#spot the beyonce reference!! lmao
ninjapaste · 1 year
Do any of your characters have secret references or meanings to their names? I’m always a fan of those!
When I name characters, I most often choose a name based on how it sounds/how it would be said and if that sound communicates the character in some way. In some ways the impression of the name and its relation to other names can create symbolism for the character. However, there are times where the names are direct references to something, and with the list I made below they will be at the end bc the explanation may be longer.
(This is exclusively splat ocs because adding all my other ones will make this list too long lmao. Plus I might talk a bit about their inspirations too!)
All this stuff under the cut!!!
Starting with Peur, I chose the name bc it just sounded nice with the plosive P and if the vowels arent stressed. I always notice that if the u and e are switched it becomes 'puer' which means 'boy' in latin. Peur is inspired by pineapples, Mallorca and the summery vibes of Splatoon 3
'Orion' was a kinda cool name I chose bc I didnt wanna go with 'octavian' because it sounded too basic. I think his name adds some mystery and implies he is a classy person too (but also I am a critical role fan so the name sometimes reminds me of tiberius lol). The character is inspired by takoyaki, red son from Monkie Kid, daffy duck (mainly the voice), RPDR, saucy santana and jjba.
Oriana and all the octavio cousins have their names bc they just sound cool and fitting with their character and aesthetic, for example Olav sounds serious but memorable (for a politician) and Odaliah sounds regal and sophisticated. Oriana's name to me sounds like it would belong to someone popular so yeah. Every octavio oc I made is inspired by a musical artist and Beyonce's Renaissance album lol.
Troy's name is a direct reference to the city of Troy in Greco-Roman stories (Ilead and Aeneid), the city that is destined to fall from the Greek invasion (dont worry Troy usnt destined to die or anything lol). I think it fits because Troy is a history nerd and he just chose this name (but also it could reference Aeneas from the Aeneid who left Troy to found Rome in myth). Other than that, Troy is inspired by some JPEGMAFIA songs and my fave superhero Miles Morales (especially after atsv)
Ace's name for starters is just a short but cool name and it also refers to the ace of playing cards, not assigned to any number (like agents in the NSS) but still apart of the deck. I made the character whilst listening to MF Doom who is one of my fave rappers because of their comic book/supervillain aesthetic (check out the song crosshairs)
DJ/the Captain was called Hubert sorta as a joke lmao. Basically my sibling joked that a lot of the character names I come up with are quite goofy (shes right lol) especially after I showed her all the splashtags I made for fun. So at some point I was designing my own versions of the agents and I made a really short agent 3 with a big forehead, a receding hairline and bad posture who acts like an edgy teen and gets bullied at school (I thought it would be intersting to make this kind of scrunkle) and I was like 'ok well this is HUBERT'. I will talk about him more/share some concept stuff another time to keep it short but hes inspired by gorillaz phase 1 and psychonauts, also he moves around /poses awkwardly like the spot in atsv, especially with the shoulder and neck posture.
I kept the naming for Neo quite easy, just Neo and simple as that. However my Neo 3 took this name because its quite mysterious, lacks any attatchment to gender (Neo is agender) and is better than their birth name. But now that I think about it, its a Matrix reference and Neo is a revolutionist who rejects the system! Neo is inspired by Hobie Brown in atsv and Mayday from No Straight Roads (and yes Neo's freinds are also NSR inspired too)
I had to come up with Teryon's name when naming some files of the first few drawings of him. The name sounds kinda serious but also the shortening to 'Terry' implies he is also casual, the average friendly guy. Terry also sounds kinda like 'teddy (teddy bear🥺)' to me but I didnt want to be too on the nose. I made him bc I wanted to make a fuzzy inkfish character since the ones I saw on this site looked really cool, also Mr. Grizz's boss fight attacks looked cool to me. Terry is inspired by music by Thundercat, Tame Impala, Childish gambino and Zuke from No Straight Roads
Ok so for this last one, TW fordeath, murder and a bit of gore because I will be mentioning the Ilead and Achilles/Hector stuff.
Anchilles (omg thx crystalmonk!) Is a name I definitely thought through, the 'Achilles' bit doesnt refer to a heel or anything but actually the character himself and the gruesone thing he did to Hector in the Ilead. Achilles is a Greek soldier and Homeric hero who killed Hector (a Trojan warrior) as revenge for killing his best bro (bit fruity ngl). He was so angry at Hector for doing this that he continued to beat his dead body and he cut holes in his ankles, tied rope through them and attatched the rope to his chariot so he could drag Hector as he charioted back to the Greek camp. So yeah, Achilles biting people ls ankles is a reference to that. The smallfry is inspired by King from the owl house and ellie from No Straight Roads (a little alligator with a helicopter for some reason).
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goongiveusnothing · 1 year
Were these all sent in to your blog? I am so glad that someone else on here can recognize which asks are sent in by Zot3!! She frequently sends in asks to the WTWALD blog and it gets posted without the mods even realizing it’s from her. It’s so obvious when she makes the rounds to different blogs because she gets mad if anyone says anything negative about Tayrry or Holivia or if anyone suggests that there is any element of pr (even if the relationship is real). She believes Harry is above doing any pr EVER even though he frequently does pr for brands he works with and that is normal in Hollywood. Harry isn’t above engaging in it. She also frequently uses the words “tinhat”, pr hag”, accuses everyone of being a Larry, or sends in hateful asks about Louis. Glad you see through it but I imagine it must get annoying to have to delete these asks so often. 🤦‍♀️
yeah, just the ones sent to me. it's obvious she mass spams them to various blogs as it's clear for example that many are directed at WTWAL and another blog ("mia"?). i think WTWAL does a pretty good job of spotting them, as they haven't posted the ones here directed at them. but i do think she's the one who concern trolls about harry's baldness on their blog claiming it's body shaming or whatever lmao.
her language is very easy to spot, as are her main obsessions. not only is she a racist misogynist to beyonce while writing her screeds about anti taylor racism (which is totally irrelevant to this blog or WTWAL) but she also runs/ran a "fat florence pugh" tumblr account too.
also referring repeatedly to billy porter as the "old guard" when he's just someone who has been out of the closet and himself for a very long time while defending harry styles who is not the "new guard" or "new queer" or whatever when he's not even a part of the community is just braindead homophobia.
i guess she thinks harry puts on his new season pleasing hat, his new season pleasing sweater, his new season pleasing nail varnish and his new season pleasing tote bag only to get spotted by various fans or the paps for just totally innocent reasons.
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When The World Ends, What Comes Next?
He’s like fire, Veronica thinks, at some point in their relationship-after Chandler, after they’ve killed the queen bee of Westerburg High (and possibly the entire town of Sherwood), but not by much. She pushes the thoughts of what they’ve done out of her mind, and smiles as she thinks of the way he warms her from the inside out. 
She doesn’t think, then, that he could burn her. She knows playing with fire ends up in burns, but she thinks they’re different. They smolder slowly, she thinks, a fire to last a lifetime. Not the kind of fire that destroys, the kind of fire that warms.
They’re on her bed, her parents asleep across the hallway, tangled up in each other and just enjoying each other’s company. JD’s lips are against her skin, her lips and shoulder and collarbone, and every time he presses a gentle kiss where he’s murmuring words of love and admiration, Veronica feels like he’s touching her with a live wire. It makes her stomach swoop in the best way, and she thinks she’d give almost anything to just stay like this forever. 
She’ll think back on that and realize that even then, maybe she should have seen that their relationship was like a firework; burning brilliantly across the sky before it exploded and disappeared. 
