month..... wanna do more but i am Struggling atm!!! perhaps god is homophobic. to me specifically
[image description: a drawing of an original character named venus, who is a fat dark-skinned woman with freckles and brown and blonde dyed afro-puffs. she is wearing pink-tinted glasses, heart-shaped earrings, and a pink lacy cropped camisole. she is smiling and holding a trans flag behind herself. end id]
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husbandits · 5 years
I saw your requests are open. Can you please do Arthur and a male reader going to a ball dance. Thank you
Yeah absolutely! Srry this took forever, but hopefully it’s worth the wait!
I went with a semi-realistic thing for this, and then it got… long
The two of you don’t get a lot of opportunities for intimacy, beyond the occasional trip out into the woods, ostensibly for food, so when Arthur pulls you aside one evening to talk, you’re first thought isn’t that he’s got anything more than a quick kiss in mind
And its definitely not that he’s going to ask you to do anything romantic
Apparently, the landbaron that funds most of the businesses around your current camp is throwing a ball in a bit less than a month, and Dutch’s gotten the idea to infiltrate the party, to see if you can stir up any information about goings on. Or maybe just rob the thing, it isn’t clear yet
And with the rumors swirling around about how the rich playboy’s attentions swing towards the masculine…
You’re not exactly thrilled about Dutch exploiting your relationship like this, especially considering the pains Arthur’d gone through around telling the rest of the gang
But then that pleading look in his eyes hits, and you put the complaint aside for later
Instead you try to focus on the enjoyable parts of the situation
Getting to have a nice, almost relaxed outing to look forward to
Not to mention just getting to be open with your darling Arthur
The weeks leading up to ball are more than a bit hectic
Partly because the involved members of the gang are out of camp often, scouting the venue and getting information on the ball, and partly because Arthur is tripping over himself trying to smooth over the imagined issue with you and putting together all of the information and supplies Dutch thinks he’ll need
For your part, you’re busy looking into your target, Mr. Gregory Thane, yourself
You send him a polite, if generic letter first, not looking to expose yourself to him too much, before the plan can be solidified, but when he sends you back an enthusiastic letter asking for a little rendezvous, Hosea s that you go see him, if just to get your foot in the door
And, over tea and a nearly exhausting evening of dodging questions and trying to give him the ‘right impression’ without going into outright flirty territory, you’re well assured that, yes, Mr. Thane is, at the very least, quite comfortable around men like you
Once you’re confident that this isn’t some sort of elaborate trap, you’re a little more at ease
And a little flattered, when your alias gets an invite in the mail, not quite a week later, under the request that he ‘bring a nice suit and his endearing self‘ 
You bring the invite over to where Dutch and Hosea are going over the plan, eager to share this new angle of entry
You don’t catch the dark look that hangs over Arthur’s face for a moment, the way his expression showers when you hand the note over to read
It’s a bit of a shock when he admits, when you lie with your head on his thick chest that night, that he feels a little overshadowed, with such an impressive, open man vying for your attention
It’s a hushed confession, as if you’ll chide him for saying it, and you’re quick to assure him, turning over to press a kiss to the firm line of his jaw, that it’s not a silly thing to confess, that you’re happy he’s sharing this instead of bottling it up and getting hurt
And, of course, as your hands travel across the broad planes of his body, you remind him that you’re all his, and no amount of riches or luxuries could convince you otherwise
The next day you take him into town to go get outfits for the ball; you’ll need something fancy if you’re arriving as a special guest, after all
Arthur makes a big huff about getting dragged into your shopping trip, but he grins all the same, promising to help you into as many nice suits as you like
You can’t help but notice, as the two of you pick through the different designs, that his eyes keep going back to this dark gold ensemble, and if, by the end of the day, he’s got a new outfit or two to try on as well, it’s hardly anyone’s concern but yours
And then, the next thing you know, it’s the day of the ball, and there’s a heady feeling hanging over you; anticipation and expectations and all the worries you’d put away a fortnight ago
You end up whisking yourself off to Mr. Thane’s mansion hours before anyone else leaves camp, wanting to arrive towards the start of the party and get a chance to eavesdrop a little before things start going
You leave him with a kiss early in the morning, promising to find him at some point at the ball, and get some alone time
At the ball, you’re met with the staggering sight of fifty-some people, largely men of neighboring industries, gathered in the estate’s courtyard and sprawling out into the surrounding garden, and your breath catches in your throat for a second
It’s almost overwhelming, but you dive right in, after taking a moment to calm yourself
After reintroducing yourself to your host, you’re quick to slip off of his notice, attentions pulled to the dapper owner of a small orchard nearby, weaving out into the room and listening in on the chatter, taking note of anything useful you hear
Letting yourself get tied up in conversations about finery and wealth, which naturally lead to industry and banks, and from there you can glean all about how supplies get shipped, and all the measures that keep that money secure
That is, until you find yourself caught on the arm of a young magnate of some sort, drunk or inexperienced enough to not feel your hand in his pocket
By this point, the rest of the gang has arrived- you can hear Dutch‘s loud boasting, the distinct timbre of Hosea’s wheedle
And, as the tipsy merchant loses yet another hand at the impromptu poker game that’s sprung up, you catch sight of him, standing off to the side, watching the game being played from on your lap
Slipping your hand out of the gentleman’s jacket (and taking a weighty piece of jewelry with you), you bid the younger man goodbye, sauntering over to Arthur as if drawn to a siren
You can hear the man huff in dismay as you slide out from under him, murmuring something about being outclassed, and you can’t help but chuckle in response as you pause in front of your man
“Evening, mister,” You smile, watching him with a grin, “You looking for something?”
