#spliinkles writes
spliinkles · 5 years
So uh— the day Izuku was born, what were the dads’ reaction to finding out that ‘oh shit, our son is being born today’
"Who was on the phone, Zashi'?"
A pause.
Shouta glanced up at the lack of response, dull eyes landing on the blonde in front of him. His eyes narrowed at the wide-eyed, owlish look Hizashi gave back, his mouth hanging slightly as if frozen mid-action,
"Zashi? Is it a telemarketer again? I swear-"
"He's coming." Silence.
"What?" Slowly, Hizashi blinked, hand coming up to rest on his mouth,
"Oh god he's coming." Shouta placed the book he held onto the bench beside him, eyebrowed knitted together as endless thoughts poured into his head- was it a villain? Hizashi's boss maybe? Both? Shouta dared to open his mouth,
"Shouta," the said man stopped, dark grey eyes once more connecting to bright yellow, "Midoriya Inko's in labour."
Shouta could only look on, his own mouth falling wide, a non-committed 'oh' leaving him before the words sunk in.
Midoriya Inko's in labour.
A second past.
Then two.
Shouta's mind clicked,
"Oh shit, our son is coming."
Then they both freaked the fuck out until they got to the hospital to make sure everything was going good and to meet their son fhsjjs
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epitheterasedgen · 2 years
i would like to request howdy morning
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this man is a.... uh... he sure is.
ngl, my favorite thing about his existence is that when I was writing the Epithet: Switched scripts, I wrote out all the characters I was gonna swap beforehand (since Spliinkles only decided the main character swaps) and thought really carefully about them all and stuff, and then I got to the bar fight scene and SUDDENLY realized I'd forgotten to account for Howdy Morning as a character bc I forgot he existed
and then in a stroke of genius I simply replaced him with his cat <3
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nebulapaws · 3 years
💙Yorunix Headcanons🧡
I've been thinking about Them so much, Ive decided to compile my headcanons when I think of them. I'm gonna end up writing and drawing them I can already feel it.
Special thanks to my friend @spliinkles for helping me come up with some of these!! Check out her art shes absolutely incredible I love them sm
Anyways, I hope y'all enjoy these! If you have any additions feel free to add them!!
>Phoenix is all for PDA, but he always checks to make sure if Yoru is comfortable with it beforehand.
>with these idiots, there is ALWAYS cuddling, an arm slung over eachother's shoulders, tender cheek kisses, the whole nine yards.
>Phoenix and Yoru are an unbeatable duo, on Icebox they end up running down mid with judges, flashing the hell out of anyone who dares approach them.
>Phoenix always nicks Yoru's food--snacks, dinner, lunch, anything. He does the little shoulder tap thing and Yoru falls for it Every Time.
>Yoru is mega gullible,,, angst???
>Yoru totally tries to learn how to knit with Omen so he could make Phoenix a sweater. Phoenix wears it basically all the time.
>Phoenix absolutely teases Yoru about his height all the time, throwing comments like "wow Ru you really do have a short temper!"
>if Phoenix steals Yoru's food, Yoru nicks his boyfriend's clothes all the time. Granted, I like to think Phoenix has like. Five extra jackets on the off chance something might happen to his first one, but my point still stands.
>Yoru is totally a little spoon, but occasionally he ends up being the big spoon. A sleepy Yoru is a very cuddly Yoru.
>Omen knows how to bake, and sometimes offers to let the two of them in on baking goods. Omen doesn't tell Yoru that its 100% him wingmanning.
>(sobbing in Omen is either a father figure or a mentor figure for Yoru)
I'll totally add onto this when I think of more but these are the Biggies. And hey, share your own hcs too!! I might draw some of these
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ellemany · 2 years
Well I'm at my final exams and obviously freaking out with this BUT YA KNOW THAT @spliinkles (sorry by the tag >.<) FOUNDED A YOKYE WEEK??
As a member of this cult it's my obligation participate
But, if you know me, you know that my art skills are... Questionable. So I'll make what I do best that it's writing!
I'll do the covers and organize it later (trust me!)
Hope ya'll enjoy it! <33
(Obs.: Also, for me, I'm at the right date, since it's Monday for me now but for Spliinkles it's already Tuesday so... Am I in yesterday or is Spliinkles in tomorrow? You decide it )
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candaru liveblogs reading her own writing: episode 2
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again, retained from the “Indus can only focus on one thing at a time” concept! which in my head is still pretty much canon but trust me, it was better left implied. trying to fit in an explanation just muddied the whole story
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Molly and Mera have SUCH a fun dynamic in this AU and it’s kinda too bad I didn’t get to explore it more because in EE you rarely have two competent people in the same room
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I wrote this bit BEFORE Percy came into the picture and it ended up really perfectly, what with Percy’s whole knightly theme and taking offense to Molly knighting her XD
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more foreshadowing! those dinosaur bones would’ve done a LOT more damage if Molly hadn’t activated her epithet.
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he was just trying to tell her “it’s fine” the whole time :”)
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I honestly thought swapping Percy and Sylvie was gonna be hard and then I was sHOOK when their voices were almost identical
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MORE foreshadowing! on all three trivia points this time! 1) most people know that Jello stated how epithet tattoos form when an epithet is particularly strong, 2) Indus enjoys tattoos and would have a tattoo artist give him some, but, well, a tattoo artist is a person, so they couldn’t get close enough to his skin to work with it, and 3) of course he’s never broken a bone— he’s surrounded by a passive barrier at all times
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anytime I had an opportunity to quote Spliinkles-senpai directly I took it
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Molly’s moral agenda of “I’ll hurt anyone except a kid” was NOT planned out in advance but it turned out to be SO fun to work with, and a perfect excuse for why she wouldn’t just immediately knock out Gio (and later, Percy) on sight
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my aesthetic is “kid’s cartoons that only vaguely allude to a much darker backstory if you think about them too long” :)))
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this,,, may or may not be DIRECTLY stolen from a scene in Hoshi No Kaabii, which was the anime I watched at 7 years old and then hyperfixated on for YEARS
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the fact that some people assumed this was canon, and that others decided to adopt it as a HC for canon Giovanni as well, is quite possibly one of the biggest compliments to my writing ever
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I CANNOT tell you. HOW MUCH TIME IT TOOK ME. TO COME UP WITH A SUBSTITUTE FOR BEEFTON. the entire three-part Sylvie/swap!Percy battle was actually the hardest part to translate out out ANY of the scripts. I did so much rearranging. so many scrapped concepts. and I was SUPER relieved when people liked it as much as they did because I was on the verge of going feral XD
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alright gonna take a break now :) I will return to these tho because commenting on my own stuff is fun, even if I’m just rambling into the void (and what is tumblr for, if not rambling into the void?)
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professoruber · 5 years
Epithet Erased Role Swap AU FanFic: A swapped place in Sweet Jazz City Prologue
Hi, This is just a quick Fanfiction I've written up based on the amazing Role Swap AU made by @spliinkles. I actually did have a somewhat similar idea before (which was what if some epithet related event caused characters to switch ages) but I really love the ideas of this AU and wanted to write about it.
Sorry first of all if there are any errors. I wrote this up kind of quickly and if I do find errors I will be willing to fix them if  I get around to it.
Am posting this fanfiction here because the Epithet Erased fandom seems biggest on Tumblr and also that's where this AU is from.
Prologue: You're reading it
Chapter 1: https://professoruber.tumblr.com/post/189841325568/a-swapped-place-in-sweet-jazz-city-chapter-1
Giovanni Potage was what some might call a variety of unflattering yet undeniably accurate descriptors. Such things included ‘problem child’ and ‘wannabe delinquent’, both titles he wore with pride.
With the exception of the ‘wannabe’ part of course, if you were to ask him, he would insist he was the most feared delinquent in his school’s history and most definitely not an adorable little soup child.
His reign of delinquency was joined by his friends, his ‘boys’ as he called them. Two of these aforementioned boys were now accompanying him on the most boring field trip ever.
“-and that’s when I smash that ball right into the principle’s office, and everyone cheered” Giovanni finishes accounting his latest most definitely truthful anecdote about his misadventures as a dangerous criminal delinquent.  His squeaky twelve-year-old vocal cords pushed to their deepest potential level in order to attempt to put on a wave of coolness on top of what he considers his amazing storytelling ability.
 “WOW GIOVANNI. YOU’RE SO AMAZING! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH” Screams one of his friends, known most often as Crusher for rather self-explanatory reasons. The high volume of his sudden outburst eliciting a glare from one of the museum guides who were currently giving a tour to their class.
The young guide turns away from the crowd of youths briefly to pop another pain pill before taking a deep breath and snapping back towards the kids with a forced smile.
“As I was saying before I was… interrupted…” she began, briefly pausing to once again glare at Crusher, who blessed with embarrassment and hid behind the protection of Giovanni as she continues “Epithets are rare and amazing powers gifted to just a one in five of the population. Wow, so cool. Anyway, moving on…” she begins to keep walking before being lightly nudged by her older bearded co-guide.
“Come now my apprentice Mera. It is important to show enthusiasm for this thing. It’s important to always do your best in every situation” the man says the last sentence with such sheer power that he flexes for emphasis, prompting a array of awed stares bystanders at his muscular build.
Mera even admires it for a moment before turning back to the children and sighing “You’re right Indus… I’ll try to spice up the tour a bit” she gives a somewhat more genuine smile this time, as Indus pats her on the back.
“Now that’s the spirit! Why don’t we tell them about the Arsene Amulet, that will certainly spice things up” Indus suggests with large genuine smile aimed at his young apprentice.
Mera goes wide eyed at the mention of the amulet before whispering to Indus “Uh… Indus I’m not sure if telling these kids about the amulet is a good idea”
Indus looks thoughtful but nevertheless was still in proud teacher mode “Do not worry apprentice Mera. No harm should come from granting these children some of the wonder of this museum”
Mera eventually relents and soon launches into a somewhat less half-hearted explanation of the amulet as well as other cool and interesting exhibits, Indus sometimes dropping in to suggest topics, such as the Dinosaur exhibition which he insists is amazing.
However, these were quickly drowned out Giovanni’s criminal mind as it’s focus settled firmly on the fact a mysterious cool amulet was hidden within these halls. An awesomely evil formed from the dark confines of his self-proclaimed delinquent mind.
