#sport hydration kids vitamin drink hangover cure
shotsrevival39 · 3 years
How To Get Rid Of A Hangover: What To Eat, Drink, And Do
Celebrations and parties abound throughout the holiday season. Even though most parties are more low-key than in previous years, you can still overindulge and wake up with a headache.  While there are strategies to minimize a hangover, such as drinking in control (which you definitely will not do) or avoiding sugary beverages, there are also several Hangover Cure options to help you cope the next day. Read on to learn about some hangover remedies that can come in handy the next time you wake up with a queasy stomach, overwhelming thirst, and intense exhaustion.
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Rehydrating The Body
Since alcohol is a laxative, being dehydrated is a contributing factor to your pounding migraine after a night out. To restore your lost electrolytes, drink lots of fluids as soon as you wake up, or better still, coconut juice or a Sport Hydration drink. It is one of the most effective methods for regaining your power.
This should go without saying, but when healing from a hangover, persons sometimes overlook the importance of sleep. Allowing your body to relax and sleep over the worst of it by taking the much rest after consuming to reload some missing nutrients.
When you consume, your potassium levels drop, so eating a ton of bananas the next day replenishes your supply of vitamins and helps to alleviate nausea and fatigue. Bananas are also easy on the stomach, which helps. Make a banana salad to help it go down the chute and get those vitamins into your body if chewing is a chore.
Good food will help you feel better after a night out, and eggs are one of the best things to eat the next day. Eggs are high in vitamin B and glycine, an amino acid that aids in the removal of alcohol-related contaminants from the body, so they will help you avoid getting a hangover. Having eggs in the morning, whether poached, fried, cooked, or fried, will improve your mood and decrease nausea.
Hair Of The Dog
It may sound counterintuitive; however drinking more alcohol is one of the most effective ways to alleviate hangover symptoms. Increasing your alcohol consumption can help to lift your spirits and alleviate the symptoms of a hangover.   This Hangover Cure is a delicious and easy dish to prepare at home. However, keep in mind that this cure only provides temporary relief from the previous night's poor choices, so make sure to get plenty of rest and rehydrate.
IV Drips Rich In Vitamins And Nutrients
Hangover drips have been available for some time, and a number of celebrities swear by their effectiveness. These IV treatments moisturize your body, aid in the removal of toxins, replenish nutrients lost from a night of intense drinking and cleanse your body. There are numerous holistic and wellness centers that provide a fast and effective way to alleviate hangover symptoms, receive assessments, and determine the best medication to restore your health.
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immortalcockroach · 4 years
50 questions you’ve never been asked
asdfghjkl i know this was a thing about a week ago and i’m just hella slow ahhh 
big thanks to everyone who tagged me! ( @she-who-the-river-could-not-hold @important-metaphors @iishallbelieve @iwearplaids @sassmasterblake @burninghoneyatdusk )
What is the color of your hairbrush? black, cheapest one from primark, you know it
Name a food you never eat? sushi…too raw.
Are you typically too warm or too cold? i have two moods: ‘i’m fucking freezing’ and ‘i’m fucking boiling’, never in-between
What were you doing 45 minutes ago? i walked into the kitchen to prepare lunch then i realised it’s past midnight
What is your favorite candy bar? either reese’s peanut butter cups, or kinder happy hippo with cocoa cream
Have you ever been to a professional sports event? hell yeah; my sister’s boxing tournaments, a whole load of football matches when i was a kid, and a few handball matches
What is the last thing you said out loud? ‘aight imma head out’ … 
What is your favorite ice cream? stracciatella!! it’s just plain ice cream with chocolate chunks 
What was the last thing you had to drink? water!
Do you like your wallet? not really. i can never seem to get a wallet that i like, they’re never functional enough
What was the last thing you ate? a bowl of oatmeal…for breakfast (which was at 5pm)
Did you buy any new clothes last weekend? haven’t bought clothes since january my dude
The last sporting event you watched? pretty sure it was a champions league game?? i think it was liverpool playing against someone. is liverpool even in champions league? don’t quote me on that
What is your favorite flavor of popcorn? salty is the only valid one and if you like any other you’re a weirdo what even
Who is the last person you sent a text message to? my flatmate
Ever go camping? yeah! been a few times with my family
Do you take vitamins? ehhh no, i tried but i’m really horrible at taking daily pills so i just gave up
Do you go to church every Sunday? i used to, but i’ve been to church a handful of times since i moved to scotland in september ‘18 since they’re not big on roman catholicism and i’m not a big believer…yeah
Do you have a tan? ahhh don’t get me started on this. i always have a tan. it doesn’t go away. i tan really easily and it literally does not go away even when a year has passed
Do you prefer Chinese food or pizza? pizza, i don’t like chinese and never understood the hype
Do you drink your soda with a straw? no?? save the turtles
What color socks do you usually wear? whatever i get for christmas, honestly. mostly monochrome or with little dots. rn i have white with little black flowers on them, kinda cute
Do you ever drive above the speed limit? hehehe driver’s licence who?
