#spike x lobster
naffeclipse · 2 months
The Eel's Hips Pt. 2
Vigilante Mer!Reader x Detective Mer!Sun and Moon
Commission Info
Everyone tell @o-cinnamonstickz thank you for requesting a part 2 to her first commission! I can't tell you how excited I am to continue this storyline where we left off. The boys are determined to keep the vigilante under house arrest and their little fish is making it ever difficult, as always.
Content Warning for suggestive themes.
The midnight sea glows with the silvery light of a full moon. You would admire the coral reef so deliciously dusted in the celestial shine were it not for the two mers surrounding you on either side. They hurry you along, Sun’s hand wrapped tightly around your own as Moon's small finger hooks your pinky. Long, sharp fins and fanning frills easily push you through the water at a swift speed that would have exhausted you in moments were it not for their ability to carry you and cut through the ocean like seaweed.
It’s a shame this isn’t a stroll through the gentle dark with your two favorite mers. They were so insistent and brisk that you came with them. It’s hard to tell them no when they refuse to let you go or slip out of their grasp. How can you blame them? It would have been a tragedy to separate the three of you.
Even in the dimness, you spy life in the Reef. Vibrate hard coral frames the home of sunlight and twilight zone mers alike. Fish slip around anemones while lobsters rest under rocky covers and seahorses hook tightly to seagrass. Sponges, sea turtles, and clams rest low in the valley between mer shelters made gently out of the reef bed. They take you towards the narrow edge of paradise to all, though there is always trouble seemingly churning at every bend. 
There are a few twilight zone mers drifting quietly through the dark. They’re adapted to the lack of bright, yellow sun rays, and the quiet without the bustling sunlight zone mers must be a comfort. You’re not certain. Sun and Moon don’t say much from their days before the Reef welcomed all kinds of mers. From what little you gathered, the twilight zone in the sea is cold, dark, and isolating, even among their own kind.
You’re three linked like the ropes of a net, all of you, shutting your past into the darkness where no one else swims.
It’s better this way.
Distantly, you spy on a couple. A twilight zone mer with the lower half of an octopus causes your gut to clench before you register the orange tentacles which blend into red and then pitch-black tips. He glows a faint cyan light while he guides a sunlight mer towards a home in the coral. Her tail is yellow in the darkness and her hair streams freely behind her, long and wavy and golden brown. She smiles at the midnight mer despite the stark difference in their biology, monstrous against meek. A tender hand touches her cheek. He wraps a tentacle loosely around her tail, and the twilight zone admires her for a breath before they saunter over seagrass and disappear into the shelter.
In the corner of your vision, Sun and Moon glance down at you, curious with arched brows at you grabbing their hands tighter. You swiftly loosen your hold.
“Do you miss the twilight sea?” you voice quietly to distract from their prying gazes. Immediately, a sharp glance cuts between the brothers.
“No.” Moon tugs you further along. His crimson eyes stay the day ahead with an edge that shines like a hook’s tip.
“Why?” you pry, watching him closely as if you had a chance of revealing what they don’t wish to show. “Not enough pretty fish for you to chase?”
“It’s beautiful here,” Sun says, his voice subdued, reverent. He tilts his rays of venomous spikes as he studies you gently. His blue eyes shimmer. “There’s so much light.”
You find yourself quiet. The tip of your tongue presses against the back of your teeth as you ponder what it would be like to grow up in darkness, barely swimming with others of your kind and scrabbling for scraps of food. Of course, they are natural predators. By all accounts, you and the rest of the sunlight mers are their prey, and for many, many years the only things anyone would believe of them are their wild savagery. No one paused to wonder if they were sentient and deserving of a little bit of safety and light that the Reef offers, until recently.
Then came the gangs and the struggle for power and dominance. Then came Sun and Moon. Then you. Then Eclipse.
You swallow roughly. Rebounding and perking up, you slyly try another tactic.
“What of—”
“We’re almost home and it’s late. Let’s keep our voices down.” It is not a suggestion. The smooth cut of Sun’s voice leaves you with an arch brow and a cheeky grin. Your question was pierced before it left your lips as if he hurled a harpoon at it. Lucky for him you’re feeling generous. For him, you’ll hold back any further inquiries of your two favorite mers’ place of birth.
At the edge of the reef, towards an edge that dips low into the deep blue sea, a shelter crafted of rock lies covered in black and fire coral. An idea of suggesting slipping in through the ceiling dances in the back of your thoughts. In an uncanny prediction, Moon levels you with a glare of warning while Sun holds you tightly before descending into the entry tunnel of their home. They’re no fun.
The main chamber holds a floor of thick, soft alga. A few supplies are stashed in the corners including nets and baskets, each holding precious materials of food and cleaning supplies for instance of scale rot and other unpleasant conditions a mer would not enjoy suffering for a moment longer than necessary. You sweep a glance over the brightly colored sea stars which lie dormant and mute across the walls in the late evening.
You sweep a sultry look between the two.
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you two are nervous I’m going to slip away.” If only you had a hand free. You would seep a lock of hair over your shoulder and twirl it around your finger.
“Not nervous, just prepared,” Sun suggests in a chary tone, ripe for rebuttal. His fins give a sharp, anticipatory flick. “Why don’t you make yourself comfortable?”
Moon holds your gaze. The back of his claw touches the side of your palm and you give a dramatic sign and nod with great grace.
“Since you’re being so polite, starfish,” you hum. Freeing your hand from Sun’s grasp, you set a finger under his chin, admiring how his eyes dilate and turn almost completely white as he tries to stare down at your touch. Tilting his head up until his eyes meet your own, you singsong, “I’ll be good.”
His lips part breathlessly.
You flash a dangerous smile. “For the moment.”
“You need to tell us what you were doing,” Moon growls. The grumble fills you when he tugs on you slightly and presses his tail against yours. His deep blue and silver face looms over you. “What were you doing outside of the Reef?”
You slip naturally into an easy smile. Flicking your fins, you glide against Moon before he releases your pinky finger. His eyes flash a brighter scarlet, if you’re not mistaken, and you’re not. How could he not be affected by the presence of your body? You twist back to face them both. 
“Who, me?” you press both hands to your chest, eyes wide open and innocent. 
Sun says your name, ever-lasting patience running thinner still. He blinks and rubs a hand down his face. In a snap, you realize how exhausted he must be, working so late into the night as he is. 
But he didn’t have to give chase after you slipped into the chasms. Of course, you are worth the lack of sleep he’s getting.
“You have been leaving the Reef more than usual,” Sun tries again. “Is there another gang you’re fighting?”
Oh, perhaps. You’re quite busy, going here to kill some goons and rushing there to stop an innocent sunlight mer from being forced into ‘protection’ by another thug. There’s just never enough sun in the day. It’s a wonderful thing that you have one with you instead.
“My, you two look so handsome when you’re interrogating me,” you simper. You press a finger to your cheek and tilt your head, eyes coquettish swinging between the two sleek and strong mers. “Really, I’m flattered you want to know so much about me.”
Moon scowls. His sharp teeth flash in the darkness, sending your heart into a downward spiral. Sweeping around you with a whip-like motion of his tail, he shadows you like the dark side of the new lunar cycle. 
“If there’s bad mers, you need to let us know.” His harsh rasp brushes the shell of your ear. “You can’t fight everyone. You will slip up.”
You turn to face him, inches between your mouth and his crooked snarl. His eyes betray him and fall down to your lips. You grin.
“I think you’ll find that I am quite amazing,” you lower your voice until it smokes like wintery fog over the sea, “if you haven’t already, squid.” 
Your hand finds his shoulder. The slight twitch of his tail gives away your allure as your fingers tap softly along his collarbone and slide up to his spindly throat. Tracing the strong cords of his neck until you reach his jawbone, you admire the strength he wields. His bite could crush you easily. He wouldn’t, no matter how much he storms and darkens around you.
He slowly takes your hand and presses it closer to the corner of his wide mouth. Slowly, he lays a kiss on your palm.
Sun softly says your name. The water ripples and a few bubbles arise as he slips around you. His tail slides over your own before two pairs of eternal eyes hold you. 
Suddenly, you are small. You are no better than the mer who used to cause mayhem and bloodshed in the Reef just as the twilight zones were earning their welcome among the coral and softer, weaker mers. 
A gang is a gang. It wouldn’t matter in their eyes. You are guilty as sin, and your hands are still red despite all your efforts to wash yourself clean. The Reef deserves better. It will have it. You will give those who are in need justice and those who cause suffering punishment. But now, you hide a dirty fish under your shiny, sparkling veneer. 
You can stay with them, but not for long. They’ll have you as you are now, concerned for your safety and worried about what shoals you swim with but not as you were. 
You will keep your past sunk far, far into the deep.
“You’ve been returning more and more with bruises,” Sun says gently, “And you’re disappearing more and more. We can’t keep you safe if you won’t let us.”
“Safe? That’s precious,” you sweetly hum. Your heart, however, sways gently under Sun’s concerned gaze. “A beautiful thought, truly.”
“You’re going after Eclipse,” Moon states in a flat accusation.
You stare back. The blueness of Sun’s eyes fades until only a pale, concerned color remains. Moon mirrors dark irises, eating up all the light. Your lips crack into a slow, wide smile.
How could they fear their own brother so much? What do they know?
“Why would I ever do such a thing?” You bat your eyelashes. “I would never! Nor would I ever stray too far from the Reef!”
Disregarding today’s chase through the chasm, of course, but you don’t mention that little tidbit out loud. You smile sweetly until Sun sighs a bone-tired sound. Moon’s claws are tighter around your hand for a heartbeat, and you eye him sharply before he lowers your palm from his cheek.
“It’s late,” he says softly.
Victory tastes bittersweet on your tongue as you nod. 
“It is, I should get going before the sun rises and everyone knows what lovely company you keep in the dark—”
The flick of your tail is impeded by two mers taking your arms, guiding you away from the entry tunnel and towards one of the branching paths from the main chamber.
“You should rest here for the night,” Sun decides despite the cheery tone of his suggestion. “There’s no reason for you to be out so late swimming around.”
“You’re tired,” Moon adds with a gentle but firm note upon his tongue. His eyes shimmer like jewels in the dark. “We’ll stay with you tonight.”
“Oh, how gracious, but I’m afraid I have to decline,” you breeze while your eyes fall back to your escape quickly diminishing in the dark.
“We insist,” Moon whispers. His hand on your waist leaves no room for argument. 
Guiding you down a tunnel, small and almost completely dark to your eyes, Sun and Moon take you deeper into their home. A complaint of being netted in their home like some common criminal laces your tongue, but you don’t think they’d disagree with you. Sun glows faintly. Golden bioluminescence offers the slightest aid to your sunlight zone vision and illuminates the room—Sun’s room. 
A bed of moss lies soft and green. Along the ceiling, several soft corals grow in flowing blues pinks, and reds. 
“Taking me to bed, boys?” you draw with a coquettish undertone.
“Only to rest,” Moon gruffly reminds. His scarlet eyes ease when you meet his gaze, and he guides you down, setting you on the resting place like a child. His hands on your waist are strong and steady, and you shiver under the softest scrap of his claws.
“And you need to stay out of trouble.” Sun spares you a knowing look, blue eyes bright in the golden rays of his light. “Just for tonight. Please.”
You rest on your side. Head propped on your hand, tail slightly curled, you conjure a cheeky, rebellious smile at your two favorite mers.
“As lovely as such an evening would be with the darling protectors of the Reef, I’m afraid I’m simply too restless.” Your half-lidded eyes are only for their pleasure and not to suggest an ounce of exhaustion. 
How could you sleep, surrounded by two dishy twilight zone mers? They’ll learn soon enough. No wounds or bruises keep you held down, and without medicines to soothe you into a good night’s rest, you long to be out there, hunting down the scum that poison the Reef with their violence and lust for power.
But your two favorite mers share a look. A dangerous glance whispering of a dastardly plot, and you realize just how outnumbered you are.
“We’ll make you tired,” Moon flashes a sharp, hungry grin of shark teeth. 
“You’ll have sweet dreams,” Sun promises, but even his golden light is alluring, promising a bright golden aquatic flower while hiding a mouth full of fangs. “Come here, sweet fish.”
You feel a shudder running down your spine and into your tailfins, a most curious thing when you’re so used to watching them flounder into flustered messes. Sun slips behind you, resting on the moss beside you. Before you can twist around to face him and protect your back, Moon sinks down and rests a hand on your waist. You freeze, effectively caught between two predators.
“Oh, you boys are ganging up on sweet, little me,” you bemoan. Dramatically, you lift your hand to cover your brow with the back of your head, head falling back in a swoon. “Will I ever be treated right?”
“Hush,” Moon whispers. Your eyes widen slightly when his fingertips trace up your side, evoking a soft shiver over your skin. “Sleep.”
“How can I? There’s simply so much work to do and—” You stifle a soft sound in the back of your throat when Sun draws a hand down your back. Softly tracing the ridges of your spine, he stops on a scar on your lower right side. He circles it gently for a moment.
“I think you’ll find a way,” he gives quietly though with no less cheer.
Sun shifts his tail slightly closer to yours, the flaring end of his fins covering you like sunlight as he dims his bioluminescence until there is only the dimness and your two favorite mers loving on you. The deep blue scales of Moon’s tail rest against your own. Effectively, you are caught between them with the softest caresses and husky, lowered voices to ease you into sleep.
“Lay down.” Moon gives little room for argument when he takes your shoulder. Sun’s hand on your hip pins you gently to the moss, and you stare up at the ceiling, your hands searching through the dark. You are not disappointed. 