“Car Crash, Crusher, come with me” he whispers in his best covert voice before snatching his pair of friends away from the tour. The former blushed at the close contact to his crush while the latter looked annoyed.
“Hey, my name’s Fred. All I did was crash Ben’s go-kart five times and now everyone just won’t let it go!” He complains and throws up his hands in annoyance.
“Shush, will you? Whatever. I have an awesome plan to show the whole entire world my awesome criminal skills so no one will deny that Giovanni Potage is the most awesome supervillain of all time!” He exclaims quietly with clenched fist.
Crusher loved every moment of It and even ‘Fred’ was captivated by the intensity if nothing else.  
“I will sneak inside the museum; spray paint my name on the exhibits. And then for the finale I will steal that amulet thingy and leave a pool of boiling lava and… uh… acid! In its place. These history nerds will never no one hit them” he gives a smug smile, proud of himself for having come up with such a villainous plan.
Crusher fell to the floor as he clenches his heart, overwhelmed by the sheer continued amazingness of Giovanni. Fred meanwhile was somewhat confused on What Giovanni’s plan was.
“So, you want to get an amulet which steals Epithets?” he asks with a raised eyebrow.
Giovanni looks confused for a moment before putting two and two together “oh is that what that thing does? Nah that’s totally lame. What I want is the street cred. If I pull this off then all the greatest criminal gangs will be begging to have me join them. Maybe I might be able to join the Bushido Blasters… or even the Banzai Blasters!” He exclaims with enthusiasm.
As Crusher continued to be amazed, Fred scratched the back of his head “I don’t know man, this seems kind of dangerous even compared to what we usually get up to. And me and ‘Crusher’ can’t be out after dark, so you’ll be alone for this”
Crusher cries manly boy tears at the thought of having to abandon Giovanni. But Giovanni simply dramatically holds his hand to his chest and begins to reassure them.
“Don’t worry my boys! I have the greatest- hey what’s that over there!” He suddenly shouts pointing to the left, and grinning as Crusher and Fred look to in that direction. While his friends are distracting, Giovanni quickly dashes behind them and yells “Teleports behind!”, startling both boys.
“As you can see my stealth skills and unmatched. And after tonight no one will able to deny the supervillainy of Giovanni Potage!”
Across the city in the backroom of a family owned toy store sat a young barely adult woman wearing a dark green dress and a yellow apron and boots, her dark brown hair tied up to prevent it getting in her face.
The woman was working stoically on toys which would be sold in the Blyndeff Toy Emporium, her family’s store.
“Police are still baffled at the recent theft of expensive several statues from a local art gallery, all of which were replaced by teddy bears. Despite the absurdity of this case police have still found no leads on the criminals responsible, although reports suggest Banzai Blasters may have been involved- “ the noise drowns out in the woman’s mind as her lips slip into an evil grin as she recalls the recent caper which led to her promotion from Blaster to Captain in the Banzai ranks.
In the monotonous world of manufacturing and retail she was glad to have an outlet to cut loose when she could, keeping up appearances in front of customers and not hitting the many who deserved it was tiring, and she’s been doing this for around a decade at this point.
Taking a deep breath, she got back to work, turning off the news livestream playing on her phone just had it had begun talking about how a Detective Ashling had been assigned to the case. She had bigger things to concern herself with right now.
Namely that of her first heist as a Banzai Captain. Her crew of minions were ready and a location had been mapped out. Now all she needed to do was complete the final workings of her special criminal helper toys, as well as the toys which need to be sold.
“Molly! Mum wants to know if the new toys are ready yet!” The bratty voice of the woman’s little sister comes through the door of the workshop as the young girl in question walks into take a look herself.
Molly feels like grimacing but instead effortlessly donned a smile as hollow as her soul.
“Almost done Lorelai. Tell mum I’ll have these out on the shelves soon” she said with a mask of cheerfulness, to which Lorelai simply rolled her eyes at and gave a quick “Whatever” before leaving back to the rest of the building, shutting the door behind her.
Molly got back to work, only stopping at one point to take out a small picture of the Sweet Jazz Museum, causing her to gain a much more genuine, and evil smile “tonight” she simply says, as she returns to work.
Later in the dead of night, Giovanni’s head raises up above from a bin. He leaps out and whisper shouts “Teleports inside!” to himself as he looks around.
He proceeds to run carelessly around the now empty halls of the museum, slipping and knocking some stuff over a few times before arriving in the entrance.
“Uh hu! This shall be a great place to begin the reign of terror of Giovanni Potage” the twelve year out super-criminal announces as he walks up to the desk.
“I should call my boys, to let them know I got it, not that they would be surprised of course” He picks up the phone and dials Car Crash’s number, only for it to fail to go through. Confused, Giovanni looks at the phone only to find an explanation of its true nature.
“Internal and emergency calls only? Pfft, lame” he comments as he slams down the receiver. He then proceeds to duck down under the desk and take out some items from his bag. First a whoopy cushion which he fashions to the chair and then a canister of spray paint.
He begins spray painting a message about how lame their phone system is. Meanwhile as the young delinquent writes, a hole in the roof is silently made and a group of Banzai Blaster begin slowly coming in from above, going unheard from anyone who might be within earshot thanks to their leader’s Epithet.
The last to go down is their new Captain, Bear Trap, who under the silence of her Epithet begins handing out instructions to her minions.
“There all done” Giovanni says proudly as he finishes his villainous vandalism, popping back up from behind the desk her suddenly comes eye to eye with Bear Trap.
All parties present simply fall back, startled due to not expecting to encounter anyone else. For a few moments silence reigns even without the assistance of Bear Trap’s Epithet.
The silence isn’t broken until the shock face of Giovanni suddenly shifts into one of wonder and excitement.
“Wow criminals! Awesome!”
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aesthetic-androiid · 4 years
I decided to write an interaction for @spliinkles swap!au, because Zora is a babe and cowboy Ramsey can stomp on me
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lutrain2020 · 4 years
Meet The Creator!
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Introducing: @dill-musette, or Wild!
Commissions: currently open!
Social Media: https://dill-musette.tumblr.com/                         https://www.instagram.com/arietesmusette/
Tell us a little about yourself!
Most people call me Wild because my first online handle has always been Wild-Child. My favorite animal is a ferret and I love the lighter side shades of pink! I mostly draw but also dabble in writing and theater!
What got you into creating? what inspires you to keep creating?
I wanted to be able to draw my own characters and things I imagined so I taught myself to draw and ever since I’ve just been improving up and up! Mostly what actually motivated me to start was the first time I ever showed one of my classmates a drawing I did and they said it looked like I “threw up in a paper.” That made me so angry I just started drawing and haven't stopped since ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
What's your creative process like?
I curl up somewhere really comfy, put on music or a story (I like listening to creepy pastas or reddit scary stories while I work) then I start with an absolute mess of sketching which morphs into a line art and eventually an inking and coloring if I feel like it. A lot of my drawings I never ever share cuz they’re just so messy! 
What kind of mediums do you like to use?
I do a lot of cosplay, I enjoy greatly creating props from cardboard and paint, a great hobby of mine. In drawing I either prefer a paper and pencil or digital art (mostly digital these days) 
Is there a specific scene wrote that you are particularly proud of?
When I was younger I was an utter addiction with American revolutionary era history. I wrote this one excerpt about treasure secretary Alexander Hamilton. It was a scene about he and his brother James surviving the hurricane that decimated their island. It is to this day one of the best things I’ve ever written.
Is there someone who inspires you and your writing or art?
Ah hah! Glad you asked, I have a few ~ <3 my good friend Liccy is actually who inspired me to start drawing again after I got into the Linked Universe fandom. If it wasn’t for here I wouldn’t be drawing and my other friend Silona is often times a huge inspiration for me and my works. DF, Spliinkles (Skye) Nine (9dl) and Shoot me down (Ken) are also HUGE inspirations and motivations for me, I’m constantly amazed by them. And finally my mentor Ort (fox-moblin) is probably my biggest inspiration, thanks to them I found my passion for drawing and managed to further my carrier and skills greatly. I owe all of them a lot
is there something that you struggled with that made you grow as a creator?
Well first of all art theft. I had so many of my pieces stolen when I first put myself out on the internet sharing my stuff and even recently I still have things stolen. It’s helped me grow more cautious with my works. Also being told my style is too childish or too cartoonish by the people around me and my family dampened me a lot. I’ve grown to love my style and prosper though.
What got you into writing or art?
An unmanageable longing to be as good as the art I would see others make, it was a huge drive to achieve
What's your favorite part of the creative process?
I’d have to say sketching out and lining the piece. I also enjoy coloring. Oh I really love all parts of it honestly.
What's your least favorite part of the creative process?
Posing, definitely posing I’m just..rotten at it-
What's your favorite type of scene to write?
Feel good fluffy moments give me a lot of joy 
What's the hardest for you to create?
I think plot twists are the hardest for me to grasp in all honesty, I’m bad at keeping the twist concealed until it’s reveal.
What's your favorite genre to write?
Fluffy somft
What fandoms do you enjoy creating for?
Linked Universe, She-Ra, Gravity Falls, Legend of Zelda, OMSWD, all sorts!
What's the work you are most proud of?
I think the piece I draw of Hyrule (Link) fighting his dark (Invicta) from the AU darksverse is my proudest work I’ve ever done, it’s just very pleasing to look at
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himsfuntime · 5 years
You can find this fanfiction on my Ao3
Expect a LOT more content for him, I really love him SOB 
Roleswap Yeehaw Ramsey belongs to @spliinkles
also sorry if it is not the best, this is my first fanfic
I do not support or condone any yandere or obsessive behavior.
character death
There were only two types of love, obsessive and pure.
And yours, was the latter. It was soothing to have such a loving and caring person that loved you. On your good days and on your bad days.
There was nothing more, nothing less. So when you saw your lover covered in solid gold and an envelope with a heart taping it shut, you thought you were seeing things. You rushed to their side as your mind tried to scramble for answers: Why would someone do this? Who would do something like this?
During your sobs you were caressing your lover’s cheek, and that's when you felt it, that engraving on their face. You wiped your eyes and looked closer, examining the carving, it was sloppy but the hand-writing looked all too familiar.
