#spike trivet imagine
diskaywrites · 1 month
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𝑨𝒏 𝑬𝒏𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝑭𝒊𝒕𝒔 𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒕 #𝟗: 𝑺𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒅𝒂𝒚 𝒃𝒚 𝑵𝒊𝒄𝒌𝒍𝒆𝒃𝒂𝒄𝒌 𝑷𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈: 𝑺𝒑𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝑻𝒓𝒊𝒗𝒆𝒕𝒙𝑪𝒂𝒓𝒂 𝑵𝒐𝒊𝒓 𝑴𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔 𝑶𝒇: 𝑲𝒊𝒅 𝑳𝒚𝒌𝒐𝒔 𝑰, 𝑳𝒖𝒌𝒆 𝑱𝒂𝒄𝒐𝒃𝒔, 𝑮𝒊𝒅𝒅𝒆𝒐𝒏 𝑩𝒓𝒂𝒅𝒅𝒐𝒄𝒌 (𝒐𝒄), 𝑺𝒂𝒅𝒊𝒆 𝑪𝒖𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒏 (𝒐𝒄) 𝑽𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒆: 𝑴𝒂𝒊𝒏
Time seemed to slow down around Spike Trivet as he watched the horror story that played out in black and white on the entrance ramp. The outstretched cloth that acted as the returning dancer's black wings taunted Spike, as if they were bound to capture his very soul. The emotion on the other man's black and white painted face was pure joy, understandable as this was the first time in just over a year that this man had made his appearance to the Progress faithful.
But the arrival of Cara Noir was just a reminder to Spike of his own recent failures.
The removal of Cara Noir from the eyes of the Progress Wrestling faithful had been one of the proudest moments of Spike Trivet's career. The steel cage match in which Spike and Cara had faced off against each other had been hard fought. Cara Noir, after all, was quick and graceful. He was a dancer at the very heart of it. That was why Spike had targeted Cara's leg, to make sure that Noir could never ruin his title reign. The Progress World Championship was to be the prize that the whole world coveted as long as Spike Trivet held it.
Kid Lykos I had broken that record, much like Spike had broken Cara's record. Even worse was that Lykos hadn't even been able to hold onto the title long enough to matter. Luke Jacobs had beaten Lykos so soundly that Spike felt foolish. Hadn't the steel cage match been catered to his own liking? Why then had Lykos, rendered maskless and hopeless, defeated him in the end? Since when had Jacobs been this dominant force? Everything felt broken and wrong, as Spike watched from the sidelines without being booked for a show since.
Not being booked on a show during the biggest weekend in British wrestling while seeing the arrival of his biggest rival made Spike sick to his stomach.
"You good, sir?" Spike's right hand man Giddeon Braddock asked as he stood behind his employer. Giddeon was a large man, a bodyguard for the sovereign lord who stood in front of him. "Miss Sadie is asking for you."
𝗔𝗵. 𝗦𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗲.
A true smile crossed Spike's lips, but his line of sight never left what was happening in the ring. Sadie Cullen was the woman who made all of this worth it. It was Sadie who's loving embrace soothed the voice in his head that threatened to tell him that his hard work to rid the industry of the silent dancer was for naught. She was the future mother of his children, the most important thing in his life.
And yet, here he stood, stoic and unwavering as he watched the man he considered his worst enemy get cheered by the Electric Ballroom.
"Tell my darling girl that I will be just a moment, Giddeon," Spike's grip on the raven-skull headed cane in his hand tightened, "I am going to meet an old friend very soon."
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grizzledyoungimpact · 8 months
Febuwhump Day #8: "Why won't it stop?"
Febuwhump 2024 February 8th, 2024 "Why won't it stop?" Spike Trivet/Dakota Heraldry (OC) Sideshow/Circus Verse
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Everyone had a role to play at the circus.
For Alistair Lawrence and Stuart Bennett, it was as the ring masters of the circus. Under their command, the circus ran like clockwork. However, none of it would have been possible if not for the financial backing of Spike Trivet. The young master of the uppercrust had been looking for something exciting to sink his time and money into. The bright lights that Bennett had spoken of excited the young lord.
