#spiderman homecoming fanficition
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whats-my-question · 7 years ago
You’re Not a Freak - Part 1
Summary: Fitting in the normal world with your powers has never been easy but when Happy calls asking where (y/n) and Peter are because of an incident, will your freak life fall apart?
Word count: 1,728
Pairings: peter parker x reader
Warnings: cursing, mentions of being abandoned, angst, a touch of fluff
A/N: this is my first fanfiction and I'm glad it’s about peter. Let me know what you guys think! I’d love the feedback! I’m gonna make this a series so yeah hope you guys enjoy it :)
“What book are you reading now?” A tall girl with pulled back curly hair showing a forever changing streak of color sarcastically said while walking to your locker
“Hello to you to MJ.” You say letting out a chuckle as you close the book and start walking with her, “ Also its Z: a novel of Zelda Fitzgerald.”
“Of course it is! Why am I not surprised by that?”
“Oh shut up!” Both of you break out laughing, entering the loud and bustling cafeteria, you two walk to the food line then to the table, never breaking conversation about the book.
“Hey MJ! Hey (y/n)!” A dorky boy with a haircut that made you think of the 90s said smiling and waving while sitting next to who you knew to be his best friend. His friend looked up from his notebook making eye contact with you then gave a faint smile making your heart melt. Peter Parker was a die hard geek who wasn’t like all the others at Midtown. Besides the fact he's Queens’ very own Spider-Man, he’s so god damn attractive. Over the past few years you two have gotten close thanks to Tony taking him under his wing and all but feelings started to bloom for the brown eyed boy.
“‘Sup Ned? And fuck you Peter.” MJ sarcastically says letting out an evil laugh. You nudge her arm giving her a look, “What? Peter knows I’m joking!”
“Uhhh... D-Do I though?” Peter genuinely asking
“See, I told you...” Sticking my tongue out at her then glancing over at Peter who smiled graciously. “You might be friends but…” before you could finish, your phone started to ring and normally you’d leave it but when you saw Happy’s name, you knew it was important. “Umm... I gotta take this. I’ll be right back so don’t eat my tots.” Giving an all knowing look towards MJ’s direction while slipping far enough away where no one could hear you.
“Hey listen, are you at school? You haven’t ditched or anything right? Have you seen Peter? Is Peter at school too? And I don’t mean ‘yeah I saw him this morning but haven’t since’, I mean like you can see him right now or you have seen him in like... the past 10 minutes?” Happy questioned quickly, which surprised you.
“Happy, please calm down. Breath in and out. You know ever since Tony made you Peter’s babysitter a few years back, you’ve been more uptight?” you giggle before continuing, “Anyway… Yes I’m at school and so is Peter; we have lunch right now and before you called he was sitting in front of me. Is everything okay? Is everyone…” your breath started to become shallow thinking something had happened to Tony or Wanda or to any of them. As your thoughts lingered while your mind lead you to a point where you’re sure your heart stopped.
What if Steve... had… died.
You don’t know how or when you figured it out but you could control animals. Hell you can even communicate with them. You were like a Disney princess, a heavily fucked up one but that was still pretty dope to you. Once your powers came into play, it was at home then daycare then at school, there was always some kind of incident happening. You don’t remember when your biological parents left exactly but all you knew was they abandoned you. That’s something you still can’t could wrap your head around after all these years, how could they just dump a child in the middle of nowhere. Well, you knew why, you were a freak. You are a freak. But After some time of forging on your own, you were spotted and rescued by none other than Captain America Steve Rogers himself. He took care of you and gave you an unconventional yet stable home and family. Even though he couldn’t legally adopt you, that’s how your relationship felt. He was your father and you were his daughter; he has cared more about you than your real parents ever did.
With Steve came a bunch of great people you got the privilege of calling honorary aunts and uncles. Your life was finally coming together. But with pieces falling into place problems are bound to come up, ones you never realized were problems. The most important one, made itself known some time after you moved into Avengers Tower. Every night for the first year you were haunted by the memories. The memories of how much your parents loved you before they found out, memories of the accidents and injuries you never meant to cause, and most importantly the memories of being alone. They tore at you, making you bitter; not only did Steve notice but everyone else did too. What really effected you is that the Tony Stark, 'Mr. I only care about myself’, so you thought, noticed and helped you. They all did because they all felt bitterness towards something. Wanda had what happened to Pietro and the experiments they did on them. Steve had what happened to Bucky and not being able to live a life with Peggy. Tony with his relationship with his father and how he felt towards Bucky, even though he knows it wasn’t his fault. The list could go on and on. Everyday you remember what Tony told you, ‘Everyone has something that makes them resentful but the way it’s dealt with is what can make or break you.’ He also made you feel better by adding “And just because you're different doesn't make you a freak.”
