#spongebob vc: the gangs all here!
airbenderedacted · 1 year
including all 5 woy mains in your fanart to get bonus life points like when you pull off a successful combo move in a video game
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thespoonisvictory · 4 years
“Techno and Wilbur make Cave Better” Key Conversations
Hi, so I’m doing a big Pogtopida Wilbur analysis rn, mainly of this stream, and I basically decided to transcribe all major events, conversations, and quotes for the masses, to reference during said analysis. 
This was such a good stream to look at, and there’s some really interesting stuff to analyze, as Wilbur interacts with almost every portion of the story and develops his character in a really interesting way. I definitely recommend watching the stream if you want to understand Wilbur’s character, or at least read this. If you like to write meta, have fun with this oh boy.
Major quotes and full conversations are bolded for clarity, timestamps are added, and names are shortened when writing dialogue. If the character is not tagged Wilbur is the one speaking (W = Wilbur, TU = Tubbo, F = Fundy, S = Schlatt, and TO = Tommy). 
“Hey Techno. I’m in a better mood today. I’m in a better- do you know I’m- I’m over fucking losing Manburg y’know.” 11.08
“The revolution is coming. the only difference is I’m not gonna be sad while doing it. I’m gonna be happy, while revolting.” 11.20
“Hey Techno, do you wanna see how over Manburg I am, dude? How over L’Manburg I am? You ready for this? *reveals Pogtopia skin*” 11.25
“That filthy, dirty, coat. I didn’t wash it once, I’ll be honest with you, Technoblade.” 11.40
*Techno shows him the farm, Wilbur is concerned but a little frightened by the amount of time he’s spent on this lol*
“First, I think, I wanna make this place look nicer, cause I won’t be able to work in this cavern if it’s just like, if it’s natural generation, y’know?” 14.33
*they join vc with tubbo*
“Tubbo’s one of the few people I trust, Technoblade. Like, I’m still figuring you out right now, but, at the moment, Tubbo seems to be pretty on the ball. He seems pretty keen on the whole spying thing.” 16.13
“See the thing is, Tubster, can I call you Tubster? Cool, cool. See the thing is Tubbony, I need help, today. Tubbo, do you know anything about super smelters.” 16.53
*they meet up in Manburg to go to Pogtopia, Wilbur doesn’t feel safe coming too close*
“Tubbo. You’ve lost the revolutionary gear. I’m so proud of you man, I’m so proud of you. We’ve finally moved on. It’s the next part!” 19.32
*Wilbur is visibly upset by Tubbo wearing the suit, despite it being a “disguise” and him saying Schlatt’s name, however*
“I was sleeping last night, before I changed my clothes, and I thought to myself, I thought to myself Tubbo you’ve done so much for our great nation.”20.17
“Have you heard of the Sunk Cost Fallacy?” *Wilbur explains the fallacy* “So, in that logic, I think you are physically incapable of giving up. I think you’re physcially incapable of giving up L’manburg. Because you’ve put in so much effort! You’ve put in so much work, y’know. So that’s why...” 22.12
*Wilbur shows Tubbo Pogtopia*
“Pogtopia isn’t a nation, as much as Tommy seems to think it is. We’re a commune, now. Don’t call me Mr President anymore, Tubbo, you’ve gotta call me, uh, Wilbs... In the commune, we’re all equal, we’re all comrades. We’re all equal” 24.24
*Wilbur compares them to Russian revolutionaries*
“Except with this Russian revolution, we’re not all gonna die. And also the nation we’re gonna make afterwards will not fail.” (oh god I’m sad) 25.15
*they talk about the super smelter, wilbur and tubbo are wholesome :(*
W: “Welcome to the commune, welcome to Pogtopia. Now, I know what you’re thinking, you’re thinking Wilbur- Wilbur-”
TU: “I think it looks lovely”
W: “oh,  see I thought you were gonna say ‘Wilbur Wilbur this looks like shit’, and I was gonna say ‘yes Tubbo, yes it does look shit’”
TU: “I mean, you obviously- I don’t think you’ve seem Manburg lately.”
Wilbur’s tone becomes serious, maybe angry “I haven’t seen Manburg lately. Why do you rub this in.”
TU: “What- no- I didn’t mean it like that-”
W: “No- I heard you man-”
TU: “No, it’s really gone quite in the opposite direction-”
Wilbur’s tone cheers up a bit. “Oh- it’s bad? It looks bad?
