#sphere of existence
eurychphanpelcael · 8 months
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"Justice" is the excuse that humans invoke to exclude from their sphere of existence - a territory called to the world - everything that does not meet their expectations, everything that offends them, and everything that threatens to harm them.
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saudadite · 9 months
honestly imo trans guys who believe in transandrophobia, especially as being perpetrated by transfems, and trans guys who disavow transandrophobia but consistently malign trans fems on here as being pedophile rapists etc are functionally the same. both presuppose an innocence and moral defensibility based on being cafab, both fundamentally view transfems as being male predators/wielding male privilege or power, and both utilise callouts, campaigns of harassment and ostracisation, and allegations of problematicity/moral degeneracy to punish transfems who dont conform to their views of how trans women should exist. 2 sides of the same transmisogynistic coin
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rainbow-wolf120 · 1 month
I really suggest watching flatland!!! Its highly interesting, please give it a try!
Me when the land is flat idk I’ve never watched the book
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detectiveneve · 1 year
without getting into the rest of this (enough thinkpieces have been written) the way you guys talk about being attracted to women is really weird sometimes. maybe it’s just the me being a dyke and all that but sometimes I can hear the “oh he wouldn’t like PUSSY 🤢🤢🤢” in your voices
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stormyoceans · 10 months
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nicollekidman · 2 months
social media / reality tv + the decimation of personal boundaries is completely eroding people’s ability to engage with narrative fiction in good faith or on its own terms send post
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b-a-n-d-e-r · 6 months
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gender-machine-broke · 4 months
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Oh so “I want to rid of gender roles without ID’ing as trans” is fine for a liberal man to say, but when I, a radfem…
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tiredspacedragon · 6 months
I know I've posted about this elsewhere, but I don't remember if I've talked about it here, so stop me if you've heard this one before.
Y'know how Zamor Spheres are all made of clear crystal, and take on the colour of their contents? Hence why the Piraka's spheres are all sickly green, because they're full of Antidermis?
Y'ever think about how, since the Toa Inika's Zamor were filled with Energized Protodermis, canonically speaking they would all be silver instead of red/yellow, blue, and green? Because I think about it a lot.
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teecupangel · 6 months
I can’t remember if anyone had a final fantasy ask, but what if Desmond landed in Spira (Final Fantasy X). He could go full pirate and I’m sure Edward’s bleed would love it.
Not yet. I mean, there was a Desmond as the same species as Nanaki one and a frog Desmond based on FF frog debuff but there hasn’t been any real full crossover or isekai idea.
I was thinking of how Desmond could be a pirate in Spira considering Sin is there lurking and all.
Then I realized we can make Desmond become a full pirate if we don’t set this in FFX but in FFX2. For this one, Desmond could be the captain of his own airship (which is smaller than the Celsius and is actually made up of extra parts from both Fahrenheit and Celsius) which he got by winning a bet against the Al Bhed. Maybe even call it Kelvin to continue the degree themes of their names)
Now, let’s focus on the plot. Desmond really didn’t want to be a pirate. Not exactly. Calling him one would actually be a bit of a… generalization?
The truth was…
He had a sphere with him when he woke up in this world. And that sphere contains a memory of Minerva talking to him, telling him of a device that they had created which can hop into other timelines. Unfortunately, the device disappeared because… it hopped into a different timeline and they couldn’t find it.
So Desmond is looking for that device to get back to his world. The sphere he got from Minerva is his only clue. She said that the device has a lock that used these ‘spheres’ and he needs to collect them all first. He would know if a sphere is part of the device or not.
Which meant that, technically, Desmond is a sphere hunter.
But because he’s looking for specific spheres, he sorta also steals spheres from other people if they’re the spheres he’s looking for.
So in this one, he and his group are actually a rival of the Gullwings (and Leblanc Syndicate) and he gets in the middle of the whole FFX2 plot along the way even though he’s really just there for those specific spheres.
How does Desmond know he got the right sphere?
These spheres are marked with the letter of the Isus’ alphabet and each sphere contains a memory of the device he’s looking for.
Mostly experiment logs, chopped off pieces of how to use them…
With the lead Isu scientist pf the project going by the name Yevon.
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lawfulgoodsir · 6 months
the screw tourniquet, the HICKEY knife, and 19th-century women in trades
I'll be adding to this post as I find more details.
The same maker's mark decorates several recovered Franklin Expedition artifacts - including this tourniquet clamp recovered by Schwatka's 1879 expedition near Victory Point. (In this Petit-type model, a band would be threaded through the slots; the "screw" could turn, tightening the band around a limb, to stop circulation.)
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("A Petit's-type wooden tourniquet screw clamp", Royal Museums Greenwich)
During the 2019 season, Parks Canada archaeologists observed another tourniquet clamp in the hold of the Erebus.
(I was slightly intoxicated when I first came across this image and thought it was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen.)