After a few years of training, a few animal bites and a few broken bones, you finally learned how to regulate your powers for when you truly needed them. Okay, okay sometimes you’d use them when you were bored or lonely. Since you’ve had a hard time making friends, animals were always there for you. At first Tony was a hard ass with implementing the ‘no animals inside’ rule, which you broke the first day you moved in. Now a days its the ‘they make a mess, you clean it up’ rule, which you agree with and follow.
“(y/n)?” Happy questioned breaking you from your thoughts
“Did you hear what I said?”
“No, yeah, I did.” you lied hoping he’d say it again
“You need to stop hanging with Tony in his lab. You’re starting to lie just as much as he does.” He trails off making you laugh a little. “I need you and Peter to stick together and not lose sight of one another for the rest of the day. Then after school go wait in the library until I call you to pick you up, okay?”
“Got it… Anyway, you know I wasn’t listening to a word you said before so…will you ease my mind, is everyone okay?”  the lump in your throat growing again.
“Yes, everyone is okay (y/n). Please don’t worry too much okay?”
“Yeah… I’ll try not too…” 
The two of you said your goodbyes and you walked back to the table. Letting a little huff escape from your mouth as you sat down. Peter intently watching your every move but you hadn’t noticed as you were deep into thought. The uneasy feeling that was starting to fester its way into your body is something that you’ve never been able to shake no matter how hard you try and no matter how many missions have past. Happy said not to worry, everyone is okay; you have to believe that, he wouldn’t lie to you. He wouldn’t, right?
“Hey (y/n), is everything okay?” Peter could sense how tense you were and he, well anyone, could probably see it
“Oh… Um…Yeah…” obviously lying, “Well… Uhh… Hey do you wanna walk to our lockers together?” (y/n) barely getting the question out before making eye contact with Peter. She could see Ned out of the corner of her eye smirking and suddenly felt her face get heated as she started to squirm in her seat.
“I-I wou…” He started saying but got cut off
“We always do, so why are you askin’?” MJ turning her head looking at you quizzically
“Uh… Actually…” (y/n) began to reply before Ned spoke up
“Why don’t you and I walk together today? I mean we do have the same class right after lunch.” Looking at MJ waiting for a reply right when she was about to answer the bell rings
“Come on Ned, let’s go!” MJ laughs grabbing his arm while waving bye
You and Peter get up to throw away your trash and start heading to the lockers. Wondering how to bring up what Happy said without freaking Peter out or slipping into a panic attack yourself. All you know it has to be tactical since Peter will just bombard Happy with a thousand calls and texts; which is the last thing he needs right now.
“What’s going on (y/n)? Who was that on the phone?” Peter nervously touches your upper arm trying to get you to relax but his action does the complete opposite
By that touch alone made you forget every word that was going to come out. After a couple of seconds went by you were able to muster out what Happy told you.
“It was Happy… He asked if we were at school and haven’t left. Said he wants us to stay close to each other… Also after school, we are to go to the library and wait to get a text that he’s here to pick us up.” Tears starting to swell in your eyes, “Happy reassured that everyone is okay and not to worry but… Peter…” As soon as his name left your lips, he had engulfed you in a hug as the tears streamed down your face. Usually you’re not one to break down in public but knowing you both had study hall next made it easier to slip into Peter’s hug. Thankfully the halls were pretty empty from kids shuffling to their classes to take notice. You finally pulled away from the hug, wiped the tears from your cheeks, and started the walk to Ms. Warren’s room. All the while Peter had his arm around your shoulder. More things were falling into place and you hope it stays.
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bbparker · 7 years ago
Never Ask (Peter Parker x Reader)
‘You're distracting me’
‘I didn't say stop’
(I couldn’t fit that last prompt in the story, sorry!)
(from here) 
Requested by: @donttellpeterparker
A/N: Wow I haven’t posted in a long time but uni’s getting the best of me right now!
I hope you all enjoy this one ! x
Warnings: Fluffy AF
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Studying encased about 85% of (y/n)'s life and as she sat there in the state library, looking down at one of the most complicated questions in calculus that one could come across in high school, she contemplated this life.
"I could help you with that..." a voice from her left called.
