melting-slime · 2 years
hug (part 1)
a squip x gn/male reader oneshot
“Okay, okay, sure..sure SQUIPS are bad and all but..” Squips had physical forms now! And this one, formerly belonging to Jeremy Heere, was sitting right here next to you. “Earth to loverboy!”
You turned your head to the left, seeing your friend, Michael, waving at you. “Sorry..” But..it was hard to concentrate when this ridiculously attractive supercomputer was right next to you. Making an inchromphensible sound, you finished packing your bags and left, after mumbling some dumb excuse. If you looked at the SQUIP any longer, you would have started blushing.
Now, you were outside. It was pouring rain out and you were soaked straight through the bones. “Aw, fuck,”
Shivering, you were about to find a nice place to sit in when the SQUIP came up next to you. “Hey, man. You alright?” Turning around at an ever-so-slightly taller dude, you nodded. “Yeah, it’s just a bit..cold.”
“Do you want a jacket?”
“Mate, this ain’t no Wattpad fanfic,” You chuckled. “But, of course.” SQUIP gently placed its huge jacket around your shoulders. You shrugged into it.
About five minutes later, you two were instant friends. Talking about the most random things like if you wanted to hike the Applechian trail, write a book or learn to sail, you were in a great mood. Then, the first bit of lightning struck. Both of you couldn’t really keep from squealing. You guys started running to the nearest café. This café was called, “Cozy Cuddles”. Seemed like an inviting enough place..and indeed it was. Toasty warm and made out of wood. The floor was covered in rugs and all the employees had pronoun pins. There were couches everywhere, huge and soft. You both looked at each other like, “Score!” Then, you guys walked up to the counter. Adoring two hot chocolates with a healthy dose of marshmallows and whipped cream, plus two cookies, you two sat down on one of the couches. “So, when did you realize you had a crush on me?” SQUIP asked. You nearly spat out your drink. “I-um-er-uhm..what..no? Crush? What’s a crush..haha..”
You were always bad at hiding your emotions because SQUIP just sniggered at your sad attempt to cover it up. “Don’t worry..I like you too.”
SQUIP did the fboy face. You laughed. “When’s our first date?” “I think we’re already on it.” You contemplated SQUIP’s words. “True,” You two finished up your food. Then SQUIP walked you to your house. The rain had given way to drizzle. Still talking about random stuff, you finally arrived. 
Standing on your doorstep, you caught a brief look of melancholy in SQUIP’s eyes. 
“Come back soon, okay?”
“Of course!” The SQUIP was almost smiling as it said those words..almost. “Wait, before I go..may I give you a hug?”
Not gonna lie, your face lit up.“Yeah!!!” Then, the SQUIP scooped you up. LIterally scooped you up. Your legs were dangling off the floor as it held you in the best hug you’ve ever had. After the most blissful 30 seconds of your life, SQUIP put you down. “See ya next time!” “You too!” Waving goodbye to the SQUIP, you closed the door behind you as soon as it was out of sight. It was only then that you realized you were still wearing its jacket. You pumped your fist in the air, and locked the house door, grinning widely.
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play!squip x Book!squip x Musical squip!x reader
oh my god this is going to be so cute i gotta tell ya. 
you lean over on your knees catching your breath after the activation of three squips. Your friend told you it may have been a bad idea but you spent you money on it and were not backing down. 
“ hello Y/n, welcome to your Super quantum unit intel processor” three voices say “ your SQUIP” 
three figures appear infront of you, one wears black sunglasses and has a dark blue tint, one with a light blue tint that has naturally slick hair, and one that is a greensih tint to them and fluffy hair. The green one Smiles at you brightly, they seem very sweet and soft. This is interesting 
( green tint is Book!squip, Light blue tint is Musical!squip. and the dark blue tint is Play!squip) 
“ hello “ you say. The three of them look at each other, Psquip and Msquip glare at each other before looking back at you. 
Msquip walks slowly around you, looking you up and down. 
“ your a loser” they state
“ Your very cool Y/n!” Psquip pushes Msquip away and steps closer to you. they jump into your desk, not making any sound because they are in your mind after all. 
“ stop being such a downer “ Bsquip says to Msquip, shooting them a glare. 
you consider why you did this, almost regretting it, but seeing three supercomputers bicker is very entertaining. 
the green tinted one, who you belive goes by B.squip sits down on the floor with you. 
“ so what is your goal with three SQUIPs here Y/n?” they ask.
you think for a moment. your not quite sure, you just blew your money on it for fun you didnt think it would actually work.
“ im not sure “ you say. Causing all three squips to look at you. 
