rogue-of-hope-talks · 7 years
What do you think a Mage of Minds Land/Quest would be?
That’s a good question! I’ve been pondering this one myself for a fan session I’ve been planning to make.
A Mage’s land tends to be full of their opposite aspect. For a Mage of Mind, this would mean a good amount of their land should be covered in something that represents the Heart aspect. Lightning sometimes is used symbolically, or so I’m told, making Storms a good first word. If that doesn’t strike you as good, then you can also go with something that hits the nail on the head more - Souls, perhaps.
As a rule of thumb, I like to try and keep one of the words related to the Mage’s personality, interests, or quest. All three is preferred. So the second word depends more on the Mage you’re dealing with. As an example, the Mage I have liked games and competition. So I made his land quest revolve around teaching the consorts how to play games, and win at them too. Basically he needs to learn to not curbstomp everyone he plays against.
So my Mage’s land is the Land of Storms and Games. His land visually is constantly under the cloak of lightning storms, and due to this, the consorts built large Jenga towers to hold lightning rods. The consorts live in small settlements, and are fascinated by all kinds of board games, which of course they’ve forgotten how to play due to the Denizen doing some crazy memory stuff. It’s the Mage’s job to give them back the knowledge of their games, and furthermore, teach them winning strategies.
Depending on your Mage’s interests and quest, their land would be different, but hopefully this helps a little bit!
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