TU: “Yeah”
W: “Oh, that’s brilliant, that’s great news, Tubbo, thank you, I-, that means that when we go and fix it- let me show you...” 27.40
*Wilbur wants to add more people to Pogtopia, tells Techno to get more food*
*Wilbur talks about possibly exporting “Pogtopia Potatoes” to L’manburg, and poisoning them. This is never brought up again though and isn’t treated seriously*
“I wanna make sure it looks nice for when the gang gets on.” 31.35
*Schlatt joins the game, and joins vc. Wilbur is immediately panicked, telling him to make an alibi*
“How’s running L’man-Manburg going for you?” “It’s going great.” “Yeah, it’s a lovely place isn’t it, nice situation.” 34.30
*this continues a bit, Wilbur is very obviously not a big fan of this conversation. Schlatt talks about demolishing things. Wilbur’s tone is soft and somber*
W: “Oh- What are you demolishing.”
S: “The Elton John house.”
W: “Oh- that was-”
S: “I reckon we’ll take the rocket down as well, and maybe uh-”
W: “oh- ok”
S:“what is this thing, whad’you call this thing, Tubbo?”
T: “This is that cAHmrvan van”
W: *quietly* “the camARvan”
S: “The cAHmarvan?”
W: *quietly* “The camARvan” 
S: “That’s a stupid name, I reckon we put a big apartment building right over it.” 
*Wilbur moves away from his desk in shock, the conversation continues, Wilbur is shocked by the dress code being suits as Schlatt insults the revolutionary uniforms, leaves vc*
“Techno- I fucking hate him, Technoblade. He’s the fucking worst, you get it, you get it don’t you? He’s everything- he’s everything I cannot stand.” 37.32
*Wilbur talks about dismantling the oppressive government, and quotes Spongebob. They chat for bit, both misunderstanding anarchy dear god*
“One thing I really want to make sure of, cause as much as I’m still not entirely trustful of Tubbo, because he said it was a disguise... Tubbo said that he was wearing the suit as a disguise, right. Turns out that’s true. Turns out it’s the dresscode. So, Tubbo lied to me, which is not the best start for our political relationship, but y’know it’s cool, at least he’s actually online today, unlike- unlike one of my right hand men.”40.26
“Whilst I’m not entirely trustful of Tubbo, I would- still don’t wanna see him get hurt by Schlatt” 41.19
*Wilbur rejoins Schlatt’s vc. He’s still really bitter about being removed from Manburg. The whole Schlatt has diamonds in his furnace conversation happens. Schlatt asks where Niki lives, and Wilbur immediately leaves vc*
“Techno we need to get to the docks, this is your first mission under us, please comrade, please. armor. armor. We need to get to Manburg quickly, this isn’t a drill, this is first thing. We’re not gonna attack we’re just gonna watch, and then see what happens.”45.06
*Techno is mining, and Wilbur says he’ll get there on his own time before leaving. Wilbur arrives in Manburg and is disgusted by the apartment buildings, venturing in while Techno has no clue where Manburg is*
*Wilbur goes into Niki’s bakery*  “I think Schlatt’s just mugged Niki” 49.14
“Which is why I need you here, Technoblade. You’re kinda my last resort.”  50.00
*Wilbur looks over Manburg and watches Niki, Fundy, Schlatt, and Tubbo interact. They join Niki’s vc, Techno isn’t keeping hidden well and Wilbur is stressed. Wilbur is trying to balance both of them and making all the calls.*
W: “Niki I’ve gotta go, Niki I’ve gotta go, I promise- I- look- if- we’re in too much of a hot position right now to take in everyone from every sort of like person we need into our new cave. So you’re gonna have to hold out in Manburg a bit longer. Is that ok?”
N: “Of course. I will.”
W: “Mm k.”
N: “Take care, Wil.”
W: “Thank you.” 
W is obviously distraught at leaving her behind, but leaves vc. 55.05
Techno isn’t in vc, and Wilbur just softly goes “Comrade Technoblade? Is he- I’m on my own. I’m on my own.” 55.38
*Tommy joins the game and Techno joins vc* “I thought he was gone, no it’s Tommy. I didn’t think he’d be coming on, I didn’t think he’d- oh thank god!”