Moon leans over you gently. With his free hand, he traces your lips and you’re forced to bite back a sound of content at the gentleness. You yearn for more. A lot more. How freely they give their affection when Sun takes your hair, still tied back in flowing red algae leaves and, of course, their golden seashells, and strokes it softly. His claws card gently over your scalp and your eyelids shudder under the sensitivity it conjures.
You could ask them where they found such precious shells deep in the twilight zone, but they might not tell you. Not now, when they need you to rest. No more than you could confess how addicted you have become to their presence, the light of their bodies, the colors of their eyes. How afraid you are to lose them.
But sweetly, gently, they coax you to forget fears as they rest against you in the darkness. You stifle laughter once when Sun’s hand brushes over your stomach while wrapping his arm around you. Clasped tightly, you understand how clear Sun makes it known: he is not letting you go. Moon moves closer and allows you to rest your head on his arm. He rasps gently against your forehead, bidding you goodnight. His kiss finds your mouth in the darkness, and you hold tightly to him for one moment.
Their traces and petting hands slowly still, falling to simply rest on you, covering you in their presence—perhaps to assure you won’t slip away, but you won’t blame them this time for needing you so terribly.
Exhaustion takes hold. You bask in their warmth and coolness. Tucked so sweetly between them, you dream of their forgiveness for all the blood on your hands. For not yet atoning for all you’ve done.
You fade into dreams of stars and moonlight.
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hottpinkpenguin · 1 month
Dragon's Fire - Ch. 1
Aemond Targaryen X Fem!Reader A/n: I'm in my writing-for-whatever-show-i'm-currently-watching era and I'm not apologizing. let me know if you'd like to be tagged in future chapters! WC: 2018 Warnings: graphic descriptions of wounds; non-canon
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You squatted next to the stream, exhaling into your cupped palms and rubbing your hands together to try and cajole some dexterity back into your fingers. The nights were getting colder, you noted as your breath turned to steam in the early morning air. What was it the Starks always said? Winter was coming. You shivered, whether for the cold or for the chill of foreboding that raced along your spine you weren’t entirely sure. 
You dug around in your satchel for the small hammer you used to break up the thin screen of ice that had formed along the surface of the stream. Having located it, you thwunked once, twice, three times until the tool cracked the ice. The gurgling water beneath was clear and unbelievably cold, the sensation digging bone-deep as you dipped your hands into the running water. You splashed a few handfuls across your face to invigorate you, shaking off the fog of sleep in the process. Gasping from the shock, you busied yourself with dunking your waterskin and filling the two buckets you used each day for cleaning and cooking. 
Your morning routine hadn’t changed in the four years since you’d come to Sea Dragon Point from King’s Landing. The hardships you’d endured in this cold, foreign land had at first burdened you to the point of almost breaking you. In your past life as an understudy with the dragonkeepers, you’d never had to concern yourself with such trivial tasks like fetching your own water. You had fled King’s Landing without thinking through the consequences of scratching a living out of the woods and the rocks and the soil. The only consequence that had been on your mind was your own execution, a threat that had spurred your flight from the capital city to this desolate, forgotten place. When you’d first come to Sea Dragon Point, you’d had a few supplies still from the larders and the pantries of King’s Landing. After you’d eaten through those, you’d found yourself on the brink of starvation and coming to terms with the fact that you knew nothing about how to survive on your own. Necessity had taken over after a few weeks, however, and you’d begun doing what needed to be done. And here you were, four years later, with little in the way of material possessions to show for your years of hard work, but immeasurably more capable and knowledgeable about life outside of the Red Keep than you’d ever dreamed possible.
After filling your buckets and the waterskin, you checked the fishing lines you’d set the night before. Of the five you had, only two had snared prey, and only one was worth keeping. You tossed the juvenile freshwater rock lobster back into the frigid stream, its shell too soft and its meat too sparse to make it worthwhile. The hefty river trout that your other trap had snared, however, would make for a fine meal, and maybe you’d have enough leftover to salt into strips of jerky. You spiked the fish quickly, not wanting it to suffer, before beginning to scale and gut it on the riverbank. The cold water would clean the fish nicely, you knew. 
You were so intent on your task that you almost missed the telltale snap of a twig behind you. Almost. Unsheathing the dragonglass dagger you kept tucked into your belt at all times, you turned quickly and rose from your crouch to full height with the blade extended in front of you in the direction of the noise. The sight before you stole the breath from your lungs. 
Leaned against a tree a few hundred yards from you was a ghost from your past. Glossy silver hair, pale skin, a sharp proud jawline, and a black patch over one eye. Aemond. 
The dagger in front of you dropped to the frostbitten ground as your hands flew to your mouth in shock. 
“Aemond!” Your mind was frozen somewhere between running to him and cursing his name, so you stayed unnaturally still, staring at him in disbelief. He chuckled at the note of terror? relief? adoration? in your voice, but immediately winced and doubled over. You hadn’t noticed before, but suddenly the details of the man before you came into focus. He was paler than usual - if such a thing were possible for a Targaryen - and he was grabbing at the bark of the tree for support, his other arm wrapped tightly against his gut as if holding himself together. Thick dollops of blood were dripping from his hand and forearm, and the single eye he still had was glassy with pain. 
Moments before he toppled forward, you rushed to him, closing the space between you two and catching him with your body. He was taller than the last time you’d seen him, and more solid. You grunted with the effort of keeping him upright as his legs turned to liquid underneath him. 
“You’re hurt,” you noted as if admonishing him. He chuckled again. 
“Ever the astute observer,” he quipped weakly. Unable to hold him standing any longer, you tried your best to twist his body until his spine was against the trunk of the pine tree that he’d been clinging to moments before, easing him down into a sitting position. There were a thousand questions rattling around your mind like bees - how did he find you? how long had he known where you were? what had happened to him? how did he get here? why had he come? who else knew you were here? - but you couldn’t get them to be silent long enough to grab at one and force it out of your mouth. For the second time, you felt yourself frozen to the spot, your chest heaving with exertion and adrenaline. 
A few moments passed before he managed to fix you with a piercing stare despite a blood loss-induced fog of delirium. “I had rather hoped you’d help me,” he rasped, motioning meaningfully to his bloodied arm with his eyes. You shook your head as if in a daze, your mouth opening without sound coming out. Why? How? Who? 
“Please, y/n,” he added effortfully after watching you gasp futilely for words. “I’m dying.” The intensity with which he met your gaze knocked something loose inside you. Your heart twisted inside your chest as you quickly looked at his wounds. The arm he was favoring had a large gash running down the length of his forearm, and he was bleeding freely from it. The edges of the wound were burned and jagged, like the flesh had been torn rather than cut. You recognized the wound instantly as a dragon’s claw mark. Having seen so many of those wounds yourself as a dragonkeeper, you’d never forget it. 
You reached for Aemond’s wounded arm, careful not to disturb the wound itself. He winced and bit down hard on his lip to stifle a groan of pain as he carefully extended his arm towards you. You moved aside the torn shreds of his leather bracer, still laced at the elbow, to get a closer look at the wound. The amount of blood he was losing suggested that the claw must have nicked an artery. He’d need stitches and cauterization, after cleaning the wound thoroughly. With any luck, Aemond might escape a deadly fever with the right herbs. You cursed your circumstances that you were here, hundreds of miles from the well-trained healers of the Red Keep, although Winterfell was only a hard day’s ride. You might be able to buy whatever Aemond needed in Winterfell, although you doubted you’d have access to the same level of supplies that you’d grown accustomed to in King’s Landing. 
“You’re not dying, Aemond,” you soothed, poking tenderly at the flesh of his arm to test the muscles beneath. At worst, you’d have to amputate his arm beneath the elbow. As it was his right hand - his dominant - it would be an adjustment and likely a blow to his ego, but men had lived with far more grievous injuries. You chuckled softly as the surge of panic his words had wrenched out of you began to ebb. 
“It’s not the arm,” he groaned. His voice sounded thick, as if he were talking through cotton. You looked up in confusion. His face had grown paler and there was a sickly, greenish cast to his skin that terrified you. He jutted his chin downward in the direction of his chest. Your eyes followed his gesture, raking over every inch of him, scouring him for signs of injury. 
When you finally saw it, your heart sank into your stomach like a stone in deep water. You hadn’t noticed it initially against the black of his armor. Running up the right side of his torso and cutting across the front of his torso from left hip to right armpit was an enormous, blackened swath of flesh and armor melted together. His skin was almost completely burned off, revealing muscle and sinew and fat underneath, much of that fused with the plates of his black and gold-threaded plackart where it had turned molten against his body. His flesh was twitching, nerves and damaged muscles spasming in pain. With each breath, you saw Aemond fight against a new wave of agony. 
Unable to look anymore, you turned your head away, hot tears spilling from the corners of your eyes. You knew what you’d seen: a death sentence. You fought to steady yourself and to bite down the wave of nausea that climbed up the break of your throat. When you turned back to him, he was staring into you with an intensity that terrified you. He hadn’t looked at you like that since the first night you’d…
You swallowed back the bile and the memories, unable to let yourself get distracted now, with his life in the balance. Now you understood why he’d come here, why he’d risked everything - his life, and yours - to get to you in this remote place. He knew your skill with healing, and he knew that you were familiar with this type of injury. As if confirming your thoughts, he nodded, the motion eliciting a new wince of pain. 
“Dragon fire.” It wasn’t a question, more of a statement. You already knew the answer. He nodded again, his eye closing as he took a few shallow breaths. 
You took in the state of his injury once more. How you’d missed the acrid, sulfur-like stench of his burn initially was a mystery. It assaulted your nose now, threatening to bring up that wave of bile you’d barely managed to swallow down. You couldn’t see how far along Aemond’s back the burn extended, but you were grateful to see that his neck, arms, and legs look relatively unscathed, with the exception of that gruesome gash. 
“I need to get you back to my hut,” you stammered out, trying to swat away the small twinge of embarrassment at calling your home a hut, although it was arguably the most appropriate word you could come up with. If Aemond noticed, he didn’t show it, only nodded once and braced himself against the back of the tree. You carefully lifted his left arm up and threw it over your shoulders, bracing his body weight against yours as he rose precariously to his feet. You were careful not to touch him wherever he was burned, but it was near impossible with his entire torso wreathed in charred flesh. 
“Do what you have to,” he growled through gritted teeth. “I won’t stay conscious much longer.” You took his meaning: you had to get him where he needed to go as quickly as you could, pain be damned. Stealing your own nerves, you shimmied up right against him, taking more of his weight, and started off in the direction of your home. He roared in agony most of the way, fighting to keep his screams from breaking loose. Aemond barely made it inside and onto the single cot you slept on before his eye lolled shut and he slipped into unconsciousness…
read chapter 2 here
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quartzalynlove · 1 year
Summary: spider-punk starts to notice some murals of him in the allies of the city
Pairing: Spider-punk x black! Fem! Reader
A/n: I feel like my writing has been so trash lately but life goes on
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The media was never a huge fan of Spider-Man, or "spider-punk" as they called him in an attempt to antagonize the anarchist. The gratitude they showed Camden's hero after taking down Norman Osborne's regime was short-lived, but that didn't stop him from fighting against injustice in his town. It didn't matter what the masses or the media had to say, Spider-man was doing good, and the individuals affected by the actions of the upper class had the words to back him.
Hobie never heard his praises sung by the media, and he didn't need to either. However, one night, while the news played in the local pub, the devil's chorus sang with his name in scarlet on their lips.
"Throughout the week there have been multiple sightings in the whole of Camden of what look to be homages to the Spider-punk," P Pattie Pendleton reported, her words sharp like lobster claws.
"Opinions on this spike-headed menace have never been too cheery in the past, but is there someone in Camden who's taken a liking to the crass criminal? This is P Pattie Pendleton as it happens."
The outspoken reporter wasn't the only one off-put but the art put up in Spider-Man's name. Hobie always made it clear that he didn't have fans. The only people that liked him grew up like he did and lived in the places he did, and he knew all of them on a first-name basis. Hobie's friends only celebrated him by supporting the movement, and he was not a symbol of the movement. He was nothing more than an instrument. It was safe to say that the giant murals plastered on the sides on buildings weren't Hobie's favorite thing in the world.
That night, he tried to look for the artistic culprit in the streets, but it was a big dark city, and all of it was their canvas. Wherever the artist was, Hobie hoped they would wait until the morning to strike again and give him time to devise a proper plan.
The next day, Hobie immediately took to the streets. Camden was divided into four sectors, and he planned on searching all of them until the culprit was caught. After having no luck with the first two, Hobie's patience was running thin. He almost called it a day until his spidey sense tingled something fierce as he swung down the street. Stopped in his tracks, Hobie perched on a lamppost that gave him a view into an alleyway. An alleyway where a large art piece of himself was being completed on a wall. Hobie kissed his teeth at the image of him posed permanently plastered onto brick. It didn't take him a long search in the alley to find the painter. They were covered head to toe in black with a spray can and stencil in hand. Before they could add the finishing touched, Hobie swung into the alley and confronted the artist.
The mystery painter jumped at the gust of wind that blew through as Hobie landed in front of them. She almost couldn't believe that he was there in front of her. For a moment, neither of them said a word, but Hobie knew he didn't like the idea of a black clad figure with a mask and sunglasses hanging out in the alley.
Hobie confronted her. "Why you paintin' pictures of me in the allies?"
The artist had to admit that this wasn't how she imagined meeting Spider-Man to be. His arms were crossed, and she could feel the distance he put between the two of them.
The painter replied nervously, not really having a solid answer. "Beautification program?"
Usually, a laugh from Spider-Man would have been an endearing and uplifting sound, but the hostile environment it entered spoke for the sound that left the masked hero.