“ Let’s just say-” your phone goes off and you grab it. It’s a reminder to meet some people at the mall. You stand up and grab your shoes “ Well” you say as you pull on your shoes “ we’re going to the mall ” Bsquip gives you a thumbs up, Msquip nods, and Psquip gives you a forceful nod and jumps off your table. You make it to the mall, after a car ride filled with bickering and questions. “ Don’t do anything stupid ” you mutter in the direction of your squips, walking to the meeting spot of your friends “ I should be saying that to you Y/n” Msquip says. “ Go have fun ” Bsquip says, giving you a nice fatherly like wave. You go to meet your friends. In the back kf your mind you can hear your squips “ Stop being such a softy Squip” Msquip spits. “ I’m just following my programming you overconfident CPU ” Bsquip says back. You try to block their bickering out for a short time. It works for a little while, giving you some space. Psquip comes back into your field of vision when you enter the arcade. You and your friends see who can win the most with the same number of coins. You try one of the harder games, which your decent at. “ Puts your hands like this ” Psquip instructs you, holding their hands out in a formation over the keys. You mimic it. “ That’ll help with your speed ” they say. “ Thanks ” you whisper with a smile. They nod. “ Now go beat them into the dirt ” they say proudly. You chuckle and nod “ I’ll try” After you all collect and compare your points it comes out that you won your little battle. “ Good job y/n!!!” Bsquip cheers “ Good” stares Psquip, slightly smiling “ Nice I guess ” says Msquip, rolling their eyes. “ What do you do with them” Bsquip asks. You gather all your friends points and put them on the table “ we save them” you mutter “ Save these under the musketqueers folder please” you say to the cashier. They nod and do so. Turning around in triumph you and your friends get out of there and make your way to the movies. Aiming to see the latest movie that’s out. “ Don’t see a scary one y/N” Bsquip says “ I know your jump a lot ” Dang , you forgot they know everything about you. It’s nice in a way “ I’ll be fine either way ” you say. “ Alright but I warned you when your staying up late tonight” Psquip adds on to Bsquip’s statement. “ Yeah alright ” you roll your eyes , trying to hide the smile on your face.
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hiddenblog609 · 7 years
me, sees jeremy/squip: Unfriended, unfollowed, blocked, my mom’s calling your mom and you’re uninvited from my teen queen sweet sixteen summer beach bash birthday party
GOD ive been in this fandom since before it was suuuuper big, back when the discord was about 12 people and my fic made up 25% of all the fic on ao3, and to see how much it’s grown is really awesome, but it also makes me regret....especially seeing people shipping jeremy and the squip.
either it dies a hero, or you live long enough to see the fandom become the villain i guess.
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livingtheupgrade · 7 years
10 squipxreader
“I will not ask again Y/N.” Squip nearly growled as I covered my face with my pillow “Ten more minutes~” I spoke in a sing songy voice, staying up that extra hour last night was a horrible mistake. “You’re going to be late idiot, move.” He spoke again, this time sending a shock down my back.
But I was tired enough that it felt like just a pinch. “Come over here and make me.” I mumbled, before quickly realizing my mistake, as I turned my head to see him moving to sit down next to me, a shiver running down my spine as he looked at me “Get up, unless you want me to punish you later.” He whisper lowly in my ear, causing me to jump up as my words caught in my throat, quickly throwing on clothes as he chuckled.
“Good girl.”
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generalthirstclub · 7 years
I,,,,can’t even cause I found,,,, tHE HOLY FUCKIN GRAIL,,,, (I found all of the Squipxreaders by following the tag and,,,, and I’m currently in hEAVEN I’ve been fangirling in front of my mom and she is coNFUZZLED AND I JUST CANT-
whats heaven? welcome to hell friend
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squipaudios · 7 years
Omg, that amazing angry squip audio has me aching for more like it and itching to write something to go with it. The image of a female Squip is never seriously explored as much as it should and as a flaming lesbian it's nice to see female!squipxreader
My dude, my homie, as a flaming pansexual I couldn't agree more! I'd love to read anything you write!!!Like Jeremy, pterodactyl screech boy, why have hobo bathrobe man when you could've had a pretty lady???? I mean hobo bathrobe man is pretty, but he's not a pretty lady.
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yojakey-d-blog · 7 years
hey,,,,, can you do a HC for dating SQUIP pls
i can try? im not too big on squipxreaders though
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Soft!Squip x reader
Sorry for it being short. I can always write more. But it's short and sweet :) It's late. You should probably sleep. A normal person would be asleep. But not you. Your a night owl. The pastel colors of your Squip appear beside you. " Y/n it's late you should sleep " they say softly. " But I'm not tired " you protest. " I know you are, just. At least get some non caffeine tea" they respond. You sigh, but can't help but appreciate your Squip. Soft sweet Squip. You trudge to the kitchen and make yourself some tea. " Your going to enjoy it I know it" your Squip says. You nod and smile " yeah " You shuffle back into your room and your Squip makes your sit on your bed, they wrap a blanket around you and sit next to you. You lean on them and take a sip of the tea. Realizing really how tired you are. " Hmn I'm tired " you mumble. " Thought so " they whisper back. You put the cup down on the floor and lay on your bed. Your Squip tucking you in like a dad. Then they Lau next to you and you cuddle into their side. Breathing deeply and fading into a happy dream. " Love you " your Squip says softly, kissing your forehead.
