#squints @ this msg . squints @ my design
hinamie · 3 months
lol imagine if Yuuji wears a scarf alongside his cunty boob window fire nation outfit and the civilians go like "wow. is it just me or he looks really familiar"
??? i specifically Didn't give him a boob window in his fire nation fit tho?? bestie his robe is just open..... i admire ur dedication to the bit but th best ur gonna get r deep v necklines . im not giving yuuji a boob window i don't think it suits him
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Laurel Wreaths & Animal Teeth (7)
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(c!Technoblade x fem!Reader)
(I know y’all are getting tired of waiting for Techno to arrive, so am I! But I have no solid control over the story plot lol but I swear it’ll happen soon!! And y’all know the drill! Reblogs and comments keep this story going. So if you want a chapter 8 then please show this chapter some love! <3)
The amazing 'YeetUsFeTUSDelETusss' on DA was so cool and drew two pictures to bless our eyes!!)
Only Tubbo showed up the next day, and he said he sadly couldn’t stay for long because him and Tommy were needed back at L’manburg for a while. Meaning him and Tommy wouldn’t be able to visit for a bit, but they’d try to visit as soon as possible! Hearing they’d not come see you for who knows how long made you pretty sad. You honestly looked forward to when they’d visit. It was honestly the highlight of your day. But you knew whatever nonsense was going on in L’manburg currently would need their attention. Though you wondered what exactly was going on. You recalled a decent amount of the ‘history’ of the Dream SMP but you knew you could be misremembering or even mixing things up. But you did remember the big things that happened. Like the wars and stuff. So needless to say you were concerned.
‘What point in history am I in right now? Whenever it is, L’manburg is apparently still standing,’ you thought pensively before asking Tubbo what was going on that they’d need to stay in L’manburg.
Tubbo sighed and said it was ‘just some drama’ but apparently their, meaning his and Tommy’s, older brother figure Wilbur had been president of L’manburg for the entirety of the time L’manburg had existed. But some new citizens who joined them found out he’d not been properly elected and didn’t think it was fair to everyone that Wilbur had basically just made himself president without any input from everyone else. Which you could see was not right but this information told you that you were in the pre-election time. Which meant Schlatt and Quackity hadn’t won yet… But that hinged on this universe even being the same one that you’d watched on youtube. Things could be different here for all you knew. You’d always believed in the multiverse theory so who was to know WHICH universe this was. Or how you even got here. All you could do really was to just… wait and watch.
A couple hours passed during the short visit and towards the end Tubbo showed you how to message others, ie; him and Tommy mostly. You’d known how to message others and put in commands and stuff in regular minecraft but you’d just sort of never thought to try those things here in this place. Though to be fair you’d been dealing with a lot of stuff so fiddling with your inventory and everything hadn’t been your top priority. And when he’d mentioned messaging him your first thought had been ‘how?’, because this was a ‘real life’ minecraft, where things were very similar but not always exactly like how it was in the real game. The biggest difference being that there was no computer keyboard or ‘screen’ for the type/chat option to be at the bottom of like in the game.
But to your surprise the place to type in a message was actually IN your inventory. More specifically it was at the very bottom of the main section right below where your items were stored in the hot bar. You’d never paid the long ultra thin box at the bottom any mind, assuming it was just part of the weird design. But no, Tubbo showed you with his inventory how if you tap on the thin box (that you’d honestly thought was just a line) it expands into a typing window! Your eyes widened at that and watched as he tapped the typing box again and a little keyboard appeared below the typing box and he started typing something into it. You squinted and he said to message someone you needed to be sure to type ‘/msg’ and then whoever’s name you’d like to send the message to!
He demonstrated this by typing out the first part then right after it typing your ‘name’; aka Reader. Briefly you wondered why it had been made that but you brushed that thought away to focus on what Tubbo was doing. You saw him type ‘hi reader!!’ before hitting Enter. Then a second later you heard a soft ‘ping!’ sound and you just KNEW your inventory was waiting to be pulled up. Like knew in an instinctual sense. Like how you knew to blink or how to walk. Just an instinct you couldn’t explain so you brought it up and there at the bottom the ‘line’ was flashing a pale red. So you did what Tubbo had done and tapped it, revealing the little typing box. Only this time it had a message in it! It said, ‘Tubbo whispers to you: hi reader!!’ and you smile. Excited now you type out a message to him and hit send. He got it and laughed after he read it. 
‘Reader whispered to you: hello my little goat boy!! :)’
After that he blinked when more messages popped onto his text box. These were from Tommy and Wilbur it looked like. With a sigh he checked his clock and dismissed his chat box before saying he was sorry but he had to get going. He’d actually stayed longer than he was supposed to. You were sad to see him go but knew he’d be back, and hey, now you could message him and Tommy to make sure they got back to L’manburg safe instead of just wondering like before. So you told him to be careful on his way back and to message you that he was safe home when he arrived, and also if he needed any help. He laughed and cheekily said he would but gave a shy smile when you pulled him into a hug and gently knocked your antlers with his horns, but he happily returned it. Not so secretly enjoying the affection. But he had to pull back and leave.
That left you to your own devices.
With nothing better to do you initially spent the next three days building a couple fountains in the village (which was getting pretty big..). One tiny frog shaped one in the little grotto at the west side of the village and a much larger more traditional one in the opposite side of the village. You’d even set up park benches, flower plots, lamp posts, and stone sidewalk around the bigger one. It was very pretty and the villagers seemed to be enjoying it. But after that was done you’d sorta gotten bored. You weren’t really inspired to do anything else to the village so you thought of ways to occupy yourself. Eventually a metaphorical lightbulb flickered to life above your head and you got an idea. 
You could go to the Nether! 
Sure you weren’t the biggest fan of the place but it beat sitting around twiddling your thumbs waiting for a reply from your only two friends like some loser. And hey, you liked giving piglins gold. They made cute little piggy snorts when they were happy. So with that loose plan in mind you got up from where you’d been lounging by the creek and brushed yourself off before heading out to the place outside the bamboo and prickle berry wall you’d placed the first Nether portal. You crafted one real quick before tensing up when you heard the sound of rustling behind you. Assuming it was a creeper or something you glanced back, not that it would hurt you but you still found it unsettling for anything to be sneaking up behind you. You caught a brief glimpse of something small and white disappearing into a cluster of ferns. You paused, wondering what it was but then about a block to the left of the ferns a chicken and her chick walked out from around a tree. ‘Oh, must have just been a baby chicken’, you thought with a mental shrug before turning back to your task of lighting the portal with your flint and steel.
