#spring is a yucky season i hate it so much
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recklesshorizons · 2 years ago
opened up my game and saw on the title screen that the snow has melted, never yeeted out of a game that fast :D gonna just be hanging out in the days between festivale and today for a while, i am mentally not ready for spring yet
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endlessly-searching-for-you · 7 years ago
Tag game
Thank you @blackcatkita ​ and @darley1101 ​ for tagging me :)
Rules: Copy this and fill in your answers. Then tag some people to learn more about them.
Favorite smell: Boss Bottled. 100/100 panties dropped
First job: intern in city council IT department. It was something straight from “The IT Crowd”. “Have you tried turning it off and on again?”
Favorite pizza: pepperoni + bacon + mushrooms + onions. What can I say, I’m fat for a reason
Favorite dog: anything long-haired and cuddly
Favorite foot attire: I usually wear sneakers. But I love high heels, as long as I sit down
Favorite roller coaster: nah, I’ll pass
Favorite candy: pretty much anything. Bonus points if it’s covered with chocolate
Favorite Ice cream: chocolate
Pet peeves: raisins in cookies, rolls, cakes etc. They look like a chocolate chips, but taste like an utter disappointment
What are you listening to right now: Olimpiada w Jarzynowie (mom life FTW)
Color of your vehicle: silver
Color of your eyes: dark blue to green. It depends on the light and the clothes I’m wearing
Favorite holiday: Christmas
Night owl or day person: I could be a morning person if mornings happened at noon. But since the universe cursed blessed me with a toddler with sleep issues, I don’t have regular sleep/life hours. Thank you to whoever first brewed some coffee, you’re a life saver!
Favorite day of the week: Saturday
Tattoos: none
Like to cook: I love it, if I don’t have to clean afterwards. But I’m a terrible baker (last time I tried to bake some muffins, I forgot to add soda and oil. They were flat and tasted like sawdust. Don’t ask me how I know the taste of sawdust)
Beer or wine or neither: cold beer, it’s the drink of the gods ❀❀❀
Can you drive a manual transmission: no. Actually, I can’t drive at all
Favorite color: Teal. I have hard time deciding between blue or green, and teal has both
Do you like vegetables: yes, as long as they are not overcooked mush, that’s yucky
Do you wear glasses: I love my glasses and I cannot lie! I’m practically blind without them and I’m probably the only one person in the world who hate contacts
Favorite season: late spring/early summer
Pretty much anyone I know and I’m not afraid to talk to has already been tagged, so my tag list remains empty. If you’re reading this and think it’s fun, feel free to hop in, or drop me a note and I’ll tag you :) 
And a few more answers for @josieschoices​. Sorry, I thought it was the same game :)
Name: full version of my name is Magdalena, but I only use it on formal occasions (and my husband calls me that when he's pissed at me). I usually go by Magda or even Madzia for friends.
Nickname: see above ;)
Height: 5â€Č4''
Orientation: straight
Nationality: Polish, with a dash of Ukrainian and Russian on my grand-grand-grandparent's side
Favourite Flower: lily of the valley
Favourite Colour of Ink: blue
Favourite Animal: cat
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate: is that a real question? COFFEE IS LIFE
Average Hours of Sleep: as much as I can
Dog or Cat Person: cat slave person 
Favourite Fictional Character: GosƂawa (Gosia) from Polish book series "Kwiat paproci". It's a fantasy series set in an alternate universe where Poland did not convert to Christianity and old Slavic gods and lesser deities exist. Gosia is a hypochondriac who dreams of being a doctor, but is sent to an old village witch healer for an internship, and turns out to be a powerful witch herself. I'm sorry Jake, as much as I like you, I'm not going to upset a witch, hope you understand
Number of Blankets I Sleep With: one
Dream Trip: everywhere hot and near water. Preferably with all expenses paid
Blog Created: a month ago
Number of Followers: 40! I didn't even know, thank you guys ❀
Fun Fact: I once won a TV show as a teenager
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asirenspeaks · 8 years ago
Summer 17 necessities :  Maja’s Very Own Organic Mosquito Repellent
“Pretend I’m not here” I told Maja as I placed my nikon in her face (Yes, flash and all).  After she posed for me while still holding her wine glass, (yes, kindred spirits) I focused my attention on her products.   It was a Sunday afternoon, and she helped me arrange the products into a flatlay, flipping switches on and off to cast the perfect lighting.  It had been raining cats and dogs on and off since the spring in Atlanta, and the constant heat and humidity created the perfect conditions for mosquitoes to flourish.  The mosquitoes were clearly out here eating and living good while we either a) hide out indoors b) get bit up c) try chemical bug sprays and still get bit up and now also stink in addition to being bit up and itchy.  Those worries are now a thing of the past, thanks to Maja’s Very Own.  Now if you’ve been here before, you know I’m no stranger to chemical free living (in most  ways, still working on others) so I was over the moon when Maja let me purchase some of her MVO organic mosquito repellent before the shop launched.  I tested it the best way I know , I used it when I went to Florida for mother’s day weekend (Florida mosquitoes are a whole different level of terrible).  Not only did I return to Atlanta unbitten, but my family loved it too, mostly because it didn’t have that yucky chemical smell and stickiness most repellents give.  
