sinfulspencer · 3 years
One love, two mouths.
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Prompt: Season 1 Spencer comforts Reader after a case and feelings come alive.
Warning: Major fluff, major smut (18+). Virgin!Spencer, heavy petting, oral sex (female/male receiving), handjob, nipple play, hair pulling, praising kink, first time, vaginal penetration, unprotected sex, creampie. Read at your own risk, my friends.
Words: 15.5k
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Sometimes the silence guides our minds So move to a place so far away The goose bumps start to raise The minute that my left hand meets your waist And then I watch your face Put my finger on your tongue ‘cause you love to taste
Y/N stares at the dark ceiling of her bedroom, her mind incapable of turning off her thoughts. They’re awful, they’re bringing back the images of those scenes that appeared in front of her during that morning’s case and she hates it so much. She wishes she could unsee what her eyes witnessed. She wishes she would’ve covered her eyes but she didn’t – because she didn’t think those photos would haunt her, but they are now.
Her heart is beating ever so slowly, her body is fully relaxed and she can feel how tired she is because her eyes are extremely heavy, but her mind seems to have other plans because it’s awake. Y/N can’t fall asleep because her thoughts can’t stop running around her head, keeping her alert and awake. The case is closed, the last kidnapped woman was saved and no lives were taken that morning but Y/N can’t stop thinking about those stories, those experiences. 
She kicks the blanket off her body, stumbling in the dark of her room to look for the light switch until she finds it. Suddenly, when she turns on all the lights, she instantly covers her face. She was getting used to the dark of her room – and if only she would’ve been able to fall asleep, she’s sure she would’ve slept until noon. But Y/N didn’t fall asleep and something tells her that there’s someone else, on the same floor as her, who’s tossing and turning in his bed.
Y/N is wearing a pair of dark red fluffy shorts and a silky matching top. She should change into something less sensual, but she knows Spencer wouldn’t mind seeing her like this. Maybe she shouldn’t even go to his bedroom because she doesn’t want to give him the wrong idea even though she’s dying to be with him, but at the same time, he’s the only one who can comfort her and make her feel better.
The last time she was in his room after a case, they ended up cuddling on his bed and falling asleep together. When they woke up the morning after, Y/N didn’t want to leave the bed because she was sleeping so well with his body pressed against hers. That was a warning sign: she has never slept decently with someone by her side, not even her best friend in High School when they used to have sleepovers at each other’s house, but with Spencer, it felt right. 
Y/N thought it was cute, because she probably found someone she really felt comfortable with, but then with the time passing and her heart swelling in her chest each time Spencer gave her some attention, she realised that there was something else.
She was slowly falling more and more in love with him, which meant nothing but trouble. Y/N talked to JJ about this, opening up about her feelings growing deeper each day. She needed to vent to someone. She didn’t need advice on how to handle Spencer because apparently he’s very obedient when it comes to Y/N – which was actually interesting, because he wasn’t really that obedient towards Hotch, Gideon, Elle, or JJ. Sure, Spencer followed the rules and never crossed anybody in the team but Y/N was the only one he listened to when he was acting up. She was the only one who calmed him down when he freaked out.
That’s probably because he felt comfortable enough to let his walls down with her. Y/N loves that, because he did the same exact thing with her: even though she and Penelope are growing pretty close to each other, Y/N feels much more comfortable in Spencer’s arms with his lips pressed on her forehead and her face hidden in the crook of his neck, inhaling his delicate lavender scent.
“Y/N? Wh-what are you doing u-up?”
Y/N didn’t even realise she knocked on the door of her colleague until it was open and he was standing right in front of her, hiding behind the door with his eyes – a tired pair of eyes – wide open and a weird expression on his face.
What first captures her attention is the colour of his cheeks: they’re bright red, which means he’s blushing. And when a person blushes, it means they’re embarrassed or ashamed because they were caught doing something. So what was Spencer doing in his room late at night?
The answer is not really difficult to imagine and Y/N wants to tease him a little bit because she might have interrupted him, but she doesn’t want to make him uncomfortable, especially if she needs some comfort after the case they just worked on. So, she shrugs with her eyes fixed on his face and leans against the doorstep.
'I can't fall asleep.'"
