#sponge butterfly craft idea
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Live Action Baldur's Gate
"Fucking hell," Karlach moaned. "Why did I make a character with full body paint?"
"Because you are committed to your craft," said Lae'zel, who was carefully patting down the seams of her prosthetic nose so that they lay flush with her skin.
The companions are getting ready play Baldur's Gate: a local live-action roleplaying game that has been running for three years.
Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, LARPing, Live Action Roleplaying, Implied toxic relationship, extremely niche idea I had, Karlach & Lae'zel, Lae'zel/Shadowheart, Astarion/Cazador, All Companions
Words: 2,772
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"Fucking hell," Karlach moaned. "Why did I make a character with full body paint?"
"Because you are committed to your craft," said Lae'zel, who was carefully patting down the seams of her prosthetic nose so that they lay flush with her skin.
"I mean sure," Karlach said as she dabbed a makeup sponge back and forth over her arms, painting them bright red to match her already vivid face and chest. "And I'm real excited about how it's going to look. But I didn't really think through how being red would mean I'd have to, you know, paint my entire body red."
"These efforts are the sacrifices we make on the altar of fantasy." Lae'zel left her nose to dry and started mixing her face-paint to the precise color she preferred for her skin. "In embodying beings from another world, we become beacons by which others recognize they have transcended. The essence of a new reality lives on our skin."
Karlach glanced down at her. "Do people ever tell you you're kind of intense, Zel?"
"Yes," said Lae'zel.
They were standing side by side in front of the long mirror in the upstairs, gender-neutral bathroom of the main lodge. It was the best place on the campground to do your makeup, especially if you had a complicated costume. There were four sinks--plenty of room to spread out. Lae'zel had a two-tiered makeup-box full of powder, face-paint, glue, ears, scars, and extra noses. Her brushes were laid out in a row, sorted by size. She had taken out and set aside all the paint-colors she needed for her skin.
On her the other side, Karlach had a red bottle of liquid body-paint and a bunch of makeup sponges. She'd already put on her horns. They looked awesome.
The upstairs bathroom was also a great spot because it had a pair of big, double doors that were always propped open. The hall outside ran along the second floor of the lodge and all the other doors led to bunk-style bedrooms where players slept. So people were always going back and forth, carrying bedding and props to and from their rooms. And often they'd stop to chat with the high-makeup characters doing themselves up in front of the mirror--a process that could take a while and get lonely without company.
Lae'zel's makeup always took a particularly long time, so it wasn't surprising that her girlfriend stopped in to check on her.
"Hi," Shadowheart said, peeking around the side of the door. "I have cupcakes. Would anyone like cupcakes?"
"Fuck yeah," said Karlach, who wasn't the one being checked on but would absolutely accept an open offers of cupcakes. And it was definitely an open offer. Shadowheart was an absolute sweetheart, right up until she got in character.
Shadowheart put down a tupperware of small, clearly homemade black and purple cupcakes on the counter between Lae'zel and Karlach. Karlach picked up a purple one and immediately ate it. Lae'zel selected a black one and put it on top of her makeup box for later consumption.
"Can I kiss you?" Shadowheart asked her.
Lae'zel nodded. "Be wary of my nose."
Shadowheart's care made it a chaste little butterfly of a kiss. Karlach still whistled at them, which made Shadowheart giggle and smile.
"You are insipidly cheerful right now," Lae'zel observed fondly.
"It's because I love you," Shadowheart told her. "And I have to get all the smiling out of my system before game starts! I have such an awful backstory. You have no idea."
"I do not," Lae'zel confirmed. "You have told me nothing."
"It's a secret!" Shadowheart said, clapping her hands together. "You'll find out. It's horrible."
She sighed happily. Then she tapped Lae'zel's cheek.
"Your nose looks great today," she said.
Lae'zel made a pleased noise as she started to paint over the prosthetic with mottled green. Shadowheart turned her happiness around on Karlach: "And you! You look amazing!"
"Thanks!" Karlach held up her extremely red makeup sponge. "It's a headache and a half!"
"It's absolutely going to be worth it," Shadowheart assured her. Then something occurred to her. She turned back towards Lae'zel.
"Will you do my ears?" she asked.
Lae'zel grunted. It was an affectionate grunt. "Sit down."
Shadowheart did, perching on the edge of the trashcan in the corner to lower herself and make her head more accessible. Lae'zel cleaned the shells of her ears with a makeup-wipe. Then she unfolded the top-tier of the prosthetics case and sorted through ears until she found a pair of the only slightly pointed, half-elven ones. She painted Shadowheart's ears with spirit gum, and gently tapped at them to make the adhesive tacky.
The entire process felt, curiously, much more intimate than the kiss. So Karlach backed up a bit to give them a bit of privacy. She leaned against the door-frame, dabbing paint onto her wrists and the back of her hands. She noticed someone coming down the hall.
"Hey!" she exclaimed brightly. "It's our refugee from vampire the masquerade, slumming it in fantasy land."
She reached out with a vague intention to hug, but Astarion danced away from her hand.
"Don't touch me," he told her tartly. "This is hand embroidered, and I do not want you smearing red all over it."
"Oh. Shit. Right." Karlach dropped her hands, put them behind her back. She grinned apologetically down at the much smaller man.
"Look at you," she said. "You so fancy."
"True," Astarion said smugly. He twirled to show off the complete effect of his handmade costume. Blue leather and plum velvet with touches of gold embroidery. The car keys dangling from his fingers jangled incongruously.
"Are you going somewhere?" Shadowheart asked curiously. Lae'zel growled at her for turning her head, and adjusted the ear she was attaching.
Astarion made a vague affirmative noise. "Cazador left a few props at home. I'm just off to fetch them."
"Uh," Karlach hesitated. "Don't you live like, two hours away?"
Astarion made another vague noise, glancing away, down the hall.
"You'll be late for lay on," Karlach said. "You'll miss like, all plot tonight."
"I don't care for the plots on Friday," Astarion said airily. "Never enough combat. But you have a lovely time, darling. Ciao."
And then he was gone. He could disengage from a conversation very quickly when he wanted to. Karlach watched him vanish down the staircase.
"I guess that's a pretty nice thing to do for your boyfriend," she said, slowly and rather uncertainly.
Lae'zel grunted, also peering after him. Her expression was much less uncertain.
"It is an absurd request to make of someone already in costume, so soon before game begins," she said.
Karlach liked that she'd said that, because Karlach had kind of been thinking it, just not quite confidently enough to say it out loud. Lae'zel was good at being confident enough to say things like that out loud.
"Correct me if I'm mistaken," said Shadowheart, and she suddenly sounded a lot less chipper and a lot more in character. "But now that I'm thinking about it, I barely ever see Astarion on Friday."
"You are not mistaken," said Lae'zel.
Shadowheart started to turn towards Karlach, but this time Lae'zel held her head, hissing at her that if she wanted ears, she would hold still. Shadowheart huffed and stayed in place. It only took Lae'zel a minute to finish the process.
When she was free Shadowheart got up and tilted her head from side to side, getting used to having larger ears. Then she walked over to her tupperware of cupcakes and rested her fingers on its edges. She looked thoughtful.
"They came in together, right? Astarion and Cazador?" she asked Karlach, whose gregarious tendency to talk to everyone meant that she tended to know such things.
"Yeah. They're from that classy vampire game," Karlach reported. "Crimson-something. The one that runs out of a mansion."
"I see," Shadowheart said.
She drummed her fingers on the sides of the tupperware. Up and down the edge, around the pretty baked goods. Then she picked up the lid and closed the container with a decisive click.
"I am going to see if he wants a cupcake for the road," she said resolutely.
She marched out of the bathroom, down the hall, and down the stairs. When she had passed beyond the range of earshot Lae'zel sighed wearily.
"What's wrong?" Karlach asked.
"She is going to make friends," Lae'zel told her. "So I will also be expected to make friends."
She sighed again, long suffering. But then consoled herself: "At least this one can fight."
She applied herself to drawing intricate patterns of black dots on her face. Karlach finished her arms and started spraying on a generous coat of barrier spray. That would hopefully do something to stop her from turning everything she touched red.
But even after the spray had dried, she was still leaving paint everywhere. The countertop around her was all marked up with red flecks. The sink she'd been working over looked like Lady Macbeth had been by to wash her hands. With a concerned mutter Karlach knelt down to dig some gloves out of her bag. She left her bag a little redder than it started. At least with the gloves she'd be able to clean up the sink.
Across the bathroom, Lae'zel had almost finished with her dots when she spotted something in the mirror. She pivoted around and pointed out into the hallway.
"Gale," she said. "I have need of you."
Gale accommodatingly paused and walked over to her. He was carrying a bag of potatoes. Probably headed down the kitchen with that. He was one of the volunteers who handled making the communal meals. He was in costume, except that he still had his real-world glasses on. So he looked like a wizardly accountant.
"How can I help?" he asked pleasantly.
Lae'zel slid a sheet of paper out from under her makeup-box. She handed it to him.
"I have leveled," she told him. "Advise me."
"Ah!" Gale's eyes lit up. He put the potatoes down on the counter and took the paper from her. He adjusted his glasses as he read over her character sheet.
"Level three. Now that's an exciting time. And I see you've selected Battle Master. A fine subclass. A very solid choice. Which means the question at hand is maneuvers, yes?"
"Yes," confirmed Lae'zel.
"I see you've penciled in Menacing Attack." He tapped the line in question. "A good selection. Damage is damage, after all, and the status effect is nothing to sneeze at. That being said, Distracting Strike is, in my opinion, the stand out among your options. However! It does require coordinating with other players. You'll need someone who can take advantage of it."
"Hm," Lae'zel said thoughtfully.
"I might also consider Riposte," Gale said, manifesting a pencil seemingly out of nowhere and tapping the paper with it. "It would give you a nice defensive option."
"And it allows me to punish the failures of my enemies," Lae'zel observed.
"Ah. Sure," Gale said, open-mindedly. "Another advantage."
Lae'zel reclaimed her character sheet.
"You have advised me well," she told him.
"Glad to hear it," he said. "Let me know what you decide on? I'm always interested in how builds work out in play."
He recovered his potatoes and then came to the sudden awareness that there was another person in the room. Karlach was just finishing using paper towels to clean red paint off of the sink.
"Karlach!" Gale exclaimed. "Hello. I'm sorry I didn't say hello earlier. Goodness. You're certainly very red."
"Yeah," Karlach said morosely.
Gale paused. Then asked: "I assume that is intentional?"
"Oh, yeah." Karlach nodded, tossing the paper towels into the trash can and leaning against the counter.
Then she sighed and got more paper towels to clean the marks she'd just left by leaning against the counter.
"Put a lot of work into it," she added.
"It's quite nice," Gale said. "Very vivid. You sound rather sad, though."
"I've just realized I'm in a bit of trouble," Karlach said, throwing away the new paper towels and leaning again, this time carefully keeping her arms off the white counter. "Because, you know me. I'm around all of you. And I like all of you. And I only get to see you once a month! And I'm gonna want to hug you."
She spread her arms to illustrate this fact. The beginning of a hug. Then she gestured up and down her body.
"But I've got red paint all over me. I'm gonna ruin everyone's costumes!"
"I see," Gale said, tapping his chin thoughtfully. "That is a conundrum."
"It is a danger," Lae'zel, veteran of makeup, acknowledged. "It is why I wear full plate and never hug people."
"I'm no good at not hugging people," Karlach all but moaned.
"Well. Actually. Here's an idea." Gale said, inspiration lightening his tone as he pointed at Karlach. "You could bring this in character."
"What do you mean?" Karlach asked.
"There could be some reason in game as to why people can't touch you," Gale suggested. "It could be a spell. Or a curse."
"Gale of Waterdeep has a suggestion that involves magic," Lae'zel deadpanned. "What a surprise."
"Oh, hush," Gale told her.
"I see what you're getting at," Karlach said, crossing her arms and nodding thoughtfully. "That way I'd remember not to do it. Because, like, it wouldn't be just paint. There'd be, like, in-game consequences."
"Precisely," said Gale, clearly excited by the elegance of the idea. "And we could support you in remembering, because, presumably, we would suffer those consequences! Where are you coming from? In your back story, I mean?"
"I'm fresh out of Avernus," Karlach told him.
"You should talk to Mizora before coming into game," Gale suggested. "She manages all the infernal plotlines. I'm sure she could think of something to suit this."
"All right," Karlach said. Then more enthusiastically: "All right! I'll do that. Thanks!"
"Happy to help," Gale said, and he sounded it. He shouldered the sack of potatoes. "Now, I should get these down to the kitchen. I'll see you both in Baldur's Gate!"
"Indeed," said Lae'zel.
"It's a date!" Karlach called after him. Her mood had bounced back up to excited and she hopped from foot to foot, thinking of cool, infernal reasons why someone might not be able to hug people.
From down the hall she heard voices:
"Hey Gale. Opening announcements in five," someone said.
"Ah! Marvelous," Gale said. "Thank you, five."
Moments later Wyll leaned into the bathroom and announced: "Opening announcements in five!"
"Thank you, five," Lae'zel and Karlach echoed back together.
"Ah. Lae'zel." Wyll said, actually registering who was in front of the mirror. "After announcements. Could I trouble you to give me a bit of help with my horns?"