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Maja’s Very Own, is the true definition of an entrepreneurial effort.  She is a one woman show, from expertly mixing her butters and oils, down to the labels that she designed herself.   I had purchased before the labels were created, so I enjoyed admiring the intricate flowers the California native artist created.   They are  simple and effective, much like the product itself.  
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  Get to know Maja , the artist and creator of Maja’s Very Own below.
 Tell me about how Maja's very Own started.
My thoughts of developing a mosquito repellent started when I knew I’d be moving back to the South. I lived in South Carolina for 8 years and there I found out I was highly allergic. Living there was miserable because 4-5 months out the year I couldn’t step out the house passed a certain hour in fear of being bit. I would swell so bad, and I even developed MRSA from being bitten before. I was determined to enjoy my new move because it was a new chapter in my life, and I didn’t want to limit myself. So I did my fav thing ever and google researched anything I could regarding mosquitoes and how to naturally repel them. I knew there had to be plants that worked, I hated the smell of OFF! And anything with DEET. Even if they add a “flowery” smell to those products, it smells horrible. It’s nothing but chemicals. I’m a self-proclaimed black hippy lol and want nothing to do with such things. I made my first batch summer ’16, it was a small personal bottle just to try things out. I was my own guinea pig and saw it worked for a little while but I still would get bit and would have to load up on benedryl to avoid using my Epi-Pen. But summer 17 was going to be my summer. I started my health journey, finally settled into southern living and really wanted to see what ATL had to offer. By doing more research I found better oils and remedies that might help so I threw some things together and would try them out and finally found a mix that worked and smelled good. Fortunately this time around friends and family tested it to make sure it worked for different people who have a different body chemistry than I do. Whala !  Maja’s Very Own. I wanted to have fun with it, so making it wouldn’t feel like or become a job, I already have one of those. That’s why there are Drake references in my description, someone told me I was “too urban” for those but clearly they didn’t get it was an MVO ting ayyyee lmao plus who doesn’t love a little Aubrey Drake in their life?
 life is to enjoy and why not enjoy what you do?
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 When you realized you could turn your own personal remedy into a business, did you have any fears along the way ?   If so , how did you overcome them ?
I originally wasn’t going to sell it or even mention it. It was the push from family that gave me the courage to start bottling it. I have a hard time putting myself out there I’m very introverted unless I know you personally. It worked so well for family I was like fuck it why not, what do I have to lose? Yes, it’s pricey but not only will I be helping myself but others. As soon I made mention of it on my FB people were messaging me telling me they have the same problem and they hate the mass produced products as well.
My main fear was the cost to do everything, because everything I used I made sure was organic, pure and naturally sourced. We all know organic isn’t cheap, but I took the leap anyway because I believe in what I’m doing. I truly believe that as long as you try to do what you whole heartedly believe in you’ll never fail because you tried. You come out a winner because you learned something by simply trying. Plus i'm beyond fortunate because my family supports everything I do, I couldn't ask for anything more than that. they're my cheerleaders even when I fail, they understand the importance of being an entrepreneur, especially being a woman and black, how important that is. I want my brothers see me try and fail or succeed, and know they don't have to keep working for someone else funding another's dream. You can put time into your own and build an empire. It'll take time, and i'm not saying I'll be hugely successful, but until my last breath I'm going to use the gifts God gave me and keep trying. Just having my younger brothers tell me they're going to step out of their comfort zone to try something because they see me trying is everything, or having my mom and grandmothers tell me they're proud of me having the courage to constantly put myself out there.  I don't care if I sell nothing else,lol that's the most rewarding thing i've ever experienced. I'll forever submit my artwork to galleries or shows and keep making stuff in the kitchen just because of those things right there.
