#spn corssever one tree hill
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War Game (Part 1)
Summary: Your whole world have blown up against your face. You are faced with your destiny. What happened to you? Is this green-eyed man the reason your life is turned upside down?
Request from @ariannnawinchester : Could you make a dean x reader in a one tree hill AU with both smut and fluff?
Word count: 4776
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Warning: Nudity, Smut (Not described)
A/N: Hi, guys here is the rewrite of the Making New Changes. There will be 5 different part of this fic or maybe more. I am not sure yet. As you know it a One tree hill AU. Also another witch fic, yeah I know I dig witch, bad ones. I wonder what does it say about me now? :D. Anyways I hope you enjoy this fic and let me know how you feel about it. Thanks to @mrswhozeewhatsis and @aingealcethlenn for betaing this fic.
Tag: @like-a-bag-of-potatoes, @dr-dean, @helvonasche, @wevegotworktodo, @thorne93, @aprofoundbondwithdean, @faith-in-dean, @roxy-davenport, @fangirl1802, @percywinchester27, @bloodysideofhell, @girl-next-door-writes, @kittenofdoomage, @supernatural-jackles, @mysupernaturalfics, @izawrites, @jelly-beans-and-gstrings , @ariannnawinchester, @thing-you-do-with-that-thing, @jensen-jarpad, @secretlyfurrydragon, @bloodysideofhell
SPN Tag Sheets: @thinkwritexpress-official , @itsemmyb , @ezauraemmaline , @charliesbackbitches, @deandoesthingstome, @deerlululucy, @walkingencyclopediaoffandom , @gryffindorable713 , @manawhaat, @growleytria, @thegleegeneration, @samtomydeanwinchester , @supermoonpanda , @sis-tafics , @amaranthinecastiel @becs-bunker , @meganwinchester1999 , @samanddeanwinchester67 , @ferferelli, @iridianuniverse , @the-morning-star-falls , @ackleslaugh , @fangirling-instead-of-working , @hellbentcrowley @eyes-of-a-disney-princess , @kayteonline , @spnsimpleman , @faith-in-dean , @mamaimpala @for-the-love-of-dean , @winchesterfiesta , @salvachester, @sleep-silent-angel, @gadreelsforbiddenfruit , @trenchcoats-and-bees , @curliesallovertheplace, @jencharlan , @skybinx-blog,
Let me know if you want in or out the tag
You carefully leaned on the bridge ramp from your hometown, Tree Hill, your helmet in your hand. A tear fell down your cheek as you thought about having to leave. Dan Scott, your boss, gave you the chance to go, or you wouldn’t see the sun again.
You watched the sunset, as its last rays partially illuminated the town. You wiped the tears away, recalling all the blissful moments you’d had and the bad ones that put you in this situation. Starting from sleeping with a hunter, to Nathan being in a wheelchair, Lucas in the coma, Brooke injured, Hayley’s miscarriage, and Payton…
You shook your head as you thought of her.
All this was because you didn’t follow Dan’s instruction in the first place. You technically tried; you gave them false directions, fake clues and even locked them away. Only, hunters are way too suspicious, smart, and hard to get rid of. You exasperatedly sighed at yourself for being too pretentious, for thinking you could outsmart them.
When darkness was surrounding you, and the lights of the city turned on one by one, you knew it was time, so you walked to your motorbike. Just as you were about to put your helmet on, you heard his voice calling you. You stopped, closed your eyes for a second, not needing him right now.
“Look, it’s no...” you started, turning to meet with a Colt 45. You pulled your hand up. “You don’t want to do that!”
“Really? Give me one good reason?" he said with his deep voice while unlocking the safety.
Three weeks ago
You rolled your eyes. “Whatever,” you said to your boss’s secretary as you walked in his office 10 minutes earlier than planned.
This new secretary was a bitch, always questioning your motives here and glaring at you from a distance. You started to miss the old one, Miss Hale. She was a very caring old lady, too lovely for this world, but she could also be manipulative. You smirked at that as you sat down in front of your boss's desk waiting for him. Miss Gile, the new secretary, didn’t like that you’d arrived early and acted like the place was your own. But, you knew well that he never appreciated anyone being late.