*they join vc with Tubbo Punz and Schlatt. Techno offers to “initiate order Kennedy” and Wilbur freaks out*
*Fundy joins vc*
S: “Fundy- Fundy- I y’know I wasn’t gonna do this so early into my reign, but I think you should have a promotion. I mean this is just such a good idea, this is just such a good idea.”
F: “You’re being very generous here Schlatt.”
W panics. “Don’t give him promotions, he’s too young, he doesn’t understand, he’s- he needs to learn more. No- he needs to learn more, I should know he’s my son.”
S: “I’m promoting him.”
F: “Wilbur, Imma need you to shut up for a second.”
W: “Don’t you speak like that to me, Fundy. Don’t forget where you came from,  Fundy.”
S: “What’s the relationship between you and Wilbur, Fundy?”
F: *sigh* “Wilbur, he’s just a founder, and I was born here, and nothing else. It’s literally everything there is to is to it.”
W, softly and sadly: “You know that’s not-”
Schlatt interrupts: “See, it’s so great to have natural-born citizens of Manburg, taking the country direction into their own hands. I mean, I really over this purple stripe, instead of that ugly blue one.”
*Wilbur has hand over his mouth in disbelief and sadness
F: “I must agree.”
*F and S continue to talk*
W, seemingly on the verge of tears: “I don’t know who you are anymore, Fundy, I don’t know who you are anymore.” he leaves the vc and joins Tommy. 
“I couldn’t be there anymore.”  1.01.36
*Immediately, Tommy tries to talk to him, while Wilbur is obviously angry and upset. Tommy is waiting for his command to burn down the flag.”
TO:“I’m stood here, by the flag with a flint and steel, Wilbur.”
W, panicked. “Tommy control yourself, control yourself, it’s not worth it.”
TO: “Do I take my shot?”
W: “Tommy do not take your shot.”
TO: “Wilbur he disrespected you!”
W, even more panicked: “He disrespected me, yes but we’ve talked about this Tommy. Tommy, if we cast the first stone-”
TO: “Wilbur, I wanna do it Wilbur.”
*now Tubbo shows up, holding a book*
W: “Tubbo, what is that book?”
TO: “I wanna do it!”
TU: “It’s, um, it’s nothing much, it’s not really anything worth worrying about.”
W, softly: “What is it. Why are you holding it.”
TU: “It’s- Schlatt has given me- It’s the papers Schlatt made me. Yeah, it’s what he, yeah.”
W: “Give it to me.”
TU: “Are you sure?”
TO at the same time: “Wilbur tell me now Fundy’s coming up. Do I light the fires of  victory, of independence?”
*W is reading the book MANBURG TO-DO*
TU: “Uh- I’m gonna need that back”
TO at the same time: I could do with a clear yes or no, this isn’t a- as much as silence is-
W interrupts, suddenly angry: “Tommy burn that place to the ground. Burn that place to the ground and try to as many people trapped in it as possible.”
TO laughs
TU: “I’m gonna need that book back- oh- oo.”
*W throws the book back*
TO: “Wilbur do I kill your son?”
W, no longer distracted: “Keep him alive, Tommy.”
TO: “Again- I could do, I’m actually-”
W: “Tommy, we’re comrades here.”
TO: “Wilbur, take one look at Manburg, cause it ain’t no more!”
W: “Tubbo, take me to Manburg.”
TU: “Ok.”
TO: “I could kill Schlatt and Big Q right now.”
W: “Keep them alive, we need them alive Tommy.”
TO: “Can I just shoot em once?”
W, exasperated: “If you want.”
TO: “Yeah, I did. It’s more of my own self fulfillment.”
W: *sighs* “We’ve cast the first stone. Our little ravine is now, it’s now in a difficult spot.” 1.03.30
*Wilbur meets Tubbo at Manburg and they head back to Pogtopia*
TO: “The flags gone, and your son is corrupt.”
W: “I know he is, and I don’t need reminding of that, Tommy.” 1.06.30
*Schlatt joins vc and tells Tommy to leave Manburg, and leaves again. Wilbur tells Tommy again not to burn down the forest, and is legitimately upset at the idea. He says it’s the thing they’re fighting against. Techno rejoins vc*
“Tommy, if you don’t fix the mistake you’ve made here, I don’t know if you’re the best fit for Pogtopia.” 1.10.46
*Wilbur asks Tubbo and Techno if they’ve checked the forest, but they’re both busy*
W: “Alright well I’ll go and looking for the fucking forest, I guess. I have to do everything around here.”