Ramsey Murdoch
“ Ramsey did this..? ”
You softly said aloud, it wasn’t meant to be a question, it was confirmation that what you were looking at was his doing. Of course you already knew who did it, his signature carved on your darling’s metal cheek. You should’ve known better.
You should’ve never tried to show kindness to such an evil man.
You remember when you met him. The infamous Ramsey Murdoch.
He came to your job, as if it were his own house. Like he owned it. You just thought he was a cosplayer that had a little more pride than he should have. You took the time to look at him.  A poncho covered most of his upper body features. Under his poncho however was an open button shirt, but when you squinted, you noticed it didn't have buttons in the first place.
His pants held up with a gold buckle belt. The pants trailed from his hips to his ankles along with triangular tassels following the trails. His heeled boots clicked and jingled against the store floor.
He started to hum a soft tune as he examined the decor, drawing out the time before he got to your post.
Though his slow, long strides were more than intimidating. He must've known you were eyeballing him as he turned slightly and met your gaze, smirking as he strolled to the counter. He leaned forward and eyed you up and down, inhaling your scent. You raised a brow at the odd behavior but you asked him the essential question nonetheless.
“May I help you?”
You ask, giving him a smile. You promised your darling that you’d try to be nice for the week. This man was lucky not to get a snarl after the whole ‘walking slowly and then sniffing you’ ordeal.
He blinked a bit at your question. He wasn't expecting you to not be cowering in fear, you guessed. He was at a loss of words, he really wasn't expecting your kindness. You snorted a bit, your smile becoming more genuine than forced. Maybe this non-forced kindness might be a good thing.
Even after his little taken aback expression, he carried conversation with you well enough to get your name. He came back, every time earlier than the last. To the point almost everyday he was in your store, talking to you. He eventually told you who he was, you were open minded about it. Just like your significant other always said:
‘Everyone has a good side even if it is mixed with the bad.’
So you stuck with that, and eventually, you started seeing his small acts of kindness. Under that smirk was a man looking for someone to share his life with. You were ecstatic to tell your lover of how you’ve made a friend with a bad-person-who-might-still-have-a-chance-to-be-good but you couldn’t. Because when you came back they were fucking dead.
Oh how naive you were, thinking those visits and those conversations were just harmless interactions. You were feeding an insatiable hunger for love by a lonely rat faced man .
You ran a finger across the gold, slowly as if your touch would retract the harm that has already been done. They were so good to you, always the best for you despite you trying to push them away. They were always waiting with open arms, and you ran into them, you embraced them. Easily you fell for them, their kindness and eagerness to help clashed with yours. You took them for granted, they were taken from you, all because of-
“ The one and only! ”
A deep, sultry voice chirped from the darkness as it emerged to the light illuminating the room. His heels softly  jingling and clicking onto the floor. His figure came into view, his poncho opening as his hands raised as he slowly bent down, crossing his foot over the other.
He was … bowing?
What in epithet’s name gave him any sense to do something like that? And peek his head up with a smile like he didn’t just murder the love of your life?! You clenched your fist, your aggression showing as your nails dug into your palm.
“ I’m guessin’ ya saw my present?---- ” His eyes motion to the body of your most likely deceased lover. You glare at him, parting your lips to speak only to say nothing as you were cut off as if he never paused in the first place.
“ ---Did ya read the letter, doll? ” His voice sounded like he was holding in excitement, as if this was normal to him. As if seeing the dead body of your lover was equivalent to being given a puppy for Valentine's Day. You never broke eye contact to grab the letter, so your hand scrambled to find it. When it did come in contact with paper, you snatched it up and opened it and pulled a folded note from the pocket. Your eyes skimmed the paper before sternly returning to him. He didn’t seem too pleased with this as his smirk faltered. He huffed, arms up in defeat, rolling them as he turned around.
“ Will ya read it now? ” He snorted, you finally tore your eyes off him to really read the letter.
God, did you regret that decision.
Before you could even read the first word, Ramsey was already sitting behind you, legs crossed with you in his lap. His whip on his thigh as a subtle reminder that you shouldn’t dare try anything. You immediately thrashed and kicked, trying to shove this monster off you. You didn't notice you were crying again until you opened your eyes, met with a bare chest. Soothing backrubs as a soft hum rumbled the chest you were leaning on. You almost succumbed to the comfort. Up until you noticed it was that that fucking monster cuddling you like he never did what he did. Like he didn't take the love of your life away from you and everyone else in their life.
You shoved away from him wanting nothing more than for him to leave you be. Let you at least recover from this ache in your heart. Since this caught him off guard, you sprinted out the door. Running and running while turning back to see if he was following you.
You darted towards a populated area so it was harder to find you. Bumping into others and yelling out your apologies to them as you dashed passed them. You saw your store and bolted for it, gripping the handle and yanking it in hope it would open to no avail. You pat yourself for your keys and fumble to get them out your pocket. Shaking from the fear and adrenaline of getting caught from him.
You quickly shut the door and lock it behind you, a soft jangle hitting the floor once you were darting for the counter and ducking behind there. You silently scrambled for a weapon, finding a wrench. You let in air that you didn't know you never inhaled. Your chest rising falling as you panicked, what if he found you? Fuck that, what was he going to do to you if he did?
Deciding it would be best to stop your overthinking before it gets you caught and you’ll have to live that nightmare, you try to distract yourself. Yet before that even is a possibility, you heard soft humming coming from outside your store. You cautiously peek over the counter, before you, outside your store doors people were encased in gold. All frozen in place, all staring at.. You?
Before you even had time to process what had been done somet--rather-- someone, fell from above. They were kneeling, their hum filled the place as they rose to their feet. That’s when the hopelessness set in, when your eyes met a signature gold eye. A frown etched on his features as he stalked towards your shop.
“ STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM ME YOU FUCKING MURDERER! ” You yell, vice grip on the wrench in your hand. Your eyes locked with the male who didn't say a word as each jingled step caused the ground beneath his sole to turn to gold. You were shaking, the only relief from the tension you got was when he grunted as he tried to open the unlocked door. He tried again, his gloved fist banged onto the glass as gold spread quickly. He removed his hand from the now golden surface, as he took in a few breaths. You must have been too scared before but under his hat his usually combed down hair was disheveled. As his breathing turned more rigid, he took his face into his palms and let out a yell.
“ FUCK! ”
He screamed, kicking and stomping down on golden pedestrians. You felt slight empathy for the man as he had his rage but it was short lived before he turned back towards you. This time you saw it in his eyes, the pain, the hurt, the madness and the.. love in his deadly gaze. He spit onto the ground, turning whatever the spit hit into gold. He squinted, walking back towards the store. Instinctively you raised your arm ready to either throw or clobber him with it. You thought he’d get more mad, but he wasn't even fazed. You hesitantly followed his gaze, seeing it lead to a door in the backroom.
“ Don’t you fucking dare.” You warned when he stared back with his intimidating eye contact, but before you could move, he was already gone and out of your view. You run to the backroom, pressing your body to the door to try and add weight to the door. You patted yourself for your keys, only to feel your heart drop when you remember in your hurried scramble you dropped the keys near the door of the shop.
While you were distracted, the door swung open and you were just lucky enough to get out the way just in time. You scramble to your feet but before you could even move, something wrapped around your waist tightly and painfully as you tried to fight against it. You were yanked into the embrace of a desperate, love rat named Ramsey Murdoch.
“Oh, sweetpea, you scared me so much.. I thought I'd never get you back in my arms!” He exclaimed, nuzzling into your shaken form.
“ If you even conjure another disgusting thought of leaving me, ” He started, his voice becoming flat as a soft growled accompanied the words.
“ I’ll take your pretty lil’ legs for so long you’ll forget how to walk. ” His grip was suffocating, and his tone was serious. You wanted to fight and shove him off but this dread you felt overwhelmed any fighting sense you had. He nuzzled into your hair, silently smelling your locks as your shoulders dropped. You’d succumb for now. Make him feel like his sick fantasy was real. You felt a finger guide your head up, your eyes locking with his gaze again.  His smug grin and half lidded eyes may not have looked like much to others, but to you? That eye, it had a different sort of love for you. One you were not prepared for.
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diziar · 5 years
Are you going to write anymore about Linkeduniverse modern au?
Ahaha, you know what @spliinkles and I were talking about this earlier so there is a chance! As long as what I write, she draws. That's the condition.
Tumblr media
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clumsydarknut · 5 years
Tagged by @inked-myths and honestly I’m flattered.
10 Songs I can’t stop listening to:
1)Ashita wo Narase - Kavka Shishido
2)Period - Chemistry
3)Dragon Force - Yasuharu Takanashi
4)Strike Back - Back On
5)Call Me Al - Paul Simon
6)You Know My Name - Chris Cornell
7)Magnolia - M2U
8)The Sacred Duet, Spirit Tracks - Toru Minegishi
9)Snow Fairy - Funkist
10)Soul with a Capital S - Tower of Power
Favorite color: Royal Purple
Favorite ships:
1) Loke and Lucy - Fairy Tail
2) Natsu and Lucy - Fairy Tail (they’re both excellent writing material ok)
3) Link and Zelda - Zelda II: The Adventure of Link
4) Kirito and Asuna - Sword Art Online
5) Captain Hook and Emma - Once Upon a Time
Currently Reading: The Wheel of Time - Robert Jordan
Last Movie I saw: Darby O’Gill and the Little People
@jadeender @annavanpie @thelegendofanimalcrossing @ferrerorocherhero @castletownranger @spliinkles @luna-solenna-blog @a-bit-too-much-of-a-zelda-fan
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spliinkles · 5 years
Indefatigable - Chapter 7
Official fanfic for my dadzawa au!
Chapter summary -
“My baby boy!” the blonde dipped the boy down, blowing raspberries on his cheek, grinning wildly at Izuku’s uncontrollable giggles that burst from him with feet kicking just as madly.
“Eee!” the sound was quick to deflated into more giggles, much to everyone’s delight, 
“eeahh, shhaa!” Snorting, Hizashi began another onslaught of raspberries, this time finding it irresistible to join in with the giggling in response.
