#spop post season3
thatone-highlighter · 5 years
Some stuff for Shera season 3 before I die from season 4 and exams
Ignore the bad formatting I copy and pasted from notes and when I tried to fix it I deleted a chunk
She-ra season 3
Adora's backstory
It gives a reason for her specifically to be able to wield the sword other that her being ‘the chosen one’ but doesn’t explain how it works entirely like does the sword work for ANY first one or just one specific first one if it’s the second one how convenient that it just happened to be Adora . How was the first portal formed Mara did the thing to stop portals 1000s of years ago how did hordak open one to get Adora through those 20odd years ago and how did the world not fall apart then
I called it I connected the field in the trailer to the field shown in adoras flashback thing and I was right they are the same one I only got what the purple thing is wrong
Shadow weaver
I don’t think she’s been redeemed I think it’s more of a mutual agreement that they won’t kill each other for now the whole the enemy of my enemy is my friend thing fits right I think she could teach glimmer magic and some spells as well to assist them in the inevitable fight with the rest of the horde and being a princess and the daughter of such a powerful caster she could do some very powerful spells shadow weaver could also assist madam razz in teaching Adora about what she really is and how to control her powers because light Hope sucks
Light hope and Mara
Light hope was probably the reason Mara ‘snapped’ I don’t think she really did snap it’s just either how she interpreted it because she turned on her in the flash back showing ‘snapped’ Mara she-ra she has the red lines in her like when adoras shera gets infected with entraptas ‘murder virus’ so I don’t think that she really snapped light hope just doesn’t want adora to cut her off again or she honestly just doesn’t understand what Maras motives where we’ve seen that she doesn’t know much like the fact the babies don’t remember stuff was unknown to her so maybe light hope saw Mara destroying everything and disconnecting them from everyone else and taking them to despandos and saw that Mara must have snapped and not that she wa trying to protect everyone like Mara said she wouldn’t be remembered as a hero and she knew it and she still did it in the flash back if Mara ‘snapping’ she is shown to be whiter than the colour she is in the ‘perfect’ universe I think this is from one of 3 causes 1the crew hadn’t finalised her design by that point 2 she ras glow made her seem brighter 3 the tint of yellow-white on the screen made her look whiter . This is because you can still tell that her skin is darker than adoras shera what exactly did Mara do to get rid of the portal capabilities does it only apply to a portal made with the sword of protection for if it does why bother if she was supposed to be the last shera if not how did hordak Create the portal that brought Adora through
The ‘perfect’ reality
St first I was excited because I thought we were getting an episode of what would have happened had Adora never left the horde and I thought it would be fun.I was wrong. It was really interesting to watch it play out even if it still almost makes me cry after watching it 4-5 times everything seemed a little off even with the normal interactions like when Lonnie is thanking adora the way she talks just seems.. off like even then somthing was wrong catra was happy without the years of abuse and neglect she is happy and it’s great the first thing adora instinctively remembers is how shadow weaver treats catra and gasps when shadow weaver gets close and has a giant smile when she doesn’t do anything and is just fine how come adora sees madame razz in certain spots and not others and why does the informations guy behave like there is a screen there when he’s first saying the information and is it two different occasions where they’re there or just it skipped adora getting the sheets what was entraptas line of ‘I’m not really here’ about did she die is she saying the reality isn’t real if so why wasn’t it ‘we’re not really here’ that would make more sense for her to refer to all of them not specifically herself WHY didn’t bow rip his shirt open and why can’t glimmer teleport as much did she learn to get better through sneaking around I also liked the emphasis placed in her shoes when they don’t have toes and how they show the toe caps being back once they are back at bright moon in normal reality will angella return I think she might come back through the portal when horde prime comes back and is Mara also trapped in the inside of the portal from the last time she stopped it why easy the horde just immediately gone why was it there in the first place if it was so fast to disappear was micha still there even when the horde was still present why did it pick the decision to go with the rebellion as the decision to change