"That it?" He asked. "Cuz it looks like you're using me to make a statement."
"Is that a bad thing?" The painter asked cautiously.
Hobie leaned against the blank space on the wall, his arms folded over his chest.
"I don't mind making a statement, but I don't like being the symbol of it."
With a slight tilt of her head, the painter glanced at Hobie and then the almost finished mural on the wall in confusion.
"Why not?" She asked. "You've done so much for the city over the years."
The eyes of Hobie’s mask squinted as he shook his head. "You don't even know anything about me."
"You took down President Osborn; your protests and movements single-handedly made harmful corporations run into the dark. You're a hero"
Without a word, Hobie stood straight before stepping towards the artist. Although she felt it was in her best interest you put distance between them again, she stayed stuck in place.
"I'm not a hero," Hobie said. "And it's not my movement it's the movement. If you wanna support it, then stop putting my face all over the city."
The artist didn't have a response. Obviously, she had accidentally struck a nerve, and it probably wasn't her place to resolve it. Hobie didn't wait for a response before swinging up and away from the alley. Watching as he left, the painter thought about Spider-Man's request. Out of respect, she did want to listen to him, but she knew the situation at hand. Someone in the city needed to protect him.
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imdoingmybest0 · 1 year
Sweetie; part 2 Bob Floyd x F! Reader “Sweetie” 18+ minors please do not interact :) (Bob gives me soft-dom vibes and this is a reflection of that feeling) Series with @blimpintime​, go check out the Jake "Hangman" Seresin x F!Reader story they’re writing, our stories are intertwined :) !!!!
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Dyna had found me leaned against my locker with my head in my hands and had lent me a sympathetic ear. I don't give her all the details of my encounter with Bob but once she found out about my scheduled date she smacked me hard on the arm. 
“You’re going though right?”, she asks eagerly. 
“I mean… yea, It would be kinda rude to stand him up.” I say sheepishly 
“Girl who gives a shit about being rude,” she throws her hands in the air exasperated. “You clearly like something about him, you're red as a lobster.” Dyna smirks at me and picks up her drink to take a sip. 
“Well,” I say, bringing my hands to my face, “He is pretty cute and the way he asked was really sweet.” 
Dyan rolls her eyes and pops open her locker, “Well you'll have to let me know how it goes, and hey, if you wanna use my curler I’ll give you extra 15 on your break.” 
I pick up my coffee and smile before bringing it to my lips, “Sounds like a plan.”
The clock is ticking closer and closer to four and my anxiety is spiking with each passing minute. My date with Bob is crawling closer and closer and closer, and his words keep reverberating in my head. 
‘I let very few people call me Bobby.’
What was that supposed to mean? Only people he liked? Only people he was interested in? What if it's only people he wanted to take home at the end of the night? 
Before my mind can wander too much further my ‘Lock up :)’ alarm dings on my phone, which meant I had five minutes till four. Dyan was having me lock up before I left for the night. I make my way to the break room and take one last look at  myself, freshly curled hair, lip-gloss Dyna practically put on me, and the same clothes I’d been in all day, minus the tacky vest. 
The same clothes that Bob had liked. 
I turn from the mirror quickly and grab my tote, checking that the door to outside was locked and arming the security system. I made my way through the empty hangar and flipped the row of light switches all off before stepping into the lobby and locking the glass doors behind me. As I walk I’m able to see more of my surroundings through the front doors. 
There stood Bob in profile, looking down the street. He’s dressed similar to the morning but now instead of a pair of stylish sneakers he wore heavy brown boots. His jacket was zipped to his sternum and he had one hand in his pocket. The hand I could see drummed a beat out on his thigh. I feel my lips turn up at the sight of him and butterflies erupt in my stomach, his words drifting back to me.  I push the door open and he turns at the noise and his face splits into a grin upon seeing me. He starts walking towards me and I wave. 
“Hello again Sweets,” his smile is practically glowing. 
“Hi, let me just lock up and thenI thought maybe we could take a walk on the beach.” I say, sliding my key into the lock and turning it to click. 
Bob chuckles, “A long walk on the beach huh? What cheesy movie did you get that from.” 
I feel my face heat up, why was I just realizing how cheesy that sounded. I quickly cover for myself, “Or ya know we could walk around downtown, or get dinner, or-” I feel myself begin to ramble and turn towards Bob but i'm surprised to find him not even a foot from me. You’d think he's a stealth pilot from how quietly he moved. 
He smiled down at me, lips sweet but eyes wicked, “ Actually, I do like long walks on the beach, but I thought we could take a ride first.” 
His words are like honey and my heart stutters. I blink at him owl eyed, processing what he had said to me but unable to conjure a response. “Uh,” responded intelligently. 
He gently slides a hand into mine, “Common Sweets, nothing’ to be scared of.” I follow him in a bit of a daze, across the road to the parking lot, after Bob stops and looks both ways. ‘What a dork’, I think to myself and smile, I’ve always had a soft spot for dorks. 
I’m so distracted by my own thoughts I almost don't realize Bob has stopped, I stumble for a split-second and catch myself. We have stopped at a motorcycle of all things. The words ‘Kawazaki’ and ‘z440’ are written on the side. The intimidating machine is black with silver accents and hardware. The seat dips in the middle and then forms a sloping shelf, meaning it's a two seater. I look up at Bob and he's already smiling. 
“We don’t have to,” he says smile falling a little after seeing the shock on my face, “I know a lot of people are scared of them, and for good reason. We can just walk to the beach if you’d like.” 
There is a pause where we stand and look at eachother, his face contorted into a forced smile and ming still surprised, before I burst out laughing. 
“Bobby! You’ve gotta be kidding! This is amazing, of course we have to go for a ride!” I squeeze his hand tightly, he’s still holding onto me. 
His face lights up and he brings my hand to his mouth for a quick kiss. “Let me grab your helmet,” he says before dropping my hand and picking up one of the helmets that hung on the handles. He gingerly hands it to me, it's shiny and black with a flip up visor. So much for curling my hair. Bob lifts his off the other handle and I can tell that mine is his spare. The helmet he holds is similar to a pilot's helmet. It's a queasy shade of green with three large brownish stripes tailing over the top. I can see a few stickers placed on the back, the most attention grabbing being a large, yellow triangle that reads, ‘Baby on Board’, similar to the kind you might see in the back window of a car. I giggle a little at the sticker and Bob gives me a curious look. 
“Sorry,” I waved a hand in front of me, shifting the helmet under my arm,” I just love your stickers.” Bob glances down at the helmet and blushes. 
“Oh yea, that's kinda an inside joke between Phoenix and I. She got me this sticker a while after we started flying together.” Bob slid the helmet over his head and secured it before nodding his head at the one setting under my arm, “Need some help?” 
I shake my head and slide the helmet over my head and give it a little wiggle to get in place. When Bob comes into view what little I can see of his face is red, and he reaches up to flip my visor down. He holds out his hand and steps back, “After you Sweets.” 
I exhale and swing my leg over the bike as Bob holds it steady and scoot back into the passenger seat. For the second time today I thank my guardian angel for telling me to wear pants today. Bob slides his leg over the bike in one practiced motion and he glances over his shoulder at me.  
“I want you to wrap your arms around my waist and hold on tightly. Just pat my leg if you want me to slow down and squeeze my knee if you want me to stop, okay?” I nod at his instructions, repeating them to myself, pat to slow down, squeeze to stop. 
Bob's hand goes to turn his key but pauses before starting the bike, “The best way to stay on is to stay really close to me.” I could detect the hint of a smile from under his helmet and the bike rumbled to life under me. A squeak escapes my lips and I hope Bob can’t hear it. 
I wrap my arms around his waist tentatively and I see Bob glance over his shoulder and shakes his head back and forth. I loosen my arms a little confused. Bob contorts his arm to touch my hip and gives me a pull forward so that my hips are pressed flush to his. He releases my hip and moves my arms tighter around his waist. I feel my face heat up in the confines of the helmet as Bob releases the kick stand. I press my chest to his back and give his waist a reassuring squeeze. I feel him relax a little bit and the bike starts to move, slowly, through the parking lot. 
As we make our way onto the main roads the wind moves through my clothes and I can’t keep the smile off my face. We cut smoothly through the streets, pressed closely. The bike rumbles between my legs and my face feels hot. Bob takes me nowhere and everywhere with no particular destination in mind. We pass the port, beaches,and the HardDeck. I look around me like I haven't traveled these roads hundreds of times. The combination of Bob's cologne and his body keeping me warm the wind doesn't bother me. 
As the sun starts to throw longer shadows along our path bob starts to take more turns guiding us towards a public beach. We find a parking lot off the side of the road with a set of steps leading down to the sand. Bob moves the kickstand out and holds his hand over his so I could take it and slide off the bike. Bob swings his leg over and I pull his helmet from my head. Bob does the same and we both grin at each other, his hair is standing at a weird angle and I'm sure mine doesn't look much better. As confirmation a strand falls in my face, before I can move Bob's hand is gently swiping it back into place. He smiles gently at me and then pulls away to scratch the back of his neck. 
“Your hair is all over the place,” I giggle out the obvious and Bob glances up at me bashfully. 
“Yea?” he questions, “wanna fix it for me?” He gingerly removes the helmet from my hands and hangs both of them on the handle bars, before half sitting and half leaning on the seat of his bike. My face feels hot as I step in closer and his knees spread a little farther allowing me to get closer to him. 
I gently reach up and run a hand through his hair. It looks a little darker but I see golden streaks gliding through the waves of his hair. It’s soft too, freshly washed and easy to run my fingers through. I brush it into a poor substitute of the neat combed shape he had earlier. I go to step back and I feel his hands softly touch low on my hips. I look down at him in surprise and he smiles up at me, the golden rays of the sun giving him an ethereal glow. 
“Thank you Sweetie,” I feel his hand trail down the back of my arm and his fingers slide through mine before bringing my knuckles softly to his lips. 
My heart thumps loudly in my chest and I’m unable to move as he stands, still chest to chest with me. Still holding my gaze and still smiling. 
“Ready to go?” Bob asks softly, pulling me back to my body. I nod and look down at my feet and Bob tugs at my hand which makes me realize he hasn't let go of mine. He leads us down the rickety stairs towards the beach, due to it being the off season it's mostly empty. We kick off our shoes when we get to the loose sand. Bob gently lifts my shoes from my hand and holds both pairs in his left hand and my hand in his right. We make our way down to the surf and walk slightly out of the reach of the tide. We smile and run down the list of terrible first-date-questions. 
Bob loves legos, specifically the flower sets. His favorite holiday is Valentine's day and favorite color is rusty orange. I laughed as he told me about his older brother and two younger sisters and what kind of trouble they got into as kids. He told me about his dad who worked as a professor and his mom who had also served in the Navy. He showed me a few pictures of his dogs and one of him atop a horse, which he affectionately called Cassie.
 He flipped through a few more before showing me another picture of a small orange cat resting on his chest,asleep. As cute as the cat was I couldn't help but notice he lacked a shirt in that photo, taken from a high angle with lighting that made his skin look warm and soft. 
We finally decided to make our way back to Bob's bike for the ride home. He lets me sit on steps as we pull on our shoes. As I'm tying one of my sneakers, Bob puts one knee on the steps and ties my other for me. I smile at the small act of service. Bob looks at me from his place on the stairs and smiles. 
“Sweetie?” His voice is soft and gentle. 
“Yes?” I whisper back. 
“Let me know if I'm being too forward but,” my heart thuds faster in my chest, “if you keep smiling at me like that I might carry you up these stairs and see how many laws I can break to get you alone faster.” My face is hot but a smile creeps back across my face anyway. Bobs expression promises mischief.
“Well,” I cleared my throat a little, wondering if I really want to say what I'm about to say, “how many laws could you break Bobby?”
His eyes go wide before he surges forward and he scoops me up. I yelp and then I laugh as he climbs the stairs with me halfway over his shoulder. I laugh louder as I shout into his lower back, “If you carry me, what was the point of putting on our shoes?” 
My feet touch the ground back next to Bob's motorcycle and he catches my waist before I can move away from his intoxicating presence. He leans down and murmurs in my ear, “I’ll take you home if you like, but I’d really love for you to come home with me tonight Sweetie.” 
I place my hands on his chest and lean back to look him in the eye sternly. I glance down at his lips and I can tell he notices by the way his grip tightens but he remains still, waiting for my go ahead. I only respond by moving in closer and softly joining my lips to his and Bob returns the favor. 
We hold each other like that for a moment, then pull away breathless but wanting more. Bob runs his palm along my jaw to the back of my neck and gently brings me in for another kiss. Then another. I slide my tongue against his lower lip and he takes that as an invitation. His hand tightens slightly on the back of my skull and a small gasp escapes me as he gently bites at my lower lip testing me. I lean in closer and he bites a little harder. His hands slide from my waist to my lower back and press my torso to his. 
As he pulls away again his look is hungry, “Another ride for ya Sweetie?” I blush at the innuendo and pluck ‘my’ helmet off the handle and pop it confidently over my head. 
“Ready when you are Bobby,” I say smiling at him as he grabs his own and slips it over his head. 
Bob smirks at me from under his helmet before reaching up to flip my visor down, “No, Sweet Thing, I don’t think you are.”
AN; oh no! What ever could she not be prepared for?? could it be Bob's massive di-
Part 3 already posted >:)
-okay, bye, thanks for reading, love you <3
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brightsuzaku · 1 year
A Trip to the Botanical Gardens: Part 5
Ok, I finally have enough brainpower to work on this post! This next entry is about my trip into both conservatories at the botanical gardens!