Swinging around so fast her glasses nearly fell from her face, (y/n) came face to face with Peter Parker.  "Ew, what are you doing back here?" Both parties laughed at the inside joke.
"Well, I was about to leave like I said but I couldn't help but notice you're struggling."
"My struggle? Why Peter, I never!" (Y/n) gasped, her southern accent forming her sentence in mockery. Laughing again before her face turned serious. Gabbing his shirt, she pulled him down to her level and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Pulling back, Parkers face was bright red while his eyes never left hers.
To say their relationship was complicated would be a lie. It was simple, boy likes girl, girls likes him back but for some reason, he's never actually asked her out. The flirting and sweet touches just became a habit; one Peter never seemed to get used to.
"Your help would be very much appreciated, Peter." He had never sat in a chair and pulled out a pencil so fast.
"So, the X equals the A value divided by Y?" Smiling down at (y/n), Peter nods."Yup, you've got it!"
"Okay let me try the next one on my own." It was late and barely anyone was around besides the librarian on a different floor of the state library. After a while of waiting for (y/n) to finish the question, Peter became fidgety and board. He knew he should be out fighting crime in his Spidey suit but he'd already given up so much for it and didn't want to give up this small amount of time he has with (y/n).
However, sitting there waiting for (y/n) to finish her work is slightly boring. Peter picked up his pencil and began tapping it to an off-beat sound in his head. "Peter..." she sighed with annoyance. Smirking as he stopped, Peter now knew how to cure his boredom.
"Hey, (y/n)?"
"What's your favourite colour?"
"Peter, you know my favourite colour, you literally asked me last week."
Damn her and her good memory. She continued to ignore him and scribbled the next answer down.
"What's your favourite place?"
"In your arms, my dear."
"Really?" Peters grin began to grow as he turned to face her. However, (y/n)'s face was thoughtful as she continued figuring out the answer.
"No, shut up. Let me study." Smile dropping Peter frowned. It was times like this that made him doubt his feelings towards (y/n). Why couldn't she see him as more than a friend? Was there something unappealing about him? Was (y/n) interested in something else? It definitely wasn't the friend zone shit that boys use as an excuse, (y/n) had told him she didn't believe in it anyway and continued to explain how Ron Weasley managed it, so why couldn't everyone.
Having this thought in his head, Peter began to smirk. Taking a deep breath, Peter stretched slowly, while peering at (y/n) to make sure she was somewhat paying attention. She was. In fact, her frantic scribbling had lessened as Peter continued to stretch and let his shirt ride up slightly. Tacky move but Peter needed her to pay attention before he acted.
Knowing now that she's paying attention, Peter put his arm around the back of her chair and leant in, as if looking at her work. Again, her writing slowed to the point of almost stopping completely and Peter now knew he definitely had an effect on (y/n).
"You got 7D wrong."
Hearing no reply, Peter looked up to see (y/n) close to his face. Mesmerised for a moment, He didn't move, let alone breath. Mentally shaking himself, Peter snapped out of it when he remembered his plan.
"You okay, (y/n?)”
“U-uh… y-yeah. 7D just has me stumped.”
“Well, you just forgot to find the square root of the remaining factors as your last step.”
“O-oh… you’re right.” (Y/n) went back to work, Peter still leaning in close pretending to check her work. Letting out a small laugh at her stumbling to do work, Peter was now sure he was affecting something within her. Good or bad- he would find out.
Peter crept his hand towards her own and lightly glided over her hand ‘accidentally’ to point to another question. “You have to-… are you alright? “Peter, looking over, could see she was a bit red in the face and was unable to look him in the eye.  “You’re distracting me, that’s all.” (Y/n) mumbled. “Distracting you how?” Peter let a small smirk greet his face as she slowly raised her head to meet his eyes. Face to face, noses almost touching, “you know exactly how.” Suddenly soft lips met his.
(Y/n) was kissing him.
HOLY SHIT! Don’t panic Peter, just be cool. Peter gently returned the kiss, hands awkwardly placed on his lap. However, within seconds all cool was lost and the kiss became feverish and his hands instantly reached for her waist on instinct, pulling her as close to him as sitting in seats would allow. Her hands had already reached for his hair, slightly tugging before hastily releasing. It was like (y/n) flew to the other side of the room as she moved quickly away from him. Peter, even with spider senses was slow to react after such a mind-blowing kiss. “What…” He quietly said in shock.