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 What are some of the challenges you faced initially as a small business owner?
 lmao point blank, everything else comes pretty easy for me. At a random job I had I learned design so I design all my labels, thank you inserts and banners for my Etsy. I’m also an artist so I pay serious attention to detail, almost borderline OCD lol
 Also because of that I kind of get anxiety wondering if people like what I’m sending them. Along with the product I send a general thank you, but I also send a handwritten note that I appreciate them and I believe in giving back to the Earth we take from daily. I enclose wildflowers, lavender and a few other seeds for them to plant personally or just spread somewhere so in a small way we help stabilize our bee population because we need them. Without the bees I won’t be able to continue making the product even if it’s just for myself and never sell another bottle, the fruits we eat or anything for that matter. We have to give back in some type of way, it's small but it’s something. My black hippy ish lmao
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 Do you plan on expanding your product line in the future ?
I do actually last summer on top of making me a spray I also made repellent infused jewelry which I was hella surprised it worked! I forgot to spray myself and just had on my bangles and earrings and never got bit. Also beside the spray I also have a rub I made. I think people tend to shy away from the rub because it’s the summer but in the summer we still need lotion with this hard ATL water lol. I use that in place of my lotion everyday just as extra protection because I myself have even forgotten to spray myself down before walking out and regret it as soon as I feel a slight burn then welt somewhere. It's lighter than you’d think and moisturizes your skin so well because of the Shea and coconut oil. Still smells really good which a main focus was. You can wear either spray or rub along w your fav oil or perfume and it won’t be overbearing. But yea jewelry is the next move.
 You can purchase Maja’s product at here etsy shop here.   You can also keep up with her on instagram.  I highly recommend her products, not only to support small owned black businesses, but because you can’t slay all seasons 17 when you’re swollen and itchy .  
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diddlesanddoodles · 8 years ago
DUMPLING (G/T Fantasy)
“Okay, Dumplin’. What’s this one called?”
“Alright. And this one?”
“Burdock root. Because it looks like a bird’s leg. Bird. Burd-ock. Burdock root.”
“Must be a weird lookin’ bird if it’s leg’s lookin’ like that. Now, how ‘bout this one, then?”
“And this beauty?”
Nenani crossed her arms, regarding the dark haired Vhasshalan with an unamused look. “...Yale, that’s a weed.”
He waved the plant in front of her teasingly. “Aye and this weed’s got a name.”
“Creepy thistle.”
He laughed. “Creepin’ thistle, Dumplin’. Creepin’. Not creepy.”
“Looks creepy to me. It’s all spiky and stuff.”
“Yeah, it does a bit. Hmm. Well, what about this one?”
“Oh! Ooh...uh, that’s the weird sage. Clearly...no, uh...clarly...larlee la-la-larry sage.”
Yale draped a hand across his eyes and chuckled. “Heh he he. Clary.”
“Yeah. Clary sage. That’s what I said.”
“Wasn’t even close.”
“...it was kind of close.”
“Not even a bit. All right, next one.”
“Yucky soap leaf.”
“Huh? Soap leaf?”
“It tastes like soap. So it’s yucky soap leaf.”
“Okay, well what do the rest of us call it then?”
“Asking or tellin’ me, Dumplin’?”
“Um. Telling.”
“And ya’d be correct. Heh. Yucky soap leaf. And just how is it ya know what soap tastes like, hm?”
“You never accidentally ate soap?”
“How do you accidentally eat soap?”
“...I thought it was cheese.”
Yale laughed loudly. “Yer a weird one, Dumplin’.”
Nenani huffed, her cheeks reddening in embarrassment. “It does! Soap looks like cheese!”
“What part of the world do ya come from that soap looks anything like cheese?”
The door to the spice room opened and Farris walked in, carrying a leather bound journal and a piece of parchment that held his focus.
“Farris!” Nenani called, standing up from the collection of jars and ramekins of herbs that surrounded her. “I have a question! Does soap look like cheese?”
Farris paused, looking up from his paper, eyeing the small human in confusion. “What kind of question is that?”
Yale just laughed louder. “Yer not gonna be convincing anyone of it, lil’un.”
“It does! Cheese looks like soap! Or...soap looks like cheese.”
“And why,” Farris asked, walking over and handing the paper to Yale. “...does it matter?”
“She’s tryin’ to save face, is all,” glancing down at the paper. His eyes flickered back to Nenani and he grinned. “Seein’ as she just admitted she’s eaten soap thinkin’ it was cheese.”
Both giants were laughing at her now and her face was as red as a tomato.
“It. Looked. Like. Cheese!” Nenani insisted vehemently.

Fall ebbed away to winter, bringing with it colder temperatures and rain. The courtyard was constantly covered in mud much to the workers’ displeasure. And with the changing of the season came a shift in the style of food the kitchens prepared. Harvest time had brought an absurd abundance of vegetables of all kinds, but it and the beef and venison of the summer months was now used up. They were largely replaced with fowl and boar. And the salted Lippers. A winter staple as even in the frigid temperatures of winter, the Lippers still thrives under the frozen lakes and rivers.  
