#spent 2 minutes on call today telling my friend they did creep on glee because she made a reference to the lyrics
hevanderson · 19 days
my ocs are my main spinterest right now but we are so back with the glee spinterest (spent like 10 minutes looking for a 4 second clip to make a joke about a very specific au of my oc)
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cheion-writes · 6 years
A Valentine’s Special!
Sidestep and Steel really do care for each other. They just need some help recognising that. 
Thanks @auroriane for being an awesome beta as always! Any remaining mistakes you see are my own. The complete list to all my fics can be found on my Tumblr :)
1. Sick Days
With Sidestep: 
Your cough harshly as you wrap the blanket tighter around yourself, feeling utterly and completely miserable. You shouldn’t be sick; you aren’t supposed to get sick. But yet, here you are, nose stuffed, head pounding, and throat as scratchy as sandpaper. Of course, it wasn’t as bad this morning – not until you got caught in the rain on your way to the Rangers base. 
You had arrived drenched, sneezing and coughing, and Steel had taken one look at you before hustling you into one of the private rooms to rest. You blame your fever-addled mind for agreeing to his offer. For letting you actually fall asleep. For imagining that look of concern on his face when he came in to check on you. 
Rubbing your eyes tiredly, you swing your legs off the bed with a sigh, sending out a prayer that you can sneak out without alerting any of the others. 
You freeze as your eyes land on the doors. There’s a blue flask on the table next to it; it wasn’t there before. Where did it come from? Who put it there? The only one that came in was Steel a couple of minutes ago, and… 
Cheeks reddening, you slide off the bed and patter to the door to pick up the flask. Your eyes immediately find a handwritten note by its side: 
‘Here’s some apple and pear pork rib soup. It’s good for your throat.’ 
You don’t notice the smile on your face as you pop open the cap and enjoy the steam that curls comfortingly around your face. As you slowly sip the admittedly good broth. 
As you tell yourself that increasing warmth you feel in your belly is simply because of the soup.
With Steel: 
“So, Soup, huh?” Ortega’s face sparkles with amused delight as he stares at you. 
“It’s. Just. Soup.” you growl, refusing to meet his eyes. 
“Right…” he drawls. “Let’s ignore how you drove all the way to that expensive Chinese restaurant to get it, shall we? How worried you looked when they first came in... how you oh so gently covered them with that blanket when it had fallen off the bed…” 
“I would’ve done the same for any of you.” 
“Right…keep telling yourself that Chen.”
2. Mods 
With Steel: 
You grimace as you step into the base, your arm joint aching and throbbing dully. You’re trying to hide it as well as you can but obviously it isn’t enough, for their lips instantly pull down into a worried frown when they notice you. 
“Are you alright?” You shake your head, your candid honesty somewhat surprising you. “Bad joint,” you mutter. 
Their concerned eyes scan you for a moment before they rise to their feet and gesture to their chair. “Sit,” they say. “I think I can help.” 
You’re surprised when you acquiesce without a single protest. As their gentle touch brushes against where mod meets skin, you hope they can’t feel the shudder that ripples through you. Throughout it all, they pointedly ignoring your gaze, and you can’t help but notice their pulse fluttering tremulously as they tinker around with the mod.
 “There,” they say after a long while. “Is it better?” Slowly, you try moving your arm, heaving a sigh of relief when you realize the bone-deep ache has vanished.
“Yes, much better,” you reply, a fond smile of gratitude spreading across your face. They beam in turn, and it’s a long while before you both turn away.  
With Sidestep: 
“You two looked comfortable,” Herald’s voice is the epitome of glee as he corners you in the hall. 
You roll your eyes. “I just don’t like to see any of you hurt.” 
“Really?” he grins. “I mean…you were looking at each other for such a long time. And I haven’t seen you smile like that before…” 
“I’m just relieved he’s fine.” 
“There’s nothing more to it, Herald. Nothing at all.”
3. Nightmares 
With Steel: 
 It’s the whimpers that first alert you something is wrong. They’re lying curled up and vulnerable on the couch, tears streaming down their cheeks as they whisper a plea for help. You hear Ortega’s name upon their lips, and once or twice, you think you hear yours as well. 
“Please… Ortega… Chen… please, please don’t let them take me,” they sob. “I can’t go back, I can’t…” 
You swallow hard as their sobs intensify. Silently, you reach out and gently slide a hand under their shoulders, lifting them slightly off the couch. Their head falls into the nook of your chest, but caught in the throes of the nightmare, they do not wake. A wave of fierce protectiveness overwhelms you as you feel the shudders and sobs wracking their fragile form. “Be calm,” you hear yourself saying. “I’m here. And I promise you: nothing – no one – will harm you, not as long as I’m here.” 
Slowly, impossibly, you feel them relax in your embrace, their breathing slowly evening out. You don’t let go; not until the choked words stop, not until their whimpers finally quieten. “Sleep well,” you whisper as you lower them back down and drape the blanket over them once more. I’ll be here when you wake. 
“So… Care to tell us why you spent such a long time with Sidestep last night?” 
“I don’t have to explain myself to you, Angie.” 
“Of course not. We all know what’s going on.” 
“For the last time, nothing is happening between us.” 
