revvnant · 2 months
"I bought you a pair of bellbottoms for the new school year. Don't you want to match your loving father?" ( he thinks he's so funny, yes he really would waste money on a joke / @spring-lxcked )
He feels dizzy with disgust just looking at the things, lying limp and sad and flared on his bed. He doesn't need to look up to see William's expression; his father's smug aura is suffocating. The longer he stares at them, the more nauseous he feels. How dare William bring this into his room, his sanctum of leather and shredded sleeves and denim that didn't feel the need to swallow his fucking ankles like a goddamn snake. All he can think is that these pants are antithetical to everything he stands for. These are the trousers of the enemy. These should be in a landfill. They should be hiding in a closet, never to see the light of day. His birth in the late 60s had heralded the dawn of a new era. A better era, where the denim caressed your calves so lovingly. Where they didn't suffocate your thighs just to leave everything below the knee exposed to an updraft. He pictures a strong breeze catching him, lifting him like Mary Poppins, ballooned into the sky by his horrible, horrible bell bottoms. Oh, it's too late, you're flying away. He makes a sound like a cat with a hairball.
"You should be shot."
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mute-call · 10 months
FNAF GAMEPLAY STARTERS || @spring-lxcked said: ❝ It should be an illegal thing for you to leave such a long message. ❞ ( sorry fdskjhfksjasdh )
"I was just trying to be thorough," he says, actually sounding a little hurt. Thoroughness is far from the culprit when it comes to the criminal length of his pre-recorded messages, however; even with an approved script, Steven can't help but stumble over his words and go off on tangents here and there.
He's not very good at this, but who's really to blame? Bell, or the people who gave him this task in the first place?
"I know you're busy and all, Mr. Afton, but I'm surprised you're not doing these." Everyone likes William's voice, and this is starting to seem like a "if you want it done right, do it yourself" kind of situation. That, or the boss man can get off Steve's back and run the tapes as is.
"I mean, I--I'm doing my best, but you're the real expert on how to put on these springlock suits. Maybe I'm having trouble because I'm trying to explain something I haven't actually done?"
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braveburned · 1 year
❝ i know you’re ignoring me, but i’m going to keep talking anyways. ❞ ( @spring-lxcked )
╰┈➤ DIALOGUE PROMPTS : Assorted a set of various original dialogue prompts !
★ — True to spoken word, Gregory is decidedly ignoring the man. There's no response to his acknowledgement of his behavior, save for the brief flicker of attention the boy gives in way of brown hues glancing from the wall ( the very same spot he's been staring at since the man brought him up to his office, deciding it's much more interesting than whatever he has to say ) to Jack, only to quickly find their spot on the wall once more.
It was only a matter of time before he was caught — and even so, Gregory hates this. He won't bother speaking ( out of fear that he'll be turned over to the authorities upon the realization that he's, by all technicalities, a missing child, instead of just pushed back onto the sidewalk and told to go home ), instead just waiting for it all to be done.
Instead, he sinks lower into the chair, his head practically dipping below the headrest. A silent ( and rather dramatic ) sigh lifting and dropping his shoulders.
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runeians · 1 year
It had started simply: discussing business on the small sofa shoved against one wall of William's cramped office. But William had been greedy, and oh-so bored of discussing work. Discussion had turned into lazy kisses had turned into William's hands beginning to wander until finally he found himself straddling Henry, a sharp grin cast on him. "What do you say we talk about work later?" ( As if they hadn't long since stopped talking about anything. ) His arm slipped down between them, cupping Henry through his trousers and running his thumb teasingly along the outline of his length. "I can think of better things to do, can't you?" ( sorry he's such a horny bastard fkdshfsdhjksa / @spring-lxcked )
WHAT DOES IT SAY ABOUT WILLIAM THAT HENRY EMILY, WORKAHOLIC, WOULD RATHER SPEND TIME WITH HIM THAN HIS MACHINES ? Nothing that Henry is going to tell him, anyway: William's ego is large enough without someone else feeding it. As such, he doesn't hide the eye - roll that dances across his features -- though admittedly, shamefully, it turns into a stifled groan the moment the man's hands move downward. All thoughts of work are scrubbing themselves clean from his mind; damn it all, William knew exactly what he was doing.