The reply he gives is halfhearted- he wants you to stay with him, but he knows you need to work, and you waste no time in dragging him off to a shady corner of the courtyard, away from prying eyes
By now, your host has gotten rather involved in the young man he’d had on his arm earlier, so there’s not many eyes on the pair of you, as you take hold of Arthur’s waist, pulling him into a dance. His hands are hesitant on your shoulder, as if afraid you’ll pull back if he holds you, but you just pull him a little bit closer and press the ghost of a kiss to his cheek
The two of you sway together for a while, you leading Arthur around the shaded edge of the garden, and slipping your hand around the curve of his back, enjoying just the feeling of being close to him
That is, until Bill’s nasally voice rings out across the courtyard, “Alright, hands where I can see them!”
The other half of the plan has begun
In a flash, Arthur’s at the ready. Pulls away, reluctantly, a quick squeeze on your shoulder as he does. Pulls his gun from his waist and starts on the robbery, following the others’ lead
You, for your part, jump into the role you’d been assigned after a few seconds of watching him go
With a terrified facade, you join the group of guests hiding in the corner of the courtyard by a very intricate looking fountain, your host seemingly panicking while the man he’d been flirting with is nowhere to be seen
His eyes meet yours, and then he grins in hope
“Sir, sir you must help us with these ruffians!” He pleas, “please, you’re, er,  a man used to dealing with villains like this, aren’t you?”
You balk at that for a moment, you’re not really supposed to play an active part in this phase, just collect some information and maybe sew some friendships with the guests. but now…
The moment of delay is passable enough to shock, as you weight your options
You nod, and the plutocrat sighs in relief. Gestures to the mansion at the other end of the courtyard, the prowling gang between you and it, “I-I keep a set of guns in the west end of the library, in the bottom of the dresser. O-Or maybe they’re in the safe in my drawing room? It has been,” he half-chuckles, “quite some time since they were of use, and they were a gift from a dear friend…”
A roll of your eyes at that, but you give something that passes for an affirmative, as he gives you the combination to the safe, and then you move to start sneaking around to the mansion
Predictably, as soon as you’re out of view of the guests, there’s attention on you, and one of the gang comes storming over, a warning thick on his gravelly voice
Arthur snarks something about having caught a handsome thing like you, grabbing your hand as if to drag you over to him, but his grip is feather-light
You can practically feel the side-eye from whoever’s nearby at that, but you don’t particularly care, playing along with a feisty retort about him being a bit too eager to have caught you
“A’right mister smart-mouth!” He growls, the hair on his beard light on your cheek as he pulls you close, voice dropping to a growl, “Yer gonna take them pretty lil’ hands a’ yours up to that fancy house an’ show me where all th’goods are...“
It’s impossible to suppress the groan you give at that, but hopefully, the gentlemen hiding around the corner can’t hear your excitement
Or the snickers from the rest of the gang, as Arthur pulls you away
With a barefaced grin, you lead Arthur through to the mansion, mock fear, and genuine anticipation giving you the slightest tremble
The two of you slip inside, while the rest of the gang finishes rounding up and robbing the guests, and head up to the study for some haphazard looting and very thorough one-on-one time
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tysabrewing-s · 5 years
Thoughts on Lena?