Once activated you stepped into the purple swirling mist and your vision warped before you ended up in the Nether again, stifling heat and all. 
You’d been exploring the Nether for what felt like hours. The place was goddamn enormous! You’d followed the same sand block trail from the last time you’d been here, seeing the piglins and a few striders along the way. And to your delight a familiar little piglin baby started following you. She (you think she’s a ‘she’, that’s the vibe you’re getting anyways) had to be the one you’d played with the last time you’d been in the Nether. You crouched down and patted her head and pulled a golden carrot from your inventory before gifting it to her. She squealed happily and munched on it. You kept walking along the sand path before reaching the fortress. That’s when you diverted your path to the right and started exploring that way, careful to keep laying down sand as you did. You thought the baby piglin had stayed back but after a while of walking you heard a soft snort and glanced down to the left of you to see her happily trotting along with you, still nibbling on the golden carrot.
You wanted to melt, she was such a cutie pie. You stopped and asked if she should be travelling so far away. Won’t her parents miss her? She blinks and seems to understand you before shaking her head ‘no’. You figure she must have some pretty lenient parents. But you suppose piglins are sturdier than humans so it makes sense they’d keep their kids on a looser leash than humans would. So you ask her where her parents are and if they’d be okay with her wandering off with you, a stranger. She tilts her head and shrugs. You purse your lips and ask if she can take you to her parents so you can ask if they’d be okay with it. This time she shakes his head no. So you ask her why and she seems to be thinking how to answer before she goes over to the closest block of sand and starts drawing in it. You look over her shoulder and see her drawing three hearts. Then your stomach sinks when you see her draw an ‘X’ over each heart, meaning one thing..
“Oh sweetie, did your parents lose all their lives?” you ask in a gentle tone.
The tiny piglin nodded and your heart broke for her. You asked some more questions and discovered she wasn’t really being taken care of by any one piglin. The other piglins knew her parents were gone so they’d sorta chip in to make sure she had food. But that was really it. This made you feel worse so you just sighed and patted her head and said she could join you while you explored the Nether. She snorted happily and you two continued on your way. Eventually after walking for a bit you came across a warped forest. You had to admit the biome was much prettier in person. The stark contrast between the Nether’s usual red color scheme and the teal of the warped forest was really beautiful. Even the weird little green/orange fungus that were growing everywhere were cute. You even picked a handful to keep, placing them in your inventory before continuing your little jaunt with the baby piglin. 
That last thought made you mentally pause and realize that you couldn’t just keep calling this kid ‘baby piglin’. So you stopped walking and looked down before saying you forgot to introduce yourself. She could call you Reader (since that’s what your little name thing said..). Then you asked what her name was. She blinked before snorting a little, like she was clearing her throat, and said, “Azogamay.” 
You smiled and said you liked her name, making her give a cute little tusked smile. Then as you continued exploring you both made small talk. Nothing deep (how deep could conversation get with a little kid) but you asked each other the usual questions. Like favorite foods, favorite colors, favorite animals, etc. Then Azo (you’d taken to shortening her name to make it easier) answered one of your questions with some gibberish that made you pause. You glanced down at her and gave a ‘huh?’ that made her giggle before apparently remembering you weren’t a piglin. She said she forgot and spoke Piglin. That made you raise your eyebrows because you’d never thought about other species in the game having their own language. But now that you were thinking about it, it totally made sense. Of course they would, duh. Now very curious you asked her to teach you a little! Like did she know how your name would be said in Piglin? Her answer surprised you…
“Eaderray!” she said in her quiet baby voice.
Now you two had entered a wide soul sand valley, which made Azo anxious. She hid behind your leg, making you recall that Piglins didn’t really spawn in this biome or like soul fire (which is super common here). You had to admit the place was rather creepy. It didn’t help that the soul sand beneath your feet was emitting a rather creepy whispery wail. So you decided to turn back and try another direction. Azo seemed relieved and trotted along behind you. But once you were walking again you remembered your last thought and had a vague feeling about this ‘piglin speak’ and wanted to hear more. So you asked Azo some other words, just to test this theory of yours. And well…
Skeleton? Eletonskay…
Blaze? Azeblay…
Strider? Iderstray…
Lava? Avalay...
Gold? ...Oldgay (that may have made you snicker).
But you got the idea and honestly you cannot be held accountable for your reaction after you realized Piglins honest to fucking god spoke PIG LATIN.
You lost it. You laughed so hard you doubled over and had to brace your hands on your knees to keep from collapsing onto the ground. Azo didn’t know what was so funny but your laughter was contagious and she ended up laughing too, intermixed with little snorts that made you laugh even harder. It was a whole cycle. And by the end of it you’d laughed so hard you started coughing and had to sit down to catch your breath. The giggles returned a couple times but eventually you got control over yourself enough to be able to breathe normally again. As you sat there, little Azo looking up at you in amusement, you couldn’t believe the absolute batshit nonsense that was happening in your life right now. But out of everything that had happened, you think finding out Piglins spoke pig latin had to be the funniest. Though you wanted to test your theory further so you said to Azo,
“Ellohay Azogamay, isyay isthay ightray?”
Azo’s eyes brightened and she perked up, looking close to bouncing from excitement as she realized you were speaking ‘Piglin’ to her. She started babbling at the speed of light, in a way that all excited toddlers seemed to be able to do. While it was cute enough to pull a chuckle from you the downside was that you could not understand a single word Azo said. You got her to slow down, telling her you didn’t speak Piglin fluently so she would have to go slow with you otherwise you’d be lost. She nodded, just happy that you could understand Piglin. So she slowed down a lot and chatted with you that way. And that’s pretty much how the rest of your time in the Nether went. You traversed through the hellish dimension and brushed up on your pig latin with the little piglin. 
It has definitely been a LONG time since you’d even thought about the made up ‘language’. You’d had a friend in elementary school who had been Obsessed with it. It was all they spoke sometimes and they’d talked it up so much that it caught on with the rest of the class, yourself included, and soon everyone was using it to write notes to each other, like a secret language. You’d even speak to each other only in pig latin during recess and lunch breaks. You’d been fluent in it and didn’t even have to think before speaking. Though after a year it had lost its popularity and everyone slowly stopped using it since the fad was over. But you still remembered a good deal of it. Enough to speak it slowly anyways. But the more you used it the easier it was to speak it. It was like riding a bike you supposed, you never truly forgot it.