Spencer clears his throat. “Could you, uh, wait here a moment? I’m...”
Y/N nods, turning her back against the wall as she looks up at the ceiling. “If you’re busy, I can come back later.”
“No! No, I’m not b-busy. – she hears his voice cracking – I’m just... I was just... Taking a shower.”
She hums, the door closing with a light click. She wants to laugh because she really caught him doing something that he’s too embarrassed to say – even though it’s completely normal, especially for a young man like Spencer. He’s a human being, he has his needs so she doesn’t really get why he’d hide those needs. Sure, maybe getting caught in the middle of a “loving myself-session” right after a case might sound a bit weird, but there’s nothing wrong with that. He was just trying to relax, wasn’t he?
Orgasms are a great way to relax.
Y/N opens her eyes, letting out a soft sigh. She should’ve had a bit of fun in her bedroom, maybe that would’ve helped her fall asleep instead of making her roam around the hallway of the hotel at four in the morning. Now she can’t go back to her room! She interrupted Spencer. If she steps away, he’d get mad – and maybe a little upset.
“You can come inside.”
Spencer’s voice captures her attention. Y/N turns to look at him, his face now more relaxed even though his cheeks are still of a dark shade of pink, and gives him a soft smile before stepping in his room. The young doctor closes the door behind her back, running his fingers through his hair as he follows her to the window right next to his bed.
Y/N bites her bottom lip, brushing her right hand against her left arm, and lets out a sigh. Spencer stays silent, waiting for her to say something about the reason why she can’t sleep, and simply stays behind her with his eyes on her face. The moonlight filtering from the window is caressing her skin as Spencer admires the gentle features of her face.
She looks so beautiful.
But what she’s wearing right now is making Spencer have difficulties breathing.
It’s not the first time she sneaks into his room late at night, but it’s definitely the first time she’s wearing something so short and revealing. Not that he minds, of course. Y/N has a wonderful body and if he could, he would worship it in every single way that he can.
Y/N breaks the silence, turning around to look at her colleague. “Blushing is not just an emotional response, it’s also an emotional display and a way people can communicate their emotional state to others.”
He tilts his head, chuckling at her words. That’s exactly what he said to her the first time they met, almost two years before. She was making her way up the stairs of the FBI, stumbling on the BAU floor with her cheeks bright red and a huge smile on her face before she came across Doctor Reid. He remembers seeing her and thinking: “Wow, she looks gorgeous”. And immediately after, she ran up to him, held out her hand, and exclaimed “Hi! I’m SSA Lamberti, I’m looking for Aaron Hotchner”. Spencer pointed to the office right on top of the floor and he looked at her hand, not shaking it before telling her that he had a problem with germs. Y/N blushed because she was embarrassed and he chuckled, telling her those same words. Their first meeting was a bit awkward, indeed.
“What were you doing before I knocked on your door?”
Spencer sits on the edge of his king-sized bed. “Nothing you need to know about.”
Y/N raises an eyebrow, crossing her arms to her chest. “Okay, I totally get it. I hope you finished, at least; I know how frustrating it might be to be just on the edge and having to stop.”
He wants to widen his eyes and laugh nervously because of the kind of conversation they’re having – at the end of the day, it’s four in the morning and he’s actually still quite in the mood – but he manages to stay quiet, keeping a straight expression on his face and not letting certain thoughts linger in his mind. It’s difficult, though, because he has the woman of his dreams literally standing in his room in a very fluffy pair of shorts, a top he would love to take off and without makeup.
It feels like a dream coming true.
“I, uhm, I have finished. Th-thank you for your concern. – mutters Spencer, his voice cracking and betraying him – Why can’t you fall asleep? What’s on your mind?”
Y/N shrugs, letting her arms fall to her sides. “I don’t know. I keep thinking about the case we closed today and I just... The pictures you showed me this morning are haunting me, I don’t know why.”
The young doctor remains on the bed, watching her as she sits beside him. “Did they scare you? I’m sorry, I didn’t want...”
She shakes her head, biting her bottom lip. “It’s not your fault. I think my mind is just imagining weird scenarios... Those women he killed had a similar body type to mine, they had the same eye colour as me, the same style. I was the unsub’s type. I guess this is why I can’t really sleep tonight.”