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Hyper!Squip x reader
" c'mon c'mon c'mon c'mon c'mon c'mon c'mon c'mon c'mon c'mon y/n" your Squip begs you, tugging on your sleeve while jumping. " What do you want?" You ask your very hyper Squip. " Mountain Deeeewww" they respond brightly. You roll your eyes. " I'm not drinking another can of mountain dew Squip "  You have already drank more than four in the last hour. It's not good for you. " But c'mon c'mon c'mon!" They cheer. You can't help but laugh. At them. " Alright but this is the last one" you say, getting up. " Alrighty!!!" They cheer. You walk to the fridge in the other room, your Squip bouncing behind you. You grab a can of mt dew and crack it open. You take a swig of it and give them a thumbs up " good?" They nod " good " " Good" you both agree. Your about to go sit down when your Squip gives you a little shock " Ow!! What was that for!" You yell. They respond brightly " you gotta get up and do something y/n!! " You sigh deeply and contemplate your life choices till now. " What should I do " you ask. " How about a run" they suggest " Nope " " Um how about a walk then" " Hm. Alright " You pull on your shoes and start out the door. Your Squip bolts out the door  your run after them, even though there is really no need considering  they are in your brain.  You almost don't realize the fun your having. You finally realize you ran in a circle. Out of breath and tired you go back inside. You also realize your Squip is tired out too.
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Squip x Anxious!reader
You sit in the back seat of the car, slowly it's getting more tiring to breath. Anxiety is getting to you hard. All your, what other people would call unneeded, worries float around in your head. Your chest feels like someone is sitting on it and you feel like it's just easier not to breathe. " You have no reason to worry" the soft familiar voice of your Squip. " Yeah, right" you mutter. Your Squip appears next to you, they lay a hand over yours. " It's getting to you" they say softly. You nod. Fighting the erge to roll your eyes. You know that already. It's easier said then done, stopping worrying. " I don't really know what I'm worried about" you admit " I am just worried. Your Squip processes for a moment before speaking. "let me see if I can help " They disappear from your vision and you stare out the window, waiting for something to happen. Your Squip appears next to you again. They hold your hand in theirs. " Feel any better" they ask retorically. You realize about half of your chest pressure is gone. You smile brightly. " Thank you, Squip" you say. They nod. " It is in my programming to make you feel better in any way " You laugh lightly " yeah " The car stops and you realize that it's time to get out and get to your commitment. You climb out of the car, give your driver a wave goodbye and give your Squip a smile. Then walk inside, a lot more sure than before. ~Mod T.B
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Play!Squip x reader
// sorry it’s so short anon. I’ll add more later possibly.
Your Squip jumps on the table “ C'mon y/n ! ” They shout, smiling at you “ just go talk to them!” You look at them, then down into your cup. Then glance at the person who your Squip is trying to get you to talk to. “ I-i don’t know about this Squip, I am not good at talking to people” you say quietly. “ Your amazing y/n ” your Squip crouches on the table, now at eye level with you “ you just gotta be confident, I know you can do that ” they place a heavy hand on your shoulder “ now come on ” Your face heats up slightly and you think through the conversation. Then give them an uneasy but determined smile. “ I’ll try "  ” Good" they say. You get up and start towards the store where you last saw them. Your Squip leaps off the table and follows you. “ Why are you so upbeat” you mutter to your Squip. “ It’s only in my programming” they say brightly.
You walk up to the person. Your Squip brightly and forcefully coaches you on what to say. This is going to go great.
