#spooky month pump's parents
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spooky-things-au · 3 months ago
Chapter 3 out of 6! Woo hoo! :D
Also, something sweet for this chapter, because El finally gets his official Skid nickname!
(Chapter is undercut)
Spooky Things
Season 1. Beginning
Episode 2. The Weirdo on Maple Street
Chapter 3. All you need
"Thank you for joining, Gary" John said, shaking hands with the man.
He just arrived to the searching team once more after visiting Jaune. First, to check if there something happened after he left... and other, to warn others he'd be leaving to check Jaune's father.
He was surprised that he ran into Gary, given how busy him and his wife were to provide for their family. But, he supposed, two more sets of eyes to help them.
"Hey, it's the least, I can do. Jaune and I are friends too." The man spoke up, frowning. "...not to mention how happy her son makes my Susie..."
"Right..." John said.
Neither of them spoke further. When they reached for other policemen, Gary walked ahead, officially joining the search party. John stood by his co-workers, who stood on top of the hill.
There were few trees, but they were in a clearing... it was some differece from the the forest picture, they gotten used to overnight. The party seemed to be bigger too, now that more people were out with them during the day. Some people even brought out their dogs today too. But the endless shouting of Ross' name still rang from all sides of him.
"Hey, you're back, Sherif" Sophie said, looking at him with a smile, her trusty shotgun in hand.
"Anything?" Connor ased with raised his glasses to face John.
"No." John sighed out. "Nothing, but a dead phone." 
"And Jaune?" Sophie asked once more.
"On edge of losing it..." John said.
"Well, she's always been a bit out of it, hm?" Connor said, smirking to the other man.
"Her kid's missing, Connor. Show a little respect." Jack lit up yet another cigarette, before taking a deep breath and looked between other three officers. "I leave Jack in charge, I need to check one place. Will be back in a few."
With a short farewell, John disappeared into his car. The rest of cops watched him drive off, as Jack watched them, before clapping his hands.
"Alright." He started. "Come on, let's go! We got a lot of ground to cover!"
Jack left to join the party. Sophie and Connor stayed on top of the hill for a bit more. Just before Sophie was able to go back to searching, Connor cleared his throat
"Shotgun, what do you think... Sheriff and her..." Connor started. "...they've screwed before, huh?"
Sophie looked back at Connor with unimpressed face. The 'Are you serious right now?' fron her seemed to be so loud, that anyone could hear it, even if she said nothing. They stared at one another for another second, before Sophie turned to the forest, screaming out a loud "Ross!" into the distance.
Connor stood there astonished for a second, throwing his heads, not understanding what he said wrong.
"Alright. On scale from 'Exorcist' to 'Leprechaun', how would you describe your fear intake..?"
Kevin and Ethan were at the local school, where Kevin dropped the kids off. He wasn't going to be needed for another few hours, so it could be a chance to fool around, maybe get to store to get a second flashlight, so him and his mother could both join the search party tonight. But in meanwhile, it could also be a chance to do some dumb internet tests with a friend.
"Nightmare on Elm Street"
The other man typed in the answer, before a small 'ding!' was heard from his device. When a new question loaded, Ethan laughed.
"Oooh, that's a good one!" He chuckled, getting attention from Kevin, who looked in with a curious smirk.
But before Eathan could read the question out, they heard a voice. "Hey, do you think I could go next?" They both heard a voice from behind, making them both jump.
Kevin turned around, frowning, but then slightly relaxed upon seeing the familiar blonde man behind them.
"Radford..." Kevin breathed out, catching onto his chest, as Ethan growled.
"Don't creep onto people like that, man!" The other man yelled.
Radford then looked between the two, before his smile faded.
"Oh... I scared you? Sorry, guys..." He sighed out, before smile returned to his face. "Now, why I came looking for you..." He pulled out a brochure. "My boss called me to get something in nearby the next town, should take until tomorrow to get back..." He said. "Rick was supposed to join me, but he dropped out. So..." He then looked at Kevin. "So are you in?"
The other two shared a look.
"In for what?" Kevin asked. "A road trip or something?"
"Well, not my idea..." Radford chuckled, as two other people came out.
"Leon?" Ethan's eyes widened when he saw the two. "Liv?"
"There two dorks talked me into this..." Radford laughed lightly. "It'll be like a low key party." He said, before putting hand around Kevin's shoulders. "So, what do you say? A small trip to unwind from recent events. We'll stay in a good place, with a pool, there's free ice and then, before going back home, we'll get breakfast at best diner in the world!"
Kevin laughed softly at how Radford painted it. He knew it wouldn't be so amazing, and yet... this trip could be fun! He looked back at Ethan, who was still scowling at the sight, but turned away when he saw Kevin watching.
Kevin's uplifted mood seemed to fade upon seeing his friend like this.
"Um-" He started, but Liv stopped him first.
"Oh, look..." She whispered, showing across the street.
They all looked at two incoming people, a man of their age and a brunette man, probably ten years older than themselves. They both were holding a pack of papers each. They all knew the younger man, but Kevin and Radford recognized the older one quicker than the rest. Aaron Lynn, father of the missing Ross kid.
The younger man, walked inside the school, before leaving few minutes later. Aaron, meanwhile, was sticking the paper sheet to a lamp post outside. They knew what those were. The missing posters.
"God, that's depressing..." Liv whispered, watching the two. "This is why I don't want kids. Little shits just ruin everything."
"How much you want to bet he killed him and now just pretends to save a face?" Leon asked, smirking, but got a hit from Radford.
"Shut up!" The blonde frowned. "That's my brother's friend you're talking about."
Meanwhile, Kevin went to approach the two, waving slightly.
"Hey..." He said softly. "Mr. Lynn... I just... I wanted to say..." Kevin sighed out. "I'm sorry about everything. Everyone's thinking about your family..."
