#sptv timeless
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chiefnooniensingh · 2 years ago
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#don’t you know lucy #it’s you #it’s always been you
Timeless (2016-2018) | 2x08 Chinatown part 1
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graciehart · 1 year ago
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GET TO KNOW ME  ✰ [7/10] Female Characters ⤷ Lucy Preston
"When I was young, I'd write stories about great heroes doing great deeds. The truth is, real heroes don't look at all like I pictured. They're far from perfect. They're bull-headed, stubborn, reckless... and also recklessly brave. They charge in without a thought to themselves, not without fear or doubt, but in spite of it."
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emmafallsinlove · 2 years ago
seeing emily and bonny from chats and reacts reaction to timeless...... i got you besties
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hobgoblinsandpeachfuzz · 6 years ago
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‪I drew this for my friend, Rachel, since we’re still crying over Flynn 💔
Ps I’ve never seen Titanic...
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miri-1001 · 5 years ago
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Heute um 16:30 Uhr verschlägt es das #TimeTeam ins Jahr 1754, in die Zeit des Siebenjährigen Krieges. Es bleibt spannend in #Timeless Folge 1.07 "Alarm durch die Jahrhunderte" (orig. "Stranded") auf #TELE5! Die Wiederholung gibt's morgen. Zur Einstimmung hier einige PromoPics. #Geschichte #history #SiebenjährigerKrieg #FrenchAndIndianWar #AlarmDurchDieJahrhunderte #Standed #Gestrandet #Nonhelema #Chieftess #TimelessSPTV #TimelessNBC #NBCTimeless #SPTV #Sony #AbigailSpencer #MattLanter #MalcolmBarrett https://www.instagram.com/p/B9Jf8dEiksU/?igshid=1eyv486bprvd3
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starfiresupernova · 6 years ago
Happy Valentine's Day, clockblockers
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There are a lot of people complaining about the Timeless finale, but I loved it. I have an earlier post where I go in detail about what I loved about it. Honestly, I had low expectations. Last year I had a show end that was a Trainwreck from start to finish. Hardly anything was answered, and the questions that were answered...didn't always line up. I had the writers of that show tell us time and time again that "the fans will be happy" that "all your questions would be answered" and all that stuff.... but it was a total lie. Anyway, Timeless was like a dream come true. After putting up with the previous show for 7 years, it was nice to have a show that made sense. It didn't contradict itself. It was full of interesting and diverse characters. And then, when the writers said that they wrote The finale as a love letter to the fans, they were telling the truth. They had to put a lot of information into two hours. They had to tie up a lot of loose ends, and attempt to make as many people happy as they could. There was no way that everyone would be happy, but I would be bold enough to say that Majority of fans are. The ones who aren't are typically upset about the way the ships turned out, which I understand. But honestly, it was a much better ending than a lot of shows get. Timeless was such an important show, the ships weren't the whole story. I love Timeless and I am so thankful for the writers we have, they did amazing with the little time they got. ❤️👍
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darkly-dreaming-imagines · 6 years ago
Our first issue is out!! Please check it out!!!
Issue One - Timeless
Download Issue
ft. interviews with @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels and @qqueenofhades. art by @tinymintywolf. meta by @extasiswings. 
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rittenhousetl · 6 years ago
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Sony Pictures TV @SPTV: Own a piece of history! Icons of Pop Culture, in association with Sony Pictures Television are proud to present the #Timeless TV Series Auction! Live bidding starts 9/28 at 1pm EST! @TimelessSPTV
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extasiswings · 7 years ago
Okay. I know I already said my piece about this whole “Timeless Movie” business (and that I think it’s never going to happen no matter what we do so we’re better off directing our attention at streaming sites), but to add on: SONY hasn’t given up on finding the show a new home. SONY/SPTV still has faith that we can do better than an unsatisfying movie that won’t be able to end the series with the attention and detail that it deserves to be ended with. So, while I know some of the cast and crew has taken to this movie idea, I just think we ALSO shouldn’t waste this opportunity to try and get it picked up. If Sony thinks there’s still a chance, there’s still a chance. I for one am not willing to settle at this point. 
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impendingfascination · 7 years ago
Timeless Fails To Find A New Home
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Shawn Ryan, series co-creator and executive producer of ‘Timeless’, took to Twitter yesterday to announce that efforts to find the show a new home had come up empty and that there was only a slim chance that a 2-hour wrap-up movie would happen:
“Sony will continue to look at any and all options, actor deals have expired and it appears there will be no Season 3 or beyond.”
Ryan went on to say that there were economic hurdles in the way of making a movie happen.  Fingers crossed, but the outlook for ‘Timeless’ is not good.
1. @SPTV has notified @TheRealKripke and me that efforts to land #Timeless at another network have sadly failed. While Sony will continue to look at any and all options, actor deals have expired and it appears there will be no Season 3 or beyond.
— Shawn Ryan (@ShawnRyanTV)
July 2, 2018
2. Discussions still take place between @SPTV and @NBC about a possible 2 hour movie to conclude the #Timeless story, but there are considerable economic obstacles that make it an uncertainty. We will update you when we know more.
— Shawn Ryan (@ShawnRyanTV)
July 2, 2018
3. @TheRealKripke, me, the cast, writers & crew of #Timeless want to send our immense thanks and gratitude to all the #ClockBlockers who fought so hard for this show. You made a second season possible and gave us hope for a Season 3. We wish the news was better. We love you all.
— Shawn Ryan (@ShawnRyanTV) July 2, 2018
(h/t Deadline)
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chiefnooniensingh · 2 years ago
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Right, well, I’m sure he’s off doing his Flynn thing and terrifying little old ladies on all seven continents.
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graciehart · 1 year ago
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GET TO KNOW ME ✰ [1/10] TV Shows ⤷ Timeless (2016-2018)
"...everybody loses someone that they love, and no matter how badly they want to they can't get them back. And in spite of that, they find a way to go on. That's everyone's history."
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miri-1001 · 5 years ago
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Weitere Promo-Bilder zur 4. Folge von #Timeless. Morgen, am 08.02., um 16:30 Uhr, auf TELE 5. "Stirb an einem vergangenen Tag" ("Party at Castle Varlar"). Schloss Varlar liegt übrigens im westlichen Münsterland (NRW) in der Nähe von Coesfeld nahe der Grenze zu den Niederlanden. Es befindet sich im Privatbesitz der Fürsten zu Salm-Horstmar und wird vom Eigentümer bewohnt. #History #HerStory #Geschichte #TimeTravel ##TimeTraveler #TimelessNBC #NBCTimeless #SPTV #Sony #SchlossVarlar #SalmHorstmar #Coesfeld #AbigailSpencer #MattLanter #MalcolmBarrett #GoranVisnjic #Lifeboat #Mothership #JamesBond #NeverSayNever #NeverSayNeverAgain https://www.instagram.com/p/B8RT47HKv1C/?igshid=tv37db3d845m
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It makes me sad that there are Timeless fans who weren't on Twitter, so they didn't understand the references to the fandom in the finale. There were two that I caught. It was cool that the writers referenced us since we fought hard for the show to get a finale. I never used Twitter before Timeless, but it was really cool connecting with fans of the series from all over the world.
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miri-1001 · 5 years ago
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#Vote for #Timeless ! www.spoilertv.com/2020/07/2020-character-cup-round-4.html #ClockBlockers #SaveTimeless #SaveTimelessHQ #history #HistoryLovers #poll #AbigailSpencer #MattLanter #MalcolmBarrett #TimelessSPTV #SPTV https://www.instagram.com/p/CC5omPRpxSJ/?igshid=3bir1rpnm711
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