He practically owned the town and was a member of the town council. You were his most loyal employee; he could always count on you to do his dirty work. You were the first one he called when he needed someone to clean up a mess. Just then, the door flew open, crashing into the wall with a loud ‘bang!’. Startled, you turned to see Dan Scott walking into the room before he slammed the door shut. The frown on his face made you immediately understand that he’d had a bad day.
You knew that his wife was demanding a divorce again and his sons didn't want to talk to him. On top of that, the council was questioning his recent action during the fiasco that was the new moon celebration. He stared at you with a harsh and scary glare. You swallowed, expecting the worst.
“We have a serious problem. Hunters are in town questioning people about Keith’s death. I don't want that here, right now. I already have enough with the council on my ass about it. Make sure they leave, and quickly, or take care of them,” he ordered.
You nodded, knowing well that he was the reason Keith was dead, and you’d help him cover his tracks. “Alright. Anything else I should do?" you asked, standing up.
Dan frowned deeply. “Not really. Just try to be discreet this time. And if you need help, ask Rachel,” he said, thinking about it. “Probably need to scare James Howard a little. He is running for both mayor and president's council against me this year. You need to be creative with the hunters in town.”
“Alright. Have any idea where the hunters might be right now?" you asked.
Dan raised an eyebrow. “Do I look like I have time to do your job?"
“Right. Sorry, sir. I will do my best,” you said, walking out of the office.
A moment later you walked into what you called ‘your office,’ but someone else might call it a closet. It was a cramped space, only fitting you and probably one other person, if they were small. Well, at least that’s what a regular person would see. You made sure nobody saw the real size of the room.
It was just like one of those crazy science laboratories from those movies where the scientist always fails to destroy the world. The room had a dim light; the walls were painted black and nothing hung on them. It was a workplace, and you didn’t need anyone to learn about your private life. Not like there were many people who came here, but the few that did come weren’t very worthy of trust. Besides, Dan already knew where you lived.
In the center of the room, there was a creamy marble table with a few oval tubes, each with a different color liquid inside and some connected to each other. There were also three heavy books at the end of the table and what looked like a cauldron in the middle. On the right side of the table was a library full of grimoires and potions. At the end of the room was a traditional desk among all those strange things. You went behind it, opened the top drawer and took out a map.
You pushed the things that were on it aside, barely caring if any of the stuff fell to the floor. You opened the map, then took the black crystal you had around your neck and extended your hand above the map.
“Dimitte ergo me, inveniet eos,” you repeated three times (let me find them).
The necklace started to spin around slowly before going faster; you had to hold it firmly in precaution. When it was time, you let it land on a little part of the map, making you smirk.
Dean POV
The second Dean Winchester crossed the bridge to enter Tree Hill, he knew something was off by the vibes the town was giving him. He repeated it to Sam a few times as they arrived at the only motel in the city, called Hill Motel. Dean stopped complaining about it when Sam insisted that there were too many disappearances in the town to leave it like that.
The worst part was when the Impala broke down right after their visit to the police station. After checking his car for few minutes, he eventually let Sam call a garage. The tow truck came only after 30 minutes, and Dean was beyond pissed. He almost threatened the kid, that if his Baby was more hurt than it should be, then he would have to hide on another planet. But the teenager, only around 17, didn't seem to be very impressed by Dean’s temper and Sam had to calm Dean down a bit. Sam knew his brother would never let anyone touch his Baby and, thanks to him, no one would.
Somehow, probably with his puppy dog eyes, he made sure that Dean would be able to fix the Impala himself. It would cost a little more than expected and it would require them to stay longer than needed in town, but Dean didn’t care. No one else would touch his car. Then, as soon as he fixed Baby, they would be able to leave the city.
They were about to leave the garage when Dean realized that the kid had the same last name as the previous victim, Keith Scott. His name was Nathan Scott, and he had short black hair and blue eyes. He was the same size as Dean and shared a slight resemblance with the victim.
“Sam. I’m staying here,” Dean said as they walked out to the car Nathan rented them.
Sam raised an eyebrow at him. “Why? We still have other interviews to do. Nathan assured you no one would touch her.”
Dean rolled his eyes. “That I know,” he said. “The kid is related to the last victim,” he pointed out.