Aaron looked up, not saying a word, nodding, muttering something that sounded like a quiet "Thank you". He then looked away, leaving without saying a word. Kevin was left with the younger man. Their eyes met again. They met before.
The man's name was Streber, he remembered. Ethan and him worked on the Haunted House attraction this year. They met a few times in past and he seemed to be like a nice guy. Streber always seemed to be optimistic and passionate about things... but now, he was silent, looking at the poster in his hand.
Kevin sighed, before offeting him a smile.
"Yeah, I know him..." He said softly, before looking up. "I'm sure he's fine... He's a smart kid."
Streber looked between the photo on paper and Kevin, before smiling lightly.
"I hope so..." He said. "Well, I think I'll go now... these aren't going to hang themselves!" He chuckled lightly.
Kevin nodded. "Yeah... Good luck."
And so, the two separated.
Chatter rang through the halls of school, as Susie looked over all over the space and all the kids around them. Not to find her next class, she was sharing this one with Robert... but she was trying to spot her brother. But still, Will was nowhere to be seen.
"This is weird..." She said, sitting on her desk, next to Robert. "He's never away from me on breaks..."
"You sure he came in this morning?" Thr blonde asked.
"Yes!" Susie looked at him. "He was sitting in the car with me! I saw him walking in!" She then looked away, frowning. "At least, I think I saw him walking in..." She then thought of something. "God, what if Dad found out about the kid!?"
"Wait, your plan didn't work!?" Robert asked, his eyes widened.
"He... he said he wanted it to be done when we weren't there..." Susie looked at Robert, her eyes widening. "You think our parents figured it out he slept in that fort in Will's room?"
"I don't know..." Robert whispered. "God, if your parents learn what we did..."
"No." Susie shook her head. "Will might be a lot of things, but he's not one to rat others out, if anything, I'd say he took it upon himself..." She sighed. "But either way... after school, the freak will be back in the looney bin... and we can focus on what really matters..."
She looked up, sharing the look of determination with Robert.
"Finding Ross." He whispered.
El was still sitting in the fort, fidgeting with pair of cookies Will left him. One was shaped like a weird head, he had seen in some books back at The House... and other was the same as the toy, Will let him borrow.
When he heard noise from outside... and then a sound of something falling on the ground. El felt fear raising in him when it turned to footsteps... to the fort, he was sitting in...
But then the protecting cloth was pulled over to reveal Will on the other side.
"Hey, I'm back!" Will smiled. "Sorry, it took longer than expected... needed to make sure Mom wouldn't see me..." he then sat next to El. "You still haven't finished the cookies?"
El looked away, before pointing to the toy and the orange cookie.
"Ooo!" Will smiled. "You liked Jack?" He asked, making El raise an eyebrow. "Jack-o-lantern? The pumpkin?"
El tilted his head once more, looking at the toy. Will frowned lightly.
"You... know about Halloween?" He asked.
El looked at him, before frowning. "'Halloween'?" He asked softly, as if trying to repeat the word.
Will's eyes widened. "You... don't know?"
El shook his head. "What is... 'Halloween?" He asked quietly.
Will laughed lightly, sitting next to El. "Oh, where do I even begin..? It's the best day of the entire year! It's when you dress up in all the spooky stuff, do scary things, like watching scary movies, play trick-or-treat, get candy and... all other stuff!" Will jumped, throwing his hands up. "We love Halloween in this town! Actually, the whole month of October is time we celebrate Halloween! Or rather, as we call it, the Spooky Month! We even have the special dance for it! Wait! Let me show you!"
Will then got out of the fort, standing infront of El, as he took a breath, letting out a small giggle. Next second, he shouted a loud "It is the Spooky Month!". El's eyes widened at the scream, but next moment, Will started to slightly crouching and standing up over and over, as if he was jumping, while also making swinging his hands left and right every time. While doing that, he was smiling widely, that couldn't make El not to smile.
The other boy let out a giggle, climbing out of the fort, to join Will into the silly dancing. As simple as it was... it looked like fun! And, to be fair... it was! The two kids then fell down onto the floor in fit of giggles over the action.
"Come on!" Will eventually said, sitting up putting hand out for El to grab on. "I have so much stuff, I can show you!"
This time, El didn't hesitate. This 'Halloween' thing seemed to be fun! So far, everything, Will showed him, was fun and good!
The two kids grabbed hands, before Will dragged El out of his room, showing him onto the walls of his house. El did see them last night, but he didn't get a good look at them. On them, there were a man and woman, as well as Susie and, he guessed, Will! They were all dressed in different outfits on each of them.
Will then handed him one of them.
"It's our most recent ones!" He said.
Will was dressed in black with the orange thing on his head (Jack-o-lantern, Will called them?). Susie was dressed in red, even her face was that color! On her head where some weird pointy things (also red!). The man was also dressed in black, he had something like a mask on his face resembling a cat face, cat ears were also on his head. And the woman had her skin painted green and dressed in purple and black, a long pointy had on her head, she also had a stick in her hand.
El examined it, before looking over the woman, tilting his head. "Pretty..." He traced her with his finger.
"Yeah!" Will nodded. "That's my mom!" He smiled, pointing to the woman, before going to the man. "And that's my dad." He explained. "We had a themed outfits this year. Dad was a cat, Mom was a witch, Susie was a demon and I was a pumpkin!"
El's eyebrow raised.
"Pumpkin?" He asked. He called those differently previously...
"Yeah." Will nodded. "Pumpkins are one of symbols of Halloween, with fall being their time and how people carve them into all kinds of stuff! Most popular of them are Jack-o-lanterns, like one you're holding!"
'Oh' El thought 'That explained this...'
"And you know, it's more of a... coin-ci-dence..." He said slowly, trying to remember how the word spelt. "But you wear a skeleton onesie. It's second symbol of Halloween, along side pumpkins."
El looked at Will, before over himself, smiling lightly. It was funny.