In the short weeks before Heather and Heather lure Veronica to the graveyard in the middle of the night, she spends almost all her free time with him, and she feels like she couldn’t be happier.
Heather Duke has tried to take over the role Heather Chandler used to fill, and Veronica can’t deny the pang of guilt and sorrow she feels when she walks into the lunchroom and sees green and yellow, but no red. Duke hasn’t quite dared to reclaim the color yet. 
She starts skipping lunch, instead finding hidden corners of empty classrooms or the school gym or even the library, on slower days, and spends her lunch break with JD. Sometimes they talk, but most of the time she doesn’t get a word in before his lips are on hers, and she melts into his kiss, forgetting everything she had to say. She’s learned how to bite her lip to keep the gasps and moans hidden as his mouth and his hands roam her body, learned how and where to touch him to make him speed up, make him claim her even more thoroughly. She’s lost count of the times she’s had to pull her blazer up just enough to hide the hickeys he leaves, but he’s always careful not to leave them on her neck, just her collarbones and decolletage. 
She tells her mother she’s joined a book club that meets after school and she’ll be coming home late after school. Her mother smiles and tells her that’s great, she’s glad to see Veronica getting out and about again, she’d been so withdrawn after poor Heather’s suicide. Veronica doesn’t know what to say, so she just bites the inside of her cheek and nods an agreement. 
It’s not entirely a lie, she thinks as she lays with her head on JD’s lap in the park, under a tree, dappled sunlight highlighting his hair and cheekbones and lips as he reads from his old, worn copy of Baudelaire’s poems. Most days, she gets tired of it after two or three poems, and she pushes the book aside as she climbs into his lap and loses herself in his touch again. Some days, she’s content just to listen to his voice. 
Sometimes she looks at him and marvels that he can love her so much and so completely. He’s not exactly the type she would have thought would be romantic and sweet, but he tells her he’d do anything for her, he whispers his love for her against her lips and across her body and between her legs, and she revels in it. She revels in the fact that she’s the one to bring the Baudelaire-quoting badass to his knees if she asks him, that she’s the one he’s chosen to adore. She’s special; out of all the women he’s met, he tells her, he hasn't loved any until her, and she loves that. She loves him. 
In hindsight, she realizes that wasn’t healthy. She realizes she shouldn’t have let him make her his entire world. It’s his fault for planning to murder two people in cold blood (she still counts Chandler as an accident, because she can’t quite bring herself to acknowledge that he knew, after what she’d said, that the drain cleaner would kill her) and planning to blow up a school, but it’s her fault too, for not walking away from him the first time he put her up on the pedestal she’d so enjoyed at first. 
It’s addictive, she thinks, to be worshiped. To be treated like a goddess, an angel, a queen. And she was barely seventeen. She didn’t know better. 
It doesn’t really help ease the guilt.
Veronica isn’t stupid. 
Her grades are near perfect. She aces her tests. She’s smart, her IQ is high, she’s the model student. 
She knew all along that there was no such thing as tranquilizer bullets. She knew, she knows, and she chose to ignore it. Chose to believe the man who said he worshiped her, who promised with what she now sees was a sickly sweet smile that he’d make her problems go away. That Kurt and Ram would never hurt her again. She chose to think it’s because they’d be too humiliated to mess with her. 
Sometimes she wonders in the dead of night, when she wakes from nightmares of red scrunchies and white briefs and black trenchcoats, if she’d really wanted to kill them. She must have, she reasons, because otherwise she would have said no, would have insisted on another way. 
She knows she can’t chalk it all up to the half truths and twisted lies JD managed to plant in her mind, can’t blame it all on him. She’s guilty too, she’s got the blood of four people on her hands, and she’ll never be clean of that. 
She knows she couldn’t have saved him. She knows he was the perfect storm, ready to implode. Knows the day his mother died, a part of him died too, a part of him he’d never be able to get back.
She knows losing that part of him had irreparably damaged him. That part of him could never be filled with anything else, no matter how much she’d loved him. Maybe at one point, that wasn’t true, but he was too far gone by the time she’d met him. 
Love doesn’t fix things, she knows. But on the days she can’t get out of bed, the days she just cries or stares at the wall, the days her mother casts her worried glances as she brings food Veronica doesn’t touch, she wishes with everything she has, everything she is, that it could. She wishes he was here, wishes she had known how to fix him, wishes she could go back and stop his mother from walking into that building. 
Sometimes, in her dreams, he’s there. They’re back in the park, his lips forming the words of a poem she can’t quite hear. She always interrupts, always tells him she loves him, always tells him how much she wishes she could have saved him, how much she wishes she could have been enough.
He frowns at her, a beautiful figment of her imagination, and tells her he loves her too, but what does she mean? He’s not gone. He’s right here. And she’s always enough. 
She always wakes from those dreams with tears on her face. 
She thinks about the scene in the boiler room a lot. It’s almost constantly on her mind the first few weeks after his death.
She remembers the way she’d looked into his eyes and realized the boy she’d loved, the boy who held her close after her nightmares had started, the boy who kissed her sweet and slow and read her French poems, was gone. He’d snapped, lost his mind, finally been driven to a final act of desperation in the war his life had become. It doesn’t make anything okay, doesn’t disarm the bomb or unpoison Heather Chandler or unshoot Kurt and Ram or unwrite the suicide notes, but Veronica pleads with him anyway. Even as he points his gun at her head, even as she has to focus on her breathing in order to keep herself calm and not break into sobs, she asks him to come with her, to disable the bomb, to just forget it all and choose her again. 
She feels her heart break all over again every time she remembers the fierce snarl on his face, the way he’d ignored her stretched out hand, the way he’d cocked the gun, his finger on the trigger. She feels her stomach twist as she remembers the way she’d stared down the barrel of the gun and thought she might die, right then and there, and then the school would go up in flames. 
She remembers all too vividly her hands on his, their bodies intertwined again in a very different dance, the way she’d desperately wished she could just get the gun from him and maybe then he’d see sense, maybe then he’d come back. She remembers the way her heart had stopped when she felt the gun kick and heard it fire, remembers the way it had kicked into overdrive as she’d pressed her hands to her own stomach, expecting to feel blood, remembers tasting copper and fear on her tongue as he gazed at her in shock for a long second before he fell. 
She tries not to remember the way he’d caressed her face on the football field, the way she’d flinched away from his touch as she felt his bloody hand leave a red print on her cheek, the way his eyes had been so, so sad as he’d stumbled backwards with the bomb (a Norwegian, she remembers it being called, on that sick, dark day she’d had no choice but to break up with the boy she’d thought would be the love of her life) clutched to his chest. 
She can’t help but remember the way her heart dropped and her stomach swooped sickeningly as he smiled at her for the last time. Her love, her JD, her sweet, too-broken boy, bloodied and bruised and broken on the outside now like he’d been on the inside for as long as she’d known him. He smiled at her, and she felt a sob wrench itself from her chest. 
By the time she’d realized she wanted to die with him, by the time she’d made up her mind that if he deserves to die then so does she, the countdown is too short for her to reach him before the bomb explodes. 
Life goes on, because it has to, but Veronica can’t. 
She graduates high school but she doesn’t choose a college. She can’t. She knows she wouldn’t be able to focus, knows she’d fail her classes. She gets a job, moves into her own tiny apartment, drags herself through day after repetitive day. 
After work, as she sits at her table and picks at the food she’d barely had the energy to make, she sees the ones she’d killed. Heather, still in her red floral silk robe, tongue blue and hair gathered in her red scrunchie, seems to realize that Veronica will break if she’s pushed too far, and mostly stays quiet. She just sits across the table, eyeing Veronica resentfully as Veronica tries her hardest to ignore her. 