*Tubbo and Techno protest.*
W: “No no no, it’s fine you two are doing much harder work than I am.” 1.12.37
*Tubbo and Wilbur talk about how Quackity isn’t happy under Schlatt, how he’s protesting a lot of Schlatt’s measures.*
“He’s a man who I thought, really cared about his nation, but, hey y’know, I’ve been wrong before.” 1.13.55
*the conversation shifts to Fundy, and Wilbur recounts what Fundy said, clearly upset. Tubbo is shocked by this*
“It’s ok, it’s ok, y’know, cause, it’s fine! I- y’know, bonds are formed in blood, not family blood, the other blood, the blood where you stab shit. Yeah, that’s where bonds are formed.”1.14.55
*Tubbo, Techno, and Wilbur chat more, Schlatt joins vc for a bit. Tubbo and Wilbur keep up the bit that Tubbo is loyal to Schlatt until he leaves. Tubbo says explained his absence to Schlatt*
“Tubbo, you’re- see with Technoblade, right, I have no doubt that Technoblade is on my side, right. Cause with Technoblade, with Technoblade, right, I know that he wants blood, and he wants war. Cause that’s how Technoblade works y’know. He just wants to fight and he wants to kill bad guys, right. Yeah, look at him, he a little libertarian- little anarchist, right. So here’s what I’m saying, right: you however- little, I can’t tell if you’re cozying up to Schlatt to help spy, or if you’re cozying up to Schlatt because you quite like how he treats you. I mean look, Tubbo, I’ll be the first one to say it, I didn’t always treat you the best, on L’Manburg, and I know I didn’t, I- I- I was somewhat of a distant ruler- I pretty much only- don’t agree that fucking excitedly, man- look I wasn’t the best ruler I know I wasn’t. Well I think I was a good ruler, but I, I- Tubbo I don’t know if you are just prefering his rule over mine, and I feel like I gotta win you over.”
TU seems to disagree, but says ok.
TU: “Well I’m making this farm, I wouldn’t be putting in this much time if I wasn’t.”
W: No I know, I know, but that’s probably what’d you be saying to Schlatt as well if you were doing work for him.”
TU: “That is- that is very- yeah that is very true, actually.” 1.25.07
*Tubbo says his excuse is that he was pregnant in the name of being transparent. They discuss plans for the farm, and the stream ends*
Wilbur, raiding Niki: “Now, Niki is currently probably the last person who I know is on our side,, who I know is definitely on our side right now. And she, basically, is just sort of trapped in Manburg, cause I can’t get her out, cause we’ve got Tubbo out that’s fine, but I can’t get Niki out for a while. She’s being taxed and she’s being watched very closely by Schlatt. More closely than Tubbo, weirdly, and Schlatt is just being a horrible person to her as you know. So I’m gonna need you to go over there and I’m gonna need you to give her some love. “ <3 1.31.52
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elvcs-blog · 7 years
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*sing song vc* this is soooo lateeee! wow, amazing, spectacular. if i keep going at this rhythm, i’ll be late to my own funeral gosh. anyways, ‘ello lovelies. i’m summer but pls call me sums ( bc i love sums of money amirite? ) so if you didn’t notice, i’m the worst person and don’t come ‘n tell me that i didn’t warn you guys. so below this little line here is gonna be a battlefield aka elias’ life. so i hope you enjoy this total chaos.
elias ceryl rahal was born in the cold winter of ‘94. in the small town of platsburg, near the border the canadian border, elias took his first steps. he lived in a house where soup was a regular meal and naps were an often occurence, to sleep the hunger away. his father, ahmad rahal, worked at night, in those big trucks, digging the snow off the streets while his mother, sara, was a cleaning lady for the houstons. for young eli, home smelt like ajax and cigarettes. at the mere age of five, elias knew the trip from his grandma’s to home by heart, in which he walked alone everyday. his mother dearest was working during the day, while his father slept, so he had to spend his summer months at jida’s house. she thought him everything he knows. from baking to reading. for the few hours his grandpa was awake, he’d tell stories about the indo-pakistani war. with hungry eyes, the raven boy would listen, until the elder couldn’t speak anymore. at six pm, the boy would take his small spongebob backpack and head home. his life was a endless cycle. 