"Why does no one but me know how to use spirit gum?" Lae'zel snapped, brandishing her makeup pen like a little lance.
"Have pity," Wyll said, leaning around the door frame. "I've only ever played humans. I was planning to play a human. And then Mizora happened to me."
"I'm about to talk to Mizora!" Karlach said, still excited. "I need her help with my backstory!"
"Do you?" Wyll asked, smiling because Karlach's happiness was infectious. "Well, you're in for a ride then. Her plots are wild."
"You would know," Lae'zel said, looking at him narrowly and sidelong. "You're something of her pet player."
Wyll sighed and shook his head.
"I know it's not a good look," he said. "And I'm talking to her about it. Favoritism from storytellers does the game no favors."
Lae'zel grunted, but it wasn't a very aggressive grunt. It was hard to doubt Wyll's integrity. And there was only so much one could do about the whims of the people running game.
"And a good next step will be her paying some attention to Karlach," Wyll continued, gesturing to Karlach and bringing the conversation back around so he could ask: "Would you like me to come with you when you talk to Mizora?"
"Yes!" Karlach said.
"And you're coming in from Avernus, right?" he asked. "My character's been there many a time. Would you like to have a character tie with me?"
"YES!" Karlach said.
And then she hugged him.
And then she said: "SHIT!"
"It's fine! It's fine." Wyll was laughing. "We'll pretend they're bloodstains."
"Come over here," Lae'zel said, sighing and pulling out makeup wipes.
By the time they had Wyll cleaned up five minutes had passed, and it was time for opening announcements.
Thank you for reading! Here are some other stories like this.
#bg3#Alternate Universe - Modern Setting#LARPing#Lae'zel & Karlach#Lae'zel/Shadowheart#Astarion/Cazador#Implied toxic relationship#extremely niche idea I had#All Companions#bg3 fanfiction#fanfic
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7 Remarkable And Easy Face Painting Ideas For Kids
Face painting is a fantastic way to spark creativity and joy in children. Whether it's for a birthday party, a school event, or just a fun weekend activity, face painting can transform little ones into their favourite characters and creatures. However, as fun as it is, safety is paramount. Here, the responsibility of the face painting artists and the parents or guardians of the kids becomes very significant. They need to take care of a few things before the kids face any unwanted situations.
The expert face painting artists at Rubylu Face Painting accept that finding the best and most popular Easy Face Painting Ideas for Kids is a challenging task. Still, they have been successful enough in finding some attractive ideas that children in the UK love! This post is an attempt to explore some of the best and safest face painting ideas for kids, ensuring that the experience is not only enjoyable but also worry-free for parents.

Safe Materials for Kids' Face Painting:
Before diving into designs, it's crucial to talk about safety. Always use face paints that are specifically made for the skin. These paints should be non-toxic, hypoallergenic, and easy to wash off. Avoid using acrylics or craft paints, as they can cause skin irritation. Test the paint on a small area of the child's skin before applying it thoroughly to check for any allergic reactions. Also, ensure your painting tools are clean and safe for use on sensitive skin. Brushes and sponges should be soft, clean, and used exclusively for face painting.
Easy and Popular Designs:
Butterfly: Butterflies are a perennial favourite. Use bright, vibrant colours, and add some glitter for a magical touch. This touch is popular, and every kid loves to get it when they plan for some great face painting ideas.
Superhero Masks: Ideal for superhero-themed parties. Simple masks representing popular characters like Spider-Man or Batman can be easily painted.
Animals: Think about quick, simple designs like a cat, dog, or tiger. These require a few lines and some whiskers. The face painting artists are very creative when they create those paints on the faces of little kids.
Flowers: Delicate flowers around the eyes or cheeks are beautiful and usually popular with kids. The use of bright and safe colours is a remarkable practice here.
Pirates: A simple eye patch and a few scars can quickly turn any kid into a pirate. This face painting idea is very popular among grown-up kids in particular.
Princess or Fairy: Sparkles, crowns, and wands drawn on the face can complete a fairy tale look.
Creative Ideas Beyond the Basics:
For those looking to go beyond the basics, consider themes from popular children's movies or books. Characters from Frozen, Moana, or Harry Potter can be exciting options. Also, don't shy away from abstract designs like stars, moons, and rainbows, which allow for creativity and colour play. Encourage kids to come up with their own ideas or mix elements from different designs to create something unique.
Safety Tips During Application and Removal:
While applying face paint, make sure the child is comfortable and not fidgeting. Use gentle strokes and avoid painting too close to the eyes. For removal, use a gentle, hypoallergenic cleanser or baby wipes. Avoid scrubbing the skin; instead, use soft, circular motions to remove the paint gently. After removal, apply a light moisturizer to soothe the skin.
The Bottom Line:
Face painting is an excellent activity for kids, blending creativity with play. By choosing safe materials, simple yet fun designs, and following safety tips, you can ensure an enjoyable and safe experience. Let the colours flow, and watch as your little ones delight in their imaginative transformations. When you are sure about finding Easy Face Painting Ideas For Kids in the UK, then your reach to Rubylu Face Painting is just a matter of time for. Speak to the experts at the company, pick up the correct face painting design, and then pick up an easy face painting idea in the UK.
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Pillowcases For Crafts Ideas: From Plain to Extraordinary

Pillowcases are typically viewed as functional items that provide comfort while sleeping, but they can also be used for crafting. With some creativity and inspiration, pillowcases can be transformed into unique and stylish pieces of art that enhance the look of any room. Here are seven pillowcases for crafts ideas that will inspire you to create extraordinary crafts from plain pillowcases.
Painted Pillowcases
Painting is a quick and easy way to add color and personality to plain pillowcases for crafts. You can use fabric paints, acrylic paints, or even oil paints to create your own designs or patterns on the pillowcases. You can create a modern and minimalist look by adding geometric shapes or lines in black or white. You can paint flowers, butterflies, or other nature-inspired designs in a variety of colors. The possibilities are endless, and the result will be a personalized and unique piece of art.
Stenciled Pillowcases
Stenciling is an easy and fun way to create unique designs on pillowcases for crafts. You can use pre-made stencils or create your own designs. To stencil your pillowcases, simply place the stencil on the pillowcase and use a sponge or paint brush to apply the paint. You can use multiple stencils, mix and match various designs, or add text or quotes to personalize your pillowcases.
Embroidered Pillowcases
If you enjoy sewing, embroidery is a beautiful technique to add elegance and sophistication to your plain pillowcases for crafts. You can use various embroidery stitches to create different designs such as flowers, animals, or words. Embroidered pillowcases are perfect for a sophisticated and classic look that never goes out of style.
Tie-Dyed Pillowcases
Tie-dyeing is a fun and easy way to add some color and personality to your pillowcases for crafts. You can choose your favorite colors and create unique patterns by folding, twisting, or scrunching the fabric. You can even use natural dyes such as turmeric, beet, or spinach to create a more eco-friendly option.
Patchwork Pillowcases
Patchwork is a traditional and cozy way to create a beautiful and colorful pillowcases for crafts. You can use fabric scraps, old clothes, or even tea towels to create a patchwork design. Add different textures, patterns, and colors for a unique and eclectic look. Patchwork pillowcases are perfect for a boho-chic or rustic look that adds warmth and charm to your living space.
Applique Pillowcases
Applique is a creative technique that involves cutting out different fabrics and attaching them to a base fabric. You can use different fabrics to create various designs such as animals, flowers, or letters. The end result is a unique and colorful pillowcase that will add a touch of playful whimsy to your decor.
Printed Pillowcases
Printing on fabric is a fun and creative way to personalize your pillowcases for crafts. You can stamp a geometric pattern with a handmade stamp, or you can draw flowers or butterflies with fabric markers. Create a collage of different prints and patterns for a bohemian or eclectic look.
In conclusion, pillowcases offer endless opportunities for creativity and self-expression. There are so many ways to transform a plain pillowcase into a unique and extraordinary piece of art. So, why settle for plain bedding when you can transform your pillowcases for crafts into extraordinary works of art that breathe life and character into your living spaces?
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Monster Hunter Rise: 2nd Trailer and news blowout
Hey guys this is Gaijinhunter. I am uploading this as a text post since I caught a cold and have been unable to edit a video.
There was a huge second wave of news for Monster Hunter Rise with the reveal of the 2nd trailer the other day during the Game Awards 2020 show. Keep in mind the actual full length trailer is much longer and better than the shorter edit they showed during the show so makes sure you watch it. It showcased a second map, 2 new monsters, several returning monsters, and more. They also updated their official website with a ton of information so instead of doing a trailer reaction or breakdown, I am going to give you all the info they shared but split up by category, trying to focus only on the new stuff.
New Map

Director Ichinose hinted in an interview that one of the new maps would be nostalgic and boy he wasn't kidding. The Flooded Forest from Third Generation has been massively remade and is back in MH rise. Of course given this game’s focus is verticality, there is no underwater combat sections but they really nailed it from what I can see. One of the most iconic parts of the forest was the ruins in the backgrounds, and now you can scale up it using the wirebug. How cool is that.
With the new map we also got the reveal of 2 new monsters.
First up is the mermaid wyvern, the Somnacanth. This marks the much hyped return of the leviathan class of monsters which were missing in world and iceborne. This Monster looks so wild. It has a special breath that will put you to sleep, is super aggressive, and has this crazy taiko drum like chest in which it will grab oysters and other things and bust them against it to break them open and buff itself. The Japanese name is quite a mouthful and is called Isonemikuni. This is the monster that Ichinose teased with his cute drawing on twitter.
Next up is the tengu beast, Bishaten. This monster is really unique, it looks like a mix of a monkey, bat, and bird. It has a huge and powerful tail it uses for massive mobility and it will chuck various fruits at you as well. One of the most iconic fruits it throws are persimmons, which are very Japanese and if you haven’t had them before, they are kind of an acquired taste. It’s Japanese name is Bishutendo.
For returning monsters we have a few. First is our favorite sponge, the Royal Ludroth. This is a fan favorite and a great early to mid game monster. It has one of the best move sets in my opinion, very telegraphed but it can still catch you off guard even if you are super used to it. Strategically figuring gout where to stand in order to cut off its tail or break the sponge has always been really fun and intersting so I’m delighted to see this monster return, also look at that texture of the sponge!
Then we got the return of the Great Wroggi, the anti-poison skill tutorial monster. This thing really messed me up back in MH3G until I spent the time to get the materials to craft anti-posion decorations and even then, like the Great Izuchi, it fights really well with its sidekick small wroggis and I cant wait to see the improved cooperative AI that they are making for the Great Izuchi applied to this monster as well. It’s armor also spots a really cool Crocodile Dundee hat and look in the trailer and you can see the palico armor as well. So cool.
Finally, we got a small scene that appears to show a snow map and a group of baggi getting hit by a Khezu lightening shot. Does this mean the Great Baggi will return? Not sure. But that scream 100% is a Khezu, and I cannot wait to see how it looks with higher resolution texturing, I bet it will be creepy as heck. So while not technically confirmed, I’d say it’s safe to say Khezu is returning in some form. The balance of all these monsters is so great, I love the selection so far.
As far as other returning monsters that might return, I think we all expect nargacuga and zinogre. These are flagship monsters from games directed by Ichinose and he even tweeted his palamute and palico both named after these two monsters. Especially given the Japanese aesthetic, I think it’s pretty much guaranteed they are returning. Then I think mizutsune is also highly likely given its Japanese design, the fox theme, the kimono armor. Plus the model for it doesn't look that far off from the new Somnacanth. Anyway I have super hyped.
Interaction with animals and endemic life
One of the huge features of Monster Hunter Rise is the focus on wild life and animals to buff your hunter or be used as tools during a hunt.
There are 4 major types of Endemic Life: Temp Buffer, Permabuffer, Hunting Helper, and environmental.
For Permabuffer, we got a new render of the Spiribirds, which will buff your hunter if you move near one, and the effects depend on the color of the pollen it is carrying. Green increases your max Health, Orange increases your defense, red increases your attack power, and yellow increases your max stamina. There is even a special rainbow colored one, which I assume will buff all 4.
Via their website, Capcom announced a new item called the Petalace, a bracelet made of a plant called a Sending Sprig that each hunter has equipped. This is what collects the pollen from the birds and buffs your hunter. There is a variety of Petalaces in the game and some may increase the amount in which an attack boost is applied from a single Spiribird, raise the max value that health can be boosted, and more. Here in the screen shot we can see the caps for each and the amount gained for each buff. Just a quick note but this is not going to be replacing charms as we know that they are giving away a talisman for pre-order.
For Temp Buffer creatures, they revealed the name of the Clothfly, a butterfly that will temporarily increase your defense once you interact with it and cause it to generate a cloud of dust. In previous videos we have seen Peepers that reduce stamina usage, birds that raise your base stats, and a dragonfly that boosts your affinity and I had calculated it out to being applied for 90 seconds but we’ll have to wait for hte final game to see if that depends on the effect or if they change it, but it sounds about right.
For Hunting Helper creatures, we got an adorable new render of the Stinkmink. You can carry up to 5 Hunting Helpers and use them like items. The Stinkmink can be used to cover yourself in a special pheromone that will attract large monsters to you, even allowing you to lure one monster toward another to cause a turf war. I personally can think of other applications like luring a monster toward a trap and stuff like that.
