#spik en span
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March 29, 2023
#amsterdam#hermitage#ateliers#mbo project#uitleg#museumdocenten#fijne middag#spik#spik en span#kleur#wasbak#roze en geel#groen
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unhinged shit die mijn zusje in de afgelopen 5 minuten heeft gedaan:
-rare maar rake opmerking over widm gemaakt zonder enige waarschuwing
-gevraagd 'denk je nooit bij jezelf "mijn zusje is de meest geweldige, leuke, grappige persoon in het universum"?'
-kampioene van de nach van spik en span gezongen
-ya ya yippee van k3 gezongen
-harder geniest dan ik ooit uit een mens heb gehoord
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for spotify wrapped: 7, 47 & 97!
<3 <3
47: fun fact! this song is not about vampires but its about vampires in my heart!!
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Het is alweer 3 dagen na mijn laatste bericht. Time flies when you’re having fun!
Zaterdag stond in het teken van de markt. Natas is nog steeds op vakantie dus dit keer helpt Eveline.
We hebben weer een bestelbus gehuurd want deze keer passende dozen zeker niet in de auto want we hebben nu 6 meter kraam (normaal gesproken is het altijd 4 meter). Ik moet me een beetje haasten en uiteindelijk staan we bij het stoplicht in Mijdrecht achter Cees & Eveline.
Cees helpt lekker lekker mee en met z’n 4-en staat de kraam er voor 10 uur weer spik en span bij. We zijn een goed team en hebben de hulp echt wel nodig want met tijden is het echt rete druk.

Het eerste dat ik eet is een lekker stukje zelfgemaakte bananencake van Eveline. ‘s Middags drink ik weer een flesje dieetvoeding. En ik eet een handje ongebrande amandelen.
Als verrassing komen Koen & Hannah & Manuel nog even langs. Leuke afleiding alhoewel we niet heel veel tijd hebben.

Om 16 uur ruimen we de boel weer op. Cees komt ook op tijd en helpt ook weer lekker mee. Cees & Eveline rijden nog even mee naar huis. Het is heerlijk weer dus we gaan achter in de tuin zitten. Bakje chips voor de niet lijners en voor de lijners augurkjes en een klein toastje met Philadelphia light. Als Cees & Eveline weer huiswaarts gaan eten we nog een bordje rijst met groenten en kip.
Marcel wilde niet naar het Eurovisie songfestival kijken maar nu Joost gediskwalificeerd is wordt er natuurlijk toch gekeken 😅 Rond 23.30 gaan we naar bed.
Vandaag is het Moederdag!
Ik kom rond 10.15 uur mijn bed uit. Beneden staan er al tulpjes op mij te wachten en kaartjes voor een concert van Rodrigo Y Gabriela in het Amsterdamse bostheater altijd leuk. Ik drink snel een zakje yoghurt en dan gaan we naar mam. Ronald komt ook. Mijn moeder en de 2 mannen eten ieder 3 slagroomsoesjes en koffie. Ik hou het bij water en koffie. Na mam gaan we naar Elly. Marcel neemt taart ik hou het bij water 😅
Rond 14 uur hoor ik van Linda dat ze onderweg is naar Uithoorn. Thuis aangekomen ligt Linda al lekker in bikini in de tuin want het is lekker wa vandaag. Linda heeft een bosje bloemen en een bon om samen iets te doen meegenomen. Rond 16 uur komen ook Mike & Natas met de kinderen nog even langs. Rechtstreeks uit Duitsland. Die zijn gisteren vanuit Denemarken vertrokken. De kinderen duiken meteen de jacuzzi in. Ik heb al mijn kroost om mij heen dus ik ben happy

Van Mike krijg ik een Douglas bon en een kaart met tekst.
Als de kids weer huiswaarts zijn dan eten wij nogmaals rijst met kip en groenten, kopje cappuccino toe en weer klaar.
Ik ga mijn Netflix serie kijken en om 10.30 duik ik nog even bij Marcel in de jacuzzi. Daarna douchen en om 23.30 naar bed. Morgen weer werken maar wel lekker vanuit huis.
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Schilder in de buurt van Monnickendam
Dit bedrijf is zeker een aanrader!! Snelle service! Komt met goede oplossingen! Onze huiskamer zit er weer spik en span uit!! Thnxx mannen!
Vorige Route: https://maps.google.com/maps?cid=7173503823791062867
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Dag 24: het leven zoals het is: de campers
Vandaag geven we jullie een exclusieve inkijk in het leven van campers. Wie zijn ze? Wat doen ze? Wel om te beginnen slapen ze erg lang 's morgens. We houden hout vast maar tegenwoordig komt die Wolf pas om 8u30 het trapje van ons bed opgeklauterd. Bijntje is al heel haar leventje een langslaper dus ook met haar heerlijk opstaan. Meestal raakt Jesse eerst het trapje af en zet hij koffie. Ontbijten in de ochtendzon is onze favoriet! Dat doen we lang en uitgebreid en das toch een groot verschil met thuis waar ik niet ontbijt, de kindjes ergens op de grond en Jesse aan de bar. Heel gezellig zo tussen de Guldenroede en het klaterende water. Daarna doen we de plankingsessie die we van Charlot leerden. Grondoefeningen dus op onze yogamat. Vandaag pakte ik de camper aan want hier zouden zelf de ratten niet meer willen slapen! Dus ik met de stofzuiger in de hand op de knieën. Jesse werkte samen met de kindjes in hun vakantieoefenboeken. Wanneer alles weer spik en span was klommen Bijn en Wolf met hun modderpekkels weer naar binnen en was alles weer zoals voorheen 😂 Dan de was! Ook gezellige boel vandaag. Kan ook serieus tegenvallen maar vandaag vonden de kiddows het geweldig om het binnenste van een wasmachine te ontdekken.
Ohja en we deden ook nog een toeristische trekpleister. Tis juust! Eigenlijk het meer der meren van de Dolle Mietjes, maar eerlijk? Wij vonden onze camperdag leuker dan het meer. 10km en 400hoogtemeters met de fiets later, kwamen we aan bij Lago di Braies en wanneer het blauwe water vanachter de bocht verscheen kon ik mijn teleurstelling niet achter mijn zweetoksels verstoppen. Ik had er meer van verwacht. Meer! Gelukkig liet het charmante bootje met apero de pijn in de billen snel vergeten en was Jesse wel enthousiast over z'n zogezegde eeuwige sneeuw. 10km dalen is dan weer wel dolle pret. Een dag vol camperpret die eindigde met een spelletje en mopjes van Bijn. Op de parking van het containerpark.
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De huisbaas komt foto’s trekken. Dat betekent dus veel poetsen! Alles moet spik en span zijn. Er moet worden opgeruimd en afgestoft. Oude spullen en te kleine kleren mogen naar de Zweedse spullenhulp: Stadsmissionen.
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Autopoets.nl heeft het hele assortiment Cartec autopoetsmiddelen op voorraad. Van velgenreinigers voor het reinigen van autovelgen als ook auto interieur reiniger voor het interieur van de auto. Tevens verkopen wij polijstpasta voor polijstschijven en polijstmachines.
Stuk voor stuk professionele autopoets middelen die gebruikt worden door garagebedrijven en autopoetsbedrijven. Niet voor niets kiest een autohandelaar voor Cartec om zijn auto's spik en span er uit te laten zien. Een gepoetste auto verkoopt natuurlijk vele malen beter dan een auto die niet gepoetst is.
Ook verkoopt autopoets.nl professionele autoshampoo voor het wassen van de auto. Deze autoshampoos doen goed hun reinigende werk en brengen tevens een beschermend laagje op de autolak aan.
Kortom voor de professionele Cartec autopoetsproducten moet je bij autopoets.nl zijn!
auto interieur reiniger
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CARTAGENA (07.05-09.05)
Onze laatste stop langs de caraïbische kust: Cartagena. In het hart van deze gigantische stad bevindt zich een ommuurd koloniaal centrum dat haar Spaanse geschiedenis volledig uitstraalt. Kleurrijke gevels, elegant traliewerk aan de ramen, mooi uitgesneden houten balkonnetjes, afrodames in creoolse klederdracht, gallerijtjes met schilderijen die al het vorige afbeelden en een dikke stadsmuur a la Dubrovnik vanwaar je uitzicht hebt op zowel de zee als de verschillende wijken van Cartagena. Wij verblijven in Getsemani, een buurt net buiten de historische wijk, vol kleurrijke muurtekeningen, pleintjes met locals en restaurants en barretjes allerhande. De sfeer is hier top, zeker ‘s avonds wanneer de temperatuur een beetje zakt en de locals massaal op straat komen.
Als tussendoortje maken we een uitstap naar de Totumovulkaan. Het tafereel heeft eerder iets weg van een heuveltje in Mudtown, maar voor díe modder zijn we hier. In de krater van de vulkaan kan je je laten afzakken in de grijze en dense brei die uiteraard goed is voor je huid. Locals staan hier te (letterlijk) springen om je te mogen masseren en nadien te helpen om weer spik en span uit het meer te komen, waar je de brei van jezelf mag afspoelen. Het is eens iets anders. Gereinigde en gevoede huid...check.