"Honestly... with your shaved hair... you do kinda look like a skeleton..." Will thought of it, when an idea came into his head. "Maybe we can get your nickname from it? I mean... unless you do like El..."
The boy looked over at Will, before thinking over it. He was never called anything, but Eleven... so that could je weird... He did like that skeleton onesie... and Will... he was so... nice to him. Way nicer than anyone ever were to him... (well, expect for Vivana and Tom). He thought of it and nodded. He could go go for that "nickname" thing. Will smiled.
"Well... 'Skeleton'... I mean, Skel could be an idea... but it's kinda weird..." He thought. "Skeleton boy? A bit mouthful..." Will say down, starting to think it over. "Skeleton... kid?"
El sat next to Will, listening to his rumblings, trying to combine the words after Will spoke them. Skeleton, boy, kid. It was kind of tricky with how word was... El was mumbling to himself, separating words onto letters and syllables.
"S... boy... Sk... oy... " El continued to mumble to himself, Will stopped to listen to him, smiling, before something caught his ear.
"Wait, repeat that one again?" Will reached his hand over to El, who looked at him in small confusion... but then replied back.
"Sk... kid..." He said once more, confused.
"Yes! If you take 'S' or 'Sk' from skeleton, and then put it to 'kid'!" He said, his eyes wide just like his smile. "Skid."
El's eyes widened as well, before he looked down. Skid. This was short. Way shorter than Eleven... but something in it... felt nice. It felt better to say rather than Eleven. With a small smile, he decided he liked it.
"Skid..." The boy whispered softly, getting a smile from Will.
"Well, I think it'll be that for now!" Will said, putting a hand in similar way to what Tom did to him yesterday. "Nice to meet you, Skid."
Eleven... no. Skid smiled to the other boy reaching out to shake hands with him.
Aaron was sitting in his car, music blasting through the small space as he drove. He had lone since passed the "You're leaving Frightville" sign. Yes, he was driving out of town. To visit Oscar.
God, how long it's been since he last thought of that man? Honestly... too long. He hasn't thought of him since he knew him and Jaune were expecting. God, it's been quite awhile, huh..? He still could remember that day...
He was getting to know Lila. He thought  Jaune mentioned that her and Lila were friends since the two of were little kids... so he should get to know her better, if he was going to be with Jaune.
She was sitting next to him, listening to some music he had. No, there were no other intentions of other than getting to know her. He loved Jaune. He wasn't going to break her heart in going after her best friend.
Lila was a pretty young woman, sure, but she was more closed and Aaron respected it. He wasn't going to push her boundaries... and, who knows? Maybe they could be friends as well!
"You like it?" He asked, smiling to the girl, who looked up, nodding to him with a smile.
"Yeah, it's cool!" She smiled. "My father would constantly listen to these, when I was little... so that takes me back."
Aaron smiled at it. "I can give you a copy of these, if you want!"
"Really?" Lila looked at him, her eyes widened.
The man chuckled. "All the best stuff is here." He said, handing her a disk. "Aa you know... music can change one's life."
Lila smiled to him, but before she was able to take an offered disk, there was a knock on the door. The two looked at one another, before Aaron went to open... and next thing that Lila heard was him saying her best friend's name. The young woman stood up, deciding to go and check on them... only to find Jaune crying in Aaron's arms as he was asking her what happened.
"Jaune!?" Lila asked, walking to her, taking her hand. "Jaune, what's wrong? God, you're-"
"I'm sorry..." Thw blonde whispered. "I never meant this! I didn't mean it!" She said once more.
The two brought the hysterical woman in, sitting her on couch, while Lila kept hugging her. The music was turned off not to unsettle her further, while Aaron went to get some water for his girlfriend. The two then sat by each other's side, as Jaune started to calm down, but still didn't sat anything.
"Jaune, is it about your father?" Lila asked, noticing a bag on her back. "You need somewhere to stay? Is he going to hurt you? Because if he is, I am going to kick his ass! I'm sick of his ex-!"
"No, Lila... don't..." She whispered, her hands squeezing the bottle, Aaron gave her. "This is my fault this time... I messed up big time..."
"Jaune, don't talk like this..." Aaron spoke softly, still hands on her back. "Whatever that is you did, I'm sure it's nothing we can't-"
"Aaron, I'm pregnant."
Then, the room fell quiet, Lila and Aaron's eyes widened when they heard that. What?
"J... Jaune?" Lila covered her mouth.
"And it's Aaron's. I want to keep it..." 
Aaron looked at her, but breathed out. And yet, his eyes unintentionally went down to his girlfriend's stomach. God, there was a baby in there. A little life right inside Jaune...
"Alright..." Aaron breathed out. "And... Oscar found out?" He asked, his hands starting to wrap into fists. Jaune just nodded. "Does he have a problem with it?"
Jaune shook her head. "No. His problem isn't the fact I'm having a baby... but the fact Aaron is the father..."
Aaron and Lila shared a look, as Aaron thought over it. Sure, he wasn't sure about how he felt about the news, but... Jaune did say her mother's side of family had troubles with getting pregnant... that she thought could also pass onto her. So he could see why she wanted to keep the child. She was in a project, that payed well, so money didn't seem to be an issue.
Of course it would be her father's distaste of him that would make him against Jaune and her baby... but Aaron wasn't going to stand it.
"He's not coming, is he?" Lila asked softly to him, to which Jaune just shook her head.
No. This just wouldn't do. Learning of a pregnancy was meant to be a happy news for parents... not depressing.
"Jaune, look at me, sunflower..." Aaron said softly, putting his hand on her shoulders. "Come on. Has he ever done anything with you that you actually like?"
Jaune looked at him, frowning, before shrugging. "I... don't know..?"
"No..." Aaron spoke again. "From what I've heard of him, he hasn't. Now, just look at it, he kicked you out for something you couldn't help with. For something you want to have, right?" He asked softly, to which Jaune looked away, but then nodded.