Things were going fine until they weren’t. You’d stopped to have lunch in a crimson forest, more for Azo’s benefit than your own, and were sitting and eating for a while before Azo started playing with a baby hoglin. Which had been fine, you’d seen baby piglins and hoglins do that in the game before, no biggie. But they’d gotten rambunctious the way kids do when they’re playing together. And while chasing each other around Azo had smacked into one of the adult hoglins, which had pissed it off enough for it to snarl angrily and start chasing Azo. And Azo in turn began squealing in fear while running away. You’d dropped the steak you’d been idly munching on and sprinted after the two. Sadly the hoglin was closer to Azo than you and managed to get one good hit in with its tusks, the force behind it practically yeeting Azo up into the air. You yelled in horror as you watched the baby piglin fall down into a lava filled ravine. 
Panic flooded your body, you knew zombie piglins were fireproof but regular piglins were not as far as you knew. Let alone baby piglins who just took a direct hit from a damn hoglin. So without thinking about it you dove into the ravine after Azo, catching her in your arms and fully planning to hold her up above the lava since it wouldn’t hurt you. Once she was in your arms you jerked back instinctively, not sure why, just maybe bracing for the impact with the lava. You waited but… nothing. About that second you realized that you weren’t moving anymore. You’d come to a halt and at first you wondered if maybe you’d landed on a block and not noticed. But… one glance down revealed you were not in fact standing on a block. Actually you weren’t standing on anything. You were hovering about 3 or 4 blocks above the bubbling lava at the bottom of the ravine. You were so stunned that you almost missed the sniffling snorts that started up next to your face but thankfully they broke you out of your shocked state. You looked at Azo and your heart broke when you saw her tearing up and looking close to crying. Forgetting momentarily about whatever the fuck was going on with you floating you focused on soothing her.
“Aw sweetie, are you okay? You took a hit from that hoglin, where does it hurt?” you cooed.
She was babbling mostly, being too upset to try to speak English. And understanding crying pig latin was almost impossible. So you just asked her to point where it hurt. She reached for her back and side and you softly told her you were going to lift her shirt a little bit to see if there was a mark, and she nodded shakily and sniffled while you did. You winced at the blooming bruise and adjusted her so you were basically cradling her and with your free hand you opened your inventory and started looking through the potions. You grabbed a healing potion and uncorked it before offering it to Azo, whose snout wrinkled at the potion. You told her it was alright, it was a healing potion that would make her feel better and get rid of those bruises for her. She looked unsure but still let you raise the mouth of the potion bottle to her lips so she could sip it. She took a few sips before hiccuping, potion swirls wafting off of her after she did. The baby piglin blinked and felt the pain in her back and side start to disappear. 
You smiled and said that must feel better, Azo nodded and was happy she wasn’t hurting anymore. You let her take one more sip for good measure before putting the cork back into the bottle and stashing it in your inventory. But once that was done you were reminded of your current predicament. You were still floating in place above a ravine of lava.. With zero clue on how to move too. Briefly you internally panicked at the thought of just.. never being able to move again!! Being stuck fixed in one spot forever with no way to get down or live freely! Though before you could panic further you took a deep breath and told yourself to relax. This wasn’t permanent, it couldn’t be. There logically has to be a way for you to move. You got yourself stuck here and you’ll get yourself down as well.
And the last thing you wanted was to look scared with Azo here with you. She was just a little kid and needed the only adult around to be strong for her. So you put on a smile and reassured her that things will be okay and you’ll figure out how to get them both safe on land in no time. Azo nodded, looking less worried than before. So you started trying things you think would get you to move. You could move your limbs no problem. Proven by how you could move Azo around with your arms and kick your legs about without issue. But your body as a whole was still locked in place. Though when you leaned your upper body to the left you hit a breakthrough! Tilting your torso to the left managed to move your whole body to the left by about a block and a half! Now onto the right path you started leaning your torso this way and that, figuring out what movements actually got you moving and which ones didn’t. Figuring out how to move side to side and forwards and back was pretty easy. But it was figuring out up and down that was tricky. 
At the moment going down was the last thing you were interested in, what with the lava beneath you. So you tried focusing on going up, and after a lot more wiggling about that you were sure made you look like an idiot to anyone who could be watching (Azo only giggled a little) you finally figured out that to go up you had to tense and stretch your torso a specific way. Like exactly how you would do if you were trying to reach something on the top shelf, only you didn’t have to move your arms or legs the same way, just your torso. Like how people straighten themselves to seem taller, not slouching at all. After getting that down you manage to go up and then over out of the ravine. Which was a relief and a half. Now that the threat of sinking into lava wasn’t a worry you instead fixated on getting down. Thanks to figuring out how to get up you had an easier time getting the hang of getting down.
Once your feet touched the ground the floating thing disappeared and gravity was restored to you, making you able to walk around normally again. You gave a small cheer, Azo snorting happily as you carried her back to your spot on one of the crimson mushroom tree tops. Once seated you let out a breath and felt your shoulders relax. You hadn’t even been aware they’d been so tense, but you guess it made sense what with how you just sorta had a weird physics related mishap. But now that you and little Azo were safe you felt like you could breathe again. 
You took a golden apple out of your inventory and took a bite, the sweet juice soothing your metaphorical ruffled feathers. You noticed you mostly just eat for the taste now. Which was fine you guessed. When you glanced down you held the apple close to Azo’s face, asking in semi-good piglin if she wanted a bite, chuckling when she eagerly sunk her little teeth into the sweet fruity flesh of it. You gave her the rest and just watched the other Nether inhabitants mill about peacefully. Today had been a wild ride for sure. At least compared to your usual peaceful days. You leaned back against the lump of red fungus behind you, Azo cradled in your arms, and sighed calmly. You’d been ready to rest your eyes when you heard a soft ‘ping!’ that had you blinking back into focus. It was your communicator app thing. Thinking it was just Tubbo messaging you to say goodnight or something you casually opened the message. But when you did you raised an eyebrow at the note from your kid.
‘Tubbo whispers to you: the election is tomorrow afternoon, can you come? 
‘Tubbo whispers to you: i’ve got a bad feeling.. i’m not trying to pull you into our mess’
‘Tubbo whispers to you: but idk i’d feel better if you were there.’