" Will. " It's supposed to sound reproving, but just comes out flustered, delighted, instead. His hips do twitch upwards: abandoning the lazy doodle sheet on the desk next to him to wrap his arms around the other man's waist, Henry shamefully hopes that there won't be any phone calls or uninvited guests any time soon. " Ah, but we have that meeting tomorrow, don't forget, and we absolutely- Oh. "
Stupid William. Stupid HENRY, Henry chastises himself internally, for allowing himself to get himself caught in William's incredibly tempting suggestions. " I can think of a few, " is what he finds himself saying, reaching up to tuck a stray hair from Will's face; " but I think I'd prefer if you showed me. "
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cultbunny · 1 year
❝ don’t hold back. let it out. ❞ ( from glitch! / @spring-lxcked )
˗ˏˋ ———— "don't" starters ( always accepting ) ! [ from @spring-lxcked's glitchtrap ] .
there's a SICKNESS in the air. it's hot and toxic and sinister, consuming everything in its path. it emanates from her. not only her - two at once, in perfect synchronization. she stands in grays and patchwork, golden wisps of a falling-apart braid around manic eyes, electric blue, neon green, there and not. hand-made mask is down at her feet, discarded, forgotten about, just for the moment. in her hand is a knife, pulled from a megaplex kitchen, too-sharp and too-slick and still-too-ready. it sees her how she sees herself. like she sees it. it's a jittering, glitchy mess of pixels and synthetic modulation. but she hears it. a blink here, a blink there, a blink gone. behind her. that's where the voice comes from. just in her ear. she swears she feels static electricity on her shoulder, on her arm, a proximity to where hands would be. holding her. consoling her. egging her on. what is it asking for ? what does it want ? she can only draw one conclusion. it wants her rage. her longing. her ache. copper stings her nose. she doesn't know if that's in her head too. but it writhes. it's ALIVE. and for the first time in what feels like a very, very long time, next to him, she feels afraid.
" but what if it doesn't stop ? " it's a whisper. what does he want ? REALLY ? does he want her, again and again and again, bleeding and dying, sacrificing, giving and giving and giving until there's nothing but pieces ? she carries out his sentences, his word, to the letter. she is devoted like no other. she has all the scars to prove it. he wants her to give again. to let it out. all she has in her is echoes. is screaming. is ghosts. can she give that ? is that enough ? will it ever be enough ?
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spring-lxcked · 1 year
okay okay okay gave in and changed my unused kok.ichi wire into will's ( @/springlxcked ), so feel free to add me. lbr tho, i will be extremely slow on there most of the time. i also, like dis.cord, exclusively use it on my laptop, not mobile, so take that into account
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fazfrighta · 3 years
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*     ‣     @springlxcks​​   :   this bunny is gonna sit right down next to the other!     )
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      sure ,  both  of  the  banjo - twangin’ - bunnies  were  old ,  ‘specially  by  an  animatronic’s  standards ,  but  spring  couldn’t  help  but  see  ‘em  no  differently  from  the  newer   /   shinier  ‘bots  that  jammed  out  on  stage  these  days .  he  was  so  much  like  them  back  in  their  GOLDEN  DAYS ,  all  bright - eyed  and  sunny - yellow .  it  had  been   . . .   uncomfortable  at  first ,  off - putting .  but  whether  they  like  it  or  not ,  disorientation  was  ever  so  slowly  softening  into  a  fondness .  
      so  when  the  much  less  ragged  rabbit  comes  to  sit  by  them ,  spring  reaches  up  to  lightly  tug  on  one  ear .
