marcedrickirby · 4 months
Caracal 816 Meltdown #shortsfeed #shortsvideo #shortsyoutube #callofduty...
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chriscraigmusic · 3 years
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As you know I like my hockey, it is definitely my favourite sport in America. I have been meaning to do a picture of all my hockey hats together and here it is 😁 What is your favourite? NFS #nhl #icehockey #starter #startershockwave #startercollision #thegamesnapback #biglogo #extremelogo #logoathletic #logoathleticsplash #sportsspecialities #philidelphiaflyers #bostonbruins #newyorkislanders #pittsburghpenguins #newjerseydevils #chicagoblackhawks #stlouisblues #mightyducks #washingtoncapitals #detroitredwings #vintagestarter #vintagehat #vintage #90shats #oldskoolhats #nostalgic (at Glasgow, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CXzCzCiNq84/?utm_medium=tumblr
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wdbrkbrmghm · 5 years
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shivam11110000 · 4 years
ALICON Men's Running Shoes
ALICON Men’s Running Shoes
Price: (as of – Details) Closure: Lace-UpHeel Height: 0.1 centimetersShoe Width: MediumBrand – ALICONLifestyle-SportsSpeciality: light weight and Best for: competitive road racing, track workouts
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wherespacepooh · 7 years
Translated by gladi. Feel free to repost with credit.
ARTICLE: In a place full of memories right before the Olympic season. Hanyu––gratitude and a desire to give back from the bottom of his heart. (2017.08 Number)
I like this article about the Yokohama event a lot. Many small details, some of them not mentioned anywhere else, and the author’s own observations and musings. Hanyu has a big heart, not to mention quite hilarious Yuzu-sensei antics, and it shines through in the event and the article. - gladi
Chunichi News interviewed Tsuzuki Shoichiro, his former coach, with mentions of 4Lz 
(cr. yuzuporuko@twi)
Hanyu readily agreed when he was asked by Tsuzuki-sensei to participate in this event in Yokohama... “He returned yesterday and said he was dead tired, but sasuga da ne (t/n he is the man / just as you would expect)!” ... “The earthquake disaster was grueling both physically and mentally, and he was wondering whether or not to continue skating. From that point on, he has gotten back on his feet to where he is now,” Tsuzuki recounted. Not having seen each other for a long time, they had a friendly chat today. “Hanyu was saying, ‘Since I’ve come to be able to jump the 4Lz, I’m considering in my own way where I will put it’” implying the debut of a new skill this season.
2017.8.16 Yokohama Exhibition + Skating Classroom
The commemorative event celebrates the 90th anniversary of the Kanagawa-ku. Yuzuru had trained at this very rink in Yokohama from April to November 2011 after the earthquake struck and Sendai rink was destroyed. The Yokohama rink has since been rebuilt in 2015. Tsuzuki Shoichiro, Yuzuru’s former coach since Grade 2, who invited Yuzuru to train in Yokohama back in 2011, was also the one who invited Yuzuru for this event. Yuzuru readily agreed.
Exhibition: Hana ni nare 
Twizzle-4T, SE-3A, IB-4T landed 
300 in attendance (chosen from 2600 applicants)
Landed 4Lo in practice (SAKIDORI)
According to Taisuke Goto (Asahi’s reporter), Hanyu had intended to perform his free program SEIMEI, but gave up as he had just gotten back to Japan the day before. During the practice right before, he’d made mistakes with 3A and 4T, but for the actual performance, such was his power of concentration that he landed all three jumps successfully. (cr. gototaisuke@twi)
Message after exhibition
"...after the earthquake I borrowed this rink and somehow was able to continue to skate. Although there are many painful trials, when you skate, there is also a lot to be happy about. Keeping each and every bit to heart, I skated with the hope that, as much as possible, happiness could be brought to every one of you... The first competition will start in a little more than a month. With everyone's warm support, I'd like to bring my best effort toward the Olympics, the entire season." (SAKIDORI)
