#spoiler tw ig 🤪
notebook-of-elle · 2 years
im finally writing the floydsinshaw au :) im so content. i have been writing different scenes that have come to mind to build the story and it definitely needs work specially to give the scenes some continuity but like- im legit so excited for this
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jiamour · 2 years
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pushin’ n pullin’
pairing: guitarist!jisung x reader
side pairings: markno, rensung, … & more
genre: band au, enemies to lovers, angst, fluff, nsfw, hurt/comfort/more hurt but mostly they’re just some goofy guys, humor, slowburn, kind of slice of life
warnings: heavy themes relating to mental health disorders, !!one of the characters has ocd (because i have ocd and i wanted to write about it) so they mention “obsessions” that may trigger psychosis!! mentions of doctors and meds, emotional abuse, minor character death, absentee parents, drug use, addiction, extreme homophobia, chronic disease, toxic relationships, A LOT of talk about sex and sexuality, i’ll add more as they come along (welcome to my trauma dumping au :]) 🔞🔞
a/n: there’s a lot of pov’s in this au so if i think it’s confusing or if the perspective is important i’m going to add a heart that matches the pov.
(💗 - yn, 🖤 - js, 💛 - rj, 💙 - jn, 🧡 - mk, 💜 - dh, ❤️ - jm, 💚 - cl)
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band au
~ in which your neighbor, jisung, keeps you up at night in more ways than one. not only does his shitty band practice until ass o’clock at night, he’s also hooking up with your roommate, whose room you happen to share a wall with ~
alternatively: your circle small but all y’all crazy🤪 (and queer)
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dh.♩ rj. ♩cl. ♩ jn. ♩ mk. ♩ jm. ♩ js. ♩ yn.
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INTRO: meet the band // ig
TRACK 1: aquarius be gone
TRACK 2: spin spin
TRACK 3: space jam tw//bugs
TRACK 4: homophobic
TRACK 5: role model
TRACK 6: rejection sensitivity
TRACK 7: mercury in pisces
TRACK 8: ratatouille tw// chronic disease
TRACK 9: hoodie
TRACK 10: tarot reading
TRACK 11: literally just a markno fight
TRACK 12: 1984
TRACK 13: stocks // pokemon spoilers??
TRACK 14: wednesday
TRACK 15: incognito
TRACK 16: quarter
TRACK 17: omnipresent
TRACK 18: :( (manipulatively)
TRACK 19: [redacted]
TRACK 20: warblers
TRACK 21: literally just a rensung fight // read tws
TRACK 22: therapist // read tws
TRACK 23: boyfriend material
TRACK 24: leave him
TRACK 25: pottery
TRACK 26: here we go again
TRACK 27: moon song
TRACK 28: bad hair day
TRACK 29: woohoo
TRACK 30: aita
TRACK 31: jobless monday // read tws
TRACK 32: love or hate?
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when i don’t feel like actually writing
➥ 1 ➥ 2 ➥ 3 ➥ 4 ➥ 5 ➥ 6 ➥ 7 ➥ 8 ➥ 9 ➥ 10 ➥
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rinsie · 2 years
so,,, imm vent here cuz its my blog and i can do whatever i want🤪 but tw cuz serious shit happened and yeah,,,, so
tw: Su1cide, depression and idk cringe KAKXKWKS LMAO
Mmh first of all, PLEASE don’t pity me or smth like that cuz i don’t like it :/ it makes me feel pathetic oops so,,,,,,
Okay, i have clinical depression bc childhood trauma oopsies🤪 so im not always in my 5 senses cuz meds and stuff, im very emotional and sensitive to some topics and that hate anon never stopped:( i didnt respond to any of their asks cuz i didn’t want to make a big deal out of it, I don’t know how but they found my old ig account and there i had some personal shit likr family issues and stuff like that and they started to bring that up here so i was already pissed of but kinda sad ANYWAYS then i had a pretty AWFUL argument with my parents and idk, i was overwhelmed with my emotions and ay dios mios i can’t believe im gonna post this KEBDHJW i tried to kill myself🤪🔪 spoilers: it didn’t work cuz im a coward and i told my mom so we were running to the hospital cuz i took pills (sanzu would be proud) so that was it.
Sorry if i wasn’t active lately but i think is justified 🤪 na but im okay now, or at least that’s what i like to think, i can’t be hospitalized (ik that’s not the word but my brain isn’t working, sorry) cuz we don’t have mental hospitals here so Win for me🥳 and this saturday i leave for college so that’s it.
Thanks for coming to my ted talk.
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