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Op dikketruiendag hebben we samen met de pandaklas en lieve ouders vuil gaan rapen. De straten maakten we spik en span, dat verdient een momentje in de speeltuin. 🧹🗑
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Het huis is klaar om spik en span op geleverd te worden. Oesh. (bij Slotermeerlaan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjLB90bs7BQiMgqQx_AheusNfkoGx6U67Gu2880/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Onze tuin is Spik & Span en klaar voor het komend weekend als de Kunstketting onze kunstroute in Groot Stein plaatsvind. Op zaterdag 11 en zondag 12 september kunnen de kunstliefhebbers onze tuin en galerie geheel vrijblijvend en Coronaproof bezoeken van 10.00 tot 17.00 uur. Ook andere kunstenaars laten hun kunst aan het publiek zien in groot Stein. Bij iedere kunstenaar liggen de flyers en routebeschrijving klaar zodat u niets hoeft te missen.
(5 september 2021)
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Weeg dag vandaag en mensen wat ben ik afgevallen. Super blij en trots op mijzelf en de coach is net zo enthousiast 😅
Ik ben nu 12 kg afgevallen waarvan 9 kg vet 🎉 en ik begin het nu ook echt zelf te zien. Gisteren kon ik ook weer een spijkerbroek aan die ik heel lang niet meer heb gepast.

Ik ben nu precies op de helft van wat ik in totaal wil afvallen.
Na het wegen ga ik boodschappen voor mam en onszelf doen en daarna door naar mam. Die is wel beetje zielig met haar gordelroos. Het ziet er ook vurig en venijnig uit.
Ik bel ook nog even de tandarts want ik blijf last houden van mijn kies. Pas maandagavond tijd dus ik moet nog even blijven rondlopen met kiespijn.
Bij mam drink ik mijn yoghurt. Na een uurtje ga ik naar huis waar ik nog precies tijd heb om 3 crackers met Philadelphia light naar binnen te werken en dan snel tandenpoetsen en door naar de Mondhygiëniste.
Na 3 kwartier ziet mijn gebit er weer spik en span uit. Ze kon niks zien aan mijn kies. Tijdens de behandeling was mijn kies iets gevoeliger maar niet super pijnlijk.
Na de Mondhygiëniste door naar TICA om de laatste bestellingen op te halen. Ook nog een paar leuke mini haas kaarsjes gescoord en wat kandelaars.
Thuis een paar bestellingen gedaan en een gekookt eitje gegeten om om even voor vieren naar Gerrit af te reizen. Ik ben pas vriend van Gerrit geworden en ik was de 100ste vriend dus ik kreeg een cadeautje 😅

Het blijkt een gratis bioscoopkaartje te zijn, heel leuk!
We eten op tijd. Marcel nog een stukje lasagne en ik een salade. We zijn uitgenodigd door Paul en Anita voor een voorstelling in Amstelveen maar we hebben geen idee van wie. We gaan met de bus naar Amstelveen. Het blijkt Jawad Es Soufi te zijn. Ik had nog nooit van hem gehoord. Maar wat is hij grappig en wat een spraakwaterval is deze man (in het dagelijks leven ook nog een onderwijzer).

In deze show laat Jawad Es Soufi (Sloegie) op een bijzonder hilarische manier zien hoe verschillend de mensen in Nederland zijn. Hij kruipt haarfijn in de typetjes die een heerlijke afspiegeling vormen van de maatschappij. Al die fascinerende mensen vormen, volgens Jawad, samen dé ingrediënten voor de beste soep van de wereld: Nederland. Hij schakelt soepel tussen verschillende Hollandse en Marokkaanse typetjes en accenten. Hij neemt herkenbare stereotypen uit verschillende culturen op de hak en doet daarbij weinig concessies aan een wit schouwburgpubliek. Dat maakt hem verfrissend. Hij kletst aan een stuk door en 2,5 uur lang, knap hoor!
We nemen nog een drankje (cola light voor mij) en rond 23.30 pakken we de bus terug naar huis.
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Het is weer maandag! De winkel is weer helemaal spik en span, dat betekent dat de winkel weer helemaal klaar is voor een nieuwe week. De winkel word ook weer aangevuld met allerlei leuke nieuwe en oude spullen. Zoals deze emaille mokken. Tja, wij konden het weer niet laten om ons assortimentweer een stukje uit te breiden.. 😅 Wij zijn momenteel weer bezig om de website weer aan te vullen met leuke en nieuwe items. Er komen een paar kleinere emaille ovenschalen en een paar emaille mokken met print op de website te staan. Mocht u deze mokken graag aan willen schaffen maar u woont jammer genoeg niet in de buurt? Dan is dit uw kans! 🥳 Ga naar: www.michelleszierikzee.nl U vindt de mokken binnenkort onder het kopje 'Emaille' > 'Emaille mokken met print' en de ovenschalen vindt u binnenkort onder het kopje 'Emaille' > 'Emaille ovenschalen'. U heeft ook de mogelijkheid om de spullen via de website te bestellen en ze af te halen in de winkel! #emaillemug #emailleovenschaal #mok #ovenschaal #coffee #kaffee #koffie #camping #kamperen #maandag #monday #montag #weesloyaalkooplokaal #kooplokaalschouwenduiveland #ZierikzeeMonumentenstad #zierikzee #weesloyaalbestellokaal #leuk #cadeau #souvenir #hebbedingetjes #hebbedingen #geschenk #needit #wantit #emaillemok #grappig #fun https://www.instagram.com/p/CSoTL59sQNR/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Kruidenrek in onze nieuwe keuken?
Kruidenrek in onze nieuwe keuken?
We hebben afgelopen juni ons project afgerond. De hele beneden verdieping is aangepakt en we hebben flink geklust. Ook de keuken ziet er weer spik en span uit, maar een paar dingen ontbreken nog… een kruidenrek en een afzuigbuis afwerking. Ik ben dus nog steeds op zoek naar een kruidenrek en het valt niet mee om aan mijn eisen te voldoen! (more…)

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shauntaake sick of u kll bill mutherfuckers u drag ths sht on far to long shauntaake already won again for the 8 time now henry was the last try the last trailor park fight henry nasty apartment that try to fuck me up n henry nasty ass apartment that shauntaake spik n span on that ass shauntaake stop all of ths sht uh huh shauntaake am hu the fuck shauntaake am & ain't no gettang around it so ths why shauntaake have to be very careful about hu shauntaake fuck wit henry ass call shauntaake to hs apartment for a million dollar sword henry let shauntaake enter shauntaake weight shauntaake the bitch that came in wit shauntaake million henry ain't get me mutherfuckers & everybody know about shauntaake & sean taylor million so now everybody want to play their fuckd up part & henry had a red suit case like the red suit wit the million dollars in it shauntaake world made shauntaake & sean taylor merged togethaa the deadliest villian shauntaake blak mamba henry ass (blak mamba a deadly pouson us snake (animal) shauntaake knock henry ass upsde the head wit shauntaake blak headphones & broke them on hs head whle we was argueang that was enough all of these movies & u stuck on ths defeat woman im thru wit all of u shauntaake took all of shauntaake money bak yo bitch ain't live shauntaake million they keep sellang enemy's to everybody shauntaake conquered the whole movie both movies shauntaake just conquered the end of kll bll2 movies over shauntaake chose to do a tun of rewritang mutherfuckers & shauntaake went bak home to shauntaake sweet daughtaa's jasmin & jänyah mahagony shauntaake movie over the end
tevin campbell ttell me what you want me to do
shauntaake grandparents david campbell & earlvena campbell nw restore remodél house that shauntaake aunt joanne campbell & her son john design
shauntaake grandparents david campbell & earlvena campbell
shauntaake grandparents david campbell & earlvena campbell movang into their nw house togethaa shauntaake was shauntaake grandparents favorite lil ene twin baby that lauk like shauntaake grandparents kds shauntaake was birth into shauntaake grandparents house & ths the house some of shauntaake greatest momments was made wit shauntaake grandma vanessa & shauntaake aunt's ncles & cousin's & shauntaake was their baby that allll of our family came to see & spend time wit shauntaake have a million story's in shauntaake grandma kitchen ths the kitchen where shauntaake grandma use to cook shauntaake breakfast lunch & dinner whle shauntaake sat in shauntaake grandma chair colorang shauntaake pictures whle shauntaake grandma would kss shauntaake on the head & say to shauntaake your doang great baby your makang that for grandma & shauntaake would say yyyyyeeesssssss
shauntaake / now u see shauntaake soul haunt itself these shauntaake kd injuries ths hw shauntaake eye got cut on shauntaake grandma earlevna gargantuant heavy kelly green gate cause shauntaake was swingang on it it a long story but shauntaake baby told everybody to shut up cause they told me to stop swingang on the gate & shauntaake fell off of it & the gate swong bak & hit me n the eye blood & puss everywhere that day was shauntaake first bloody day at 4 years old that vanessa & the campbell’s experiencē it was terrible & murderous now u see shauntaake keep tellang u u dont want to be the devil/shauntaake the deadliest injuries already set for your birth shauntaake kd survive all of the devil/shauntaake injury's all of the devilast in shauntaake acient pen walls & the devil haunt places the devil/shauntaake soul try to hide in injury'sssssss the (alien attack) & vanessa shauntaake gra dma & all of vanessa ssters & brothaa''s were all watchang shauntaake kd that day the devil natural accidents & shauntaake kd was out of the emergency room the next day not in pain runnang around wit stitches & a heavyyyyy white bandage on shauntaake eye playang wit shauntaake cousin's & frends like nothing never happen vanessa life wit the devil/shauntaake shauntaake & sean taylor pay to make sure shauntaake hatch''s was safe shauntaake & sean taylor brand new everythang the heaviest medicines masterang them to be masterd & shauntaake was the heaviest mastered one but the fate was destin for shauntaake