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In this picture, towards the bottom, or the orange hanging blossoms of Antirrhinum majus, or the Solstice(TM) Orange Tricolor Snapdragon! These blossoms are a pinkish shade of orange and yellow, like a bright sunrise... or maybe sherbet.... Mmm, delicious. Abode, to the upper left of these blossoms is a single yellow flower, of which I do not know its name.
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This picture is of several Anthurium or "Flamingo Flower". It's a plant from the arum family. I guess you could say that it looks like a.... deep wine-red peace lily? There's one Solstice Snapdragon bloom peeking out underneath the Flamingo Flower... I did say these were "everywhere" in here, didn't I? lol
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This picture is of several stalks with clusters of beautiful purple flowers! Think like hyacinths, except a deeper, royal purple color, with long trumpet-shaped blooms. This plant is called Salvia splendens, or Scarlet Sage. They're normally red, but this variety is "Lighthouse Purple" Behind all these purple flowers are more of those Solstice snapdragons!
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And... what are theeese?? Another bunch of purple flowers?! That ARE NOT VIOLETS? These are tiny light pinkish purple flowers with 5 petals and yellow centers. They are Primula malacoides, or "Fairy Primrose". There's many of these tiny flowers in this photo, though it's hard to really determine their size just from the photo.
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Sitting in a pot in this photo is the majestic curved form of an orchid! It curves outwards and towards the right side of the frame. This deep reddish-purple group of about 7 or 8 flowers is labeled Cybidium orchid, "Girl Crazy" x "Regal Ruby" hybrid.
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This pot is another orchid! Tall slender green leaves poke out from the top of the pot, while three long stems heavy with many tiny yellow orchid flowers spill out, framing a pot of pansies on the ground. This is Cybidium Fifi, called "Harry", according to its sign. No, I don't know why, either. (You can see a small orange tree in the background, to the right! The fruits are at varying stages of development, and they are very tiny. The fruits are not for eating.)
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In this picture, is a tall plant with speckled-yellow-and-green leaves and pale orange bell-shaped flowers. It's called Abutilon pictum or Flowering Maple. This is the "Thompsonii" cultivar.
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In this picture is a strange, tall plant with large slender green leaves and red flowers that looked like flaming red cups, with a dark purple part growing from within them! This plant is called Pavonia multiflora, or the "Brazilian Candle Plant". I suppose the flowers do look like flames, don't they?
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Here's a close-up of those flowers! They are long, slender reddish-purple petal-like things with points at the end, that grow upwards in a shape like a cup, or are reminiscent of a flame. There's a dark purple growth in the middle that opens up to a soft reddish inflorescence with absolutely tiny light grape-purple flowers! I struggled to take a good picture of these.
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And in this picture are.... More of those Solstice snapdragons! The yellow trumpet-shaped blooms I don't know the name of! And lots, and lots, and lots of tiny clusters of pale lavender blooms! Are they some kind of violet? I do not know...
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It's a plant that's nothing but leaves! Ornamental leaves! Large emerald-green leaves patterned with bright orange and yellow veins and edges. This is Codiaeum variegatum, var. pictum... Or "Croton".
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In this picture, at first glance, it's a bunch of leaves on a short plant, but upon closer inspection, you can see tall spikes with long slim tube-like purple flowers that grow outwards. This plant is Plectranthus neochilus, or a Lobster Plant. This one is called "Mike's Fuzzy Wuzzy". Make of that what you will.
Whew! That's it for Part 5! I'll add more pictures in my next post, whenever I manage to put that one up. I have a few more pictures from the conservatory to share, which I've missed in this pose, so consider the next post to be like... 5.5 or something. lol
See my previous post here, in Part 4!
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moon1forever · 2 years
Jean Claw x Clawdean
Clawdean is known for being scared, pathetic and sometimes babyish. Her friends find it normal and find it good for someone to show emotion.
Her brother cares about her more then anything. ( Along with Jean ) and doesn’t mind it when she cries.
The vicious think it’s weird that she cries to much but they don’t really care. But one person out their cares about her. Someone who loves her for being herself.
The day they met was special. Literally. It was about maybe 6 years after the Vicious 5 escape AVL prison. The Deadly and Revenges 5 were just causing crime. Until Spine noticed him the others.
Clawdean hid behind her brother the entire time. But when she first saw Jean she saw something. And when Jean saw Clawdean, he didn’t see a monster that looks like a wolf. He saw a the most beautiful thing he ever seen.
During the times when the Deadly 6, Revenges 5 and Vicious 6 ever met up, he would always try to talk to her but she seems to be afraid of him.
It took them over 5 months when they were left alone once because everyone else decided to go do their own things. They had a chance to talk.
When they talked, Clawdean had the courage to explain why she was scared of him. She said that she’s always been nervous around people, she also wanted to talk to him. But she always flipped out.
He finally felt relief and they became closer. After a month of conversations and discussions. They got used to being together.
Only during one heist. They decided to steal the diamond of Fandora ( Random thing ). They worked the best together.
As they escape, Chains used Belle’s car to lower a rope to them to help them get out with the diamond and each other.
Jean grabbed the rope and Clawdean’s waist. They were lifted up and hanged on the rope. That’s when Jean did the unthinkable. He kissed her! Clawdean was first shocked but of course kissed back.
They kissed the entire way back. Spine fainted from happiness when he saw them together. Happy for his bestie and little sister!
They’ve been dating for about 7 months now. It’s 8:30 at night. Everyone is asleep.
Sven and Spikes are asleep in their shared room. Sven likes to hold Spikes in their sleep. She doesn’t mind
The Revengers 5 sleep in their rooms.
Stronghold and Matalio are asleep in their room hugging each other.
Chains and Belle sleeping together in their room.
And everyone else is asleep in their rooms.
All but one person. Jean.
Clawdean sleeps next to him. Holding his arm. He lays their awake, he turns to Clawdean and places a hand on her peaceful face. “ Hmmmm, Jean? What are you doing awake? “ Clawdean, putting her hand on Jeans hand.
“ Huh! Did I wake you up? “ He asks, whisper yelling. “ No, I think I just up on my own………” She says, trying to be sweet.
He holds her while she yawns. “ You should go to sleep “ He says, kissing her forehead. “ You have nothing to say. Why are you up anyway? “ She asks. She looks up at him and places a hand on his cheek. She smiles and kisses him.
“ Just thinking. Like what’s gonna happen in the future. Are we gonna get caught or will we find something that will change our lives forever and we will steal everything? “ He says. He barrie’s his head in her hair.
She becomes silent for a moment. “ Hmmm? Maybe, I did hear a rumor that’s theirs a stone that can make people stay young forever. They just have to make sure the energy stays strong “ She says, she grabs his face and kisses him again.
He smiles at her. “ Then that’s what we’ll get. That stone. I want to stay young with some perfect like you forever, and the others. Especially Spine. He’s my bestie. “ He says. Holding her face.
“ Staying young forever will be great. More heist meaning more power! “ She says. He loves it when she gets excited. “ We’ll tell everyone tomorrow and we’ll figure something out. I promise mon amour “ He says.
She smiles and hugs him. “ Love you my Lobster. “ She says, kissing him again. “ Love you too my wolf “ he says.
They close their eyes and fall asleep. Clawdean will do anything to be with him. And he would do anything to be with her.
They will rule this world together.
Wholesome 😭😭😭 this is my first time making a story about these 2. Well I hope you enjoyed! 😊
Tell me what you want next! I’m bored. Help.
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sokuroda · 2 years
i haven’t done another one of these in literal months. it is January and the last I posted about things I completed was in November.
Mob Psycho 100 S3 -
my favorite show ever. I don’t even know what to say. i only got into mob like 2 years ago and im so glad i did. i sobbed at the ending. it was very bittersweet but i was so so happy for everyone. mob’s growth made me so so happy. genuinely just such a good show and i got my brother and my friend to watch mob too and they really enjoyed it. this is kind of a ridiculous statement to use in regards to a show but yknow, if i loved mob psycho less id be able to talk about it more. just so many emotions. the finale happened and one of my friends got several voice messages of me crying and just talking about it. i would really like to read the manga for it at some point, and i do plan to read the reigen spin-off as i do actually own it.
Cowboy Bebop -
I started watching this a few years ago and never finished so I thought I should finally come back to it, and it was worth it. It’s so good. The last few episodes made me sad. Just all the, lore episodes I guess, generally caused me a lot of pain. Ed and Ein leaving broke my heart. And honestly Faye’s backstory really got me. THE SONG THAT PLAYED DURING THAT PART TOO!!! SO GOOD. and don’t even get me started on Spike :( I did really like the cowboy episode though, the one with the YMCA or Young Men’s Cowboy Association. was a good episode, and the fridge lobster creature episode haunts me to this day.
Spy x Family - it’s just wholesome. always makes me laugh and is really a no thought head empty show and i enjoy that. i do keep up with the manga for this but it’s always nice to see it animated.
Chainsaw Man - obviously very positive thoughts about this one I love chainsaw man. Suffering from actual brain rot. the vibes are very different from the manga, it’s more cinematic ig but I do think it’s a great adaptation. The intro and all the outros are so good. Especially the Hayakawa family outro. I loved the voice actors. BEAM!!! His va is so good. I love just all the insane laughter from all the characters it brings me so much joy. I love chainsaw man !!!!
Vinland Saga - my brother is so into Vinland saga. And he has told me about it before. I thought I’d watch it because I knew a new season was coming out, and obviously he had hyped it up so much. And it was absolutely worth the hype. I binged like 16 episodes in a day and would have finished it in a day if I didn’t go see Puss in Boots ( which very good btw) It’s in my top 10 now, im not really one come up with a top 10 or anything. But if I had one Vinland Saga is definitely up there. I liked like all the characters. Thorfinn is great. Askeladd is so fucking cool. Canute and Thorkell phenomenal. Can’t believe thorfinn is so short too, like bro is minuscule im ngl. but anyways !!! Even like Bjorn I enjoyed. I was genuinely sad when he died. But anyways. I love Vinland saga too!!!
Kekkai Sensen/Blood Blockade Battlefront -
This wasn’t bad at all! Idk if I’ll watch the second season, but the first one wasn’t too bad. I did start watching it solely because of the outro, and yknow what the outro is really good and does make me very happy so I do stand by that decision. Was not expecting to hear Zoro’s VA in this so that was a pleasant surprise. Zapp overall was just a wild character, and he had a tiny ass waist like wtf was that all about. Anyways, was enjoyable overall.
Terror in Resonance - this show is so good. from what i can remember the music in it is good. There was a song I really liked but idk what it’s called unfortunately. It’s a good show to just binge. I liked it a lot. I cried at the end. I wasn’t expecting that to happen given like the premise of the show, I went into the show just thinking it was about terrorists, and to certain extent it is but also it’s more than that. Anyways, I guess I should’ve assumed things wouldn’t all be wonderful and happy by the end, but man… lots of really cool things within this show and overall just enjoyable though, so id definitely recommend!
currently watching - attack on Titan, one piece (im at thriller bark), buddy daddies, bungo stray dogs s4, and Vinland Saga S2
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cburdelle · 10 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: NWT Anthropologie x Melanie Auld Fortunes Charm Long Necklace Sterling Silver.
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meechyandmook · 2 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Christian Louboutin Cabata Studded Bag.
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d2071art · 2 years
hey, what do you think about this pathetic Spike x Julia nonsense?
Oh boy. I do happen to have some thoughts, yes.
The most important one is this. Cowboy Bebop is such a pure postmodern masterpiece that the director himself says that it up to the viewer to decide, if Spike lives, dies or sleeps. It is all just a matter of interpretation, of each fan's believes, preferences etc.
That what makes Cowboy Bebop and its fandom so brilliant: anything goes in this cosmic dare, the sky is one's imagination.
Or one’s own limitations, as I recently discovered watching a petty holy war over Spike Spiegel's pairings. You know, that absurd one where a couple of so called fans goes around social media and insults every person who doesn't think Spike x Julia is the only true pairing in Cowboy Bebop.
I sure do know this compulsive need to be right, to swing the sword, to feel just and / or insulted. I've been there, believe me. In some cases I am still there (and that's exactly why I will probably never watch Amazon's version of Silmarillion).
But (luckily) there is a bunch of other things I know - besides that need.
I know that safe, friendly and inclusive community which welcomes different people and different opinions is a priceless gift.
I know that it is never okay to insult people and to push my point of view down other fans throats.
And I know will support all the fans who happen to appreciate Cowboy Bebop for what it is - a thing that unites us and inspires us, that feeds our imagination and our creativity. Not a pathetic excuse for bullying.
So please, go and do your things, guys. Write, draw, compose, make jokes, be nasty.
I know I will. 😏
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nocturne-pisces · 3 years
*holds out hand* gimme virgin!Jake Jensen content please
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For Science
A/N: we're going to ignore that this took me like... way too long. ilu kink twin.
Pairing: Innocent!Jake Jensen x Reader
Word count: 3.3k
Warnings: This is porn with plot. Don't come for me.
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Pooch’s son’s first birthday was a pool party in the middle of the summer, the sun beating down on everyone’s back as they tried their best to keep from getting burnt. Well, everyone except Jake, who insisted that he didn’t burn. You’d managed to talk him into a 20 spf, knowing that he only did it to keep you from hovering, but he still ended up red as a lobster come sundown. He hadn’t even felt it yet but the bright red that painted across the hard muscle of his shoulders called like a neon sign.
“Jesus fuck, JJ, can you not feel that?” Sitting around the fire pit you reached a hand out and poked him in the shoulder, the skin where you touched turned white before flooding back with deep red.