And for environmental endemic life, they didn't show it in the trailer but there are also wildlife that can be used like environmental traps. For example, use raw meat and the giganha fish will go crazy, damaging anything nearby be it a hunter or monster. I can’t wait to see someone hunt a Great Wroggi using only raw meat. I love that we finally will have more use for this item.
In the new trailer we got to hear several of the NPC villagers talking and on the website they go into a lot more details. They have quite the star-studded cast in Japanese and the English voice actors are also very interesting picks. This really marks the first time in Monster Hunter that the main cast of villagers will all be called by name and speak, which I think adds a lot of personality to the game.
First we have Fugen the village elder of Kamura and skilled long sword user.
Then we have Hinoa the Quest Maiden, a cheerful and optimistic girl who serves as the quest giver in the village while her twin sister runs the gathering hub. While not announced in any other language, the French and Italian language sites for the game list her sister’s name as Minoto. Hinoa’s name is Hinoe in Japnaese and for the rest of the cast their names are identical between the two languages.
One thing I am excited for is that they said that one of the ways they will help communicate the uniqueness of Kamura is through songs and they shared a sample of one of them in the full trailer. This one is sung by Izumi Kato. If you remember back in Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate they featured songs by the wyverian Diva, and I am so happy they decided to do songs again, they add so much richness to the world and are just lovely to listen to.
Next up is Yomogi, our village chef. In this game you will eat meals at her Tea Shop, where her speciality is the Bunny Dango she makes along with the help of some palicoes. I love that we’ve seen her in past videos with a heavy bowgun, so the idea that all the villagers are active participants in the story is great.
Then we have Hamon the blacksmith. He used to hunt alongside Fugen back in the day but now creates weapons for the hunters of the village. His grandson also appears in the game and is a kind-hearted youth that loves your hunting companions.
Next is Kagero the merchant. Despite his mysterious appearance he is actually very warm and kind. If there is a sale going on, not only can you buy most items for half off, but you can also participate in a lottery where you spin a wheel and it dispenses a colored ball. Get a rare color ball to win a rare prize. You can do it once per sale, but you can also scan an amiibo to spin two more times, but only once per day per amiibo you own.
Finally we have Komitsu the sweet-tooth, she sells candy apples in town. What these do is still not yet revealed.
We got an adorable render for the Cohoot, the pet owl that shows the positions of monsters on your map. You can interact with it in the town and even dress them up in fancy outfits.
Kamura Village
We got gameplay showing that the entire village is open to the 4 person multiplayer session and you can even ride around on your palamute and use your wirebug while in the village to zip around and have fun. There is still a gathering hall but the ability to see each other in the village as well as jump around and really explore it is a lovely change they are making.
Story wise we got more info about the Rampage, both a story mechanic and new quest type. For some reason the monsters will sometimes gang up and attack the village all at once and no one knows why. They call this a Rampage. There was a really bad rampage 50 years ago that nearly destroyed the village and in response the town has created a Stronghold to stop further invasions. This looks like a new quest type with multiple monsters all at once, and a slew of different artillery options at your disposal. I could see this as being a really fun type of quest to do online with other players.
And of course the most exciting news was that there will be a demo in January with more details to come later. That is far earlier than I expected and I now have to finish up my back catalogue of games in like the next month.
And that about wraps it up. Cpacom said that they will be sharing weapon preview videos for all 14 types very soon and if they do the way they used to do it, we’ll get one new video a day for 2 weeks. I hope you enjoyed this recap of the news and please let me know down in comments what you thought about the second trailer. And until next time, happy hunting.
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New Year's Kiss, GrayLu
Hello, Anon! Thank you for requesting, and here’s your story! Hope you enjoy~
To New Beginnings
Lucy’s hands slid down her curvaceous sides as she smoothed out the fabric of the elegant chocolate-brown kimono hugging her body while she admired herself in the mirror. It really was a beautiful work of craftsmanship; though the earthy brown served as the base color for the clothing, it was accentuated with flower patterns made simply of thin lines, outlined in bright white and warm beige and sandy tan. The center of each flower was filled in with tiny beads to give the kimono a textural pop. The look was completed with a soft silk sash wrapped around her waist of white, a fashionable contrast to the darker tones of her look.
Lucy wasn’t quite used to wearing kimonos, given the westernized, modern society of Fiore, but she found she actually appreciated the garment as comfortable and chic; on a recent mission, Wendy had visited a more traditional mountain village and had been enraptured by the fashion, and as a gift for her assistance they had presented her with a beautiful hand-crafted kimono. Wendy had been ecstatic but afraid that the garment would look very out-of-place in a contemporary place like Magnolia City, so Lucy had suggested the idea of their annual New Year’s Party having a kimono theme. They all wanted to see Wendy happy, after all, and the little girl had been so overjoyed at her suggestion. So here Lucy was, turning this way and that investigating how the new piece of clothing accentuated her figure and nodded approvingly. She just loved nice-looking clothes!
“Hey, Lucy!” The blonde-haired girl smiled wryly at the reflection of the grinning boy with cotton-candy hair perched in her window, who was holding up a hand in greeting. Natsu’s kimono was a fiery red with dappled salmon patterns across the surface like it had been sponged with paint, but not in a messy or unpleasing way. His obi was white, as well, to match the dragonscale scarf wrapped around his neck. As she turned around to greet him, Happy squeezed through the window to land on her floor with an oompf!; he hastily jumped to his feet to proudly display his own little custom kimono of sapphire blue patterned with jumping light gray carp.
“Lucy! Lucy! Does it make me look handsome?”
“You’re the handsomest little man I’ve ever seen, Happy,” she assured him with an endearing smile. He whirled around to Natsu puffing out his chest in pride, tail waving back in forth in a clear display that he was exceptionally pleased.
“She called me handsome!
“Natsu! You were supposed to bring food too, y’know!” she scolded him as he dashed down the hallway laughing maniacally. A half-ass apology drifted behind him as he all but dashed down the hall, and Lucy groaned loudly as she heard the distant clinking of ceramic and glass as he attacked the small array of party foods she had prepared for the evening. Happy stood in the doorway of her bedroom looking guilty, holding his paws together as he stared at the floor.
“I’m sorry, Lucy… I had fish crackers made, but… I got so hungry this afternoon that I ate them all myself!” he sniffled pathetically. Happy was making such a sad display that it was hard to be mad at him, and she wouldn’t have been in the first place, because really it would have been the other Exceeds who had eaten the snack anyway. She smiled softly and walked over to crouch down and pat his soft little blue head.
“Don’t worry, Happy, it’s all right. There will still be plenty of food for everyone,” she reassured him. He grinned widely at her and dried his tears right there and then before whirling on his paws and taking off down the hall shouting at Natsu to wait for him. Lucy breathed a deep sigh and rubbed at one of her temples; the night had only just begun, and she was beginning to question why she had agreed to host the gathering at her house instead of pawning it off on someone else…
It was no time at all before everyone arrived and the party was fully underway, several hours before the clock struck midnight and they would usher in the new year. Though Natsu had absorbed a notable amount of her freshly prepared food in his gullet in the short time it took her to walk down the hall, all it had taken was a whack to the back of his head with a wooden spoon to send him scampering to the couch whining like a literal wounded dog. He was even wearing a pair of glistening puppy-dog eyes, but unfortunately for him, Lucy was immune to such childish ploys. Unlike his forgetful self, the rest of the guests brought food for all of them to enjoy, so his dent really didn’t end up cause much damage. The settled around her kotatsu table (that she had bought on sale from a local odds-and-ends furniture store to complete Wendy’s vision of a traditional New Year) laughing and cutting up and enjoying the snacks. The time was about ten-thirty when someone (she honestly could not remember who) brought out the alcohol and things began to get a bit more raucous. Suddenly, a slightly pink-faced Levy who was snuggled in the arms of the much brawnier Gajeel gasped aloud.
“Oh, dear! We have to decide who each other’s New Year’s kiss will be!” she exclaimed. Her shoulders were falling out of her spring-inspired kimono, sky blue with colorful butterflies matching the ornament in her wavy blue hair, and with pursed lips Gajeel casually adjusted it for her. She giggled and lifted up her head to press a kiss against his chin. “Thanks, honey~ I mean for you guys, because obviously I have mine,” she purred while sloshing around a bottle of sake. Gajeel blushed lightly and looked away, muttering something unintelligible.
“Yo, Erza, is Jellal stopping by?” Gray asked teasingly as he leaned onto the table with wiggling eyebrows. Erza turned the shade of her hair and looked down at her lap in complete embarrassment. Her hands dug into the fabric of her simple black kimono before twisting into her sunset-colored sash.
“I-I have no idea what you are suggesting! I-I mean… If anyone were to be my New Year’s kiss, that would be- Ah! No! I don’t have to talk about this with you all!” she wailed and buried her face into her hands with a mortified wail. Laughter erupted around the room; Gray’s stopped short and turned into a grunt as Juvia threw herself onto his back and wrapped her arms around his neck.
“Gray, my darling! Surely you will be Juvia’s kiss, yes?” she purred delightedly while nuzzling the back of his head with her cheek. Her lavender kimono with accents the shade of her hair was a stark contrast to Gray’s midnight blue one patterned with gray stripes, but they also complimented each other well. Gray didn’t seem to think that sentiment extended to their personal lives.
“No way. I don’t buy into that girly crap.” He mumbled as he shoved a custard-filled confectionary of Levy’s creation into his mouth. Juvia let out a wheedling whine and melted into a puddle-literally- behind him before slinking off in half-water form to seek comfort from a wine bottle. Wendy, who was sitting beside Lucy, fidgeted uncomfortably in worry.
“I don’t have anybody to give me a New Year’s kiss,” she murmured miserably as tears welled up in her round eyes. Lucy tutted in a motherly fashion and wrapped her hands around the side of her head to pull her into a hug (more like squish the poor girl into her cleavage, but she was a bit tipsy already). Wendy’s response was muffled as Lucy lovingly stroked her hair, which she had let flow free rather than contain it in pigtails.
“S’okay, Wendy! I’ll be your New Year’s kiss, don’t worry!” Natsu laughed while waving around a bottle, and he hastily added with an affronted look and a blush, “I meant on the cheek; damn, guys, I’m not a creep!” Wendy’s head popped out of Lucy’s grasp to look at him with joyful, sparkling eyes. She clasped her hands together as she stared at him in total admiration.
“Really, Natsu, you mean it?”
“O’course! Why should you miss out just because you’re a little younger than us?” he grinned and leaned over to throw his thick arm around her neck and snuggle into her affectionately. Happy tottered over to Carla with big, begging eyes, and the pretty white cat snorted in derision but obviously must’ve agreed because Happy crowed ecstatically, throwing his little paws in the air. Pantherlily looked disgruntled for a second before Carla nudged him in the shoulder and told him that she would give him one, too, and the buff black cat turned away bashfully, toeing at the fibers of the rug beneath him.
With all the talk about New Year’s kissing, Lucy was suddenly very acutely aware that she had no one to give her a kiss, either. Something about that fact made her exceptionally depressed. Perhaps it was the alcohol; it always resulted in her having disastrous mood swings, if the stories that Natsu told her were true. It wasn’t that Lucy thought that at this point in her life she would already have somebody to share such things with; after all, she was still young and had plenty of time to pursue romantic endeavors. However, seeing Levy and Gajeel and Gray and Juvia and even Erza and Jellal moving forward with their relationships (whether established or not) suddenly made her very conscious that she had nobody, nobody at all, she was even considering as a romantic partner. Her shoulders sagged a little as she pouted down at her little plate half-full of food that she now couldn’t stomach eating. Not wishing to ruin the fun everyone else was having, she brooded in silence. The melancholy slowly swallowed her up like a gaping abyss steadily drawing her in with an unbeatable current, until she was stranded in the black depths with nothing but the sadness and crushing dark. As Levy gleefully announced that it was nearly time, Lucy quietly excused herself from the table to walk into the other room, where she stood in front of the window trying not to cry.
This is so stupid, she told herself bitterly. All this fuss over a kiss. Lucy wasn’t quite drunk enough to be unaware of how pointless her roiling emotions were, but apparently drunk enough that the statement didn’t keep her from sulking anyway. She knew there would be many more New Years’ to come, and eventually she would be spending them with someone who loved her, but for some reason right now she was incredibly impatient. It seemed to her, in her sad, clouded mind, that everybody in the world had someone to share a kiss with at midnight but her. She knew that was entirely untrue, but alcohol made her so aggravatingly dramatic. She clenched her teeth as the first set of tears rolled down her cheeks, which were flushing red with frustration with herself. She pushed her hand into her face to try and catch them before anyone noticed. I can’t believe myself! What has gotten into me?
She could hear them yelling as they counted down. “Ten! Nine! Eight!” She wasn’t sure what saddened her more, the fact that they were all having so much fun and here she was being a stick in the mud, or that they hadn’t noticed her disappearance. “Seven! Six! Five!” She should really go back in there, but she couldn’t bring herself to. She was rooted to the spot with watery brown eyes staring through the glass, ever so lightly frosted by the chill outside. “Four! Three! Two! One!” Her eyes beheld the glittering expanse of stars. How she loved the stars. They always reminded her of her mother, softly flickering with an unwavering light… “Happy New Year!” all her friends screamed in the other room, laughing and sloshing alcohol all over themselves and her floor, giggling as they all partook in their New Year’s kisses.