Kurt and Ram aren’t quite so considerate, but they were far less close to Veronica when they were alive, so she finds it easier to ignore them. And though they antagonize her, even they know better than to needle her about JD, because if she ceases to exist, they might too, and she thinks they enjoy her pain too much to risk it. 
She doesn’t see JD at all. She doesn’t know if that’s a good or bad thing. She misses him desperately, but the other three bear the marks of how they died, and she doesn’t want to see JD’s form if it’s broken and battered, singed and smoky. She doesn’t know what a person looks like after they’ve exploded, doesn’t want to know. 
She tells herself things will get better. Hopes with everything she has that they will. Doesn’t quite believe her own words.
Some days the only thing that keeps her going is the knowledge that wherever he is, if he’s anywhere, JD wouldn’t want her to die. She remembers the brokenness of his voice as he fell to his knees in front of what he thought was her dead body, remembers the tears in his voice even if she didn’t see the tears in his eyes, the way she knew he’d thought she left him just like everyone else. She thinks she has to make up for that somehow. She doesn’t owe him anything, she knows, but she wants to do everything she can to clean the slate, to make up for the hurt she’s caused.
She can’t not go on. She has to at least try and do some good in the world. She just can’t, not yet, not until she’s sure she won’t crumble to pieces at any given moment.
She starts with a plan. She’s not going to go to an Ivy League school anymore. She was a completely different person when she made those plans. She finds a community college, in Columbus, one she can do mostly online classes for in the beginning, and slowly starts with taking a few credits at a time. It wears her out some days, but she pushes herself through.
And as she does, she feels her broken parts, her jagged edges, her shattered heart start to mend. It isn’t much. She still wakes up screaming in the middle of the night, still has days she can’t get out of bed, still has to pause sometimes to take deep breaths at work so she doesn’t cry. But those things get less frequent as she finds other things to focus on.
Heather and Kurt and Ram have faded away, disappearing slowly as she learned how to move on and cope with the things she’s done and the losses she’s suffered. Even on the days she’s alone and broken and wishing for company, she doesn’t miss them at all.
She doesn’t declare a major for a long time. It takes her years to admit to herself what she’s known she wants to do from the second she realized how bad JD’s home life was, since she’d seen what it had done to him. But the day she turns in her papers declaring her intent to become a social worker and a counselor, she feels a huge weight lift off her chest.
That night, she has a dream she hasn’t had in a long time. Her head is on JD’s lap again, his fingers idly stroking through her hair as he recites a poem from memory. She can’t quite hear him, but she knows the poem is one of love and adoration, just like they used to be. 
She starts to sit up, starts to apologize, starts to tell him she loves him just like she always does, but this dream breaks from the way her dreams usually go. He smiles down at her, fingers still tangled in her hair, and her breath catches in her chest as she sees the boy she’d loved in his eyes, the boy she could have happily spent a lifetime with, the boy whose love for her wouldn’t be obsessive or all-consuming or unhealthy.
He leans down and kisses her forehead, murmuring words of thanks and love and apology. She feels tears welling up, reaches up to caress his cheek, taking a shuddering breath at how warm and solid and real his skin feels under her fingers. 
“Veronica,” he says quietly, pressing a gentle kiss to her hairline, “thank you.”
“Thank you for what?” she replies, sitting up straight to look him in the eyes. “I killed you.”
He smiles softly at her, shaking his head. 
“You didn’t,” he says. “That was all me. I pushed you and pushed you until you didn’t have a choice. And I’m sorry for that. But you...you tried to save me. Even after everything I’d done. Even though I hurt you, over and over, you didn’t hate me.”
“I could never,” she chokes out, feeling her heart break all over again. “I love you so much.”
“I know,” he replies, cupping her cheek. She closes her eyes and nestles into his palm. It feels so real, and if it’s a dream, she doesn’t want to wake up. “I know, Veronica. And I love you too. And I know what you’re doing, what you’re becoming, and it means so much to me.”
She loses the battle, feels tears begin to fall, and he gives her the saddest smile she’s ever seen him wear.
“JD, I can’t-”
“Shh,” he interrupts. “You can. You have, and you are, and you will. I’m gone. I know you know that. I can’t undo that. Neither can you. So the only way to go is forward. You’re doing that, you know. Every day. But Ronnie...you have to let me go.”
“No,” she whimpers, tries to reach out to hold him, but he grabs her wrists and holds her hands together in front of her.
“Yes,” he says calmly. “Veronica, I loved you as much as I could. But we both know it wouldn’t have worked, in the end. You couldn’t have fixed me. You couldn’t have saved me, no matter how hard you tried. It’s time to stop beating yourself up about it. I don’t know if you even realize it, but you’re dragging me around, keeping the memory of me too close, and you have to let go.”
She breaks down, harsh sobs filling the peaceful air, and he reaches out to pull her close. She buries her face in his chest and cries, mourning all the things she’d refused to acknowledge for years. The nights together they’ll never have, the rings they’ll never wear, the children who will never run around and play in the yard and make a mess of the house. 
After a while, when her tears have subsided and her breath has calmed, as she listens to the steady pounding of his heart, he nestles his chin on the top of her head and sighs.
“I know you don’t want to,” he says softly. “I know it hurts. I don’t want you to either. But we both know it’s what you need to do. Veronica, if there’s an afterlife past this, I promise I’ll be right here to go there with you.”
She nods, cheek still pressed against his chest for a moment before he moves a gentle hand under her chin and pulls her up to look him in the eyes again.
“I love you,” he whispers. “I love you so much. Live a good life, Veronica Sawyer. I know you will. You’ll make a difference in this world, and even if it’s only for individual people, it will mean so much. And when it’s all over, just imagine me, and I’ll be there.”
“I love you too,” she says, pressing her forehead to his. “I’ll never stop loving you. I’ll miss you so much.”
He leans forward and presses his lips gently to hers. She kisses him back, soft and slow, with tears in her eyes again.
She wakes with tears on her cheeks, alone in her bed, and lets herself cry. She knows that with the morning sun, she’ll take a deep breath and let him go, like taking off a heavy coat she’s been wearing for far too long.
But just for tonight, she’ll finish letting herself mourn.
The years pass quickly. Veronica Sawyer graduates at the top of her class, gets her masters in social work, and immediately begins working in Texas. She knows the reason she chose that state, she acknowledges it, and then she lets it go and moves on with the work she’s chosen.
She sees things she wishes she hadn’t. Terrible things, terrible people, terrified children. And she fights her hardest to save every single one she can. If she can save even one child from ending up like JD, she thinks, she’ll consider it a success.
She becomes the most beloved social worker in most of the state. She’s called in for the most desperate cases, the children who are broken and exhausted and won’t talk to or work with anyone else. She knows she might not be able to save them. She knows she won’t ever be able to completely heal someone, that feeling pain and loss and terror leaves a scar. She’s got scars too, and she didn’t go through anything even close to what these children have. 
She might not ever understand. She knows that. She sees JD in their eyes; broken, bruised, battered. She knows that they need help, they need love, they need things she can’t give them. But she tries her best to help them see that life isn’t a battle, that they don’t have to live in a war zone. She goes to court and fights tooth and nail, she goes to the homes of prospective foster parents and makes sure everything is how it’s supposed to be, and she makes sure the children she helps know that she’s there for them no matter what.
She eventually does get married, but she never gives birth to children of her own. She adopts two, not children she works with but the most troubled cases from other places, ones that everyone says they can’t handle. She does her best to parent them from a place of love, even when it’s hard. She thinks they turn out all right; one of her children becomes a lawyer, one becomes an artist, and she thinks she couldn’t love either of them more. She becomes a grandmother a little late in life, but she finds she doesn’t mind. 