when catra finally decided to admit that everything was wrong she was attacking adora with the intent to kill those where killing blows how exactly did catra perfectly position where she was in relation to the environment to go after adora like that when it kept changing when catra was attacking it kept going to places where she won where as when adora refused to let catra convince her it was all her fault it goes to the world falling apart while adora is falling she just sadly accepts that she failed and sits there to fall until she diaspears angella made a very nice and heart breaking spaech to adora then sacrifices herself for everyone in a way which is NOT fair for ANY of our emotions just why did they have to do that now my littke baby glimmer has no parents
The crimson waste/huntara
Adora has SUCH a crush on huntara and is so adorable and it’s also really gay which makes it even better huntara actually starting to like Adora too is so cute even if she gets teased for it. Glimmer just being happy to follow Adora and support her is also cute especially seeing how protective she was in the previous episode. Now that I think about it was the line ‘no we’re supporting her’ directed towards the going to the crimson waste to look for the centre and the Mara thing or was it towards Adora and huntaras interactions I’m not sure now
When season 4 come I hope catra faces the consequences of her actions like maybe scorpia might actually lose hope in her once she finds out she might get sent to beast island once hordak finds out she lied(side note entrapta better not be freaking dead for real this time) and if she does I hope Lonnie replaces her Lonnie deserves better she’s by far the best candidate for force captain that we’ve seen she cares for her friends can support them when they need it can actually do her job has speaking lines and she would make for an amazing antagonist for a season or 2 . Back to scorpia I hope she does alright after finding out what catra did and remembering what she did to entrapta who has only ever been good to her and how quickly catra turned back on scorpia
Glimmer+shadow weaver (ft. bow+adora)
With queen Angella effectively dead glimmer might go looking for another person to fill in that role in her life and she might turn to shadow weaver for that support. If glimmer tries to do this I think one of two things will happen with adora 1 adora will be completely against this and try her best to convince glimmer not to look to shadow weaver for advice or as a motherly figure and when glimmer inevitably goes to shadow weaver anyways it will weaken their relationship and/or adoras trust in glimmer until shadow weaver betrays/ starts to show her true intentions and once glimmer finds/ figures it out she will go and ask for adoras help and will ask her how they can fix things (both in terms of their relationship and about whatever the consequences of what shadow weaver did are) or 2adora will see that glimmer -the person who like a week ago would have taken any chance she could to punch her out- is giving shadow weaver all of this trust and is looking to shadow weaver for advice and adora might start to think that shadow weaver really had changed and start to lower her guard letting shadow weaver minipulate her again and eventually shadow weaver will betray the both of them and they will both be left there feeling completely abandoned
I’m not sure what bows place in either of these Scenarios would be but I feel like hell would probably be used as like a 3rd party thing (being the only one of the trio that hasn’t been directly influenced by shadow weaver) and try to convince his friends that they should stay away from shadow weaver or he might see them being happy or something and leave them thinking the possible negatives of whatever shadow weaver could possibly do seem to be outweighed by the positives in his friend lives
In terms of the first possibility of glimmer/Adora bow might side with Adora and try to convince glimmer that this is not a healthy way of projecting her emotions and to not use shadow weaver for a motherly figure and remind her of all the things that Adora does/did as a result of how shadow weaver raised her(e.g. Adora sleeping with a knife, not being able to relax etc)
Also how is glimmer going to handle her new responsibilities as queen of bright moon (also why was angella queen but every where else had a king then a princess) and maybe all of etheria like is brightmoon the ‘capital’ so to speak cuz everyone seems to give all this respect to the queen and there was the base of the original princess alliance plus that seems to be the main efforts that the horde put into taking also its protected by the whispering woods and EVERYONE was shook that it got frozen and fell apart leaving brightmoon vulnerable. How is little baby glimmer gunna Handle all of that especially after what just happened you know not just with her mum effectively dying also with the new stuff with Mara knowing adoras a first one and this shadow weaver stuff (basically just her existing)all this stuff happens and nobody got any time to proseess they are all going to need therapy not just catra