“Happy New Year,” Lucy whispered miserably with a voice impossibly thick with longing.
“Happy New Year, Lucy.” She whipped around with a small gasp at the gentle voice behind her, shocked to find Gray standing there with a softly sad smile on his face. Guiltily, she shrunk into herself, drawing her arms to her chest as if to shield him from her inquisition. The rest of the group was chattering loudly back in the room, seemingly ignorant of the two of them standing out there. He had his head tilted down knowingly as his stormy dark eyes looked at her as if he knew all her secrets. She felt her heart thump hard in her chest; there was just so something… evocative about the look he was giving her, so raw and powerful and dare she say, sensual.
“S-So, I take it Juvia stole a kiss from you?” It was her pitiful attempt to play off the situation. He shrugged with a boyish smirk.
“All it took was a little peck on the cheek and she fainted,” he remarked casually. Lucy was beside herself suddenly; why was she relieved that Juvia and Gray had not actually kissed? All of a sudden it was like a flickering movie reel began to roll in her head, rapidly streaming through all of her and Gray’s history together… Natsu was her truest friend, her partner, but… There had always been something bubbling at the surface with Gray too that she could never really name. Considering that Juvia was always there combatting for his affections and they were always embroiled in some momentous battle or another, Lucy had never really cared to name that feeling, but right there, as he crossed the short distance between them to gently take her elbow with one hand and sweep her blonde hair from her face with the other, she was beginning to think that mysterious flutter of unknown feeling was in fact the fledgling bird of love.
“Gray,” she murmured pleadingly, though she wasn’t really sure what she was pleading for. Instinctively, her body leaned forward to just barely press into his. His hand fell from her elbow to land at her hip, lovingly hugging the natural curve of her figure. Tears still glittered on her lashes as she blinked up at him imploringly, and they fell like fruit from a tree to roll down her cheeks, only for his thumb to gently sweep them away.
“I’m sorry it’s not right on time,” he whispered. There was a husky, desiring tone in his low voice that made Lucy shudder lightly. Their eyes remained locked in a smoldering gaze the entire time, never wavering. Fire and electricity bloomed over the sensitive skin of her cheek as the tip of his finger ever-so-lightly feathered over it, “but Happy New Year,” he repeated in a whisper before his face enclosed over hers. Lucy’s eyelashes fluttered shut in anticipation of his lips meeting hers, but nothing could physically prepare her for the feeling. His mouth melded against hers as if they were simply made to fit together, soft and pliable yet firm and sure. Lucy’s hands curled into the fabric of his kimono over his chest in the instinctual need to ground herself, as something burst inside of her with the intensity of water surging through a dam. Sparked danced where his lips met hers, smearing the lingering taste of liquor over her lips for the aroma to waft up her nose. She wasn’t sure if that or the act in itself was intoxicating her, but inebriated she became; her legs became wobbly and her mind fogged over with a thick mist that prevented her from thinking of anything else besides the man holding her and kissing her with a fervent yet tender passion. When he pulled away from her, she swore he took her breath with him, because she had to inhale sharply. Her eyes drifted back open to see him smiling warmly down at her. “Feel better?”
“Mhmm,” she answered, suddenly shy. He sneered confidently at her in a dashing way that sent her heart to skittering like a pebble across concrete. Oh, dear, I have gotten myself into something, haven’t I? she thought as she tried to find an expression to match what she was feeling, only there were so many emotions at once that it was just one confusing mess. Gray chuckled under his breath and pulled away, only grabbing her wrist to tug her back into the room. Lucy was not sure how to explain her sudden disappearance to all her friends, but Gray had it covered.
“Man, Lucy, how could you run off to the bathroom right as it turns midnight? You missed all the fun,” he scolded her with a click of his tongue and a shake of his head. Everyone in the room jumped at her at once with New Years’ glee, and Lucy laughed, glad again to be surrounded by all of them. Gray, standing at the other end of the table with a powered glass of sake, raised it to her with a wink. “To new beginnings.”
“To new beginnings!” the rest of them cheered loudly and drank, though they had no idea of the message underneath that seemingly simple dedication. As she sipped at a cup of wine, eyes linked to Gray’s the entire time, she nodded in understanding.
“To new beginnings.”
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Crime and Punishment
Pairing: Rowena x reader
Summary: Girls and boys your age are lame. You only have eyes for Ms. MacLeod — your history teacher.
Editor: @oswinthestrange
Rowena MacLeod was fucking perfect.
You'd come to that conclusion after hours upon hours of listening to her ramble on and on about one thing or another that had happened centuries before you were born. You never tired of her lessons, always on alert, absorbing every word that came out of her mouth like a sponge.
The woman had a voice you'd let insult you to no end, and an accent that made your pussy drip with want. You could listen to her read a phonebook.
While your friends spent hours on end talking about their crushes, you kept yours a secret, preferring to have her all to yourself. They wouldn't understand. Nobody would. They'd laugh and tease you, act like it was all a big joke.
It was anything but.
Ms. MacLeod had won your heart the moment she'd first stepped foot in the classroom and announced she was your new history teacher all those months ago. Small and stern, she was a spitfire of a woman, a firecracker that ignited sparks deep within you every time she raised her voice and spat out orders. She demanded to be listened and obeyed. You had no problem with that.
Her hair was silky fire. You'd lost count of the number of times you'd daydreamed of running your fingers through those gorgeous curls, of pulling at them, yanking her head back so those emerald eyes would be forced to stare straight into yours. Her breasts, while small, were perfect; you were absolutely certain they'd fit right into the palms of your hands, like puzzle pieces made specifically for one another. When you weren't staring at them, your eyes were on her ass. It was as tiny as the rest of her, round and firm. The dress pants she wore almost every day curved around it as if molded on her body.
Girls and boys your age were lame. You needed a woman; a strong, independent woman who could take anything and give back as good as she got, who offered security rather than uncertainty. A woman who was mature and took you seriously instead of making fun of you.
Ms. MacLeod fit that role perfectly.
If only she knew that.
The bell rang, and everyone threw their books in their bags and hurried outside. You took your time getting ready. You had a free period after history, and all your friends had classes. You weren't looking forwards to spending an hour sitting in the hallway, alone, doing nothing.
"Y/N, could you stay a bit? I'd like to have a wee talk," Ms. MacLeod said.
"Sure," you said. What was this about? You weren't the best student, but you were far from the worst. This couldn't have been anything bad.
Maybe she wanted to offer to tutor you. Your heart jumped at the possibility. Being tutored by Ms. MacLeod would be a dream come true. You would have a hard time concentrating, but that was beside the point. You would have her all to yourself for a couple hours almost every day. So what if you struggled to learn anything? If she thought you had issues with certain lessons, maybe she would give you extra tutoring. You liked the sound of that.
As soon as the last student left, Ms. MacLeod closed the door, crossed her arms over her chest in a manner you found incredibly sexy, and looked at you. "So."
"Yes?" you said in your most casual tone. Fake even to your ears.
"It has come to my attention that you are having a hard time concentrating in my class," she said matter-of-factly. No emotion in her voice, or her face. She was a blank slate, a perfectly practiced mask.
"I-I concentrate just fine," you said. You concentrated on her boobs and ass, but you concentrated fine. More than fine, in fact. It depended on how tight her clothes happened to be on that particular day.
"I don't think you do," Ms. MacLeod said. She shifted in place, hip popping sideways. You pretended not to notice the hotness of the movement, willing your eyes to remain on her face. Anything lower than her chin and you were screwed, and not in the way you wanted to be. "You seem to be a tad busy with staring at my breasts and arse."
Your heart stopped dead in its tracks, then sped up as if in a race, the lucky winner to be awarded with a heart attack. You wished you had a heart attack. You wished for the earth beneath your feet to open wide and swallow you whole, never to see light of day again.
Never to see those eyes like emerald fire boring into yours with accusation clear in them as day. I know what you've done, they said. I know what you've been doing since day one.
What were you supposed to say to that? Was there anything to say at all? Other than the truth, which wasn't an option. But then, neither was denial. Your flushed cheeks made sure of that.
"I… I wasn't…" you tried, but couldn't get yourself to finish. It was no use.
Ms. MacLeod's pointed stare said as much. She knew. The realization made your stomach twist with unease.
Would she make you transfer to a different class?
"You weren't what?" she demanded. There was a challenge in her voice, a dare. Go on. Lie to me. Do your best.
You cleared your throat, praying to all deities you could think of, some of which you'd made up on the spot, for words not to fail you again. "I was… observing."
Ms. MacLeod cocked up an eyebrow. Disbelieving but curious. Playing along to see where it would lead. "What, pray tell, were you observing?
"The blackboard."
She shot you a look of absolute offense, as if you'd called her stupid to her face. "The blackboard," she repeated, testing the words, tasting them on her tongue. They tasted foul, of badly-crafted lies and empty excuses. "Did it happen to be imprinted on my arse?"
You bit back a sarcastic response, embarrassment taking over. Your eyes fell to your nervously shuffling feet. You couldn't face her anymore. Couldn't look at her for the truth was out and there was nothing you could do to make it go back into hiding.
Ms. MacLeod smirked, victorious, amused. Like a cat watching a mouse desperately trying to get away, knowing full well it got it trapped. She seemed to be enjoying this in some smug, sadistic way you found hot, only now there was fear attached to the feeling. Fear and shame and discomfort, a concoction that replaced the butterflies in your stomach with tight knots.
"I didn't think so," Ms. MacLeod said, tone matching the look on her face. She shifted to her other hip. Eyes away, you told yourself. It was wandering eyes that got you into this mess in the first place.
Ms. MacLeod stepped forward, one pointed, high-heeled foot after the other, a slow, enticing stroll that forced your insides into overdrive. She moved sensually, gracefully, like a queen from a distant land far away. Delicate but confident. Arrogant. Imposing. A perfect mixture. Your pussy throbbed in agreement, panties drenched.
She stopped right in front if you, so close you could smell the flowery shampoo in her hair. All of her smelled like flowers, like meadows somewhere far away, somewhere deep in the heart of Scotland. You swallowed a lump that had formed in the back of your throat. She was small, but there was a fire to her, a power that radiated from her every pore. Magic. She was magic, pure and simple. There was no other explanation for what she was doing to you, for how even the slightest thought of her was affecting you. Nature seemed too… casual for someone like her. Too normal. Too human.
"I… I'm sorry," you squeaked out.
Sorry you got caught.
Ms. MacLeod scoffed, a tiny sliver of laughter rolling from her lips. "You're sorry."
It was a taunt. Disbelief. She could see right through your bullshit, and it amused her to no end.
You, on the other hand, were terrified.
"I don't think you are," she said.
She stepped closer. Her arm brushed over yours, and electric sparks spread from the spot through your entire body like poison. Potent. Deadly. Dangerous. You found yourself barely able to breathe, the sensations of her closeness, of her eyes on you, of her sweet, sweet smell lingering all around you overwhelming you. Your senses were in overdrive, flaring bright red like alarms. Alert! Object of attraction in close proximity! Alert! Your heart beat accordingly, pounding like a hammer inside your chest. A few more blows and, you were sure, it would crack it open, spill from your ribcage for all the world to see how weak you were.
For her to see it and taunt you even more.
"I think," Ms. MacLeod said, her finger, red with perfectly applied nail polish, landing on your cheek, "you're not sorry at all."
You shivered at the touch, nerves exploding all at once, burning off like spent batteries. "I… I am," you stammered.
"I don't think you are." She slid her finger to your lips, gently, slowly slid its pad over them. A caring gesture, underneath it another taunt, another dare. Lightly parting her ruby-red lips, she purred, "I think you enjoyed it."
God, she was close. So damn close. You resisted the urge to capture her finger with your mouth. It would only make things worse.
If they even could get any worse.
Shit! Shit, shit, shit!
"I think you're enjoying this," Ms. MacLeod continued. Her finger slipped lower, stopping over the traitorous vein. It pounded against her skin, hard, harder, the hardest, betraying your body with its incessant, rabid beats. Betraying you. Ms. MacLeod smirked like the cat that got the cream. Victorious. Proud. "I think you want more."
She had no idea.
You'd wanted it since the very first time you'd laid eyes on her.
"It's not appropriate." You felt stupid as soon as the words left your mouth. It was way past appropriate for twenty minutes already.
Or maybe twenty years. The concept of time was lost on you. Everything was lost on you but her.
Ms. MacLeod laughed heartily. As if she'd read your thoughts, she said, "Och, dear, we're way past appropriate." She trailed the finger lower, dangerously lower, stopped it between your breasts, started tracing circles over the small spot. "Don't you think?"
"I-yes." You had to force the words out, had to will them to leave your constricted throat.
"Good girl," she said, plastering a smile over her face. Her first nice one today, genuine, from the heart. "You are a good girl, right?"
"I try to be," you replied.
"Staring at my chest—" she emphasized it by palming your left breast "—wasn't very good. And neither was staring at my arse." Her other hand slithered over to your ass, giving it a light pat.