Sam immediately understood where Dean was going, but he scoffed. “Do you think he will talk to you after the way you treated him earlier? If I wasn't around things would be different.”
Dean just shrugged him off. “Probably, but worth the shot.”
“Right,” Sam said. “Well, I’ll go to the library. Call me if you need a ride,” he said, before climbing into the car.
Dean nodded, and then went back in the garage. “Hey Kid,” he called as he walked in.
Nathan turned to Dean and held a hand to him, motioning that he was on the phone and would handle him once he was done.
Dean waited and watched him. He didn’t look like a fierce person, more like a nice guy who you’d want to be friends with. But his gut told him not to trust anyone in this town. So, better safe than sorry, he would keep his distance and make sure he got the info they needed. A few seconds later, Nathan hung up the phone and looked at him.
“Do you need something?” he asked.
“I figured I would work on the car now,” Dean said.
Nathan narrowed his eyes. “Sir, your partner already told you that no one will tou…”
“I know, I know. But the faster I fix the car, the sooner I am out of this place and can pay you for everything,” Dean interrupted.
He watched Nathan. He could tell the kid was debating inside if he should let him or not. Finally, after a few seconds, or probably minutes, Nathan nodded. “Alright. You will have to stop at 7 p.m. I don't want you to be here after that.”
“Deal,” Dean said with a grin before going to his car and starting to work on it.
After only a few hours of working on the car and trying to talk with Nathan, Dean learned that Keith was his uncle and that he used to own the garage until his dad bought it one or two months before Keith’s death. While he was under his car, he heard someone coming in, but didn’t pay much attention. Nathan’s tone, however, caught his interest, since it suggested that the person wasn't friendly. He didn’t have the opportunity to hear much of the conversation, but did catch the sound of a woman laughing.
The sound made his stomach flip inside him and he stopped in his tracks, looking towards it. From where he was, Dean could hardly see anything, just a pair of heels turning around Nathan for a second, then walking toward the exit. Dean waited at least a minute before sliding away from the car. He stood up and grabbed an old cloth filled with engine oil.
He noticed the concerned look on Nathan’s face as he wiped his hand with the old cloth. “Hey Nathan,” he called. “You ok, kiddo?”
Nathan sighed and raised an eyebrow at him. “Yeah. You done with the car?” he asked, changing the subject.
Dean shook his head. “Need a new carburetor,” he said. “Probably will take a few more days.”
Nathan frowned. “I will need to look if we have one for your car model, but I doubt it. This car is very rare,” he said walking toward his desk.
Dean was somewhat impressed with his knowledge for such a young age, but he knew not to be fooled by that. “Are you okay? You seem concerned since your girl visited?”
Nathan shook his head, typing on the computer. “She isn't my girl,” he snapped. “Like I said, there aren't many carburetors for your car around here. We will have to order it online.”
Just like that, Dean knew that Nathan wouldn't feel like talking about anything else private, and that insisting would be a waste of time. Dean didn't want to look suspicious and lose the little trust Nathan had given him. Dean knew he had to take small steps with him, somehow.
Nathan POV
Around 8 pm, once he had closed the garage, Nathan decided to drive to the city hall to give his father a piece of his mind. He’d had enough, enough of seeing her always around each corner and enough of her coming to his house, his school, and his job. And most importantly, he’d had enough of his father only caring about them when something big happened. Instead of coming himself, his father would always send her, (Y/N) Morris, his so-called assistant. In truth, everyone knew what she was and what she was capable of doing.
Nathan was tolerating (Y/N) because she was his cousin from his mother’s side. His mother took her in when she was six years old and took care of her until Nathan was born. Except things changed. He had no idea what happened when he turned five; she was taken to a boarding school until she came back three years ago. Nathan never understood her, and he didn't think he probably ever would.
He climbed out of his car and walked toward the city hall. When he was halfway there, he saw his father coming out of the building talking to someone. Nathan didn’t wait for him to finish his conversation and walked straight to him.
“Dad, you need to stop doing that!” he spat.
Dan raised his eyebrow. He sent his employee away before turning to his son. “Now Nathan, what exactly did I do to bother you.” He smirked.
