#spooky month macabon
omnidemidisaster · 1 year
Not a request but honestly I just love Roy's parents x Kevin-
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Carmen x Kevin/Macabon fluff
Oh yeah before anyone goes cArMeN iS cHeAtInG....Richard's in on it too. When I mean Roy's parents x Kevin, I mean both of em.
It was...very quiet. Kevin tapped his fingers against the counter. He debated just taking a nap...but then again he actually needed food to eat. Besides, his shift ended in like...3 hours? Surly he could wait.
The small bells above the door jingled. He looked up with a sleep expression to greet them, just to see a familiar face.
"Hmph, ain't you a night owl?"
Kevin snickered at the woman's statement.
"Well good evening to you too, Carmen"
Carmen would look away with a look of annoyance, though Kevin knew it was just a face and not her actual feelings.
"Here again to buy 2 of everything again?" He teased, just to get flicked in the forehead by her. It did hurt a bit cause of her nails, but it didn't hurt that bad.
The flick made him chuckle.
"Actually, I came to get something for myself" She said. She then looked at Kevin, her look of annoyance faded a bit as there wasn't really anyone to witness her.
"Do you have any recommendations?"
Kevin would think about it. He didn't know what kind of candy she would like. Sure, he has been seeing Carmen for a while now, but he hadn't seen her eat sweets that much. And did he ask Richard what she liked? Nope cause he forgot.
"Well..What do you usually like?"
Carmen would approach the counter with a shrug. "I don't know. I dont eat sweets that much" she mumbled.
Shit...now what should he say? Maybe something sweet but not overly sweet? Kevin would hum in thought before getting an idea. He walked to a small display shelf and took a few bags and boxes of candy off the shelf. Carmen watched in curiosity.
He put down the candy on the counter. It was mainly dark chocolate and more bitter sweets. Carmen read the labels and gave him a glare.
"Are you trying to say something?"
Kevin laughed a bit before shaking his head.
"Oh no no! I was just thinking...if you don't eat them much, maybe something not so sweet is up your alley? Just take a taste, hm?"
Carmen looked back down at the candy. She debated about opening them...She didn't really want to get Kevin in trouble. Kevin sensed the debate in her head, so he ended up just paying for them with his money on the spot.
Carmen watched with shock. She didn't want him to pay for them for her...She could have done that herself! But still...
Kevin pushed them to her with a look of encouragement. She would hesitate, then open them up and took a taste of them. Kevin saw as her face lit up.
"Damn! These are really good!" She prasied, taking another bite of the candy. Kevin smiled at her enjoyment of the candy.
"I'm going to assume you like them?" He teased. She nodded, not really wanting to take a jab at him with candy in her mouth.
She would quickly reach in her wallet and handed him some money. She knew he already paid for her, but she felt like she had to say thanks.
Kevin rejected the money.
"Its fine. I don't need it" He reassured.
Carmen insisted and nearly put the money directly in his hand. Kevin couldn't help but just laugh at her insistence.
"Just take it! Take it!" She insisted.
Kevin just decided to take the money just to humor her, besides he did need the money, but he didn't just wanna seem greedy.
Carmen smiled in triumph once she saw him take the money. She heard a car horn outside. She looked over at the sound, realizing Richard was outside. He must have went to pick her up.
"Ah..I gotta go. Thanks for the candy again"
Kevin nodded with a smile.
Carmen put her candy in her purse. She quickly looked around to see if anyone was coming by the store. Then she leaned over the counter to kiss Kevin on his lips, leaving a pink lipstick mark on his lips.
Kevin was a bit taken aback. Carmen isn't normally comfortable with PDA, but maybe it was just because no one was in the store. Kevin had a pretty goofy smile on her face. Carmen giggled at his smile.
"I'll see you Saturday?" She asked.
He nodded with a "mhm...", making her laugh.
"Affirmative! See you then, Kev!"
"Tell Richard I said hi and I'll see him then.." He mumbled.
She giggled with a wave as she left and got into the car.
Kevin was glad he didn't take a nap like he was planning on. Cause how else was he going to get a kiss from such a pretty woman and to make her, and possibly Richard's, night a little bit better.
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