“...really happy that I’m able to skate in front of all of you.” (TVK 9:30α)
Highlights from skating classroom (the videos are so worth a watch \o/ video section for recommendations)
Advice 1a: “It’s important to fall a lot!” (News23 middle) “The more you fall, the better you get!” (N-Sta 18:58pm) 
“I feel like I’ve become a school principal,” says Hanyu with a mic in his hand. Somewhat bashfully, he gave some wise advice: (Hochi) 
Advice 1b: “It’s {totally} okay to fall. {I fall a bunch too. If you keep practicing without quitting, you will get better.} Fail a lot! But don’t just fail, consider ‘why am I failing a lot?’ and figure out how not to fail. If you do that, you’ll definitely get better. Work hard, okay?” (Mezamashi Aqua, Hochi additions in {})
“I am looking forward to when we can attend competitions together. Until that time, ossan (t/n uncle, old guy) will be working hard too!” (News23 clip towards the end, Chunichi, Hochi)
Advice 2 + Skating vocabulary confirmed: “...lift your right hand...ton ton ton ton shuuuuu” when teaching skating (News23)
Advice 3: “Make yourself like a spinning top and ‘kyun~’ (t/n onomatopoeia for tighten/tense up)” when teaching spinning (Mezamashi Aqua) 
Advice 4: “Make as if you’re hung tautly from the top of your head for your posture” also when teaching skating (Hochi)
VIDEOS (all cr. to yuzu_pino@twi except otherwise noted)
Tokudane (cr. to Yzriko@DM) - recommended for skating classroom! Asachan + NOBU SEGMENT on Yuzu’s program choices \o/ Mezamashi Aqua (cr. Yzriko@DM) - lots of kids with their comments TBS Hayadoki (repeats News23) (cr. Yzriko@DM) NTV Oha4 (repeats ZERO) (cr. Yzriko@DM) Your Time (cr. to Yzriko@DM) - Yuzu thanking-waving-hopping off *-* NTV ZERO - recommended for skating classroom! TBS News23 - recommended for skating classroom! NHK News Watch 9  TVK News 930α  NHK Telemasa (cr. to ailes_de_Yuzu@twi) - has all three landed jumps NHK News 7 Hodo Runner (Kansai) - skating classroom only N-Sta NHK Shutoken Network TVK News (18:00) Minna no News NTV news every Goody
RADIO SAKIDORI - Kyou no Namachuu! (cr. to yuzu_pino@twi)
Asahi: 羽生結弦「おっさんも頑張るよ」 スケート教室で交流 http://www.asahi.com/articles/ASK8J42CKK8JUTQP016.html
Hochi: 羽生結弦「いつか一緒に オッサンも頑張ります」ちびっ子とスケート教室 http://www.hochi.co.jp/sports/winter/20170817-OHT1T50031.html
Chunichi: 羽生、横浜で感謝の演技 http://www.chunichi.co.jp/chuspo/article/sports/news/CK2017081702000154.html
Kahoku: 羽生、思い出のリンクでイベント 「五輪頑張りたい」 http://sp.kahoku.co.jp/naigainews/201708/2017081601001393.html
Sankei: 羽生結弦、思い出のリンクで「花になれ」披露  http://www.sankei.com/photo/story/news/170816/sty1708160011-n1.html
FNN: 羽生結弦 子どもたちと夏の思い出 http://www.fnn-news.com/news/headlines/articles/CONN00367450.html
Nikkan Sports: 羽生結弦「オッサンなるまで頑張ります」子供に誓う https://www.nikkansports.com/sports/news/1873064.html
Chunichi: 羽生、思い出のリンクでイベント 「五輪頑張りたい」 http://www.chunichi.co.jp/s/article/2017081601001393.html
Mainichi: 「五輪頑張りたい」羽生、思い出のリンクで https://mainichi.jp/sportsspecial/articles/20170817/k00/00m/050/029000c
Yomiuri: 羽生結弦、4回転ジャンプで「恩返し」の舞 http://www.yomiuri.co.jp/sports/winter/20170816-OYT1T50083.html
Jiji.com: 羽生結弦、スケート教室で指導=「たくさん転んでもOK」 https://www.jiji.com/jc/article?k=2017081600881
Sports Hochi: 羽生結弦、スケート教室で小学生とふれあい「スケート楽しんで好きになってね」 http://www.hochi.co.jp/sports/winter/20170816-OHT1T50101.html
Daily: 羽生、横浜でアイスショー 震災11年の拠点リンク「1つ1つを胸に抱いて」 https://www.daily.co.jp/general/2017/08/16/0010467474.shtml
Daily: 教えて、羽生先生!スケート教室で70人指導 子供たちに「先生の方見て~」 https://www.daily.co.jp/general/2017/08/16/0010467723.shtml
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mug-g · 7 years
20年東京五輪 木材公募「供出」「搾取だ」ネットで批判 https://mainichi.jp/sportsspecial/articles/20170726/k00/00m/050/105000c:それでもよく分からないのは自治体に何のメリットがあるのかという話。でないと、「カツアゲじゃなくて援助だよ」と言ってるようにしか見えないわけで。
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rands1984 · 5 years
 NHK大河ドラマ「いだてん」で、日本女性初の五輪選手、人見絹枝を演じた菅原小春さん(27)は世界を舞台に活躍するダンサーだ。「心を燃やし、魂を込めた」と女優デビュー作を振り返り、人見が女子スポーツ選 via Pocket
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thyele · 6 years
【Plastic Tree】3度目となる男子限定ライブ開催決定!レーベルの垣根を越えたB面集「続 B面画報」本日発売!