4. Even Heroes Need Saving
With Sidestep: 
 It's a particularly nasty part of town and as luck would have it, you had all bumped into an anti-Ranger group as soon as you arrived. Apparently, their dislike of the Rangers was particularly intense for a certain Marshal. 
As you trail worriedly behind the stoic man, you note the clenched fists and locked jaw, the supremely-concealed pain in his eyes as the crowd continues to jeer. 
"He should retire." 
“Even the others are all better.” 
“Just an old soldier pretending to be a hero.”
You find your rage rising at their poison-barbed words, until you can take it no more. 
“Shut the hell up!” you yell as you whirl around, eyes dark and terrifying and blazing with fury. They immediately fall silent and take a step back at your outburst, but you are far from done. 
“Marshal Steel saved my life and the lives of hundreds of others in his time as a Ranger! He saved hundreds more in his time as a soldier! He probably saved your sorry asses countless of times, not like any of you deserve it! He cares more for others than for himself, he always strives to do his best, and he will always be there for anyone no matter the cost to himself!" 
You take a deep breath, your voice rising as you bellow out the final words. “He is the most courageous, compassionate, and self-sacrificial man I've ever known, and he's a better hero than any of you will ever hope to be! So don’t you dare speak otherwise!" 
At the end of it all, the thoroughly chastised and intimidated group is tripping over themselves to escape your wrath. 
Satisfied, you nod, dust your fingers and turn to face Steel… only to see him staring open-mouthed at you. “I never knew you felt that way about me,” he says quietly as a blush creeps up his neck.
“Yeah, yeah," you reply, turning away so he won't see the heat upon your face. "You better remember it because I’m not saying it again." 
You don't need to look up to feel the shy smile that spreads across his face as he hurries after you. 
“You do know there are videos of you defending the Marshal going viral online, do you?” 
“It’s just because those people got on my nerves.” 
“Sure…. if you say so…” 
“Why doesn’t it sound like you believe me?” 
“You got me… a cactus plushie?” 
“It’s for Spoon. You did say he always ruins those.” 
“Oh… thank you, then. I’m sure he’ll love this.” 
“Hey Sidestep? I heard you got something for Steel-” 
“It’s just a plushie! For Spoon!” 
 ii. “I’m fine, Chen. You don’t have to stay.” 
“It’s alright. You look like you could use some company.”
 “So... I saw you sitting so close to them in the park today.” 
���They looked like they needed a friend… why are you looking at me like that?”
5. The Rangers Act
With Sidestep: 
“You’d best come at once.” 
Ortega’s terse voice rings in your ears as you tear down the sidewalk towards the Rangers base, as does a single thought that echoes on repeat  in your mind: 
"Please, please let him be safe.”
Ortega had sent you that call an hour ago, informing you that the Marshal was hurt and that it was of paramount importance that you turn up at the Rangers base as soon as you could. Subsequent attempts to contact them had failed, and you found your anxiety growing as time ticked by. 
Please don’t let him be hurt. I can’t bear it if he is. 
It’s a startling revelation, but it doesn’t make it any less true. 
As you screech to a halt in the hall, a sigh of relief escapes you as you spot a rattled but otherwise uninjured Steel. 
"Chen, you're alright!" you sigh as you dash to him, wrapping your arms around his broad chest. He hugs you back just as tightly, and you miss the moment his fear melts into relief, and then into confusion. 
“Wait… I thought you were the one injured?” 
“Me?” you repeat. “Ortega told me that you were hurt so I had to come here at once!” " 
His eyes widen in confusion. "But Herald called me…. He told me you were hurt and that I should prepare the ops room for surgery..." 
The word escapes you in an undignified, high-pitched yelp. Just what are they playing at? What's with telling you and Steel such crazy lies, getting you both here alone and- 
Oh. OH. Oh no they didn't.
You see the moment Steel comes to the same realization as you do. 
“They set us up, didn't they?” you moan as you bury your face into his chest. 
“It would seem so,” he chuckles in fond exasperation. You notice he makes no move to push you away. 
You groan even louder. "I'm going to kick their ass for this.”
Steel laughs. "That’s something we can agree on." His eyes soften. "But for what it's worth… it’s made me realize what I should have long ago: that I can’t bear losing you." 
You heart skips a beat at his words. Exhaling lightly, you pull him in close, feeling the steady thrum of his heartbeat as you finally allow yourself to admit the truth you’ve been denying for so long. “I can’t bear losing you too.” 
He smiles softly at that. His fingers cup your cheek in a gentle touch, and his voice drops into a tender whisper you’d never once heard him use before. “You know… I think I like you very much.” 
You huff out a breathless laugh, your cheeks heating up as you gaze into his earnest eyes. “I think I like you very much too.” 
He chuckles and leans in close until your foreheads meet; you’re closer than you’ve ever been before. There you remain for a long while, simply drinking in the presence of each other. Then, his fingers grasp your chin, and you find yourself gazing deep into his eyes once more. Slowly, you feel your eyes drift shut as you lean in even closer, as does he. 
 When you finally press your lips upon his own, the touch is gentle yet deep, hesitant yet intimate. 
And when the kiss finally breaks off, you realize that his cheeks are just as flushed as yours.  “So…does this mean you’ll go out with me?” he asks with a small smile. 
You find yourself smiling back. “Yes. Yes, it does.”
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