Spencer sits with his legs crossed on the bed, his body turned to hers. “We caught him. He’s not going to hurt you, you know that?”
“Yes, I do. It’s stupid, I know. – says Y/N, lowering her eyes on Spencer’s hands for a moment – I wish I could turn my mind off for a few hours, just so I can sleep and feel better in the morning.”
Expressing her fear out loud has already helped her a lot, as if she just lifted a heavy weight off her chest. Maybe she’s already ready to go back to her room and sleep in her own bed, but she doesn’t really want to leave Spencer’s room. Seeing him in his little pyjamas, his messy hair on his forehead and his pretty face makes her not want to move at all.
“Do you want to take a walk on the beach?” says Spencer, pointing to the window of his room
Y/N turns around, staring at the view of the beach right in front of her. The idea of walking on the cold sand with the light sound of the waves crashing against the shore wasn’t so bad, especially if Spencer was going to join her and walk beside her. But does she need to get changed to do so? Does she need to grab her phone? No, Spencer is not going to get lost on the beach. But it’s four in the morning. What if they end up in a place with no lights, no sounds, and no way to go back?
“Yes, I’d like that. – says Y/N, her voice nothing but a whisper – Do I need to bring a towel with us?”
Spencer shrugs, biting his bottom lip. “I don’t know, do you want to stop? We could, uh, watch the sunrise. The beach is not that far, we just need to walk down the road and it’s right there.”
Her whole face lights up at the thought. “Yes, please! I’m going to grab my phone. Do you think I should change into something more comfortable? I don’t want to ruin this pyjama, it’s one of my favourites.”
Before Spencer could actually process his thoughts, words slip out of his mouth. “Put your swimsuit on.”
What the fuck is wrong with you? – a voice in his mind asks, shocked by the fact that he literally imposed Y/N to grab her swimsuit. The thought of seeing her like that, being able to be completely alone with her, and maybe jumping in the cold waters of the Ocean with her, is making him go crazy. Why would he suggest something like that, knowing that his body was going to react to the sight?
It wouldn't be the first time he gets really excited to see Y/N under certain conditions and he knows he’s going to make a fool out of himself if he sees her in a swimsuit and maybe have her hug him. But now he can’t back away from his words or she’ll know there’s something wrong with him, with his thoughts.
Y/N opens her mouth, surprised but amused by his idea. “Do you want to swim in the Ocean?”
“Why not? Even if the water is really cold, we can simply walk with our feet in the water and then sit on the beach to watch the sunrise. – asks the young doctor, biting his bottom lip – You’ve brought a swimsuit, haven’t you? I heard you and JJ were talking about spending a few days here after the case, and...”
Y/N starts to walk to the door of his room. “Yes! I have a swimsuit. And yes, we’re going to dive in the Ocean at five in the morning. I’m so happy I could kiss you!”
The young agent runs out of her colleague’s bedroom to put on her swimsuit. She’s so excited now, the idea of slipping into Spencer’s room to sleep beside him on his bed completely disappeared from her mind. Now all she wants is to walk on the beach barefoot with Spencer, admiring the beautiful Shaw’s Cove sunrise and hearing the young doctor telling her everything he knows about civil, astronomical, and nautical twilight. She wants to take off her clothes, leave them beside Spencer’s and dip into the cold water of the Atlantic Ocean, maybe holding Spencer’s hand.
Once they’re outside the Hotel they were staying in during the case, Y/N and Spencer make their way towards the beach not too far away from where they are. The air of the night is fresh but not too cold or too hot. The sky is painted with dark blue and grey stripes. There are a few clouds covering everything but Spencer said it’s a good sign. Does this mean they’re going to witness a colourful sunrise? Y/N hopes so.
Even though she didn’t come here to go to the beach but to work on a horrible case, she wants to have at least a good memory of this “trip”. Spending time with Spencer is always a good sign, the beginning of a nice memory she always holds on to when she’s having a rough day or rough time after a case. Being with him is so easy, so natural.
“What time is it?” asks Y/N.
Spencer glances at his watch. “4:30 in the morning. We might get lucky even though there’s this blanket of clouds over us.”