For one week straight, Saen and Yale did nothing but make jams and marmalade with the last of the summer fruits that had been stored in the warmer pantry. They had the entire long table covered in empty ceramic jars and there were three different cauldrons bubbling away inside the hearth, filling with crushed fruits and copious amounts of sugar. Nenani helped out on the day they were making black currant jam and ended up hopelessly staining her hands and face a bright purple. Saen showed her how to get the stains out with lemon juice and then had to teach her how to not get the lemon juice in her eyes.
Just as the days had turned colder, signaling an early and likely long and harsh winter, Lolly was able to finally make her promised visit to check how Nenani was settling and to deliver to her a few much needed things. Such as the clothes she and the ladies had finished as well as a coat, scarf, and a quilt. All of which had been delivered quite fortuitously as that particular day saw the first real frost and Nenani was not a happy little human. She’d been huddling miserably near the hearth, as close as anyone would let her, trying to keep feeling in her toes. Giants, it seemed, were much less susceptible to cold than humans. So when Lolly presented the gifts to her, Nenani quickly and happily put the coat on, wrapped the scarf about her neck, and then snuggled into the quilt.
“Ya look like a pillow,” Quinn commented with a laugh as he walked passed.  
“A warm pillow!” Nenani corrected and huddled further into the quilt. Before Lolly left to tend to her own duties, she brushed out Nenani’s hair and redid the braid as she had done the first night and showed the little girl how to do it so she could keep her hair from looking like a wild brush all the time.
Yale would spend a few hours every week teaching her how to identify various herbs and spices and how each was used. Nenani was surprised to learn that Farris’s job as Spice Master did not simple include managing the spice stores and grinding up mixtures to make food taste better. He was tasked with ordering and managing all spices, herbs, and salts that came into the castle and not only for culinary purposes, but medicinal ones as well. And whatever supplies Maevis required for his magical experiments. Despite her assumptions, Farris was a walking library when it came to plants and herbs and the like.  
As for Yale, she learned that he was not only Farris’s assistant, but also protĂ©gĂ©. He was being groomed to one day replace Farris when the day came that the red haired giant would retire. There seemed to be a running joke among the staff that Farris would never retire and would be well into his nineties and still be going strong.  
“It’s a known truth,” Saen was saying. “Nice fellas die young and fuckers live forever!”
“Sorry, lad,” Avery laughed, clapping Yale on the back. “But in all likelihood, we’ll all be dead before our time and the only ones left down here will be Farris and Bart with their false teeth and rheumatism.”

“He thinks he’s so clever,” Jae said as he lead Nenani through a new portion of the tunnels that snaked all through the Vhasshalan castle. Lighting their way were the glass orbs sitting in their brackets, a bright brilliant light hoping from one to the next as they moved along the path. “Hiding it in plain sight. But he has drastically underestimated the amount of time I have on my hands these days.”
“So why are we hunting for Maevis’s secret blackberry bushes?” Nenani asked, still unsure of their current endeavor. She liked Maevis and it seemed in poor taste to go ravaging something of his in such a way. It seemed to her that if he went to such lengths as to hide these bushes, they were not meant for conniving little human hands to go plucking at their leisure.
“It’s just what I do,” Jae replied as though it were explanation enough. At her dubious silence, he explained further. “Look, when I was a kid and still trying to get use to this place, Maevis came up with this game where he would hide stuff around the castle and if I found it, he’d give me a treat. For the last year or so he’s been planting blackberry bushes in weird places. I found them all but one and since it’s winter, I’d given up finding it at all until spring. That is until last night.” He turned to face her, eyes alight with a mischievous gleam that was beginning to become more and more familiar. “The inner gardens. I never go there anymore, but it’s the only place left where he could have planted one.”
“Why don’t you ever go there anymore?”
Jae shrugged at the question, blasĂ© and aloof, but there was a strange tension to his eyes that hinted at something more. “I just don’t. It’s right under the Queens apartments and I’ve made it a personal rule to avoid her and her walking mountain man.”
By now, Nenani had become well acquainted with the fact that the new Queen of Vhasshal held a very poor opinion on humans. While never having met the monarch herself, Jae kept her well informed in regards to the reasons why it was best he and her alike should avoid any meetings.  Nenani’s impression of her had been largely formed by the snippets of information supplied by others. Ever since the royal wedding, Jae had put himself into an odd sort of self banishment as he tried to avoid the Queen. As such, he spent a lot of time down in the kitchens with Nenani. Farris did not seem to mind and Kol was quite happy to have Jae hanging around.