Wow anon u rlly just asked my number one actual fave™ as always prepare for one big post hhvhvhjvn 
Like ive always liked edgy teen characters I think they have a nice charm to them and I like the conflict they cause for other characters ( best example for this is besides Lena is needletail from warriors tbh!! Theyre rlly similar in cool ways) 
Lenas like different for me tho she isnt just some dumbass teen messing shit up and everybody be like "broooo stop being so immature :\\" I mean she is that but she means more to me as a character again abt to get super personal ( what can i say my favs are my favs cuz I relate to them personally or wish I was like them lmao) but I relate to her like a lot haha I dont have anybody in my life like magica is to her in all but I can relate in a very toned down way of how controlling she is and how she doesnt get a bit of space ik that isnt the main aspect of it but god I still felt that u know I also relate how magicas keeps being like "u cant have friends lmao its only to get scrooges dime stop getting attached" again not exactly the same but a certain person in my life is always telling me friendships are dumb they never last blah blah blah shouldnt bother to pursue any for this reason and its just annoying okay anyways tho enough abt me im srry this is so long its basically me just venting :') 
One of the best things abt her tho?? How she sasses pack at magica and isnt shown to be in the wrong pretty sure everybody and their mom has talked abt this but like srsly not all victims of abuse are super nice wouldnt hurt anybody type of person hell most arent its just such a breath of fresh air for once to see a character go thru this shit especially one of those edgy™ characters ( srry to describe her as edgy like 5 times but idk other ways my vocabulary sucks fhchcjvhv) and isnt shown as just being rebellious or whatever magicas literally treating her like dried up cat piss and audience KNOWS this we literally cant deny it and when beakley apologized to her for being rude I wanted to explode from happiness??? Ive never seen a show do that have an adult admit they were wrong okay I dont watch a bunch of cartoons but even when i think abt other stuff i like like books movies games etc ive still NEVER seen this 
Basically lena is an absolutely AMAZING representation of abuse victims is what im trying to get at ( btw if im in any way wrong abt this pls someone dm me!! Ive never been abused so I get I can never get it like know how that experience feels if im wrong pls educate me on this!!) 
Also I adore her dynamic w webby like my short answer is im a big old softy for nice bubbly girl\emo gal trope and I eat it up like somebody who found a bit of water in a desert 😔👊 
But like its also rlly heccing epic cuz most likely before her nobody ever treated her as like a person so just an extra cherry on top with it 
I see their dynamic as like finding comfort in each other and helping each other with it and idk its very endearing and sweet to me to think abt 
And on top of this?? Shes still a dumb as FUCK teenager!! Like beagle day massacre is basically just her taking a 12 yearold to crash a party lmao and forget the eps name but when her huey and webby just went underground for whatever reason?? Absolute horrible inlfuence and im all for it babey 
Anyways even tho ive written a book by now heres some headcannons djvjvjvjb
She likes an ironic shitposter basically just think of those cant see the haters thru my tears or is crying until 4 am badass stuff haha 
Cusses like theres no tomorrow 
When she gets older ( if she like ever ages that is lol) her and louie get rlly close like their buds and do dumb stuff like stealing a police car 
I hc her as a non binary lesbian!! She goes by she\they but mostly she 
She makes a tik tok ironically but then it actually got popular 
She used to steal a lot while living on the streets so shes rlly particular on what she spends her money on and she rarely shares anything 
Everyday she needs at least a while to herself to listen to some music and stuff like that she hates being around ppl all the time 
Idk if this even counts as a headcannon cuz ik everybody agrees with but shes touch starved af she rlly only accepts hugs and stuff from webby tho 
She actually doesn't think violets is a knock off of her or anything like that shes just a jealous bitch haha like shes actually rlly impressed that shes good at controlling magic 
She wouldnt tell anybody this but she actually kinda likes how she looks she isnt super confident abt it but she doesnt think shes ugly and is like "huh u know what my dyed hair is kinda dope" 
Shes like totally in love with lemon demon 
Alrighty pretty much done with this post!! Srry if im rude or its to long I just can never shut up abt my fav characters once u ask me yknow jghfjfghj
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Beautiful- Chapter 5
I’m so sorry for the extended absence I’ve had a ton of stuff on my shoulders lately. First things first, I had another set of exams for college and then I started this new series called The Gifted (by the way I totally recommend to everyone). Finally I’ve settled enough to punch out another chapter.
Anyways I hope you guys enjoy this chapter I’m actually hella proud of it. The first part of this chapter was inspired by James Veitch is a Terrible Roommate if you haven’t seen it yet, I 1000% recommend it’s so funny and it just reminded me so much of Joanlock that I couldn’t help but write it in.