She looks up at the sky, biting her bottom lip once she finally puts her feet on the cold sand of the beach of Shaw’s Cove. She had never been there before in her life, but when she and Elle were driving back to the Hotel, her colleague showed her a bunch of pictures of Shaw’s Cove’s sunrise. And ever since, Y/N has kept thinking about how much she’d love to witness the sunrise on that same beach she’s now with Spencer.
Is Elle going to get mad at her because they didn’t go together? Y/N hopes not. Well, she might also not tell Elle anything about what’s happening because this little walk, this little meeting she’s having with Spencer feels so private. Something that needs to be kept between them.
“There’s no one here, it’s almost creepy. – says Y/N, following Spencer to the shore – But wow, it already looks breathtaking. Do you think I can find a house and rent it for the summer?”
The young doctor turns around to look at her, smiling. “That would be a great idea. You'd have an amazing view every single day of the beach and the ocean."
She gives him a little smile, looking around before biting her bottom lip. There’s a bit of light mist all over the surface of the water but Spencer doesn’t seem to be bothered by it, even though the sun hasn’t risen yet. Everything looks so quiet and calm.
There’s not a single sound different from the melody produced by the waves crashing against the shore. Spencer is staring at the water hitting his feet as he holds his slippers with a little smile on his face.
He looks like a child with a new toy. He seems so happy to be there and Y/N is even happier that she’s witnessing this beautiful beginning of a morning with him. She never thought she’d end up with Spencer on the beach in southern California after solving a case, but apparently, life has other plans for her.
Not that she minds, of course.
Now she’s really happy that she bothered Spencer in the middle of the night. If she hadn’t done it, she would have still been in her room, tossing and turning under the blanket of her bed.
Y/N’s head snaps in the direction Spencer is pointing to.
A tiny bit of pink in one corner of the sky. Y/N’s smile spread on her lips because this means that the first light of the morning is slowly breaking through the night lights. Spencer walks beside her, his hand immediately flying on her waist without hesitation.
Y/N doesn’t move because she doesn’t want to break this contact. She really likes having Spencer’s hand on her body, and the goose bumps rising all over her arms are a sign of that. She wants to turn around, grab him by the face and kiss him with the sunrise finally lightening up in the background but she doesn’t have a real reason to do so. They’re just colleagues walking on the beach, nothing else.
“Do you know why winter sunrises and sunsets are more beautiful?”
Y/N shakes her head, looking at him for a split second. “No, not really. Why?”
Spencer keeps his hand over her waist, putting the other one on the other side of her hip. “Sunsets become more vivid because of low humidity and cleaner air, especially after it rains. That means there are fewer particulates to wash out colours and create foggy sunsets, which are more typical in summer. Different colours are caused by different types of scattering, reflection, and refraction of light.”
She listens to his soothing voice, admiring the beautiful pink sky lit up over their heads and in front of their eyes as the fresh air of the morning hits them.
“Light is made up of different colours, each with its own range of wavelengths. The final ingredient of a beautiful sunset or sunrise is clouds, because they reflect the stunning hues back to us. They make the sunset or sunrise much more brilliant. – says Spencer, his arms now wrapped around her body to keep her closer to him – Now we’re witnessing the civil twilight. It occurs when the Sun is less than 6 degrees below the horizon and it ends with the sun actually rising in the sky.”
Y/N leans her head back on his shoulder, putting her hands over his arms. She really likes having him pressed that way to her body: the contrast between the warmth of his skin and the fresh air of a winter morning in southern California is extremely delicious. 
She doesn’t want to ruin the moment because she’s kind of overwhelmed by everything. She has always been a morning person, which leads to her usually waking up very early in the morning and sitting outside her apartment to admire the sun rising before she had to work. And the fact that she’s standing on the beach, completely empty beside Spencer tightly pressed to her body, is enough for her to feel like she’s on cloud nine.
“This is so romantic,” whispers Y/N.
Spencer doesn’t pull away from her after her words. “Why?”
She shrugs, biting her bottom lip. “A lot of people say sunsets are more romantic than sunrises, but I think it’s only because witnessing a sunrise means you’re awake at a very early hour. And not everyone is a morning person like me and you. I’ve always found sunrises much more romantic than sunsets. Watching the sunset with someone means we’re out on a date, means I’ve stressed out about getting ready to go out and all of that but... this is completely different.”