Her spouse passes first, in a tragic car accident. She’s crushed, and spends weeks trying not to fall into the same depression she did after high school. This time, though, she has children and grandchildren to help, and help they do. 
Eventually, she gets sick. Pneumonia, the doctors say as she lays in a hospital bed for days at a time. There are days she can barely breathe on her own. Complication after complication keeps throwing wrenches into her healing process.
On her worst days, she sees a shadow at the edge of her vision. She knows who it is, and she knows it’s not time yet. 
She thinks it’s terribly ironic that he’ll end up being her angel of death. 
The day comes, weeks later, when she knows she can’t fight it anymore. They send her home on hospice, and she feels nothing but relief. 
Her children and grandchildren gather around. She tells them all how very much she loves them, and how much good they’re doing in the world. How much good they still have yet to do. She holds their hands and whispers words of love and praise and goodbye.
In the early morning hours, she feels her heart falter, and she knows it’s time. She closes her eyes and imagines JD in front of her, as perfect and young as the day they met. He appears slowly, sunlight in his hair, and she stands carefully, smiling at him. 
“Hello, Veronica,” he says with a smile. She takes a step towards him, and behind her, her bed fades away, replaced with the perfect green field she used to see in her dreams. 
She doesn’t say anything, just launches herself into his arms, tears in her eyes as he catches her and cradles her close. 
“Oh, I missed you, my love,” she whispers, and he presses a kiss to the top of her head. 
“I missed you too,” he says. “Oh, Veronica, you are...amazing. I’m so proud of you. Everything you did, everything you were.”
She pulls back to kiss him, sees her hand on his face, and stops in wonder. It’s smooth, free of the wrinkles and lines she’d gathered throughout her lifetime. She moves one hand to touch her face, finding the same thing. She’s young again, she realizes, and lets out a happy laugh.
“I’m staying this time,” she breathes, and he beams at her. She doesn’t let him answer before she’s grabbing his face and kissing him hard, pouring all the love and longing from the years into the kiss. He pulls her close as he returns her kiss with the same fervor.
When she pulls away, he chuckles and takes her hand.
“You’re staying,” he echoes, twining his fingers with hers. “C’mon, should we figure out what’s on the other side of this field?”
She laughs, moving her hand to loop her arm through his and resting her head against his arm as they begin to walk.
“With you,” she says, “I’d go anywhere.”
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1ddiscourseoftheday · 4 years
Thurs 18 March ‘21
The Zayn/ Zach Sang interview is happening, for real this time (fingers crossed)! It’s scheduled for tomorrow!! Zach promises to ask lots of NIL questions. And I really believe it’ll happen this time, Zayn OUT THERE doing promo-- he did multiple radio spots yesterday and answered every question thrown his way however stupid, even throwing caution to the wind and taking on the one they’re all always trying to avoid (though not so far to the wind as to choose any of the other options each of which would be a scandal in a different way- you can take the boy out of the media training but...)- “I’ll tell you what,” he said, “Niall is my favorite. How about that? There you go. Niall makes the best music. Yeah I will say that he makes better music than me. Yeah, I’m a Niall fan." About the grammys he said, “It's nothing to do with my own personal gain because even if they nominated me at this stage, I wouldn't even go and accept the award because it doesn't mean anything to me.”
Zayn talked about how he just wanted to do a song with Ingrid, he didn’t know what, “I didn’t expect it to be anything less than great but it was better than that… it hit the nail on the head” and “the fact that it’s an important message in the song makes it better.” He also said that he listens to a lot of country music and would really like to collab with Chris Stapleton. OKAY! TBH I can hear how that makes sense- amazing, I am manifesting this, come on universe! He also said that he will have new music this year in an old school R&B style though and that he would like to do live shows after the pandemic!! If I didn’t think he was just saying things I would be LOSING MY MIND right now but omg WHAT IF?? He said Khai is an easy baby, a good sleeper and eater, that he likes singing to her, and that Gigi is a “wicked mom” and “a big help,” LMAO (RIP Zayn, strangled by his baby mama). RCA posted a couple more gorgeous new Zayn pics, and Ingrid raves about how Zayn’s fans are “the sweetest most supportive people” and she feels “like I’ve been hugged by a million stars today.” Am I to understand that it’s possible for stans to treat a woman working with their fave with kindness?? My mind is REELING!
Hopefully Harry has had enough time to process having achieved a great industry honor, because yesterday brought another- he was on Beyonce’s insta! She included a picture of the two of them talking backstage in her big grammys wrap up post (plus he’s visible behind her in a shot of her winning- say what you will about the orange jacket it’s great for visibility!) And Lil NasX, perfect as always, has something to say about Harry too- he says “stop using me as a bait against harry styles. I love harry, if y’all fw what I wear say it without mentioning him,” and posts a couple examples of the types of tweets he means such as “we have GOT to stop acting like Harry Styles is a male fashion icon when lil nas x is right there.” Stop pitting girls against each other2k21! Nas gets it, bless him. Oh yeah and an old pap video from DWD set of Harry going into Olivia’s trailer posted which I ignored because it was so completely uninteresting but apparently that’s a BIG DEAL to some people. My bad! You’re so right, the only reason someone would possibly go into a room with a coworker is obviously that they’re fucking! They probably had sex right there while the paps were outside! I mean there were a bunch of other people visibly in the trailer too but whatever. Oh and as long as we’re doing nonsense catch up- he was seen with a FEMALE in Malibu the other night omgggg they’re clearly dating. Oh but actually it might have been Mitch! LMAO, but that’s okay we can have discourse about how they’re obviously fucking anyway cause like… dinner! TOGETHER!! The scandal.
Anyway Louis has a message for us, can you guess what it is? Yes that’s right-- “Hope everyone's doing alright!!” No matter how many times he says it, I still love the hello, thanks love (even if it was an afterthought and he was actually there to follow a crypto currency trading account). A bunch of old videos of him were posted today, including one from 2019 where Louis says about acting in his music videos “I wasn’t acting it’s who I am hahahaha” (ahhhhh I miss that laugh) and he’s on the wall of a THIRD MUSEUM! Louis is Art pt lll-- A Doncaster history timeline at the local museum has a big entry for Doncaster’s finest export, labeled “Louis Tomlinson Achieves Super Stardom”! Earlier entries were his face (hung up high) in the National Portrait Gallery and the science museum employee who saw their chance and took it by crediting a mushroom joke to him, a deep Video Diaries reference in the year of 2019; whoever that unknown louie is I hope they are having a very nice day every day, what a hero.
And a photodump from Zayn’s favorite member of OT4! Labeled DUMP (charming thank you) Niall posts an assortment of selfies (that sunglasses one! Ashe agrees, commenting “photo number four thank you very much”) and aesthetic pics and one tiny snippet of a piano tune, and speaking of photodumps from favorites of Zayn’s, a BUNCH of outtakes from Liam’s Grinder Tetu photoshoot just got posted and if I were a gay man I’m pretty sure I would have just had a heart attack, view with care they should probably be PG13.
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blossom-hwa · 4 years
the danceracha and 3racha working aus were so funny i wanted to request a vocalracha one but i have no idea where they could work 😭
God damn you guys really enjoy my lukewarm sense of humor??? Well I just pictured vocalracha working at a tutoring center and bitching about it so here we are! Hope you enjoy <3
3-year anniversary drabble game: send me an NCT/WAYV/Stray Kids/The Boyz member + a prompt (check out the post for ideas) and  I’ll write a drabble for you!