To Sherlock’s credit they hadn’t had an interesting case in about a month. It’s honestly a miracle that he’s made it this long without any of his usual shenanigans. Normally at this point he would’ve conducted an experiment involving explosions or a case study on Watson’s behavior at different intervals based on how much sleep she could get to function to the best of her ability. Not that he didn’t have substantial research on the subject already, more research could never hurt though.
It starts out with one. Watson’s lip quirks up as they pass a tiny display at the grocery, it’s a stack of rubber ducks carefully stacked in a pyramid. It’s an impulse buy not that he looks back at it but it made her smile so in the end it was worth it. It quickly becomes a game to test her observational skills. One day the duck disappears from its usual precipice on the shelf just below her products. If she notices its disappearance she doesn’t mention it.
However hours later he hears her call from downstairs, “Sherlock why was the duck in the cereal box?” To simply put it he’d moved her favorite cereal 3 inches to the left after sticking the duck inside. She should’ve noticed a lot sooner but at the same time he hadn’t heard her pad down the stairs until a mere 45 minutes ago.
Then it strikes him that he hasn’t pushed her to her top level annoyance in far too long. He almost misses her screaming his name from the other side of the Brownstone. So he buys more rubber ducks. With his devious plan now in action he changes their orientation every day when he’s sure she’s either not home or in deep slumber. One day he arranges them as if two are getting married, then in a cult like circle around a tube of toothpaste, even draping two of them in shreds of toilet paper as mummies for Halloween. His particular favorite was when he managed to perfectly recreate the scene from Titanic after the boat sinks.
After all of this effort there’s still no reaction. To his shock and appall, she didn’t even address the ducks. By all logic by now he should’ve at least gotten a smile out of her but no. So he ups his game purchasing a load of them for a shockingly cheap price off this Amazon user SpookyBoi. Three days later a box filled with 95 rubber ducks is delivered to Marcus’ home. He couldn’t very well set the delivery for the Brownstone lest Watson find it while he’s not paying attention.
So he sets up his new mission carefully setting up the ducks as if they’re crawling out of the drain itself. He barely even used a third of the ducks in the box so of course he already begins planning his next attack in case Watson doesn’t bring up the ducks yet again. Sure enough not even a peep from her even though when he returns they’re visibly moved after her shower.
Fine if she wants to play that way.
It takes 3 hours but he expands his mission having them crawl from the drain, up the side of the tub, out over the side, to the other side of the bathroom in rows of 10 until they narrow reaching a significantly larger duck wearing a crown. He’s not going to admit how much money he actually spent on this display but it’s oh so worth it when his phone buzzes late one night.
We need to talk about the ducks -JW
Ducks? -SH
Don’t play coy with me. I couldn’t shower this morning because I had to move over 100 of those stupid ducks. -JW
Srry. No more tiny ducks. Prmse. -SH
Honestly she should’ve caught onto the loophole right then and there but shockingly she didn’t. Only an hour later Gregson calls with reports of a triple homicide. He takes a separate cab excusing to Watson that he had to meet with Alfredo really quick and he’d meet her at the scene of the crime in about an hour. Rather he makes a quick trip to the local bath store and purchase 5 ducks about the size of a laptop. He positions them and he’s off to the crime scene.
You said no more ducks. -JW
I said no more tiny ducks. -SH
I’m meeting my mom for dinner tonight. When I get back I want all of the ducks gone. I don’t care how. It happens or I make your life hell -JW
His disappointment at the end of their game is met with a tiny bit of thrill at her threat. He still wants to see how far he could push her. He wants to get that oh so pleasant shout. Cn I kp 1? -SH
One. -JW
:) -SH
It takes him 2 hours and an air pump but the trap is set long before Watson walks in the door. The large inflatable duck takes up ⅔ of the bathroom and is positioned facing the door.  He tries not to bounce with excitement as soon as she announces her presence with a sigh and the loud shut of the door.
“I’m going to take a shower.” She says, exhaustion evident in her tone. He nods not turning to face her lest he gives away the surprise.
He begins counting the seconds until finally,
“Sherlock!” Her voice calls in frustration. He bounds up the stairs two at a time, a giant smile plastered across his lips. She’s standing in the doorway of the bathroom, eyes flashing with fury. He’s hit suddenly by how nice she looks. Her makeup is done carefully, hair draped over her shoulders in loose perfect curls, black dress hugging tightly to her figure without being suggestive. She marches over to him and he notices how much shorter she is without her heels on. She barely comes up to his shoulder. “Do you think this is funny?” She seethes, yet beneath the anger he swears he sees a bit of a spark in her eyes, a challenge.