You had a bad feeling too… You hoped what you likely knew was going to happen DIDN’T happen but.. it probably was. So you sent back a quick reply to Tubbo.
‘You whisper to Tubbo: of course I will! you can show me around your home! :)
You tried to keep your reply upbeat and happy, not wanting to feed into the teenager’s worry. Even though you were probably more worried now that he was. But regardless.
It looked like you were visiting L’manburg.
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Title: Gemini Flanagan {Three Shot}***
Chris Evans x Reader
**DO NOT READ @ WORK. If you do take caution**
Words: 2.9k
Summary: NOPE!
Note: Day 1 of Lee’s Valentine’s Extravaganza!!!!!
**Loosley Edited/Proofread**
{Part One}
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“Gemini Flanagan. Look the FUCK out! Gemini Flanagan. That’s a great name. God damn.” He laughs while shaking his hands beside him. You could tell he was really enjoying this interview. By the look on his face, you knew just where his mind was right now.
“He’d probably be good at a lot of things, Lynn. He’s cleaning’ up at those awards.” His laugh was adorable and sexy at the same time. Only Chris could get away with that combination. You bit your bottom lip and just sighed. You missed him. You revered and looked at the clip again, your belly did backflips as your mind went nowhere and everywhere sinful.
 “Gemini Flanagan huh.”
 You took out your phone and sent him a message.
 MSG: Gemini.
 A few minutes went by with no response. Then your phone fired off.
 MSG Chris: Oh god. You’ve seen it.
MSG: Seen what?
MSG Chris: the interview.
MSG: I saw a clip. I have to say it suits you.
MSG Chris: 😏 oh does it now?
MSG: Makes me wonder just what things he’s good at.
MSG Chris: God you’re killing me. You enjoy it don’t you?
You laughed and sent the shrugging emoji and went back to work. This house wasn’t going to design itself. For the next few hours, you and your team busied yourselves designing your latest project, a mansion of one of the A-listers. You worked tirelessly trying to put the finishing touches on the house you’d planned to be finished with this evening.
 Though you were busy, you couldn’t stop thinking about Chris and how sexy he was as he said, “look the fuck out”. That one part should not have turned you on as much as it did, but it had. Now that you’d seen and heard it you couldn’t forget it. By the time you were done for the night with the job done you were pleased the owners approved of the finished product. Once the business portion of your day was finished you made your way home.
 After a shower, you relaxed with a bottle of wine and some fruit. When you heard the door open and close you straightened and allowed your excitement to unfurl. The butterflies in your stomach were going crazy and you had to fight every urge to get up and run to him and leap into his arms. Instead, you remained where you were in the living room on the chaise you usually fell asleep in. Your legs were stretched out.
 “Gemini Flanagan is here baby, look the fuck out!” Chris walked into the living room in something that was a staple in his closet, a Henley shirt and a pair of dockers. The look on his face was a dubious one, one that said he was hungry.
 “Did you miss me, baby?”
 “Baby? I think you have the wrong girl, Mr. Flanagan.” Chris arched a bow. “My name is Lucky--,” you began before Chris interrupted.
 “Bush.” You smiled then bit your bottom lip. He knew the name of your first pet and the street you grew up on. “Well Lucky Bush, we’re both here—alone--,” he let hang in the air.
 “So we are. Quite alone.” You crossed your stretched-out legs and noticed his eyes fall to them. Deciding to play it up you rubbed your black thigh high stockinged limbs together thanking God you’d just gotten waxed the day before.
 “Maybe you should come a little closer, Gemini. I don’t bite.” Chris walked closer to you like a real predator. You could see his tattoos peeking you from underneath that tempting Henley. “Unless you ask me really, really nicely,” you finished and bit your bottom lip for emphasis. Before he reached you, he stopped a few feet away.
 “I don’t know. I have a girlfriend, who I love with everything in me. Not sure me coming closer is a good idea.”
 It was a great answer. An answer that deserved a reward—the best fuck he’d had in weeks. You lifted onto your knees, crawled to the end of the chaise and spread the open material of your charmeuse robe and gave him the full view. In prep for his return, you put on one of the many pieces of lingerie you’d bought over the years. Tonight’s was a new piece, a daring one at that.
 Placing your hands on your hips you immediately recognized the look. His jaws were clenched, eyes intensely focusing on the choice of skin. Slowly they raked over your flesh, first stopping at your partially exposed and perched nipples, then moving further down to stop at the many straps that hugged your waist and hips. When his eyes finally fell to your crotchless panties you knew you had him.
 “Jesus Christ.” It was strangled and gave away the pain he was in.
 “Are you sure? I have a boyfriend too and he’s my world, but—it’s one night and what they don’t know--,” you left hanging, allowing the words to float between you as you let the robe fall from you.
 Chris groaned the groan of a tortured man but still, he didn’t move. You smirked and turned to face your back to him. Like clockwork, his eyes dropped to your strapped up and exposed ass. Taking a peek back, you smirked and slowly crawled back to where you were sitting minutes before all the while accentuating every move with a tempting sway of your hips to the right, then the left.
 “Fuck!” With that, you sat back down and slowly spread your legs giving him a view he hadn’t seen in weeks.
 “One night with Lucky Bush and Gemini Flanagan. The possibilities are endless,” you said in your best a seductive voice, resting your hands on your knees.
 Chris closed the space between you, kneeled on the chaise and leaned to you claiming your lips as his. He tasted like home and you’d missed everything about him. The kiss didn’t take long to turn hot and passionate. Your moans melded together, and his hands gripped both sides of your waist. Chris firmly held onto you as he expertly kissed you, stealing the breath from your lungs.
 When he pulled his lips away in seconds they were on your jaw, then your collar before he cupped both your breasts. The scalloped floral lace pattern only allowed your nipples to peek through just a little but that was all he needed. Chris used his thumbs to trace circles around your areolas before he flicked your already hardened nipples. A breathy gasp escaped as you watched his every move. He lowered his head to your nipple but before he could give you what they wanted he paused and stared in your eyes.
 “You know I couldn’t really do this to you right?” you smiled at his sweetness. He wanted to assure you that he wasn’t a douchbag that would cheat on you for any reason.
 “I know.” A devilish glint sparked in his eyes then he finally gave you what you wanted. Arching back, you closed your eyes and enjoyed him sucking, licking, nibbling and teasing your breasts. You’d always known he had magic lips and he loved proving it to you every chance he got. He moaned and bit down on your tender flesh making you hug his head to you.