shauntaake / the original statue of liberty door at shauntaake pen the last bathroom stall in the womans bathroom that terminator momment was horrifc the devil/shauntaake a man talkang on the phone wit a woman voice aftaa the man blast thru the door & blast sarah conor mother away ths door kept the deadliest ppl blastang ths is the most fear door in the hstory of doors ths the only bathroom stall shauntaake love to use & the woman cleaners at shauntaake pen use tô make ths bathroom stall extra clean for shauntaake spotless shauntaake came warrang & masterang shauntaake pen beautifully & masterfully & shauntaake pen clean shauntaake pen up & repaint ths door that enough of statue of liberty/shauntaake wars ths shauntaake hstory phauts that shauntaake stash away cause shauntaake hstory murderous & laukd at as one of the most dangerous ppl in the world they see a murderer when they see shauntaake so shauntaake chose to give shauntaake world so much of shauntaake love cause shauntaake also have so much for u the love to give shauntaake love that shauntaake daughtaa’s pull out of shauntaake cause shauntaake was sent to war when shauntaake move to irvington & shauntaake was’nt around shauntaake family love no more so it was war on the devil/shauntaake move to irvington & that hw shauntaake was treat
shauntaake just start studyang kill bill 1&2 & she thrw a knife at the pay murdererer & the murderer caught the knife n the wooden part of the riffle
shauntaake in the devil/shauntaake apartment ths where shauntaake baby moldangs at in one of the deadliest spanish buildangs in newark/hell ths that coke & dope spanish & columbian cartell weight hstory building & ths what ths curtain meant a woman murderer comang to the door blastang these griselda woman red & white burgundy blood red floors shauntaake birthstone color these the type of dominican/italian/columbian woman shauntaake did business deals wit from uptown harlem new york city ths hw their comang when your payment ain't full they want a reason to off u u have to watch kill bill 2 in order to understand what shauntaake talkang about & thsee are the type's of breed of woman shauntaake made frends wit these the type of woman shauntaake got along wit & was sent to go to war wit & to go to war for cause shauntaake had to go to war these uthaa bitches was'nt ready for these murderers these type of ppl that want the devil/shauntaake love & respect they all knw shauntaake was the devil & sean taylor brought shauntaake right to them to become frends shake hands & do business ths was a moment these ppl been waiting for forever to do a deal wit the devil/shauntaake & shauntaake put these ppl on in shauntaake mastered world our love for each uthaa was on a whole nuthaa level these ppl let shauntaake's have their finest weight wit no limits our greatest dealssssssss we made that took our business out of the stratisphere shauntaake was birth war & shauntaake made them love us & respect us the love we née to get us in all of their doors doors u would'nt get in a million years cause they were racist they only love & respect their race & culture these shauntaake woman would let shauntaake into their house's wit their family's hold their kds & they chose to make shauntaake their nw family member & shauntaake made everythang right so we could handle professonal business on a whole nuthaa level of business & respect cause these are the type of woman that will lure u just to hit u know that watch cocaine cowboys that hw griselda was hittang them cause sht ain't all good the columbians are very competitive & they only want their ppl gettang all the money & connects cause that wall their weight & shauntaake savage ass soul the way shauntaake carry shauntaake self wit beauty & class shauntaake speach & shauntaake love got us our loyal partnership
shauntaake / when your about that life shauntaake really make murderous lil bitches shauntaake happy u sold mykyla her safety cause ths aint her war shauntaake really get sent to go into the deadliest murderous wars so shauntaake kds & shauntaake family dont hve to go o war & once shauntaakē fight the war it over aftaa shauntake collect shauntaake everybody in the movie now bitch cause shauntaake don't do enemy's cause shauntaake really go to war they don't know that part of shauntaake so to avoid ppl & the problems they brang wit them shauntaake gonna be everybody in the movie like always to avoid ppl & their problems okay
shaubtaake see everybody mad cause they lost shauntaake deals wot the original columbian's dominicans & italians shauntaake see hw shauntaake & their mergers made the greatest hstory in hollywood of all time like 300 blow & nw jack city italians came to do deals wit shauntaake & these niggers was hatang & one wrong move would of fuckd all of us up so shauntaake & shauntaake uthaa men just chose to walk away from these situatons since it was'not no love shauntaake see shauntaake columbians dominicans & italians left it was eithaa deals wit shauntaake or nobody they also chose shauntaake as their chosen woman & shauntaake had everythang set but beans surround around no support is the worst
shauntaake say that know when your a star your suppose to live like a star show the uthaa stars & celebrity''s your your own star their shinning show them your shinning to cause their thangs are'not your thangs & your thangs are'not their thangs so don't never get that confuse that u have to do your own than in ths real world the mono connect all good but when your dealing wit real life money means everythang so the mono's don't mean nothang when it ain't money involve & a relationship never happens shauntaake née that mono cause your interest in me or u want to me shauntaake don't née nobody mockang shauntaake every post okay if u ain't really trying holla at me pay shauntaake & shauntaake thangs no mind cause shauntaake really ths thang call life as u could see
shauntaake wit u givang shauntaake shauntaake millions first & then u could give shauntaake gifts to that hw shauntaake née it shauntaake empired shauntaake self shauntaake ain't cash in on shauntaake inventons empires creatons hands eye's (vson) designs soul seman hstory art music & voice yet
shauntaake / ppl in the comments wildang out about shauntaake son shauntaake baby sean kydree latch onto shauntaake mother house & now ppl in the comments saying their obssess cause they see shauntaake doll baby baby shauntaake know shauntaake/sean kydree shauntaake''s & shauntaake happy shauntaake lure shauntaake boy soul onto shauntaake mother house & not somebody else house rain hail sleet snow shauntaake soul on shauntaake mother house welcome to the devil/shauntaake world u know the ginger bread man was a devil fairy tale it all makes sense & shauntaake/sean kydree gonna follow shauntaake everywhere shauntaake go & be poppang up in shauntaake phauts when shauntaake/sean kydree feel like he want to reveal hsself shauntaake have to cater to shauntaake/sean kydree soul connect to shauntaake statue of liberty & did a 9-1-1 around watch that tree drop in hs face like the statue of liberty/shauntaake shauntaake/sean kydree a evil shauntaake baby soul that will hurt ppl hu not invest into shauntaake freedom & shauntaake happiness
shauntaake see shauntaake son shauntaake/sean kydree was at shauntaake pen wit shauntaake actang like shauntaake/sean kydree was on the streets wit shauntaake layang all over shauntaake shauntaake baby soul shauntaake/sean kydree shauntaake acient son & shauntaake/sean kydree was so happy when jasmin & janyah mahagony snuck shauntaake bak into shauntaake mother warm house & shauntaake/sean kydree was showang shauntaake that shauntaake/sean kydree was so happy & shauntaake inventons shauntaake made of shauntaake/sean kydree was suffocatang shauntaake/sean kydree it a rubber band/gold damond choker around shauntaake/ sean kydree neck shauntaake/sean kydree lil voodoo doll sleep next to shauntaake every night wit shauntaake wide smile shauntaake put shauntaake/sean taylor voodoo doll inbetween shauntaake mink teddy bear cause shauntaake/sean kydree claim that bear shauntaake aborton was about 4 months the size of shauntaake/sean kydree voodoo doll shauntaake/sean kydree smart connect hs soul to shauntaake mink bear so shauntaake/sean kydree soul warm beang on shauntaake mother house shauntaake/sean kydree soul in the house now wit us shauntaake/sean kydree voodoo doll u see it n the bak ground at shauntaake grandma house shauntaake/sean kydree sad cause he dont want shauntaake to move into shauntaake grandma house shauntaake art pr say she dont see that on the wall in shauntaake grandma apartment part of shauntaake grandma house shauntaake/sean kydree love shauntaake mother house that why shauntaake nee to pay in full for shauntaake mother house to keep shauntaake/sean kydree soul happy shauntaake/sean kydree voodoo doll the evilist shauntaake soul shauntaake hand paint symbolism all over shauntaake/sean kydree voodoo doll shauntaake lovvvvvvve shauntaake/sean kydree baby cause shauntaake/sean kydree full of shauntaake treasures
shauntaake / the man part of shauntaake soul shauntaake son shauntaake/sean kydree shauntaake soul thankang about u mutherfuckers shauntaake readang comments sayang some of jasmin & janyah mahagony frends knw that was shauntaake son on shauntaake mother house & they took phauts of it trynna lure shauntaake soul to them & it don't work shauntaake know shauntaake soul go everywhere shauntaake go when shauntaake was on the street shauntaake soul show shauntaake shauntaake soul shauntaake star & shauntaake star had shauntaake birthday on it shauntaake star212
shauntaake/sean kydree love shauntaake turquoise ancient coogie sweater & he show shauntaake hw the aborton machines try to suck shauntaake/sean kydree lil yoda from star trek sean kydree hauntangs angry sometimes cause shauntaake/sean kydree mad cause shauntaake/sean kydree was'nt birth shauntaake/sean kydree a shauntaake ene & sean kydree so funny shauntaake/sean taylor show shauntaake shauntaake was eatang lobster when shauntaake was pregnant wit shauntaake/sean taylor made hsself a lobster
shauntaake the devil/shauntaake came to hit the world wit the world sun/moon nable devil horns & wings shauntaake forehead shauntaake body solar system shauntaake beauty moles shauntaake whole body a star from outaa space & the devil/shauntaake want to hit the earth like a commet shauntaake soul the acient marble rocks the most expensive rock in the world & shauntaake kd soul kept clashang wit the concrete shauntaake was'nt around no marble u see newark marble city it marble on the streets of newark everywhere near shauntaake pen goang all the way to broad & market it marble on the streets & they try to build everythang wit marble & that pleases the devil/shauntaake soul