You swallowed. Oh, god. You had a daydream that started exactly like this. Would it end like it did in your imagination? You hoped it would. God, you hoped it would.
"I had a moment of weakness." Or several. Every history class. Every time she walked through the door and started her lecture. It wasn't your fault she was hot as hell. If anyone was to blame, it was her.
"Oh, I know," Ms. MacLeod said. "What do you propose we do about it?"
"What do you mean?"
"Well, I've got to punish you. I can't reward behavior like that. If I let you get away with it, you will keep doing it."
Fair point. You had been bad.
"How will you punish me?"
"That's what I'm asking you," she said. The corners of her mouth twitched with amusement. "What do you think is an appropriate punishment?"
"I don't know." You could think of a few things, but you didn't dare say them out loud.
"I think you do." She leaned forwards, nose pressing into yours. She was so warm, so hot, boiling to the touch. "I think you know exactly what I should do."
Push me against the wall. Kiss me. Bite me. Mark me. Fuck the air out of me.
You'd rather die than voice those thoughts aloud.
From the look on her face, she knew them, word for word. You didn't have to say a single word; she knew everything, and more, so much more. Your body, your heart, your uneven breaths told all.
"You want it, right? You want to be punished?" Ms. MacLeod asked.
"Yes," you said a tad more eagerly than intended, prompting her to chuckle. "I was bad."
"You were," she agreed.
"I deserve it." I want it.
"You do, very much so. Shall we do it after school?"
"Sure." You had nothing planned anyway. And even if you had, you would've cancelled. A punishment session with Ms. MacLeod took precedence.
"Excellent," she said. "My house, three o'clock sharp."
You swallowed. "Your house?"
"Would you prefer a hotel?"
You shook your head. "Your house is fine," you said with a small smile. She was inviting you over to her home. Was this a dream? Had you gotten lost in another one of your daydreams? This surely couldn't be real.
But it was.
Ms. MacLeod, your sexy history teacher, the object of your desire, your biggest crush, had invited you to her house after school.
"Great." She walked over to her desk, scribbled something on a piece of paper, and shoved it in your hands. "Here's the address. I assume you won't have trouble finding it?"
You glanced down at the neatly folded paper. Her handwriting was as elegant as gorgeous as her. "No," you replied. You knew that street, having passed it hundreds of times on your way over to your friend's house.
"I suppose that's settled, then," Ms. MacLeod said.
"It is."
You cursed yourself for skipping on shaving your legs yesterday. You hoped she wouldn't mind it. Your pubes, too, were a bushy mess. And your panties — they were more granny than sexy, and didn't match your bra.
It will be fine, you told yourself. Ms. MacLeod would make it fine. She wanted you as you were. If she didn't, she wouldn't have invited you over. She wouldn't have teased you. She wouldn't have turned you on if she didn't plan on relieving you.
Ms. MacLeod pecked you on the lips. A swift, soft brush of skin over skin, a touch so powerful it sent sparks through you, turned your legs into jelly. She tasted as she smelled, sweet and flowery, a refined candy. Breathtaking. Addictive. You already wanted — needed, craved — more.
She stepped back, eyes lingering on your swollen, wanton lips, then opened the door wide, that beautiful smile never leaving her face.
"After school," she said.
"After school," you confirmed with a nod, grabbing your bag and heading out.
"Don't be late."
"I won't."
The two of you exchanged a nod, a silent agreement, and then she closed the door. You stared at it, stared at the polished wood, thoughts tightly locked on the woman behind it. You were already missing her; missing her in your personal space, missing her lips on yours. Missing her taste and smell and everything nice and lovely and hers.
The hallway was empty; everyone was already in class or (those who also had free periods) outside. You slipped into the nearest bathroom. Making sure all stalls were unoccupied, you walked into the one by the wall and slammed the door shut. A few moments passed in silence. Then you squealed and squealed and squealed, over and over again, the squeaky sounds tearing from your mouth one after another. You squealed like a fangirl at a convention who'd just met her favorite celebrity, overwhelmed with joy, with excitement that surpassed every other emotion.
It had started out as a normal day, no different than any other, no less boring and uneventful.
Who would've thought it would end like this?
Tags: @werewolfbarbie @oswinthestrange @songofthecagedmoose @apurdyfulmind @getthesalt-sam @metallihca @salembitchtrials @jay-eris @hellsmother @elizabeth-effie @victoriasagittariablack @rowenaswife @dropsofpetrichor @xfireandsin @liddell-alien @hotdiggitydammit @1-800ahs @darkhumorsblog @wayward-kaia @angel7376 @rowenaisfabulous @ruthieconnells @evil-regal-vampiress @collectorofsecretsandsouls
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Butterfly bulletin board idea
New Post has been published on http://preschoolplanet.us/butterfly-bulletin-board-idea/
Butterfly bulletin board idea
Butterfly bulletin board idea
butterfly bulletin board ideas
Spring has arrived! It’s time to put up some spring themed bulletin boards in your classroom! Here are my favorite ideas that teachers have made around the world.
Starting with a card stock template, invite your students to trace and cut a butterfly shape from colored card stock. You might also consider finding a black and white template or print online to be printed directly on the colored card stock and cut out.
spring bulletin board idea
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Summer Crafts

Summer Arts And Crafts
17 Ideas For Summer Arts And Crafts Projects
Summer is almost here, and during summer many schools organize summer camps. To help motivate and encourage young kids to learn new skills and hobbies. Moreover, there is also a summer break from school for a month or two. During this time, the children can't leave the house very often due to the intense heat of the weather. So I am here with 17 super easy Summer Crafts tutorials to make the summer break fun and interesting!
Summer Arts And Crafts Decorations
If you are bored with the same old decor items you see in everyone else’s home. We have just the solution. Make some amazing paper decor crafts yourself, like these 5 cute ideas:
1. Paper Chains
2. Spiral Suncatchers
3. String Art
4. Q-Tip Flowers
5. Paper Plate Rainbow
6. Rainbow Bubble Snakes
7. Bubble Wands
8. Sponge Water Bombs
9. DIY Foam Paint
10. Soda Can Boat
11. DIY Mini Lid Banjos
12. Popsicle Stick Boxes
13. Pasta Butterfly Craft
14. DIY Jellyfish
15. DIY Bubble Wrap Prints
16. The Drawing Tree
17. Painted Paper Pinwheels
Whether it is for the holiday season or all year long. Decorating the house is really fun and entertaining. Moreover, it gives your house a sense of your personality. It shows guests that you have style. Do It Yourself Summer Arts And Crafts!
#Summer Crafts#Summer Arts And Crafts#Summer Crafts For Kids#Summer Crafts Ideas#Summer Craft Ideas For Kids#Easy Summer Crafts#Best Summer Crafts#CraftyThinking#Youtube
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21 Gigantic Influences Of Simple Painting For Kids | Simple Painting For Kids
Just as accessible as 1, 2, 3, paint-by-numbers kits are a abundant adeptness for kids of all ages. The aboriginal kit was invented in 1951 by an agent of the Detroit-based Palmer Acrylic Co., who apprehend that Leonardo Da Vinci accomplished his apprentices by calculation patterns on a canvas. In March 1951, shoppers swarmed Macy’s administration abundance in New York City to bolt afterimage of demonstrators publicizing the product. Word accomplished the aerial of buyers accessory the New York City Toy Fair aloof a few blocks away. Retailers from all over the country placed orders, and acrylic by numbers became an burning hit. Kids will adulation the adeptness to aftermath a wall-worthy painting in one go with the advice of acrylic by numbers. Browse our assembly of the best kits below.
Colour Talk’s canvas depicts a candied duo of a bird in boots aloft a monkey’s head. This kit includes three acrylic brushes of altered sizes, a set of acrylic paints, and an easy-to-follow apprenticeship manual. As a bonus, this 8-by-8-inch is accessible to be army on the bank as anon as the acrylic is dry.
Introduce your acceptance to art history and the ancestor of pointillism with this paint-by-numbers canvas. The canvas appearance a reproduced angel of Georges Seurat’s painting of the Eiffel Tower. Faber-Castell is accepted for its high-quality products, and this set is no different. This kit comes with an illustrated apprenticeship manual, paintbrush, and six colors of acrylic paint.
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12 Things You Should Know About Diy Painting Easy | diy painting easy
Butterfly Blot Painting
Bring some collywobbles indoors, no net required. For an avant-garde another to feel painting — with an ambrosial aftereffect — try blot printing. Tie an adaptable about an old sponge, dab a few dollops of acrylic on anniversary side, and columnist into cardboard for an accessible art project.
Get the tutorial at The Craft Train.
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You HAVE To See How Easy These Marble Wine Glasses Are To Paint! – diy painting easy | diy painting easy
The post 12 Things You Should Know About Diy Painting Easy | diy painting easy appeared first on Wallpaper Painting.
from Wallpaper Painting https://www.bleumultimedia.com/12-things-you-should-know-about-diy-painting-easy-diy-painting-easy/
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Mother’s Day Cakes
If you are going to be seeing your mother or mother-in-law on or around Mother's Day (31 March in 2019), you might like to get baking and take her a homemade cake for that personal touch.
The tutorial below is short and sweet as the video only lasts just over a minute (speeded up action). The cake used is a standard sponge cake recipe, baked as a sheet cake of 12" square, which is then cut out to form the letters "M" "U" "M". The decorations are pretty straightforward consisting of mainly piped buttercream with added flowers and garnishes. You can make this your own by choosing a favourite colour scheme and adding plenty of bling with sprinkles as desired.
Don't forget to make sure that if you use fresh flowers that they are non-toxic - after all that effort, you don't want a poorly mum!
Another lovely idea is this "bunch" of cupcakes for mum. These are standard cupcakes (find a simple recipe here) but decorated and arranged in such a manner as to resemble a bunch of flowers. Cake and flowers in one gift - we reckon this would be an instant hit! For a great selection of cupcake cases, why not take a look at the Craft Company's brilliant range - we particularly love these pink leopard print ones!
This Mother's day bunch of cupcakes how to guide is so easy to do yet so effective. Perfect for surprising your mum on Mother's day!
Cover drum board with your chosen coloured sugarpaste. Cover cupcakes with circles of thin white sugarpaste, then using the food colourings colour the rest of the white sugarpaste and cut out flowers using 5 petal cutter, to fit over the top. Make small balls of paste and flatten to create a centre for each flower.
Position cupcakes on board. Make long ‘sausages’ of paste in Green sugarpaste for flower stems (use a smoother if you have one to ensure even stems). Add butterfly decoration to some of the cupcakes if wished.
Tie a length of ribbon around stems and make a large bow. Optional – Add an inscription on the board. Via craftcompany.co.uk
While this Lemon & Blueberry Cake is not specifically a Mother's Day cake, it looks so pretty with its drizzled icing and some scattered flowers, what mum could fail to be impressed? And being a loaf style cake, it will cut up beautifully into slices to share with the family.

Our impressive lemon and blueberry cake is perfect for sharing. This loaf cake brings two tangy flavours; the citrus lemon and tart blueberries together to make one mouth-watering bake.
Make this lemon and blueberry cake at the weekend for a sweet treat or save for a special occasion. The icing is made from blueberry conserve, which is why it has a lovely, pastel colour. This blueberry and lemon cake also freezes well, so you could make a couple of loaves at once, by doubling the ingredients, and pop one away for a rainy day! Simply defrost on the side over night and you’ll have a freshly baked treat in next to no time – perfect with a cuppa. Via goodtoknow.co.uk
Our next suggestion is this gorgeous Cherry Blossom cake. The cake itself is a basic sponge and is "naked" ie it isn't covered in buttercream or other frosting and so has the layers showing through. Although you could choose to cover with frosting if desired. The decoration consists of cherry blossoms - all individually piped in white and pink swiss buttercream. The result is seriously pretty and would delight any mum on her special day.
Hopefully we've given you some ideas to get started with baking a Mother's Day cake that will be appreciated not only for it's yumminess but also as a token of love and appreciation.
Reprinted from Mother’s Day Cakes. Find out more by visiting craftybug.co.uk
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Oh Barni, Barny The Chocolate Sponge Bear, by Witch Kraft are you channeling Baphomet and Monarch messaging?
Oh Barni, Barny The Chocolate Sponge Bear, by Witch Kraft are you channeling Baphomet and Monarch messaging?
He might well be a playful bear with a HIDDEN chocolate centre but why is he so keen to be aligning with the occult and by VVitch craft does the Kraft Foods favourite kids snack invoke such ideas?
Barni Bears Secret Kraft, SHHH!
When we think of the cheeky little bear the very last thing on our mind would be the ram of baphomet but Barny (or Barni) lets us know pretty swifty that he has a…
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29 Easter Egg Decorating Ideas Anyone Can Make | DIY Projects
New Post has been published on https://fitnessqia.com/awesome/29-easter-egg-decorating-ideas-anyone-can-make-diy-projects/
29 Easter Egg Decorating Ideas Anyone Can Make | DIY Projects
Looking for Easter egg decorating notions? You’ll be excited to work on these wonderful egg crafts ready for the hunt.
