#squidney and oeca are like little siblings to mohwee
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justalilpearlie · 6 months ago
Yknow what? I like you. Have my angsty Brother Duo oneshot thingy
"Listen, I don't wanna treat you like a child-"
That's the last time I saw him. He walked away, fists clenched, empty soup bowl on the ground.
I'm pretty sure he left for the maze the second those doors opened. I didn't think he would. Foolish me. Of course he would, I should've known.
I should've known.
Thinking back on it, maybe if I wasn't so adamant on "keeping him safe", maybe if I agreed to just go with him. Maybe he'd be with us today.
Maybe I could've saved him.
Anyways. Doesn't really matter now, does it? Not like there's anything to be done anymore.
Maybe, with some luck, I can see him again.
Maybe him and Squiddy are waiting for me.
Maybe they can both forgive me. For being a horrible brother.
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talk-it-out-outsiders-smp · 7 months ago
Things in my Outsiders Au that I think about too much
Rasbi's sister didn't die during the war. She dies after it's over. The danger has passed, and she wanted to get married she was ready to live her life. They're at a celebration of peace, and everyone must have been so relieved. The death and destruction are over. Then, the princess and future queen is slaughtered in front of them.
Is Will dead? We see Eden's body, but I don't believe we see Will, and while Apo thinks he's dead, what if he's not? He would be so relieved that Apo made it out, maybe he's imagining what happy life he's found. Until he catches sight of a TV one day and sees his little brother plastered up on the screens in a death game. How very heartbreaking that Apo ended up in the maze to avenge his brother and inadvertently forcing his brother to watch him almost die over and over.
Do people ever cosplay as the Outsiders? Has Oeca had to face some kid dressed like him, an eye patch covering their face to match the one that has cursed him so much.
Did Kyle have family? Siblings, parents, or friends who watched hoping to see him make it out alive? Did he have people he gushed about Acho to? Were they excited to meet the boy who their friend to love so much only to finally see him stepping out of the elevator and into the maze?
Were any of the Outsiders fans of the show before becoming victims of it?
Do Anygels siblings see her differently after her time in the maze? Do her parents? No longer a frightened and kind child but a hardened and trained warrior. Someone who had to fight to survive and made it out, different but the same. Her siblings probably only think higher of her, but are her parents ever afraid.
Guts is a war criminal as bad as Owen, and that should be addressed more because while Owen was forced into the maze, Guts chooses to go because they're so guilty about what they did.
Can you imagine Rasbi's mother and father watching her befriend her sisters murder? Becoming best friends with each other, baking together, and seeing her place her life in his hands.
Do Squidney and Mohwee have no one on the outside, is it better or worse to know that no one watched in horror as you struggled to survive?
What happened to Mr. Chestscribe? Did he watch the show? Was he close to Rasbi?
Would the show try to get Soups brother in the next season? This question extends to Ayngels siblings or any of their family or friends. Are they all marked now by Starr because they knew people in the show?
Actually, how much power does Starr actually have? What strings do they have to pull to get 'interesting' prisoners like Owen. Can anyone sign up like Rasbi? How legal was it essentially buying Graecie off her Father? How much glory do you get for going in and being successful that Anygels family would force her or her far younger siblings into the maze?
Of all the Outsiders, I think Graecie and Struggles most with being famous.
Oeca loses his eye, Bekyamon her leg, and Apo his horns in the maze, so do they get medical attention? What about the lesser injuries like Owen's injured leg or the fact that Graecie was in a coma? Or at most, do they just do something surface level so all the paparazzi wanting to snap pictures can get a good shot and leave the Outsiders to lick their wounds when they're not their problem anymore?
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talk-it-out-outsiders-smp · 3 years ago
While I take a small break to be mad about perspective on my art I have some Au details I wanna talk about so long post of head canons and ideas I have
-Mohwee’s armor had two tally marks carved into it from Oeca as momento to the fact that he got lost in two of the four mazes for months at a time
-After becoming an official clearing leader Magic put up a “It’s been this many days since our last disaster” sign. Disasters can range from someone being hurt in the maze to realizing there’s no more coffee depending on whose changing the sign.
-Guts and Krow still had their deal about eating each other, which lasted about two weeks before they were both confronted by serval different clearing members worried about the unexplained injuries
-everyone was surprisingly cool about the eating each other thing, but everyone was pretty insistent on breaking Krow out of the habit. This just lead to people constantly bring it food so Krow unwillingly hosted many dinner events just to get rid of all the food it has.
-Before peoples memories started coming back Apo hosted theory nights where people would come to share there most ridiculous or outlandish theories.
-Since returning to the clearing Beks and some of the others put on plays to entertain the rest of the clearing hits include, the Ballade of the Griever and an Oeca-mas Tale
-After getting his memories back Owen’s chip, which had been damaged during the fight with Ori, short circuited and Owen spent some time in his coma state reconciling the Owen who existed in the maze and who he was before.
