#srry for the multiple answers XD
thedarkmistress16 · 1 year
Favorite fic you've written? What would you recommend someone first reads of your work for the best first impression?
good q! ...Do I have to choose one? lol
I think my favorite is a very old, dark aph idea I had that I still think about sometimes, and I mean that in a way where I can clearly visualize what I was going for at the time today, as if the idea was always living in my brain without realizing it. I think I'm attached to how I set the tone in the way I wrote the description of events and just the concept of the character dynamic in general. I never finished it and it was never published, but I feel like if I sit myself down, I can complete it and improve upon the elements I was trying to go for, since I remember exactly how I want to write the progression of events after reading through what I have.
I would have to recommend one of my fanfictions since that's basically the majority of my writing still, even ones unposted XD. I would actually recc. my YouTuber one-shot series, specifically for fans of the channels mentioned, because despite the older and shoddy writing style, I still find it to be an enjoyable read for a 2015 fan (like a piece of history). Plus, I've been told I write their personalities accurately/in a believable way so there's that. 👍
And if that recc. was too old or not part of your YouTube watch experience, then I would suggest reading any one of my yan!rpf headcanons, as crazy as that sounds. It's one of the more recently-posted writing projects that entails a lot of my writing habits into digestible bullet points for a, what I've gathered, a niche idea for an AU:
injecting some comedy (plays on words relating to the actor's body of works) which implies some research on the subject for inspiration
exhaustive details on how the character would react to the darling's potential actions (choice inclusivity for the reader's theoretical, multiple routes)
how becoming a yandere would affect their personalities and actions (to murder or threaten? composure or rage?)
outlining a general plot from point A to B (start of obsession to relationship developments to "snapping" and eventual kidnapping to their ideal outcomes)
and how I write in the 3rd limited and omni/2nd POV.
And on top of that, for those who've read more than one hc, you can compare how different the characters as yans are from each other in levels of intensity, their moral lines (some don't kill and others are forceful), and how they are best subdued by their darling. And I think for a good first impression of what I tend to write, as dark shit is my jam and this formatting/length is more my style than a long, chaptered fic (I am trying to branch out into it, tho).
Actually! Since we're on the subject of ✨moi's writing,✨ may I kindly suggest this one aph fic I planned on extending from the silly idea I had sitting there years ago only to completely write an entirely different plotline from the ground up and add in a bunch of unnecessary details? 👀
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angelmimikyu · 4 years
do you still like mirai nikki??? i want to watch it but i am not sure...
KIND OF I definitely like that there’s a Twist towards the end
I don’t rly remember much of it but if you like stuff where the characters solve things in creative ways then I think you’d like it! I rly like shows like that but I can’t think of any examples.. maybe like death note? But death note is an extreme example bc of how genius those characters are XD
I think the premise is that everyone gets a diary that tells the future and it changes accordingly depending on what they do and there’s lots of mind games. Also it’s like There Is An Impostor Among Us bc they have to kill each other
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