Veiling & Braids
I didn't have time to post yesterday, but I tried both veiling and braiding intentions into my hair.
I've tried veiling before and struggled with it. The few times I've tried in the past I've tried I ended up with a headaches. I think it has something to do with my hair being held in place. Maybe I'll experiment with different styles of veil.
I also tried a new method of braiding intentions into my hair, and that worked a lot better for me. I've had issues with maintaining focus on an intention while braiding, but this time I tried assigning a different intention to all three strands.
For example, I will be moving into my dorm room these next two days, so I wanted my hair low-maintenance and out of my way. So I did two Dutch braids and focused on setting intentions for the things that would help me with that.
One strand was for strength, one was for courage, and the last was for focus. Repeating the intention for each strand helped me stay focused on my goals throughout the braiding process.
Healthy Witching!!!
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anabiel-nightshade · 7 years
🥄Spoonie Witchcraft(for witches with disabilities)🥄
★ What is Spoonie Witchcraft?
- Spoon theory:  a personal story by Christine Miserandino, is popular among many people dealing with chronic illness. It describes perfectly this idea of limited energy, using “spoons” as a unit of energy.
Bad day --> Fewer spoons than usual
Think which Activity to use an energy unit in
Different activities use more spoons than usual(showering uses more spoons than washing hands and face)
★ Witchcraft is a personal spiritual path, which means you NEED to focus on your self-care and health!
- It’s hard to focus and practice magick when you barely have the motivation/energy/spoons to even take care of yourself. 
- Some witches arn’t able to do a spell for months, which is fine! (I am one)
- Be careful with offensive magick! (Hexes, etc.). I’ve learned it’s takes way more energy than other spells
★ So what can you do at bad times(Low spoon days)?
- GROUND (Helps stabilize, and you can do it lying in bed)
- Worry about yourself first, be aware of these below!
Drink water
Plenty of sleep
Eating well (or even eating at all)
Hygiene (It makes me feel better but I know it’s v hard for a lot of people, so just go minimum!)
- Do magick that won’t burn you out as easily!
Check out my Spoonie witch tips! (LINK)
Sigil Magick! (INFO)
★ Personal low-spoon tips:
- Dry shampoo is your bff if you can’t shower and feel like shit feeling greasy
- Try your best to cut back on junk food, because junk food only gives you junk energy.
- Try and regulate sleep and rest, relax when you need to.
- No energy/so much pain? Please don’t your push yourself to go out! 
- Cleaning my bedroom helps so much. Dedicate a day to clean it, but if you can’t do that, pick up 3-5 items from the floor a day, or organize an area once a week. It helps clear your mind and won’t overwhelm you as much.
~ Anabiel
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Shoebox Altar & Braids Update
I moved most of my stuff into my dorm today, and I moved in officially tomorrow. I decorated my dorm with a lot of the Triple Moon symbol and a lot of suncatchers to invite the God and Goddess into my space.
I also took the time to set up my shoebox alter and leave offerings. I put it near the window so I can sit next to it when I pray.
I unfortunately didn't have the time to cleanse or ward my space today, but I'm planning to do so tomorrow.
As for my braids: they held up really well! I braided the intentions of strength, courage, and focus. I didn't face a lot of the physical issues that I tend to with exercise and heat, I talked more than I thought I would to my roommates and their families, and I set up my room a lot quicker than I thought I would!
All in all, the braids worked really well for me, and I'll definitely use the same tactic again in the future. Also, I'm really excited to finish setting up my space and start my college life.
(Also, my roommates seem a lot more accepting than I thought they would be, so I'm not as nervous anymore)
Healthy Witching
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Glamor Magick
I wasn't able to post yesterday, but I did another attraction spell with my perfume to attract new friends, and that has continued to work well for me.
I had an audition today, so I put charms on my jewelry. One on a necklace for clear speech. On on my earrings for calmness. And one on a hairbow for joy. I also did a spell on my perfume to help me leave a good impression.
My audition went a lot better than I was expecting, and the casting director spoke to me after about my lyre harp, which is always really fun to talk about.
Healthy Witching!
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I tried praying for the first time today, and I really enjoyed it. It really resonated with me, so much so that it brought me to tears. I hope to make it a part of my daily practice from now on. Though, I still need to decide whether I want to pray every morning and night or just one.
This was also my first time speaking aloud in my practice. It felt strange, but surprisingly powerful. I didn't feel the need to find the perfect phrasing for my prayer like I thought I was going to. I felt as though my deities were encouraging me and comforting me through my prayer.
I am currently in the process of packing to move into my dorm room, so unfortunately, I could not pray at my altar. Once I am able to, I am excited to see if that changes anything for me.
All in all, a very pleasant experience, and I am excited to do more of it.
Healthy Witching!!!
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Hello, it's nice to meet you!
My name is Aurora. I have had chronic migraines for most of my life, and I was diagnosed with POTS last year. Since then, I have been working on adapting my life to work with my conditions instead of against them.
One of the things that my conditions have caused issues with in the past was my spirituality and witchcraft (which, for me, are intrinsically linked, but they aren't for everyone). I have had issues maintaining my practices due to my chronic illness.
So I have decided to work on that. I am going to do one, small witchy thing a day, and prove to myself that it it's possible to maintain my craft without negatively impacting my health. I will be posting those activities here to keep track of my progress and hopefully inspire others. Feel free to follow along with me and maybe try some activities for yourself!
Healthy Witching!!!
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