#spotted cort
mycoblogg · 1 year
FOTD #091 : spotted cort! (cortinarius iodes)
the spotted cort (also viscid violet cort) is an agaric fungus in the family cortinariaceae :-) it occurs in many different areas of north america, south america, central america & northern asia. this mushroom mostly forms associations with deciduous trees !!
the big question : can i bite it??
it is technically edible, yes - but "not recommended for consumption".
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c. iodes description :
"the cap is initially bell-shaped before becoming broadly convex & then flat in maturity (sometimes retaining a broad umbo), & attains a diameter of 2–6 cm (0.8–2.4 in). the cap surface is slimy (in wet weather) & smooth, & has a lilac or purplish colour. the flesh is white, firm, & thin. the colour fades in maturity, & the cap develops irregular yellowish spots, or becomes yellowish in the centre. gills are attached to the stem & packed together closely. they are lilac to violet when young, but become rusty brown to greyish cinnamon when the spores mature. the stem measures 4–7 cm (1.6–2.8 in) long by 0.5–1.5 cm (0.2–0.6 in) thick, & is nearly equal in width throughout other than a somewhat bulbous base. it is solid (i.e., not hollow), slimy, smooth, & has violet or purplish colours that are usually lighter than the cap; sometimes, the stem base is more or less white. the cobweb-like, pale violet partial veil leaves a zone of thin, purple or rusty fibers on the upper stem."
[images : source & source]
[fungus description : source]
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knockoff-conlon · 5 months
spot 🤝 albert = calling their strangely tall boyfriends sweetheart in both a mean and nice way
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fnich-enthusiast · 2 months
Hello hi if you didn't know I'm like,,, Obsessed with the Olympics so naturally a newsies Olympics AU had to happen.
First of all would like to acknowledge that a newsies Olympics AU already exists and it's a work of art. You can find it on Kath's blog @thefactsofthematter or on AO3 here
I will elaborate in later posts bc there is,,, a lot but Paris 2024 basics:
It's Jack's third Olympics, Davey's fifth, Katherine's fourth, and everyone else's first
Also it's Charlie's fourth paralympics
Him and Jack are brothers, not super important to the plot but important to me
Jack and Davey are married <3 v much openly queer pioneer athletes and I have SO MUCH backstory for them they're my favourites actually
Jack is the captain of the men's rugby sevens team, which Spot and Albert both play on
Davey's a heavily decorated diver, and is competing for the last time. He originally wasn't going to compete but then Les needed a synchro partner and Davey went what the hell why not
Also Jack and Davey are 32 and 31 respectively
Sarah was also an olympic diver, she's 3 years older than Davey and used to compete mixed synchro with him (which I know isn't an olympic event but this is an alternate universe where fictional newsboys are olympic athletes so the world is what I make of it - also I want all of the Jacobs siblings competing together)
Charlie plays wheelchair rugby and is actually the entire reason Jack got into rugby in the first place, he's two years older than Jack because I love some older brother crutchie
Finch is an archer, he's also very interested in the olympics and runs a tiktok account where he talks about all sorts like daily updates etc, fails to mention that he's competing until someone sees him on tv and is like wtf that's the tiktok guy
Race is Finch's best friend from home and is a skateboarder, was fully unaware that skateboarding had become an olympic sport and Finch watched in real time as Race realised they could both go together
Katherine does equestrian <3 I have not decided which event bc I think they're boring
They're all Team USA and I have so many more thoughts but this is getting long and also asks are open
Thanks to all the besties involved in this mess @we-are-inevitable @tarantulas4davey @jack-kellys @to-be-a-dreamer @wineandhargreeves @claireverlasting
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jack-kellys · 1 month
actually i’m making it ur choice
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crystaltreebee · 3 months
them kissing could cure me.