RELATED: Cool DIY Easter Crafts Ideas
In this article :P TAGENDEaster Egg Design ArtShaving Cream Easter EggsEaster Egg PinataPaper Napkin Decorated Easter EggsSparkling Easter EggsMelted Crayon Easter EggsPapier Mache Book Page EggsSharpie Tie-Dyed Easter EggTattoo EggsHow to Blow Out EggsDisney EggsDIY Speckled EggsSharpie Bunny EggsDIY Washi Tape Easter EggsWatercolor Butterfly Easter EggsChalk Paint Easter EggsGlittered Easter EggsSprinkle Easter EggsMinion EggsMarbleized Easter EggsSequined Easter EggsEgg Dyeing TipsEaster Egg Animal ParadePolymer Clay Easter EggsPressed Flower Easter EggsPolka Dot Easter EggsGolden Marbled EggsPhoto Print Easter EggGlowing EggsBaker’s Twine Easter EggsEgg Decorating Ideas to Welcome Easter! Easter Egg Design Art
Easter is almost here! I merely love the pastel colours and Easter crafts and decorations all around.
I remember how we used to celebrate Easter when we were little. We’d go to egg hunts and even get to decorate eggs any style we want!
Now that I have kids myself, I want to share with them the joy of going on an Easter egg hunt and decorating Easter eggs. So, I’ve compiled new and fresh Easter egg decorating ideas anyone can build!
1. Shaving Cream Easter Eggs
| Have fun mixing colors while building these Easter eggs with shaving cream. It’s as simple as blending different liquid food colors in a bowl filled with shaving cream.
Try not to make a mess!
2. Easter Egg Pinata
| This egg decorating notion is explosive! Quite literally.
We’re so used to the idea of cracking eggs, so why not just take it to a whole new level and make an Easter egg pinata? All you need are some Kraft paper, flour, water, a string, and of course, for mischievous fun — a balloon!
3. Paper Napkin Decorated Easter Eggs
| If you can’t paint, fake it. Paper napkin decorated eggs are one of the coolest Easter egg designs on paper I’ve ever encountered.
There’s apparently a way to publish the design of your handkerchief onto your eggs.
The secret? Egg white! It was right there all along!
4. Sparkling Easter Eggs
| Going for a sparkly looking this Easter? Get some glue, a bunch of glitters, and bedazzle your Easter eggs!
Who says pastel has to be dull and simple?
5. Melted Crayon Easter Eggs
| Easter egg decorating ideas can induce your eggs look like an entire box of crayons! It’s as easy as it sounds.
All you need to do is use crayons to draw on your egg. The trick is in the way you simmer your eggs.
Make sure they’re still a little bit hot as you draw on them so the crayons melt as you doodle away.
6. Papier Mache Book Page Eggs
| If you don’t want to use real eggs, make them yourself ! Although we’re is speaking to egg decorating notions, there’s always room for running a little bit further and making the egg itself.
Basic knowledge of decoupage is all you need.
7. Sharpie Tie-Dyed Easter Egg
| More fun egg decorating notions with Sharpies! Use every Sharpie color you could possibly use and draw on your eggs.
Once you’re done, use a medicine dropper to drizzle the eggs with rubbing alcohol. The results are these eye-catching Sharpie tie-dyed Easter eggs!
8. Tattoo Eggs
| This egg decorating notion is only ingenious. Instead of putting temporary tattoos on your arm, put them on your Easter eggs.
No new complicated steps required! It’s as easy as 1-2-3.
9. How to Blow Out Eggs
| If you want hollow eggs, then this should be a part of your hunt for egg decorating ideas.
Blowing out an egg is pretty easy. Just use a hand drill to punch a pit in the egg and a newborn aspirator to blow out its contents.
Now you’re free to decorate them any style you want!
1 0. Disney Eggs
| Of course, there are egg decorating notions where our favorite Disney characters are included. Look for temporary Disney tattoos and a damp sponge.
Voila! You’ve got not just regular Easter eggs, but Disney Easter eggs!
1 1. DIY Speckled Eggs
| Who knew coating plastic eggs with some paint would yield fantastic results? These DIY speckled eggs are truly only that easy to make.
If you want to try something simple this Easter, this is the egg decorating idea for you!
1 2. Sharpie Bunny Eggs
| You can do almost anything with Sharpies. Construct a bunny pattern, describe some dots around it, and voila!
Your very own Sharpie bunny egg! This must be the Easter bunny’s favorite egg decorating idea.
1 3. DIY Washi Tape Easter Eggs
| Another great craft project you are able to attain with washi tape is washi tape Easter eggs! Simply get your favorite washi videotape patterns and cut them into different sizes.
Get creative with your design combining. That’s all there is to it, really.
1 4. Watercolor Butterfly Easter Eggs
| If you love butterflies, then you’re in for a treat. Make these adorable watercolor butterfly Easter eggs this Easter!
It’s one of those egg decorating notions which need a lot of patience and focus. Watercolor is a tricky medium, but it’s worth it.
1 5. Chalk Paint Easter Eggs |
If you still have some leftover chalk paint from other craft projects, you can use them for egg decorating ideas. Simply paint the eggs black and let them dry.
Now use a chalk to draw on your chalk paint Easter eggs. Be as imaginative as you can be!
RELATED: 15 DIY Easter Basket Ideas That Will Have You Hoppin’
1 6. Glittered Easter Eggs
| Making glittered eggs will make Easter egg hunting a bit easier, but a lot more fun. Stumbling upon glittered eggs is like detecting a trove of gleaming real treasures.
It’s as easy as submerging your eggs in glue and then in glitter.
1 7. Sprinkle Easter Eggs
| With this egg decorating idea, you’ll realise there’s a fine line between pastries and egg decorating. Who says sprinkles merely go on doughnuts and ice cream?
Your sprinkle Easter eggs will also devote Easter egg hunters a sweet pleasure!
1 8. Minion Eggs
| Easter won’t be complete without these cute amber creatures. For Minion eggs, you’ll need blue and yellow plastic eggs, electric videotape, and a sharpie.
Recreating these loved characters is very simple.
1 9. Marbleized Easter Eggs
| Remember that post we did on how to marbleize a bowl? Did you know you can use the same technique to generate your marbleized Easter eggs?
It’s as easy as making marbleized patterns by swirling nail polish around a bowl of cold water!
2 0. Sequined Easter Eggs
| Among these eggs decorating ideas, these sequined Easter eggs are probably the most fashionable. If you like your sequins to follow a pattern, all you need to do is re-create this idea with a straight pin.
2 1. Egg Dyeing Tips
| Since a majority of our egg decorating notions relies on dyeing abilities, this infographic is a must-read. It will give you all the basic knowledge you need to know to become the master of Easter egg decorating.
2 2. Easter Egg Animal Parade
| Rabbits aren’t the only superstars of Easter. Make an animal procession and entertain the kids with one of the most innovative egg decorating ideas.
Blow out the egg, paint on them, and stuff them with animal capsules. Easy as 1-2-3!
2 3. Polymer Clay Easter Eggs
| If you don’t want to use real eggs this Easter, try making these polymer clay Easter eggs. Molding your clay is a bit tricky but this guide shows you how to get onto right.
2 4. Pressed Flower Easter Eggs
| Pressed flower art is really great for a lot of craft projects, and particularly for egg decorating notions. Before trying this idea out, you might want to check out our guide on pressing flowers.
If you’re confident about your abilities, then go right ahead and induce these pressed flowers Easter eggs!
2 5. Polka Dot Easter Eggs
| First time to decorate eggs for Easter? You can’t go wrong with the classic polka dot Easter eggs.
All you need are your favorite pastel tints of paint and the traditional white paint. They appear so soft and ethereal!
2 6. Golden Marbled Eggs
| This might just be the most opulent egg decorating idea out there. Paint your Easter eggs the traditional route, but this time: use sheets of gold foliage afterward.
Just be careful because they’re very fragile. Golden marbled eggs may look luxurious but they’re really easy to stimulate!
2 7. Photo Print Easter Egg
| Wouldn’t “its been” fun if the egg hunt was about looking for a family member’s face? Take photos of their own families or friends and turn them into these photo print easter egg.
Tape tissue onto some photo paper and print your paintings on it. Use Modge Podge to put the printouts on the eggs!
2 8. Glowing Eggs
| I just want to verify these glowing eggs are not from outer space activities. But your hunting will be out of this world with this great egg decorating idea!
The secret? fluorescent paint, of course!
2 9. Baker’s Twine Easter Eggs
| Egg decorating notions are possible with some wood too. If you manage to find some wooden eggs, find some baker’s twine and construct these one-of-a-kind Easter eggs.
Be creative with your colouring combinations.
Watch this video from Brooklyn and Bailey for more egg decorating notions :P TAGEND
Celebrating Easter is about celebrating life, and this is what your egg decorating notions should reflect. The more lively, colorful, and creative your Easter eggs are, the more spirited and exciting the hunt is.
I’m sure with these eggs decorating ideas, some adults will also be seduced to join the fun. Why not?
Celebrating life and rebirth are for all ages! No matter whom you or where you come from, the meaning of Easter resonates clearly and beautifully.
Which of these egg decorating ideas is perfect for your garden? Let us know in the comments segment below!
UP NEXT :P TAGEND12 Inventive Easter Egg Hunt Ideas Kids Will Love26 Easter Desserts Recipes to Make this Year | DIY Project26 Cool DIY Project For Teens Bedroom
Stay connected with us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram!
Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in March 2016 and has been updated for quality and relevancy.
The post 29 Easter Egg Decorating Ideas Anyone Can Make | DIY Projects appeared first on DIY Projects Craft Ideas& How To’s for Home Decor with Videos.
Read more: diyprojects.com
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29 Easter Egg Decorating Ideas Anyone Can Make | DIY Projects
New Post has been published on https://dietguideto.com/awesome/29-easter-egg-decorating-ideas-anyone-can-make-diy-projects/
29 Easter Egg Decorating Ideas Anyone Can Make | DIY Projects
Looking for Easter egg decorating notions? You’ll be excited to work on these wonderful egg crafts ready for the hunt.
RELATED: Cool DIY Easter Crafts Ideas
In this article :P TAGENDEaster Egg Design ArtShaving Cream Easter EggsEaster Egg PinataPaper Napkin Decorated Easter EggsSparkling Easter EggsMelted Crayon Easter EggsPapier Mache Book Page EggsSharpie Tie-Dyed Easter EggTattoo EggsHow to Blow Out EggsDisney EggsDIY Speckled EggsSharpie Bunny EggsDIY Washi Tape Easter EggsWatercolor Butterfly Easter EggsChalk Paint Easter EggsGlittered Easter EggsSprinkle Easter EggsMinion EggsMarbleized Easter EggsSequined Easter EggsEgg Dyeing TipsEaster Egg Animal ParadePolymer Clay Easter EggsPressed Flower Easter EggsPolka Dot Easter EggsGolden Marbled EggsPhoto Print Easter EggGlowing EggsBaker’s Twine Easter EggsEgg Decorating Ideas to Welcome Easter! Easter Egg Design Art
Easter is almost here! I only love the pastel colourings and Easter crafts and adornments all around.
I remember how we used to celebrate Easter when we were little. We’d go to egg huntings and even get to decorate eggs any way we want!
Now that I have kids myself, I want to share with them the elation of going on an Easter egg hunting and decorating Easter eggs. So, I’ve compiled new and fresh Easter egg decorating notions everyone can attain!
1. Shaving Cream Easter Eggs
| Have fun mixing colorings while building these Easter eggs with shaving cream. It’s as easy as combining different liquid food colors in a bowl filled with shaving cream.
Try not to make a mess!
2. Easter Egg Pinata
| This egg decorating idea is explosive! Quite literally.
We’re so used to the idea of cracking eggs, so why not just take it to a whole new level and make an Easter egg pinata? All you need are some Kraft paper, flour, water, a string, and of course, for mischievous fun — a balloon!
3. Paper Napkin Decorated Easter Eggs
| If you can’t paint, fake it. Paper napkin decorated eggs are one of the coolest Easter egg designs on paper I’ve ever encountered.
There’s apparently a route to print the design of your handkerchief onto your eggs.
The secret? Egg white! It was right there all along!
4. Sparkling Easter Eggs
| Going for a sparkly seem this Easter? Get some glue, a bunch of glistens, and bedazzle your Easter eggs!
Who says pastel has to be dull and simple?
5. Melted Crayon Easter Eggs
| Easter egg decorating notions can stimulate your eggs look like an entire box of crayons! It’s as easy as it sounds.
All you need to do is use crayons to draw on your egg. The trick is in the way you boil your eggs.
Make sure they’re still a little bit hot as you draw on them so the crayons melt as you doodle away.
6. Papier Mache Book Page Eggs
| If you don’t want to use real eggs, make them yourself ! Although we’re is speaking to egg decorating notions, there’s always room for going a little bit further and building the egg itself.
Basic knowledge of decoupage is all you need.
7. Sharpie Tie-Dyed Easter Egg
| More fun egg decorating ideas with Sharpies! Use every Sharpie color you could possibly use and draw on your eggs.
Once you’re done, use a medication dropper to drizzle the eggs with rubbing alcohol. The results are these eye-catching Sharpie tie-dyed Easter eggs!
8. Tattoo Eggs
| This egg decorating idea is merely ingenious. Instead of putting temporary tattoos on your arm, put them on your Easter eggs.
No new complicated steps necessitated! It’s as easy as 1-2-3.