      i  said  that  they  were  fond  of  ‘em ,  but  they’re  still  spring  of  course .  ❝  comin’  a - all  th - this  way  to  hang  ‘round  the  r - rusted  fol - lks ,  h - huh ?  ❞
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rockcoins · 3 years
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@springlxcks​  deposited  ;   ALRIGHT   --   Did the pizzeria Rocky was activated in, setting on fire give him a form of PTSD? I don't really know if that's right term but I remember you saying he doesn't want to remember it? Did he do his best to get his crew out of there? Did he save the mediocre melodies or did he leave them behind?
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I want to start by saying he has never been particularly fond of that pizzeria, it was an extremely flawed establishment with neglectful employees and technicians. Most of the attractions in there were not properly taken care of, and the employees could not care less if a child might get hurt.. the same could be said for the technicians who often understimated any sign of malfunction from the animatronics and let them perform anyways, and whenever accidents happend they always justified themselves with ‘we thought it was a temporary issue’. He was not happy to be there, and if it wasn’t for the fact that he found himself and his family engulfed in flames, he would have happily stood outside and watched that old shack burn down. The only reason why Rockstar Freddy was traumatized by the fire is because he literally risked his life, and so did his family ..  not because he was attached to the pizzeria and it brought pain to see it destroyed.
He couldn’t care less about that place. What he really does care about is his family.
When he sensed the black smoke engulfing the area and woke up to see what was going on, the flames had already burned down half of the place, if he didn’t wake hp in time he would have never been able to take his family to safety. He had to act quick, and his top priority was getting himself and his crew out of the restaurant before the flames ate them.. the Mediocre Melodies weren’t part of his crew, and even if he thought about saving them as well  ..  the more they remained close to the flames, the more their systems and overall components risked being damaged by the fire and Freddy couldn’t risk himself and his crew getting hurt any further, so he unfortunately was forced to leave them behind. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t regret it though. Their salvation was a wooden backdoor that only employees could access, and unlike the other doors that were made out of metal, they menaged to break it quite easily. Once they were outside they distances themselves from the fire as best as they could, and remained hidden behind a nearby, abandoned shack for   ..   who knows how long.
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fazfright-archive · 3 years
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*     HELLO ?  HELLO  ,  HELLO ?     //     @springlxcks​   :   this was definitely some time after he'd been spring locked and 'died' that he's encountering the other as a spirit. " You seem to be still in such awful shape... " (ok william)
        he  wasn’t  expecting  their  next  meeting  to  go  like  this  .
        the  springlock  animatronic  had  made  a  promise  while  festering  in  that  saferoom  ,  both  to  himself  and  to  the  children  ,  that  if  his  creator  ever  crossed  him  again  he’d  make  him  regret  it  .  he  had  no  reason  to  expect  william  to  be  anything  besides  warm  flesh  that’d  turn  to  ugly  shades  of  purple  and  blue  beneath  metal  fingers  ,  bones  that’d  snap  and  splinter  and  he  couldn’t  WAIT  to  hear  it──────  but  it  seems  that  something  ,  or  someone  ,  beat  him  to  it  .