Yes. She wanted to have that child... that little boy or girl that was growing inside her... she didn't want to lose them. Not when she could help it.
"That's right..." He smiled softly. "Now, don't ever let anyone tell you what you should do or not... Okay? Especially not people like him..."
Jaune looked at him, now smiling softly, nodding once more. She chuckled lightly, wiping away her tears.
"Now... you want to have this baby? You want to stay with me?" He said once more, getting a bright smile from his girlfriend, before she threw her arms around him.
"Yes... Definitely."
He hugged her back with a smile.
And nine seven months later, Ross was born.
He was so small when he just entered their lives that Aaron was scared to even touch him at first. And still, the day he first saw his son was the day Aaron a promise... that nothing would ever happen to Jaune or their child...
But not even know, with his son missing... he wasn't going back on this yet.
People were talking, walking around the store, when the door opened and another costumer walked in. A blonde woman walked through the aisles, looking around.
"Jaune?" Somebody called her from the back, as she turned around seeing one of employees looking at her. "Didn't expect to see you here today."
Jaune waved to the man, before looking around. "Yeah, I didn't expect going out to town either, but, well..." She looked around, sighing. "The storm last night, you see?" She covered her face, breathing into it. "I need a new phone..."
Through the reason why she didn't say... it wasn't just because they needed a home phone. Jaune had another plan. She was able to hear Ross' breathing through the phone, right? She guessed that, if it happened once, it could be done again. Just... not with a broken one... so she needed to get it.
A quick purchase later, Jaume stood outside of the store, calling her boss at work. She was in a quiet room, not many people passing by her at this point.
"Hello?" She said, when it was picked up. "Yes, good day, it's me, Jaune... yes, I know, Olivia stepped in for me today, but... it's not about the work, it's..." She took a deep breath, before continuing. "I need an advance..."
After a short pause, a smile came onto her face.
"Oh, really? Thank you..." She breathed out. "Yeah... um..." She mumbled lightly, holding onto her hand. "I was thinking... two weeks?"
There was another pause, before she frowned, holding onto her hand. "Terence. I've been there ten years, right? Have I ever called in sick or missed a shift once? I've worked on both, Christmas Eve and Thanksgiving. Multiple times."
Jaune felt tears coming onto her face once more.
"Please, I need to be here when my child comes home..." She breathed out. "He's gone. I don't know if I'm..." She could feel her voice breaking at this. "If I'm gonna ever see him again, if he's hurt..."
Jaune took another deep breath.
"Please, I just need two weeks in advance."
And it seemed to be enough, as she finally had a positive answer.
A man knocked on the door. But nobody replied. Then he knocked once more... and still nothing came. After quickly looking in the window, he nodded.
"We're all clear." He said, before few men in red robes came out.
One of them, was a tall man that was the only one, who didn't wear a hood and held his hand up, on which was a ring with big teal gem. It started to glow brighter upon going into the house.
After quick manipulations to open the door, Father and other cultists walked inside starting to look sound. Everyond held their medallions up.
Two cultists walked down into the basement, when the glow seemed to increase... and the closer they walked, the more it would glow. Whatever it was, it was down there...
Upon reading the bottom of the stairs, they started to search over the small space... which didn't take long before they came across a dim teal glow from the far wall... when the two came closer to the wall, they found something... as within the close proximity of medallions, the real reason of glow came out...
A tiny tendril came from a hole, trying to wriggle out it's prison.
"Extraordinary..." One of them breathed out.
@crossover-enthusiast @catsockpuppet @spookuzm @ferf-bish @sunny6677 @momentokori @nottapossum @nostalgic-soda
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wild0moon · 6 months ago
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jbwashere · 8 months ago
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Hazel is Susie's favorite babysitter, she looks up to her as a role model and thinks she's cool for letting her ramble about her interests.
I also had fun drawing Susie in general, literally how can anyone hate her.
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yaboirezzy · 10 months ago
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Hello internet welcome to theory theory, I am your host mathew spongebob
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skittzdaskittle · 4 months ago
The most unhinged post I'll ever make (tentacle hair theory)
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I know the lower hair bits are probably just a style choice
And i know not every one with black hair is related (i don't count Ross, Jack, or (maybe) Frank as part of the family)
But the vaguely tentacle shaped hair (in a similar way to Skiddad) is a design detail that's way too specific
Like take one glance at the other characters and you don't really see this
Like Lila, but i think it's just she has really straight long hair, so she doesn't quite fit
(tinfoil hat time baby)
Also i know a majority of the fandom isn't gonna like the Streber connection, but I'm just putting down what I'm seeing
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Though i do have to note
Maybe the other times we see prominent tentacle hair bits means that some members of the family are part of the cult, and any time someones hair gets the bits when they previously, they've converted, or a family member converted
Like look at this
I know it's probably just his hair growing out, but still
Maybe the cult is why they're gone all the time, like they used to just be really busy, but then got involved in some way maybe
But Susie's front hair bits can't be ignored, and I'm including Pump, mainly because of the similar way i included Carmen
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Like, Carmen and Roy have all the tentacle hair bits, and of course Richard as well
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And this man of course
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The only character that kinda throw this theory off is Ignacio
At first i thought mayor Evermore was a bust, but then i found this on the wiki
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Not really the same kinda hair, but if i count Susie and Roy then i count this
But yeah, Ignacio does throw a wrench, because he's clearly part of the cult, but doesn't fit with my idea
But hey, that's just a theory, a crack theory-
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starlightwoofwoof · 4 months ago
I don't know, if anyone suggested it (or if it'll even be really canon to the show, as we don't know these characters, so it's mainly speculations at the moment), but...
What if Susie and Pump's parents get turned?