Some of the reason was due to acts like Dakota Heraldry.
Dakota was well known for his feats of daring. Some nights he would swallow swords, others he would be an expert at the acrobatics inside the german wheel. All of these things had drawn the attention of the young lord. Spike would find himself watching as Dakota practiced his act, hanging onto every moment that he could. That's why when Dakota had finally noticed the lord, he had stopped to call him over.
"You're the financier?" Dakota smirked, giving a slight cock of his head as he ran a hand through his long hair. Even that was a wonder, seeing as the young man had managed to make his hair the same color as the desert rose, a soft pink. "You look a lot younger than I imagined."
Spike took his hand, pressing a gentle kiss to the man's knuckles, "Enchante. My name is Lord Trivet, Simon to my friends."
Dakota laughed, shaking his head, "Aren't you a fancy lad. You like my act, hm? I see you around so often."
"I am not sure if it is the act or if it is you that has my attention," Spike admitted, pursing his lips together, "Why ask?"
"My usual partner for the wheel is busy," Dakota crossed over to the wheel that Spike had seen him use one too many times. It was the only act that disturbed Spike. Dakota's act partner, a fabulous man named Dalton Castle, was usually strapped to the wheel and spun, while Dakota threw decorative knives, "if you're up for it..."
Spike wanted to turn the offer way. After all, there was a new suit. He trusted Heraldry, his amorous nature had assured that. "You want 𝙢𝙚? Why?"
"I see you every day," Dakota gave a soft smile, "surely you trust me?"
Spike offered his hand, allowing Dakota to lead him over to the wheel. His hands and legs were strapped tightly out to his sides and Dakota tugged each, just to make sure that Spike could not move. Once Dakota was certain that Spike was secure, he spun the wheel before turning to walk away. It spun and spun 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒔𝒑𝒖𝒏. It was after the third time that Spike began to feel worried. "Why won't it stop?" Spike shouted out.
The smirk on Dakota's face turned cruel, leaning against a crate behind him and gesturing to where, on the other side of the wheel, Dalton had spun it again and again. "Dalton."
As the spinning finally came to a stop, Spike could see through dizzy vision that Dalton now stood next to Dakota. "Wh...what is the meaning of this?"
"I see you 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒚 𝒅𝒂𝒚," Dakota twirled the knife in his hand, "you 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙡𝙠 me. This is a warning, Mr. Trivet. Stop stalking me. Or you'll end up with worse."
At that, Dakota tossed the knife hard, the point sticking between Spike's open legs, stopping just at the crux.
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tomeandflickcorner · 5 years
Episode Review- The Real Ghostbusters: Killerwatt
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Well, this episode was certainly less goofy than the last one. And the humor relied more on puns instead of slapstick.  And I am completely okay with that.
It appears New York City is experiencing an unusual number of blackouts.  The cause of the blackouts begins to become clear when we see some electrician climbing to the top of a powerline tower to access for any problems.  While he’s up there, he witnesses an entity that appears to be made of electricity.  Thankfully, the electrical entity doesn’t harm the electrician and simply continues to travel along the powerlines.  But this episode could have gotten really dark right here, with the electrician getting electrocuted by this entity.  Then again, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that they didn’t go there.
Over at the Firehouse, Ray is preparing dinner for his teammates.  Which is a bit surprising, since we’ve just established that the city is experiencing blackouts.  So how exactly was Ray able to operate the stove during a power outage?  I guess the electrical grid that covers the neighborhood the Firehouse is in hasn’t been affected yet.  Anyway, Ray completes the dinner, which he claims was from an old family recipe or something, and he proceeds to serve it to Egon, Peter and Winston.  By placing the hot soup pot directly on the table without using a trivet or anything.  Way to damage the tabletop, Ray.