 “Oh God,” you whispered.
 “Not God,” Chris added trailing kissed down the center of your body, and across your stomach. He pressed your legs further back onto the chaise completely revealing you to his eyes. Locking eyes with you he quirked his lip up then spoke. “Gemini Flanagan.”
 Chris lowered his mouth to your sex and set the pace from the beginning, sucking your clit into his mouth and eagerly slurping against your already wet core. Upon impact, you hissed and locked your thighs around his head. He wasn’t having it though, he pried them open and held them right where he wanted them—spread open. Chris’ lips moved frantically across your skin and when he slurped and shook his head you lost it.
 “Fuck, Gemini!”
 Your hands buried in his luscious locks of their own accord and pressed his mouth onto you keeping him where you wanted. Your hips bucked against him and felt the first sparks of a fire he was quickly kindling, and you knew it was a matter of seconds before it flamed out of control for even him.
 “Ah, yes, yes, right there. Oh my god, I’m gonna come,” you announced. Chris mumbled on your pussy and that sensation only made your release that much more intense. Your body shook and as your hands flew back to grip the back of the chaise where your head rested. You held on tight needing some stabilizing force to keep you from lifting into the air.
 After what felt like an eternity you opened your eyes to see him kneeling before you lifting off his shirt. Though he wasn’t in Captain America shape anymore, he still kept most of his muscle mass and lean definition. Chris grinned while licking his lips.
 “Pineapple, cherries and mango, yum.” He arched a brow and squinted his eyes. The look gave off pure, unadulterated big dick energy. Moaning you slid to him and quickly began undoing his pants. Your hands move so quickly that the way you flicked open his belt sent the tip smacking you in the face.
 “Someone’s hungry for this dick.” Yanking down his pants and underwear at the same time you peeped up to him with just your eyes.
 “Famished.” You looked down to his length that was bobbing between you and moistened your lips all in prep to show him just how hungry for dick you were.
 Once your mouth was wrapped around him you wasted no time guiding his tip to the back of your throat. Chris let out a loud groan that stretched out for several seconds. You felt his hands lace behind your head and in the most loving embrace. As you pleased him his moans became louder and louder. You didn’t doubt that he could be heard in the forest that backed your house. You attached your hands to his shaft and worked them in unison with your mouth occasionally twisting them in different directions. Every time you did his grip tightened as he sent even more of his hardness down your throat.
 After only a few minutes he held your cheeks keeping your head still and plowed his hips. You could see the unriddled desire in his eyes and also saw that he wanted to lose control. You moaned and relaxed your throat taking him even further. His body shook just before he pulled back and stroked his dick.
 “Mmm, that mouth of yours is sinful Lucky Bush.”
 “There is another part of me that is sinful Gemini. Would you care to sample it?” You turned your back to him again and poked out your ass. When you felt his hand drop to it with a loud slap you moaned and bit your bottom lip. A new rush of wetness settled at your core making you want him even more.
 “Fuck!” Your voice was a surprised croak.
 “You like that? You like when daddy slaps your ass?”
 You nodded your head as he slapped it again, this one was a bit harder.
 “I can’t hear you. I know those lips are good at sucking but lemme hear you.”
 “Yes, baby I like it,” you responded then groaned from the third slap.
 “Yes who?” Your eyes met and again that devilish smirk returned.
 “Yes Gemini, I fucking love it.” He slapped you once, then twice and rubbed his dick through your wet folds. Each pass of his flesh had goosebumps rippling over your body. You held your breath in anticipation of his intrusion, but it never came. You were getting anxious. You tried to nudge back to take him into you but every attempt you made he evaded.
 Chris slapped your ass again but not with his hand. The heaviness of his dick on top of your ass cheek made you moan.
 “Shake it for me.” It was an order that was emphasized by another “thwack” of his dick.
 Thinking of your twerk playlist you shook your ass from side to side then bounced up and down sending his dick up only to drop back down onto you. Every heavy smack made you wetter. Chris looped his fingers through the straps of the panties and just stood there while you continued to shake your ass for him. You knew the second it became too much, the second he’d reached his limit. His hands tightened on the straps and positioned you just the way he wanted then snapped his hips forward burying himself to the hilt in your sopping pleasure trove. You screeched out and gripped the chaise trying your best not to fall.
 “Fuck yeah!” He didn’t slow down, not one bit. Every few seconds his hips thrust into you sending shiver after shiver through your body.
 “Oh, fuck yes baby. Fuck me Gemini!”
 As if that was the permission he needed Chris pounding into you with reckless abandon. You could barely catch your breath every time he withdrew before he was again stealing it by trying to split you in half. Chris grunted and groaned behind letting you know just how lucky your bush was.
 “Mmm, whose is it?” His voice was rough and deep. When you didn’t answer after the third thrust he changed his angle and depth and brutally rammed into you making you scream.
 “Whose lucky bush is this?”
 “Yours!” Gritting your teeth, the words barely made it out. It wasn’t enough for him. He pummeled you again pulling yet another scream from you.
 Chris jackhammered into you surprising you with the sheer power his body held. You knew you were about to fall apart, and he knew it too. Chris pressed his hand into the back of your head sending your face down to the chaise, so your ass was the only thing in the air. The new angle had you seeing stars, rainbows, unicorns, and sparkles.
 “Fuck right it’s Gemini’s. This pussy is Gemini’s. This ass is Gemini’s. You’re fucking mine!”
 You didn’t care how loud you were screaming, didn’t care about anything but what you knew was going to be a killer orgasm. Chris slammed into you once then circled his hips and stroked your g-spot. That was the hammer that broke the dam. You clamped around him and screamed and let go of everything including any shame or embarrassment. You didn’t know what was coming out your mouth, you’d lost control of it all. Chris grunted and pulled you back onto him trying to bury even deeper as he filled you up. Each spurt of his love only sent you higher and higher until you were soaring above the Earth itself and into the next galaxy. 
When your bodies stopped shaking Chris was lying behind you on the chaise with one of his lanky legs draped over yours. He was still sheathed in your heat. You could feel that he was not done. He kissed your ear then your neck.
 “Mmmm. Jesus. That was incredible,” you hoarsely whispered. His smile could be felt on your skin.
 “I told you, Gemini Flanagan’s probably good at a lot of things.” You busted out laughing then turned your body to face him. Chris groaned as he slipped from you and gazed into your eyes.