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aricastmblr · 1 month
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Jimin gato calicó en años
El apodo favorito de Jimin es: Calico Cat - Gato Calicó
'calico cat' - gato calicó
-JiminxJungKook Are You Sure?! Jeju Disney+ Season2 Episode 4 Inicia y Sigue viaje el 26 Sept 2023
-jimin weverse live 지민 BTS 03.06. 05:05 난 네 삼색고양이 Soy tu gato Calico “I’m your calico cat” 6mzo2023
-jk cantando en BTS 2022 SEASON’S GREETINGS' SPOT (Star Turned Villain) - jimin alley cat
-Calendario JUNGKOOK  -  JiMIN 13 OCT. JIMIN BIRTHDAY  (1013) Aspecto de gato tricolor / calicó -'삼색고양이 등장' (1013) Appearance of tri-coloured/calico cat - jimin alley cat
-JK & JM I´m your calico cat∼ 🎶 삼∼색∼고양이∼🎶 MCountdown
-BTS_twt 10:52 a. m. · 10 sept. 2017 삼색고양이🐾 JIMIN
-Jimin serendipity mv - Curry @/bbodong23
-지민 (Jimin) MV oficial de 'Closer Than This' & Serenipity gato calicó 
-[슈취타] EP.7 SUGA with 지민
-INTHESEOM_BTS 20230306 Jimin monito con su Gato Calicó Gang-yang "Puppy-Kitty".
-CRKingdomKR - Jimin Cookie monito con su Gato Calicó en BTSInCRK JiminInCRK - MyJiminCookie
("BTS DECO KIT" with our universe ARMY jimin: 강양이 (pupkitty)   “cachorro-gato” (강양)
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daveyfvckingjacobs · 1 year
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*shakes these like a bag of cat treats* pspspsps
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raggedy-albert · 1 year
you know what i absolutely adore?
finch is so deeply in love with albert. he knows that al doesn’t like him back and it hurts so much but they’re best friends and that’s what matters.
al knows finch likes him. he hates how it’s changed their friendship so much. he just wants race to love him back. race loves spot.
race would do anything for spot. he is completely unaware that his best friend is in love with him, because he’s been like that for such a long time it’s practically normal. spot doesn’t love race.
spot conlon. the toughest newsie in all of new york. spot doesn’t have time for love. focusing on the brooklyn newsies is all that matters. spot isn’t ready for love, isn’t ready to let down their guard.
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athousandboxjumps · 1 year
“Start out sweating, end up sneezing”
aka: one giant newsies sick!fic cuz I’m once again planning out angst
Albert catches it first. Of course he does, the stubborn bastard refuses to wear sleeves. It starts with a chill that leaves him constantly shivering, then his face turns flushed and warm to the touch, until eventually he has a fever that leaves his bedridden and struggling to get warm.
The next day Specs feels a tightness in his chest. He insists that it’s nothing new, just allergies, but everyone knows better. His skin is clammy and he can’t stop sweating and then his entire body is aching so bad he barely moves.
It only spreads from there. Specs gives it to Romeo, who stayed by him all night. Romeo unwittingly passes it to Buttons, who passes it to Tommy Boy, who passes it to Splasher. Splasher, his tiny frame wracked with tremors, can’t stop coughing and wheezing. There are terrified glances amongst the still healthy boys who all fear their littlest brother may not survive.
All those still healthy who have accommodations outside of the lodging house are instructed by Kloppman to stay there for the next few days. Elmer goes back to his many siblings, saying a prayer that he doesn’t get any of them sick. Albert tells Race to stay either Spot in Brooklyn, but Race refuses. He was a surprisingly good immune system, and he’s not abandoning his family now. Besides Jack, who caught it from Henry, is out of commission which means he’s in charge. It reminds him of the strike, being woefully unprepared to help the boys who so desperately need him.
Davey, having sent Les home, keeps a cool washcloth on Jack’s forehead to try and lower his temperature. Mostly Jack mumbles in his I’ll delirium, but he has a moment of lucidity where Jack asks Davey if Crutchie can stay with the Jacobses for his safety. Crutchie vehemently refuses, especially after Finch gets so sick his skin turns a pale green. He has to practically he dragged out of the lodging house by Davey and Les. Crutchie knows it’s bad if he stays, he already has a weak constitution, but dammit he doesn’t want to leave Finch alone.
Davey, Les, Crutchie, and Race (who by some miracle is still healthy) pool together whatever they can to get a doctor. Kloppman pitches in, as does Miss Medda and Sister MacClare from the church thanks to some help from Elmer. Spot shows up to the Jacobs apartment unannounced early in the morning to drop off some addition change courtesy of Brooklyn. It takes what feels like a long while, but eventually they have enough.
The doctor comes and checks everyone over. He’s most concerned about Jack, Finch, Albert, and Splasher, but says that all things considered the boys are very lucky. Over the course of the next week, people improve. Crutchie is allowed to stay by Finch’s side again (which Finch is very embarrassed about but also very grateful). They know Albert is okay when one of Race’s cigars mysteriously disappears. Jack is up and moving the day after with Splasher on his shoulders.