9. How to Blow Out Eggs
| If you want hollow eggs, then this should be a part of your hunt for egg decorating ideas.
Blowing out an egg is pretty easy. Just use a hand drill to punch a pit in the egg and a baby aspirator to blow out its contents.
Now you’re free to decorate them any route you want!
1 0. Disney Eggs
| Of course, there are egg decorating notions where our favorite Disney characters are included. Seem for temporary Disney tattoos and a damp sponge.
Voila! You’ve got not just regular Easter eggs, but Disney Easter eggs!
1 1. DIY Speckled Eggs
| Who knew coating plastic eggs with some paint would yield fantastic outcomes? These DIY speckled eggs are genuinely only that easy to make.
If you want to try something simple this Easter, this is the egg decorating idea for you!
1 2. Sharpie Bunny Eggs
| You can do almost anything with Sharpies. Attain a bunny pattern, depict some dots around it, and voila!
Your very own Sharpie bunny egg! This must be the Easter bunny’s favorite egg decorating idea.
1 3. DIY Washi Tape Easter Eggs
| Another great craft project you are able to build with washi videotape is washi tape Easter eggs! Simply get your favourite washi tape patterns and cut them into different sizes.
Get creative with your design combination. That’s all there is to it, really.
1 4. Watercolor Butterfly Easter Eggs
| If you love butterflies, then you’re in for a treat. Make these adorable watercolor butterfly Easter eggs this Easter!
It’s one of those egg decorating ideas which need a lot of patience and focus. Watercolor is a tricky medium, but it’s worth it.
1 5. Chalk Paint Easter Eggs |
If you still have some leftover chalk paint from other craft projects, you can use them for egg decorating notions. Simply paint the eggs black and let them dry.
Now use a chalk to draw on your chalk paint Easter eggs. Be as imaginative as you can be!
RELATED: 15 DIY Easter Basket Ideas That Will Have You Hoppin’
1 6. Glittered Easter Eggs
| Making glittered eggs will attain Easter egg hunting a bit easier, but a lot more fun. Stumbling upon glittered eggs is like observing a trove of gleaming real treasures.
It’s as easy as submerging your eggs in glue and then in glitter.
1 7. Sprinkle Easter Eggs
| With this egg decorating notion, you’ll realise there’s a fine line between pastries and egg decorating. Who says sprinkles only go on doughnuts and ice cream?
Your sprinkle Easter eggs will also dedicate Easter egg hunters a sweet pleasure!
1 8. Minion Eggs
| Easter won’t be complete without these cute yellow beings. For Minion eggs, you’ll need blue and yellow plastic eggs, electric videotape, and a sharpie.
Recreating these loved characters is very simple.
1 9. Marbleized Easter Eggs
| Remember that post we did on how to marbleize a bowl? Did you know you can use the same technique to generate your marbleized Easter eggs?
It’s as easy as making marbleized patterns by swirling nail polish around a bowl of cold water!
2 0. Sequined Easter Eggs
| Among these eggs decorating notions, these sequined Easter eggs are probably the most fashionable. If you like your sequins to follow a pattern, all you need to do is re-create this idea with a straight pin.
2 1. Egg Dyeing Tips
| Since a majority of our egg decorating notions relies on dyeing abilities, this infographic is a must-read. It will give you all the basic knowledge you need to know to become the master of Easter egg decorating.
2 2. Easter Egg Animal Parade
| Rabbits aren’t the only stars of Easter. Make an animal procession and entertain the kids with one of the most innovative egg decorating ideas.
Blow out the egg, paint on them, and stuff them with animal capsules. Easy as 1-2-3!
2 3. Polymer Clay Easter Eggs
| If you don’t want to use real eggs this Easter, try making these polymer clay Easter eggs. Molding your clay is a bit tricky but this guide shows you how to get it right.
2 4. Pressed Flower Easter Eggs
| Pressed flower art is really great for a lot of craft projects, and especially for egg decorating notions. Before trying this idea out, you might want to check out our guide on pressing flowers.
If you’re confident about your skills, then go right ahead and induce these pressed blooms Easter eggs!
2 5. Polka Dot Easter Eggs
| First time to decorate eggs for Easter? You can’t go wrong with the classic polka dot Easter eggs.
All you need are your favorite pastel shades of paint and the traditional white paint. They appear so soft and ethereal!
2 6. Golden Marbled Eggs
| This might just be the most opulent egg decorating idea out there. Paint your Easter eggs the traditional route, but this time: employ sheets of gold foliage afterward.
Just be careful because they’re very fragile. Golden marbled eggs may appear luxurious but they’re really easy to attain!
2 7. Photo Print Easter Egg
| Wouldn’t “its been” fun if the egg hunt was about looking for a family member’s face? Take photos of your family or friends and turn them into these photo publish easter egg.
Tape tissue onto some photo paper and print your images on it. Use Modge Podge to set the printouts on the eggs!
2 8. Glowing Eggs
| I just want to verify these glowing eggs are not from outer space activities. But your hunting will be out of this world with this great egg decorating notion!
The secret? fluorescent paint, of course!
2 9. Baker’s Twine Easter Eggs
| Egg decorating notions are possible with some timber too. If you manage to find some wooden eggs, procure some baker’s twine and make these one-of-a-kind Easter eggs.
Be creative with your coloring combinations.
Watch this video from Brooklyn and Bailey for more egg decorating ideas :P TAGEND
Celebrating Easter is about celebrating life, and this is what your egg decorating ideas should reflect. The more lively, colorful, and creative your Easter eggs are, the more spirited and exciting the hunt is.
I’m sure with these egg decorating notions, some adults will also be tempted to join the fun. Why not?
Celebrating life and rebirth are for all ages! No matter who you are or where you come from, the meaning of Easter resonates clearly and beautifully.
Which of these egg decorating ideas is perfect for your garden? Let us know in the comments section below!
UP NEXT :P TAGEND12 Inventive Easter Egg Hunt Ideas Kids Will Love26 Easter Desserts Recipes to Induce this Year | DIY Project26 Cool DIY Projects For Teens Bedroom
Stay connected with us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram!
Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in March 2016 and has been updated for quality and relevancy.
The post 29 Easter Egg Decorating Ideas Anyone Can Make | DIY Project appeared first on DIY Project Craft Ideas& How To’s for Home Decor with Videos.
Read more: diyprojects.com
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29 Easter Egg Decorating Ideas Anyone Can Make | DIY Projects
New Post has been published on https://financeguideto.com/awesome/29-easter-egg-decorating-ideas-anyone-can-make-diy-projects/
29 Easter Egg Decorating Ideas Anyone Can Make | DIY Projects
Looking for Easter egg decorating ideas? You’ll be excited to work on these wonderful egg crafts ready for the hunt.
RELATED: Cool DIY Easter Crafts Ideas
In this article :P TAGENDEaster Egg Design ArtShaving Cream Easter EggsEaster Egg PinataPaper Napkin Decorated Easter EggsSparkling Easter EggsMelted Crayon Easter EggsPapier Mache Book Page EggsSharpie Tie-Dyed Easter EggTattoo EggsHow to Blow Out EggsDisney EggsDIY Speckled EggsSharpie Bunny EggsDIY Washi Tape Easter EggsWatercolor Butterfly Easter EggsChalk Paint Easter EggsGlittered Easter EggsSprinkle Easter EggsMinion EggsMarbleized Easter EggsSequined Easter EggsEgg Dyeing TipsEaster Egg Animal ParadePolymer Clay Easter EggsPressed Flower Easter EggsPolka Dot Easter EggsGolden Marbled EggsPhoto Print Easter EggGlowing EggsBaker’s Twine Easter EggsEgg Decorating Ideas to Welcome Easter! Easter Egg Design Art
Easter is almost here! I simply love the pastel colours and Easter crafts and adornments all around.
I recollect how we used to celebrate Easter when we were little. We’d go to egg huntings and even get to decorate eggs any route we want!
Now that I have kids myself, I want to share with them the joy of going on an Easter egg hunting and decorating Easter eggs. So, I’ve compiled new and fresh Easter egg decorating notions anyone can stimulate!
1. Shaving Cream Easter Eggs
| Have fun mixing colourings while stimulating these Easter eggs with shaving cream. It’s as easy as blending different liquid food colors in a bowl filled with shaving cream.
Try not to make a mess!
2. Easter Egg Pinata
| This egg decorating idea is explosive! Quite literally.
We’re so used to the idea of cracking eggs, so why not just take it to a whole new level and make an Easter egg pinata? All you need are some Kraft paper, flour, water, a string, and of course, for mischievous fun — a balloon!
3. Paper Napkin Decorated Easter Eggs
| If you can’t paint, fake it. Paper napkin decorated eggs are one of the coolest Easter egg designs on paper I’ve ever encountered.
There’s apparently a style to publish the design of your handkerchief onto your eggs.
The secret? Egg white! It was right there all along!
4. Sparkling Easter Eggs
| Going for a sparkly look this Easter? Get some glue, a bunch of glistens, and bedazzle your Easter eggs!
Who says pastel has to be dull and simple?
5. Melted Crayon Easter Eggs
| Easter egg decorating notions can induce your eggs look like an entire box of crayons! It’s as easy as it sounds.
All you need to do is use crayons to draw on your egg. The trick is in the way you boil your eggs.
Make sure they’re still a little bit hot as you draw on them so the crayons melt as you doodle away.
6. Papier Mache Book Page Eggs
| If you don’t want to use real eggs, make them yourself ! Although we’re is speaking to egg decorating ideas, there’s always room for going a little bit further and attaining the egg itself.
Basic knowledge of decoupage is all you need.
7. Sharpie Tie-Dyed Easter Egg
| More fun egg decorating ideas with Sharpies! Use every Sharpie color you could possibly use and draw on your eggs.
Once you’re done, use a medication dropper to drizzle the eggs with scratching alcohol. The results are these eye-catching Sharpie tie-dyed Easter eggs!
8. Tattoo Eggs
| This egg decorating idea is only ingenious. Instead of putting temporary tattoos on your arm, put them on your Easter eggs.
No new complicated steps involved! It’s as easy as 1-2-3.
9. How to Blow Out Eggs
| If you want hollow eggs, then this should be a part of your hunt for egg decorating ideas.
Blowing out an egg is pretty easy. Just use a hand drill to punch a hole in the egg and a newborn aspirator to blow out its contents.
Now you’re free to decorate them any way you want!
1 0. Disney Eggs
| Of course, there are egg decorating ideas where our favorite Disney characters are included. Appear for temporary Disney tattoos and a damp sponge.
Voila! You’ve got not just regular Easter eggs, but Disney Easter eggs!
1 1. DIY Speckled Eggs
| Who knew coating plastic eggs with some paint would yield fantastic results? These DIY speckled eggs are actually simply that easy to make.
If you want to try something simple this Easter, this is the egg decorating notion for you!
1 2. Sharpie Bunny Eggs
| You can do almost anything with Sharpies. Stimulate a bunny pattern, describe some dots around it, and voila!
Your very own Sharpie bunny egg! This must be the Easter bunny’s favorite egg decorating idea.
1 3. DIY Washi Tape Easter Eggs
| Another great craft project you can stimulate with washi videotape is washi tape Easter eggs! Simply get your favourite washi videotape patterns and cut them into different sizes.
Get creative with your design combination. That’s all there is to it, really.
1 4. Watercolor Butterfly Easter Eggs
| If you love butterflies, then you’re in for a treat. Make these adorable watercolor butterfly Easter eggs this Easter!
It’s one of those egg decorating ideas which need a lot of patience and focus. Watercolor is a tricky medium, but it’s worth it.
1 5. Chalk Paint Easter Eggs |
If you still have some leftover chalk paint from other craft projects, you can use them for egg decorating notions. Simply paint the eggs black and let them dry.
Now use a chalk to draw on your chalk paint Easter eggs. Be as imaginative as you can be!
RELATED: 15 DIY Easter Basket Ideas That Will Have You Hoppin’
1 6. Glittered Easter Eggs
| Making glittered eggs will stimulate Easter egg hunting a bit easier, but a lot more fun. Stumbling upon glittered eggs is like finding a trove of gleaming real treasures.
It’s as easy as submerging your eggs in glue and then in glitter.
1 7. Sprinkle Easter Eggs
| With this egg decorating idea, you’ll realize there’s a fine line between tarts and egg decorating. Who says sprinkles merely go on doughnuts and ice cream?
Your sprinkle Easter eggs will also dedicate Easter egg hunters a sweet pleasure!
1 8. Minion Eggs
| Easter won’t be complete without these cute amber animals. For Minion eggs, you’ll need blue and yellow plastic eggs, electric tape, and a sharpie.
Recreating these loved characters is very simple.
1 9. Marbleized Easter Eggs
| Remember that post we did on how to marbleize a bowl? Did you know you can use the same technique to make your marbleized Easter eggs?
It’s as easy as generating marbleized patterns by swirling nail polish around a bowl of cold water!
2 0. Sequined Easter Eggs
| Among these eggs decorating ideas, these sequined Easter eggs are probably the most fashionable. If you like your sequins to follow a pattern, all you need to do is re-create this idea with a straight pin.