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("This Petit-type tourniquet was documented during remotely-operated vehicle exploration of the main hold, below the lower deck. It almost certainly fell into the hold from above." - Parks Canada)
Because the artifact hasn't been recovered, I don't know the maker - I'd love to have a different angle on this photograph to see whether there are differences between the Schwatka tourniquet and the one currently in situ on the ship. (The thread seems longer on this one & I'm having difficulty visualizing the upper platform.) If this one also contains a Millikin maker's mark, that might indicate that expedition surgeons purchased multiples from the same company. If it's a different maker, that's exciting too - it could mean new leads on business records that might link certain surgeons to certain companies.
Astute observers and fans of the show may notice that another key artifact bears the same mark - the HICKEY knife introduced through John Rae's 1854 expedition. ("MILLIKIN 301 STRAND LONDON" is stamped on the blade.)
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("Knife", Royal Museums Greenwich. Several other knives associated with the Franklin expedition are also labeled with Millikin's mark; they have been conveniently grouped in the museums' online database.)
So who was supplying these tools?
In most of the interpretive texts accompanying these artifacts, the authors identify John Millikin, surgeon's-instrument-maker, as the manufacturer. According to Dr. Brian Stevenson's biography entry, Millikin operated a business at 301 Strand from 1815 to 1833.
(William Battersby made a claim in 2009 based on this info that the HICKEY knife was a repurposed surgical blade - I disagree, as Millikin also advertised himself as a cutler at several points in his career. I'm intrigued by the fact that there are multiple different types of instrument sourced from the same manufacturer, though. I'm currently scouring the internet for more information on who was doing the buying.)
Dr. Stevenson's biography also reveals a potentially fascinating detail: that John Millikin died in 1833, leaving his business to his wife Martha. "...that my said Trustees shall permit my said Wife she remaining my Widow to carry on my Trade or Business of a Surgical Instrument Maker and to use and employ for that purpose such parts of my personal Estate and Effects as shall be then used or employed as capital therein..."
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(John Millikin's will, sourced by Dr. Stevenson through ancestry.com. Highlights mine.)
Stevenson notes that Martha would move the business to 161 Strand "between 1844 and 1847" and would ultimately still operate it under her husband's name until her death around 1854. Obviously, things can be obtained secondhand - but if these artifact instruments were purchased new in that 1833-1844 window, there might be a chance that these naval officers interacted at 301 Strand not with John but with Martha Millikin, surgeon's-instrument-maker.
The world of nineteenth-century trades in London is a large one, and something in which I have absolutely no expertise, but I'm always curious as to the involvement of women in medical- and surgical-related businesses. At any rate, I think it might add yet another layer of complexity to the Franklin artifacts. :)
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danny-does-college · 2 years
Inspired by this poll
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libraryspectre · 1 month
Are there any Lady Franklin fans because I love her honestly. I admire how well-spoken she was in front of a group of men who think she's being silly and dramatic, and her speech about standing in the snow was so good! And I love how determined she is to help however she can from thousands of miles away
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anonomi · 3 months
random rant but i cannot believe that r/tf2 or part of the community (since it definitely spilled out into other places) ever legitmately thought making gay smut of the bothosters would ever work, but what really irritates me is the double standard. like people were okay with gay sex cause "it's funny" and all but the moment someone posts about their hcs of the mercs being bi or gay, or they try to have fun with the characters, or you ever try to seriously apply these things suddenly everybody's like "why are they gay?" and "forced rep"
the moment you seriously suggest that you see the guys as anything but straight or the smut as anything but a joke you get side eyes and laughs.
i know it's a symptom of the gaming side clashing with the fandom side, that a lot of the backlash is from younger people, and also it's reddit (esp r/tf2 which sometimes feels like injecting glue into my veins) but it's really annoying that the only time something 'out of the norm' is accepted is only when it's a joke or unserious. esp when you have some people who are so loud about "gay sex lets go!!" but the moment you pull that sex out of there or are like "yes i hc this dude as bi/ace/anything but straight" they completely switch up. not cool
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gurorori · 1 year
tbh it's still crazy 2 see progressive (ie western slash european & american i guess? yanno wat i mean. places wher we r nawt radicalised & illegalised into it oblivion) audiences have such (understandably) high standards 4 queer media or even queer representation as a whole & won't take less than. like i understand it's cause ya can expect better so ya will, in sum cases ya can even demand better. but it's simply nawt an option 4 many of us.
like idk perhaps a bit too harsh of me 2 say but regardless of the political atmosphere there's still a difference between livin' in a place where ya still have rights, have pride & can walk into a store etc & find queer literature & rep & even merch, have resources 2 support yrself & find yr community. & a place where as much as wavin' a pride flag or even havin' a pride pin, OR G-D FORBID holdin' yer partner's hand WILL get ya arrested & jailed. an' yr lucky if ya don' get assaulted or killed be4 dat can happen 🫥
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harrylovesspaezle · 7 months
wait guys this is such a crossover for me oh my god
not even that big of a swiftie but i like a lot of her music so this is just so ???? for me???? i need to process this hold on
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