But the other Ghostbusters are less than pleased when they take in the appearance of Ray’s concoction.  It apparently looks less than appetizing, and it’s no wonder when Ray announces the meal is called Fondue Casserole.  (So, it’s a bowl full of melted cheese?  Yeah, I like cheese as much as the next person, but that does sound revolting.)  The guys manage to avoid having to try and choke down the stuff in order to spare Ray’s feelings thanks to Slimer, who steels Ray’s napkin, thereby keeping him distracted long enough for Egon, Peter and Winston to empty their bowls into Slimer’s waiting mouth.  Of course, this plan almost backfires as Ray, pleased to see how quickly his friends finished the food, happily offers them all seconds.  Thankfully, that’s when Janine calls them all downstairs to announce they were called in directly by Mayor Lenny himself.  I guess that electrician from earlier reported seeing the electrical entity, so they now have reason to believe that ghosts are responsible for the blackouts plaguing the city.  So Mayor Lenny wants the Ghostbusters to come and do something about it.
They end up driving out to some department store at a mall, where shoppers have witnessed a particularly large number of ghostly happenings.  When they enter the department store, the Ghostbusters quickly find that the ghosts can readily possess anything electrical, from power drills and vacuum cleaners to ovens and dishwashers.  Right away, these possessed appliances begin to attack, with Slimer quickly getting sucked up into a vacuum (even though he should be able to pass through the vacuum bag with zero effort, considering we’ve already established he can go through walls). There’s even one moment during this sequence when Egon almost gets pulled into a possessed oven that’s spouting out flames.  But eventually, they discover they can simply zap the possessed appliances with their Proton Packs to flush out the ghosts, allowing them to be caught.  Of course, the scene ends with Ray briefly mistaking Slimer for one of the prankish ghosts, prompting him to apologize to their little green friend for the mistake.
Upon returning to the Firehouse, the Ghostbusters load up the traps into the Containment Unit in order to store them away.  But just when they’re transferring the ghosts into the Containment Unit, either the blackout finally hits the Firehouse or the ghosts start infecting the Containment Unit the way they did with the appliances at the department store.  It wasn’t very clear which it was.  Either way, the power supplying the Contaminant Unit shuts down.  Briefly, the Ghostbusters panic, until Egon announces it’s all good.  He must have remembered the incident with Peck shutting down the protection grid as well as what happened last episode, as he installed an emergency generator, which kicks in seconds later.  
However, this solution doesn’t last, and the emergency generator suddenly becomes possessed by another electrical ghost, and the possessed emergency generator runs off.  So the Ghostbusters are back at square one again.  As such, they have to scramble around to come up with another way to keep the Containment Unit activated.  Well, rather Peter, Winston and Ray scramble around while Egon just stands there counting down to the imminent explosion.  Like, hello Egon!  You know, you could help!
They manage to piece together a homemade generator using the Ecto-1’s generator and this bike a little girl happened to be riding by on. (Peter compensated her reasonably for the bike, so that was nice of him).  With Janine keeping the homemade generator running by pedaling away, the Ghostbusters make their way to the power plant to put an end to this once and for all. Because Egon was now able to trace the PKE spikes to a power plant in Brooklyn. Which is rather amazing.  The Firehouse is located in Manhattan, but Egon is able to trace a reading over in Brooklyn?  That’s quite an impressive range you’ve got on that PKE Meter, Egon.
Of course, when they get to the power plant, the Ecto-1’s battery dies within walking distance to the plant.  We then get a little action sequence when, thanks to Slimer goofing off in the driver’s seat, the Ecto-1 begins rolling down the hill on its own, with the Ghostbusters clinging to hood of the car.  Thankfully, Peter manages to stop the Ecto-1 right before it crashes into the side of the power plant by managing to crawl his way through the Ecto-1’s sunroof and activating the emergency brake.
This is when the episode’s big bad reveals itself.  Turns out, it’s this giant ghost made up of raw electricity.  The ghost identifies itself as Killerwatt, and all the other ghosts who have been possessing electrical appliances and whatnot are its underlings.  Killerwatt proceeds to attack the Ghostbusters, and, hoping to harness some of Killerwatt’s electrical attacks to jumpstart the Ecto-1, Peter activates this Ecto-Scope.  Although, this just leads to the Ecto-1 getting possessed as well.  And Ray vehemently protests against shooting at the Ecto-1 like they did with the appliances at the department store because, as he puts it, the Ecto-1 is part of the family.  (It’s a car, Ray!)
