lazyneonrabbitt · 3 days
Rabbitt's TWD Halloween '24
Witches and Woos
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🐺 Daryl Dixon x reader 🌿
What happens when a witch and a werewolf decide they need the same clearing in the forest where the moon shines brightest.
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The community you joined two days ago was a nice one. Or at least it seemed to be, as long as you didn't ask about leaving the gates during the night.
No matter who you asked if it was okay to go out that night the answer was no. And on top of that no one could give you a straightforward reason as to why they weren't letting you go out.
But that didn't stop you from sneaking out over the wall like you saw that kid do the day before.
Once your feet hit the ground you set out to the clearing you passed once before, it was the perfect place to work your magic.
You wanted to return the kindness of allowing you into the community with a blessing of crops, but you needed privacy and moonlight for it so your only option was to go outside the walls on the night of the full moon for the best results.
Your items in your bag made noise as you walked, already a hand against the outside to dampen it and a knife in your hand in case a stray walker came across your path.
You made it to the clearing without any unpleasantries and laid out all of the spell's components. Things were looking like it was going to be a quick and easy job, until a growl startled you.
"Leave." A deep snarling voice sounded as a large beast stepped into the moonlight.
"Shut it, I need to focus." You had spared it only a fraction of a glance before you went back to mixing herbs and taking a knife to your palm.
"These woods are protected. Leave." The beast stepped closer, heavy footfalls on the dirt ground. "I will tear you open."
You looked up at him, barely lifting your head. "You kill me and you'll curse your precious community's crops for the next couple of generations so you better sit your ass down, mutt."
A huff left him as he moved even closer, inspecting your works. "You cast blessings?" He tilted his head, hovering over your carefully arranged items.
"Yes I do, now get out of my goddamn light." With your now bloodied hand you shoved his snout out of reach, leaving a handprint on his nose.
"You are on my lands." He scoffed as he laid down, eyeing your work with great focus.
"Yeah yeah, boo hoo. Doggy wants his field back so he can run around in ghe moonlight. I'll be gone before you know it." You rolled your eyes at him and continued doing your thing, mixing all the spell's ingredients and speaking the needed words in a hushed tone. In the corner of your eye you noticed your canine companion walking off and lay down off to the edge of the clearing.
You moved on with the last bits of your spell and started cleanup when you heard a low grumble from the other end of the clearing where your lycantrophic companion had laid down. Taking him in for a moment you noticed his sleep was restless, panicked energy oozing off him.
With a sigh you sat back down and rummaged through your bag and took out various items, putting together a quick sleeping remedy from herbs. A lavender base with a few other ingredients made a mixture that should help him sleep more calm, so you put it in a small pouch and carefully nestled it between his forearm and cheek.
The next days were quiet ones for you. You had no job yet so all you did was get to know the layout of your new home and get aquainted with the residents.
Here and there you picked up talk of the full moon, and the creature you met but you kept to yourself in fear of letting it slip that you snuck out.
You also spotted someone new walking around a couple days later. He looked scruffy, tired and oddly familiar.
Just familiar until he came up to you and held out a pouch to you. "Guess I owe ya thanks."
You looked the man up and down, now easily recognising his features that matched your werewolf visitor.
"Keep it." You kindly declined the return of your product. "As long as you keep the strings tied it'll stay effective."
"Hmhm, thanks" with a nod a silence fell between the two of you, both unsure how to continue the conversation.
"Well, I guess I'll be heading home." You gave your basket of rations a pat and bid him farewell.
"Yeah, me too." Again he nodded and turned to walk off. In the same direction as you, so you fell into step with him jn silence again.
It wasn't that you hadn't met werewolves before, but this one was different. He wasn't begging you for cures or herbs, hell he even tried to return the pouch you offered him.
"So eh," you needed to break this awkward silence. "How long have you been like that?" You gestured at the pouch he had pocketed and got a long sigh in response as he blew out the smoke from deep in his lungs.
"Forty years, give or take. Was a teen." He gave you a look then. "N'you? When did ya learn?"
You thought back to way before, and your mother. Oh how you missed her. "I was always told to keep nature and its creatures as friends. So my mom taught me from the second I could properly read." You laughed yo yourself. "Man, she would be smiling ear to ear if she learned I made a friend like you."