“Not really, just feels a little tight. Why, is it bad?” He tries his best to get his head to turn on his neck so he can see over his shoulder, but it doesn’t afford him much of an angle and he just ends up looking ridiculous.
“Yeah, real bad. C’mon, let me put some aloe on it.”
“Listen, I-“ Jake started to refuse, be it pride or guilt that kept him from wanting to be taken care of, you didn’t really care.
“You can either come in the house and let me put aloe on the sunburn or I can go find your laptop and send your google search history to your sister, Captain.” Jake hated when you used his rank against him. You’d been the last to join the team but you outranked him only because you’d been in a different specialized branch before the Losers.
“Yes, Major.” He threw back, shaking his head as he took another sip from the beer he held. You stood, ruffling the spiked hair on his head before turning towards the back door.
“Good boy.”
You missed how he nearly choked, the praise catching him off guard and sending a burning through his limbs and his cheeks. Pooch didn’t miss it though, a knowing smile spreading across his face as he watched the two of you retreat, calling after you, “There’s some aloe in the guest bathroom!”
You didn’t look back, waving your thanks before you heard Jake slide the glass door shut behind you. He followed you all the way up the stairs and down the hall to the guest bedroom, the attached bathroom dark before you flipped the light on. He leaned against the door frame, or he tried to, as soon as the temperature contrast hit him, he jumped back to attention and sucked a breath in through his teeth.
“Dumbass,” you muttered, rolling your eyes as you searched through the cabinet under the sink to find the bottle of aloe that Pooch had mentioned. You located it in the back of the cabinet, pulling it out and ushering Jake back into the guest room before pushing down on his shoulder so he’d sit down on the trunk at the end of the bed.
“Be nice, I’m injured. The sun beat me up.” You cocked your head at him, giving him a stern look where his bottom lip was hutted out melodramatically.
“The sun didn’t beat you up, you just didn’t put on sunscreen like I told you to.” You don’t see the smile that pulls at Jake’s lips, he loves being care for by you, no matter how much disdain you show for it. There’s something in the neighborhood of maternal that takes you over every time he gets hurt or shows discomfort, something in you that wants to wrap him up close to your chest and keep him safe. He’s large and goofy and awkward and so smart, too smart for his own good and you can’t help but want to protect all of his optimism from all the monsters you knew existed in this world. But he signed up for this just like you did and you had no idea how someone as golden as him ended up in some of the dark places the team ended up in.
You squirted the aloe into your palm, rubbing your hands together to warm it up so you didn’t shock his skin with the cool gel.
“Shirt off, nerd,” you said, nudging him with your elbow. He reached behind his head and grabbed the back of his collar, pulling his tank top up and over his head, leaving the rippling muscles in his back in plain view. Your mouth watered, just like it did earlier when he pulled himself out of Pooches pool and his trunks clung to his thick thighs. Even that wasn’t the first time you’d been confronted with this urge to sink your teeth into him.
The initial sting of your hands on his skin is uncomfortable as he tries to squirm away from you.
“I know, I know I’m sorry, give it just a second it’ll stop,” you soothe, gently spreading aloe over his shoulder. You could feel the muscle rolling under your hands, his body reacting to your touch like your fingers were electric and his skin is conductive.
His head drops between his shoulders as the current takes over, static fuzzing at the edges of his brain and all he can focus on is your hands, the sun warmed body so close to his that if he leans back just a little bit, he might explode from the feeling of your exposed skin on his.
It takes you a few moments to work the aloe across his shoulders and back, tracing back up to make sure you ventured over the red on his neck. When the pads of your fingers slide over the soft spot under his ear you hear the low groan that rips its way through Jake’s chest, followed by a choked cough; like he was trying to cover it up, but the resounding silence lent you the acoustics to hear how hard he swallowed.
“Are you okay?” You took your hands back and Jake wanted to whine from the loss.
“I uh- yeah, I’m fine.” His tone was heavy as you watched a new flush creep over the tips of his ears and into his cheeks. You climbed off the bed and out from behind him before you stepped into his line of sight, wiping the remainder of the aloe on your old t-shirt. When he opened his eyes to look up at you, you took in the deep red in his cheeks.
“Is your face burnt too? I can put some aloe on it—”
He cut you off with a shake of his head.
“No, I just- uh,” he anchors his jaw shut and swallows again, like he either can’t or doesn’t want to say what he needs to say.
“What is it?” You kneeled in front of him, concern painting your features again as you looked up into his face. He turned his head, avoiding eye contact so that he didn’t have to see your amusement when he admitted it.
“You just uhm- I don’t get a whole lot of uh- affection, and it’s affected me.” Your eyebrows knit together when he finally spits it all out, not understanding at first, but then he squirms in his seat and it clicks into place.
“Oh. No worries, Jake, it happens.”
You didn’t laugh, you didn’t judge him, you weren’t mean. You treated it like a bodily function that everyone was prone to. Your hand rose to cup his cheek, turning his gaze back to yours so you could give him a soft smile. The dopey, love sick smile that he returns sets your heart thrumming a violent beat against your ribs.
He catches your wrist and holds your hand against his face, the stubble on his cheeks prickling into your palm. “I’m not- I’ve never,” you watch him struggle to tell you what you already know, his smile fading, and you can’t do it anymore.
“I know.”
His electric blue eyes snap up to yours, the question dancing in his pupils as he lets go of your wrist.
“You know?”
“Yeah, but it’s okay. Everyone has their own timeline.”
“What if I want to change that?” He asks, anxiety laced and unsure.
“Then change it, but don’t rush it because you feel like you have to fulfill some kind of quota, or because you feel like you’re on a time limit. My best advice is to just make sure it’s something you want and that it’s something you’re ready for, usually it feels better if it means something.”
You give him another soft smile that tears open the floodgates behind his ribcage. As you stand and try to retreat from the room your pulled back when his large hand circles your wrist again and he stands himself, preparing to chase after you if he needed to.
“What if I want you to change that?”
You turn, eyes wide as you gaze up at him, appraising his words and reassuring yourself that they were rooted in truth, rooted in something deeper than physical.
When you spoke, your tone was gentle, but it was still a warning. “I would tell you to make sure it means something before you cross that line.” You could see the gears turn in his head, the careful calculations that he was making as he added up everything and then subtracted his inhibitions.
For an all-consuming moment you don’t think he’ll do it, you think you’ve scared him into inaction, but then he closes the gap between you and places your hand back on his face; right where he feels like it belongs. You’re pressed up against his still-shirtless torso when he lets go of the breath he feels like he was holding for far too long.
“It would mean the world.”
“Then get to it, Captain.”
His hands are at your waist viper-strike fast, heaving you up and against his chest while your arms wrap around his neck.
“You’re gonna have to show me what you like,” he says, panting, millimeters from your mouth.
“You’ve always been good at taking orders,” you respond, your fingers threading into the hair at the base of his skull before you kiss him.
You capture his bottom lip with yours, tongue laving over it and dipping inside to dance with his when his jaw drops open with a groan. He takes a couple haphazard steps towards the side of the bed, one hand catching the back of your head so he can lay you down gently underneath him. You pull back for a moment, gently removing his glasses from his face and setting them on the mattress next to you before you hook your foot over his hip and flip the two of you over.
There’s a moment when you lean down to kiss him again where he felt like he was being descended upon by an angel, your face the only thing in focus against the blur of everything behind you. He’d seen your face so many times in so many different contexts before this moment that he believed he could write a novel, but the portrait that hovered above him was worth more words than he thought existed in the English lexicon.
He was solid under you as you steadied yourself against his chest, the rapid thump thump of his heart under your right hand. You connect your lips to his again, languid strokes of tongue on tongue, slowly memorizing the taste of the other. Big, warm hands glide up your thighs, squeezing the flesh of your ass under the fabric of your shorts. They ghost up to your hips and roll down against his jeans, delicious friction against your clit behind bathing suit bottoms that leaves you gasping.
Jake feels the intense heat creep up his neck, a carnal need to hear that hitch in breath again. Another roll leaves you under him, the assault of his lips moving over your jaw and down your neck. He wedges his fingers under the hem of your shorts and bathing suit bottoms, pulling gently as you angle your hips up to give him leverage. They fall to the floor in a pile, your shirt and bikini following.
The vast expanse of skin under him sends a jolt up his spine, a soft fuck falling out of his mouth when he leans back to take it all in. A giggle trills through the room, your soft laughter bringing his attention back to your face. You anchor a foot on his chest, a gentle shove has him catching your ankle.
“You know you can touch, right?”
“Oh, I’m gonna…”
He leaves a soft kiss on your ankle, trailing them up your calf, lowering himself down on the bed so he could leave open mouthed kisses between your thighs. His gaze trained on your face the whole time, determined to decipher the meaning behind every little sound you made. The sweet musk of your wet washed over him when he left one final hot kiss on your mound.
He wasn’t completely inept, he understood anatomy. There was just a lot of information rolling around in his brain that he had never had the chance to put into practice. So, when he spread you open with his thumbs, flattened his tongue, and licked a hot stripe up your cunt, you keened for him.
Jake loved how you tasted, sweet and heady on his lips as he sucked your sensitive bud into his mouth. He pulls another gasp from your chest, curling up to wrap your fingers in his hair and keep him in place. The tip of his tongue circled it inside his mouth, your whole body beginning to tremble.
“Fuck, Jake, waitwaitwai…”
You felt him grin against your skin, pressing your thighs into either side of his head when they locked him in place. His blatant insubordination resulted in the snap explosion of heat in your belly, your spine bowing off the bed as he swallowed down every drop you gave him. It didn’t really matter to him that he couldn’t breathe, he’d gladly go out like this.
Ecstasy verges on overstimulation and you reach between your legs and push at his head, a wet pop sounding when he released you. You stared at him wide eyed, like a new threat had presented itself.
Jake climbed back up your body, gazing up at you through his lashes as he gave attention to each of your nipples in turn, large hand cupping and kneading the one his mouth wasn’t on. Your skin goosebumped under the rough pads of his fingers.
“Are you sure you’ve never don’t this before?” You were breathless, the spark he was setting alight across your skin blazing into a rolling fire.
“I’ve done some stuff,” he replies.
“Well, then allow me to bridge the gap.” You reached between your legs and tugged on the belt to his shorts, freeing him from the confines of his clothing quickly and with precision. He stepped off the bed long enough to drop his shorts in the floor, the swollen red tip of his dick bouncing off of the cut of his adonis belt. You to let another gasp fall from you when you took in the size of him.
His eyes moved to the sound, alarm spreading across his features. “Is everything- I mean we don’t have to- I know it’s not—”
“I swear to God if you’re about to say I know it’s not much I will actually have to swing, Jensen.”
“Hey, be nice. He’s shy.” Jake took himself in hand, pumping lazily, a cocky grin replacing the insecurity.
It was his last warning and he apparently knew it, too. The bed dipped when he climbed back between your legs, holding himself up on one arm.
“Last chance to back out,” he says, the pleading look in his eyes telling you he didn’t want that in the slightest.
“Stop talking.”
You hooked a leg around his hips, bringing him forward enough so you could grip his leaking cock. He let out a hiss, the muscles in his stomach going taut when you guided the head through your soaked folds before it caught at your entrance. Jake held himself above you on shaky arms, mentally fighting back the urge to bury himself to the hilt in one swift movement.
“C’mon, slowly,” you encouraged. He started forward, the slow sear stretch of him filling you bowing your back off the mattress, mewling when he bottomed out.
“Oh, fuck,” he panted, taking breaths to keep himself from making this an incredibly short experience.
“Yeah? You like that?”
He answered with a frantic nod, line of vision trained on where your bodies were joined. He pulled out just as slow, opening groaning when you spread yourself open for him.
“Fuck, look at how you stretch this tight little pussy open, Jake.”
“You really gotta stop talking,” he pants, seating himself balls deep, your mouth falling open and eyebrows knitting together, “yeah, there it is. Read enough on reddit to know that look.”
Jake reaches up and yanks the pillow out from under your head, folding it in half and lifting your hips enough to shove it under your ass, a large warm hand gliding up to the apex of your thighs. He applies pressure with his fingers against your mound, finding the bone of your pelvis and then the soft spot right above it. His hips venture back again, angling his cock for an upward thrust.
“Shit!” Your eyes screw shut, the head of him punching right into your g-spot. Jake gives you a triumphant smile, hooking his hands under your knees and folding them up into your chest. Next time he would take his time, take you apart and find every little spot that pulled sound from you. Right this second he wanted to split you open and mark you as his, make you crave him late nights on missions and early mornings when you were home; wanted your thoughts consumed with him and what he does to you. Even if he’d never had much practice, he wanted to perfect the art with you.
Jake kept a constant pressure on your soft mound, pushing your spongey spot down into him while he thrust in and out of you, his own face screwing up as his spine threatened to turn to concrete. “C’mon beautiful, I gotta have one more before I let go.” Your legs shook violently around him, his thumb tracing down your slit to find that pulsing bundle of nerves.
“Fuck, Jake faster, fuckfuckfuck,” your nails bit into his forearm where it held him up next to your head, each skin slap meeting of hips punctuated with a soft grunt and sharp ah!. The strumming at your clit picked up, stealing all the air from your lungs as Jake put you right on the edge and then pushed you over. Your legs locked around his waist, keeping him seated as deep as he could go, the pulsing of your cunt milking everything from him as his own strangled moan fell from his lips.
He collapsed on top of you, the warm weight of him welcome against your rapidly cooling skin.
“Not so bad for a first timer,” you pant, hot breaths against his neck that make him shiver.
“Stop breathin’ on me or I’ll have to do it again.” He bit down on your shoulder playfully, a pained groan coming from his chest when he slid himself out of you.