Now we get some prolonged sequence of various things happening. After managing to shake the possessed Ecto-1, the Ghostbusters enter the power plant and just kind of run around for a bit, trying to evade the various possessed generators and such.  They eventually make it to this room for the final showdown with Killerwatt, who has now possessed some machine.  And Killerwatt isn’t going down easily, as the Proton Steams just kinda seem to reenergize it. That’s when Winston gets an idea to just shut down the powerplant, surmising that doing so will cause Killerwatt to become weakened, as it would be cut off from feeding off the energy the powerplant is supplying.  To prevent them from doing so, Killerwatt creates this gaping chasm between the Ghostbusters and the master switch.  Of course, Slimer could have just flown across this chasm to reach the master switch, because he is capable of doing so.  But instead, Slimer opted to just literally pull the plug on the operation. Which doesn’t make much sense, when you think about it.  The machines that generate electricity in a power plant are plugged into the wall? Eh, it’s a kid’s show.  What are you gonna do?
Anyway, with the powerplant offline, Killerwatt is weakened and abandons its host body, enabling the Ghostbusters to catch it.  With the day saved and the city’s power issues repaired, Mayor Lenny commends the Ghostbusters, with a parade held in their honor.  But ha-ha, the Ghostbusters forgot to notify Janine the crisis is over.  And she’s still pedaling away on the homemade generator back at the Firehouse. Needless to say, she is not very happy. So I imagine the Ghostbusters had to bend over backwards for quite a while afterwards in order to make it up to her.
Overall, this was better than the last episode, but there were still some moments that make you cock your head a bit.  Can’t wait to see how the other episodes hold up.  Oh, and we also get the show’s first reference to Janine’s crush on Egon.  So that’s pretty cool.
(Click here to read more Ghostbusters reviews)
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grizzledyoungimpact · 9 months
The Need To Protect
Whumpuary 2024 January 17-18 2024 Make It Stop/Restrained/Hair Grabbing Alarick Bane (OC), Maddox Lovell (OC)/Harlow Fischer (OC) Slight AU
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A loud snarl tore through Alarick Bane's throat as he attempted to pull himself free of the grasp of the man who called himself Bullit. This wasn't fair, none of this was fair. He had been so close to being able to help Maddox finally take on the threat that was Spike Trivet and Dominatus Regnum, so close to evening the odds that had been stacked against The Lykos Gym.
All it had taken to stop him was a shot with the elegantly crafted silver head of the cane Spike Trivet had started to carry.
Since Harlow had managed to win Super Strong Style 16, Spike Trivet had made it his goal in life to ruin the shitwolves chances at ever taking the title. There had been plenty of back and forth between the two men. He remembered, sadly, the end of the first match between Spike and Maddox, the pain of seeing someone he considered a little brother having something so precious stolen. Maddox's wife had done her best to hide his face that day, as had their little shitwolf brother Harlow. All four had sworn to make a game plan the next time Harlow decided to take what he deserved from Spike Trivet.
Today was supposed to be that second chance.
Both men had put something important on the line. For Spike Trivet, who months ago had lost the Progress World Championship to Will Ospreay, it was his place in the world. If Spike lost, he would allow himself to be tossed into a hospital ward for his ever faltering mental health. For Maddox it was his mask, his identity as the man known as Kid Lykos. Both Harlow and Maddox had executed their part of the plan with little issues.
Alarick hadn't been so lucky.
The affliction to silver had been his downfall. Since Super Strong Style 16, Spike had been carrying his new cane as a signifier of his wealth. The head of it was carved out of silver to resemble a howling wolf in order to mock the Lykos Gym. Alarick had been mid-fight with Charlie Sterling on the outside when he had been spun to face the larger Bullit and cracked in the skull with the weapon.
Now here Alarick knelt, forced to watch the action in the ring. He snarled as he tried to struggle, but the strike had left him weak. Now all he could do was try his best to get free as the referee's hand landed for the three count.
For Spike's win.
"That's because of you," snarled Bullit in Alarick's ear, "long live Dominatus Regnum."
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