This happens either another missed Mother/Father's day or if Villian!Susie confronts them about their neglect. They're overwhelmed by the guilt and/or sadness over being away from their children and wish to be there for them. And Metamorpho uses it to make them villains.
As of their powers, I have two ideas, but in both cases they're kind of a mix between Puppeteer/Befana and... that one episode where Marinette's dad gets turned and locks her in rose tower (can't remember the name-). 1. Either they kidnap the children, they think are neglected by their parents/guardians and keep them away/turn them into their minions. 2. Go after any parent/guardian and make them overprotective of their children.
Don't really have any ideas for their theme, but... yeah- that's the idea.
holy crap wait that’s so interesting
again, obviously I haven’t thought about them yet and I’m not sure if they’ll be canon, but I feel like this all could be possible
uhhh- as for the ideas, I kinda like the first idea of them just, like, keeping a bunch of children and taking them as their own lol
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okay I have no clue what I was doing here with the theming honestly but ye- I actually kinda like them, they look cool-
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amanda-sketchbook · 4 months ago
I'M BACK! Currently busy with making my Spooky Month×Stranger Things AU, but I am here once more! With a new picture for Spooky Month!
And I drew the SM kids as main characters of games, I like! (Or just got stuck in my memory)
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Ross (DB) as Frisk (Undertale) (I had other ideas, but I ended up doing this, because I didn't want to leave out my boy from experimenting with his gender out of the group (given everyone uses They/Them to Frisk IN CANON and I (personally) headcanon them as genderfluid)
Roy (FtM) as Unnamed protagonist girl (My eyes deceive)
Robert (FtM) as Ginger (The Path)
Skid/Beverly as Ron (Bad Parenting, and shout out to @/spookyskidy on SM confession blog for giving me idea for him!)
Pump/Will as Protagonist child (Tattletail. I mean... he has a Tattletail toy IN THE SHOW)
And last, but not least...
Susie as Ruby (Mr. Hopps' playhouse)
Some rumbling undercut! (Mainly why I even made this picture)
So! This one needs a bit of backstory. So, few days ago, I got a video on "my eyes deceive" in my recommendations (original, not roblox version) and, due the title, I got curious and went to watch it (and that sent me down the spiral, that reminded me of that I like watching True Crime videos :D).
And, as I was on my daily walk, my brain went like... "What if I made an AU of this?" And here I am-
I only wanted to make picture of Roy (who, due what happens in the game, is FtM trans) in both endings, but I didn't feel like drawing that dark implications, so I just drew all SM kids as protagonists of games!
Also, fun fact! Roy was THE ONLY ONE, whose role I decided on spot (1. He was the very reason, I even wanted to do it... and 2. I kinda wanted to get Pump too, but... I did throw Susie around and in one place they were together (but it would be mainly be Susie's game and Pump would just run around with her).
If anyone gets curious about other possible ideas, I had for these kids, feel free to ask, I'd happily draw them too!
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kadens-a-bee · 1 year ago
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the-spooky-children · 8 months ago
I've become obsessed with Matryoshka (vocaloid song) so ima draw Skid and Pump as it some time
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whereismyhat5678 · 1 year ago
Okay. I watched Spooky Month 6 and I loved it! I truly did!
…..But god…it’s gonna eat at me alive if I don’t say anything about Pump.
I feel bad for Pump…and Susie- I truly do!
Which is why I have to rant, about how much I HATE their parents!
(Spoiler warning at the bottom, oh and I swear a lot too-)
You may not hear how angry I get but god damnit was I fucking angry at Pump’s parents each time they were mentioned.
It hit me the moment Pump ran to the phone immediately thinking it was his parents calling but got sad only realizing it was just Skid’s mom. And I can say with certainty that he WAITS for the day they call him. Remember the 4th ep where he said, and I quote: “Call them, they never answer!” so NONCHALANTLY.
Not only that but his Grandpa even looks back to him and you could clearly see, the GUILT on his face. That man does not only feel bad but I KNOW he feels guilty for their absence. HE has to take care of them, HE has to practically raise them now because their parents can’t come home. And HE had to fake bringing Pump a toy saying it was from his parents when in actuality HE was the one that bought it for him!!
I’m sorry- WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?? What do you mean Grandpa has to literally fake bringing him a gift from his parents?? What do you mean they never fucking call them??? I’m usually not one to get so angry BUT THIS HAS ME ENRAGED.
What type of low-life down right shameful parents can’t contact their own fucking kid??? No matter how busy they are, no matter if they can’t visit them- because you know what? I would’ve given them a pass if their work was the reason why they couldn’t come home which probably still is the case- I won’t blame you! Some people just gotta travel for work!…BUT YOU’RE TELLING ME THEY CAN’T SPARE ONE FUCKING SECOND TO CALL THEIR CHILDREN??? Let alone they’re what- 6YEAR OLD KID??? (I think that’s Pump’s age-)
You’re telling me they can’t even send them a letter?? Not even one fucking letter??- Just letting their children know that they still give a fuck about them- THEY CAN’T EVEN DO THAT??
And don’t even get me STARTED on how they make Pump feel- HE FEELS LIKE A BURDEN?!?! A CHILD AT HIS AGE SHOULD NEVER- AND I MEAN ABSOLUTELY NEVER FEEL LIKE A GODDAMN BURDEN (same thing does to Skid!)!!!
It fucking infuriates me…
Listen, I get it…If you gotta work and travel fine!- Do it!….But you can’t just do that without consoling your children!! At least tell them- message them- at least show that you CARE. What type of dipshit parents just ignore their children like that??…
Listen, I might be getting it wrong so go ahead, explain and I mean THOROUGHLY explain why Pump and Susie’s parents aren’t bad. Because to me, this is the shittiest move you can make to your own children.
The Grandpa cares more about them. HE takes care of them. If that doesn’t show how fucked up their situation is I don’t know what is. Never be like Pump’s parents. Do better. And shame on you if you are.