After the scariest couple of weeks, they’re okay. Crutchie and Davey each with their boy by their side, thank their gods. They’re okay.
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incorrectuksies · 1 year
finch: i wouldn't lie to you, spot. not because i'm a good person, i'm just scared of you.
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frogmanfae · 1 year
Jack doesn't have timing
Finch: smash
Holy fuck medda is so
Step aside *shoves Davey away*
When they ran away from Snyder they just ran off stage so we were robbed of the chase scene :( it would have looked silly on such a small stage tho
Holy fucking shit medda
Davey is casted so so perfect
Katherine is so sassy holy shit
Uh. Bottom line was. Um. yeah so the guy who played Pulitzer actually spoke most of his lines that were supposed to be sung (and when he did sing it was pretty clear WHY this was) but he was good acting wise
Bunson said that the newsies will have to sell 25 more papers to make the same amount, which is mathematically incorrect sir
When the strike first started, after the union JUST voted to make it official and Jack was hyping everyone up, Davey was standing off to the side taking deep breaths and tapping his fingers on his legs and doing a couple of grounding techniques my therapist gave me for panic attacks (holy shit his actor was so autistic and definitely had anxiety and he also graduated from my high school like 5 years ago which was wild to see him again)
Les doesn't just say "I have a pencil!" he said "I have a pencil AT HOME" which to me really emphasizes just how impoverished the other newsies are. Even the ones who have homes don't have simple items (such as pencils) in those homes. Les isn't the only one of them who happens to HAVE a pencil. He's the only one who OWNS a pencil.
I wanna write a medda origin story (random thought I had)
During Jack and Davey's little dance thing in WWK Jack turned the wrong way and Davey had to nudge him to turn facing the back instead of the audience
There was a newsie in the ensemble who was so fucking pissed the entire show, especially during WWK, he put everything he had into that it was crazy shout out to him
At the end of WWH, Katherine started typing really dramatically and it actually looked more like autistic hand flapping (which I kinda love)
Davey talks with his hands a lot
The first scab looked like he was forced into this (not the stabbing, the show) he didn't throw down his papers, he dropped them and went "I'm with you 😐" and walked off stage
When they're striking and then weisel and the delanceys interrupt their songs, they didn't all stop at the same time and the last one you heard was Davey stopping after everyone
The delanceys took crutchie's crutch and literally like sabbed him with it before they dragged him off
Crutchie yelled for Finch as he was being dragged away
When crutchie was taken, the stage was completely empty except for him and the delanceys
During Santa Fe Jack was hyperventilating and he fell to his knees on the first couple notes. When he stood back up he kept leaning and looking over the railing like he was going to jump.
After he hit the last note of Santa Fe, he fell to his hands and knees near the edge and started wailing until the house lights came on for intermission
Les was really good omfg and it's apparently his first show like he's SO good it's insane
I got a newspaper purse during intermission :DD
After viewing the program, the actor for Crutchie's day job is a MAILMAN (modern day newsboy pretty much)
Finch was laying face down on the table the entire time before Katherine walked in at the start of act II, including for the delivery of his line, "why do old people talk?"
The tap dancing was pretty good actually
When Crutchie says "so far they ain't brung us no food... Ha. Ha." he laughed like "heheh"
The music cut out earlier than in the original during letter from the refuge (it didn't stop, it just paused after "your best friend" and didn't continue until after the guard yelled) so "your brother, crutchie" was completely acapella and I sobbed
When the guard yelled from off stage to tell crutchie to quiet down, crutchie got this look of absolute terror in his eyes and it was heartbreaking
"Even Horace Greeley moved back to new York" "*waves his hand around like he's in class and really wants to get called on* OOH OOH YEAH! YEAH HE DID! AND THEN HE DIED!!"
"Dave (angry)" "Jackie (excited)"
Davey sounded pretty similar to Ben Fankhauser negl
Spot conlon was tall :( but he was scrawny asf so we'll accept it
At the rally, all the newsies were chanting "Jack Jack Jack Jack-" and Davey came and yelled "NEWSIES OF NEW YORK" and one guy just went "Jack?" and someone shoved him. Davey didn't acknowledge it.
Jack didn't storm away after the rally, someone paraded right in to the center of the floor and handed him the money where everyone was sure to see him and someone went "t-traitor! Youre a traitor!" And then the stage cleared until it was only Jack and Davey under two different spotlights, both looking at each other like they were about to cry. Jack looked at Davey like he wanted nothing more than to run to him and explain everything and Davey looked at Jack like he wanted to throw up. (Sobbing)
Jack and Katherine only kissed once, when she was threatening to punch Jack. All of the other kisses were replaced by hugs and to me that is so much more personal.