What terrifies you? death, failure, and the phrase ‘we need to talk’
Look to your left, what do you see? a bottle of water (stay hydrated folks!!)
What chore do you hate? laundry (but only bc it’s expensive :/)
What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? oh yeah boy pls never stop talking
What’s your favorite soda? freeway cola, that’s the cheapest thing i get in lidl and AMAZING for curing hangovers
Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive-thrus? go in, as i never go anywhere with a car so it’s not even an option
Who’s the last person you talked to? same flatmate that i last texted
Favorite cut of beef? ??? i don’t even know what this means. i don’t really eat beef
Last song you listened to? sadderdaze by the neighbourhood; i was working on a story it’s perfect for
Last book you read? hitch hiker’s quide to the galaxy, currently reading it
Favorite day of the week? don’t have one?? 
Can you say the alphabet backwards? bruh i barely even know the alphabet 
How do you like your coffee? ok so hold up. so two teaspoons of sugar, two teaspoons of instant nescafe instant coffee, two teaspoons of boiling water, half a teaspoon of vanilla extract. this is mixed until it’s a creamy texture, then poured over three quarters of milk with a bunch of ice. then mixed until it’s all one colour, left aside 5 - 10 mins for a sweet foam to form on top. it’s…a process. i don’t like any other coffee.
Favorite pair of shoes? i don’t have one. probs my burgundy boots cause they’re the most convenient since they have a zipper and i’m lazy
The time you normally go to sleep? ahhh i always aim for 2am but for the past few weeks, between 6am and 10am
The time you normally get up? between 12pm and 5pm. time is a social construct
What do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? sunsets!!
How many blankets on your bed? one blanket and one duvet
Describe your kitchen plates: we have a bunch of different ones , but the one i bought is baby blue and hella cute
Do you have a favorite alcoholic beverage? my flatmate’s homemade mojitos, or whatever i make when i show up to a party already drunk and see alcohol and mixers sitting about. i’ve been told the drinks i make on these occasions are absolutely amazing
Do you play cards? yep, it’s a family tradition and if you don’t play cards, then you’re considered a weirdo
What color is your car? my fam’s car is black
Can you change a tire? Yep
Your favorite province? …what provinces are we talking about?
Favorite job you’ve ever had? i was doing the dishes for a cafe a few years back, and i’d occasionally get to tend the bar, too, and chat with the customers and help out, plus my coworkers were really lovely and chatty, it was so much fun
How did you get your biggest scar? i was 12, i was shaving my legs and somehow managed to get a 10-inch long layer of skin shaved off. it was nastyyy 
What did you do today that made someone else happy? i gave my best friend some boy advice and reassurance, she seemed pretty chipper about that lol
i honestly have no clue who’s done this already and who hasn’t, so if you see this and want to do this, consider yourself tagged!
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besthydrationdrinks · 3 years
Know More About Electrolyte and their Replacements
Are you also aware of the electrolytes and their replacements which are available in the markets?  If not then read the article below to get complete knowledge about electrolytes and their replacements.
  What are electrolytes?
Electrolytes are “ions” in a human body that need to be kept balanced and filled with the fluid balance in our cells.  The electrolytes will maintain the ph level of our body. And keeps the functioning of our muscles, hearts, and nerves normal.
Thus include the following -
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Are electrolytes matter or not?
Yes, electrolytes matter a lot for the human body. The electrolyte is vital for hydrating your body. The body of a human being needs water and you can’t ingest the water you drink without minerals like potassium and sodium. Normally the water you drink is already possessing magnesium, sodium, and potassium. However, if the person is not having an adequate amount of these minerals in the body then they can get muscle cramps, sick, spasms, and dehydration experience.
4 Best Electrolyte Replacements Drinks
Here are some of the natural electrolyte replacements drinks which a person can use. And these drinks are ideal for them if they are looking for electrolyte replacement. Let’s have a look at them one by one with their pros and cons-
Natural fruit juices
This one is the best option for replacing the electrolyte drink. Having a regular drink like orange juice, coconut water, and lemon juice helps your body to be packed with hydration options. They are the feasible and best options for the person who valued the drinks made from nature. Even these are the best drinks for toddlers.