 “Maybe you should bring him out to play more often,” you suggested. His smile was wide.
 “Oh, you like Gemini huh.”
 “I love Christopher Robert Evans.” You softly kissed him twice, each time adding a little bit more tongue. He moaned and gently caressed your back down to your ass. His hands felt so good on you, you loved when he touched you. “Gemini—eh, he’s all right,” you added.
 Chris snorted. “Oh whatever; says the one who was incoherently babbling as if they were a mute.” You giggled knowing he was damn right. Chris imitated what you’d sounded like while rolling his eyes to the back of his head.
 “Oh my god, stop it.” You playfully slapped his chest while you giggled.
 “Oh my god I’ve heard plenty of times. Stop, is a first.” You smiled then rolled onto him and slowly slid onto his length. Chris arched back and groaned letting his hands fly to your hips. You stifled a moan wanting to show him that you controlled him. he was yours.
 “Jesus, Lucky Bush is—just as incredible,” another grunt escaped him before he moaned. His mouth fell open as he watched you slowly wine against him.
 “God baby,” Chris whispered squeezing your hips. You laid across him and went to his ear.
 “Is Gemini up for round two or do you want Lucky Bush to do all the work?” Chris crashed his lips to yours and kissed you with an urgency that had a taste of seduction.
 “I think Lucky Bush better show me how she got that name.” You smiled and rose up accepting the challenge.
 You knew this was not the last you’d seen of Gemini Flanagan and you couldn’t wait till he made his reemergence. 
Tag List:
@airis-paris14 @thiccdaddy-mbaku @wakandas-vibranium @wakanda-inspired @theunsweetenedtruth @ashanti-notthesinger @reignsxjackson @halfrican-heat @ambthegamer @simplyyamberr @mejustme06  @ilcb7 @leahnicole1219  @destinio1 @maliadestiny @drsunshine97 @blowmymbackout @purplehairgawdess @thehuntoyobun @wakandamama @wakandawinning @profilia @zxddy-panther @h-challa @babygirlofwakanda @misswakanda2018 @ororowrites@hutchj @myfavemarvelfanfics @lavitabella87 @afraiddreamingandloving @autumn242 @purple-apricots @skysynclair19 @hersheyskissesss-blog @blue-ishx @90sinspiredgirl @tchallaswife @tchallamakesmeh0lla @turn-thy-paige @blackchickfics @blackpantherismyish @inlovewithmakeupcomicsanimelove @naturally-bri @flawlesslybeautiful14 @qweentbh @lunaerly @theoutereffect@twilight-sapphire-lover @pupyluv247 @stark-red19 @cockyboysandsugarism@maverickabull @madbadsiren @aykanna @myaw731 @ruruly20 @mixedmelanin @brittyevans @bezzywazhere @laketaj24  @soulsparker @theresnomoregoodones @syreanne @heybriheyyy @wakanda-bcth @uhlxis  @maliadestiny @dadinhas-heat @yaachtynoboat711 @geeksareunique @bultalongthewayside @ajspencer1892 @captiansaveasmut @imaginewhoever @terrablaze514 @starsshines-blog @scrumptiouslytenaciouscrusade @darkandlovely94 @sithlordslut @wavyyc @naturalistamisslyn @nigarachi15 @madamslayyy @blackandfair @kreolemami @mylastnameisthe-fish @kaykay0829 @chaneajoyyy @tequilajay27 @blacklotus-of-the-black-kingdom @slimmiyagi @im5ftbutmythroat66 @jaeee-http@madhatterhelsing @sunflowerpsalms @wakanda-shit-is-that @deliciousstreetkidcroissant @jecourt @vebner37 @disneysdarlingdiva @melaninmarvel @alanastormborn @dolphinpink310 @yourwonderbelle  @ohleucothea @queentearra @bitchbetterhavemydinner @fentybabyy @kaykay4454fan @priya212 @kitkit1690 @chrismarcs @beautycomesindifferentformsworld @blackpantherimagines @ovohanna24 @sweetpeachjones @kslo000 @nubian-queen18 @omgsuperstarg  @mejustme06 @ilcb7 @leahnicole1219 @destinio1 @drsunshine97 @blue-ishx @inlovewithmakeupcomicsanimelove @prettyprincessushio @treeondrea  @ursapharoh05  @blackpinup22 @kaytauru @big3gocandykahn @kissingpineapples @wildaboutchrisevans   @fitfineandstayingalive @misspooh @michele-onel @gorjiss @blacklotus-of-the-black-kingdom @muva-milaje @limbo-limbo-limbo @awkwardlyabstract @blxck-brxndie  @meeky-imagines @inlovewith3 @metalarmlover @mellowjellow6 @scrumptiouslytenaciouscrusade @thatrandomhetaliachick @missdeerstalker15 @ursapharoh05 @treeondrea @ovohanna24 @marvelheaux @romanceoftheeveryday @mufasathatniggatho @cltex84 @sweetbearcolorgarden @msincognito67 @mosagram @lunaerly @mar-ta-3 @ljstraightnochaser @lewatigress @akimi-youngblood @bekahdean87 @jasmindaughteroftheworld @cocooned-butterfly @emoniclark22 @chereedrop619 @theblulife @niggarachi15 @drsunshine97 @msincognito67 @missdeerstalker15 @wakandamama  @avenger-marvel-fan @arieljamiyla @vibranium-soul @monae-boss @queenxchallaxkillamonger@amirra88 @jaeee-http @omg-itsnadi @fonville-designs @sydneebleu @cherrystainedlipsbaby @behindthesehazeleyes27 @areubeingserved @kelbabyblue @academic-glowup  @patzammit @yourwonderbelle @pennywisesmistress @squeackygee @noramushrooms @titty-teetee @ab-baybay @kreolemami @impossiblegiantrebelbasketball @dangerouslovefanfic @heladoom @renesmeeharelds @zaddysqueen7 @alyxkbrl @hello-therree @taylorveebee @a-dizzle777 @deidrashouseofpain @coldmuffinbanditshoe  @evemej  @chaselovinggert @ben-wyxtt @designerwriterchic @chrisgalore @jennmurawski13 @rynabarnesrogers @yunggyeezyy @kemkem101 @dearkyrainez @minton131@momobaby227 @jesseswartzwelder @briellableu @browneyes9125 @mjey12 @magdelen69 @hannahholland1811 @lo-cheu @cocooned-butterfly @firstangeldragonranch  @jovanaprime @kemkem101 @gladiatrix14 @soapjay  
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district2001 · 4 years
The Ring that bounds us together
PAIRING: SVT (Mainly Wonwoo) x 14th Member (female)
GENRE: Domestic SVT?