The vision in front of him, he could get so very used to. (Y/n) was standing staring at him with swollen lips in both shock and desire. Peter decided to focus on the swollen lips rather than what she was saying, which she seemed to be rushing out. “I’m sorry, what?” Peter mumbled coming to his senses.
“I’m so sorry Peter! I just jumped you! I hadn’t even asked.”
Was she apologising for kissing him? Standing up and taking large steps towards his crush of many years. Peter, now more confident in his feelings than ever, placed his hands on either side of her face and pulled her into another kiss. This one was slower and held more meaning than the last. (Y/n)’s hands lightly placed themselves on his arms, slightly squeezing.  Peter’s hands moved down to grab (y/n) around the waist and bring her closer to himself.
Breaking apart slowly, Peter opened his eyes to find (y/n)’s still closed. “I never asked you to stop, did I?” Peter asked laughing slightly. She shook her head as Peter’s hands pulled her to him. Finally opening her eyes, (y/n) considered Peters soft ones that held promise and much more emotion then she had originally believed.
“Does this mean you…?” She left it as an open question and Peter knew what she wanted to say, however, he wanted to drag it out of her.
Laughing embarrassingly, (y/n) quickly said, “Does this mean you like me back?”
Pulling her in further by the waist so she was now against his chest, her hands moving to his chest, Peter replied. “More than you’ll ever know.”
“I think I have some sort of clue.”
Peter pulled her in yet again, yearning to feel her lips again as her hands traced their way into his hair once again.
@eliza-hamilton-helpless @purelittleblueberry @yoinkpeter @iamwarrenspeace
@fuck-my-marvel @jahanana @feelmyroarrrr
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quackeroos · 5 years ago
angel of music | p.parker
Pairing: peter parker x reader
Summary: peter finishes up making a batch of his web fluid. while walking down the hallway, he hears a voice coming from the music room and becomes entranced. he is in search for the angel of music. 
Warnings: None
Words: 800+
Notes: originally posted on my wattpad account @aestheticarii. i’ll most likely post some of my other works on here soon! will post new parts soon!  also, gif is not mine.
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Peter peeked at the halls to see if there was anybody in it. School just ended a few hours ago, and it was the perfect time to make more web fluid without being interrupted. He casually exits the lab and closes the door, adjusting the straps of his backpack after.
On the way to the exit, he hears a voice echoing throughout the halls, it was coming from the music room. Curious, he takes a peek through the little window on the door. A girl sat by the piano, her back facing him. She wore the school's sweatshirt and her hair covered the side of her face perfectly. She played a tune that wasn't very familiar to him, yet Peter enjoyed it how calm it made him feel.
He observed her how graceful her hands were on the keys and how it turned intense when it got to the middle of the song. She ended with a soft note and she let her shoulders loose. The girl brings back up her arms and starts to play another song. The melody was already entrancing and it made him feel like he was in another world. And the moment he heard her voice, made Peter feel like she was there with her in that other world. 
"Or how the world can seem so vast, On a journey to the past."
Peter took out his phone and opened his camera, taking a video while he watched her. I the middle of the song it started to go upbeat, then slow. He could feel the emotion she was pouring out through the song and somehow he felt like she already knew her by it.
 "Yes, let this be a sign, let this road be mine. Let it lead me to my past. And bring me home, at last!"
Y/n sustained the last note as long as she could and she stopped with a huge intake of air. She breathed heavily and rested her hands on her lap. She could feel herself shaking a bit from all the adrenaline, and it felt good. She felt relieved after letting out the feelings she'd been bottling up for a few hours. Music was her way of venting out, sometimes it would also be for expression.
A lot of feelings whirled around her and it made her sick the whole day. Anger, sadness, joy, fear, regret and the likes. Y/n eyed the keys once again and plays one note as her eyelids closed. She brings her arms back up again, playing the instrument for the third time. She starts playing the song with its normal tempo, then gradually, it becomes slow, and making it in her own version. Normally, the song was supposed to feel happy and vibrant, but the one y/n was playing was entirely different. Her mother first taught her the song at the age of nine.
Years ago, Y/n would only play the song when her parents would request it or when they would celebrate a special occasion. But today, she felt the need to play it in memory of her mother.
The sad melody of Y/n's rendition of 'Married Life' continued, and Peter still stood at the door holding up his camera. He couldn't understand why, but he felt like his heart tugged at every note she played. The song reminded him of his late Uncle Ben. The aura around her had changed, and it was affecting Peter in ways unimaginable. It was like he was trapped in a trance.