Thank you.
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yourlowkeyidiot3 · 9 months ago
tf is up with Sr pelo and all the family angst he's put in Spooky Month
Skid and Lila (also Skiddad)? Angst + family issues
Pump and his parents? Angst + family issues
Roy and his parents? Family issues (get this boy a better family rn)
John and Hope? Angst + Hope is dead
Dexter and Michelle? They're both dead
Like damn Jaune and Ross are our only hopes rn😭😭
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spooky-things-au · 3 months ago
Chapter 2 out of 6 in second episode! Let's go! :D
(Chapter is undercut)
Spooky Things
Season 1. Beginning
Episode 2. The Weirdo on Maple Street
Chapter 2. Another day, same story
Despite the events that happened night prior, Will managed to have a quite restful night. Even if he was asleep, he hoped El had a good night too...
But problems arouse just as soon as he woke up in the morning... when he felt a familiar gentle hand on his shoulder... as well as a familiar scent from over him.
"Will, honey" A gentle voice called from over his head. "Time to wake up, my Pumpkin boy..."
Slowly, the boy opened his eyes, rubbing his eye, as he saw an oh so familiar face.
"Mom?" He asked half asleep.
Amber smiled softly at the small child, bringing him close to her chest, breathing out softly. If Will didn't know better, he would think it was a breath of fading worry. He smiled brightly to his mother, the previous sleepiness disappeared, as he wrapped his arms around her neck.
"You're back!"
Amber chuckled softly, running hand through her son's hair. "Of course, we did... we couldn't leave you and Susie alone at such times..."
Will was about to ask what she meant by that, but then he remembered. Oh... Ross was still missing? It's second day already... it was getting scary now.
"You and Dad are here both?" He asked, looking at his mother, who just nodded to him.
"Yes, honey." She said once more. "And we're going to stay as long as it's going to take until we know everything is alright again."
Will smiled once more. It was good. Mom and Dad were here now. It meant it was going to be alright. They knew how to fix everything.
And just in an hour... they would help El too!
In the morning, somewhat recovered from yesterday's phone incident, Jaune and Aaron (unable to have a good sleep) were on the kitchen. Aaron, seeing the state his wife was in, decided to take over cooking once more.
He looked over at her. His entire mood soured even more upon seeing her sitting over missing poster of their son... they gave up trying to sleep at 5 AM, getting up to finally finish the poster making... they did that just 30 minutes prior to this.
"Alright, hon." Aaron broke the silence, holding two plates, breaking Jaune out of her thoughts. "Breakfast is ready..."
"Oh... right..." She smiled weakly. "Just be careful of the poster."
Aaron smiled softly to her, nodding, setting her plate next to her, but away from all the papers.
For few minutes, they just sat in silence, with Aaron taking notice that Jaune didn't even touch her food. He sighed, before reaching out to her, putting hand on her knee.
"I need you to eat, Jaune..." He spoke gently.
Jaune sniffles lightly, before looking a at the poster. With another deep breath, she spoke again. "Alight. Xerox place opens in... 30 minutes, right?"
Aaron nodded. "I know, I called Ember, we'll go there together after she drops kids at school."
"Okay, good..." Jaune smiled, breathing out. "So... how many copies we need? 200? 300?"
With that, Jaune stood up, walking to another room.
"Jaune!" Aaron called to her. "Jaune, stop!"
He followed Jaune, to catch her up on the table, rummaging through her purse, mumbling to herself about the price of copies. She seemed not to have even notice him. Aaron looked at his wife for a second, before sitting next to her, pulling her away from her purse to himself.
"Jaune, sunflower, relax." He said, looking into her eyes. "Keep your money, I've got enough for the posters."
The two shared a look for a second, before Jaune looked away, covering her face. Aaron sighed out, putting hand around Jaune's shoulders.
"Look, I know, you're worried, and so I am, but we both know that Ross would hate you putting yourself through that..."
Jaune was still staring to side, as she took a deep breath. She then laid her head on Aaron's shoulder.
"I... I know... I'm sorry... just give me a second..." She whispered softly.
"No, no." Aaron then wrapped his arms around her. "It's okay..."
And nothing followed. The couple just sat quietly, on the couch in one another's embrace. As much as they didn't say it, they both knew the each of them needed the other's comfort. They needed just a moment of the silence before everything would go back into chaos again.
After few minutes, their peace was interrupted by the doorbell. Aaron was the one to stand up and going to open it, but Jaune followed him.
To explain what they felt when they opened the door... was could be easily to be described as a weird mix of relief and frustration.
"We've been waiting six hours." Aaron said, looking down at the policeman.
"I know..." John sighed out, as he was let in. "I came as soon as I could."
Jaune frowned. "Six. Hours."
"A little bit of trust here, alright?" John said once more, before turning back to the woman. "We've been searching all night. Went all the way to Cartersville."
Aaron and Jaune shared a look, before looking at the man with hope in their eyes. "And?"
And after a small pause, John finally managed to give answer of a "...Nothing."
He hated being the bringer of bad news. Especially to an old friend and parents with lost child... but what could he say? Give them false hope without any evidence of supporting of opposite?
He looked away once more upon seeing the pair's reactions. "God..!" Jaune whispered out, as Aaron's hands curled into fists.
John's thoughts tangled more. He knew this feeling... this kind of helplessness and fear. The type of feeling only a parent can feel when something happens to their child... and they can do nothing to help them.
The feeling he couldn't wish upon even his worst enemy.
He decided to change the subject to the very reason why he came here. "Patty says you got a phone call?"
"Oh, yeah..."
Jaune nodded, before separating from Aaron. She lead him towards the phone, rasing the handset to show him. John's eyes widened upon seeing it being burned throughly, but kept his professionalism. He took the thing in his hand to inspect it closer.