“Like the ol’ days!” the baker replied with a grin. Nenani recalled that particular day quite well, having had the misfortune of falling into an open flour sack. Kol and Jae were breathless with laughter as Quinn fetcher her out while barely hiding his own mirth. Even a deep soak had failed to get rid of all of the flour and she was picking bits of dried dough from her hair for several days after.  
“I am just thankful he doesn’t know about the tunnels,” Jae said in reference to the Queen’s personal guard. “Gods above, can you imagine how he and the Queen would react to knowing how easily I can get around the castle? Should that day ever come, don’t be surprised to find traps set at all the entrances.”
“Why does she hate you so much? The gravy thing was an accident,” Nenani offered.
“You underestimate a high born ladie’s ability to hold a grudge,” Jae replied. “She hates humans in general. I’m just a special target.”
“Why don’t you ask the King to talk to her? I mean...you get along with him right?”
“Warren? Yeah, we get along fine. But it’s not my place to tell him how to arrange his marriage.”
“Well, I didn’t say you had to rearrange his marriage. Just ask him to stand up for you. Enough to make you feel safe enough to sleep in your own bed.”
“What? Getting tired of me already?” Jae laughed and elbowed her teasingly in the ribs. “Don’t want me in the kitchens, is that it? Thinking I’m moving in on your territory? Well, I got news for ya girly. It was my turf years before you came along.”
Nenani wanted to smile at his joking, to shoot back a quip, or a jab. However, she could not help but feel a little sad. “It doesn’t seem very fair that you need to hide. In your own home.”
Jae sighed, his eyes narrowing. “Look. Can we just talk about something else?”
“It’s not fair,” Nenani told him flatly. “It’s wrong.”
She had expected Jae to brush her off as he was want to do. But instead, something flashed in his eyes. A kind of uncertainty. Fear. “Sure it is,” he murmured. “Not like I have any other place to go. But like I said, it’s not my place to dictate what the King does. If the Queens hates me, that’s my problem.”  
He sighed and was quiet for a moment and then turned about face and grinned brightly. “Besides, I have so many hiding places around here they couldn’t get me out if every giant in Vhasshal tried. They’re stuck with me.”
Nenani tried to smile at that, but was unable to shake her displeasure. Barely more than a month had passed since she arrived and in that short span of time, she had settled into her new life fairly well. Everyone in the kitchens were nice to her, even if their endless teasing was very tiresome, and they looked out for her. She was learning all sorts of neat things from Yale and Farris and it was wonderful. She wanted for nothing.
It already felt like home.
But whenever Jae stopped by, he always looked a little more sad, a little more tired than his last visit. A little more less of himself. But it would disappear behind a smile or a joke and it was beginning to irk Nenani that he would dance and glance around the issue.  
“I know what it’s like,” she reminded him. “To feel like an outsider in a place you use to call home.”
Jae stopped to face her and his expression was of mild shock and then a small smile. He patted her shoulder and nodded. “I appreciate the concern, Nenani. You don’t have to worry about me. I can take care of myself.” He sighed. “The truth is, I’m staying away from the Queen so she and Warren and do what newlyweds do and get on with their own affairs. He worked so hard for this marriage to happen, this alliance. It’s not just about me or my comfort. I can’t be selfish The stability of the entire Kingdom rests on this marriage being successful. Best if I keep my distance. You may have noticed, but disaster kind of follows me.” A pause and in a small, regretful voice, he murmured, “You’re not the only one going around thinking their cursed.”
“You’re not cursed,” Nenani offered seriously. And then grinned. “Just a little clumsy.”
Jae laughed and tugged on her braid. “You spend far too much time in the Kitchens. You’re starting to sound like them now.”
Nenani just grinned as they continued on down the tunnel. “Just think, I might even start cursing.”
Jae laughed, a pure sound that was as loud as it was genuine. “Such a rebel, you are.”  

The inner gardens were located in the heart of the castle’s keep in a round atrium surrounded by intricate columns made to resemble large trees stretching upwards, the leaves and branches of their canopies making up the decorative arches between the supporting columns. Like the spokes of a wheel, bright blue and green tile walkways lead from the outer rim to the center where there sat a grand fountain of white marble.
“You should see it in the spring,” remarked Jae when Nenani stood silent and dumbstruck with the beauty of the gardens. Even as bare and flowerless as it was, the space was magnificent and its sheer size only added to awe of it all. “And when all the flowers are in bloom? So long you aren’t allergic or nothing.”
“So,” Nenani asked, looking about the thin and leafless brambles and skeletal bushes. “What does a blackberry bush look like in winter?”