        the  SIGHT  of  him  like  this  ──  a  specter  ──  only  dazed  the  yellow  rabbit  for  a  brief  moment  ,   for  it  was  quick  to  give  way  to  the  closest  thing  to  CATHARSIS  he’d  felt  in  years  .  perhaps  a  twinge  of  jealousy  that  he  wasn’t  there  to  put  him  down  himself  ,  or  at  least  see  it  ,  but  there  was  a  relief  he  thought  he’d  never  have  flooding  his  circuits  all  the  same  .     (     he  hoped  it  hurt  .  hurt  like  they  did  when  he  killed  them  ,  hurt  like  he  did  when  he  slammed  his  head  into  walls  or  tore  at  his  wires  in  a  frenzy  ,  trying  so  hard  and  failing  each  time  to  rid  his  suit  of  that  filth  he’d  felt  ever  since  he  wore  him  ,  he  hoped  it  HURT  .     )     
        a  sordid  bitterness  began  to  coil  in  his  circuits  right  alongside  that  repose  at  afton’s  words  .  he  should  have  been  livid  ,  seething  at  the  mere  idea  of  the  man  still  having  the  nerve  to  demean  him  when  HE  was  the  one  who  bit  the  dust  ,  but  spring  didn’t  crack  ,  didn’t  snap  or  hiss  about  how  it  was  HIS  FAULT  he  was  such  a  wreck  ,  his  fault  he  was  practically  a  robotic  corpse  .  instead  ,  the  rabbit  laughed  .  quietly  at  first   ;   a  raspy  ,  creaky  sound  that  puffed  from  his  voice  box  almost  hesitantly  ,  as  if  this  would  all  disappear  if  he  truly  relished  it  .  then  it  grew  louder  ,  and  louder  ,  a  cacophony  of  grinding  metal  and  glitched  audio  that  the  worn  animatronic  nearly  DOUBLED  OVER  WITH──────  but  his  voice  box  gave  out  with  a  static  pop  before  then  ,  leaving  him  emitting  metallic  wheezes  that  slowly  ,  slowly  found  their  way  to  form  words  again  as  the  rabbit  steadied  himself  .
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        ❝     c-c-caa-n’t  say  y’er  d-d-doi-in’  any  B-BE-BETTER  ,  b-boss-s  .     ❞
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revvnant · 10 months
@spring-lxcked / blizzard
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"Fuck me!" The cry comes a moment after the house goes dark. There's a sizzling pop of lights turning off, and the slow shoom of the appliances shutting down. Snow hurls itself against the windows, building up a thick layer of white, but, with no light coming through, it quickly goes grey, then blue, then black. The sound of someone bumping into something echos down the stairs, followed by another curse. "DAD!" It's an ear-splitting bellow. "THE POWER'S OUT!" An astute observation.
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mute-call · 10 months
@spring-lxcked // starter call.
He wakes with a start, feeling for where his glasses have been knocked askew and pushed halfway up his forehead from hours of sleeping with his face pressed against the desk. When did he fall asleep? What time is it? Where is he?
...oh. Right. He had started to pick up night shifts on top of his daytime hours. Why had he thought that would be a good idea, again?
He's lucky that these first few nights have been entirely quiet, or he could have gotten in some real trouble, nodding off like that. At least it's only 6:30am, and he has plenty of time to pack up and sneak out before he has to come back for the lunch rush.
There's that sound again--it must have been what stirred him awake in the first place. But even though the night shift's technically over, no one from the day shift should be arriving for at least another hour. So who (what?) is making all that noise?
Rubbing his bleary eyes, Steve stumbles out of the security office and toward the source of the noise, barely noticing that he's being led out of camera range and into the saferoom. He didn't think to grab a flashlight, but the nearer he gets, the clearer his surroundings become from the light spilling out of the cracked-open back room door; there's definitely someone else here, and fear of the unknown makes him perk up, as alert as he can be running on two and a half hours of sleep.
"Uh, hello? Hello, hello?" he calls out, his shoe slipping on something wet and tacky as he finally crosses the threshold of the saferoom. He's confused by the sight that awaits him, glancing between the littering of spare parts, the old yellow suit that's strangely up and about, and the small, humanoid figure gripped in Spring Bonnie's paw. What--
Head swimming, Steven dry heaves once before bracing himself against the doorframe, making brief, terrified eye contact with the figure looming in front of him. Steven freezes, his grip on the doorway tightening. He wants to cry out, to rush in, to do anything other than stand there uselessly, but the most he can manage is shifting his weight back, the squeak of his shoes on the linoleum betraying his next move.
He's about ten seconds away from bolting.