Nathan frowned. “(Y/N)!” he said. “You sent her again.”
“(Y/N)? I didn't send her or anyone to you,” he said. “Probably a friendly visit. She is family, after all.”
Nathan scoffed. “Right. You must have forgotten about that when you sent her away,” he said and started to leave. “Just tell her to stop coming to visit unless she doesn't work for you anymore.”
As Nathan walked toward his car, he could feel his father stare at him, but he could also feel someone else staring. Before climbing into his vehicle, he quickly looked around, but didn't see anyone. So, he shook the feeling off and jumped into his car. The engine was brought back to life as he turned the key in the ignition, and he quickly drove off, thinking he had won an argument with his father.
Later that night
(Dean POV)
After a long day of fixing his car, he had tried to interview Karen Roe about Keith’s death. She didn’t understand the reason why the FBI would investigate his death and barely wanted to answer his questions. Her son, Lucas, made sure she wouldn't answer any. Dean decided to go for a drink. He wanted Sam to join him, but his brother turned his offer down in order to work on the case more. Dean sometimes felt like Sam worked too much and needed more fun. He smirked at that thought. However, a neon sign saying “Tric” he came across interrupted his thinking.
Dean raised an eyebrow at the sign. Was this town trying to send him a message? Or a threat? He wasn’t sure, and as Sam said earlier, he should stop seeing evil everywhere when there wasn't. He shrugged, parked the car in the parking lot, and hoped he would be able to get inside of the nightclub seeing the long queue to get in. If not, he would head back to the motel. Dean usually went to bars, but the nightclub was close to his motel, and he didn't feel like driving around town in a rented car he didn't like.
He joined the queue and waited at least 15 minutes before he was able to enter the club. He ignored all the glares he had received and sat down in front of the bar.
“Agent, I told you I had nothing to say anymore,” a female voice said through the sound of the music.
Dean looked up at Karen Roe and sighed. “I know, but I am not here to ask questions,” he said. “I just want to drink a few beers and have fun.”
Her brows snapped together. “You realize that now that the school let out, the girls in here are mainly teenagers.”
Dean rubbed his face annoyed. “That’s my luck,” he said, looking at the bar and noticing that she wasn't wrong. He wasn't even sure how to tell the difference between those who were over 21 and those who weren’t.
Karen opened her mouth but was cut short. “Not all of them are teens,” said a feminine voice, sitting next to him.
Dean didn’t notice the weird look Karen was giving her, he only focused on the girl next to him, smirking at her and liking the confidence she had. He also liked the curves he noticed through her outfit.
“Really? Is it? Well, as long as you aren't one of them,” Dean said drinking in his beer.
She giggled, “I turned 23 today.”
“Happy birthday…'
“(Y/N) and you are?”
“Dean,” he said with a grin. “Lovely name you have, (Y/N)” he said. “We should party in a place where there aren't teenagers around.” He glanced around once again.
She stood up. "Well, I think that’s a good idea,” she said. “I know a place where they serve good alcohol and don't have teenagers around.”
Dean pursed his lips and stood up. “I’m game.” He put some money on the counter. He was caught off guard when she took his hand to leave the place, as her touch made his stomach flip again. He wasn't sure what it meant, but he quickly pushed it aside, as long he was away from teenagers.
In the parking lot, Dean gently grabbed her arms to stop her. “Listen, my car isn't the greatest at the moment, it’s a rent…” he started to say.
“You that one? Don’t worry. I have my baby with me.” She winked at him before walking toward her bike.
Dean shook his head. “I don't think so, sweetheart. This car isn't the best, but at least it's safe.”
(Y/N) laughed and Dean frowned recognizing it from earlier in the garage. “What’s wrong, Dean. Afraid of a little bike? Or is it just that you want to be in control of the ride,” she said seductively, grabbing the two sides of his jacket and pulling him closer to her.
Dean’s eyes darkened with lust, his hands automatically found their way on her lower back, and a smirk appeared on his face. “Oh, sweetheart. I’m good with letting my partners take control,” he said with a deep husky voice.
She licked her lips, went to her tiptoes and whispered in his ear, “Then let me give you the ride of your life.”