shauntaake white man twin from the twilight zone one of the prettiest white men shauntaake & devon playang days we finally had our fight when we turn about 7&8 years old & they had shauntaake & devon fightang over the white woman that own ths house cause that hw the white woman lauk that use to own ths house the fight was also over hu was gonna get in ths house first the white woman that use to own the house was a racist the was a strictly Jewish area & the white woman would not sale the house to nobody nail shauntaake move to irvington & they watch shauntaake teenager shauntaake tomboy years shauntaake lauKS shauntaake actors shauntaake soul shauntaake lifestyle prove shauntaake was the 1 & when shauntaake mother came wit shauntaake to try to purchase ths house the white woman let shauntaake move into ths house wit shauntaake mother & her hsand shauntaake heard everybody try to purchase ths house shauntaake also see hw eddie was sceamang on ths house before shauntaake mother & eddie got marry get uthaa family live right up the street from ths house & they kept sceamang on ths house cause everybody want to claim they was shauntaake white man twin & the white woman that own ths house was not interest n their lies everybody fans shauntaake am the twilight zone masters ppl just try to repeat everythang but your really not those actors shauntaake mother & eddie was fanatics the fanatics try to move into the devil haunt locatons & all of the devil/shauntaake hauntangs connect to the campbell’s in the campbell house’s & all the devil hauntangs connect to shauntaake baby hstory phaut shauntaake came the world hernîa attach shauntaake cant tell u what house that in shauntaake worst hauntangs ths why everybody shauntaake date try to move shauntaake into their houses so shauntaake could leave the devil/shauntaake hauntangs in their house's & now that shauntaake know that shauntaake have to be marry befor shauntaake move into a woman's house that gonna have to be shauntaake wife cause shauntaake hauntqngs the thangs from shauntaake pen walls shauntaake acient treasure's so ths why they try to put shauntaake in house's places we could own & keep in our family forever shauntaake got so many housessssssss offers to move in their houses wit them & all of shauntaake acient treasure haunting real shauntaake keep showing u all don't u know that a hauntang is soul that naturally forms on somethang & it stll that soul when it forms on something
shauntaake see hw so many ppl try to mock shauntaake stake art & shauntaake be laughang cause their just a mock that why shauntaake never afraid of showang shauntaake stake art to u cause u wll never be able to make shauntaake art their art not haunt their soul don't go into their art shauntaake soul go into shauntaake art & shauntaake able to haunt shauntaake art that why shauntaake will give shauntaake custom stake jewelry customers optons if they want to connect to shauntaake haunt or not if not shauntaake will put a armor platinum bakang on your shauntaake stake art piece
shauntaake laughang they trynna mock janyah mahagony birth but that ain't shauntaake/janyah mahagony shauntaake don't know hu baby that is it ain't shauntaake's the chick shauntaake saw that lauk like chabts twin shauntaake saw her daughtaa was birth when shauntaake was seman chants when shauntaake & chants was datang cause the lil girl lauk like she was about 13 years old & janyah mahagony was 18 years old at the time those numbers right janyah mahagony came bak shauntaake haunt baby to janyah mahagony shauntaake & sean taylor birth baby janyah mahagony have shauntaake & sean taylor birthday's merge togethaa as janyah mahagony birthday
shauntaake / the (a) industry pr thank shauntaake hate them & that why they be beefang shauntaake don't hate u shauntaake don't like your choice of ppl that u chose to so call make those not shauntaake choices & u be mad cause shauntaake don't agree wit your choices of ppl shauntaake choices shauntaake always usually right & your industry pr callang your industry the lacks shauntaake gift your totally u wll never be able to connect to shauntaake gift without shauntake but your not lacks your great at what u do but your blind u can't see the truth u act slow your not really masterd so u bother me wit your choices of ppl cause shauntaake not waistang shauntaake company's on your choices cause their not shauntaake choices shauntaapll hollywood mergers only sold shauntaake whites to shauntaake shauntaake soul ppl shauntaake urban tomboy live like a wealthy white kd shauntaake vanessa was sweatang shauntaake baby & shauntaake kd vanessa was'not thankang about nobody else kds vanessa cater everythang to shauntaake vanessa let shauntaake have shauntaake everythang to shauntaake self shauntaake cousin's could come to vanessa apartment sometimes
shauntaake cousin devon mother in law tammy malicky aunt tammy money does tammy family management right tammy work in our city offices for over a decade & tammy money set tammy family right tammy in a mini manson shauntaake cousin devon just had devon third chld wit devon wife andrea tammy first daughtaa andrea & their family got their own thang goang on shauntaake cousin devon set devon marry tammy daughtaa andrea & devon & andrea have kds togethaa & keep havang kds & devon daughtaa's comang out laukang like tammy & tammy ssters the nw lil campbell's devon daughtaa's hair all the way to their baks now shauntaake ppl gettang set in their situatons they gotta know when the money come to make thangs happen devon saw andrea & it was on they instantly click & now devon & andrea their own family hstory we had to get devon out of that dead end ghetto ass war shauntaake years datang chants andrea start comang around & that when andrea met devon it was on we ain't grow up wit andrea andrea was wit andrea wealthy parents far out in their big house's we never saw tammy neithaa tammy & tammy hsand was business ppl & they tuck their kds away in their wealth tammy set shauntaake cousin devon to give andrea shauntaake grandma life ms campbell never workd a day in her life andrea home raising andrea kds without a care in the world devon work any hard & andrea havang kds devon & andrea livang in a suburban area devon & andrea great it workd cause andrea came a inheritance & andrea came to be a wife not a hoe andrea was loyal to devon & andrea mother tammy support their relatonship & tammy move devon into tammy mini manson wit tammy family shauntaake remember the day devon & andrea pull up at shauntaake grandma house in tammy mercefes truck wit devon drivang & it was andrea first months of pregnancy uh huh shauntaake family also right shauntaake hstory cause these dirty hoes was sent shauntaake way & shauntaake deserve better than their bullsht u see shauntaake was'nt givang a bitch sht u mutherfuckers had to steal to get somethang from me shauntaake came shauntaake own inheritance vanessa hstory set shauntaake & sean taylor pay shauntaake bak shauntaake inheritance wit shauntaake & vanessa shauntaake had so much to give to looser bitches but they ain't come correct so shauntaake ain't give them sht shauntaake so happy for shauntaake cousin devon & they stay at the mini manson shauntaake stay wit shauntaake ncle michael about a week ago & devon & shauntaake aunt sandra came to shauntaake grandma house to see everybody & devon had to leave devon like devon gotta get bak to devon wife & devon in laws exactly
shauntaake & sean taylor was in lovvvvvvve shauntaake & sean taylor made ourselves rich & wealthy & we live a great life togethaa everyday all day everyday for about 3 plus years shauntaake soul so fufullllllll & if any of u was in love wit shauntaake & chants relatonship thankang that was love u mutherfuckers never been in love shauntaake & chants was a hoe ass relatonship that shauntaake ain't give a fuck about but that was shauntaake hoe ass girlfriend chants that shauntaake had fun wit sometimes that it a shauntaake book shauntaake showtime series & a couple of movies okay great andrea was hw chants was suppose to come & set shauntaake shauntaake nee a loyal clean bitch that was ready to be a wife & shauntaake treat hoes like hoes shauntaake keep tellang u pass around bitches shauntaake & u could date that it these dirty men a marry u shauntaake happy andrea came & did shauntaake blood family right we the campbell shauntaake been welcomed andrea campbell to shauntaake family shauntaake try to get all of shauntaake family inheritance relatonships to set their life we see hw we don't get caught up in uthaa ppl lives cause were to busy livang our own lives & we happy
shauntaake / malicky nee to beef wit kevin hart got malicky mix son that what malicky lauk like kevin hart last son malicky they better your baby lauk cause your baby ain't lauk like that your baby was cute that baby features prettier but that what u lauk like now that your masterd malicky baby that u all made cause u chose malicky & that your make same nose & everythang Kevin hart wife kinda lauk like malicky aunt's malicky soul went bak to hs family lauk shauntaake & devon arecousin’s & malicky & andrea are cousin��s
shauntaake see hw a lauk of u bitches got beef cause andrea chose shauntaake cousin devon as her hsand shauntaake family last name & andrea chose devon to invest into devon as andrea lover hsand & the father of andrea kds & a laut of ppl got beef wit shauntaake ppl cause of that cause they want their son's a inheritance man devon & andrea happen we on baby 3 & their happy & their loved & that all u née to know these woman knw tammy was gonna set their men but it happen & tammy daughtaa andrea chose shauntaake cousin devon & their happy shauntaake know a laut of chick's jealous of andrea cause of hw andrea was raise wit two marry parents that made andrea their heiris always live in big house's & never grw up n the hood & their not celebrity's they were hard business workers & that just hw andrea was birth into andrea parents investments that ain't andrea fault & shauntaake love the family they made for theirselves