WORDS: 1.5k
Summary: Wonwoo lost his SVT ring and Y/N decides to be a useful maknae, for once
A/N: Took me a while but I’m back. Thought lockdon was the best time to start writing again. But this time about SVT, cos i have become a massive carat since i left. Please also lemme know if u hv any requests. Xx
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Ok. So one thing Y/N hated was a mess. Sure she could handle a spill here and there, some clothes on the designated chair, and even could tolerate 2 day old food still on the kitchen bench. But what she couldn’t stand was not seeing the floor of her living room.
The culprit. The one and only Jeon Wonwoo. The only person who chooses to sleep in the living room so that their dorm could have a gaming café set up in his room. Questionable? Very. But Coups and him made it work, so no one ever complained about having a bed in the middle of their shared living space.
Until today, where Y/N had come from her daily coffee run to find Wonwoo, shirtless with a towel around his waist, flinging clothes out of his cupboard, throwing his somewhat folded clothes into a sea of mess.
“What?” Wonwoo didn’t even bother giving Y/N any eye contact as he continued emptying his closet like his life depended on it.
“What are you doing?”
Wonwoo didn’t even bother replying this time, instead moving over to the neighbouring cupboard to ransack it instead.
Grabbing the hair tie from her left arm, Y/N quickly placed her hair in a high pony-tail. “Mingyu Oppa won’t be very happy to come back and see this mess. Remember last time with Seokmin Oppa didn’t pack up the pillows after making that fort?”
Nothing. No Response.
Y/N shook her head, something was indeed troubling her friend. So much so, that he wasn’t giving the maknae the time of day.
If Wonwoo wasn’t going to reply to her and show her respect, she would do the same thing back. Passively of course. She wasn’t evil.
“Wonwoo-ya, do you want some help, doing whatever you’re doing?” Y/N would be OFFENDED if she didn’t get a response, but she knew better than to constantly try to get attention when it clearly wouldn’t be given. Although she was very curious to figure out the cause of this weird cleaning phase.
Luckily for her, not showing respect to her elders always guaranteed in her being called out for it. And today was no different.
“Firstly, it’s Oppa. I’m older than you. Here in SK we show respect to our elders. So add that suffix to my name.”
Y/N dramatically rolled her eyes, something which was clearly Jeonghan’s influence. Nevertheless, she sighed, signalling with her hands for Wonwoo to answer her question.
“I went to have a shower, then realised I didn’t have my ring on,” looking at Y/N from the corner of his eyes, through his glasses.
Y/N clearly didn’t see the issue. “Just tell our designers you lost the ring. Problem solved.”
Clicking her heels together, she started walking towards her room. Shouting “Clean up the mess before Mingyu sees. He’ll be more mad then our team.”
She chuckled before adding, “and he’s cooking us dinner so don’t make him mad. I’m looking forward to taco Tuesday.”
“I lost our team ring.” Wonwoo aggressively whispered.
Y/N stopped right before entering her room.
Lost the SVT ring. The one just given a couple months ago. Had she expected this from the members, not really. Had she expected it from Wonwoo, definitely not. Mingyu and Jun, possibly. Maybe. She still didn’t know how they had managed to keep there’s this entire time.
Y/n quickly walked back towards the mountain of clothes, just narrowly avoiding stepping on a leather jacket with metal spikes.
“What do you mean you lost it?”
“I don’t know. I went to go shower, and I realised it wasn’t there.”
“When’s the last time you realised it was on your finger? Did you hear a clanging sound anytime during the day? Did you post a picture today? Could it have been on your finger when you did?”
Y/N started bombarding Wonwoo with questions, something she had learned from watching far too many episodes of Criminal Minds.
Although the case this time didn’t have to do with a murder, but instead a very valuable ring.
“Umm no idea. Am I meant to? Uhhh… what was the last one?”
Y/N rolled her eyes.
“Have you asked the others?,” Y/N asked, despite knowing the answer.
“NO!” No member would admit to losing the ring, or years of jokes would be brought upon them.
She was sure that Wonwoo wouldn’t have told her, if he wasn’t in such a frazzled state.
Plus, she too had misplaced her ring for a day, opting to wear gloves so that none of her band-mates would catch her. Luckily, she found it between her bedsheets.
“Ok. Ok. Hmmmm. I’ll recheck the lounge, you go to the bathroom or wherever you’ve been in this apartment.”
Wonwoo trudged off, silently obeying the younger one.
The duo spent a good 2 hrs ransacking their dorm, trying to find the missing ring.
“Bro this is harder than finding a needle in a haystack… bro we should make a new saying,” Y/N groaned, falling back onto Wonwoo’s bed.
Wonwoo flopped beside her.
“You’re gonna get absolutely roasted by everyone. And I make no promises that I won’t join in”
“They won’t find out I lost it.”
“And how’s that? I might be an annoying maknae and tell them” Y/N smiled smugly.
“Well, for starters I could tell them that you’ve secretly been eating chips despite being diet buddies with Jeonghan”
“Pshhh. That’s nothing. Jihoon Oppa legit joined me last night. We ate his secret stash of snakes”
“Fine. I’ll tell them that you lost your ring aswell.”
“No I didn’t”
“Yes you did.”
“When did I? Have you noticed me not wear the ring? Don’t li-?”
“Firstly, you rattle on when you’re nervous.’ Y/N shut her mouth, before she could make her mistake more obvious, allowing Wonwoo to keep talking.
“Don’t think I didn’t notice you wearing gloves to practise. And ONLY on your left hand.”
“W-Wh-What?” Y/N Stuttered. Not sure if admitting her mistake or continuing to lie would be her best option.
She chose the former. “I’ll keep quiet about you, and you keep quiet about me.”
Wonwoo grabbed his gloves from the mountain of clothes, and quickly slipped them on his hands.
“Look’s like we got ourselves a deal.”
The mood quickly sombered up when Wonwoo did a deep sigh and asked.
“What actually happens if I’ve lost my ring?”
“You get a new one?”
“No. But like…”
He trailed off to collect this thoughts.
“Would I get in trouble?”