“Jeez, you weren’t wrong.” Nemuri stated, walking over to rest her arms against the back of the couch, watching the two, “he’s really just as baby as Izuku.” “At least the blonde one helps me pay the bills.” “Compensation for how needy he his.” “I can hear you two.” Both Nemuri and Shouta blinked down at the man, “We know.” They both answered in sync. Hizashi stuck his tongue out in retaliation.
Chapter word count: 3127
Whole fic word count: 25511
Link to the fic -
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epitheterasedgen · 4 years
Epithet: Switched!
Do you love @spliinkles’ Swap!AU? Have you ever wondered what the actual scripts for Epithet Erased would look like if all the EE characters switched roles? Are you tired of clickbait-y posts that ask a bunch of hypothetical questions at the beginning? WELL FEAR NOT! I’ve transposed all four episodes of the Museum Arc into the Swap!AU (or “Epithet: Switched”) for your reading pleasure.
Episode One: Racket in the Museum
Episode Two: Hotshot
Episode Three: The Doctor is In
Episode Four: Protection
If people like these enough, I may do the Redwood/Western Arc in the future! It was great writing practice to dissect such a well-written show scene by scene and figure out alternate ways to get from point A to point B while still keeping the style of the show intact. Jello, sir, I applaud you for your genius. There were multiple times it was very difficult to change an element of the plot because it was woven so tightly throughout the whole story, but I hope I’ve at least somewhat succeeded.
Epithet: Erased and all its original characters belong to @jelloapocalypse
The Epithet: Switched AU concept belongs to @spliinkles
Dark Star’s civilian name by @zelebirbo
Flamethrower’s civilian name by @sporkkles-irl
Epithet: Switched scripts belong to me (Candaru, @epitheterasedgen)
I tried to incorporate pre-existing fanmade works/headcanons/lore for the AU whenever they supported the story, so check out the "role swap AU” tag on Spliinkles’ page if you want to see all the original inspiration!
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spliinkles · 6 years
Fragility (Pt. 1)
My first fanfic post, I hope this goes well- anyway, enjoy my Linked Universe angst™ 
The Au is made by @jojo56830 | @linkeduniverse
If there's one thing Twilight knows, it's that life is a frail thing.
Not to say the others didn't know, no, they were well aware of the difference between life and death, but growing up on a farm, Twilight had dealt with his fair share of how precious life is and how quickly that can be taken away. He knew that life was fragile.
Yet the memory kept replaying every time he closed his eyes, a constant loop that was stained fresh in his mind. He still couldn't believe what had happened, the idea itself heaved at his heart and had him nearly choke on his breath. He found himself looking downwards again.
One, two. In, out.
Wild was still breathing.
From his position, sitting beside the sleeping Hylian, Twilight caught himself yet again mimicking the rise and fall of Wild's chest with his own. From the back of his mind he knew it was a subconscious reminder; everything's ok, he's breathing- he's safe. We all are. Even still, his body refused to rest. Not when he fully knew that death had nearly knocked on their door today, no, he knew he wouldn't be sleeping tonight.
A gentle breeze caught the leaves above them, and Twilight let it surround him. The branches swayed and leaves rustled, a wave of cool air hit him. He heard the crackling of the campfire some feet away, embracing him in the warmth that radiated from it and drove the fleeting cold away. From the depths of the flame, he listened to the twist and pop of embers. He sighed.
He had been so angry.
He closed his eyes once more.
"So that's a… Linale?"
"No, a Lynel, like… L-y-n-e-l."
"they're very impressive monsters." Two pairs of eyes caught the third, "with a whole arsenal on its back no less. You've defeated them before?" Time questioned, watching Wild alongside Wind, who shrugged,
"A few. Not too many, never defeated a silver one before."
"There are different ones?" A forth voice piped up as Sky ducked his head above from their hiding spot and watched the creature roam around its surroundings proudly,
"Oh yeah. red mane, blue mane and white mane. It's like their status? Reds are weakest, but by no means 'easy' to fight- didn't stop me though." Wild muttered.
From a couple feet away, Twilight listened on as his protégé informed the presumed 'basic' knowledge on the beast merely a hundred feet from them. From their position, they were safe- in theory, a little voice nagged in his head, but he shrugged that away. The only thing that seemed to really put him on edge were the overhang from the cliffs- little room to fight, is all Twilight couldn't help but to think.
Twilght dared to peak out once more from their protection- a single rock, no more than six feet tall, yet wide enough for the group to pack behind. He saw the signature white mane, with the said arsenal in clear view as the Lynel had its back turned from them. He couldn't help but to look in awe. The beast definitely displayed an intelligence far greater than most monsters he's encountered- not to mention the absurdity of its brute nature.
The thing itself towered incredulously high- had it not been for the assortment of weapons scattered upon it's back, Twilight would've guessed it was still strong enough to attack bare handed. The horns themselves looked sharp enough to pierce through skin like a knife through paper.
Before he could do anything however, a piercing roar- one that had dared to shake the ground erupted from the beast and he jolted back, lips shut tightly as to not attract attention. He pursed his mouth.
Had it seen him? No, it's back was turned.
He looked at the others, most in which were near bug eyed at the intensity of the sound. As the sound died off, Twilight reached Wild's eyes, who had knitted his eyebrows into a frown.
"I think it's looking for a challenge- the roar I mean." Wild stated, "haven't had much time to figure it out, I tend to avoid these."
"Oh, so, why are we going to fight it then?" piped Legend. Wild's frown deepened,
"I think once I defeated Calamity Ganon, they've started diverting from where they were assigned to watch." He glanced down at his slate, switching from the photo of the Lynel he had taken to the map,
"Here," he pointed at the lower corner, allowing the others to come close and peak in, "is Oseira Plains. There were two Lynel's watching over, yet when we were coming through, none of them were there." a tension seemed to sweep through the group and Twilight felt a cold dip in his stomach,
"That's bad." Wind whispered. Wild nodded.
He zoomed in on his slate and dragged the map upwards. He pointed once more.
"And here we are, around half a day's trip from their original location." He paused as if contemplating his next words. "If you want, you don't need to fight it, I should be capable to do it myself." immediately, Twilight saw Wild regret his words, yet he himself couldn't help but to frown at him, much like the others.
For a minute or so, to each there own reassured Wild that they wanted to help- 'we were chosen as a hero after all, weren't we?' Warriors had pressed, a proud smile on his face. Wild agreed, yet Twilight, as perceptive as he was, knew something was up. A look from Time however, shot any attempts at questioning though.
"So, battle plan?" The old man questioned, cutting the silence. Wild blinked.
"Don't… don't tell me you just jumped right in did you?" Wild shrugged,
"As long as I had strong weapons…." Time rubbed his forehead,
"I'm going to have grey hairs by the end of this..." he sighed, "Ok, new plan." He went around, formulating an idea between each person. Twilight watched from where he was perched, listening in as Wild would cut in from time to time, putting his input about certain roles and the defences that the Lynel itself had. He thought about taking another peak at the beast, yet shook that thought away. If that thing was looking for a challenge, he'd bet it was smart enough to see even a lick of hair poking up from their hiding place.
After several minutes, the plan was set.
An attack consisting of the entirety of the group barrelling in, in theory, was a stupid move. Wild himself explained that it'll do more harm than good, emphasising on the Lynel's near 'explosive' abilities; "too much going on and we'll be confused, it'll be a blood bath and not on the Lynel's side." so that idea was scrapped immediately. The second called for a mix between long and short range. Mostly long, as to keep everyone from getting confused- this consisted of Four, Wind, Hyrule, Legend and Sky. That left Time, Twilight, Warrior and Wild to encounter the beast head on.
"Always aim for the face." Wild stated, passing a handful of arrows to the Four, "It's their weakness."
Again, they paused as the beast bellowed out once more.
"Ok, let's do this."
 Twilight looked on incredulously.  
This power before him- the radiating energy of pure malice incarnated as this monster was horrendous.  The brute force of the Lynel caused tremors in its wake from merely walking, yet seeing it gallop -seeing it sprint towards him- was heart stopping. From the corners of his mind he registered his name being screamed- Wild? Twilight had thought dumbly, barely even registering the name. His feet were glued to where he stood, as if paralysed.
 This isn't the time to freeze, his mind whispered, and he agreed, but he wouldn't move. He couldn't.
The Lynel raised its arms, both of the muscled limbs wielding a weapon that rivalled the size of the beast itself. From his position, twilight marvelled at the beast. This is what Wild had fought time and time again? This beast, that breathed fire and shook the earth with only it's voice? How could he not marvel at this beast, the very thing that could rival even Ganon had it not been under his control.
But now it isn't.
And it's still headed straight for him.
The idea of that seemed to startle him as he jolted from the sinking feeling that dropped into the pits of his stomach. It was headed straight for him. He wondered how Wild felt the first time he came across this beast with even less knowledge than what most people here had. How did he survive?
He shook the thought out of his head and tumbled backwards slightly, cut from the trance he was in.
And above him the Lynel loomed.
"Oh." He could've laughed. A hero, chosen by the goddess herself and born to protect his land, and he had, yet his famous last words were that of surprise, let alone a breath of recognition. Twilight knew that life is fragile, that in seconds it can be taken from you. He knew what would happen next once the beast swung. 
Then as if time had slowed, he watched as the arms launched forward, weapon following along the arch straight towards him. Twilight could faintly hear the beat of his heart as his ears filled with white noise. Was this an attempt to stop the sounds of their voices from reaching him? Maybe.
Twilight felt cold.
He took a deep breath in.
Then, an arrow collided with the beasts face.
Time sped up immediately as the beast pounced backwards, bellowing his anguish at the arrow embedded within his head.
He heard the others cheer, their tones filling with relief as he felt the warmth of someone reach him. His eyes left the beast, who was carelessly ripping the item from its place and discarding it without a second thought.
His eyes met Wild's.
"You froze." He was blunt, yet looking into his eyes, Twilight knew Wild was shaken up by the ordeal. His mouth felt dry,
"Good observation." He noted, eyes drifting. In the distance, he saw Time look at him. I really messed up this time, Twilight thought, hovering over the frown the old man had.
"Don't scare me like that." Twilight noted the tremble in Wild's voice, but didn't voice it,
"Tell that to him." His head bobbed in the direction of the Lynel, who had regained its stance.
"You good on your own still?"