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braveburned · 1 year
“You really are a pain in the arse, aren’t you?” ( sorry this one made me laugh fkdshfsal / @spring-lxcked )
Argumentative Sentences, Vol. 1
★ — It's a source of pride, really. ( if you're going to be labeled a problem child, why not get the fun of acting like one? ).
Gregory may be in trouble ( though he's unaware of just how much trouble he's in yet ), but he doesn't do anything to stop the muffled snort of laughter in response to the man's words, only half - trying to bite down the smirk that's tugging at the corners of his lips. He at least has the sense to not roll his eyes, though it's far more tempting than it should be. Brown hues flicker around the surroundings, quickly making note of what might be the best way to get away should he decide he needs to make a run for it.
"I don't have to be," ( a shrug, his attention briefly flickering back ). "Y'could just let me go and not deal with me at all. I'm pretty good at staying out of the way."
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runeians · 1 year
"Do you think you could make a huge effort and behave yourself?" ( for mike! / @spring-lxcked )
DEPENDS. DO YOU THINK YOU COULD MAKE A HUGE EFFORT AND BE LESS OF A PAIN IN MY ASS? Is what Mike would’ve said, if he’d had more of a death wish than the usual fourteen-year-old. Instead, he stuffs his hands into his pockets, scowling down at the floor, and wishing that his dad would stop dragging him along to his stupid pizzeria. It’s bad enough being surrounded by THOSE THINGS — even ignoring what he’d done to Evan, the animatronics had always been a little creepy — but being around them AND his father is always a real bad day for Michael Afton.
“I’ll try,” is what he mutters, kicking peevishly at a loose floorboard in his father’s office, “You could’ve left me at home, you know. I wouldn’t do anything dumb.” Dumber than usual, anyway. “This is just…”
He has the common sense to avoid telling his father that Freddy Fazbear’s is boring. The satisfaction he’d get would be short-term compared to anything William would have to say about that.
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our-family · 3 years
"... I wish it happened to me instead of you, I can't stand being out there without you Fred...." (fredbeaaar)
   Please no...
  The suit was still and unmoving, seemingly indifferent to Spring’s words. No amount of effort - frantic, calm, or otherwise - would gain a response.
  Oh but how he wanted to respond. Needed to answer, to move, hug his friend and laugh, make a pun to lighten the mood. Ah’m just fine, buddy! Ah’m right here. But all of that was taken from him. They could have taken him away from the children, but left him something. Ah’d give anythin’ to just have a voice right now...
  ...But not you. Anythin’ but you. Let me talk to them, please -
  I’m sorry. Everything had been just fine... And then he crushed a child’s skull.
  Fredbear became a murderer. Unforgivable. He’d ruined their lives, and stolen a child’s life as well.
  I’m sorry you were friends with a murderer, Spring Bonnie.
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glmrocks · 3 years
        *  @springlxcks​  gets  a  starter  !
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          a  moment  of  silence  between  the  two  ghosts,  freddy  looking  up  at  the  golden  rabbit  standing  before  him.  ❝  i  forgive  you.  ❞  it  is  sam  who  speaks  from  within  the  animatronic  bear,  knowing  that  it  is  by  no  means  the  rabbits  fault.  ❝  i  know  you  didn’t  wanna  hurt  us.  ❞  if  anything,  springs  was  the  one  who  put  an  END  to  it  by  activating  it’s  springlocks  on  the  killer.  ❝  you’re  not  him  anymore.  ❞
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a-fnaf-rp-blog · 3 years
"Have I really lost my way? Have I lost my mind?" (oh gosh-- anyone really works!!)
An old, withered rabbit so happens to pass by when the voice was heard. He looks around briefly, pondering if anyone else could take care of this instead but there was not. Just his luck, he hated talking to strangers. He slowly wanders towards the sound of the voice, following the echoes before coming face to non-existent face.
He cocks his head, both in curiosity and confusion. Who was this?
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