~Mod T. B
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You lean on your arm on the table, which is cluttered with empty shot glasses, a bottle or two of beer, and an empty handle of cinnamon whiskey. Your feeling the effects of alcohol, not nearly as much as your Squip. Who, even in YOUR brain, has a very low alcohol tolorence. They are laying their face on the table and staring at you. Completely blasted. Lucky for you, alcohol​ mostly just makes you really tired. But it seems it makes your Squip very loopy and giggly. You stand up, pressing your hand on the table to steady yourself. You gesture to your Squip to get up. In response they simply giggle and glitch. You sigh and try and grab their wrist. They glitch away and give you a playful smile. " I'm too drunk for this" you think before making your way to your bedroom. The Squip appears in front of you and softly grabs your hand " Dance with me" You roll you eyes and smile, you can't help it they're cute. They pull you towards them, you can hardly tell the glitching at this point. They spin you and then bring you in to a dip, planting a smooch on your lips. They glitch out hard and you fall to the ground, you both in fits of laughter. You sit up and slowly bring yourself back to a standing position. Grabbing the Squip by their sleeve you drag them to the bedroom. " Its time for me to sleep and you to recharge" you mumble, falling into your bed. " Awe c'mon y/n" they whine. You shake your head " your drunk Squip go recharge" They huff and you're out like a light. Only hope Squip did the same. You wake up in the morning, a banging headache, and a little light-headed. Figures. You knew it was coming when you drank last night anyway. You trudge to your medicine cabinet in the bathroom and grab from headache meds. And a glass of water. You take the pills and get back in bed. You lay back and enjoy the momentary silence that your rarely get anymore. Then you hear the familar whirr of the Squip starting back up again. " Mhn can you be quieter?" You mumble, the usual sound is amplified by your headache. Which is slowly dissipating but still is hurting. You wait for the Squip to collect a "physical" form. You wait in the silence for anything to happen. " Open a can of mt dew" the familiar sound of your squips voice says in your head. You can't see them but you can hear them. " If you be quieter I will" you say into the silent room. " Sorry" the squips audio is now down to an almost whisper. You lean over to the small fridge under your nightstand and pull out a mt dew. And crack it open. Then take a sip from it. Soda isn't all that good after being drunk " Faster" " If I do it any faster I'm just going to puke and that is not what you want to witness" You can tell they'd roll their eyes if they were physical right then. You begin to drink it faster, which leads to 4 more. The whirring in your brain gets louder for a moment before stopping. Now you can see your Squip Infront of you. They still glitch quite a bit. " Why is it so bright in here " they say. It's not bright at all in your bedroom. It's just enough light from the half opened curtain. " My programming is in pain" they moan. You roll your eyes " your not the one who actually drank the alcohol " There's incoherent binary mumbling from the Squip, you could care less what they said. The Squip glitches out and appears next to you. Leaning on your shoulder " This is a hangover, I believe" they mutter. You nod " mhm"
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Nature walk with Squip
Your hands clasped together you and your Squip walk down the long abandoned woodland trail. Nobody uses this trail anymore, so it’s more private. And also more plants. “ That’s” they point upward at a tall thicker tree “ is a red maple tree ” You look up at the leaves and branches off the tree. “You can tell why” You giggle and nod. Bright red leaves. You continue walking down the path. The Squip pointing out every plant that they can see, and listing off traits of them. You stare at them, this is the most excited you have seen them. They light up talking about plants. It makes you smile. “ There’s a lot of small ferns and weeds, that look like small flowers” They glance over at you “ oh! I’m sorry if I’m boring you” they look down, not wanting to make you unhappy. “ Nono! I love it,your really cute ” you squeeze their hand. They beam, “ okay then ” You continue walking the path, every so often you’ll say “ root” so the Squip won’t trip. “ That’s a Pinus resiosa ” You give them a confused glad “ A red pine” they say. You nod. By the end of this trip you’ll have more plant knowlage then you’ll know what to do with.
You crouch down and pick a wildflower. A Bluebell is you remember correctly. Suddenly the Squip smacks your arm “ OW!” You exclaim. The Squip brushes something off your arm “ mosquito” they say. You chuckle and smile. “ Ah” They look at the flower your holding. You hold it up to them “ Bluebell right?” They nod “ right! A very beautiful flower” “ Just like you ” you say, getting on your tiptoes to tuck the flower behind their ear. They delicately touch the flower, then flash you a smile. Their eyes sparkle with delight.
“ Honeysuckle ” they say, picking up a yellow flower. “ Just a sweet as you” They tuck the flow behind your ear before continuing on walking with you. And of course continuing to ramble about the different plants.
They stop you in your tracks. Then point up at the trees “ listen” they whisper. You can hear the birds in the trees, with the occasional little squirrel. “ Wonderful” you whisper. “ Mhm” Sitting in the grass you watch a ladybug crawl up a flower “ You know” Squip begins “ you didn’t have to listen to me ramble ” You look them in the eyes and move your hand on top of theirs “ I love listening to your rambles, I told you” They smile and blush. They flick a spider off your arm.
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livingtheupgrade · 7 years
hi! i love your blog it has cleared my skin, watered my crops, and fed my children. can i plsplspls have a reader-is-reading-squipxreaders-and-squip-catches-her-and-she-gets-embarrassed-and-squip-is-being-a-smug-little-sht-about-it drabble/headcanon/anything?
He'd probably realize pretty quick, being in your brain and all. He would love watching how distressed you get when he finds out. "If this is what you wanted Y/N...all you had to do was ask." he would also never let this down like. It could be months later and he'd still tease you about it.
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