A question even Twilight couldn't answer right now. Why had he froze like that? He had dealt with numerous amounts of monsters, both big and small, yet one look of this beast was all it took to stop him in his tracks. Was it the absolute brute force of the malice that radiated from the beast that shook him to the core enough to paralyse him in the battle field? Maybe.
Twilight didn't have time to think about this however, watching as Warrior jabbed and prodded at the beast mercilessly, who in retaliation faced the Hylian with its piercing red eyes and a growl even Twilight could hear from where they stood. Before it could attack, Time quickly shot forward, relentlessly slicing his sword at the beast from behind.
Twilight looked at Wild,
"I'm fine, lets defeat this beast then we'll talk." Wild nodded.
From then on, it was like a game.
A pattern, Twilight realised, that gave opportunity after opportunity to attack the beast, in which they did so relentlessly. First, they'd wait. The Lynel would attack, releasing numerous fireballs towards them. Then came the arrows. After a successful hit, the beast would collapse if not for mere seconds, allowing the team face-on with the beast to unleash their attacks in the seconds provided.
Time, alongside Warriors, attacked the back, leaving twilight to the front. After a couple seconds, the three jumped back, just as Wild jumped onto the beast's back.
The first time it happened, Twilight almost had a heart attack. Minutes previous, he had been paralysed in fear for his life, yet then, he was utterly gobsmacked watching Wild mercilessly attack the Lynel, who brutally bucked for what seemed like forever before Wild would make his escape.
This time however, Twilight noticed it.
The beast heaved.
It was struggling.
"It's nearly dead!" Wild exclaimed, paused merely feet from the beast. Twilight paused as well. Wild drew out his sword, taking a glance at Twilight. He was looking for approval. Twilight nodded.
This was their chance.
The beast was immobile. Hind legs shaking, arms bent forward to stop it from dropping to the ground the its weapon itself was discarded feet from it. They needed a shot to kill this and thing, and now was the chance.
Wild launched forward.
A burst of energy Twilight has seen numerous times. He himself knows the feeling well. A feeling of knowing before the actual victory. To know that one hit was all it will take to assure victory was fine, but the seconds before that said victory? He saw it now, he could feel it.
Wild's movements were like lightning, his body swift and graceful- Twilight couldn't help but to feel the swell of pride bubbling in his stomach. In his hands, Wild meticulously rose the blade with deathly accuracy, aiming straight at the beasts head. The beast stayed down. Twilight could feel the excitement from the others, even stealing a quick glance at Time, who had a wide eyes and a hopeful gleam.
Wild jumped, a look of determination striking his features.
Then, there was an arrow.
Twilight gaped,
"Hey!-" he forced himself to stop from looking back. His whole body ran cold, a buzz of fear pierced his very soul.
He knew it wasn't them that shot that arrow.
It was a shock arrow.
The second Lynel.
"WILD!" He screamed, voice cracking at the realisation.
All he could do was watch however, as the object pierced Wild's chest.
A direct hit.
Eyes wide, mouth agape. Wild's body was flung back, his whole body seizing up almost immediately. His weapon fell to the floor with a start, and his body soon followed. What followed was something Twilight knew would haunt his very being till his death.
A scream so raw, so blood-curdling- it was something Twilight had never heard before. The scream was like a knife to the gut, twisting and twisting until he felt like his knees could buckle underneath the pure intensity of it.
He saw Wild convulsing.
Twilight felt like vomiting.  
It was a tortured minute that dragged on seemingly forever, his eyes couldn't tear away from the body unnaturally jerking, the choked scream ravaging on and swarming Twilight's head. His head felt like cotton. Shapes blurred and his breath caught in his throat, nearly choking him where he stood, once again paralysed. He tried to move, but it was like a rope to his neck- one step and he'd tumble.
Through the strangled scream, he could barely register the others; blurry figures running past him, weapons clashing. His could hear his heart beat loud and clear, beating him down with every passing second, as the body ahead of him shuddered.
And as quick as it began, the screaming stopped.
Wild went limp.
Twilight knows that life is fragile.
He knows it damn well.
But he isn't prepared for it to be taken away just like that. No, he thinks dully, not him. Not Wild.
He only registered that he was attempting to walking when his knees buckled and he fell. Quick enough, his arms caught the brunt of the fall, yet all he could do was watch the limp body ahead. His mind was panicking, only a single sentence formulating within his head, repeating over and over- Get to him. Get to him. Get to him. It was like a light switch turned on in his mind and his arms shook as he pushed himself from the ground, feet wobbling.
He then started running.
His legs nearly spasmed through the first couple steps, yet he persisted, his mind running faster than his legs and his breathing twice as fast. By the time he was mere feet from the body, he had only then registered Time, his heart dropping when they connected eyes. Time himself looked rough, though not as bad as Wild- Twilight cringed at that thought. Time looked at Twilight, an unreadable expression on his face as he held onto Wild.
Twilight thought nothing of it, he couldn't, even if he wanted too. He fell to his knees beside them.
It was silent.
Yet a ferocious roar cut through the lands and brought them back to reality, earth shaking, yet Twilight couldn't help but to think his own shaky hands could rival it. He dared to look back, although taking half a second to wipe his eyes- when had he started crying? It's ok, Wild's ok- He shouldn't be crying.
The second Lynel- a red mane as Wild would've distinguished. Although weaker, it delivered attack after attack against the group. Twilight could see Sky and Hyrule a far way back, bows in hand as the rest swarmed the beast.
Twilight looked back, towards Wild.
He felt.. Something.
He didn't know what, but it was bubbling inside of him as he looked at the Hylian's face. A mixture between utter anger for the beast- absolute seething anger yet the feeling of fear- the overwhelming sensation that he could lose Wild almost numbed him immediately. He almost felt calm, but Twilight knew. His eyes drifted, before coming to a stop at his chest.
He choked.
The arrow was still there.
The electrical charge had all but disappeared, yet the arrow remained, sticking out of him- it was surreal. There was so much blood -too much blood- flowing out of the wound, escaping the fingers that Time had held around the arrow at an attempt to stop the bleeding. He felt like the air around him was suffocating.
Wild's chest rose.
Oh god, Twilight thought as a wheezing sound escaped Wild's lips, no louder than a whisper.
He leaned over Wild, fingers shaking as he rested them on Wild's cheeks.
"…Cub?" he choked, yet the words weren't there- not even loud enough for him to hear.
Yet Wild's eyes opened.
He was instantly teleported to the first day he ever saw Wild, curious eyes watching twilight's wolf form as he set down his bowl of food. Wild had tilted his head, looking into Twilight's eyes in a childish manner. Twilight only mimicked his movement, watching those curious eyes gleam in excitement.
Now, Twilight watched his dulled eyes fade, barely able to register what was happening around him.
It felt like someone had put a vice around Twilight's heart and squeezed it, the sensation causing a choked noise to escape him.
His hands fell to Wild's shoulders and in a fit of pure adrenaline, he shook Wild's form, the words of 'don't go- don't go' shoved into his throat unable to escape him,
"HEY!" A shove and he fell backwards, hands escaping his protégé's shoulders. He laid for a second, breathing heavily before glancing back up at Time. Beneath Time, he heard the sharp gasping Wild made and Twilight's heart plummeted again,
"I- I'm sorry I didn't-"
"Don't." Time cut him off, looking sharply into his eyes, "He needs you here, but you need to think. Breathe." he did as told, taking several deep breaths in and out, pushing his nerves down before pushing himself up.
He was right.
Wild needed him.
Twilight watched as Wild blinked slowly, his arms limp uselessly to his sides. His hair flayed to the side of his face, sticking to the dried blood on his face- must have been from the Lynel, Twilight chalked up. Wild's face was scrunched together, the wheezing slow -painful- to listen to. His eyes drifted, from above, to below, reaching to Time then to Twilight.
"…Twi… ?" His voice was ragged, eyes drooping slightly before opening once more.
Twilight felt empty.
"Yeah- yeah bud, It's me." He kept his hands to himself this time, afraid he'd hurt him again, "You.. You need to hang on for us, ok? We'll get you a potion- it's, it's all going to be ok…" Twilight cursed at himself- it sounded like he was trying to reassure himself If anything.
Below him, Wild breathed out, yet a pained noise escaped him as he realised the intensity of his wound and he spasmed for a second, eyes scrunching in agony much to the pain for Twilight and Time. Seconds past before Wild opened his eyes once more.
The Hylian parted his lips,
"It's…. Ok…." he said, eyes sweeping around in a daze.
From behind them, a series of battle cries filled the stale air- the battle was raging on, as one of their own was dying.
Twilight gulped, his hands shaking.
He knew life was fragile.
Yet, it wasn't for another minute or so until Wild started coughing blood, that they knew.
Wild wasn't going to make this. They had no potions- why they hadn't thought to stock up beforehand was beyond them.
Twilight felt so, so empty, his entire body trembling. Time himself hung his head low, before gently bringing Wild's body to Twilight, who immediately knew what was happening and merely looked into Time's eyes, pleading to not do this to him.
Time shook his head.
"You. It's got to be you." he whispered. Twilight heard the words and let go of a breath he didn't know he was holding. He was right, again.
He gently took Wild into his arms.
The first thing he noticed was how cold Wild was. It wasn't the kind that felt like goose-bumps- something that a simple blanket could fix, no, Twilight's skin prickled at the idea that this was the beginning of death.
Wild was dying, and he had to watch.
"Mph." His focus snapped onto Wild's, watching his eyes slip close, the sound of his wheezing drifting off slightly. Twilight panicked, but gently shook his protégé, as not to hurt him like before,
"Cub? … hey, come on, don't sleep on me yet."
They paused.
They had only heard that name a hand full of times. Mipha, the princess of the Zora and the Champion of the Divine Beast Ruta. Barely enough to tell a story, but enough to paint a picture on her significance in Wild's life, much so he even had her diary. Was Wild hallucinating her? Twilight thought, his heart going out to his young -way to young- protégé. God, we're all so young, he continued, why? Why us? He knew he was asking questions that would probably never be answered, but looking at Wild's fleeting gaze, he couldn't stop himself.
Wild then shot out of his arms,
"Wha- !"
The Hylian heaved, dropping to his knees, arms stopping his body from falling onto the ashy ground. Time and Twilight immediately dived, arms reaching to help him, but Wild shook his head, his body convulsing as a spout of blood projects from his mouth and onto the ground. Twilight couldn't begin to count how many times he's felt his heart drop today, but this time he felt it from his very soul, puncturing it mercilessly until he was cold all over.