“I mean Pledis might be a bit pissed off cos they need to spend money on another ring. But I’m sure they’ll do it without a doubt. It’s our brand.”
“No not pledis. I don’t give a flying shit about them. I meant the others.”
“Who the members.” Wonwoo nods his head in confirmation.
Y/N leans her head against the crook of his neck, “You’ll get bagged for it. But they won’t take it too seriously.”
“But the rings a symbol of our friendship and trust.” Trust Wonwoo to go all literature on her.
“Exactly. A symbol.”
Wonwoo looked at Y/N, clearly not understanding the connection.
Y/N smiled, finally outsmarting the group’s so-called genius.
“It’s a symbol. Not the real thing. Think of the Jjapaguri in ‘Parasite.’ It’s a mix of aspects of poor and rich, but even if it wasn’t included, the characters would be struggling to act rich.” Y/n finished proudly.
“If you’re going to talk nonsense, at least talk to someone who believes you. Like Chan. He believes the chicken comes before the egg. Idiot.”
Y/N jumped up. “Well, if I’m such an idiot, you can deal with this ring situation all by yourself.”
“Wait no.” Wonwoo quickly sat up on his bed. “You’re a genius. Brilliant. Smartest member.”
He tilted his head, “Happy?”
“Very” Y/N replied.
“Can you make some ramen when I chuck my clothes back in the drawers?”
“Fine. We can fill their stomachs up so they don’t ask too many questions?” Y/N held out her hand and dragged Wonwoo up.
20 minutes later, a living room where the floor was visible and 10 portions of msg-filled ramen was placed on the table, to greet their 5 other roommates.
Soon the door banged open, and numerous sweaty man-childs came tumbling in.
“Wonwoo you absolute idiot. We’re never gonna forget this” Seokmin said happily.
Hoshi stepped out behind him, proudly holding up his pinky.
“Soonyoung, don’t you have your own dorm to-”
Wonwoo squinted. On the Performance leaders left pinky were 2 silver rings.
Wonwoo would only sheepishly smile, while pointing behind him.
“Hey, I cleaned the living room.”
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waterloou · 5 years
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HELLO ALL!!! Welcome to yet another OC EXTRAVAGANZA SATURDAY!!!! Your love for everyone’s ocs has been so heartwarming and it’s so lovely to see everyone churn out so much content!!!
Here’s a link to a masterlist of the past few months of oc Saturday to check out some hella rad ocs!
Oc Extravaganza Masterlist
Also know that you are free to submit your own oc or other ocs anytime through my inbox or dms! A lot of ocs have been submitted in both ways!
If y’all ever need to chat about your ocs, need help developing them, need help with an fc, etc, my msgs are always open!
Below are five ocs featured this week, along with most links to the works about them.
Gemini created by @humangrumpycat
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Character Moodboard
Mythology Moodboard
Spades pops up from behind the counter.
‘I got your order!’ she chants, holding up two boxes of brownies.
Spades grins, reaching over the counter, his hands making a grabbing motion to the boxes.
‘Well, part of your order,’ she adds. ‘Emilio thought it’d be fun to make flour bombs and I ran out.’
Spades chuckles, kneeling down to put the brownies away.
‘It’s not funny,’ she scolds, flicking him on the forehead.
‘It’s flour bombs,’ Spades laughs as he rubs his fingers on the sore spot.
‘I’ve done worse. Hell, you’ve done worse.’
‘Which he can’t know about,’ she stresses, followed by Spades pretending to zip his mouth.
‘But he did hit a couple of Northsiders, so I’ll let it be,’ she continues, causing Spades to laugh.
‘Any good ones?’ he asks.
‘I think one or two were from the fight back in March,’ Gemini replies. ‘Not the ginger one, though.’
‘Is one of those guys the one with the-‘ Spades says as he puckers his lips.
‘No,’ Gemini answers, holding back a smile.
‘Shit, that would’ve been fun,’ Spades mutters.
‘That’s not nice, Spades,’ she taunts.
‘Neither is setting our bikes on fire,’ he grumbles. ‘Didn’t stop him.’
Gemini opens her mouth but stops when Spades holds up his hand.
‘Please,’ he sighs. ‘Don’t give me the mom lecture.’
Gemini raises her eyebrows, folding her arms.
‘Or the mom pose.’
Gemini presses her lips, slowly letting her arms fall.
‘Thank you for the brownies, though,’ Spades grins.
Gemini squints her eyes, a small smirk on her face before she turns around.
Gemini is a great example of the mom friend we all know and love. Her presence is definitely needed in the company of the southside seven. Go give her some love!
Heidi Dean created by @sweetfogarty
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Character Introduction
Where Shadow Chases Light
Heidi’s sarcastic banter with sweet pea is endearing and I can’t wait to see more of her!! Go give her some love!
Hunter Alex created by @s-s-southsideserpentine
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Introduction to the Gargoyle Gang
The Crazy Ones
Hunter is a very well-designed character that’s been raised in a world of violence that’s shaped his behavior in life. Go give him some love!
Pixie created by @vannahsunshine
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Character Introduction
Orson can’t believe his eyes.
Walking toward him, in the flesh, is an alien. Bright green, 5’3, shiny and spectacular.
It keeps coming closer, and closer, and closer until it bumps right into him, bouncing off of him as if it was inflated.
“Marcus,” He hears a soft voice hiss behind it, “I told you to watch where you’re going!”
Orson cranes his neck over the alien to find a short, raven haired girl in a bright pink dress standing just a couple inches shorter than the alien.
Pixie looks up at Orson, wide-eyed, an apologetic smile on her face. “Please excuse my son, I’m still teaching him how to use his manners,” She scowls at the back of the alien’s head.
Orson doesn’t know what to say. He wants to say so much.
Your son is cute.
I want him to be my son.
I think I’m in love with you???
Pixie just takes Marcus’s hand in her own, smiling over at Orson, “Anyway, we have to get home. I’m teaching Marcus how to make chicken parm tonight. Come to apartment 322 if you want some.”
And with that, Pixie takes off with Marcus, leaving Orson stunned and craving chicken parm.
I love pixie so much! She’s a big ball of chaotic energy who is eccentric and a very accepting person. Go give her some love!!!!
Vanessa Petite created by @ging-snapped
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Character Introduction
Vanessa shares a relation with Tall Boy, something I haven’t seen yet in a riverdale oc, and it’s fascinating! Her backstory is inventive and new and she’s just awesome af! Go give her some love!
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