Spencer remains silent, stepping away from her but keeping his hand on her waist. He doesn’t want to be far from her, he needs to keep her close because not only she’s warm and keeping him warm, but she’s also so fucking beautiful. And his heart can’t take being away from her.
“We didn’t plan to witness the sunrise last night, we just... went out and came here. – says Y/N, her voice now low as she admires the pink sky up – It’s so calm, relaxing, quiet. And being here with you is exactly what I needed to feel better.”
He blinks, watching the young woman as she finally turns around to look at him. Spencer is not sure what to say or what to do, but he felt exactly the same. Being with Y/N is so easy, it feels so natural and normal, as if they’re meant to be together. She doesn’t make him nervous – well, she does, especially when she looks at him with her gorgeous and bright smile, those lovely eyes, and her angelic face. 
Okay, yes, she makes him very nervous but it’s only because she’s the first woman to show him a particular interest in – she doesn’t make fun of him, she allows him to rant about anything, she holds his hand when he’s nervous and no one is looking, she leans her head on his shoulder when they’re on the jet, she plays with his hair when they’re listening to some music on the way home on the jet, she buys him books when he’s upset or when she sees a nice poem.
She’s just perfect. A delight to be around.
“It’s the first time I go to the beach and watch the sun rise with a man that I like.”
Spencer seems now nervous, trembling right in front of her. What did she just say to him?
Y/N grabs his hands, mentally patting herself on the back for wearing a sweater on top of her shorts, and puts them in the pockets of her sweater so that he can warm up a little bit better. Spencer is still staring at her, probably to process what just came out of her mouth, but Y/N is not going to take it back. 
She said those words and she doesn’t regret them because they’re the pure truth. They’ve been hidden for far too long in her mind and now seemed like the perfect time to spit them out, because they’re completely alone on the beach with the pink sky in the background and the faint sound of the waves crashing against the sand and their feet.
He falls silent, probably because he wasn’t expecting her to say that. Does she really like him?
Spencer has his hands in the holes of her sweater. Their lips are just a few millimetres near and all he wants to do is lean in and kiss her. It feels like the perfect time to do it, the perfect place to have his first kiss in and he really wants to do it but he can’t bring himself to actually do it. He feels like a coward because she’s right there, she’s probably waiting on him to make the first move but he just can’t.
Y/N pulls out her hands from her sweater and puts them on Spencer’s face, her thumbs brushing over his perfect cheekbones as her eyes still linger on his. He doesn’t move, he doesn’t open his mouth because he doesn’t want to ruin the moment but he really wants this to happen. He wants her to be his first kiss.
But how is it possible that now they’re on the verge of kissing, when he was so terrified to even touch her on the elbow? Y/N came to his bedroom because she couldn’t sleep, and now they’re on the beach at five in the morning, about to kiss. How did this happen? And why does it feel so good?
“Y/N, I...”
She looks up at him, her eyes bright and shining. “Yes?”
“You make me want to kiss you. – he manages to spit out, his heart swelling when a smile appears on her lips – B-but I guess it’s what you want, isn’t i-it?”
Y/N can see how nervous he is and she finds it extremely sweet. Is he nervous because he wants to kiss her and he doesn’t know why? Or is he nervous because he wants her as much as she wants him right now? Either way, they’re going to kiss and she actually can’t wait for that. She doesn’t care if he’s inexperienced, she doesn’t care if she’s his first kiss and it’ll be maybe messy. She just wants to taste his lips, to feel the desire running through his body and melting with hers, to move her lips to his rhythm and see him losing himself in the moment.
“Yes, I want you to kiss me. But if you’re not ready, we don’t have to do it. – whispers Y/N, her fingers now caressing the back of his neck – I’m serious, Spencer. We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.”
He quickly shakes his head, biting his bottom lip. Y/N could pass out in that exact moment, he looks so innocent and it’s making her feel things she shouldn’t. She doesn’t know if she has an innocent kink, but she definitely has a kink for innocent Spencer –but she really wants him. She desperately wants to be with him because she loves him so much and she needs to show him that he deserves all the love in the world, in every way she can.
“I do, I want to kiss you so bad. – says Spencer, his voice coming out stronger and more confident – It’s just... You’re my first kiss and I don’t know where to begin.”