He then saw Wild gasping,
"Mipha." his voice was strong- unwavering. Something the two watching couldn't think was possible. Twilight reached out again, yet was met with a hand pushing his away, as Wild shook his head once more,
"No. No, don't." he whispered, the gasps audibly getting louder and longer.
"A punctured lung." Time realised. Twilight grimaced.
Wild was drowning in his own blood.
The others didn't even know.
Yet, Wild was tired.
Twilight could see it, Time could see it.
"…Mipha… I…." Twilight could barely hear it. Two words he was probably never meant to hear- two words that weren't for his own, yet he did and his mouth tightened, eyes yet to release unshed tears.
Then, several things happened in a sequence- one right after the other.
The red-maned Lynel shrieked, the sound reverberating the entirety of the area they were in- birds escaped their trees, flocking above into the sky at an attempt to flee. Rocks tumbled from the tops of the cliffs and the ground shook once more. As it cried out, the beast fell, the whole entirety fading into an abysmal black before dying out into nothing in front of them, in its wake were treasures, left by the beast after its demise.
Voiced whooped and hollered in victory, satisfactory smiles plastered on their faces as they lowered their weapons and exclaimed in relief.
Wild, taking one last painful gulp and a shaky hand, ripped the arrow straight from his chest, screaming out in pain as he fell, eyes rolling to the back of his head. Time and Twilight, in retaliation, both reached out to catch the falling body- eyes wide, mouths agape as Twilight released a strangled cry.
Twilight caught him, eye burning as he turned the Hylian around as eyes fell onto them. Twilight didn’t wait, reaching down to try and find his breath- he trembled, his mind immediately replying the same words over and over- he isn't breathing, he isn't breathing, why- why isn't he breathing?!
Yet a second shriek pierced the earth, and heads whipped around wildly, connecting towards the silver Lynel -the first one- which looked to be ready to attack with its brute force, red eyes gleaming in malice towards the group of those who had defeated the red-maned monster, leaving Twilight to tremble over his fallen protégé.
And then.
There was a light of pure green-
and there she was.  
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spliinkles · 5 years
Not Enough
A link to my AO3 if ya’ll wanna check out the full work
This is the 2nd part of my dadzawa fanfic, again, the link above will take you to the full work!
Word count: 4211
inspired by the ask @boghierophant gave me!!
“You know the second he starts crawling, you’re done for.” A grunt. Nemuri sighed at the reply, taking a sip out of her drink. Her eyes fell to the two people on the ground; the smallest one, little Izuku, on his stomach and above loomed Shouta who sat cross legged beside his son, watching with almost hawk-like eyes. Nemuri wouldn’t exactly call it being overprotective… but honestly, that’s what it was- though, not like she’s complaining considering Izuku was so young (not to mention the sight was adorable.) And considering Shouta wasn’t exactly the type to really do anything when Nemuri was around except make coffee, Nemuri wasn’t about to complain.
Nemuri had only seen Izuku once before, back months ago just when they had brought little Izuku home. She had been enamoured by the small figure, surprised at how tiny he was- was he meant to be that tiny? Were all newborns that small? All the same, considering this was the second meeting, she was furthermore surprised on how big he had already grown- it reminded her of how kittens grew, and she silently laughed to herself- of course cats are the first animal she thinks of when it’s about Shouta’s kid.
She looked at the two intently, tuning back to her thoughts.
Izuku had barely hit three months old, so really, Shouta wouldn’t have to begin worrying about the aspect of crawling yet; though judging the distant look in his eye, the woman wouldn’t be surprised if Shouta wasn’t making mental notes to talk with Hizashi about starting to baby-proof the rooms more-so than they already were (she thanks whatever deity is out there that they weren’t crazy enough to child-lock every goddamn door yet).
It was also quite fascinating, watching the two of her friends looking after a child together and having received photo after photo of the said child all through her days- it made her heart swell in love for them all.
It was a welcomed sight, seeing them so happy- though more obvious in Hizashi, Nemuri could spot the twinkle in Shouta’s eyes, or the way the corner of his mouth would twitch whenever Izuku would do something. Had she not known the dark-haired man for almost a decade, she would never have guessed that he’d be someone who would want a child. The tired, slouchy man who barely spoke and preferred to stay in, yet against all odds, married the loudest, brightest sunflower and had a child with him- almost sounds like a tv drama, Nemuri noted.
Nemuri sneezed, though quick enough to use her hand to cover her mouth, “Jesus, sorry about that.” Shouta nodded his head at her, though kept his eyes on Izuku.
Her eyes focused as Shouta intently watched Izuku’s feeble attempt at raising his head, before it fell, leaving his curious green eyes to wander around the room, his failed attempt nothing but a distant memory.
Izuku’s eyes locked with Shouta’s- Izuku smiled.
“Ah god.” Shouta brought a hand to his face, hiding the obvious smile prodding onto his expression; Nemuri grinned along with him. According to Shouta, this was something Izuku had started doing- smiling. It was natural, something that came with the development of a baby, yet startling enough, the first time it occurred, Hizashi had started crying, a swell of emotion for his ‘little listener’ who merely kept the toothless grin on him, feet and hands waving slightly as he squeaked wordlessly.
Izuku’s smile was adorable. His chubby cheeks would flush, eyes squinting till they were almost closed, the expression bright and powerful for such a tiny thing. All he had to do was look at someone with his big green eyes and there it would be, his smile that could make the hardest of men crack under the intensity of it. “This has to be the cutest child I had ever damned met- like, are we sure this is yours?” Jokingly pushing her shoulder against his after taking a second to sit alongside the two, Shouta shot a glare, “I’ll have you know I was a cute baby.” “Oh? Care to give proof?” Shouta snorted, “For you to use as blackmail later? Yeah, no thanks.” Nemuri whined for a second, taking this time to wiggle a finger in front of Izuku’s vision; the movement fascinating him, “A shame, really.” she giggled as Izuku’s hand wavered above, barely reaching for her hand.
At the slight squeak that left Izuku’s mouth, he gave one last burst of energy enough to brush his tiny hands against Nemuri’s. Watching Izuku smile up at her at his victory, though she wouldn’t be surprised if he was only smiling because he had locked eyes with her, she grinned back, “God, if I weren’t a hero, I would’ve already snatched you away Izuku!” her voice raised, high pitched in a ‘baby’ tone fit to catch the said baby’s attention. Though Izuku merely continued onto his smiling endeavours, she heard a grunt beside her.
She turned her attention to the smaller man, dark eyes connecting with a fiery passion Nemuri only saw when he was determined, “Yeah, you heard me stink man.” Nemuri smirked, looking down as Shouta barely moved, barely blinked- like a statue. They kept this was for what seemed like minutes until Shouta smirked himself, the creepy toothy grin that looked too weird underneath his droopy eyes.
Shouta tilted his head, and Nemuri watched as his eyes drifted from hers to his son’s, “I want you to listen to me Izuku.” Shouta started, voice flat. Nemuri would’ve cracked up at the serious tone, as if Shouta was talking to an adult, had Shouta had not continued with “When you see this woman, I want you to cry immediately.”
Nemuri gasped, offended.
Izuku blinked.
“Yeah, you tell him Izuku! Let Auntie Nemuri love you!” with enough energy, she shoved Shouta down, enough for the man to fall from his position with a dedicated ‘umph’. By the time Shouta recovered, dark eyes squinting and mouth twitching downwards into a deeper frown, Nemuri had already scooped up Izuku, placing him on her chest and her hand resting upon his head as she smiled down at the fallen man, “He’s mine now, Shouta.” “Get your own child.” Nemuri huffed, “You’ve already got Hizashi, can’t you let me have Izuku?” “Hizashi is not a child.” “Could’ve fooled me.” The woman watched as Shouta closed his mouth, retort seemingly dying in his throat, “I can’t believe Shouta’s looking after not one but TWO children.” Nemuri added, smirking at the lack of response from Shouta as the man neither denied nor confirmed her statement.
He looked away, leaving Nemuri to burst out in a boisterous laugh, clutching carefully as Izuku merely babbled in her grasp. Beside her, Shouta smiled.
Yeah, it was a welcomed sight indeed.
Over the course of the next few days, life continued as normal; during the morning, Hizashi would go for patrol for a good portion of the day, usually tending between four to five hours, before coming home, usually to Izuku curled up on Shouta’s chest as the man read, or wrote reports (the luxury life of a hero). From there, they would have almost half a day to themselves before Shouta had to leave for his patrol during most of the night, much to Hizashi’s disappointment ‘I just wanna cuddle you, Sho!’
It was fast paced, but manageable.
Shouta remembered the first time Hizashi had to go back to work after bringing Izuku home. It had been only five days, yet five was enough for Hizashi to almost quit his life as a hero where he stood; Shouta knew Hizashi had a knack of doing things impulsively however, and had already confiscated the phones before Hizashi could even attempt to ring and go through with it, much to Hizashi’s disappointment.
He remembered Hizashi on the verge of tears, a worried look plastered on his face as he quite literally shuffled to the door, one antagonising small step at a time, hoping to catch Shouta in his puppy dog eyes; Shouta wouldn’t having it, however.
Time almost seemed to jump from the second he left to when he came back though, and soon enough he found himself smothered by Hizashi’s kisses, before the man held Izuku and wept, ‘I missed you two so much!’ Shouta would be lying if he said he didn’t feel touched by Hizashi’s love.
One of the main things he remembers though, is turning around to Hizashi after he calmed down and asking, “See? That wasn’t so bad now as it?” the look Hizashi gave him silenced him immediately. “I don’t know how other people do it, Shouta,” Hizashi had started, a waver to his voice, “every second was like a nightmare- I felt so scared for you both, I don’t even know how to describe it.”
Shouta had blinked at that.
“You wait till you have your patrol, Shouta, you’ll see.”
Shouta doubted that- he trusted Hizashi to look after Izuku and it was only for five hours- they’d be fine.
It took a little under a minute for Shouta to take those words back after he closed the door to the apartment for his patrol.
He fucking loathed it.
He physically had to stop himself from turning back there and then before calming down and starting on his normal route.