They set about looking for the illusive plant with Jae having given her vague description of what to look for. After mistaking hibernating rose bushes three times, Nenani began to wonder if perhaps Maevis had not hidden the bush in the inner gardens after all.
“No, he must have!” Jae reiterated firmly, but with an edge of exasperation. “I mean, where else could it be?”
“...maybe it’s metaphorical?” Nenani offered inanely, straightening her scarf a bit.
Jae stared blankly at her. “The worst part of that idea is that it’s not outside the realm of possibility.”  
Climbing onto the fountain's edge and sitting on the rim, the two humans used the improved vantage point to score over the area. As time went on, Jae became increasingly exasperated.
“Dammit,” he said at last. “I was so sure it would be here.”
“Maybe we should head back to the kitchens,” Nenani suggested. The sky was gray and it seemed to be getting colder.
“I’m calling shenanigans,” Jae told her. “I think Maevis is lying about there being another bush.”
Cold, empty handed, and disappointed they clambered back down off the fountain and headed back to the tunnel’s entrance set in the wall along the floor. It sat flush with the rest of the stonework and the only way to open it was by pressing a spring locked trigger disguised as coffer near the floor. The stone molding around the hallway was covered with the decorative recess squares and the only distinguishing mark on the door’s opening mechanism was a seven petaled flower at its center.
Suddenly, Nenani felt Jae’s hand grab her arm.
“What?” She asked, turning to face the young man. However, he was not looking at her. Rather, he was staring ahead, eye wide open and face pale. Nenani followed his line of sight and her heart skipped a beat.
Further down the hallway, close to the tunnel’s entrance, was an unfamiliar giant. He was massive, perhaps a full head taller than Farris or Bart and wide. Much wider. Head to toe, the massive figure was clad in black and brown leather, the hilt of a long sword poking up from behind his left shoulder and another sword hung at his hip. His large hand was caressing the hilt of the one at his waist, dark eyes focused on the two smaller beings.
?” she whispered unsteadily.
“Creag. His name is Creag,” Jae said, voice low. “The Queen’s man.”
Nenani had not felt that particular kind of innate, primal fear since she first came to Vhasshal, when she thought the King meant to have her executed for theft. But at that moment, standing in the very large hallway, and facing the largest being she had ever bore witness to, it all came flooding back. Her insides twisted and the panicked swirling of her thought kept her feet rooted to the spot. Like a spooked rabbit staring at a wolf.  
Jae’s grip on her arm tightened and he whispered to her, “When I say so, make a run for the corridor behind us. Take a right at the first turn. Then two door down there’s another entrance at the corner near a table. It’s got a vase on it. That tunnel’s a near straight shot to the Library. I’ll meet you there.”
“W-what are you gonna do?” She asked, matching his volume.
“He can’t see us go into the tunnels,” he replied. “I know some short cuts. I can lose him easily. He’s got more reason to come after me than you, so I’ll draw him away.”
Jae straightened his posture and took a step forward, putting himself between the glaring giant and Nenani.
“Are ya just gonna stand there looking pretty or are we gonna have to have some words?” Jae asked, voice bouncing oddly in the large hall.
Creag took one large step forward, the leather of his person creaking. “You were warned to keep away, rat.”
Nenani could not help but flinch at the real and palpable malice in the giant’s words and she was begrudged to admit to herself she had never bore witness to a giant with truly malicious intentions.
“Yeah, well I’m not much for following orders. Especially the stupid ones. Even more so when the one throwin’ ‘em around doesn’t have the authority to say shit about it.”
Creag drew out his sword and took another series of menacing steps. “I have all the authority I need right here.”
“And we have the King’s protection,” Jae threw back in a voice that belittled the degree of danger. “Or did you forget the part where Warren told you to leave us the fuck alone, huh?”
Creag sneered. “You may have wormed your way into the King’s confidence, taking advantage of his good will and charity, but I see you Silvaaran rats for what you truly are. Murders, treacherous scum. You lot committed regicide once. I will not permit it to happen again.”
“You think I’d want to kill the King? Big guy, you’re even dumber than ya look,” Jae shot back, clearly offended. “I’m his ward.”
“I will do what I must to keep my Lady and her progeny safe,” Creag snarled as he gripped the hilt firmly. “You will not fowl the air they breath with your presence.”
“Progeny?” Jae asked, the word falling clumsily from his mouth.
“The Queen is with child.” Nenani heard the words and while she was not so surprised, she was concerned. She stole a glance up at Jae’s face. He seemed...blank.
“...is that so?” He asked absently.
“And now the King can bring an end to this fallacy of yours,” Creag replied, a cruel smirk on his lips and began to walk towards them. “He will have a son of his own. A real son. Not some pet with which to pretend and waste his affection on faux familial bonds.”