She felt like she wanted to cry, but Y/n was way pass that. Although it was sad, it made y/n feel happy. Memories of the past came flooding back and a small smile forms on her lips, eyes still closed. At the end of the song she opened her eyes and her view was full of color again. Y/n closes the piano and picks up her bag. Her head instinctively looks up and eyed the door. She could've sworn she heard something drop and echo outside.
Peter hid behind the wall, holding his phone close to his chest. His enhanced senses told him that someone was coming, so out of instinct, he climbed up and hung from the ceiling. Y/n looked out of the music room and glanced left and right. Seeing that the coast was clear, she immediately leaves the room and rushed towards the doors of the school.
Peter had watched her leave the school, his eyes followed her with admiration. He slowly gets down from the ceiling and landed without a single noise. His feet leads him to follow her out of the door, and he did. He pushed it open and the view of the Queens and the school gates greeted him. He looked out and glanced in every direction, but the girl was nowhere to be found.
Peter sighs and takes out his phone in disappointment. He opened his camera roll and played the video. The familiar melody of the piano earlier had gotten stuck in his head and along with the voice of the unknown girl. He watched with a smile, his heart beat matching with the tempo of the song.
"An angel of music."
part 2 of angel of music
enjoyed this story? let’s talk about it!
tagging people who might be interested: (basically just all of my idols and mutuals)
@hollandroos @roses-hxlland @delicatepeterparker @chxrryholland @websliinging​farfromhaz​ @uwu-peter-parker-uwu​ @pixiehollands​ @screamholland​ @painting-galaxiis​ @parker-holland-osterfield​ @hazsterfield​ @tomblrholland​ @spiderneds​ @kii-miii​ @lolaywrites
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whats-my-question · 7 years ago
You're Not a Freak - Part 3
Part 1 | Part 2
Summary: Fitting in the normal world with your powers has never been easy but when Happy calls asking where (y/n) and Peter are because of an incident, will your freak life fall apart?
Word count: 1,095
Pairings: peter parker x reader
Warnings: cursing, angst
(y/n/n) - your nickname
A/N: As always thank you so much for reading and for your support! Please let me know if you want to be tagged! Hope you enjoy part 3 :)
Although Peter was terrified, he still chose to sit with you at the back of the class. You couldn’t help but think how close, not just physically but emotionally, you two were; now you could feel him growing distant and cold. You couldn’t blame him, he doesn’t know what’s going on.
You don’t even fucking know what’s going on. Does he really fucking think you could do this? Hell even if you could, you wouldn’t. If he took the time to ask you, he’d know this isn’t you. You like it here. It’s where you met MJ and Ned, where you met him. That was before finding out about Spider-man. You liked him way before he was Spider-man. God, why isn’t he saying anything. He won’t even fucking make eye contact with me. Peter just fucking say something please.
With those thoughts you felt the resentfulness building but you can’t let yourself go to that dark place. You swore not only to yourself but to Steve and Tony that you’d never get that bad again. As hateful thoughts and concerned questions continued to fill your head, you had to pull yourself back. It’s either lose one of the most important people in your life or suck it up and talk to him. You knew the obvious choice. The only one that matters.
Barely raising your voice to a little louder then a whisper, the words flowing out softly and smoothly, “Peter, please say something.”
“(y/n).” Turning his whole body towards you as he spoke, “Are you okay?”
You were speechless. Those were the last words you’d expect to hear.