Didn’t stop him from being on edge, however. The creeping thoughts, the ‘what if’s’ that seemed to haunt his every action. Every step took him one step further away from his home, away from Hizashi- away from his son.
He counted every second, all 18000 of them.
The second he opened that door, he connected eyes with Hizashi, who merely opened up his blanket from where he sat from the couch, Izuku on his chest fast asleep- It was like a weight lifted off his shoulders, a relief that had left him full force, quick enough to make him feel lightheaded if not just for a second, before he made his way over, not caring to ask why Hizashi had stayed up until the early hours of the morning (he knew why and his heart swelled at the thought).
There were no words exchanged, just the feeling of understanding.
It had gotten better, more often than not. The constant patrols, though something they had become so used to before Izuku, now had new meaning, a new type of patience they both had to learn- to adapt to. It was an almost sense of belonging, that they did this for a bigger cause now that they had a child of their own. Easy enough, most criminals they came to capture had only been petty thieves among most, another two having been fighting in front of a pub, both wasted off their heads- Shouta very much disliked those kinds of people.
Fast paced, but manageable all the same.
However, something was off.
Shouta didn’t know what.
Today, Shouta knew it was one of those days. The kind where he woke up and just knew something was going to happen, whether good or bad. Whether it’ll be the water in the shower was cold instead of warm, or maybe he’d find out his patrol was cancelled- one thing was all it would take for Shouta to just know. Shouta didn’t like these days, no, they were unpredictable and caused too much trouble for him.
Yet he trudged on.
Hizashi had already left for his patrol, many hours ago. In fact, he knew he’d be home in little under half an hour. Izuku was quietly on the ground on one of the sensory blankets Hizashi had got him, one that was soft like silk, yet warm and thick. Shouta found it easy for Izuku to simply lie there for a while, at least until he was hungry- In thinking that, the black-haired man turned to the formula for Izuku’s meal, quickly testing the bottle onto his skin before deeming it acceptable enough for his son before making his way over, shaking the bottle in front of Izuku.
He watched Izuku’s eyes snap over to him and smile, hands flailing, as well as his legs; Shouta smiled alongside him.
He quickly bundled the small figure, before beginning to feed. Bottle-feeding Izuku had been a challenge at the start. Whilst doctors recommended Izuku be breast-fed the first couple of days, something in which Midoriya Inko had been happy to do until Shouta and Hizashi had taken him home, getting Izuku to drink from the bottle was an experience.
More often that not for the first three to four times, Izuku had barely drank it- just enough for them to wait half and hour before trying again. It was normal- it was an adjustment Izuku had to make; it took nearly a week for Izuku to properly feed onto a whole bottle at one time.
Which made Shouta pause when Izuku spat out the bottle, merely second after drinking. “No? You know it’s your feeding time, Izuku.” Shouta whispered, giving pause for several seconds before tying again- POP! The bottle spat out once more, much to Shouta’s worry. The man looked at Izuku’s face, noting nothing of any difference- Was Izuku being problematic? “Ok p-problem child, we’ll try once more.” The sound of those words gave him an ugly feeling, noting the word problem- he probably shouldn’t say that again.
It quickly became a problem once Izuku seemed to refuse once more.
Shouta felt the realisation crawling up his bad- this was his sign. Today was going to be a bad day.
He felt his anxiety spike, if not just for a second at the thought, though he took a couple deep breaths, enough to calm him. He’s dealt with this before, he started, he can do this- a whine. Shouta looked down, watching Izuku squirm from his blanket, “Oh.” Shouta’s dealt with this before- hasn’t.
Shouta took another breath in, though this time longer- deeper. He can do this, he just has to keep Izuku happy, just until Hizashi got home- two people are better than one, he can do this. The man stood, slowly unravelling Izuku from the blanket, and placing the tiny figure onto the sensory blanket, that was overrun with small noises and fabrics that crinkled and twinkled at Izuku’s weight.
Izuku stopped his whining, body slack against the ground, wide eyes connecting with Shouta’s.
Shouta crouched down beside him, taking a couple seconds to watch- to simply observe. He had to be careful about this. Izuku’s eyes wandered, the curiosity so seemingly endless, no matter how often he’s put here to relax. Shouta picked up the edge of the blanket, one that crinkled under his touch- Izuku’s focus was immediately captured at it, enough that his hands waved slightly, towards the fabric. Shouta crinkled it once more.
Then a hiccup.
Shouta’s heart dropped, watching Izuku’s eyes glistening, hands dropping beside him, “Izu?” Shouta opted for a softer voice, one that defied his normal tone, yet he couldn’t care less- There was a look that shined in Izuku’s eyes, all it took were mere seconds for his face to change expression from one to the next; once soft and curious, led to a distressed frown, mouth quivering barely, though Shouta saw it- the adult felt his heart beat fastened, quickly launching himself at Izuku and scooping him up gently, a hand resting on the back of his head, “hey, hey, it’s ok Izu, daddy’s here-“
A wail.
Shouta’s heart shattered at the intensity of it, before quick enough delving into the thick of it, heart thrumming quickly.
A little under ten minutes later, Shouta found himself in his, Hizashi’s and Izuku’s room, Izuku himself perched upon the dark-haired man’s bed, as he took a couple deep breaths in.
Shouta held his hands to his face, the swelling grasp of worry tight against his throat as his thoughts swam against the current of his anxiety. His heart had yet to slow, as was the constant ringing in his ears- it was like white noise, like static that dug into his skull like a drill.
He felt like he could throw up.
His eyes fell onto Izuku’s tiny figure below him, and he couldn’t help but to let out a distress whine, listening to the heartbreaking sobs that left his son’s mouth.
Shouta had tried everything- diaper change, baby formula, rocking him, anything that had seemed to work in past, yet now left Izuku screaming for something Shouta couldn’t give him- The sound that rang in Shouta’s ears were terrifyingly raw, louder- stronger than ever- Shouta knew Izuku’s throat would hurt the more he sobbed, yet Shouta could do nothing but to stare-
Izuku was hurting and Shouta didn’t know what to do.
How was he meant to be a good father if he couldn’t even look after his son? Couldn’t even figure out why he was crying? Shouta’s heart clenched at the thought that he wasn’t good enough, wasn’t good for Izuku, wasn’t good for Hizashi- he wasn’t enough for anyone. Was this a mistake? Was becoming a father the wrong thing to do? His stomach almost flipped at that thought, yet looking at Izuku’s crying face, he couldn’t find it in his heart to stop himself from thinking it.
He didn’t know what to do-
He didn’t-
He couldn’t-
Shouta choked on his breath.
He couldn’t breathe.
It felt like a vice on his throat, stronger than ever before. His vision almost went white yet blurred as the tears he had felt slowly build seemed to overflow immediately, leaving Shouta standing there in short bursts of choking as he tried to get himself to breath. He felt his body go cold, almost paralysed as his own choked sobs, though quieter, more contained, filled the room. Shouta felt his heart leap to his throat as his knees buckled, swerving away from the bed slightly and finding his way to the ground, hands unconsciously levitating to his ears at a poor attempt to block out the noise.
It felt like an overload- too much noise, too much noise-
He pulled at his hair, breathing short to non-existent still, yet the shaking that overcame him held him in place, chest heaving as his mind blanked- beside him, Izuku cried on, sobs scratchy, yet still prominent.
There was so much noise-
Shouta felt something touch his shoulder- dark eyes flung open to the blurry figure in front of him- what’s happening? What’s wrong? He eyes twitched at the noises, through the sobs and the screaming, yet he couldn’t understand- was someone talking to him? Why? What can’t he understand? What’s wrong with him?
His head throbbed, as if it was being split open. The thrumming of his heart still throbbing at his head, the continuous loop of white noise and choked breaths too familiar for the man-
God, he wanted Hizashi.
The hand on his shoulder tightened, “Sho-“ Shouta gasped, a wrecked sob leaving him as his flew to the figure, shaky arms wrapping around them and In return, the figure did the same- the immediate warmth grounding him, “H-Hiz- Zashi-“ his throat already burned, yet he took a short breath in, “Hiza- Hizash-“ “Shh,” Shouta closed his mouth, “breathe Sho- big breaths, ok?” the smaller man felt the blonde imitating the instructions- in, out, in, out- Shouta followed on; his shaky breaths wheezing past the tightness. In the back of his mind, Shouta hated how weak he felt- struggling to breath as if his own son wasn’t dealing with something worse-
Shouta’s eyes snapped to a focus, just as his heart dropped, “Izuku-“ he pushed back, away from Hizashi who stumbled slightly, a look of hurt flashing before his eyes before he reached out, yet Shouta moved away- the high pitched screaming still continued, Izuku’s sob’s clear- were they always this loud? “Oh no- oh, no, no, no.” he himself stumbled at the force of his ascent, lightheaded for a mere second before he held a palm to his head, eyes blinking a couple times. He opened his eyes, staring down at Izuku-
Shouta sucked in a breath.
Izuku’s face had painted a near bright red, skin blotchy and tense. Tears cascading down his small face and snot dribbled down his nose, the creases of his face squishing in together to create a look of pure distress- his eyes were closed, yet Shouta could easily see the puffiness of them.
He looked so fragile-
Hizashi picked himself up, reaching out to Shouta, “Sho… ?” dark eyes wavered, yet stilled at the child, “I’m a terrible father.” It was a mere whisper, one that Hizashi wasn’t sure he was meant to hear, not with the intensity of his sons screaming, yet he did- he felt his heart break, “Shouta, you are no-” snapping his gaze, Shouta glared at Hizashi. The blonde flinched, bringing his hand back before opening his mouth, “I’m serious- you know that.” Hizashi’s voice remained strong- the sound bringing Shouta back for a quick second before he tightened the grip of his palms, “I good father doesn’t leave their kid crying.” “You didn’t leave hi-“ “A good father doesn’t have a fucking panic attack in front of them,” Shouta continued, bottom lip quivering as the words left his throat.
Apart from the sobbing, it was pure silence.
Hizashi moved, wrapping himself around Shouta as the man stood there, frozen. The air felt so thick. The thrumming in his head had slowed into a dulled ache, eyes stinging, no doubt bloodshot, as time ticked on.