Pros -
These are hydrating
Very rich in vitamins and minerals
Made from natural ingredients
  Cons -
  They contain a large number of calories
These are highly processed drinks
This is the choice of many celebrities for curing their hangover and also a substantial option for sick and dehydrated children. Pedialyte drinks contain half of the sugar and calories as per the normal drinks. These are very rich sources of electrolytes in our bodies.
Pros -
Helpful in circumstances like illness and dehydration
Contain high Electrolyte and fewer calories
Cons -
The flavor is not for everyone.
Not for kids until and unless prescribed by doctors.
  Hydration Mixes
Hydration mix is the World health organization (WHO) based drink. It is used for conventional speedy rehydration. This contains a specific ratio of potassium, calcium, magnesium, and glucose or ORS Drink which is consumed adjacent to the water and this allows your body to assimilate the liquid more expeditiously.
  Pros -
Electrolyte balance is peerless
Rich in calories
Easily conveyable
Hydration comes with substantial efficiency.
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  Cons -
It takes time in mixing
Sports drinks
After deep research, it is clear that sports drinks play a vital role in the life of people who are very enthusiastic and motivated towards their exercise and gyming. It boosts up the energy level even after exercising for more than 90 mins in one single round. These drinks are more suitable for people who are active in their regular schedule.
It refills the level of the electrolyte
Best for the athletes and vigorous peoples
        Cons -
Higher in sugar and calories
Mixes up with the colors and flavors
Article Source :- https://besthydrationdrinks.mystrikingly.com/blog/know-more-about-electrolyte-and-their-replacements
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shotsrevival39 · 3 years
Boost Energy Instantly with Vitamin and Rehydration Powder Packs
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It is crucial to stay hydrated to boost metabolism and improve overall performance and efficient of the body function. The rehydration and vitamin based energy drink are backed by authentic formulae which helps in improving energy levels. The rehydration drinks are crucial for sports and for instant boost of energy and hydration.
Rehydration Powder to Provide Instant Boost of Energy
The rehydration powder drink gives instant energy and recharges the tired self. The rehydration powder is a mix of important electrolytes and available in different flavors for ease of drinking. The products are all designed after years of research and with the precise scientific formulae.
·         The energy drink is great for sportsperson and athletes as it gives out immediate burst of energy. This recharges the person and hence improves performance. The rehydration and recovery electrolyte drink is easy to drink by mixing with water.
·         With the energy drink hangover, it wakes you up feeling energized and not feeling lethargic and groggy in the morning. When the rehydration drinks are taken before sleeping, the electrolytes and vitamins work during night and help speed recovery.
·         The Kids vitamin drinksupplements the kids with the necessary vitamins and hence it typically fulfills its necessity. The vitamin drink has higher absorption rate of 95% and hence it works 3 times faster as compared to the tablets.
·         The vitamin and rehydration drinks are designed for both adults and kids with specific formulation. In kids, the vitamin drink helps in enhancing immunity, maintain bone health, and provide iodine.
Enhance Health and Recover through Natural Energy Drink
The rehydration powder drinkis suitable for everyone and for every day consumption. People tend to lose a lot of water through sweating and urination every day. Not drinking enough water and lack of electrolytes can cause a lot of imbalance in the body.
However, the rehydration powder is packed with all the essential vitamins and electrolytes that immediately rehydrates the body. The revival pack is packed with vitamins like B1, B3, B5, B12 as well as vitamin C. The rehydration formulation are even approved by WHO.
It is a great energy drink hangover cure as it helps in rehydrating the system after a night of party and booze, cleanse the system, and prevent creating imbalance in the electrolytes. It helps in meeting the bodily demand and requirement for vitamins and hence enhances overall health.
Flavorful, Tasty Energy Drink for Boosting Energy in Adults and Kids
The kids vitamin drink consists of supplements of multi-vitamin and it make a refreshing drink with its amazing flavor. The formulae is a combination of nearly 12 vitamins, biotin, iodine etc. with a great taste. It improves immunity, strengthen bones and is a healthy choice with pineapple and orange flavor.
The rehydration drink for the adults is available in multiple flavors like wild cherry, tropical berry, orange, lemon, and others. It is easy to make the drink by simply mixing it with water. It taste like refreshing juice and hence instantly energizes a person with its taste.
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