The living mountain’s words seemed to strike a chord with Jae and his confident stance slowly drained away. Nenani could see the emotion in the young man’s eyes. “Jae,” she called. “Jae?”
He didn’t answer. Creag was nearly on them and she was near to panicking. “Jae? Say something!”
Again, no answer. With startled glances between Jae and the fast approaching Creag, Nenani did the first thing she thought of. She slapped Jae across the face. “JAE!”
Wherever in his mind that Jae had retreated, he was brought back to reality quickly and looking up, seeing how close Creag was now, turned to Nenani and yelled, “RUN!”
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greggory--lee · 8 years ago
15 Ways to Create Some Extra Holiday Money
Originally this was going to be a list for my two teenagers but some of these ideas are better suited to adults with a valid driver's license and a bit of know-how. Some of these take a bit of planning and organizing, but most of them could have done on a fairly spur of the moment case by case basis. The great thing about a lot of these ideas is that you're spreading holiday cheer by helping to make someone else's other stressful and overwhelming to-do list a little bit easier. Who would not pay to have someone come do a few of these things for you? Mostly, what's important is that you remember to provide a quality item or service to the buyer with a smile on your face and in your heart. Have fun with these!
1. Baby-sit for people who need to do some Christmas shopping without their little ones tagging along. Anyone trustworthy who is over the age of about thirteen or fourteen can do this one. It's hectic enough to get in and out of the malls and shopping centers without having to drag toddlers along. Contact friends, family, coworkers, and members of your spiritual community to let them know that you're available for holiday babysitting. This can include time that the parents need to get away for office parties, charity events, and volunteering to help the elderly and less fortunate members of their community.
2. Grab a ladder and offer to clean leaves out of your neighbors' gutters. Many people are so busy during the summer months that they completely forget to clean all of the debris from their gutters when the sun is out and it's dry outside. It's cold and yucky outside now and many people are too busy to get to it themselves. They'll probably be glad that you offered and they can check it off of their to-do lists. This is not one for the youngger kids. However, they can offer to rake up the leaves in their neighbors' yards. Adults could offer to do both the gutters and the yard as one big project for a nice reasonable price. It could also be a father & son side business that you do together – while dad cleans the neighbors gutters, junior rakes up the leaves in the lawn.
3. Bake something amazing and offer to sell it to your friends and coworkers so they will not have to do their own holiday baking. You probably have to be careful about selling your baked goods to professional organizations and such, but you could do some sideline baking to help out your friends, neighbors, and coworkers who are going to be entertaining guests over the holidays and simply will not have The time to do their own baking. Have you got an awesome recipe that stands out as everyone's absolute favorite? It's the hit of every potluck? Make up some tiny sample sizes or bring it in to the office break room and serve up samples to your potential clients. Then while their mouths are watering, tell them that for a fee you'll bring them one to their home the day before their guests are to arrive. You'll have to work out the scheduling and cost of ingredients and such, but this could be a fun way to make some money and spread some serious joy. The hostess will be so pleased when she pulls your work of art out of the fridge and her guests ooh and ah over the scrumptious homemade dessert she did not even have to bake herself.
4. Offer to collect people's empty soda cans and cash them in. My son raised almost $ 300 last spring doing this so that he could go to a training course to become a college counselor for the little kids at our church. He went door to door offering to do yard work and most people just handed him bags and bags of pop cans they did not want to take the time to cash in. He collected most of them over one weekend and then cashed them all in the following weekend. We live really close to a grocery store where he could walk to cash them in, so I did not even have to get my car dirty with sticky soda drippings! This is a really good one for the youngger kids to do.
5. Sell something on eBay. I know a number of people who make a decent second income all year round by digging around for antiques and such from the Goodwill and then fixing them, cleaning them up, and selling them for a much higher price on eBay. You have to know what to look for, but these folks will pick up an old pair of stereo speakers for $ 10 or $ 15 and then sell them on eBay for $ 200. The customer pays for shipping. You can also do this through garage sales, flea markets, and estate sells too. Most of the time and work goes into hunting for the cool treasures that someone will want to purchase.
6. Hang up people's outdoor Holiday lights for them. As a single mom, I would have loved it if someone had come to my house and hung the Christmas lights on my house for me. My children always wanted us to decorate the outside of the house and I hated not being able to do that for them. I did not know the first thing about how to go about hanging them up. I did not even own a ladder! So, I would think that you could go around offering to hang up people's outdoor holiday lights for a fee. It they like like me and do not even have lights but want to get some, you could offer your expertise as to which kind to buy and where to get the best prices and such.