-After things settle down and Krow ends up becoming a Runner leader Acho milks the fact that Krow almost killed him for all it’s worth to not only tease it but guilt it into doing things he wants
-Apo didn’t cut off his own horns but got severely injured in his attempt to get back to the clearing after he ditched Bek, this is the same incident that busted his chip
-Because of how much Ori sits in his tree and watches the clearing people climb up there all the time to leave him stupid signs or gifts since they know he’ll find them there.
-Squidney and Spidey continue to sell Sussies to everyone, making everyone in the clearing a custom one (ie an orange one for Owen, Red and Black for Krow, Purple for Ayngel)
-Gracie and Magic try to run more competition and stuff for fun but have to put very strict rules on what’s allowed because everyone starts getting a little too competitive after Red starts having people bet on winners and losers.
-Red does the same thing for the sparring matches Owen sets up to teach people to fight.
-Soup plays doctor a lot in the clearing but people also tend to go to her hoping for potions to solve even the most mundane issues but since she doesn’t charge for potions people just bring her things they think she’ll like so her whole house is covered in shiny bits and bobbles and her bag is covered in pins people make for her
-No one really likes talking about their lives outside of the Maze outside of the occasional heavier conversations but Rasbi especially hates talking about it because Spidey, Kyle, Oeca, Krow, Mohwee, Bek, and Ori all start calling her your majesty (some jokingly but some seriously)
-Ayngel’s certainly not the oldest in the clearing she can’t help but mother hen most of the others like she did her siblings, admonishing them for getting hurt or cheering them up when they’re having a bad day.
-Everyone forgot to mention the Evil Oeca thing to Kyle and Acho so one day Oeca is showing Acho how to throw knives and just stops talking for several seconds, then he just randomly gets tackled by Ori which scares the hell out of both of the newbies. Ori struggles to explain what’s happen while sitting on Oeca whose’s hissing and spitting about killing Acho
-Gracie or Rasbi usually cut everyone’s hair
-Since the whole lever thing was cleared up Guts wants to use the prison to hold a watcher if they can catch one to hopefully get some answers about getting out of here
-After Getting out of the Maze (all alive, but not in one piece) the Outsiders do split off from each other but keep some contact and visit often
-Apo and Owen have no one else left in their lives and head off into the woods together, they make a nice cabin by a lake where Apo can fish and Owen can farm. Owen needs a cane from all the strain he’s put his body under and Apo makes the most of his missing horns and gets an array of different colored prosthetics so he can have fancy horns. They have lots of extra rooms so any of the Outsiders can stay whenever they want or need to
-Krow and Ayngel stick together, Krow needing to finish it’s unfinished business with its old cult and Ayngel wanting to see her siblings but being nervous about facing the rest of her family. Krow is more than thrilled to give Ayngels family a piece of its mind about them sending away Ayngel and Ayngel wants to help Krow get it’s closure so it can move on with its life. After everything settles down with there unfinished business they also settle down, pretty near Owen and Apo’s house
-Oece, Gracie, and Ori stick together because they’re not fully sure what they want to do and Oeca is afraid of slipping without at least one of the angels around and Ori wants to stay with Gracie. They do what Gracie never got to do before , they travel. It’s lots of fun, even if they’re technically wanted criminals. They retire eventually settling down somewhere near one of the others but there’s lots of the world to see first.
-The weirdest group to end up together is Soup, Reddons, and Guts for no other reason then after saying their tearful goodbyes to each other both Red and Guts walked away in the same direction and when they started to argue about who could go that way Soup just walked past both of them and told them to keep up with her or she was ditching them, naturally they followed her. Red wants to capitalize on Soup’s potion making skills and they settle down in some small no name town and open up a store that becomes well known to common people as a place willing to help you even if you have no money
-Mohwee, Squidney, and Spidey don’t even think about splitting up, they’ve never been very good at making friends so they travel together and don’t take a break for even a day to start causing issues. They dive head first into becoming Robin Hood figures, stealing from the rich and cruel and leaving the wealth for those who need it and running off before anyone can catch them, after all they have plenty of practice of both running and fighting why not put it to use on something.
-Magic, Bek , Kyle and Acho Magic has her memory back but she’s not ready to let go of everything she went through and she really doesn’t want anyone to have to go thorough what she did and Bek wanting to make up to Magic for those she hurt her, and she still wielding her big sword, decides to help her try to take the whole maze thing down. Kyle hears the plan and though he tries to deny it he wants to help. At first he denies it because he doesn’t want to leave Acho or drag him into more problems but Acho is the one to insist that they help since they wouldn’t want the other to have to fight the whole system alone.
-Rasbi goes home after leaving the Maze. She wants to go back to her family and her kingdom and even though they can’t publicly welcome her back her remaining family is happy to have her back. She does end up splitting a lot of her time between home and the rest of the Fruit trio, though she never tells her family that’s who she’s going to see when she leaves the kingdom (they may find out one day but that’s a house fire for later)
-After leaving the Maze all the Outsiders try to meet up at one place to at least once a year to hang out all together again and talk about how life’s been, it’s usual Christmas/Oecamas time
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