Swift wind and sea hawk
Sea hawk first Well if you think about it there was no chance for him to show up. Shadow weaver shows up then they go to the crimson waste where why would sea hawk be there and then adora gets captured so they go to the fright zone then we’re in the ‘perfect reality’ so unless he was like chilling in either bright moon or the fright zone he wouldn’t have been anywhere near them (in the perfect reality the war never happened and the alience never fell apart so glimmer never needed a captain to get to mermistas kingdom so they never met him there)
Then we’ve got swift wind. Swift wind being in any of the situations wouldn’t have really added anything to the plot maybe he could have shown up when they were thrown in the pit by huntara and co but that’s really the only time it would have made much sense. He COULD have shown up when they where breaking into the fright zone and helped with that but other than those two options I’ve got nothing having him anywheee else wouldn’t really make any sense he really would have just gotten in the way so it was a good call to just leave him out and focus on the other characters plus in the ‘perfect’ reality adora isn’t she-ra so swift wind is still a regular horse and therefore technically isn’t really a proper character for those two episodes
So over all neither of them really could have appeared this season maybe they will next time (most likely with swiftwind if we’re getting anything to do with light hope too) but I don’t really mind either way I like sea hawks interactions with glimmer and how she gets happy when she cheers him up a bit by being his crew but I don’t really care at all with swift wind tho he might help with somthing light hope related seeing as he was involved last time
The princess alliance pt1+2
So we’ve got the new princess alliance feturing spinnarella nettossa glimmer adora frosta mermista perfuma bow and sea hawk (part time entrapta) who all work together and do stuff like glimmer losing her powers being gay spreading the gay and more
Then you’ve got the original princess alliance that consisted of KING micha queen angella merimistas dad and I don’t think we’ve herd anything about the rest of them but it’s assumed that some of the other parents where a part I think frostas dad or somthing might have been but based on the time gaps we’ve been given frosta wouldn’t have even been born by the time the alliance fell apart because it fell apart once micha died and he died given that flashback in ‘remember’ when she was let’s say 3-4 and if we guess that she’s about 17 or so now then that means it has been apart for about 14-15 years and frosta has just cannonacly turned 12 so even if you be very generous with how old glimmer is in that flash back and say maybe even 5-6 then that still leaves you with a very very small chance that at the highest end of that frosta might have maybe been just born then taking into account the fact that she took the throne at 8 I assume because of a few deaths she would not have gotten much of a chance to learn much about the old alliance unless they where like very important stories passed down like tales of war
Their ages
So I think they are in like a few groups so here we go! We know frostas 12 so that’s easy and we also know that entraptas late 20s early 30s so we’ll say about 30 for her . 17-19 or so I think for glimmer bow adora mermista catra lonnie Kyle Rogelio then I think alitttle older at maybe 20-22 for Perfuma sea hawk then going from ther I think angella is about the same age as micha and if you do some math with him being about 12 in the light spinner episode and glimmer being about 17 then he is at youngest in his early to mid 30s so I’d say that’s the age for them. Hordak is like 100s of years old so I won’t go into that madme razz is ancient there is no way to work that out but if she was there for Mara she’s over 1000 years old at least
Now for shadow weaver when she says ‘take pity on an old woman’ to catra she really is serious assuming that she has that average life span of a human, ok let’s go so in the light spinner episode she is a full grown adult and presumably has been for a while so we can guess she’s mid to late 20s let’s use 27 for numbers sake then she’d have to be at the horde for a while to teach the level of 2nd in command so that’s a few years then she gets adora when she’s a baby and we know adoras about 17 so if we go from that she is at the very least almost 50 which if that is the case and she does have the average lifespan of a real human good job shadow weaver for reaching that age and still being able to do all the things you do
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