How long had he been like that? Sitting on the ground pathetically, leaving his son a crying mess barely three feet from him- what would have happened if Izuku had started choking? Had fallen of the bed? Shouta felt angry at himself- some kind of father he was- “Stop that.” Shouta flinched, pausing beneath Hizashi’s embrace, “stop berating yourself for something that was out of your control.” Shouta bit his lip, “I should know-“ “Izuku is your first child,” Hizashi paused, “and I know you- he’s the first child you’ve even begun to look after- you don’t have siblings, hell, you never look after kids, it’s- it’s ok to be lost, sometimes, that’s why I’m here.” Hands ran through his messy hair and Shouta melted in the touch, the overwhelming thoughts dying ever so slightly, as did the throbbing in his skull.
God, Shouta felt so fucking tired.
“I think he’s sick.” Wide eyed, Shouta detached himself from the embrace, though let Hizashi hold him by the shoulders. They both locked eyes, and Shouta saw the calm, serious expression plastered on Hizashi’s face; compared to his own, he knew the bloodshot, mess he was mustn’t have been the most attractive thing the blonde had seen recently- “Sick?” His tone was barely above a whisper- sick? Izuku was sick? How- how? Why? Would he be ok? Did they need to go to the hospital- “H-hey, Sho, calm down.” At Hizashi’s whine, Shouta paused, “remember, I’ve dealt with this before- I’ve had plenty of siblings, and plenty of experiences with this kind of stuff.” Shouta deflated, relief flooding his whole body at the words, “We’ll probably need to see a doctor though, I’ll call one in a sec, but I want you to tell me you’re ok, ok?” the black-haired man nodded, but Hizashi shook his head, “tell me properly.” “I- uh, I’m ok. I think.” His voice, soft yet scratchy, reached Hizashi’s ears and the taller man nodded, “Get yourself a drink, I’ll deal with this.” Shouta nodded, heart stammering and swelling with love and relief- Shouta might not have been able to do this, but Hizashi will. He knew of it. “Shouta.” The said man paused, before looking back. Kind eyes caught his own- Hizashi smiled, “You are a good father- don’t you ever think otherwise.”
Shouta couldn’t even begin to comprehend the overbearing affection he felt as he nodded as he sucked in a breath and quick enough almost seemed to leap out of the room.
A common cold.
Izuku had contracted the common cold. Though not as serious as it would’ve been to an adult, there was a danger that it could escalate; anything could happen- the doctor had told them, keep an eye out and you should be ok.
Shouta had found out, according to a late-night visit from Nemuri after a text explain what happened a couple days later, that she had caught the cold a week previous- though Shouta was not mad at her (Nemuri had thought it was gone 100% completely and wouldn’t of dared come if she knew it would’ve turned out like this), the experience did lead to noting for future research on a wide variety of illnesses prone to babies- Shouta was going to make sure nothing surprising like this ever happened again (he knew illness was inevitable in most cases, though being able to spot the problem before it occurs would be appreciated).
But for now, he was content on watching Izuku closely, with newly equipped information and his husband by his side- and it was ok, he could do this. They both could, together.
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spliinkles · 6 years
To Know A Name
Character Study of Legend and Wild from the Linked Universe AU
The Au is made by @jojo56830 | @linkeduniverse
"For Hylia's sake, can you please stop your insufferable mumbling?!" Wild froze mid-sentence, eyes wide. He looked over to Legend, who glared back intensely. He shifted his gaze, "Sorry." he whispered, continuing to stir the pot in front of him and letting the camp settle into an awkward silence. Legend turned back to his sewing.
A cold air settled in.
The silence was deafening.
Legend sighed, letting his shoulders slump in defeat. He put his needle into the fabric of his current piece, before putting it down, "Ok, I'm sorry for yelling at you," he turned to Wild who owlishly blinked at him, "what? Don't look so surprised, I'm not that heartless." he mumbled, before standing up.
Legend felt the ache in his joints flare at his movements, yet he stretched on, letting them pop and settle. Immediately, he felt better as he moved to the fire, letting the warm engulf him. He sat opposite to Wild, the latter watching him quietly.
He ignored the look, savouring the smell of the dish simmering before him.
Wild looked away.
The silence returned, yet this time was slightly more welcomed- more comfortable.
Until the mumbling started again.
Legend's eyes found Wild slumped over the cook pot, eyes closed yet his mouth running a mile per minute; a soft mumble, softer than before, coming from him. Legend could almost hear the words, if it weren't for the crackling of the fire in front of him or the scrapping of the spoon against the pot.
Yet Legend was curious.
"What are you doing?" Wild's eyes snapped up once more, meeting Legend's. Wild shrugged, "Sorry." before looking down- Legend frowned, "No, I don't mean that- I'm not calling you out this time, I'm genuinely curious as to why you're mumbling." Wild let his mouth open, a silent 'Oh' forming. He stopped stirring, tapping the spoon before letting the food rest. "Habit." Legend wondered as to why Wild found it hard to talk some days, yet he refused to question it out loud. Wild had his reasons. Legend picked up a lone stick, shoving the end into the dirt mindlessly, "Well, what are you mumbling then?" he watched the small pockets of dirt heave way for the stick. Wild hummed, "Names."
Legend sat back up, head tilting onwards facing the shrubbery of the outskirts of the nearby forest. He's eyes narrowing slightly at the answer- then again, what was he expecting? A recipe maybe, Legend mused. Wild was full of surprises however. "Why names?" He thought on his own question for second, "then again, whose names?" he looked at Wild, searching for the answer as the said Hylian looked away from the gaze, shoulders hunching in on himself, "Everyone's." Legend couldn't help but to scoff, "That's vague. You mean the other Link's? I would've though they're names would be eas-" "No," Wild cut off, "everyone's." highlighting the word, Legend paused. He blinked. "Everyone's as in… Everyone? Like… " Wild nodded, firmly, "Everyone I know."
Legend sat back, eyes widened slightly.
"Huh," he started, "You really are quite stupid sometimes, you know that right?" He stated. Wild scowled at him, scoffed and looked away, his eyes drawn down. Legend rolled his eyes, "You know I'm right. Everyone's names? By the looks of it and how many villages we've passed, there has to be a couple hundred people at the least." he explained, "you're on a wild goose chase with this one- hah, a Wild's goose chase you could call it." he pressed, huffing at his own remark. Wild kept silent.
Legend continued.
"To even think of trying is quite funny, I mean, why bother? You probably won't see a lot of them again, you are an adventurer and all." Legend gripped the stick with both palms, one on either side of the stick, "You said one day you wanted to settle too, right? What's this endeavour got to do to help with that if you'll only be staying in one place?" He began bending the stick, ears narrowing in on the slight pops of the stick snapping.
Wild made no peep.
Legend continued.
"I sincerely hope you're lying about this," the stick bent further, "or quick enough to realise this is wasted time you could be doing something a little more beneficial," and further, "or have you already forgotten why you're here with us?"
Legend blinked.
Legend lifted his head, eyes landing on the spoon in Wild's hand- the same one Sky had carved him many weeks ago. The same one now split into two.
Eyes traveled upwards.
Wild glared down at Legend, sneering. Legend let his words sink, his gut twisting at the realisation. He opened his mouth to- to what, apologise? He shot into his mind, as if an apology would be enough. His mouth closed, eyes steady onto the figure looming over him.
Legend let the stick in his hand loosen; the branch, still intact, merely bent back to originality, although slightly dented.
It was silence once more.
Wild's shoulder drooped several seconds of the showdown, hands releasing from their tight grips as he slinked back down tiredly into his seat. His expression, though once furious, sunk into something Legend could only call dejected.
Now Legend felt like an ass.
The silence was suffocating with the exception of the fire sizzling away as the food simmered still. The sunset proved once more of the intensity of the cold chills that settled in with the moon rising below. Everything was still- yet Legend's mind ran a mile per minute.
Five minutes passed.
"That was stupid of me." Legend stated, watching the fire flicker like a hawk, "real stupid."
Two more minutes passed.
"I'm sorry, again."
One more passed.
"It's ok." Wild replied. A pause, "you're telling Sky you broke it though." "That's fair." Legend breathed out, relieved. Wild took out another spoon- not carved as intricately as Sky's yet still as useful, before stirring the pot once more. After a couple more minutes Wild put the spoon down, hands in his lap.
"When I woke up, the only thing I really knew for certain was my name…" he curled in hood, leaning further inwards to the fire, "When I left the Great Plateau, I knew nothing but my name and the job I was meant to do… then, when I met the first person and I learnt his name, Brigo, it felt so safe." Legend saw Wild's wistful eyes watching the flames intently. Wild then blinked, shaking his head slightly, "So, learning names makes you feel safe?" Wild shrugged, "Kinda… It's more so knowing that I can remember that one piece of information about someone I never knew before. That a piece of them is with me," he chuckled slightly, "because if my name is as important as it is, then to me, their names are just as important."
Legend sat back, eyes set surprised.
"You're afraid of forgetting them." legend stated. Wild snorted, rubbing the nape of his neck, "I'm afraid of forgetting anything to be honest, but yes, these names have a story and I don’t want to forget them."
A pause.
"I still think you're stupid." Wild paused, looking up at Legend offended, yet said nothing as Legend stood up, making a b-line to his stuff. He took several seconds to shuffle through the collection of belongings, mumbling ever so often.
He then pulled an object out.
Quick enough, he made his was to Wild, who looked on curiously, albeit still frowning. Legend rolled his eyes, waving the object slightly to Wild's view, "None of that now, Wild, I only call you stupid for not thinking about possibilities." Wild's eyes widened at the object.
A book.
Legend passed it onto the Hylian, who caught it smoothly, "This should make remembering their names a little clearer, you could even add a little description of them or something." Legend shrugged, sitting where he once sat. Wild watched him, yet tore his view down into his lap at the book. He looked back to Legend, "Are you sure?" Legend blinked, "That you should be using a book? Yes." "No, I mean about having the book… " "oh, yeah, sure. I have a couple more spare, don't worry." A pause, "Thank you." Legend scoffed, "Don't worry about it," he put his hands out, savouring the feeling of the heat, "now, tell me some of these names, I'm curious about the people you've met." Wild's eyes widened, and a smile playing on his lips as he quickly spilling his words that Legend listened to intently, his own smile joining Wild's as the sun finally set over the horizon.
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