Half of this is based off of real experiences from when I used to tutor math god that was a TIME
Title: Tutoring Shenanigans
Pairing: no pairings, just vocalracha being dumb
Triggers: a lot of cursing
quick clarification:
seungman: seungmin
watch your foxing mouth: jeongin
watch your foxing mouth: seungmin
watch your foxing mouth: can you please take my shift this Saturday
seungman: no
seungman: the one time I get the weekend off in ages? I'm not going to bother teaching little gremlins math who the fuck do you think I am
watch your foxing mouth: I think you’re a little asshole who’s going to spend the entire weekend just working on homework like the nerd you are
seungman: see I'd say you were right
seungman: but I don’t have homework this weekend
seungman: I actually had other plans
watch your foxing mouth: like what
watch your foxing mouth: no one’s going to ask you on a date lmao
seungman: first of all fuck you
seungman: second of all I was going to drop by at work and maybe bring you a coffee because I'm nice
seungman: but not anymore
watch your foxing mouth: bullshit you never would’ve done that in the first place
seungman: you’re absolutely right but I'm also offended that you doubted me so quickly
watch your foxing mouth: when I asked you to get me water from chan’s cafe
watch your foxing mouth: you specifically asked changbin to fill the cup with ice
watch your foxing mouth: and then you brought the cup back
watch your foxing mouth: and told me to wait
watch your foxing mouth: what the fuck kind of impression do you think that makes?
seungman: that’s fair
seungman: but I'm still offended
watch your foxing mouth: feeling offended is part of your personality
seungman: you know me so well
watch your foxing mouth: which is how I know you’ll take my shift this weekend :)
seungman: you’re funny
watch your foxing mouth: SEUNGMIN PLEASE
watch your foxing mouth: SHE NEVER WORKS
seungman: suck it <3
watch your foxing mouth: I hate you
seungman: love you too <3
seungman: this small girl
seungman: walked into the center
seungman: and told me
seungman: tennis is not a fucking sport
watch your foxing mouth: I can’t believe I was getting drinks and missed that
watch your foxing mouth: what was her reasoning
seungman: ‘you don’t run in tennis’
seungman: huH?????????????????????
watch your foxing mouth: well we’ve established that these kids are rich little assholes
watch your foxing mouth: and have no brains 99% of the time
seungman: you’re right I should expect this
seungman: why do we work here again
watch your foxing mouth: rich kids = rich parents
watch your foxing mouth: rich parents = rich establishment
watch your foxing mouth: rich establishment = slightly higher than minimum wage pay
seungman: fuck you’re right
seungman: idk I feel like I'd be having more fun working at the cafe even if the pay’s worse
watch your foxing mouth: money or fun?
seungman: the ultimate question of life
watch your foxing mouth: fuck capitalism
seungman: you say that yet you’re slaving your ass off teaching basic math to kids who don’t want to learn for a salary that’s a third of what you could be earning as a private tutor
watch your foxing mouth: WELL IF I HAD A FUCKING CAR
seungman: you’d drive it into another tree
watch your foxing mouth: honestly fuck you I'm dumping your shitty americano into the storm drain
seungman: look you hit the tree not me
seungman: allow me to repeat
seungman: you
seungman: hit
seungman: a
watch your foxing mouth: SHUT U P
seungman: fucking
watch your foxing mouth: QUIT 
seungman: t r e e 
seungman: IN A PARKING LOT
watch your foxing mouth: just dumped out your drink <3
seungman: you better be kidding me
seungman: you better be fucking kidding me
seungman: YANG JEONGIN
read by one at 4:49 pm
seungman: I'm transferring that bitch ashley to your table fuck you
watch your foxing mouth: why are you the one who always controls the music player
watch your foxing mouth: I want to play my tunes too asshole
seungman: no one can concentrate with your fucking trot shit playing in the background
watch your foxing mouth: and we can deal with your shitty ‘lo-fi comfortable beats’ or whatever the fuck is in your YouTube playlist?
seungman: if the parents are happy with it then we’re like. legally obligated to keep doing it
seungman: kevin would play strictly beyonce if he was in charge of the music
seungman: you would play shitty trot
watch your foxing mouth: my taste in music is not shitty thank you very very much
seungman: sangyeon would play like. classical music idk he’s an old man like that
seungman: and if we left it up to the kids wap would be playing all day every day
watch your foxing mouth: I hate it when you make sense
watch your foxing mouth: god damn just noticed all of the people working here are male
seungman: except yeji 
watch your foxing mouth: oh right except her
watch your foxing mouth: but also where is the female representation???????
seungman: they’re smarter than us
seungman: they’re either out of state for college
seungman: or they can actually drive
seungman: meaning they can afford to tutor privately
watch your foxing mouth: this is why men suck
watch your foxing mouth: we’re not smart enough to turn shit around
seungman: and we end up stuck catering to the whims of rich little assholes who aren’t going to learn jack shit anyway
watch your foxing mouth: sigh
seungman: sigh
watch your foxing mouth: suffer
seungman: my existence is pain
seungman: suddenly I have the burning desire to learn to drive
seungman: at least I wouldn’t hit trees in the parking lot 
watch your foxing mouth: see I know you’re trying to provoke me but I'm not going to give in because watching you deal with ashley is satisfying enough
watch your foxing mouth: my brain is fried
seungman: is this supposed to be news
watch your foxing mouth: honestly I'd be offended but I'm too tired to express it
watch your foxing mouth: I never knew teaching basic addition could be so tiring
seungman: why do tutors exist
seungman: why don’t teachers do their jobs
watch your foxing mouth: idk 
watch your foxing mouth: why do we have to do their jobs for them for far less pay
seungman: throwback to the time the owners kept forgetting to give us a raise even though we were the longest standing employees at this shitty center
watch your foxing mouth: don't fucking remind me
watch your foxing mouth: I'm just sitting in the cafe trying to erase all thoughts of ashley from my head
watch your foxing mouth: I wish sangyeon was here today
seungman: god yes that bitch ella is awful
seungman: why does she walk around like she owns the fucking place
watch your foxing mouth: bright ass lipstick and shit
watch your foxing mouth: like no bitch
watch your foxing mouth: I understand you do our schedules but I also understand you’re an asshole
seungman: sometimes I want to set this center on fire
watch your foxing mouth: afuckingmen
watch your foxing mouth: oh hey
watch your foxing mouth: oh fuck
seungman: ?
seungman: why do I hear sirens
seungman: and see smoke
seungman: jeongin
watch your foxing mouth: calm your tits
watch your foxing mouth: didn’t know you cared that much about me
seungman: I don’t
seungman: who would I bitch about work to if you died
watch your foxing mouth: honestly fuck you
seungman: anyway what happened
watch your foxing mouth: jisung set the refrigerator on fire
watch your foxing mouth: it was glorious
seungman: you’re telling me jisung almost burnt this center down
seungman: b u t d i d n t ?
watch your foxing mouth: sadly
seungman: shame
seungman: would’ve loved to see that bitch ella burn
watch your foxing mouth: can’t all have what we want ig
seungman: wait give me a sec I'm clocking out I want to see this mess
watch your foxing mouth: come out quick chan looks like he’s going to cry
watch your foxing mouth: it’s hilarious
seungman: doesn’t he refer to you as his child?
watch your foxing mouth: what of it
seungman: idk
seungman: just if I talked about my parents like that I'd be six feet under by now
watch your foxing mouth: chan’s too soft for that
watch your foxing mouth: bet you he won’t even fire jisung after this
seungman: I know better than to take you up on that 
seungman: anyway where is he I want to take a picture
watch your foxing mouth: doesn’t he refer to you as one of his children too?
seungman: what of it?
watch your foxing mouth: you’re right you’re right let’s go watch him suffer
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seoulscenarios · 6 years
College AU! Han Jisung
i may have gotten a little carried away with the linguistics part,,, i studied a linguistics module and poured my own damn feelings into this lmao
-Major: Linguistics with TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages)
-Minor: Lyrical Composition,, though he kept pretty quiet about it
-Sports: none,,, he tried joining Hyunjin’s basketball team but he got cut from the team during tryouts for Naruto running across the court which was apparently against the rules
-Clubs: Jisung joined the dance club but gave up after two weeks bc Minho kept making him do all the difficult stuff lmao, is a part of the art club bc he likes to draw, esp characters, and design artwork for 3RACHAs posters/mixtape covers,,,, all the posters you see advertised around campus for the next 3RACHA gig, yeah those were designed by J.One lmao
-So,,, linguistics???
