nisetsundere · 5 years
6 and 21 from that last ask game
Well hey there mate ~!
6. Even numbers or Odd numbers?
Even numbers are easier to remember and work with, and I lean toward them. But my favourite numbers are prime (and therefore odd) ! Additionally, odd numbers can make for a good minor irk if you’re trying to confuse someone.
21. What first comes to mind when you see rope?
If it’s curled up or on a hip, I think about rappelling/climbing (think indiana jones). If it’s in a noose,... yeah.
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chuuni-p · 6 years
currently planning a new character for a pathfinder campaign I’m starting on thursday. 
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officialyasen · 7 years
Happy birthday Yasen!
thaaaaaaaaank you man
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rikorin · 7 years
Naraku no Hana by Eiko Shimamiya
At the beginning i got scared the fuck out cuz it sounded like some horror game ost, but then it got to the chorus and my heart skipped a beat, imma dig more into eiko shimamiya, thanks for the recommendation chris-tan. 
couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in adding to my library
SCORE: 7.9/10!!!   
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kite33 · 7 years
3. 5. 13. 14. 24. and 30.
3: i can’t think of anyone that i’d outright never want to meet again but there’s some people from my primary school that i’d rather avoid for a number of reasons
5: crabapple tree maybe
13: hot and humid weather
14: (edit) the megu version of the chimame chronicle wallpapers (it wouldn’t upload cause garbage wifi)
24: uhhh tuna on french bread maybe (i don’t really eat sandwiches that much)
30: the day i was born my sister bought me a rabbit cuddly toy so probably that 
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kokorohoko · 7 years
#it's going to take awhile to get used to your new name  #but i will probably get used to it eventually
@sprchr7 don’t forget about me~~~
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cresciento · 7 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Thank you so much  @kite33, @sprchr7, @chimisu and @tippy-the-rabbit
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sprchr7 · 7 years
I am really late to that so I hope you are still accepting these >__
You could have been a month late and I would have still answered this.
2: Ever been in love?
I honestly don’t know. I THINK I have, but I don’t KNOW if I actually have.
9: Favorite Show?
My favorite show (that isn’t a anime) is NCIS. My favorite anime is Toradora
13: How old are you?
I am 21 years old
27: Fears?
I am extremely afraid of spiders and bugs. I also fear having to talk to people I don’t know well.
28: Last thing that made you cry?
I want to say Koe no Katachi made me tear up a little bit. It’s been so long since I actually cried that I don’t remember what made me cry last. I do tear up quite frequently though.
30: Meaning behind your url
Oh boy, don’t get excited or anything, cause its really dumb.
So if you look on my About page you will see my Xbox Live gamertag, spartan church7, which is the full form of sprchr7. The name is a combination of two things from two of my favorite series when I was in 8th Grade, “Halo” and “Red vs. Blue”. The 7 is from my old street address in Ohio. Anyways, the name got shortened to sprchr7 when I created a Youtube account cause the full name was too long at the time. I ended up using it everywhere else as well cause it was easier to type then the full version of the name.
(PS: this is the second time I have typed this response, the first time I accidentally refreshed the page before I hit submit.) 
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kvlen · 8 years
Happy birthday to my favorite Kantai Collection artist!
ahh thank you so much! C: i feel honoured to be your favorite~
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chuuni-p · 6 years
62 and 65
62. Ever buy a console specifically to play one game?
Nope, I generally work on at least 5 games I want before I pick up a console.
65. Ever have a Game Genie, Game Shark or Action Replay? Did it ever mess up your game’s save file?
I did actually have a gameshark for my Gameboy colour. I don’t ever remember it screwing up any saves though.
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kite33 · 7 years
☂️ 🐾 💚 💙
☂️ i like sunny weather but only if it’s not hot (like it’s sunny in winter or there’s a cold breeze)
🐾 rabbits without a doubt
💚 not really either, i just try to do my best regardless of the situation
💙 absolutely an introvert
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hakujiin · 8 years
3, 4, 6
3. What is your birthday?
July 7th 1994
4. What is your zodiac sign?
6. What's your lucky number?
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kokorohoko · 9 years
64: Do you think Valentine's Day is overrated?
Not at all, actually. I mean, I’m sure I did when I was younger but I think it’ really nice. A day to celebrate the love you feel for other people. That’s great. It’s not solely related to couples so it can really be about the care and adornment you share for anyone. A day solely dedicated to take a break from everything else going on in life where we forget to show others how much we care about them and say “Hey, you mean a lot to me.”
I think it’s nice.
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chuuni-p · 7 years
Naraku no Hana by Eiko Shimamiya
couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
Not usually my style, a little slow, but I get that it captures the feel of Higurashi well. 
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nisetsundere · 5 years
thanks to a certain someone *cough* sprchr7 *cough* the next 36hrs or so of queue will be mostly populated with granblue girls.
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nisetsundere · 5 years
Cuddle : Which one of your mutuals do you really want to hug right now?
A lot of them could probably use a hug, but @sprchr7 has some top-tier posts, especially as of late. A hug might be a lil uncomfortable though, a duel for honour might be more appropriate !
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