"Next time ya wanna go outside the walls, jus' ask me." With a short wave he turned up the path that led to his home where a bike sat in an open garage. "Name's Daryl, by the way."
With a wave of your own you gave him your name as well as you confinued on to your place down the street.
Tonight you'd have to light a candle and thank the moon for this meeting.
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dixons-sunshine · 4 days
Good Boy | Were!Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
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Summary: Finally being cleared to go out on runs again, Daryl took you with him to go explore an abandoned warehouse. There, the two of you stumbled across something that had you saying werewolf puns left and right, much to Daryl’s chagrin.
Genre: Fluff.
Era: Alexandria, no arc in particular.
Warnings: Swearing, slight insinuation towards sexual themes near the end.
Word count: 2.2k.
A/N: Okay, so my original intention for week one of @lazyneonrabbitt’s Halloween challenge was to introduce my OC I made specifically for were!Daryl, but I completely scrapped the idea I had and it’s gonna take me a while to rewrite it. In the mean time, here’s this to get my foot in the door with writing for this popular AU. I hope y’all like this!
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“Woah, girl. Hold yer horses. We dun’ know what could be waitin’ for us in there.” Despite his words, Daryl could not help the small chuckle that reverberated in his chest at your clear-as-day giddiness. You had not over exaggerated your need to get out of the community. Two weeks of mandatory bed rest due to your sprained ankle and you were antsy and rearing to go, to do something other than be confined to the walls of your home.
You laughed lightly at the archer’s concern, but complied with his request nonetheless. You slowed your pace and allowed for him to catch up to you, although you knew that he could easily outrun you if he truly wanted to. “Sorry,” you apologized halfheartedly.
Truth be told, you did not completely mean your apology. If there truly were any dangers lurking beyond the doors of the warehouse the two of you were about to enter, Daryl’s keen, heightened senses would have instantly alerted him and he would not have been as lighthearted and lenient as he had been up until that point. Sometimes you truly cherished the fact that you had a werewolf as a boyfriend—well, partner. Daryl was not particularly fond of the ‘b’ word.
With a shake of his head, Daryl chuckled at you. “S’alright. Jus’ stick real close to me, yeah? Dun’ want nothin’ happenin’ to ya. I dun’ trust myself enough to say for sure that there ain’t nothin’ behind this door without makin’ sure first.”
“Okay,” you said with a nod. You remained silent whilst he banged on the metal of the door, a routine you knew all too well at that point. After about two minutes of silence, and no walkers came to inspect the noise Daryl had caused, you stepped forward and lightly nudged his shoulder, a small smile on your face. “You should really learn to trust yourself more, Dar. When was the last time your senses lied to you?”
Daryl opened his mouth to protest, but he realized that what you said rung true. When he picked up on something, he was always right. His supernaturally heightened senses had rarely failed him back before the world ended, and it had not failed him once since the dead had started to rise. However, he was a stubborn man, so he refused to accept the truth that lingered in your words.
“Jus’ humour me sometimes, alright? I jus’ wanna make sure ya stay safe, Sweetheart,” he replied, his tone of voice sincere and filled with love.
Your heart practically melted at his soft admission. You stepped forward and gently took his face into your hands, making him look at you. “You’re too sweet for your own good sometimes, Dar,” you told him softly, giggling lightly as you noticed the crimson colour that had begun to spread across his cheeks. “I’m not gonna say I can take care of myself because I know that’s not going to change how protective you are, but…”
Daryl’s lips twitched up into a small smile as he saw the mischief that sparkled in your eyes. He knew exactly why you had not finished that sentence. If you had, you would have contradicted what you had just told him. “But ya can take care’a yerself,” he finished for you with a light chuckle, his pointed canines on full display.
You smiled at him. You gently patted his cheek before taking a step back, withdrawing your hunting knife—a gift from Daryl—and holding it at the ready. “Damn straight,” you told him confidently, your heart skipping a beat at the lighthearted laugh you managed to coax from Daryl at your confident demeanour. “Now come on. Let’s see what we can find.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Daryl replied, his cerulean eyes sparkling as he looked at you. He adjusted his grip on his crossbow, ensuring that the weapon could be fired at a moment’s notice, before finally opening the door to the warehouse.