-Jisung honestly couldn’t tell you why he ended up majoring in linguistics when he first got to college bc it’s such a weird niche subject
-9 times out of 10 he ends up having to explain what the hell linguistics is to people bc they have no clue
-It’s the study of language
-So like you’re learning a language??
-No,,, I study how language is formed and used and structured
-……. So no actual language??
-Honestly Jisung is a bit sick of it tbh, like there’s only so many times he can explain what it is before he wants to explode with anger
-So whilst Jisung didn’t know why he chose linguistics at first, he soon realised that he loved learning about syntax, semantics and pragmatics behind language,,,, he just really loved it
-It also helped him when he was writing lyrics and more often than not, he ended up helping Chan and Changbin with their lyrics when they had an awkward phrase or there was no flow in the lyric
-It really did come in handy for the three of them when they were writing songs late at night and Jisung’s linguistic brain took over when he was checking lyrics
-However,,,, as much as he enjoyed linguistics he actually really despised it at the same time
-I mean,,, idk about you but linguistics is really really REALLY hard to learn and get your head around
-Like if you don’t get something, it makes learning and understanding literally everything else so difficult
-Jisung constantly had an IPA chart in his hand trying to learn the symbols for different consonants and vowels when he was trying to study
-Which,, was hardly ever bc linguistics revision made him want to CRY most of the time bc he couldn’t think of anything worse than writing out the correct pronunciation of sentences or annotate sentences with their different particle abbreviations or,,,, the actual worst which was learning the different phonological rules
-So yeah, Jisung was the literal definition of winging it when it came to his linguistic exams having crammed the night before and bouncing off the wall from 4 espresso shots he had just downed
-He wasn’t that stressed about the exam bc,,, well if everyone else finds it difficult they’ll just lower the grade boundary lmao
-Whilst Jisung seemed like a good kid during class,,,, most of the time was not
-Boy has a LOT of energy and spends most of class literally bouncing in his seat or constantly yelling to a friend across the room from him
-He was asked to leave a few times bc of class disruption and Jisung literally did the Naruto run out of class whilst everyone cheered him on bc of how distraught their teacher was at him
-They didn’t hate him, oh no, bc he was a kind hearted kid he just,,,, was a bit too much sometimes esp for a 9am linguistic class where everyone was literally dead on their feet and he was bouncing off the walls, yelling the answers out even if they were wrong
-He was a much appreciated addition to the class though bc otherwise,,, that class would be DEAD and no one would participate so they were just glad Jisung was there so they didn’t have to answer
-And you bet ur ass when he had to a presentation there were tons of anime references and bad slideshow transition bc that’s who Jisung is a person and he thought they were funny,,, tho the look on one of the examiners face made him slightly regret it but his other examiner was crying at the effects so u win some u lose some Jisung thought
-So alongside his linguistics major, he also took a TESOL path bc he learnt how to speak English so he wanted to help others learn how to
-He always tested out his methods on Jeongin bc,,, they lived together and Jisung literally locked him the living room so he could practice his teaching methods on him lmao
-Jeongin always protested and tried to run away to literally anyone’s house but Jisung just caught him in a hug,,,, and Jeongin could never refuse a hug even if it was from one of his most annoying hyungs
-Besides,,, it meant he got free English lessons without having to be taught by a stuffy professor
-Jisung was a very,, enigmatic teacher and the kind of teacher that would never make a class boring
-In fact, many of the students who signed up for English classes tried to request him despite the fact that u know,,, there were quite a few TESOL students who needed the students to teach as well
-But for the 1-1 sessions,,, Jisung was so oversubscribed that they literally had to redistribute the students so Jisung could get some damn rest,,,, I mean he tried to protest saying that it was fine but the professors were like JISUNG NO
-JISUNG YES he yelled, trying to redo his schedule so he could accommodate all the students before one of his classmates literally had to rip his planner out of his hands and another one grabbed his pen so he couldn’t write any of it down
-Poor baby,,, he just wanted to teach
-A lot of his students came out of their 1-1 classes extremely overwhelmed and had gone to his professor to ask if Jisung is always that enthusiastic and that maybe he should calm down on the coffee
-The gag? Jisung doesn’t even drink coffee unless he accidentally pulls an all nighter before an exam
-The professor just shook his head and was like,,, no that’s just Jisung
-O h
-Jisung wasn’t always the most well prepared for his classes though, preferring to have a very lax lesson plan and once he got called to the head of departments office bc apparently teaching the students English using Beyonce lyrics wasn’t appropriate no matter how much they seemed to enjoy it
-Jisung was offended bc,,, did she just insult Queen Bey just now?? He was going to argue but he didn’t want to get ANOTHER warning bc the last time he was called there was bc he showed his students The Bee Movie and one kid on the feedback form just quoted the opening monologue for his response to “what did you learn that helped improve your English skills?”
-Jisung just felt that learning English through academics wasn’t interesting and certainly wasn’t going to make anyone enjoy it or learn much from it so he liked to use a lot of songs and films and tv shows that had helped him learn English all those years ago
-He still went to Chan and Felix’s flat though just to make sure he could still understand English and that he was still able to English bc lbr here,,, English is extremely difficult
-Like even for Jisung, who lived in Malaysia in his childhood and could speak and understand English well, it’s still hard bc it’s not his native language
-Sometimes Chan had to look over his teaching notes and correct all the English on it bc Jisung had made them the night before and was clearly extremely tired bc it was a jumble of Korean and English that shouldn’t even be together and,,,, were those Zico lyrics in the corner???? JISUNG NO
-But yeah, Chan was very helpful towards Jisung bc of all the help Jisung gave to him when they wrote lyrics together so he was extremely willing to help Jisung with his English
-Heck, he even taught Jisung English once a week so Jisung would feel more comfortable speaking English with his students and his professors bc he wasn’t afraid of getting the answer wrong exactly,,, but still at the back of his mind was that lingering feeling of disappointment if he got it extremely wrong and everyone knew that it was wrong
-The English lessons chan gave to him was extremely useful and he felt even more confident when he went to teach bc he knew that Chan’s lessons would pay off
-You, however, were not a linguistics major
-You studied TESOL full time bc you really wanted to be an English teacher
-You used to volunteer at elementary schools whilst you were a high school student, giving out free English lessons to the kids
-Whilst you may not be as crazy as Jisung was when he taught English, you were still extremely charismatic and enthusiastic bc you had so much passion and love for it
-You met Jisung in a rather,,,, unusual fashion
-It was your first day of classes and you were running late bc you had a meeting with your academic advisor which should have only been a few minutes but ended up being way longer,,, you were polite enough to hear her out but honestly u just wanted to blast
-You didn’t want to miss your first TESOL class bc hello,, that was your damn major
-There was still a seat just by the door which you managed to grab before the professor could give you an evil glare for being late to class lmao
-You knew that this would be your spot for the duration of this module bc that’s just how seating arrangements worked,,, u choose one spot and suddenly it’s yours for the rest of the semester/year
-Unfortunately, you couldn’t make that class the next week bc you had doctors appointment during that particular class
-Which, fortunately, for Jisung meant there was one free space when he actually turned up to class that week
-He didn’t mean to not turn up the previous introduction class,, but honestly he kinda gathered he wouldn’t miss anything that he couldn’t find out from the information pack online or by talking to other students lmao
-So when he turned up the week and saw everyone else sat in their respective seats he sighed but spotted a spare one just by the door
-You weren’t there so, without thinking, he just went and sat in it pulling out his notes
-The third week of class comes round, and you arrive to class to see a boy sat in “your” seat and ur fuming bc hello,,,, did he not realise that the seat was already claimed by you
-You stalked up to it and placed your hands on the desk, tapping impatiently
-The boy looked up from his phone and pulled a headphone out, and you could hear a heavy beat with a melodic voice rapping over the top bleed out through the now free headphone
-“I believe you’re sat in my seat”
-The boy just looked at you confused from under his black bangs and beanie
-“But,,, I was sat here last week?”