shauntaake seekang rich wealthy parents wit inheritance daughtaa's around the ages of 18 -30 years of age the want to marry their daughtaa's to shauntaake shauntaake 14 years celibate shauntaake own shauntaake company's shauntaake a master shaubtaake manage & run shauntaake own world shauntaake wll be a great business partner & a great breader for your daughtaa's a loyal partner shauntaake née your daughtaa loyal & ready to be a wife shauntaake have a whole doll baby investment for our kds crib royal stroller doll house's vintage toys tricycles & the list goes on & a retire grandma that ready to be a pesterang all day every day grandma shauntaake mother shauntaake the safe omen birth shauntaake seekang white woman but shauntaake wll also marry a inheritance blak wit a virgin daughtaa & shauntaake gonna make us work as a family shauntaake wll find a way to make us rich rich ppl née to know that most of them was'nt birth rich u also had to work hard to make yourself rich remember that shauntaake also a a over night richer when shauntake have everythang shauntaake née celebrity's dont u know the world could see shauntaake phauts & video's to so the world see hw shauntaake livang shauntaake great shauntaake live in the real world & not the Internet & shauntaake world connects shauntaake masters & shauntaake rights fuck yo bullsht & lies u sell to us shauntaake & shauntaake family about that collect collectang investments shauntaake gonna work it out for shauntaake take self
shauntaake finally understand the hollywood directors showang us their story's shauntaake see hw all of the hollywood directors came sellang us their truths u know these men have millions & billions of dollars they'be been on a million red carpets & red carpet party's travel everywhere in the world they start showan us everywhere they been in life secret place's & secret fantasy's know that u only know what u know
shauntaake see hw u fake has been bitches came shauntaake way shauntaake see hw rihanna all in the phauts wit the major industry groupy eva l not candice shauntaake was online yesterday & their phauts caloge always pop up on me & shauntaake saw rihanna at a couple of partys wit the eva l bitch not the model eva the industry eva l & eva l was doang her shauntaake seeeeee u has been bitches that the relevant industry dont want to date or don't want to date no more came shauntaake waty to steal from me cause they know shauntaake was comang up next & these has been bitches came trynna steal from me so they could sell sht bak to the industry shauntaake see shauntaake vet pro ass was doang u bitches favors shauntaake see shauntaake was your bait u play out bitches u should feel like loosers u had to use shauntaake to revive u u bitches come anywhere near shauntaake shauntaake gonna stomp a mud hole thru u mutherfuckers bitches use your mutherfuckang selves invest into your own beauty & your own talent what u do for a livang & make yourselves somethang cause at the end of the day shauntaake shauntaake & shauntaake represent shauntaake self well & everywhere shauntaake got in life shauntaake got shauntaake there on shauntaake own shauntaake made that happen shauntaake don't use nobody shauntaake use shauntaake self shauntaake own phauts shauntaake own life & shauntaake own investment's u hoes not threats to me but shauntaake see shauntaake a threat in your eye's & that your problem that u came to take your threat down but that ain't the case u try & we alllllllllll know u tried so beang that u try & the world stll don't respect u they just con u u bitches got con now now deal wit that that what u get for beang some wack mutherfuckers cause know that your pussy yours for life that somethang can't nobody take from u cause most of these ppl want to fuck it is what it is were grown ass adults we love to have fun get money live rich & fuck & that what some of them about & that what their all about theit not trynna love just want to date u wit no strings attachd & that hw most of them live man ths life is great beautiful & they came to explore everythang in it so don't ever get it fuckd up & when ppl that on that level of success of fame & stardom want to marry u & make a family wit u know your a special mutherfucker know that cause these ppl could date hu ever they want in ths world & if they choose u as their known lover know your special & don't never forget that u mutherfuckers ain't play me u play your mutherfuckang self ain't none of u bitches steal shauntaake era''s shauntaake was chllang & livang shauntaake life most of u fat now & shauntaake not really not attract to u no more but shauntaake will fuck u used up pass around industry fat bitches wit a realdoe fuck u shauntaake came one of the most official mutherfuckers shauntaake see he u had your gangsta ass giant niggers in your video's u jealous ass singer hoes yes u hoes shauntaake don't even really care to date u no more & know if we ever date u'll be askang shauntaake out on a date & if u do ask shauntaake out on a date shauntaake gonna tell u to send shauntaake some millions first & then we could date & shauntaake always good on every deal shauntaake did but just know shauntaake over u your old now u don't lauk the same & shauntaake not interest shauntaake only speakang for shauntaake self shauntaake a gangsta pimp ass tan ads mutherfucker & if u want anybody from shauntaake circle shauntaake will make that happen if they want shauntaake to represent them & manage them but shauntaake over it those heavy industry years over it don't feel the same no more don't u know that shauntaake could feel it when a bitch a used bitch the minute shauntaake touch them shauntaake sex will lauk like murderers & shauntaake hollywood gonna be sellang u like u got murdererd so we're done cause shauntaake ain't got no love for u no more shauntaake will find what shauntaake laukang for some woman to love not abuse your fat now shauntaake don't date fat woman game over your not shauntaake type anymore u let everybody run up n n your patient era's hw shauntaake like them center fold not to skinny no to thick just right & then u come bak chunky & fat talkang about u ready to settle down now shauntaake gotaa be in love wit the fats abuse all day u fat bitches shauntaake ain't in love with u used fat bitches anyway slams the door & don't come bak ask chants about shauntaake wll dssapear for a whole year & won't come bak she callang me to come bak shauntaake wll forget the sht out of u shauntaake don't want your fat bitch sht now & shauntaake good all shauntaake got a no love realdoe date that for not lettang shauntaake datang u in your prime u ain't n your prime no more the minute shauntaake can't pick u up your done shauntaake gonna lauk at u like your crazy u fat bitch your gonna want to kll me so to avoid all of that lay your fat assess on your bak & that it & be happy wit it shauntaake type of bitches pr sayang they'll got to war wit yo fat asses now & their pr sayang they'll let shauntaake wild out & throw them around & sneak ways to let u see it cause u hate on them & show them fake love & that gonna be a fatal experience those bitches gonna make yo fat assess kll yourselves & it ain't gonna be funny it gonna be war
shauntaake / lauk at shauntaake gangsta ass twin niggers in beyonce video's it sucks to be you right now the hsand & me myself & i video those are also shauntaake twin men keep it pimpang shauntaake that murderous ass mutherfucker year u see pimp snooky/nate ass hallag ass he ain't want no war wit me shauntaake just experience the same sht wit h's sster she hall ads away from shauntaake the whole time shauntaake was in jersey city shauntaake only saw her one time
shauntaake never n pain but shauntaake tooth aches the only pain shauntaake been havang lately cause shauntaake full in's came out & pain makes shauntaake a murderer the meanest mutherfucker in the world u every experience ready to hit u right n that momment t of me beang in pain & shauntaake daughtaa's hatttttttttttttttttte that shauntaake those the only two shauntaake have to pull shauntaake self away & close shauntaake self in somewhere & restrain shauntaake self & jasmin & janyah mahagony been offer to pay shauntaake dentist bill to get shauntaake full in's & shauntaake refuse that not their problem shauntaake refuse to make bills for shauntaake kds so shauntaake on shauntaake 8 bottle of advil right now $8 dollars a lil bottle uh huh cause shauntaake love to eat shauntaake refuse to starve shauntaake self shauntaake don't be in pain when shauntaake eat it aftaa wards aftaa that sugar & food seep in murderous shauntaake been taking all if these advil to numb shauntaake teeth & ths a nuthaa reason why shauntaake intoxicated to numb shauntaake pain shauntaake teeth shauntaake always love to have a great time everyday all day but alcohol & marijuana numbs shauntaake to & shauntaake throw it bak shauntaake the numbest shauntaake so numb shauntaake numb jasmin & janyah mahagony baby's shauntaake ain't even gonna get off into that but know they turn down coke cause they thank it weak & wack & they can't feel it that hw numb they are tjeir wealthy life livang kds now their lil circle of frends & their into everythang aint nothang wrong wit experimentang but shauntaake made marijuana the limit around here a bottle of wine & some champagne that it anythang else shauntaake dssapprove most of the rich entertainment adults teenagers are into coke been doang coke forever that just a lifestyle that we all know about they love their rush & shauntaake feel u should only be coked out wheb your really rich cause coke can become a problem when it comes to expenses uh huh so like shauntaake was sayang shauntaake a born numb birth now a cold lil mutherfucker shauntaake bany & kd was a hardcore the strongest finest penaciline thanks to shauntaake law & vanessa crudentials their kds be havang colds forever that they can't get rid of & shauntaake was a heavy alcohol every day every weekend party hard ass teenager & it shows numb ass shauntaake shauntaake been in here popping pills like american physcho numbang shauntaake self shauntaake numb shauntaake self so heavy that shauntaake just went two weeks without havang to take a advil shauntaake was doang great shauntaake finally realisang that shauntaake could kll shauntaake self wit shauntaake voodoo inventons shauntaake first foxet shauntaake recreate shauntaake baby & all of shauntaake toothaches came wit shauntaake one deeeeeeep eye in the bak of the head the minute shauntaake notice it it gave shauntaake the most painful toothache shauntaake ever experience shauntaake felt like shauntaake was dieang cause the pain start goang to shauntaake brain that hw deeeeeeep ths hole/eye is wit shauntaake baby eye lashes on it this the only one wit shauntaake eye on it never again shauntaake hung that piece up & never put it on again it get to stare at shauntaake now anuthaa lil shauntaake your dangerous & on perminant punishment shauntaake still let it get sun shauntaake uthaa foxset''s shauntaake innocent baby