Jack seemed to be on the verge of tears for the entirety of Something to Believe In, like all he'd ever had was Santa Fe, but now there's something- some*one* who cares about him and he's gripping so hard onto that. He hugged her so tight I could see the tension in his muscles from the audience.
"... Oh no 😩 I know a printing press he'd never think we'd use 😮‍💨"
"Hey, ah- um, Jack? It's uh... It's good to have you back..." "... Shut up *teeny tiny loving smile*" your honor they're in love
The newsies all came into the audience during once and for all and the girlsie standing at the end of my row was singing harmony and she slayed so hard shout out to her
"Did you read this?? 😡😡 These kids put put a pretty good paper🤬🤬"
"I can't lower the price of papers-" "goodbye. *deadass walks out*" I CACKLED THIS WAS HILARIOUS
"*pouty, over his shoulder because his back is faced to Pulitzer,his arms are crossed, and his shoulders are up to his ears* it's a compromise we can all live with😤🫣"
Davey didn't lose any clothing :( but he also started out dressed more or less the same as Jack was so.
Katherine was blonde, which felt note worthy for some reason
Everyone cheered for medda the loudest during curtain call she was so fucking good
Davey kept stuttering throughout the show and at times it seemed like he was almost trying (and lowkey failing) to cover an accent of some kind but I know that his actor has an American accent because he and I are from the same town, which really feeds into my immigrant Davey hc
I can't get over how good Les was he's gonna grow up to be a star
Over all, this show was really fucking good
Also seriously, Medda. Girl if there's anyway you're reading this what on earth are you doing in the middle of fuck nowhere Pennsylvania?? I don't see many local actors who I believe can make it on Broadway, but you, you could thrive on Broadway.
Every one kept saying "San-ta Fe" and not "Sanna Fe" which felt note worthy
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madebysimblr · 6 months
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Winterfest Vibes~
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sparkedblaze · 9 months
Medda teaching her kids to cook.
Who accidentally uses soap on the cast iron? Who messes up the roux every time? Who gets it perfect the very first time?
Currently scrolling through my asks to see what catches my eye off the bat as Something I Can Answer.
Absolutely yes
First of all: Medda will teach anyone to cook. They come to her house and express an interest in cooking? "Come on, baby, I'll show you how to make _________"
Soap on cast iron
Fucks up the roux
Makes perfect roux from the start
Not allowed near the stove but this bitch can bake like nobody's business
Not allowed in the kitchen at all. They have set fire to boiling water. No one knows how.
Is not only allowed in the kitchen, but people get excited when they cook
Can only microwave
Has no interest even being in the kitchen
Spot (it pisses Jack off to no end)
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violetwolfraven · 10 months
A New World Is Gunning For You Chapter 11: Oceans
She’s here bitches! Sorry it took so long!
“I’m asking you to get out of my way.” he concludes, “But I will make you if I have to.”
Rafaela shrugs, “Fine. Just one more thing.”
Spot groans, but allows it, “What?”
“Why are you doing this?”
Above all other questions, that’s the one he doesn’t want to answer.
Not with the conclusion he’s becoming more and more certain of the more he thinks it through.
He bullshits something else instead, “Because it’s in our best interest to keep things friendly with Manhattan.”
“Bullshit. If you wanted friendly, you’d tell Cowboy what you know and leave it at that.”
“Fine. Cowboy’s an old friend. Higgins is important to him. Sue me for being sentimental.”
“Also bullshit. You and Cowboy are old something, but ‘friends’ isn’t the word I would use.”
Only Rafaela would push him like this.
The others in the inner circle… they haven’t been here long enough, or they trust him too much, or they’d push only long enough to get to the 2nd level of excuses. They’re his friends, the only people in the gang he’d feel comfortable saying he trusts, the closest to family he’s got… but the others don’t know him well enough to get to the real reason he’s helping Manhattan find their second. Even Hotshot would believe it’s his history with Cowboy.
“You’re really gonna make me say it?”
Read the chapter here!
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we-are-inevitable · 2 years
davey is a band kid. jack is an anime kid. katherine is a stuco kid. charlie is a robotics kid. race is a gamer kid. albert is a sports kid. finch is a library kid. spot is a shop kid. thank you for your time
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