-“And I was sat here in the first week which makes this MY seat so move it before I drop kick you outta this seat”
-The boy just laughed, before gathering his stuff and placing it on the empty seat next to you,,,, guess that person didn’t want to go to class this week
-(Plot twist: they did turn up albeit 10 minutes late and they realised,,, they lost their seat to Jisung forever and rumour has it the department had to steal a new table for the classroom)
-You just sighed, placing your bag heavily on the table whilst the other boy just sat there, tapping his fingers in time with the music
-Little did you know that this was going to be the beginning of your friendship with Jisung
-As the class started you couldn’t help but be drawn to the boy next to you as he bounced excitedly in his seat whilst your professor spouted some nonsense about how to teach the possessive case as easily as possible
-You couldn’t help but smile as Jisung yelled out nonsense answers to the questions asked by both professor and students, and you full on laughed as Jisung got into a friendly debate with the teacher and the teacher just gave up halfway through
-You caught Jisung’s eye as he sat back down in his seat once the teacher turned his attention elsewhere and he just grinned at you, seeing the smile that was playing around your mouth
-When the two of you were partnered up for a quiz that was going to happen next lesson and the class split off in order to delegate revision
-“I’m Jisung!” the boy, Jisung you now knew, burst out excitedly
-You laughed at his enthusiasm and he smiled at you, before introducing yourself
-“And I’m Y/N, pleasure to meet you Jisung”
-And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the beginning of a beautiful if slightly crazy friendship
-You see, Jisung brought out the loud, childish side in you especially during class whilst you had the ability to mellow him slightly when he got just a little too raucous when challenging a teacher or throwing out answers
-The two of you became extremely close friends, even hanging out with each other at the others flats
-You could be seen playing video games most days instead of studying or having Netflix binges when you should’ve been making lesson plans
-But it was all in good fun, considering you hadn’t failed any classes yet and you had a good social life as well
-Jisung introduced you to his friends and you were essentially one of them now
-Like, you frequently had the boys over in your flat even without Jisung being there
-You came back one day after class with Jisung in tow and found Seungmin and Hyunjin sat outside your door, pouting bc Changbin kicked them out of their apartment bc he “needed space to think for his new track and he couldn’t hear himself think over the sound of a law book being thrown at Hyunjin whilst he was playing overwatch so you NEED TO LEAVE BEFORE I DRAG YOU OUT” to which Hyunjin had replied with “can you even reach my neck?” and Changbin nearly tackled Hyunjin so Seungmin dragged him away before he would be looking for a new flatmate
-You just roll your eyes before unlocking your door and letting them in, knowing they feared the wrath of Changbin lmao
-I mean, they knew where everything was in the flat now so nothing was sacred
-But only Jisung knew where your secret stash of snacks were :’)
-True friendship
-Before you knew it, everyone but Changbin had turned up to your tiny flat for an impromptu movie night
-Chan and Woojin had brought along snacks and drinks, and a very disgruntled Jeongin who just wanted to sleep, whilst Felix and Minho brought more blankets and pillows and set up a pillow fort in front of your TV
-You watch in utter horror as popcorn ends up in every corner of the room before the film had even started bc Hyunjin was retelling his story of nearly being killed by Changbin that afternoon and they all retaliated by throwing popcorn at him
-The boys decided to watch a horror film, and you were less than thrilled
-You didn’t hate them,, you just hated the jump scares and sometimes you had to sleep with the light on just in case
-As you grabbed the drinks bottles from the kitchen, you navigated your way through the pile of boys that had accumulated on your sofa and floor placing the bottles on the floor next to the table
-Frowning, you couldn’t see any free spaces to sit on your sofa and you were slightly annoyed,,,, bc hello it’s your flat AND you sofa u didn’t care that you had guests they were your friends
-As you stood there trying to figure out where to sit, a hand wrapped itself around your wrist and you looked down to see Jisung staring up at you, gesturing to a space next to him
-Knowing there was nowhere else to sit, you begrudgingly sat next to him and Jisung smiled really widely as he felt the heat from your body next to his
-As the film progressed, you found yourself moving closer and closer to Jisung the more jump scares that occurred
-Safe to say, you whimpered quite a lot and at one point you buried you face into Jisung’s chest trying to calm down
-Jisung,,, was pretty concerned with you bc he didn’t know that you were scared of horror films so rather than laughing at you like he would do with the boys,,, he grabbed your hand and rubbed circles onto the back of it soothingly in an attempt to calm you down
-By the end of the film you were basically sat in Jisung’s lap and he had one arm wrapped around your shoulders and his other hand holding yours uwu
-You didn’t realise the film was over until you heard someone, who sounded suspiciously like Seungmin, cough and you practically leapt out of Jisung’s lap
-You didn’t see the smirks Hyunjin and Minho sent Jisung’s way bc you were too embarrassed to admit the fact you were scared and needed Jisung to protect you lmao
-Deciding the night was still young, the boys picked another film and at this point,, you were extremely tired
-The last film had worn you out emotionally and you found yourself drifting off during the second one
-As you did, you shuffled closer to Jisung bc he was warm and soft and you missed the warmth to be quite honest
-As you rested your head on his shoulder, your hand found his and entangled your fingers together before getting comfortable to watch the film
-Jisung was a blushing MESS at your actions tbh,,, like who allowed you to be so cute and play with his heart like this
-The smirks on Hyunjin and Minho’s faces only grew wider as Jisung sent them a panicked look
-You’ll thank us later was what Minho mouthed at him, before turning his attention back to the film that was playing
-Jisung could not find it in him to concentrate on the film, instead choosing to take in your features one by one
-The way your eyelashes rested perfectly on your cheekbones, how your eyebrows would furrow as you shuffled trying to get comfier and the feel on your fingers intertwined with his made his heart rate pick up and left him breathless
-I mean, Jisung had always acknowledged that you were attractive and when you ended up spending more time with him and you got closer,,,, he began to notice everything about you, and whilst sometimes he had trouble recalling what his friends told him sometimes,, he managed to always remember everything you said so clearly
-He gasped,, realising that he had maybe developed a tiny crush on you
-On the opposite side of the room you could see the victory gleaming in Minho and Hyunjin’s eyes
-U see,,, they already knew Jisung had a crush on you and they were just trying to get him to realise it so they could see the two of you happy together bc,,,, boy did they know how much you liked him as well
-Out of all Jisung’s friends, you had grown the closest to Minho and it was to him that you had vented everything about Jisung to,,,, he was just trying to figure out a way to make you realise you had a crush on him too
-Luckily,,, Minho needn’t interfere at all bc after the movie had finished both you and Jisung had fallen asleep and the rest of the boys had left to two you asleep on your apartment floor
-You woke up the next day feeling incredibly warm and extremely uncomfortable