The two of you laid like that for a moment, catching your breath, reveling in the contact of bare skin.
“I’d do this again. Y’know, let you practice, for science or whatever.”
Jake pulls his head out of the crook of your neck, soft smile spreading across his face as he processes what you’re saying to him.
“Yeah, for science,” he agrees, leaning down to press a soft kiss to your lips.
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lamaisongaga · 2 years
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It feels like forever since she announced it, but Lady Gaga finally launched her highly anticipated “The Chromatica Ball” stadium summer world tour! The setlist was divided into five acts, opening with a trio of fan favorites.
Fashion director Nicola Formichetti made sure that fans got a visual treat, not only musically. Styling by power-duo Sandra Amador and Tom Eerebout with assistance by Hunter Clem. Hair by Frederic Aspiras and glam by Sarah Tanno-Stewart using Haus Laboratories.
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Gaga opened the tour singing her biggest hits inside of a transformer meets sarcophagus creation custom designed by Gareth Pugh, who also made her grey structured sculpturesque cocoon armor with tonal "stitching", leather puff-sleeve top and belted leather paper-bag trousers, based on his Fall/Winter 2018 collection.
Underneath, she wore a custom Atsuko Kudo Joy matte silver sleeveless latex bodysuit with mock neck. You’ll see another one later in this post!
Her dancers all wear bespoke HUGO BOSS grey tailored looks.
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A bunch of new names worked on the fashion of this tour. Boyd Baten’s Barcelona-based “futuristic style brand” Divamp Couture being one of them! They created these polished and embossed brutalism-inspired Monoblocks.
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Mother Monster sang "Alice" while sporting this otherworldly custom Topo Studio NY Muscle Detail sequined red sheer organza and liquid silk lamé ripped and ruched trapunto gown with dramatic shoulders.
Underneath, she revealed this sickening custom Vex Clothing x Yummy Gummy Latex blood-inspired sleeveless latex mock neck bodysuit which is part of their "Vol. 22" collection.
The insane PVC pipe metal & molded leather choker is part of a custom stage look designer Assaad Awad originally created for her "Enigma" Vegas residency!
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Her opera-length fingerless black leather gloves are the Fergie by Paula Rowan.
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Throughout the show, Gaga danced around in these custom Haus of Gaga over-the-knee black leather combat boots.
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Her red quilted puff shoulder jacket, she added during “Monster”, is from Iran-born Germany-based emerging designer AZIZ...
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...which she combined with her favorite Komono x Tom Eerebout M Whiskey Coke sunglasses.
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For the second segment of the show, LG explored her fetishgear side by rocking this bondage-inspired black PVC spike shoulder top with harness-style buckles, based on the Eclipse top by SINRGY! Also by them: her elbow pad and fingerless neoprene gloves with PVC panels.
The deconstructed, asymmetrical stretch jersey bodysuit and trousers, both featuring PVC panels, are fruit of a collaboration between her sister's label Topo Studio NY and longtime collaborator Muto-Little Costumes.
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She crowned the look with a custom Noel Stewart black PVC biker cap – which gives me incredible "The Fame" era vibes!
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Next, LG rocked a custom Alexander McQueen molten metallic gold moiré tromp l'œil double lapel cropped tailored blazer, sleeveless shirt and wide-legged trousers!
Another fan favorite look was the stunning Topo Studio NY creation she whipped out for "Free Woman" — clearly a nod to Ballroom culture (Paris is Burning, anyone?).
The extravagant coat is hand-crafted from pleated gold lamé and features avant-garde sleeves, layered pagoda shoulders and a stand-up collar.
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Later, she added this bespoke Philip Treacy lobster claw-inspired golden headpiece.
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For the dancers, Perry Meek created 16 gold & white looks in only 5 days while Lara Jensen made a dozen of fabulous gold headpieces in the shapes of wings, orbs and orbits. 
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While playing her tree piano, Gaga changed into a Atsuko Kudo Joy sleeveless black latex mock neck bodysuit.
She also brought back her custom Xtian de Medici Chromataphore helmet headpiece constructed from therman plastics, vinyl and various pigments he developed for the color. Xtian used a special high tech pigment similar to the pigment that gives butterflies their color!
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For her next dates, she whipped out this purple & black latex bodysuit with high collar and jet crystal embellishments that was custom-made for her by Dead Lotus Couture.
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Gaga then danced to "Stupid Love" and "Rain on Me" wearing Alexander McQueen Resort 2023 eyelet-embellished cropped leather biker jacket and crystal embroidered long laser-cut harness.
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For “Hold my Hand”, she replaced the previous jacket with an archival KTZ Fall/Winter 2011 deconstructed leather biker jacket. She had the shoulder lapels of hers encrusted with jet crystals.
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Lastly, she wore her Gary Fay Creations album cover-worn Tree bone-shaped claw hand, with each part of the fingers moving individually.
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seastarryclouds · 2 years
Real Pretty
Mermaid!Marcus X Reader Fic
Feel free to comment about Grammar, writing style, etc. I would like to improve my writing, and make more Marcus fics >:)
Your day had been straight garbage. Work seemed to drag on and on, and it seemed like each customer was hell bent on making your day worse. Breaks came and went, doing nothing to refresh you. Even as you left you felt tired and stressed.
    Luckily, there was a spot where you were able to get away and relax. Not only that but you had a friend that could sit and listen to you. Well, friend might have been a stretch, but you don’t know what else you could call him. He was rather grumpy, but would sit and listen to you talk about anything and everything. You could never get that much information out of him, which was a shame considering the questions you had about him and what he was.
    Your friend, Marcus, was some type of mermaid, of the crustacean variety. The bottom half of his body resembles some sort of lobster, from what you have seen when he would bring his body up onto the rocks. You always wanted to see more of him and his body, but he would sink down into the depths if you ever got too nosy. As you climbed over the rocks and trekked down to the cove, you realized today might be the day you could get a little closer.
     You slowed your walk when you saw him. Marcus was mostly splayed out on a large rock, only the end of his tail was still in the water. A giddy feeling fluttered in your stomach, he looked like a glittering gem among the darker rocks, and you wanted to take a closer look. When you got up close you could see he was asleep, his head lay on his crossed arms and his breathing was slow and peaceful. It was honestly adorable. Even more so was the fact that the little blue feelers on his face seemed to twitch as he slept. You sat down across from him and wondered if you should wake him up or just look over him while he was sleeping. It wouldn't be that weird would it? You thought to yourself. Just a closer look at his shell, it’s not like I’m stripping him down.    
    Something on his head caught your eye before you got up however. His hair that was normally wet, was now dry and slightly poofy, revealing a tiny horn on the left side of his forehead. It was a pretty gold color, and you couldn’t help but wonder if he had one on the right side as well. Carefully you lifted your hand and lifted the hair on the right side revealing another tiny golden horn. You let out a quiet ‘aw’ at the sight of them. He had similar golden spikes on his shoulders and the shell of his tail, but for some reason you never noticed the ones that were right on his head.
As your hand lowered from the horn, it brushed his cheek slightly. You froze when you saw his feelers twitch in response, but other than that he didn’t stir from his sleep. Scooting away slightly, you figured you better hurry up with your “closer look” before he woke up. His tail and legs were what you really wanted to see. You shuffled down closer to the water to analyze the thing. It was prettier than you expected. The tail was mostly smooth except some tiny spikes that were the same glimmering gold as the ones on his head. The smooth part of his navy shell was covered in shiny specks of gold and lighter blues. The specks traveled down to his legs, and the ends of his legs looked like they were dipped in gold. They almost looked like little boots for his crabby legs.
The end of his tail gently swaying in the water, the navy blue fading into gold on the tips of his tail. You wished you could reach out and touch it, touch him. He was so mysterious, so strange, but so captivating at the same time. Letting out a sigh you laid back on the rocks and turned your head so you were facing him. His feelers were still twitching. Is he dreaming? You wondered. What could he be dreaming about? Against your better judgment, you let your hand rest on his face and stroked his face with your thumb. His sideburns pricked your hand and his feeler seemed to mimic the movements of your thumb, stroking it in return.  
His eyes fluttered open slightly before becoming wide eyed at the sight of you across from him. His body shot up and he quickly moved back into the water, splashing up waves in the process getting you slightly wet.
“W-What,” Marcus sputtered, “What were you doing? Why were you so close?” You shifted onto your knees as you tired to scramble out an apology,
“I’m sorry Marcus! I didn’t mean to scare you I was just-“
“Just what?” He growled through gritted pointed teeth. That was another interesting thing to note about him you suppose, but it probably wasn’t the best time to be analyzing his features anymore.
“I-I wanted to take a closer look at you,” you sheepishly admitted, “I’ve never seen anyone or anything like you.” You shyly met his confused gaze. “You are really pretty Marcus, gorgeous even.” His eyes widened upon hearing this, and suddenly he couldn’t meet yours. You continued, “Your tail is wonderful, the specks of gold that cover them are stunning, the way the gold speckles are all over your skin is stunning!” Marcus sputtered at hearing the soft complements that spilled out of your mouth. He couldn’t help the warm feelings fluttering in his stomach, nor could he stop his tail from curling into his belly.
You took notice at his flustered display and smirked. Now he just looks cute, so you decided to roll with it, “And your little gold horns, I didn’t even know you had those! They are just adorable!” His face was flushing red now as his hands shot up to cover his horns, his eyes blinking rapidly and his brain trying to process the compliments being given to him. You slipped up closer to him to touch his cheek again. His eyes shot up to finally meet yours. Although damp, his flustered face made his cheeks feel rather warm. Your thumb trailed over his lip, gently brushing over his stache to meet the feelers, his eyes fluttered in response to the touch.
“You are real pretty Marcus,” you repeated, “I just wanted a closer look.” He let out a shaky breath at your last words, and suddenly he was diving back into the water. Leaving you wet from his splashes. You silently cursed yourself for being so forward and bold. The chances he would come back were slim after all of that. You let out a sigh and sat on the rocks for a while longer. Soaked and once again miserable.
Marcus felt like his heart was going to beat out his chest, and even though he dove deep down to the icy cold depths, his body still felt like it was on fire. More specifically, where you touched his face still felt so warm. He traced his hand over where you placed yours. What you did, and what you said to him. It left his head swimming, and his heart floating. He knew what this feeling was, and he knew there was no stopping it. He knew he was fucked.