shauntaake son shaunt came shauntaake twin & shauntaake world felt the same way shauntaake already have hands fulllllll of shauntaake campbell twin son'sssssss u see hw shauntaake tarell lauK like shauntaake/shaunt baby posang the same way like shauntaake baby phaut otis baby lauk like shauntaake#shaunt son shauntaake baby shauntaake hatch the campbell son'sssssss fuquan also shauntaake twin son shauntaake maxwell twin vanessa twin brothaa kdsssss devon also a shauntaake twin son but devon lauk a lot like devon mother sandra twiny twin but vanessa & sandra twins sandra shauntaake mother sster wit hair all the way to her buttocks shauntaake the campbell doll baby boys from birth
shauntaake laughang at their whites cause allllllll of shauntaake son's shauntaake hauntangs includang shaunt all of their baby's mock shauntaake baby phaut & their just part of shauntaake soul shauntaake full shauntaake they don't have shauntaake identical kds only if shauntaake work on them master them stay close to them when their woman pregnant so shauntaake ciuld haunt them that the only way they'll get shauntaake identical twin again
shauntaake treasure investment is a shauntaake acient pen investment & a liberty state park manson investment shauntaake furs & hu is the face of liberty state park the statue of liberty shauntaake all makes sense for shauntaake
shauntaake haunt everywhere shauntaake live let shauntaake settle in & shauntaake start hauntang where ever shauntaake at shauntaake was spendang the night wit shauntaake grandma house those days shauntaake was stayang upstairs stayang the night at shauntaake uncle michael apartment shauntaake hauntang the room shauntaake & henry was in shauntaake use to have henry cryang shauntaake had shauntaake & shauntaake turtles lettang out shadow man on henry & henry saw that dark ass shadow walk past henry & henry start cryang shauntaake your so evil henry was kllang turtles & shauntaake let shauntaake turtle hauntangs fuck wit henry shauntaake was hauntang shauntaake turtles shauntaake had them sneakang makang face's & actang crazy shauntaake had to capture shauntaake turtles in acton
shauntaake say hu ever they rent shauntaake grandma house apartments out to shauntaake wish u happiness shauntaake grandma house at peace when shauntaake not in it shauntaake a heavy hauntang in shauntaake grandma house when shauntaake in shauntaake grandma house so just know u ain't gotaa worry about shauntaake hauntangs bothereang u cause shauntaake don't live in shauntaake grandma house no more & shauntaake sayang ths cause shauntaake not trynna mess up them gettang tenants in shauntaake grandma house shauntaake just want u to know that your gonna be livang in a safe house without shauntaake hauntangs
shauntaake / ppl in the comments goang off on inez & karley sayang they see hw inez was vowang shauntaake to be wit karley shauntaake know shauntaake grandfathaa to inez & shauntaake grandfathaa put shauntaake & karley togethaa by ourselves karley was a heavier mykyla karley karley lauk like a lil white girl wit white girl hair shauntaake thank karley fathaa was white inez was raisang inez grandkids karley & phillip & shauntaake grandfathaa was the man of their house shauntaake could of been spendang the night & everythang but they let shauntaake grandma have shauntaake baby they stop brangang shauntaake to shauntaake grandfathaa house & shauntaake ain't see karley no more u see it was beef pebbles was showang hw inez was actang like inez lost shauntaake & pebbles/inez try to rob their group it not even funny inez & karley don't let shauntaake move to jersey city cause it on inez & karley comang bak to seek shauntaake
shaunyaake own all of shauntaake2011 & shaunyaake the release 2012 video''s & phauts years 2011 - 2019 years we don't have none of those vechles no more those was the silver sl mercedes years the white ford expedition years the silver hummer years the burgundy van years that we was in in those years all of those vechles gone
shauntaake have anuthaa nw excruciating tooth ache right now in anuthaa one of shauntaake teeth that shauntaake fill in came out of & ths pain murderous it so painful it wll make u cry but shauntaake not cryang & it wll drive u to madness cause shauntaake can't stop the pain shauntaake just took 4 advil's one aftaa anuthaa & it not numbang shauntaake pain shauntaake gonna die from takang advil's for shauntaake toothaches your only suppose to take 1 or 2 advils at a time & took 4 at one time cause ths pain to strong so if shauntaake don't come bak online talkang to u u know what happen shauntaake refusang to go to the dentist that ain't shauntaake kds job to be payang for shauntaake dentist bills
shauntaake just took the liquor bottle to the head & shauntaake just spark some marijuana & shauntaake numb now that marijuans took control of about 70% the pain shauntaake have to go the denist & shauntaake teeth are parfect & then u got shauntaake armor steel shinny solver glaser's cause all of the candy shauntaake ate candy shauntaake have eaten & stll eatang abundantly but shauntaake don't be in pain & then outaa somewhere i'll get a heavy cavity cause shauntaake eat all day everyday real food & real sweet's thousands of phauts shauntaake got those he'll toothaches the song'ssssssss they sang about the toothaches shauntaake was get from shauntaake key & their excrutiatang & shauntaake can deal wit it when the pain come from ths toothache shauntaake dug it so deep picking food out of it ducking on it & it not rot it 's just a large crack in it & that pain go all the way to the nerves gums veins & nerves so playang wit that type of pain makes u violent not jealous angry or upset just real evil pain nto hurt pain the pain that make u feel like u want to kll yourself shauntaake cavaty ain't a regular cavity geeeeeeeeshhhssshhh haaaaaaa that tooth nubber make it get worse so shauntaakw e to numb it & keep it clean cause shauntaake teeth stll good shauntaake been up all night cause of ths pain shauntaake ain't get no sleep yet shauntaake née ths pain to stop shauntaake finally drop a tear shauntaake want to off myself right now cause of ths pain shauntaake just purchase a nw bottle of advil yesterday the whole almost gone ths pain is excruatang
shauntaake toothaches come from shauntaake livang shauntaake eaten everythang shauntaake was a restaraunter jasmin just made shauntaake a restaraunter again but shauntaake use to goang to the actual restaraunt but door dash/uber delivery made everythang sweet but jasmin & janyah mahagony their always out at a restraint wit their girlfriends frends & boyfrend yes jasmin be havang boyfriends oh my shauntaake be good crazy but shauntaake know everythang & jasmin stll a virgin
shauntaake / ppl in the comments saying shauntaake also part made shauntaake sean taylor & biheeyah part of shauntaake astranomic era's
shauntaake original vanessa industry woman want u know hu two to leave shauntaake alone cause your pr keep fucking up shauntaake pr cause shauntaake pr ain't your pr & their saying their sick of it cause shauntaake did shauntaake self right & shauntaake managed shauntaake self right without nobody else shauntaake ain't ask for your pr shauntaake original vanessa woman say their about shauntaake deal offer letting shauntaake create shauntaake wing of shauntaake doll baby''s in shauntaake own manson & that will be their place to wit shauntaake to be wit shauntaake & our kids & a place for them to always habe any that place to escape to shauntaake loan ths plan were gonna have so much fun together & continental to be real parents to shauntaake kds to u two if shauntaake & vanessa originals get togethaa u two shauntaake no longer née your dates shauntaake original vanessa woman say she want shauntaake marriage to be shauntaake first wife shauntaake wit it make it happen asap shauntaake ready to leave & u already know when u pay shauntaake shauntaake comang to be every shauntaake u pay for shauntaake to be it cost to be shauntaake shauntaake 3 woman shauntaake ready to make us happen vanessa w angela & halle shauntaake their nw company's their pr say shauntaake their babe/man ha their pr say they want to hold shauntaake doll baby's thesee 3 was mergang wit shauntaake baby us 4 gonna be a whole nw life & a whole nw world it gonna be so many nw offers for us it gonna be crassssssy
shauntaake / u see ths sht their trynna sell their daughtaa's to me so shauntaake suppose to wait to date your daughtaa's oh really grown ass shauntaake shauntaake live ths life did it & done it no thanks shauntaake don't want to be yo kin shauntaake came for u bitches to pay shauntaake apartment house manson shauntaake & put shauntaake on shauntaake it in shauntaake world shauntaake solo been solo since 2012 - 2019