at age six, elias made it to school. it was small and local. people often doubted the teachers and their lessons. but eli liked it. he didn’t have to stay home where the smoke clogged his lungs nor where the toxic products tickled his nose. but it wasn’t quite the paradise at school. kids would pick him because of his weird food. while they had white bread sandwiches, elias ate his smelly keema. no matter how many times the boy told his momma he wanted red sauce spaghetti, he still had to eat samosas. but he didn’t let the mean classmates get to him. he’d continue his way and absorb everything mrs. teacher had to tell. and when he went back home. he’d take his time doing homework, since he didn’t have a lot of pages to colour or letters to trace. he didn’t like when his dad had to leave, he always said a bad word while doing so. often directed towards mama. but what elias hated more than everything was his saturdays. his dad was home all day, which meant violent movies and his friends coming over. they weren’t nice either. they asked eli to stay in his room. 
as he grew up the mean words started to hurt a little more. and when momma tried to get away, his grip left little nail marks on her skin. when she put elias to sleep, the eight year old would notice and kiss the little bubus knowing it would make it better. after all, momma told him that his kiss was magic. but one night papa slaped momma. in front of him! elias didn’t know how to react, he only saw those types of gestures on tv. his heart stopped for a while and tears brimmed his eyes. it was like the three of them were on pause. nobody moved they just looked at each other. but it was okay because papa apologized and the next day took eli to see one of his big trucks. they were enormous! they scared him a little but he was curious and wanted to know how they worked. 
elias was fourteen when he started running. not only he was on the track team but a girl had kissed him! she had stolen his magic kiss! it was easy to say that the teen got mad and slapped the girl, just like papa did to momma sometimes. he got sent to the principal, they told him it wasn’t right. but he didn’t understand, papa did it too! although, he didn’t tell them about that and just nodded. when his mom picked him up she was furious. so so mad! she started crying because she was enraged. she told him that she didn’t want to see that again. never. everytime he wanted to slap a girl, he imagined his momma and didn’t do it. he’d never hurt her. 
the situation at home just got worse. as he opened the door to his house, grey smoke surrounded him. but it didn’t smell like cleaning products anymore. just like alcohol and not the rubbing kind. but one night, elias will forever remember, he was sixteen and a half. he was up late doing chemistry homework when his father came back home. he started screaming about he lost his job and that it was their fault, that if he didn’t have a wife or a child, he’d have much more money. he’d slapped sara, again and again and again. elias didn’t hear it, he had headphones on, bohemian rhapsody playing while he wrote endless formulas. he didn’t notice anything until someone slammed his door open. he jumped on his wooden chair and looked towards his father. it was the first time he had seen such hunger, hunger for destruction. his knuckles were bruised and his eyes were wild. he pounced on elias. but the boy was quick, he got away. with his wallet on his back pocket he ran out of the house. not before seeing momma’s body on the floor. sleeping. or that’s what he thought. his legs lead him to the pizza delivery place. where he was a driver. the keys to the car were attached to his pants. without a second thought, he jumped on the vehicle and drove. he drove until his hands were sore and the gas ran out. 
that’s how he became a felon. he had stole his first of countless cars. from then on, he’d hang around the garage. it was his cousin’s. well distant cousin. he lived a few miles away from the big apple. elias made the other swear secrecy on his whereabouts. he know his father was looking for him. but the boy barely spoke and was discreet. he worked at the garage by day and dragged raced at night. winning money for himself. soon enough, he’d know how to fix a car like you know the alphabet. he knew how to drive a bus, a motorcycle. anything that came in and out of the garage. the boy also read books, about everything. and it looked like he knew just as much. racing became an addiction, running away from the cops was second nature and scheming plans for auto theft was like one plus one. 
for a while, elias worked for a gang. they weren’t small but they weren’t big. nothing compared to encantado. but he did learnt how to fly. planes and helicopters. it wasn’t too hard when all you had to do was to sneak into uni classes and read endless books about it. he loved to leave. sometimes he’d disappear for days and comeback with more money that when he left. he raced until he got to new york. where he committed his first and last error. he ran so fast, into a car. adriana verissimo’s car. next thing he knew. he was in debt towards the woman and was recruited into the organized crime association. 
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