The two of you stepped into the abandoned building, your prior camaraderie fading as the seriousness of the situation took root inside your minds instead. You could hear the faint drip of water droplets descending to the floor somewhere within the building, and the chill of the wind outside blew through the broken windows, making the warehouse colder than it needed to be. However, as you continued to explore the area, you noted that there truly were no walkers around, and no other dangers had made themselves known yet, so you were certain that the building was secure. Still, even with that knowledge, you kept your guard up, your eyes searching the place nonetheless.
After about ten minutes of silence, where you and Daryl had just been busy exploring and ensuring that the warehouse truly was safe, the archer spoke up. “Place seems secure.”
You breathed a sigh of relief. However, you could not help the satisfied smirk that painted your features. “Would you look at that? I was right. Your senses didn’t fail you.”
Daryl rolled his eyes. “Yeah, yeah. Jus’ rub it i—”
Before Daryl could finish his sentence, a loud bang could be heard. Whipping around with his crossbow raised, he could see that the source of the deafening noise had been caused because a few metal pipes had fallen from their place against the wall. However, what had caused that to happen in the first place, he did not know. All he did know was that he smelled something he had not smelled outside of the community in a long time. He had to be wrong, though. There was no way he could be right about that.
With his finger raised to his lips, a silent insinuation for you to be quiet, he trudged forward to investigate. You followed closely behind him, your knife raised in case you would need it. However, you soon realized that what had happened was not caused by an enemy. In fact, it had been caused by a poor, unsuspecting creature.
You heard it before you saw it. The pained whimpers reached your ears before you laid eyes on the small, injured creature, making you grasp Daryl’s wrist in your hand to stop him before his finger curled around the trigger of his beloved crossbow. “Stop!” you exclaimed hurriedly, instantly regretting your loud tone of voice when Daryl flinched at it. You had momentarily forgotten about his heightened hearing. “Sorry,” you apologized sincerely, sheathing your knife into its holster. “Just... look.”
You moved forward and crouched down in front of the metal pipes, and slowly began picking them up and moving them aside. Slowly but surely, you began to see brown fur, closely followed by a white paw, and then another. Soon, you could see a pair of the cutest dark brown eyes staring up at you, and you could not help the gasp of surprise that left you.
“Hi, baby,” you cooed to it and extended your hand towards it—a small, brown dachshund dog.
The dog slowly began wagging its tail, lifting its head slightly to nudge its nose against your hand, getting familiar with your scent. When it noticed you were not a threat, it began to crawl its body towards you, but stopped and let out a whimper at the exertion.
Your eyebrows furrowed and you picked it up. With a quick look down, you noted that the dog was a boy. “It’s okay, boy. I got you. I’m not gonna hurt you. I’m gonna take really good care of you, okay?” The dog simply looked up at you with his adorable brown eyes, and it made you smile. “You’re just too precious, sweetheart.”
Daryl smiled softly at the sight in front of him. He lowered his crossbow and took a step forward, but stopped when the dog looked at him and began barking. The archer rolled his eyes at that. He was not surprised. That was generally the reaction he always got whenever he encountered a new dog. Thankfully, he knew how to take care of it.
Daryl walked up next to you and placed a hand on your shoulder. He looked down at the dog and let out a low growl, his eyes momentarily flashing an orange colour, before fading back into its usual blue. The dog whined and lowered his head, his barks quieting down. The archer slowly lifted his hand and extended it towards the dog, and when the dog made no protest, he slowly began scratching him behind his ears.
Your giggles soon reached Daryl’s ears. Looking at you, his eyebrows raised questioningly. “What’s so funny?” he inquired, his eyes darting over your face.
You shook your head. “Nothing. I just never took you for a dog person, Daryl.”
Daryl scoffed and took a step back, his eyes narrowed into a glare as he looked at you, but there was no real heat behind his eyes. “Ya think yer hilarious, don’tcha?”
“Oh, I know I’m hilarious,” you replied with a quiet giggle. “I’m just saying, though. Should I be scared that you’re gonna get into a tug-of-war battle with him once I find him some toys?”
Daryl glared at you, but he could not help the small smile that tugged at the corners of his lips. He decided not to comment on the fact that you had decided to keep the dog without even asking for his input, but he did not really mind. He would have said yes anyways. Anything to ensure your happiness. “Nice,” he muttered, rolling his eyes. Opting to change the topic, he continued. “C’mon, let’s go. Ain’t nothin’ here ‘cept dust and some metal. We should pro’ly head back.” He mainly said that because he knew that your mind would be occupied with the small dog instead of looking around the warehouse, so his safest bet was to get you home. He turned around and began making his way towards the exit.