“I’m fi…” you’re not going to lie, not to him. “No I’m not okay, Peter. I’m scared. Just like you-
“I’m not-
“Please don’t lie. I could see it in your face when we saw outside and I can still see it. Peter, I swear this isn’t me. I could and would never do something like this. Even if I could, I would never do it here. This place means too much to me, this is where I met Ned… MJ… You… You three mean too much to me. I can’t lose that. I can’t lose you. I know my past and I know you know it too. But I’m older, I know how to control my powers. Peter, you have to believe me. I need you to believe me.” never picking your eyes up from looking at the ground, Peter takes your hands in his causing you to finally look up
“Like I said (y/n), I always have and I always will. If you say this isn’t you, I believe you. I trust you. I-I…” before he could finish, your phone started to buzz again as did his
“Stark.” he said answering the call
“Steve.” answering yours
“(y/n), are you okay? Are you safe? Have you looked outside?” Dad!Steve kicking in rather then Superhero!Steve
“I-I’m scared but besides from that yes, yes, and yes… I’m at school which is under the safety zone protocol. Steve, I’m not the one controlling all those birds out there. What’s going on? And please do not give me the whole everything is fine and we’ll all be okay schtick. I want answers. I need answers. I deserve answers. And you know I do Steve.” you slightly raising your voice as much as you could figuring you were still in class
“You do deserve answers (y/n/n), so here’s all the info we have… We know you’re not the one doing this. One of the reasons I had Happy call you earlier. Make sure of yours and Peter’s location. Had to confirm you didn’t ditch school, despite knowing you would never do such a thing. Secondly, I needed to make sure you were safe. To know you both were. We’re still trying to figure out who’s behind all of this. The person or people know you on a somewhat personal level if they decided to target Midtown and to use a power similar to your own. They wanted this to look like you were the one to call these creatures but (y/n), whoever is doing this, we will find them. I promise. Please stay where you guys are, unless in danger then you know the drill.” Steve’s tone never faltering even though you know he must be worried
“Thank you. Thank you for everything you have and continue to do for me, Steve. Please be careful, all of you.” stating before starting to cry, Peter grabbing your hand
“We will. I will, I promise.” You believe his promises because he never breaks his promises to you, “(y/n)?”
“This is slightly off topic but sort of important. Tell Peter how you feel. I know it can be frightening but you have faced worse. Look whenever you talk about him or are around him, Buck says you have the same spark in your eye that I always had with Peg. And from what I’ve heard, Peter does too. You both are just scared to admit it and honestly there’s not a bett-
“Don’t you dare finish that sentence Rogers.” you chuckle looking up to study Peter’s profile while he’s staring at some students across the room
“Okay, fine I won’t say there’s not a better time then the present time.” he bellows out a much needed laugh as you cringe, “I just want you to be happy (y/n). I don’t want you to miss out on an opportunity to love someone for as long as you can like I did.” his voice cracking on the other end while you gently squeeze Peter’s hand
“I promise I will.”
“Good, I’m glad. One last thing tell him if he breaks your heart I will come after hi-
“I WILL TOO!” Tony putting his two sense in
“Ha-ha! Will do guys. Please keep us posted and be safe. I love you.”
“I love you too (y/n/n).”
“LOVE YOU!” Stark yelled in the background
With that you ended the call still hand in Peter’s, looking at him staring intently at you. The look in his eyes have gone from curiosity to terror to something you can’t quite place yet. As cheesy and cringe worthy as it is and you hate to admit it but Steve is right. There’s not a better time than the present time. 
So here goes nothing��
“Peter… I love you.” never breaking eye contact, adrenaline pumping through your veins as your flight or fight response kicks in awaiting his answer
Tag list:
@cutie1365 @dottirose @boywonderbooty @tiffanypooh
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whats-my-question · 7 years ago
One Line Prompts
Who/what I write for: MCU, Supernatural, Kingsman, Tom Holland, Harrison Osterfield, Sebastian Stan.
Send me 1-3 prompts and who you want it to be with/about. I’ll do my best to write it! :)
“Get out!”
“Of all days!”
“Why did it have to be today?”
“Holy shit!”
“Thanks for scaring me.”
“You’re my family.”
“Will you be my boyfriend/girlfriend?”
“Stay with me, please?”
“I’m never letting you go.”
“I will do everything in my power to keep you safe.”
“You’re insane you know that?”
“I love you.”
“I hate you”
“I can’t stand you.”
“Never again, got it.”
“Why can’t we go?”
“Why can’t I go?”
“I want to stay.”
“I want to go.”
“I can’t do this anymore.”
“I need to leave.”
“I’m so sorry… I truly am…”
“Please don’t leave me here.”
“I can’t stop thinking about you.”
“Don’t look down!”
“You’re everything I will very need.”
“Is that what I think it is?”
“Let’s go swimming!”
“Let’s have a snow day!”
“I wanna build a fort!”
“We should take a walk.”
“Four coffees, black.”
“Look over there!”
“Thanks for tripping me!”
“Is that my robe you’re wearing?”
“Don’t lose hope.”
“Hold on, we’ll be right there!”
“Hold on, I’ll be right over!”
“Could I have my book back?”
“I said no.”
“Shut up and kiss me.”
“Bitch, you better not let go.”
“This isn’t going to go the way you think.”
“Trust me for once in your life.”
“You know what? Screw you.”
“Oh my god! Look at the cute dog!”
“You are such a baby.”
“I’ll grow up when you do.”
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