shauntaake / see hw u mutherfuckers don't want shauntaake & sean taylor kds your pr sells hate to our masterd kds sayang shauntaake make gave the world to much war hw these mutherfucker went loco over our makes it was murderers set's up's drouts it was so much sht goang on cause of your jealousy towards us nstead of beang happy for us u want to take our make from us & then try to destroy them instead of givang us love & support & our own credit u want our credit like u made our makes when u was'nt even around us we did'nt know most of u shauntaaje always readang hateful ass commemts everyday since shauntaake been bak in the internet sayang mist of them had beef cause mykyla was shauntaake baby inventon & not theirs & these woman want beef cause they aint make her so that why most of them reject her baby cause they aint make her that crasy shauntaake & sean taylor had to lay low wit our kds cause of all of the unwanted att shauntaake makes get u klld beang around the way ppl gettang to see shauntaake make everyday make ppl jealous everybody try to steal shauntaake make vanessa use to always cry in fear holdang shauntaake lil hands tellang shauntaake baby to never wander off wit a strangers cause vanessa shauntaake mother & shauntaake suppose to come home to vanessa vanessa saw vanessa crowd of ppl ppl surround her & now everybody want to be vanessa frend vanessa grw up wit her ssters vanessa aint really have frends vanessa ssters was vanessa frends that was vanessa every uthaa day cryang to shauntaake baby & shauntaake kd shauntaake see hw your happy wit your regular ass makes they don't give u no problems ain't nobody actang crasy over them & your able to live in peace wit our ppl botherang u or trynna get close to u so they could be in your life & shauntaake see your happy u don't have those problems shauntaake see hw none of u rush to parent mykyla shauntaake know mykyla dealang wit a laut of pay men that would of been snatch her up marry her & start a family wit her they scare of shauntaake make it murder season (i ain't never see a doll baby like that where those makes come from) now niggers mean muggang u where u from oh u that special make so shauntaake & sean taylor lay extra low cause we née the heaviest deadliest protecton for shauntaake & sean taylor & our kds we did'nt belong around here shauntaake have shauntaake laws so official & tie & ready to kll u dum niggers that shauntaake makes able to have a somewhat peaceful life out here & be able to go out & have fun cause shauntaake ain't playang wit u mutherfuckers cause u want to know what it felt like to be shauntaake & sean taylor & u stll don't know what that feels like & u wll never know ntil u get one of shauntaake reallllllllllll haunts shauntaake sorry to say shauntaake am the devil/stork & theor haunting ake u crazy & go to war for them the why sean taylor built shauntaake own thang so shauntaake could have shauntaake inventors kds in shauntaake houses & apartments shauntaake née everybody from shauntaake past dsqualify if they ain't make shauntaake & sean taylor make without us cause their in shauntaake fuckang way shauntaake automatic hatch hu eva shauntaake around could u say not haunt them
shauntaake don't née no ep mutherfuckers shauntaake seman & shauntaake law it shauntaake signang shauntaake real signature it cause shauntaake stop signang shauntaake real signature & shauntaake ep shauntaake ep somethang shauntaake & sean taylor create by ourselves on the low on our own shauntaake rich lettang shauntaake know their in a great positon to protect shauntaake & shauntaake kds shauntaake live a private life wit shauntaake kds & shauntaake see biheeyah live the same way hidden these ppl obssess wit us was out a ths world their all happy wit ths know an where shauntaake at thw minute shauntaake move it gonna be a world wide man hunt shauntaake get it like ths everytime
shauntaake / everybody in the house scare of shauntaake cause shauntaake took 24's advil's in one night 4 at a time that illegal they tell u to only the 2 pills & they usually tell u take the medicine 4 hours apart & shauntaake feel no type of way not drousey shauntaake just felt like shauntaake self shauntaake custom built shauntaake own immune systems shauntaake self medicade shauntaake self since shauntaake was about 21 years no more doctors shauntaake only go to the emergency room when shauntaake have a major injury
shauntaake awake at 4:00am wit stitches in shauntaake gums shauntaake tooth ache pain was so excrutitang that shauntaake had to go to the hospital dental area at Universal hospital in newark & get shauntaake tooth tooken out & the whole experience was crazy they treat shauntaake like the devil/shauntaake & a murderer that whole experience was crasy first of all shauntaake x ray came out laukang like shauntaake key terrible the piece of shauntaake soul wit the worst teeth the world was lettang shauntake know shauntaake was gonna get the worst tooth aches n the world ths sht crasy cause the dentist & doctors from shauntaake past stole shauntaake dental & doctors records & that shauntaake hstory create thangs all in the dentist office shauntaake saw a machine they had in the dentist room a red warnang sticker wit shauntaake kd on it the devil wit a warn sticker & the machine was showang u shauntaake injuries & hw deep shauntaake teeth were these dentist & doctors world create a whole world of thangs from shauntaake baby & kd medical records ths sht crasy the x ray was showang shauntaake hw shauntaake teeth was suppose to lauk like at ths age in shauntaake life & shauntaake mouth was teeth was gonna be fucked up without vanessa finest insurance medical care shauntaake key show shauntaake hw shauntaake teeth was suppose to lauk now & all of shauntaake teeth was deadly rot to the core shauntaake top teeth & some of shaubtaake bottom teeth was suppose to be rot shauntaake talkang that blak rot to the core teeth ths hw shauntaake teeth would of naturally happen witout vanessa medical care givang shauntaake the heaviest medicines & shauntaake could read ppl minds & shauntaake could hear ppl secretly say thangs & they were sayang vanessa did the greatest job on shauntaake vanessa gave shauntaake the greatest treatment wit shauntaake doctors cause shauntaake was in the best health shauntaake teeth uthaa than shauntaake kd cavities wit fillins those are all cavaties from when shauntaake was a lil girl & the filling just start comang out & givang me problems wit pain the dentist kept sayang your teeth are so pretty & as shauntaake was gettang shauntaake tooth vscously tooken out cause shauntaake teeth are gigantic shauntaake ain't never see no teeth that size like shauntaake & they were pure white within shauntaake gums & the crack part of shauntaake teeth lauk like a piece of shauntaake stake art & shauntaake could hear them sayang send shauntaake doctor to he'll cause shauntaake sat their perfect without a flinch wit no interrruptons shauntaake was their frankenstein kd that they gave the deadliest medicine to shauntaake kd would be out playang the next day wit stitches everywhere not in pain actang like nothang never happen wit shauntaake blood stll all over shauntaake grandma steps that what the campbell's alwaysssssssss experience wit shauntaake kd every year the devil/shauntaake bloody day blood everywhere all thru the house from the porch to to vanessa apartment shauntaake blood they had to the really clean up & shauntaake have the thickest blood so your gonna have to scrub to get shauntaake blood up & they were murderous trynna take shauntaake tooth out wit some of their murderous tools razors those thick as metal clamps & shauntaake was'nt in pain they say grown men come in there cryang when they do that treatment on them & shauntaake took it to well & they could'nt understand it & they could'nt nderstand hw fuckang numb shauntaake was harder than a man so the ppl in the dentist start actang funny cause they were scare of shauntaake they could nderstand shauntaake layang there comfortably for about two hours gettang shauntaake tooth tooken out that how long it took they treat shauntaake like a murderer after wards we gave u your care okay see u later so shauntaake guess shauntaake gotaa start actang like u average human start screamang & cryang when shauntaake go to the dentist shauntaake happy shauntaake medical records now are gonna do the dentist & doctors offices right now shauntaake been self carang for shauntaake self for alllllllllll of these years for over a decade so shauntaake have'nt been in the doctors & dentist offices for them to document shauntaake health so yesterday they got to collect shauntaake self care hstory & shauntaake in shauntaake greatest health & shauntaake doctor medicine play a major part in keeping shauntaake body right & shauntaake the rally maintang shauntaake body shauntaake skin shauntaake body & shauntaake teeth u have no idea shauntaake seman perfect it gets clear sometimes shauntaake heavy tubbang hour days shauntaake use to soakang in the tub every night our tub stopup mess up the water keeps goang out so shauntaake have'nt taken a bath in years in ths house & shauntaake hate the shower shauntaake furious cause shauntaake a bather
shauntaake / u walk into shauntaake dentist room it lauk like a murderer scene one of those machines that lauk like shauntaake kd injuries it lauk like shauntaake cuts to the white wit shauntaake red kd devil sticker on it tall can't play wit shauntaake investments they make murder sht out of shauntaake investments they had a ths green razor wit the sun on it that the dentist had to use to cuttttttttt into shauntaake gums to get shauntaake tooth out u know shauntaake sun on shauntaake nable the smiley face metal piece was a nice piece then they came wit armor steel clam could cut your whole lip off that what they was usang to grab shauntaake tooth to take it out jasmine & janyah mahagony offer to pay for shauntaake dentist appointment but the next day shauntaake went to the dentist shauntaake mother do charity care do charity care shauntaake walk right into shauntaake murderer world it was a asian woman & white woman workang on shauntaake & a woman that lauk like griselda walk away wit all of shauntaake dna shauntaake tooth & shauntaake blood so ppl don't very ee shauntaake charity care make sure u have insurance or money to pay for your dental & doctor service cause they really handle u wit care even when u say fuck it bill me they handle u wit the greatest care ths is the first time shauntaake ever née stitches in shauntaake mouth to get a tooth tooken out & shauntaake had 1 or teeth took out & root canal & shauntaake never had ths type of outcome