Her stomach flutters. The moment is just so sweet. She never thought she’d kiss Spencer on the beach right after watching the sun rise but hey, she doesn’t mind. At all.
Y/N runs her fingers through his hair, gently pushing a strand of hair off his forehead. “Do what you feel more comfortable doing. Just make sure you kiss my lips, you know. I’m sure you’ll do great, Spencie.”
He nervously chuckles, pulling out his hands from her sweater before placing them on her face. He wants to touch every inch of her body but he can’t, not right now at least. Y/N smiles softly at the touch, his thumb caressing her bottom lip as she leaves a kiss on the tip of his fingers before looking up at him again.
Spencer studies her eyes as if he’s waiting for the right moment to press his lips on hers. Y/N does the same, admiring the way his eyebrows are slightly furrowed and his lips slightly pursed. He looks like a cute kitten. She just wants to smooch him so badly and cuddle with him on the beach. He’s just so fucking perfect, Y/N is stunned by the fact that he wants her to be his first kiss. Does this mean he likes her? Is the feeling mutual? If it is, Y/N is going to metaphorically cry.
Y/N drops her hands on his shoulder, grasping the collar of his shirt. She doesn’t want to push him because he deserves to take all the time that he needs, but she’s growing impatient. Maybe he needs a little push, another reason to kiss her. So, Y/N leans in and bites her bottom lip while looking at his mouth. And when she does that, Spencer’s mouth covers hers.
The water hits their feet but they both don’t care because they’re finally kissing.
And even though it’s just a little peck on the lips, Y/N could do it forever. The feeling of his soft mouth pressed on hers, his hands now pulling her cheeks so that she can’t back away from his kiss, and her heart doing jumping jacks in her chest is making her dizzy. If she thought kissing him would ease the intense connection she feels with him, she was wrong.
Oh, so, so wrong.
Y/N quickly puts her hand behind his neck, her lips moving against his in a slow rhythm as her tongue grazes over his bottom lip before slipping into his mouth to meet his. Their kiss is turning messy, filled with the desire that has burned in both of them and that can finally explode. Y/N doesn’t want to pull away, she needs this kiss more than ever or she’ll go crazy.
But how is she going to move on after this? How is she going to spend her days without thinking about the way Spencer is kissing and holding her? This whole situation is making her feel like she’s on top of the world, as if she’s destined to be in his arms with his mouth on hers. It’s just perfect.
“I’m so glad we didn’t kiss yesterday or during the case. – whispers Spencer, his lips detaching from hers – Because I don’t think I’ll be able to focus on anything else than you for the next, uh, life.”
Y/N chuckles at his words, her fingers playing with his hair. “I can say the same about you, Doctor Reid.”
He shakes his head, pressing another kiss on her mouth. “Don’t call me that.”
“Why not? – asks her, furrowing her eyebrows but allowing him to keep kissing her – Isn’t that what you are, though?”
Spencer hums, his hands travelling down her neck. “Yes but if you call me like that, your voice is.. I’m...”
She widens her eyes, her cheeks getting red. He doesn’t need to say anything else because she understands.
Note to self: don’t call Spencer “Doctor Reid” in public or in front of the rest of the team because he might get hard. – thinks Y/N, biting her bottom lip as she puts a hand over his chest to gently pull away from him, keeps her eyes on his face and blushes even harder when he stares back at her with his usual sweet smile and his dimples appearing on his cheeks. He looks so pretty, so calm and so relaxed now. Even though he basically confessed to her that he likes to be called “Doctor Reid” more than he should, he doesn’t feel embarrassed – which is a positive thing. It means he’s comfortable enough to tell Y/N a few things about his kinks – she can’t wait to find out all of them, if she has to be honest.
“Are you happy?” asks her, biting her bottom lip.
He nods, his cheek a shade of dark pink. “I’d be happier if you’d kiss me again.”
“You don’t have to tell me twice.”
Y/N slips her hands behind his neck, gently pushing his face closer to hers so she can kiss his lips again. And when she does, a low moan escapes his mouth – and if Spencer hopes Y/N didn’t notice, well... She did and it lit a fire between her legs that it’s not going to be distinguished soon, unless she does something. Kissing is always nice, especially if you’re kissing someone who wants you as much as you want them, but sometimes it’s not really enough. 