Adjusting the small daschund in your arms, you jogged slightly to keep up with your partner’s long strides. You thanked your lucky stars that you and Daryl had opted to take a truck instead of his bike, because that made it so much easier to get the dog home with you. “Does this mean that he’s a part of your pack now?”
Rolling his eyes, he opened the door to the back of the truck and took the dog from you, placing him into the backseat. “He’s a dog, m’a werewolf. We’re not the same.”
You nodded at his words. “Okay,” you responded. When Daryl turned around, you smirked to yourself and reached down, picking up a stick. “Hey, Babe?” When Daryl turned around, you threw the stick to the side. You smiled at the way he perked up, his eyes following the stick, clearly wanting to chase it.
However, he refrained himself from doing so, and instead shut his eyes at the fact that he had been caught. “Yer on thin ice, woman,” he grumbled.
You laughed and stepped forward, gently cupping his cheek in your hand. His eyes opened and he stared at you, his gaze softening considerably. “There’s no need to be ashamed about your more dog-like tendencies, Dar. I find them endearing. Plus, I think it’s adorable when you glare at a squirrel or you have to refrain yourself from doing things like that.” For added emphasis, you gestured towards the stick you had thrown a few moments prior. “I think those things perfectly balance out your ‘scarier’, stronger qualities. I love everything about you. Everything about you makes my heart howl with joy.”
Daryl rolled his eyes, but he could not help the smile that spread across his face. “Thanks,” he mumbled, closing his eyes at the feeling of your hand slipping into his hair, scratching at his scalp right behind his ear, and he leaned into your touch. However, he soon realized what you had done, and he stepped back and sent you a playful glare, a small smile on his face. “Okay, yer a bitch for that one.”
You laughed and leaned in to give him a quick kiss, before pulling back. “I’m sorry. That one was just too good to pass up.” You stepped back and smiled at him. “Come on, let’s go. You did good today, and every good boy deserves a treat.”
Daryl deliberately ignored that last dog pun, instead focusing on the insinuation behind your words. Within seconds, thanks to his supernaturally enhanced speed, he was situated within the truck, looking at you through the open window expectantly. “Ya jus’ gon’ stand there and look pretty or are ya comin’?”
You giggled and made your way over to the passenger side, clambering in to the vehicle before shutting the door behind you. Daryl started the truck and pulled away from the warehouse, beginning the drive back to Alexandria. You glanced back and noticed that the dog you had found had curled up into the seat, his breathing steady as he slept, and you smiled at the sight. “Is that what our kids are gonna look like in the future?”
Daryl glanced at you, his heart swelling at the knowledge that you had thought of having kids with him. “Yeah, somethin’ like that. They come out human, though. They shift on their first birthday if they carry the lycanthropy gene.”
“Well, if that’s the case, I can’t wait until we have our own litter of puppies.”
“I walked head first into that one, didn’t I?”
“Yes. Yes, you did.”
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lazyneonrabbitt · 3 months
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During the month of october, things take a strange turn..
Turn your faves into a bloodthirsty vampire, or a furry werewolf.
Is that Eugene frankensteining a girlfriend? You could have sworn your lover didn't have scaly skin and horns yesterday..
🎃 Come and see. If you dare...
This October we write about all things spooky and scary, but also tooth rotting sweet! A new writing event for anyone who likes to join.
Each week has its own theme to write about and post. From drabbles to full lenght fics, all is welcome!
The Scedule
The tag for this event is #SpookyTWD24
Make sure to tag your works appropriately, including nsfw/dark or gore themes.
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Werewolves and Witches are sharing the spot under the moonlight this week. Magic and potions are flowing through the night skies.
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It’s the Vampires’ time to shine! But not as bright as the freshly sharpened Slasher blades. Killers run wild and sacrifices are made this week.
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Devils and demons walk among the living! A perfect time for monster lovers, or readers maybe? Frankenstein away, meet creatures of myth!
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It’s almost time, so carve those pumpkins and get the costumes ready. Prepare those candy apples for all the hungry trick or treaters!
For any questions, my DMs and inbox are open!
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