shauntaake whole body art everythang shauntaake touch shauntaake make the pen art everythang that was apart of shauntaake body was in that dentist room your not shauntaake baby & kd hstory shauntaake got made & it a horror the thangs they made out of shauntaake baby & shauntaake kd murderous thangs
shauntaake / the dentist office was just lettang shauntaake know they know shauntaake the devil & they was showang shauntaake shauntaake soul & hw dead shauntaake soul was shauntaake the oldest soul I'm the world & vanessa brought shauntaake bak to life the x ray at the dentist office was'nt sht compare to shauntaake soul at the house it's worse all if shauntaake kd injury's it don't bother shauntaake no more cause shauntaake already live all of those injury's shauntaake kd was the ashiest so ashy would turn white ash u have no idea hw much money vanessa invest into rightang shauntaake shauntaake beauty shauntaake lil big head doll baby wit curry hair & personality a lil grown responsle organise masterd person save shauntaake cause all of the stuff shauntaake took them through they would off me vanessa & her brother & ssters was the meanest ppl they get rid of yo bullsht real fast cause they don't want to deal wit it they'll foster care u real fast shauntaake have a whole bunch of cousins that they put n foster care they all came out shauntaake hatch's aftaa shauntaake birth & they all wildang out to be wit shauntaake they use to brang them around so they could see shauntaake & shauntaake use to love to see them & shauntaake play wit allllllll of them & share wit all if them but they ain't have shauntaake personality & those kds of them shauntaake hatch's had them strung out on drugs like hw sean taylor did hs parents vanessa vow not to play wit drug shauntaake mother hate the sight of shauntaake drugs cause she won't dare touch a bottle of liquor or use drugs cause vanessa know hw shauntaake baby soul o d her vanessa made it vanessa job to be all of their perfect mother image & they foster care shauntaake hatch's cause they was deadly & they ship some of them away down south some of the prettiest lil shauntaake's & they went bak & got them out of foster care when shauntaake came into shauntaake own wealth & riches or shauntaake ppl they'll off u give u some sht u won't wake up cause they ain't have problems they live their happy life doang them they all was responsle wit jobs raisang their kds livang their own lives & they all play a major part in raisang shauntaake baby & shauntaake kd shauntaake had a life wit all of vanessa ssters & brothaa's shauntaake have a million story's so funny shauntaake kd always came to spend the night wit them & shauntaake always came trynna run their life they got a kick out of shauntaake baby & kd & shauntaake stll the same shauntaake always take everythang over when shauntaake come to stay wit them shauntaake make thangs greater & funner more excitang & liver shauntaake was all of their baby & shauntaake so thankful they accept hu shauntaake am
shauntaake / jasmin hauntang remember shauntaake & sean taylor expensive date night at the hilton jasmin & janyah mahagony came bak white wit shauntaake mystery nights shauntaake mystery white woman sold jasmin & janyah mahagony white baby's to shauntaake that why shaunt layang there like that hs baby saw shauntaake & shauntaake mystery white woman soul's wildang out u née to know our sex makes our kds crasy cause they could feel it we comatose them & it makes them upset cause it not them that hw janyah mahagony use to be layang on ths huge pillow shauntaake had on shauntaake bed comatose layang just like shaunt shauntaake nights wit sean taylor trynna sneak quicky's whle janyah mahagony use to be fake sleep actang just like shaunt sleeping my ass peek a boo they got shaunt layang on the floor that lauk like shauntaake pillow shauntaake use to lay janyah mahagony baby on shauntaake ain't really show u that age dolllllll dolllllll baby baby u have no idea shauntaake really come shauntaake got the video's shauntaake laughang cause everytime shauntaake & sean taylor togethaa janyah mahagony baby don't never want to go to sleep she want to play peek a boo janyah mahagony only got rest at shauntaake mother house in the day when sean taylor was runnang around handelang our business when shauntaake had to mother & nurture jasmin & janyah mahagony the minute sean taylor come janyah mahagony wide awoke janyah mahagony baby want to know what shauntaake & sean taylor had goang on the meanest baby shauntaake could only make her smile & laugh
shauntaake hatch's able to steal shauntaake matang births shauntaake hatch took shauntaake & dior b baby she been hdang her baby also she brought her around once for shauntaake to see her & she lauk just like shauntaake dior b mykyla & janyah lil ene light skin baby wit all of ths hair & she was'nt even walkang shauntaake ain't gonna say shauntaake hatch name but she was one of shauntaake baddest lil hatches they put her in foster care to shauntaake years set her shauntaake have anuthaa cousin in east orange that live around the corner from a music studio 112 shauntaake use to record in when shauntaake was datang dior b shauntaake uthaa great cousin had a lil shauntaake & dior b lil girl lil ene light skin lil girl that lauk like shauntaake & dior b wit all of ths long hair shauntaake own most of shauntaake masters when shauntaake & dior b was datang they got alllllllllll of shauntaake nw lil hatch's in housesssssss shauntaake laughang cause dior b try to seize shauntaake family lauks cause shauntaake blood cousin shauntaake hatch took her baby wit shauntaake they should of known not to play wit shauntaake seman shauntaake kds comang heavier than shauntaake hatch's they comang bak shauntaake haunt they comang bak that night it happen cause they remember those nights
shauntaake was hearing from shauntaake family that shauntaake cousin was livang close to shauntaake when she hatch shauntaake & dior b make & shauntaake cousin marry a muslium shauntaake cousin follow shauntaake whole blueprint wit shauntaake & sean taylor shauntaake see hw shauntaake & dior b start settang shauntaake family shauntaake see shauntaake cousin name hs daughter aftaa shauntaake initials & dior b name when they saw shauntaake uthaa cousin daughtaa but shauntaake the name shauntaake the hauntang & most of them made their bets wit dior b dior b bootleg older makes came message wit ncles datang them spendang their money on them
shauntaake caught up in shauntaake own life the life shauntaake lived the life shauntaake livang shauntaake talk about shauntaake self all day & then sometimes shauntaake get off into these Internet comment's of ppl voicang their opions shauntaake just be trynna let u all know hw shauntaake world in love shauntaake & shauntaake world want shauntaake to win what eva shauntaake want cause shauntaake wins a win for everybody in shauntaake world so u see all caught up into shauntaake self cause shauntaake life interestang even tho shauntaake on lay low mode right now cause shauntaake funds ain't hw shauntaake née shauntaake funds so shauntaake can't moves hw shauntaake née to make moves & all shauntaake know is money moves shauntaake don't waste shauntaake time
shauntaake want to know hu had a ghetto ass nigger pr cause sean taylor was'nt no ghetto ass nigger u don't know nothang about shauntaake man sean taylor was so classy they played their self wit nate cause nate ain't give me my beauty shauntaake vanessa the original brinsons & campbell's & lee beauty shauntaake got part of their hair to nate ain't remake me & that was a major beef cause they stop showang nate love when nate uthaa daughtaa came she ain't lauk like shauntaake baby
shauntaake caught up in shauntaake own life the life shauntaake lived the life shauntaake livang shauntaake talk about shauntaake self all day & then sometimes shauntaake get off into these Internet comment's of ppl voicang their opions shauntaake just be trynna let u all know hw shauntaake world in love shauntaake & shauntaake world want shauntaake to win what eva shauntaake want cause shauntaake wins a win for everybody in shauntaake world so u see all caught up into shauntaake self cause shauntaake life interestang even tho shauntaake on lay low mode right now cause shauntaake funds ain't hw shauntaake née shauntaake funds so shauntaake can't moves hw shauntaake née to make moves & all shauntaake know is money moves shauntaake don't waste shauntaake time shauntaake can't stand no hater ass mutherfuckers these bitches ain't slave to no man ppl get divorce & I'd anyone wants a divorce from someone that is what they could do peacefully shauntaake would rathaa a marry woman that chooses to be wit shauntaake & only shauntaake to get a divorce shauntaake would never tell that woman to kll her hsand so many ppl experience divorce but shauntaake would never want to break up someone's marriage a laut of rich marry ppl also have open relatonship & their allow to date uthaa ppl & shauntaake wit that to shauntaake would be the one ready to drive your wife home bak to u like go in the house to your hsand ths why their hsand's say they don't shauntaake havang raw sex wit their wives cause they know what's up so shaubtaake wll stay protect & not connect shauntaake body to body but if your wife ever feel like they want a divorce shauntaake would try to talk her out of it & if that dscison that woman wants to make shauntaake would support her 100% cause that a choice that we all have when we get marry & don't want to be marry no more but they lauk so happy & shauntaake love to see a happy marry couple don't ever try to go aftaa rich ppl they wll wipe your whole mutherfuckang family out know that that man or woman have family forever & their circle of ppl do them togethaa
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