池江璃花子選手、白血病と診断 ツイッターで公表 「信じられず、混乱」
引退した柔道・松本薫さんのアイス店オープン 店頭で販売も
逹瑯&ミヤ [MUCC]、「世に出るタイミングをずっと待っていた曲がある」
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news-okiba · 6 years
2016年のこれか?→東京五輪 招致で1.6億円、国際陸連前会長側に 英報道https://mainichi.jp/sportsspecial/articles/20160512/k00/00m/050/145000c
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marcedrickirby · 11 months
M16A4 Meltdown #shortsyoutube #shortsfeed #shortsvideo #callofduty #cod ...
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kurano · 6 years
※ 授業より五輪ボランティア通知 学生頼みの「国策動員」 https://mainichi.jp/sportsspecial/articles/20180819/ddm/003/050/052000c  パタッ! とうとう学徒出陣まで来たか! 出陣式はぜひゲートルを巻いて雨の神宮外苑でやって欲しいぞ。東條に代わって演説するのは、学徒兵を鍛えるパソナのあの人な。最後はみんなで海ゆかばを歌って終わるのだぞ。
学徒出陣再び: 大石英司の代替空港
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killslayer · 6 years
1: 稼げる名無しさん 2018/08/19(日) 15:00:06.21
毎日新聞2018年8月19日 東京朝刊
 2020年東京五輪・パラリンピックのボランティア活動に学生の参加を促すため、 スポーツ庁と文部科学省が全国の大学と高等専門学校に対し、大会期間中(7月24日~9月6日)に 授業をしないよう暗に求める通知を出したことが波紋を広げている。学業よりボランティア優先なのか。
残り1926文字(全文2092文字) https://mainichi.jp/sportsspecial/articles/20180819/ddm/003/050/052000c
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rsstotxt · 6 years
yogasa timetrain 北海道 オリンピック オリンピックは大損になるとわかりきった時代。 mae-9 なんでそんなに招致したいんだ……って、土建屋か……。 emiladamas "市民の間には「五輪招致より日本ハムを呼び戻すべきだ」との声が根強い。…それでも、札幌市が撤退を明言できないのはJOCの引き留めにある " kowyoshi オリンピック 北海道 東京もドタキャンへの機運をもっと高めようぜ
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shivam11110000 · 4 years
ALICON Men's Running Shoes
ALICON Men’s Running Shoes
Price: (as of – Details) Closure: Lace-UpHeel Height: 0.1 centimetersShoe Width: MediumBrand – ALICONLifestyle-SportsSpeciality: light weight and Best for: competitive road racing, track workouts
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1:風吹けば名無し: 2018/07/27(金) 10:16:30.58ID:oqGZ4HtE0.net
続きを読む https://mainichi.jp/sportsspecial/articles/20180727/k00/00m/050/180000c  
2:風吹けば名無し: 2018/07/27(金) 10:16:50.70ID:oqGZ4HtE0.net きたああああああああああああ!!!
5:風吹けば名無し: 2018/07/27(金) 10:18:01.76ID:oqGZ4HtE0.net うおおおおおおおおおおおおお!!!…
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takuya-sasaki-japan · 6 years
緑のたぬき小池のわがまま、オリンピック期間中は会社休めって? ビックサイトだって幕張メッセだって見本市できないから。 緑のたぬきはどこまで人をバカすのか? https://mainichi.jp/sportsspecial/articles/20180720/k00/00m/050/158000c
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