He was nearly panting. “You know just how to talk to me,” he whispered as he was turning his head to kiss her. (Y/N) stepped back and winked at him then walked toward her bike.
Dean watched her as she walked, swinging her hips left to right. He bit his lips and sighed, hoping he wouldn't regret it. He followed her, took the helmet she gave him and sat behind her.
(Y/N) Pov
You parked your bike in front of an old building. It was a huge one that seemed to have 12 floors. You hid a laugh. You had felt Dean’s tension through the whole drive. He was gripping you hard every turn you made, and every time you raced over the limit. You saw that he tried to compose himself like the tough guy he was before you gave him the ride of his life.
Dean’s head turned toward the building and he tightened his lips. “Unless this place hides a smaller building with a bar in it. I doubt we’ll find alcohol inside.”
“Don’t worry, there is plenty of alcohol in this intimate bar, and no teenagers will bother us.” You smiled.
You watched as Dean glanced between the building and you twice. You could tell he had a quick mini-debate inside whether to follow you or not. You decided to interfere a little by extending your hand to him. “Come on Dean. It will be fun,” you said with a smirk. Dean gave in and took your hand before you led him into the building.
Your apartment was on the last floor and lucky you, there was an elevator to reach it. The minute the door closed, a sensual tension filled the room. You’d always had a kink for elevators and couldn’t help but imagine him all over you. You looked at the number and saw that you were only on the third floor.
‘Only nine more floors to go,’ you thought.
You cleared your throat. “Well, this is kinda hot.” You watched him, saw his Adam's apple move, he turned to face you, his face was serious and his eyes shadowed with lust.
“It is?” he asked with a husky voice. “Tell me about it.” He stepped closer to you.
You eyed the number and saw that it was on the fifth floor now. ‘Seven more,’ you thought.
You smirked. “How about we just make it hap…” You couldn’t finish your sentence because he’d pinned you against the wall and his lips were over yours. His hands roamed your body up and down, making you moan against his lips. You gripped his shirt, then pushed him against the other wall. He grinned through the kiss, loving when a woman took over.
You almost ripped his shirt open and smirked before kissing him again. Until you heard the sound of the door opening, you grabbed him by his tie. Dean smirked, he grabbed his jacket that fell down to the floor, his bare chest visible. He liked that you didn’t seem to care about the surroundings. In the doorway, an old lady was shocked to see you almost naked. Dean with his shirt half open while you had your shorts open. You chuckled as Dean blushed and mumbled some excuse as the old lady ran from the elevator.
As you opened your apartment door, Dean had his hand wrapped around you and his lips on your neck, sucking and nibbling it. He used his feet to close the door. You turned to face him, kissing him hard and rough without pulling away. You made your way to your room with him taking off both of your clothes.
You pushed him down on your mattress naked and straddled him, but he stopped. “Hey, I don’t want to ruin the fun, but do you have any condoms?” he asked, smirking.
You smirked in reply. “I am on my pills. Don’t worry,” you said, leaning down to kiss him.
“Still, condoms are safer,” he replied as he stopped you, again.
You rolled your eyes and pulled away from him. “Fine, but you’re lucky you’re hot,” you said, walking into the bathroom. “Don’t touch anything” you called out.
You walked out with a condom you finally found after an exhausting 15 minutes looking for one. You showed it to Dean like a kid who had won a trophy. “Dean, ready for…” You stopped, seeing the book in his hand. “Well, we’ll need to talk now,” you said.
Dean glared at you. “You think, (Y/N)?” he said and was surprised when you straddled him again, but frowned. “What’s the matter? I like the occult, that’s all,” you said.
“You know, it’s called witchcraft,” he said. “You seem to know more, according to this.”
You rolled your eyes. “You seem to know a lot about it. Let me guess? Good Witch?”
“Hunter,” he simply said. “You know I have to take care of you, now?”
“Yeah, I know.” You winked at him. “Look, I’m not going to hurt anyone, at the moment. I was just curious. I swear,” you said, leaning down to kiss him but he stopped.
“Really? Just curiosity?” he asked, looking into your eyes, not sure if he should believe you or not.
You nodded. “Yeah,” you said, grinding on him. He groaned, and you didn’t give him the chance to answer as you started to ride him, forgetting about the condom.
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