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vicious-vixxxen · 4 years
Mermaid!Kirishima X Male Reader
((Lost the original ask who prompted this, but here’s a little Mermaid!Kirishima to start the prompts off here! Thank you again for being the first to send in an ask, I appreciate it so much! And such a fun and interesting one to kick things off with, so manly! <3))
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You’d almost fallen asleep. Again. Jesus Christ. Groaning, you stretched your limbs out as far as they’d reach- stifling a cry as your joints popped, and you became a puddle against the wooden dock you were laid across. The soft plap-plap of the waves beneath you very nearly lulling you under once again. Opening your eyes finally, you raised your arm to block out the harsh mid afternoon rays, and to check your watch for the time. Nearly four. He was late. “Where the hell are you, sharkboy,” You grumbled, sitting up, and stretching your arms out for a second time, stretching them for all they were worth, before slumping over and scrubbing at your tired eyes. Wincing slightly at the soft burn of your palms against your cheeks. Fuck. No sunblock. Of course. You’d be confused with a lobster by the time you went home and scooped up in a net for dinner if you didn’t apply any. Chancing a glance around the open ocean around you, spotting hues of blue after hues of blue- but no red- you sighed, tugging off your sweat soaked tank top- shoving it into your bag with the rest of your things, before retrieving your sunblock, and squirting a liberal amount into the palm of your hand. Slapping them together afterwards to smear it around, before hiking a leg up to begin applying it. The soft scent of coconut filled the air around the dock, and mixed with the salty scent of the seafoam below the dock, it reminded you of Kirishima. How enamored he’d been the first time he spotted you out here, doing just as you were now. The scent, the sight. Long tanned legs, short board shorts, no top. He’d been drooling, it was a whole adorable thing. Of course, you absolutely flipped your shit the first time you saw him. He wasn’t exactly the most subtle creature to catch a glimpse of, especially when he reared up to apologize- fins fanning out, causing you to nearly have a heart attack. You knew of mer-people, of course, but no one had seen any in these parts in decades. You certainly hadn’t. Not in your lifetime. First time for anything, though, you supposed. He’d wandered too far from his pod, and gotten curious of the handsome human male spread out like a buffet on the docks. If there was one thing to be said about Eijiro, it was that he was too curious for his own damn good. Something that both endeared you, and frustrated the fuck out of you. You hardly noticed, so caught up in your thoughts of the creature, the sound of the water breaking- the soft creak of the dock straining beneath the merman's grip as he hoisted himself up quietly, laying flat on his stomach just a few feet away. Eyes wide as saucers, red irises glinting mischievously as he tried to stick to his plan. Thwarted only by all the bare expanse of skin you were showing off. Tan, and soft looking. Soft to the touch, too, Kirishima thought suddenly, mouth too full of saliva as he recalled the feel of your skin beneath his webbed fingers. Shaking himself from his awed stupor, Kirishina grinned- all sharp teeth, as he shimmied across the dock, long tail swishing excitedly beneath the water, where it hung low from the dock. Already aware of his tardiness, Kirishima wasted no time lunging for you when he was close enough- laughing boisterously as you shrieked, and began swatting blindly at him. “You asshole! How many times have I told you /NOT/ to do that?” Y/N Shouted, initial panic already seeping away, as he was rolled over beneath Kirishima- the merman's soggy red spikes haloed by the sun’s rays, making him look….positively angelic. The fucking heathen. “You’re an absolute menace to both land and sea society Kirishima- no, no don’t fucking kiss me, I’m mad at you. Take your fishy kisses somewhere else, they will not be accepted here!” Y/N continued to shout, laughing suddenly as Kirishima nuzzled and raked his teeth along the soft expanse of your neck, webbed fingers digging just this side of rough into your sides, to elicit a fit from you. “L-Lemme g-go you smelly s-sardine! Ah-ahah! S-shit, i’m gonna p-piss myself if you don’t-ah!- stop! Kiri, please, mercy, mercy!” You cried, tears in your eyes as Eijiro wrapped your legs around his broad hips- shifting his scales downwards, as to not scrape you. Cradling you in his arms, his elbows against the dock, to shift you both upwards just a bit. Toothy grin as bright as ever as he gave in, and finally looked at you. Kirishima swore he could look at you forever. Your bright, twinkling E/C eyes, the soft, sun bleached tips of your hair. The curve of your nose. The curve of your /lips/. Especially the curve of your lips. “You can’t just show up late and expect me to be all hugs and kisses, that’s not fair,” You pouted, despite the smile you couldn’t help forming on your face. Ankles hooked just at the small of Kirishima’s back, where waist met scales. One hand splayed across the creatures back, the other finding its way deep in the crop of damp hair atop his head. Fingernails digging gently into the base, in that sweet spot that always had Kiri mewling if you scratched long enough. “Mm, i’m sorry, baby shark,” Kiri cooed, snickering at the eye roll he could practically sense, as he dipped his face back down against your neck, and kissed. “-It was my turn to lead the roundup for dinner. You know how long it takes to completely swarm a school of flounder? Little bastards shoot off in different directions. So yummy,” he paused, nipping at your earlobe, causing you to tense, “-but so difficult to catch. Like, but also kind of unlike, another little fish I know.” “A man of a thousand sweet talks.” You were already putty in the merman's hands, and you both knew it. Didn’t mean you had to advertise it. “I am sorry, baby shark. I tried to hurry, but you know how Denki can be. He gets a little zapped if he exerts himself too much on the hunt. We all gotta get him back to the cove in one piece after that, and he’s such a squirmer, so...ya know,” Kirishima shrugged, arms tightening just barely around your middle, as he leaned back, smile less predatory, and more sincere now, as he pressed your foreheads together gently. “Apology accepted...I guess,” You mumbled finally, breaking the creature's gaze, only to flick your gaze down to his plump, bitten lips. One drop of saltwater still clinging to his cupid's bow. “I missed you, dude,” Kiri whispered finally, blush painting his pale face, as he pressed chaste kisses to your cheeks, and chin. Peppering them all over afterwards as you began to giggle. “Missed you too,” You sighed, closing your eyes, and angling your head to catch Kirishima’s lips in a soft kiss. Just a press of them together, no real urgency. You had the rest of the evening, and long after sunset to spend together. There’d be plenty of time for rough, heated kisses below the docks. When you lost your trunks, and Kiri started losing control of the sharpness of his scales. Leaving small pricks and scrapes over your inner thighs, from how you’d going to his hips. Only to have the merman lay you out on the dock under the stars, and kiss them all better. Webbed hands spread wide over your stomach, your hips. Trailing down your thighs, up, and around… “Whoa now,” Kirishima whistled, pulling back to glance down between you, and you huffed. “Don’t get cocky, asshole. I haven’t seen you in almost a week, give me a break.” Hooking your chin over the merman's shoulder, you rolled your eyes once more at Kirishima’s little giggles. Mesmerized by the expanse of muscle in his back. Gaze trailing down between Kirishima’s shoulder blades. Down the small of his back, where his hips dipped first inwards, then back out. Hips filling out below his scales, bright red at the tips, and a deep obsidian at the base, where they met his flesh. Similar to the hair atop his head. Unhooking one of your feet, you ran your toes down along the soft, slippery surface of his tail, as far as you could go, before bringing it back up. Noting the shiver down Kirishima’s spine, and grinning. “Never gets old, does it?” “No, nope. Absolutely not. You make my tail feel like it’s gonna shake right off,” Kirishima groaned, planting his plans on either side of you now, caging you in as you rested back against the dock. “Should probably get that checked out by a doctor.” “Asshole.” “See if I give you the gummy worms in my backpack now.” “....did I mention how much I love you yet?” “That’s what I thought, seaweed brain.” You laughed, flinching back with a frown as Kirishima nipped at the air in front of your face playfully- reaching back for your brag, to draw out the large bag of gummy worms you’d already opened, when waiting for the merman to arrive. Grabbing one out of the pack, and holding it up between two fingers for Kirishima to slurp up. Humming contentedly as he chewed, and you simply smiled. “Love you,” You whispered, feeding him another- watching as he slowed in his chewing, before gulping audibly, and leaning down close. “Love you too. Beautiful boy.” ((Thank you again to the wonderful prompter who asked for this, I had a blast writing it!))
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♡ AN: I got around to writing for Haikyuu! again and this time it’s for Oikawa, can you believe I hated this man so much that I ranted to my friend about him for a hour? Now I’m writing a smut for him the growth we love to see it~ I’m an anime only person and I know some spoilers so ignore any inconsistencies you might see because this is an anime only canon fic. 
♡ Oikawa x Brazilian Fem Reader : Playing beach volleyball is a cinch no problem right? But the sight of you in a bikini is too much to bear and having a hard on while playing volleyball is hardly convenient. So when Oikawa sees you in nothing but a towel in the locker room he decides to finally make his move on you. 
♡ Warning: Explicit shower smut with 27 year old Oikawa, voyeurism, semi public sex, and maybe a daddy kink at the end? Read at your own discretion. 
✯ ✯ -------------------------  ✯ ✯ 
➢ Portuguese translation
⇢ Y/N, você está aqui? - Y/N, are you in here?  
⇢ Sim, ainda estou aqui - Yes, I’m still here.
⇢ Fode me o meu amor - Fuck me, my love. 
“Yoohoo! Lucas, how you been?” Oikawa said, stretching out his o’s.
His Argentinean teammate said something, but the reception was terrible.
“Hold on! Let me take this outside.” He stepped out of his air-conditioned flat out into the humid air.
The voice garbled a few more sentences before it became clearer. “C-can you hear me now?”
Oikawa grinned hearing the familiar voice. “Yeah! What’s up?”
Though, he will always cherish his memories with his former team in Japan. Oikawa was now connecting with his national team as well as creating bonds and chemistry on par with his friends back home.
“Alright, amigo, I just did you a huge favor. You’re going to love me and I’m demanding more of that milk bread from you.”
He felt the familiar irritation every time someone claimed his milk bread. Oikawa only shared his milk bread with his teammate because he never tasted the magnificence of the treat. He almost suffered a heart attack when Lucas asked what was so good about bread.
“No promises, but I’m listening,” Oikawa replied as he looked over the night sky of Bueno Aires, it felt gratifying to know that a Japanese boy from a small town now lived in one of the biggest cities in Argentina.
“You remember telling me to help out with your little crush on Y/N, right?”
He rolled his eyes and pouted, “I don’t recall asking for your help! I just asked if she was single. That’s two different things!”
Oikawa remembered when he first saw Y/N at the 2021 Tokyo Olympics, he had been ecstatic to go home despite representing another country. It was his debut performance on a world stage. So, he walked around Tokyo for a while before heading back to his hotel to prepare for his match. When Oikawa turned on his T.V., he noticed it was the Women’s volleyball finals between Brazil and the U.S. It seemed like the Japanese women didn’t make it. He watched for a few minutes absentmindedly before he got distracted by player 24 from Brazil. She was the ace and was quite short, but it seemed like the average height for the female players. She was quite good, stealing point after point from their opponents. But that wasn’t what caught his attention. But rather her amusing victory dance each time she gained a point for her team. Y/N would obnoxiously dance in front of the net making her opponents furious.
Oikawa grinned childishly; he knew she was doing it on purpose as the U.S. team started making amateur errors as the gap between the two teams widened. It was a good strategy, one that he himself used on opponents that irritated him like his former kouhai, Kageyama. But his involved taunting, not twerking in front of his opponents. He didn’t think he would look half as good as she did.
From there, it was mere curiosity as to who the player was. She was quite pretty with her long curly hair and golden skin. He didn’t think he would meet her the very next day as she chatted with Lucas in Portuguese. He had no idea his Spanish speaking teammate even knew Portuguese. She had glanced over to him and introduced herself in rich accented English.
“Hello, I’m Y/N L/N. Nice to meet you.” She held out her hand.
He shook it, marveling at the softness despite the calluses he felt on her palm.
When she left to go find her team, Oikawa turned to Lucas and asked in a casual voice, “soooo… are you two together or something?”
Lucas just grinned at him and shook his head.
“Nah, she’s my how you say… my tomodachi.”
From there Lucas had taken it upon himself to get the two together, which didn’t work well after the Olympics were over as he returned to Bueno Aires and she to Brazil.  
“So, anyway I told her that you would do it in place of me! Isn’t that great?” Oikawa snapped out of his thoughts as Lucas continued.
“Wait what? Repeat that last part.”
He heard an aggravated sigh from the phone.
“Y/N participates in a beach volleyball competition every summer for charity. Her usual partner is gone, and she asked me, but I told her that I hurt my ankle. So, I volunteered you for the job!”
Oikawa blinked as the words registered in his mind.
“B-but I’ve never played professional beach volleyball before.”
Sure, he’s played some matches for fun every now and then. But surely a legitimate competition is different than screwing around with a beach ball.
“Ehh, it’s the same sport just with different rules. But don’t let that get in your way. This is your chance!”
Since he came back from Tokyo, Oikawa did sort of miss her and he hadn’t connected with any of the girls he met since.
“Alright fine. Let’s do this. How hard can it be?”
From there Lucas gave Y/N’s number to him. He immediately texted her and they figured out a schedule to practice together a few months before the actual tournament. Thankfully with the Olympics over, he no longer had to be in Argentina for the rigorous team practices and was free to go to Brazil as he pleased. So, a few weeks later he reached the coastal city Ubatuba in Brazil, ready to finally take a crack at beach volleyball.
Oikawa was munching away on his toast when he heard a knock in his hotel room. He quickly downed his breakfast smoothie and made his way to look through the peephole to see Y/N standing outside waiting patiently. He unlocked the door and let her in.
“Hey. How was your flight?” She asked as she kissed his cheek in greeting.
Oikawa felt his face get warm and tried not to get too excited over the fact that she had kissed him. He knew it was part of the friendly culture, but he couldn’t help the flutters that erupted from the gesture.
“Not too bad. Only two hours long.”
“Hope you’re ready to practice today. My friends and I have a court set up at Praia de Santa Rita. It’s a private beach we reserved and afterwards there are tons of restaurants we can go to for dinner,” Y/N said as she looked around the fancy hotel he had booked. He smirked at her reaction of course he deserved nothing but the best.
The two of them stepped out of the hotel and his eyes widened at the sight of her large jeep. Y/N jumped in and waved him inside. He carefully maneuvered himself in, hopefully, she wouldn’t drive too crazily.
“Put on your seat belt, you’ll need it!” Y/N screamed gleefully, and she revved up her jeep before pulling out of the parking lot. Oikawa’s nails dug into the seat’s handles while he held on tightly as she swerved around the tight corners without slowing down. His face continued to pale as she kept driving before finally pulling next to a beach. He carefully let himself out and his legs felt like jelly.
Oikawa gasped out, “y/n, please don’t ever drive again for everyone’s safety.”
He only heard the remnants of her door slamming and her giggles while she walked away. Oikawa followed her coming onto a rest area.
“Ok, this is where the restrooms and locker rooms are. So, get changed if you need to and then just follow the signs down to the beach,” she told him before heading inside herself with a small bag in her hand. He himself had brought along a change of clothes some shorts and a tank top with some sunscreen. Oikawa learned the hard way how important sunscreen was under the intense sun here when he turned into a lobster. After getting changed he found himself on the warm sand with the hot sun beating on his head. There was a volleyball net set up in the middle of the sand and there was a small group there getting warmed up as they spiked the ball from one side to the other.
“Hey! Good you’re here now we can get started,” a voice called from behind him. He turned around to see Y/N dressed in a small violet bikini which left little to the imagination. Her toned body and caramel skin caused his own body to burn with undisguised want.
“Are you playing in that?” He yelped.
Y/N looked down at her bikini confused, not seeing anything wrong with it.
“Yeah? What else would I wear? I mean sand gets everywhere. I can’t exactly wear a volleyball uniform on the beach,” she said with teasingly.
The flush on his cheek became brighter and he couldn’t exactly blame this on the hot sun either.
“So, what do you know about professional beach volleyball, Toru?”
His face immediately blossomed with a smile. He still wasn’t used to people openly calling him by his first name without honorifics despite being out of Japan for a few years now. But with Y/N it sounded natural and perfect coming out of her mouth. Though she didn’t exactly pronounce his name correctly, she rolled the rs too much. Oikawa never tried to correct her because he found her pronunciation absolutely sensual.
“Aren’t the rules mostly the same?”
Y/N shook her head. “Not exactly. A beach volleyball court is smaller and instead of six players, there are only two. Meaning only me and you are going to protect the entire court. There are no setters, liberos, or blockers. The two players usually divide it into two sides, protecting the left and the right. Beach volleyball games are usually faster, and it's usually played to 21 points instead of 25.”
Oikawa now understood why Lucas had readily volunteered him to become her partner. It would require time and dedication to become decent at the game which he was all too ready to bestow on her.
“Is that all?” he asked looking down at her.