"Hm..." He tightened his lips together. "Storm barbecued this pretty good..." He then looked at the pair. "What else?"
Aaron just raised his eyebrow at this, before shaking his head, but Jaune... oh, she looked at him as if he suddenly grew a second head.
"Are you serious!?" She then shrieked.
Through surprised, John still decided to continue. "What?"
Jaune just showed him onto the burned phone. "You're saying that that's not weird?!" She asked.
"No." John shook his head, before putting the headset onto phone back. "It's weird."
Aaron sighed out, taking his wife's shoulders to comfort her. "Do you think we can..." He started, before looking to John. "trace who made the call?"
"No, it doesn't work like that." The cop continued, shaking his head. "Now, Jaune... you're sure it was Ross? Because Patty said you just heard some breathing."
"No... It was him! It was Ross!" Jaune said once more in breaking voice, her mind going back to last night when she heard the sound through the speaker. "And he was scared. And then something-..."
"It was probably just a prank call." John then cut her off. "It was somebody trying to scare you."
"Who would do that?" Aaron asked, not believing somebody would dare to play with somebody's feelings like this. At such times.
"Well, this thing's been on TV." John explained. "It brings out all the crazies, you know. False leads, prank calls-"
"No, John!" Jaune raised her voice once more. "It was not a prank. It was him."
But she still stood her ground. "Come on, how about a little trust here?" The blonde argued, looking at the man. "What, you think I'm... I'm making this up?"
"I'm not saying that you're making it up." John shook his head, walking to her. "All I'm saying is it's an emotional time for you."
"You think I don't know my own son's breathing?!" Jaune yelled, finally snapping. "Wouldn't you know your own daughter's?!"
The room feel quiet after this with tense silence. Jaune and John were looking at each other. John's eyes widened as he was surprised by this outburst, while Jaune's filled with tears and desperation. Aaron just stood to side not sure what to do...
Then, they heard a sound of somebody clearing their throat. All three turned their heads to see Jack, standing just few steps away from them. John's face then turned to a 'God damn, I forgot he was here' expression.
"Mrs. Jaune... did you hear from..." He looked away, tuning onto the collar of his shirt. "your father yet?"
"No." Aaron said for her, with Jaune just shaking her head.
And then Jack turned to John. "You?" And, after some thinking, John also gave a negative answer.
The older policeman then sighed out. "Alright." He said, starting to head for the door. "It's been long enough. I'm having him checked out."
"Oh, come on!" Jaune said once more, throwing her hands up. "You're wasting your time!"
As John was coming to his car, he heard a voice yelling "John!". The man turned around to see Aaron coming to him.
"John." He said. "Can you switch with me?" He asked.
John raised eyebrow. "I’m sorry?"
"Switch with me." Aaron said once more. "Jaune needs some support right now, Lila isn't going to come until later today and I..." He sighed out, his fists curling up again. "I want to go and check Oscar's..."
John looked at him, closing his eyes.
"Aaron, thi-"
"Listen to me." The man spoke once more. "If it's as you said, and Ross' there... it means he ran away..."
Aaron sighed ohf at the idea. He knew his son. He wasn't the type to run away. He seemed happy here... and yet, as little as he liked this idea of his child running away... he couldn't cross out the possibility of it.
His son was a quiet kid... he never seemed to complain about anything, so him and Jaune assumed he was happy. But assumptions can always be wrong? And what if they were wrong about Ross? 
"Look, what I'm saying... that if he sees you... or any cops really... he'll think he's in trouble. And he'll hide." Aaron continued to explain. "And just so you know, Ross..." He stopped at his son's name, before sighed out. "...he's good at hiding."
"Yeah?" John asked, before looking into Aaron's eyes "Well, cops are good at finding." He then turned away, lighting up another cigarette. "Okay, I know, I can't stop you, and, if you want to go there... then you'll do that... but first, let us do so and, if we don't find anything... you go. You're his father. I don't doubt, he'll come out to you... and for now..."
They both turned back, to see Jaune in the window, looking at the phone.
"Stay here with Jaune, until Lila can come..." John finally said. "She needs you."
On the breakfast in Wonder house, Will was on kitchen, stealing few leftovers of Halloween cookies into his pocket while his parents weren't looking. He loved them, yes, but these weren't for him.
He needed to get some food for El. Sure, not what he'd call breakfast... but Susie said he couldn't bring him out now that their parents were home. So, he decides he'd take something small and sneak it to him! Easy.
"Will! Where are you?" His father called for him.
Through not wanting to, Will came out from the counter, hiding his stash back. That meant four cookies would be the maximum, El would get to eat, until he reveals himself to Mom and Dad. Well, still better than nothing? 
When they were on table to eat, Will was doing so faster than anyone else, that got him looks from the entire family, (expect for Susie).
"Slow down, Will." His mother said, trying to calm her son down.
The siblings shared a look. Will was as if he was aking if he should tell their parents about their guest in his room... but Susie quickly shot him a glare of 'No. They can't know he was here. Stick to the plan.'.
Noticing their glances to one another, Gary spoke up. "Hey, what's going on?"
The siblings turned away from one another to their father. "Nothing." Both kids said quickly, before going back to their food.
Surprising nobody, Will was the first one to be done and was excused from the table. As soon as his feet hit the floor, the boy darted to his room.
Eleven was sitting in his small hiding spot, stoll holding the orange plush in one hand. In other, there was a little speaker, as he was turning the volume button. It was when the blanket was pulled up and he saw Will on other side.
"Hey, you found old speaker from Dad's computer! Pretty cool, huh?" Will said, showing wt the small device. "He doesn't use it anymore, as he has one at work... so he gave it to me." He giggled lightly. "Got you breakfast."
He then pulled out the cookies from his pocket, when El's eyes went to them and widened a bit.
He looked all of them, taking a notice of they all looked. In different shapes and colors. There were white, orange, red, black and purple.