7. Grab a broom or a shovel and offer to clean the neighborhood sidewalks. This is another good one for the younger teens. There's always sidewalks that need swept or shoveled. And there's always someone too busy or too tired to do it themselves.
8. Work a second job as seasonal help at one of the department stores in the mall. Most of the major department stores hire extra help in October or November so they can have them fully trained by the time the really busy holiday shopping season kicks in. They are kept on until after the inventory counts are done in January. Then most are let go if they have not quit already. Those who have proven themselves to be quality employees will often be asked to stay on longer.
9. Sell something at holiday bazaars. I suspect that you have to get these kinds of events lined up ahead of time with a bit of preplanning and such, but plenty of people make a decent seasonal income by selling cool arts and crafts type items at those holiday bazaars. Often a percentage of the sales goes towards a fundraiser, but you still make enough to make it worth your time and energy to create the art and to hang out at the art shows.
10. Sell your plasma. We all know how important it is to donate blood during the holidays, but many people do not know that you can get paid for sitting through a procedure quite similar to the donation process. The difference is that they run your blood through a machine that separates the plasma from the red blood cells and puts the red blood cells back into your body. It take longer and I guess that's why they are willing to pay you for your time. Years ago, I used to do this when my kids were really little and we needed some extra money for upcoming birthdays and such. They would not let you do it more than once a week or so and they just paid about $ 25 each time, so you had to plan ahead if you were going to raise $ 100 or $ 200 for something you wanted to purchase. Contact your local Red Cross or other blood donation centers for help finding the plasma centers.
11. Clean homes for others who have holiday guests coming. Typically, if someone has out of town guests coming for the holidays, they have a lot more on their to-do list then just cleaning their toilets and shampooing the carpets. You could become a real lifesaver for those in a crunch who are too busy, too old, or too tired to do a deep deep cleaning before the guests arrive. Some might even hire you again to clean up after the guests leave too! Teens can do this just as easily as the adults can.
12. Run errands and do odd holiday jobs like wrapping gifts or delivering packages to the post office. You could start a little side business where all you do is run other people's errands for them. Drop off and pick up the dry cleaning. Take their pet to the vet. Deliver cupcakes to the charity fundraiser. Pick up a competent of gift certificates from national department stores that will later be mailed out. Address and stamp their Christmas cards for them. Do their grocery shopping. Pick up new printer cartridge and some desk calendars for them. It's all of those tiny little errands that make for frazzled schedules and crazy timelines. For a fee, you could do it for them.
13. Decorate the inside of people's homes or offices for the holidays. You do not have to be a professional interior decorator to be helpful. If you've got a reputation as having a good eye for attractive and festive decorating, you can help others to set up their trees, hang garland, and place some nice poinsettia here and there. You can help make people's homes and their office space a warm inviting environment and also include coming back after the holidays to break it all down into storage containers as part of the deal. I hate teasing down the decorations and would love to pay someone to put it all back away!
14. Cater some dinners for the extremely busy shoppers or for Holiday parties. Those who are not awesome cooks need not apply for this one! Let's say that your boss is having the annual company Christmas party at his house and his wife is swamped with running kids back and forth to choir concerts and peewee football camp while shopping and planning for her in-laws who will be flying in to visit only Three days after her husband's company party at her house !!! You could offer to cook and cater the event for her. You'll once again be making someone else's holiday season so much easier while approaching extra money for yourself. Decide in advance on a menu and who's purchasing the ingredients needed. Then all you have to come up with is a dollar figure for your time and grandma's secret recipe for those little mini-cakes that everyone loves so much.
15. Chauffer someone's children to and from school and other activities so the parents have some free time. This is not quite the same as babysitting. You'd be amazed at how much time a person can spend picking up and driving two or three kids to different events and hauling musical instruments and sporting gear from one event to the next. You could simply run a taxi service for children and teenagers who need rides from point A to B. You do not have to hang out and watch them once they get there. Just make sure they arrive on time. Even just having an afternoon at home to cook and clean house while someone else gathers up all of the kids and brings them all home could make a world of difference for someone.
As you can see, some of these services could easily be turned into a year-round side job or they could have been dropped as soon as the holidays are over. Perhaps you'll find that you love catering people's meals, you love refurbishing antiques, or you love running errands and taxiing others around from place to place. You could go into business for yourself and by next year, you could quit your 'real job' and be happily self-employed. Then again, your teenager could discover how much time and work it takes just to raise enough money for some generous Christmas shopping. After learning the value of a dollar earned, they may decide that college is a good idea after all!
Copyright 2004, Skye Thomas, Tomorrow's Edge
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Source: http://bitcoinswiz.com/15-ways-to-create-some-extra-holiday-money/
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