“Quackers.” He answers with a smirk.
“I warned you.”
“No you said I may have one.”
“I didn’t mean one that takes up half of the bathroom!” She steps forwards moving to push him back but he catches her wrists.
“You should’ve been more specific. I thought you would’ve learned after the tiny ducks.” Her chest swells with an angry breath. He’s suddenly aware of how close she’d advanced in her attempts to push him and the fact that he’s still holding her. He drops her wrists quickly but it’s too late. Memories of that night sweep over him once more. How he’d held her wrists above her head, how he’d pressed her against the wall lips buried in her throat, the way her nails scraped down his bare back.
She moves away quickly back into the bathroom, snatching a pair of scissors from the sink. With a quick slash the duck is torn and is quickly deflating. “Take your duck so I can shower.” It isn’t a request, rather a command. He obeys taking the limp yellow body and dragging it into the hall. The bathroom door slams in his face and he sends a quick text.
Need 2 tlk nw. Emrgncy.
Alfredo arrives at the Brownstone much faster than Sherlock anticipated, knocking frantically on the door. He yanks it open, his former guide’s eyes tracing over his form. “Did you relapse.” His voice is harsh and demanding.
“What? No.” Sherlock says defensively.
“Did you almost relapse? You don’t have anything here do you? You know Joan would kill you.”
“Slow down. It has nothing to do with relapse at all.” He visibly settles.
“What’s the emergency then?”
He goes quiet listening for the sounds of the shower. He continues once he’s sure he can hear the water hitting the tub. “I think I may be attracted to Watson.” He says quickly.
“You’re kidding me.” Alfredo scoffs throwing his head back. “I abandoned a client and broke 3 different laws on the road because you think you are attracted to your partner.”
“I’m beginning to think you’re not seeing how much of a problem this is.”
“You’re right. I don’t.” He sighs taking a seat on the couch. He pats the spot beside him inviting Sherlock to sit down. With a roll of his eyes he plops down beside him. “Joan is an attractive woman. Why is this a problem?”
“Because this isn’t the first time.” He mutters under his breath.
“We are not having this talk at 11:30 at night.” Alfredo groans rubbing his hands over his face.
“If you’re not going to be any help”
“I am going to help but I need you to stop with this cryptic shit.” He sits up now, “When did this start.”
“If I tell you it doesn’t leave this room. Not even Watson knows.” He waits until Alfredo nods before continuing. “18 years ago my father took me with him on a business trip to America. I went to a bar while he was at the meeting to have a few drinks. I met this woman, went home with her and we-”
“Please skip the details. I can assume.” Alfredo interrupts putting up his hand.
“Well I told her that my name was Sean. No use in giving my name if we were only going to meet once.”
“What’s the point of this side story.”
“The woman was Watson.”
“You slept with Joan.” Alfredo repeats in shock. Their bubble is broken by the shattering of glass behind them. He spins around and sure enough Watson is there clad in pajamas and her favorite red cardigan. A shattered tea cup lies abandoned at her feet. The water he heard running… It must’ve been the sink. How much of the conversation had she heard?
“You’re Sean.” She whispers in disbelief.
“Shit.” Alfredo mutters.
“Watson.” He’s on his feet approaching her quickly. Her eyes are shining with a new kind of anger, one that reflects disappointment… betrayal.
“Don’t.” She stops him backing away. “You knew. You knew and you didn’t even bother to tell me.” She scoffs.
“Watson.” Another step forwards and another backwards.
“How long did you know.”
“How long!” She demands swiping furiously at a spare tear that escaped.
“Since we met.” He whispers in admission. An angry laugh mixed with a sob leaves her lips. She looks away so that he can’t see the tears of humiliation escaping. He steps towards her again taking her arms gently. “I’m sorry. I thought if I told you, you’d leave.”
“Well I found out. What now Sherlock?” She asks bitterly snatching herself from his grip. She hardens herself setting her jaw. “I’m staying at Marcus’ tonight.”
“Watson you don’t have to-”
“Don’t tell me what to do.” She snaps. “You don’t get to tell me what to do right now. Got it?” With that she leaves up the stairs to get dressed and packed for the night. Alfredo lingers for only moments before dismissing himself with a quiet apology. She doesn’t say a word as she storms out the door but he can see the angry tears streaming down her cheeks.
The Brownstone aches with silence in her absence.
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