elekin0011 · 2 years
!New video released!
*LINK* https://youtu.be/iAc40bF19ns *LINK* !New video released! Happy Valentine’s Day! On 14th February, this Auspicious event is celebrated in each respected countries. To me love isn’t just like seeking for soulmate only, it’s about appreciating, being thankful & respecting our Parents, Siblings, Family Members abroad, Caregivers, Guardians, Good friends in our life, In-Laws & spouse/ girlfriend/ boyfriend. To the single people out there, don’t fear; your soulmate will “arrive” soon. In the meantime take care, respect & love yourself. Thus, on behalf of myself; I wish you a Very Many Happy Valentine’s Day across the world 🌏
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lunaer-rodente · 5 years
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Happy third anniversary, tuber simulator! 💖💕 I can't believe I’ve been playing this game for that long,, it’s so much fun, I’m glad I found it in the first place! sponsor eagle is very proud
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