-You rolled over only to encounter an obstacle,,,, cracking an eye open it looked familiar and you realised that your hand was entangled with someone else’s and all of a sudden the images of last night came flooding back into your head
-You clinging onto Jisung, him rubbing soothing circles onto your hand, holding his hand,,,, and then falling asleep
-What you didn’t realise through all this was that Jisung too was waking up
-It wasn’t until you were observing Jisung’s face that you realised his eyes were in fact open and he was staring at you with a soft smile on his face
-Groaning, you reached for a pillow behind you and threw it at him
-Jisung’s laugh echoed loudly in your ears before he launched a pillow at you
-Well,,, it was just a full on pillow fight after that for a good ten minutes until you had all the pillows and Jisung pleaded mercy
-“Fine, I win and you get to make breakfast instead” you conceded, hugging one of the pillows and Jisung begrudgingly agreed, trudging to the kitchen
-10 minutes later, he served you a plate of toast with different toppings and you couldn’t help but laugh bc you forgot how incompetent Jisung was in the kitchen
-As the two of you ate the toast, your eyes kept drifting to Jisung
-His messy hair was almost comical but you found it endearing somehow, and his face was kind of puffy from just having woken up but there was something so intimate about the scene that you kind of wanted to take a photo of how domestic you felt
-As you finished your slice, you took a sip of water admiring Jisung’s features when all of a sudden he made his way over to you
-He leant in and kissed the corner of your lips, before pulling away and smiling at you
-“You had something there”
-Um Y/N.exe has stopped working
-You were literally dying right now,, like wtf
-Why was he being so smooth all of a sudden
-Your brain just went into overdrive and the only logical solution you could think of was pretty damn crazy
-Your head and heart were both in agreement at the solution
-So you just stand up to meet him and grab the collar of his t-shirt and planted a kiss right on his lips
-He was,,, shocked to say the least but goddamn relieved that you reciprocated his feelings
-The two of you pulled apart and sat in silence for a few minutes,,, no one daring to break the silence
-“Soooo,,,, you wanna go on a date?”
-“Sure, let me get dressed and let’s go”
-So your relationship,, is definitely not unexpected and was met with great enthusiasm from the boys bc finally,, you had stopped pining
-We didn’t pine!!!
-Look,,, listening to both of you gushing about the other to me was SICKENING and can therefore be seen as pining good day to you
-You and Jisung was very high energy and mainly bc of Jisung bc he would not ! stop! Talking! 99% of the time and u were like,,, babe I love you but pls shut up
-And he would get all pouty which could only be solved if you kissed him
-One day Minho asked you how put up with Jisung being loud for so long and you were like,,, easy! There’s a trick, an off switch of sorts. Care to find out?
-Minho,,, was intrigued but also wary bc hello,,, this is Jisung we’re talking about
-You walked over to Jisung and tapped his shoulder whilst he was talking to Hyunjin about the killing streak he got on overwatch last night you just planted a kiss on his cheek and Jisung stopped talking and giggled shyly before kissing ur cheek back
-You sauntered back to Minho with a smug look on your face whilst Minho,,,, just had a very disgusted look on his face he knew he shouldn’t have trusted you to have a simple answer to his question
-One thing you didn’t know about Jisung was the fact he was part of 3RACHA
-Like you had heard of them,,, you just weren’t big on the campus social life tbh so most things like this kinda went straight past you
-You noticed, however, now you were dating Jisung was that twice a week would disappear for a few hours then occasionally on weekends he would go missing for the entire night
-Not that you were worried that he was doing anything bad bc you trusted Jisung wasn’t THAT stupid to get arrested or something (you hadn’t ruled it out entirely as this is Jisung we’re talking about, he would get arrested for disturbing the peace or something at 3am)
-You just wondered what Jisung was doing bc you were curious
-You waited a few weeks to see if he would tell you and when he hadn’t you just straight up asked him where he went
-He was a little startled, but rather than giving you an answer he just grabbed your hand and tugged you out of the door and towards campus
-“Jisung, babe, please tell me where we’re going” you panted as he weaved through the unfamiliar corridors of a building you had never been in before
-Without warning, he opened a door and pulled you into a,,,,
-Recording studio???
-“Babe,,, what is all this?”
-“I probably told you that I did lyrical composition alongside linguistics right??”
-“Briefly, you were pretty quiet about it to be honest”
-“Well, with Chan-hyung and Changbin-hyung, we uh, write songs and perform them sometimes”
-“Really?! That’s so cool”
-“You think so?” he asked you shyly, ruffling his hair nervously
-“HELL YEAH that’s amazing, could I maybe hear some of the stuff you’ve done?”
-Jisung smiled, slipping into a chair in front of the chair looking extremely professional and began clicking on stuff and bringing up a track
-He plugged in a pair of headphones and slipped them onto your ears, pressing play
-You heard his voice intertwine with the smooth melody and you were in awe at his sheer talent, like you were so shocked that your boyfriend could sing AND rap extremely well
-Jisung sat watching the expressions on your face as the song played, smiling as he saw the different emotions flash upon yourself
-When the song ended you flung yourself at him and began kissing him all over his face whilst he laughed at the sudden affection
-You leant in to kiss him deeply and he just leaned back in the chair pulling you closer to him
-The kiss probably would’ve got more intense if Chan and Changbin hadn’t walked in just in the moment and literally screamed at the fact their friends were tainting their recording studio (it wasn’t actually theirs but the music department graciously let them use it out of hours)
-You threw yourself off Jisung and were extremely red in the face, and Jisung had the audacity to grin at his hyungs
-Changbin just threw a pillow from one of the chairs at him, glaring at him as he took a seat in the other chair whilst Chan just glanced between the two of you
-“I’ll just get going” you said awkwardly, backing towards the door when Jisung shot up and pulled you from the door so he could walk you home
-I can’t believe I have to sit in this seat,,, it’s TAINTED changbin
-It’s your own fault
-???? How ????
-Idk,,, just your bad luck
-You and Jisung were an extremely clingy couple,,, like skinship central
-Jisung absolutely loved loved LOVED it when you would wrap him in a back hug bc it made him very happy and he just loved the feeling of your arms wrapped so securely around him and your hot breath tickling the back of his neck
-Seungmin had to have his law books confiscated whenever you hung out together bc he would just keep throwing them at Jisung whenever he would kiss you or show any affection
-Cue Jisung chasing after Seungmin to try and tackle him and plant a kiss on his cheek,,,, he succeeded but at what cost
-Seungmin nearly throttling him, that was the cost
-Despite the excessive skinship, you and Jisung wouldn’t change your relationship for the world
-You were just the loud, clingy couple that hyped each other up even in the most mundane thing
-Like,, you did a presentation for one of your classes and Jisung waited outside for your class to finish and when you left the class he threw confetti at you before screaming about how much his baby did him proud
-If this was literally any other couple the whole of campus would’ve been like wtf are they crazy but when they heard Jisung scream they were just like,,, ofc
-Hey Y/N u wanna go
-On a date with me./ OH YOU DO./ OHH
dating college jisung is just a big meme filled mess tbh
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