He then took a white one, shaped as a small mountain with a face on it and took a bite. It was sweet... it felt like bread, he'd be given at The House, but... it was coated in that sweet white thing, that melted in his mouth.
El continued to eat it. The more he did, the more he liked it. It seemed to make Will happy. He then turned to the door and after that back to El.
"So listen, this is gonna sound a little weird, but I just need you to go out there." He showed at the window. "Then go to the front door and ring the doorbell."
El's eyes followed the other child, as he walked up to the the window and opened it. He tilted his head. Why would he need to do that?
"My mom will answer and you'll tell her that you're lost and that you need help..."
El's eyes then widened at this. Tell... Will's mom? (whatever that meant)
"I would've told her already, but Susie said he'd get in trouble for sneaking out, when we weren't supposed to... so we'll need you to stay quiet about last night..." He shrugged before "Understand? Really, it's no big deal. We'll just pretend to meet each other again. And my mom, she'll know who to call.
Call... Viviana and Tom also called to help him yesterday... and Viviana got hurt by Harold! And now Will wanted this to repeat? Why would he want it? El knew he wasn't lost! He was trying to get somewhere safe! And if Will's mom calls... it will lead bad here... and they will hurt Will and Susie too.
El couldn't let this happen!
"No." His soft, yet determined voice said.
Will tilted his head at this respect. "No?"
He wasn't going to let Will get hurt.
"No." El repeated once more, shaking his head.
"No... you don't want my mom to get help?" Will asked once more, as El looked away.
The look in his eyes seemed... different to Will... but he thought he could understand what it meant... he saw it with Susie previously (through maybe not that scared).
"You're in trouble, aren't you?" Will asked softly, putting hand on El's knee, who just nodded. "Who... Who are you in trouble with? Your parents?"
After a short pause, as if El was going through his memories, he finally replied with a short, simple "Bad..."
"Bad?" Will asked, raising eyebrow. "As in bad people?" He waited once more, but El didn't say anymore. "They want to hurt you?"
El didn't know what to say about this... Will could follow same fate as Viviana... being pointed that... thing to his head and fall after the bang.
He tried to demonstrate this by raising his hand with two his fingers pointing to his head, right above his ear...
Will's eyes widened at this. He could get it that El didn't have the words to explain it... but the way he showed it was enough... he was being hunted. And he... could be shot? But guns weren't legal in town, unless they had a permit for it... and getting one, from words of Ross' dad was really hard.
So the thought of somebody wanting to shoot El sent chill down his spine. And then... El's hand moved... towards Will, pointing to his forehead.
The boy's eyes widened, as he shared looks with El, who was looking at him with worry, and serious expression.
A single, simple word. Said barely above whisper... but that was enough for Will to be now scared.
And then, he was pulled out of his thoughts by his mother, who was calling for him... God, he forgot he had school today.
"Um..." Will whispered, before looking at El. "Alright. You stay here. Don't close the window. I'll be back. Okay? Just stay here. Okay?"
El nodded, looking at Will. The boy then lowered the blanket to once more hide El from everyone. He did ask Mom not to put it away...
He heard that Mom was going to go with Mr. Aaron to help him and get groceries... and Dad would join the search party for while him and Susie are in school... it meant that he'd just need to wait for them to leave. And then he can think on how to help El!
Maybe, they'd even be able to get him a better nickname too... Yep. It would do!
Footsteps rang through the long halls of the mansion, as Father walked with few people next to him. None of them wore their usual robes, which was surprising, but it didn't stop them from still acting concerned about the needs of their... "group".
Father walked ahead of them, speaking with a man with suitcase in hand, who seemed to he worried put of his mind.
"When was this?" Father asked, through on high alert, he kept calm face.
"L-Last night!" The man in yellow shirt spoke. "Less than two miles away... just down the hill!"
Father rumbled  rubbing his forehead, already having a clue who it was. "And the boy?" He asked one more.
"Still missing." The man lead him inside a room, where were few more people, a table, computer, headphones and listening device.
Father sat in the chair, putting headphones on, as one of people turned on the recording. It was recoding of a phone call between two women. A police officer and what seemed to be a victim...
Father's mouth tightened upon hearing the second voice. He knew that woman... oh, people like her were unforgettable...
'God, Jaune was always more of fuss than she was worth...' He thought to himself, as he listened to the conversation.
"It was my son!" Jaune's panicked voice said. "I know it!" She then stopped for a second. "And I... I heard something else..."
"Something else?" Second voice, one of a officer, asked.
"It was like..." Jaune made a noise, as if trying to find current words to describe what she heard. "It was slithering... like one of a snake..."
After that, Father's eyes, widened. Slithering? As one one a snake? But how? It had to be a very massive one to be heard like this... and there weren't any snake species that could do that...
In this dimension...
@crossover-enthusiast @catsockpuppet @spookuzm @ferf-bish @sunny6677 @momentokori @nottapossum @nostalgic-soda
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jacenotjason · 6 months ago
how do the hatzgang and skid & pump interact in the opposite au? im curious :O
skid and pump bully them lol
Skid bullies them because he thinks he's better then everyone and everything all the time, and Pump bullies them because he just needs to vent
I imagine Roy and Ross arent too bothered, maybe they get a little sad, but Robert probably beats the crap out of them sometimes
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fagbearentertainment · 1 year ago
Oh yeah uh. New spooky month was very good. It made me wanna cry
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toasty-self-shipping · 1 year ago
do y’all think the new spooky month episode could be more serious and dark like I know the other past episodes are pretty dark but mostly more funny and goofy but with deadly smiles and tender treats having pump and skid almost having near death experiences and Lila looking more worried and stressed in the trailer it definitely feels like we getting closer to the serious episodes
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jils-things · 1 year ago
father gregor acting as the parental father figure that skid and pump needed due to their actual parents* being absent is probably the most comforting thing to me ngl
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