Suddenly, he heard loud yells as the ball headed towards their area and he instinctively grabbed it before it hit either of them. But as soon as he touched it, the ball felt weird. It was lighter and bigger than the average volleyball.
“Oh, and the volleyball is different as you can see.”
Y/N patted his back and said, “come on. Let’s start.”
There were two other girls on one side of the court while he and Y/N occupied the other. She passed off the ball to him for his serve. Y/N went to stand in the top left while he served from the right baseline. He was just about to toss up the ball when he noticed something incredible.
Oikawa bit his lip to contain his groan, the sight was pure torture. It wasn’t fair to him and really any man. Y/N was standing in front of him with her knees bent, ready to receive any serve coming her way. There wasn’t anything wrong with her stance, in fact, if she was wearing her volleyball uniform, she would be doing her job like any other volleyball player professional or otherwise. However, in her bikini the forbidden scene made him feel like the worst type of peeping tom. But he couldn’t help it as he messed with the ball in his hand. Her position was perfect for him to saddle up behind her and press his cock against her clothed cunt. Her round ass cheeks were entirely exposed as the bikini bottoms were stretched against her body and the vaginal lips were apparent even against the dark purple fabric.
Which genius made it a thing to play volleyball in bikinis? Whoever it was Oikawa wanted to strangle and thank them from the bottom of his heart all at the same time.
He jerked his face away from Y/N’s body and tossed the ball in the air only to completely miss. The ball just tumbled a few feet from his person. Y/N turned around to give him a concerned look and gave him a thumbs up.
“It’s ok!” she yelled out before focusing back on her opponents.  “Keep going!”
‘Don’t look. Don’t look. D-O-N-T! LOOK! Ah fuck it,’ he thought as his eyes went right back to her ass. Honestly, he thought about possible sex with Y/N multiple times, but they were always fantasies with her on the bottom or on top riding him. But never from behind, clearly, he didn’t know what he was missing. His breath hitched when she bent down just a little further before righting herself again. He could probably call for an impromptu break and take her to the side for a private conversation. Maybe finally have that kiss they’ve both been craving for a long time before pushing her against a wall or a tree. He could hike her legs around him and fuck her until her voice was hoarse from screaming his name while her cunt creamed on his cock.
“Come on, Toru! Let’s go!” Y/N yelled as she effectively ruined his daydreams.
Ok, he had to focus now. Absolutely. The ball was once again in the air and he hit it with his palm only for it to hit the net. ….
Was it possible to bury only the face in the sand? He might have a need for that in just a few minutes.
Just as he was about to serve again his eyes wandered right back to Y/N’s backside, but this time she turned around at the same time to meet his eyes. His eyes widened and he quickly faced the front once more.
“Time out!” he heard Y/N say.
Y/N quickly walked towards Oikawa and stared him down.
“Have you been staring at my ass this entire time?”
He swallowed and coolly responded with a “no.”
“I’m not stupid, Toru! Is this going to be a problem for you?” she asked with her arms crossed and stern.
There was no point in lying, she already caught him red-handed so instead, he shrugged.
“It’s not my fault the view’s just too good. I’m only a man,” he said with a low voice.
“Y-you!” She seemed flabbergasted and amused at the same time. Y/N let out a snort and chuckled a few times before snatching the ball from his hands.
“Just go block for now. I’ll serve.” Y/N pointed to the same spot she herself was standing at. Oikawa being entirely shameless just ran his fingers through his hair and winked at Y/N before taking his spot at the front. The two women that were their opponents seemed to be hysterically giggling as well, guess he wasn’t as subtle as he thought he was. So, Oikawa just waved at them good-naturedly and readied himself for a rally.
It looked like Y/N wasn’t as distracted as him because she served without any problems and the game continued. It was much more difficult than he initially thought. While indoor volleyball was a team effort and everyone had to do their part, now Oikawa was responsible for everything. He was running around diving for the ball like a libero and even doing his own spikes as Y/N set a toss perfectly for him. Before he knew it, the game cycled through 6 sets faster than he was used to. That was another thing he noticed beach volleyball’s sets were much faster paced. Usually, he would take his time to dissect and figure out the opponent’s weaknesses before setting up tosses for his team. Now he had no time for that as he dived and ran after the lighter ball. Not only that he had to consider the weather, but the winds were also messing up his shots. Each time he aimed for the tight corners they would get blown out of bounds. Beach volleyball wasn’t harder necessarily, but it was definitely a challenge to learn.
After a couple more sets, Y/N called for a break. She handed him a cold-water bottle from the cooler while she drank some Gatorade.
“So, how long have you been playing beach volleyball?” he asked after swallowing the refreshing water.
“As long as I’ve been playing volleyball. It’s part of the Brazilian team’s routine. Playing beach volleyball actually makes you a better, well-rounded player,” she said as she put the tightened the Gatorade’s lid on and put it back in the cooler.
Y/N stepped closer to him and leaned into his face.
“Don’t think I’ve forgotten about you staring at my ass. I can’t have you missing your serves during the tournament,” She snickered, he felt her hot breath against his ears, causing shivers to erupt across his body.
Oikawa just leaned in even closer, deliberately eyeing her lips for a moment before staring back in her eyes.
“And what exactly do you plan on doing if I don’t stop?”
Instead of getting flustered and putting space in-between them, she instead stepped even closer to him and blinked innocently at him, her eyes dilating and enrapturing him.
“Behave and if you’re a good boy. I’ll reward you, promise,” she muttered just low enough for him to barely hear.
Y/N pecked his cheek and she lingered there for a moment, he could bask in her closeness and smell the remnants of the shampoo from her long hair.
“Y/N! Come on let’s play again,” her friend shouted from halfway across the court.
“Looks like time’s up. I’ll let you serve this time,” Y/N giggled and ran back to start the game again.
Oikawa felt embarrassment choking him on the inside and vowed not to mess up too badly again. He made his way back to the court and grabbed the ball, he deliberately didn’t look at Y/N as she once stood at the front to block. This time he hit one of his more powerful serves and found that most of the power didn’t transfer over to the ball, but he was able to slightly control the ball better this time. The rally continued on until the sun had turned orange and was about to set. Eventually, the group decided on another date they could meet up and practice again for the tournament.
When everything was packed up and put away, he and Y/N made their trek back up the beach to the resting area again.
“Hey, since we won’t be able to practice until next Saturday again. What say me and you practice by ourselves?”
Y/N looked up from her phone and nodded affirmatively.
“Sounds like a good idea. Practice matches once a week probably won’t help unless we get some practice of our own.”
Oikawa bit his lip, hesitating for a minute before asking her.
“Also, since I’m here, you mind showing me around? This is the first time I’ve been to Brazil.”
Y/N again nodded but with more enthusiasm this time as she regaled about tales of the amazing tourist spots and restaurants they could explore in their free time. The two of them went inside the rest area and he went into the men’s locker room to take a quick shower before changing into his clothes.  Just as he stripped down and stepped into the shower, he heard a crash and scream coming from the hallway. He turned off the water and tugged a fluffy towel around his waist before walking to track down whatever made the sound. When he walked out to an empty building, he heard Y/N’s voice distinctly cursing coming from the women’s locker room.
“Y/N? You alright?” Oikawa called out, he waited for a few minutes to hear her reply and when she didn’t respond he stepped inside. He peeked inside carefully just in case there were women walking around. He heard some clutter falling onto the floor a few feet away so following the noise he found Y/N in a towel trying to pick up her items.
“You ok?” he asked concerned. Y/N startled and lost her balance, tumbling onto the locker room’s floor.
“Toru, what are you doing in here? This is a woman’s locker room.”
“I know I thought I heard a woman screaming and then I heard your voice, so I came to check if you were ok.”
She sighed and pushed her dripping wet hair from her face. “Yeah, I’m ok I slipped in the shower, and then I realized I brought my phone into the shower, so I came to put it away, only to drop everything inside of my bag.”
Oikawa was about to bend down and help. “Here let me help.”
Y/N held up her hand and replied, “it’s ok I got it.” She gathered all her items and put it all away along with her phone.
Just as she was about to get up, the water that had been dripping from her body and hair gathered on the floor and made the tiles slick. Her foot slipped and she was about to hit the ground hard when Oikawa grabbed her in time before she could. However, Y/N lost her hold on the towel around her body and it exposed her chest and curves to his naked eyes. He quickly turned his head away while keeping a secure grip on her.
“Ahh! Don’t look!” she screamed and slapped her hands over her breasts. “Did you see anything?”
Oikawa swallowed and wished he could tell her no, but he sort of caught a glimpse at the body he had been craving to touch and feast his eyes on since he met her. So, he should opt to keep quiet.
“It’s ok, it’s nothing I haven’t seen before!” Except he panicked and opened his mouth.
“What does that even mean you jerk!” He could feel her try to pull away from his arms.
“Wait that came out wrong, I swear!”
Oikawa turned back around and felt blindsided by Y/N’s beauty. She was soaked to the bone, but never did she look more beautiful to him than in that moment.
“You’re so….” He trailed off. She looked at him a little confused and quit trying to pull away.
“So what?”
He leaned in and caressed her cheek. Oikawa didn’t finish his sentence and instead just connected their two lips. As he sensually captured her lips, Y/N eagerly responded back to him as if she had been desperately waiting for this just like he was. Keeping one hand on her chin to angle her face, his other hand traveled down to her naked bosom. He reverently caressed and tweaked her dusky peaks while expertly maneuvering the kiss. Y/N whimpered with want when his tongue brushed up against hers. He smirked at her reactions as her breathing started getting more erratic and her cute noises became louder and louder. They only broke apart when he heard people approaching the locker rooms.
Just as Oikawa was about to move away from Y/N, she grabbed his hand.
“The far-left shower at the end,” she jerked her head towards it.
He smiled with excitement knowing that she wanted to continue as much as he did. Grabbing and picking her up like she weighed nothing, he hurried to the shower and tugged the shower curtain shut.
Just in time too as he could hear women laughing and talking in Portuguese.
“Y/N, você está aqui?” a woman called out.
Y/N for her part looked startled at being addressed and pushed away Oikawa’s hands that were still playing with her chest.
“Sim, ainda estou aqui,” Y/N responded in a clear voice. She shot a warning look to Oikawa as his hands found themselves back on her hips and making their way back up. He only cheekily smirked at her and returned to pawing at her cleavage.  She waited for a few minutes to hear her friend’s footsteps retreating before pulling Oikawa closer and aggressively kissing him. He tugged the towel around his waist off and hiked Y/N’s silky legs around him.
He carefully maneuvered to turn the shower’s knob and set her against the wall while a jet of hot water poured over them. And Oikawa went right back to devouring her mouth and grinding against her hot cunt. As soon as his cock made contact with her tingling clit, Y/N’s body spasmed and she tried to tug him closer. Her ankles interlocked at his waist and she tried to thrust below to encourage him to enter her. But he only chuckled at her excitement and continued to slowly slide back and forth. Y/N forgetting for a moment where she was exactly, enraged by his teasing smacked his thigh loudly enough to echo in the locker room.  Oikawa let out a low grunt and thrust full throttle into her. Her eyes widened at the sudden entry and she couldn’t even contemplate the fullness before he withdrew quickly once again.
“Fode me o meu amor,” Y/N begged.
Oh, that just wasn’t playing fair. He didn’t know what she said but her breathless voice and her needy eyes made him helpless.
 As if he could no longer bear to be apart without the drenched enclosed intimacy, he reentered without warning. Oikawa fucked her with the same hell-bent concentration he played volleyball with. She covered her mouth with her hand to contain the moans, that only muffled the noises rather than stopping them completely. The faster pace caused Y/N to skid up and down on the shower walls. She tried to find purchase against the tiles, but the hot water droplets caused her to loosen the grip. His breathing got heavier and uneven, why was it he could handle hours of volleyball, but the vise grip of her cunt made him want to spill inside of her like an immature adolescent?  He removed her hand covering her moist lips and thoroughly kissed her. He swallowed her moans and they stood in the shower making love for god knows how long. His hand found her engorged clit and his middle finger started pressing slow circle while his thumb and point finger started pinching it in time to his thrusts. Just as she was about to cum, Y/N buried her face in his neck. She bit down hard on his shoulder trying to contain the shrieks she wanted to let out. It wasn’t long before her spiral started to pull him as well, the constriction creating a perfecting suction to swallow his juices. He placed a hand on the wall to stabilize himself just before he pulled out of her and came all over her thighs. The water soon washed away all the evidence of their tryst as it flowed down the drain.
“Does the hot water feel that good?” Y/N’s friend called out. Soon of the other ladies started giggling and laughing along. “We’re leaving! See ya, Y/N!”
The two of them didn’t move from their spot until they heard the sounds of lockers being shut and the ladies’ voices being fading further and further away.
“I think they knew…” Y/N gasped a little embarrassed and horrified.
On the other hand, Oikawa kept smiling like a goof. “I love beach volleyball now! It’s my favorite kind.”
She let out a frustrated groan. “Just get out of my way. I need to get dressed before I prune even more.”
“Maybe next time you should call me papi,” he hollered out as Y/N started to dry herself and got dressed.
“There won’t be a next time if you don’t get your butt dressed soon or I’ll leave you behind.”
Y/n when she was all dressed up and ready to go, waited for him outside of the resting area. He came out joyfully whistling away and ready to leave. Oikawa slung his arm over Y/N’s shoulder and pulled her close. He was finally taking the chance to get closer to her like he always wanted.
“You’re going to be a handful, aren’t you?” she asked tickled with his antics.
He leaned in and pecked her forehead. “You know it,” Oikawa said with a wink.
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