2 1. Egg Dyeing Tips
| Since a majority of our egg decorating notions relies on dyeing skills, this infographic is a must-read. It will give you all the basic knowledge you need to know to become the master of Easter egg decorating.
2 2. Easter Egg Animal Parade
| Rabbits aren’t the only stars of Easter. Make an animal procession and entertain the kids with one of the most innovative egg decorating ideas.
Blow out the egg, paint on them, and stuff them with animal capsules. Easy as 1-2-3!
2 3. Polymer Clay Easter Eggs
| If you don’t want to use real eggs this Easter, try stimulating these polymer clay Easter eggs. Molding your clay is a bit tricky but this guide displays how to get onto right.
2 4. Pressed Flower Easter Eggs
| Pressed flower art is really great for a lot of craft projects, and especially for egg decorating ideas. Before trying this idea out, you might want to check out our guide on pressing flowers.
If you’re confident about your skills, then go right ahead and build these pressed blooms Easter eggs!
2 5. Polka Dot Easter Eggs
| First time to decorate eggs for Easter? You can’t go wrong with the classic polka dot Easter eggs.
All you need are your favorite pastel tints of paint and the traditional white paint. They look so soft and ethereal!
2 6. Golden Marbled Eggs
| This might just be the most opulent egg decorating idea out there. Paint your Easter eggs the traditional way, but this time: utilize sheets of gold foliage afterward.
Just be careful because they’re very fragile. Golden marbled eggs may appear luxurious but they’re really easy to make!
2 7. Photo Print Easter Egg
| Wouldn’t it be fun if the egg hunt was about looking for a family member’s face? Take photos of their own families or friends and turn them into these photo print easter egg.
Tape tissue onto some photo paper and print your paintings on it. Use Modge Podge to set the printouts on the eggs!
2 8. Glowing Eggs
| I simply want to verify these glowing eggs are not from outer space. But your hunting is likely to be out of this world with this great egg decorating notion!
The secret? fluorescent paint, of course!
2 9. Baker’s Twine Easter Eggs
| Egg decorating ideas are possible with some wood too. If you manage to find some wooden eggs, procure some baker’s twine and stimulate these one-of-a-kind Easter eggs.
Be creative with your colouring combinations.
Watch this video from Brooklyn and Bailey for more egg decorating notions :P TAGEND
Celebrating Easter is about celebrating life, and this is what your egg decorating ideas should reflect. The more lively, colorful, and creative your Easter eggs are, the more spirited and exciting the hunt is.
I’m sure with these egg decorating ideas, some adults will also be tempted to join the fun. Why not?
Celebrating life and rebirth are for all ages! No matter whom you or where you come from, the meaning of Easter resonates clearly and beautifully.
Which of these egg decorating ideas is perfect for your garden? Let us know in the comments section below!
UP NEXT :P TAGEND12 Inventive Easter Egg Hunt Ideas Kids Will Love26 Easter Desserts Recipes to Make this Year | DIY Projects26 Cool DIY Projects For Teens Bedroom
Stay connected with us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram!
Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in March 2016 and has been updated for quality and relevancy.
The post 29 Easter Egg Decorating Ideas Anyone Can Make | DIY Projects seemed first on DIY Project Craft Ideas& How To’s for Home Decor with Videos.
Read more: diyprojects.com
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29 Easter Egg Decorating Ideas Anyone Can Make | DIY Projects
New Post has been published on https://financeqia.com/awesome/29-easter-egg-decorating-ideas-anyone-can-make-diy-projects/
29 Easter Egg Decorating Ideas Anyone Can Make | DIY Projects
Looking for Easter egg decorating ideas? You’ll be excited to work on these wonderful egg crafts ready for the hunt.
RELATED: Cool DIY Easter Crafts Ideas
In this article :P TAGENDEaster Egg Design ArtShaving Cream Easter EggsEaster Egg PinataPaper Napkin Decorated Easter EggsSparkling Easter EggsMelted Crayon Easter EggsPapier Mache Book Page EggsSharpie Tie-Dyed Easter EggTattoo EggsHow to Blow Out EggsDisney EggsDIY Speckled EggsSharpie Bunny EggsDIY Washi Tape Easter EggsWatercolor Butterfly Easter EggsChalk Paint Easter EggsGlittered Easter EggsSprinkle Easter EggsMinion EggsMarbleized Easter EggsSequined Easter EggsEgg Dyeing TipsEaster Egg Animal ParadePolymer Clay Easter EggsPressed Flower Easter EggsPolka Dot Easter EggsGolden Marbled EggsPhoto Print Easter EggGlowing EggsBaker’s Twine Easter EggsEgg Decorating Ideas to Welcome Easter! Easter Egg Design Art
Easter is almost here! I simply love the pastel colours and Easter crafts and adornments all around.
I recollect how we used to celebrate Easter when we were little. We’d go to egg huntings and even get to decorate eggs any route we want!
Now that I have kids myself, I want to share with them the joy of going on an Easter egg hunting and decorating Easter eggs. So, I’ve compiled new and fresh Easter egg decorating notions anyone can stimulate!
1. Shaving Cream Easter Eggs
| Have fun mixing colourings while stimulating these Easter eggs with shaving cream. It’s as easy as blending different liquid food colors in a bowl filled with shaving cream.
Try not to make a mess!
2. Easter Egg Pinata
| This egg decorating idea is explosive! Quite literally.
We’re so used to the idea of cracking eggs, so why not just take it to a whole new level and make an Easter egg pinata? All you need are some Kraft paper, flour, water, a string, and of course, for mischievous fun — a balloon!
3. Paper Napkin Decorated Easter Eggs
| If you can’t paint, fake it. Paper napkin decorated eggs are one of the coolest Easter egg designs on paper I’ve ever encountered.
There’s apparently a style to publish the design of your handkerchief onto your eggs.
The secret? Egg white! It was right there all along!
4. Sparkling Easter Eggs
| Going for a sparkly look this Easter? Get some glue, a bunch of glistens, and bedazzle your Easter eggs!
Who says pastel has to be dull and simple?
5. Melted Crayon Easter Eggs
| Easter egg decorating notions can induce your eggs look like an entire box of crayons! It’s as easy as it sounds.
All you need to do is use crayons to draw on your egg. The trick is in the way you boil your eggs.
Make sure they’re still a little bit hot as you draw on them so the crayons melt as you doodle away.
6. Papier Mache Book Page Eggs
| If you don’t want to use real eggs, make them yourself ! Although we’re is speaking to egg decorating ideas, there’s always room for going a little bit further and attaining the egg itself.
Basic knowledge of decoupage is all you need.
7. Sharpie Tie-Dyed Easter Egg
| More fun egg decorating ideas with Sharpies! Use every Sharpie color you could possibly use and draw on your eggs.
Once you’re done, use a medication dropper to drizzle the eggs with scratching alcohol. The results are these eye-catching Sharpie tie-dyed Easter eggs!
8. Tattoo Eggs
| This egg decorating idea is only ingenious. Instead of putting temporary tattoos on your arm, put them on your Easter eggs.
No new complicated steps involved! It’s as easy as 1-2-3.
9. How to Blow Out Eggs
| If you want hollow eggs, then this should be a part of your hunt for egg decorating ideas.
Blowing out an egg is pretty easy. Just use a hand drill to punch a hole in the egg and a newborn aspirator to blow out its contents.
Now you’re free to decorate them any way you want!
1 0. Disney Eggs
| Of course, there are egg decorating ideas where our favorite Disney characters are included. Appear for temporary Disney tattoos and a damp sponge.
Voila! You’ve got not just regular Easter eggs, but Disney Easter eggs!
1 1. DIY Speckled Eggs
| Who knew coating plastic eggs with some paint would yield fantastic results? These DIY speckled eggs are actually simply that easy to make.
If you want to try something simple this Easter, this is the egg decorating notion for you!
1 2. Sharpie Bunny Eggs
| You can do almost anything with Sharpies. Stimulate a bunny pattern, describe some dots around it, and voila!
Your very own Sharpie bunny egg! This must be the Easter bunny’s favorite egg decorating idea.
1 3. DIY Washi Tape Easter Eggs
| Another great craft project you can stimulate with washi videotape is washi tape Easter eggs! Simply get your favourite washi videotape patterns and cut them into different sizes.
Get creative with your design combination. That’s all there is to it, really.
1 4. Watercolor Butterfly Easter Eggs
| If you love butterflies, then you’re in for a treat. Make these adorable watercolor butterfly Easter eggs this Easter!
It’s one of those egg decorating ideas which need a lot of patience and focus. Watercolor is a tricky medium, but it’s worth it.
1 5. Chalk Paint Easter Eggs |
If you still have some leftover chalk paint from other craft projects, you can use them for egg decorating notions. Simply paint the eggs black and let them dry.
Now use a chalk to draw on your chalk paint Easter eggs. Be as imaginative as you can be!
RELATED: 15 DIY Easter Basket Ideas That Will Have You Hoppin’
1 6. Glittered Easter Eggs
| Making glittered eggs will stimulate Easter egg hunting a bit easier, but a lot more fun. Stumbling upon glittered eggs is like finding a trove of gleaming real treasures.
It’s as easy as submerging your eggs in glue and then in glitter.
1 7. Sprinkle Easter Eggs
| With this egg decorating idea, you’ll realize there’s a fine line between tarts and egg decorating. Who says sprinkles merely go on doughnuts and ice cream?
Your sprinkle Easter eggs will also dedicate Easter egg hunters a sweet pleasure!
1 8. Minion Eggs
| Easter won’t be complete without these cute amber animals. For Minion eggs, you’ll need blue and yellow plastic eggs, electric tape, and a sharpie.
Recreating these loved characters is very simple.
1 9. Marbleized Easter Eggs
| Remember that post we did on how to marbleize a bowl? Did you know you can use the same technique to make your marbleized Easter eggs?
It’s as easy as generating marbleized patterns by swirling nail polish around a bowl of cold water!
2 0. Sequined Easter Eggs
| Among these eggs decorating ideas, these sequined Easter eggs are probably the most fashionable. If you like your sequins to follow a pattern, all you need to do is re-create this idea with a straight pin.
2 1. Egg Dyeing Tips
| Since a majority of our egg decorating notions relies on dyeing skills, this infographic is a must-read. It will give you all the basic knowledge you need to know to become the master of Easter egg decorating.
2 2. Easter Egg Animal Parade
| Rabbits aren’t the only stars of Easter. Make an animal procession and entertain the kids with one of the most innovative egg decorating ideas.
Blow out the egg, paint on them, and stuff them with animal capsules. Easy as 1-2-3!
2 3. Polymer Clay Easter Eggs
| If you don’t want to use real eggs this Easter, try stimulating these polymer clay Easter eggs. Molding your clay is a bit tricky but this guide displays how to get onto right.
2 4. Pressed Flower Easter Eggs
| Pressed flower art is really great for a lot of craft projects, and especially for egg decorating ideas. Before trying this idea out, you might want to check out our guide on pressing flowers.
If you’re confident about your skills, then go right ahead and build these pressed blooms Easter eggs!
2 5. Polka Dot Easter Eggs
| First time to decorate eggs for Easter? You can’t go wrong with the classic polka dot Easter eggs.
All you need are your favorite pastel tints of paint and the traditional white paint. They look so soft and ethereal!
2 6. Golden Marbled Eggs
| This might just be the most opulent egg decorating idea out there. Paint your Easter eggs the traditional way, but this time: utilize sheets of gold foliage afterward.
Just be careful because they’re very fragile. Golden marbled eggs may appear luxurious but they’re really easy to make!
2 7. Photo Print Easter Egg
| Wouldn’t it be fun if the egg hunt was about looking for a family member’s face? Take photos of their own families or friends and turn them into these photo print easter egg.
Tape tissue onto some photo paper and print your paintings on it. Use Modge Podge to set the printouts on the eggs!
2 8. Glowing Eggs
| I simply want to verify these glowing eggs are not from outer space. But your hunting is likely to be out of this world with this great egg decorating notion!
The secret? fluorescent paint, of course!
2 9. Baker’s Twine Easter Eggs
| Egg decorating ideas are possible with some wood too. If you manage to find some wooden eggs, procure some baker’s twine and stimulate these one-of-a-kind Easter eggs.
Be creative with your colouring combinations.
Watch this video from Brooklyn and Bailey for more egg decorating notions :P TAGEND
Celebrating Easter is about celebrating life, and this is what your egg decorating ideas should reflect. The more lively, colorful, and creative your Easter eggs are, the more spirited and exciting the hunt is.
I’m sure with these egg decorating ideas, some adults will also be tempted to join the fun. Why not?
Celebrating life and rebirth are for all ages! No matter whom you or where you come from, the meaning of Easter resonates clearly and beautifully.
Which of these egg decorating ideas is perfect for your garden? Let us know in the comments section below!
UP NEXT :P TAGEND12 Inventive Easter Egg Hunt Ideas Kids Will Love26 Easter Desserts Recipes to Make this Year | DIY Projects26 Cool DIY Projects For Teens Bedroom
Stay connected with us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram!
Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in March 2016 and has been updated for quality and relevancy.
The post 29 Easter Egg Decorating Ideas Anyone Can Make | DIY Projects seemed first on DIY Project Craft Ideas& How To’s for Home Decor with Videos.
Read more: diyprojects.com
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