Y/N is hungry for Spencer – and it’s a hunger that is much more deep, more carnal, a hunger that is burning her with desire. And it’s so wrong to feel like this when she has a man like him between her hands, literally. She doesn’t want to scare him off, but at the same time, she needs him.
It’s such a contrasting feeling, she doesn’t know what to do.
Y/N tries to focus on the kiss, opening her eyes to sneak a peek at him before closing them again. Spencer seems so lost in this kiss, welcoming the tip of her tongue between his lips to meet his; she doesn’t want to stop the kiss just because she’s getting more worked up, but she needs to do something else. She has to distract herself from taking more.
Spencer pulls away from her mouth, instantly moaning when Y/N travels down his neck with her lips. She brushes them over his sensitive skin, taking a few steps away from the shore as the water keeps hitting their feet.
“You’re going to k-kill me. – whispers Spencer, closing his eyes – Fuck.”
She has never heard him curse but she has to admit it, it’s kind of hot. Especially because she’s the reason why he cursed, in his hot low voice, while kissing down the tender skin of his throat. Maybe she found his favourite spot; she’s definitely going to use it to her advantage. If Spencer is going to act like this each time she kisses his neck, she’s going to do it more often.
“Can we walk? My feet are pretty cold. – says Y/N, taking a few steps away from him to warm up – Maybe taking our slippers off wasn’t a bad idea, the water is literally ice cold.”
Spencer chuckles, his right arm now wrapping around her waist as they start to walk together on the beach. Y/N doesn’t know for how long they kissed, she doesn’t care; as long as she’s spending time with him, she’s okay. She knows they’ll have to go back at a certain point, but for now they’re going to enjoy the first lights of the day and maybe kiss some more.
Y/N puts her arm around his waist, walking beside him. The sky is now painted in a very light blue, the pink slowly fading away to let the other colour take control. It’s still so beautiful and she can’t stop smiling. She knows it’s not only the sunrise causing her to feel so lightheaded. It’s Spencer’s fault, too.
“Wait! We forgot our shoes there!”
Y/N yells when Spencer lets go, running towards the point where they stayed for a long time. She didn’t even notice she dropped her slippers, probably too busy kissing him and feeling his hands roam around her body to care. 
But when he runs back to her, hair flowing in the wind and his little smile slowly creeping on his lips, she can’t help but chuckle and open her arms. He takes that sign as a silent “come here” from her, so he runs between her arms and gently lifts her from the beach as he spins her around. Y/N laughs loudly, her hands sliding behind his neck as she dips her head down and kisses his lips.
For a man that doesn’t really work out, he certainly can lift her. It’s kind of hot.
“Spencie! Put me down, I’m too heavy!”
He shakes his head, raising it before realising her boobs are literally in front of him. That sight almost made him fall on his knees because it happened so quickly and so swiftly, he thought he was kissing her – but no, his face was just between her breasts. 
As he’s slowly putting the young woman down on the ground, he backs away and puts his slippers back on. Y/N, on the other hand, starts to laugh because the whole situation was so funny. He ran up to her, kissed her and then ended up with his face between her breasts when she looked up at the sky while he was lifting her.
He wasn’t expecting her to not kiss him again!
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to. I swear, I’m not a creep. I was...”
Once Y/N has put on her slippers, she grabs Spencer’s hand and lets their fingers intertwine. “Stop apologising, you didn’t do anything bad. Sure, maybe next time you want to touch my boobs, ask for it.”
Spencer blushes hard, shaking his head as she chuckles. “I’m making this weird, I’m sorry.”
“Hey! No, that’s not true. You’re not making this weird. – says Y/N, tugging his hand – It’s normal to be nervous and it’s normal to be a bit embarrassed, but these things happen. I don’t mind having your face between my boobs, but next time you want to do it, make sure we’re completely alone.”
She points to a man, dressed in all white, sitting on a wooden bench not too far from the pier. Spencer bites his bottom lip, keeping his arm around her waist as he hopes the man hasn’t seen what has just happened. Even though he feels so incredibly embarrassed – he kissed her, everything was going to smoothly perfect and then he hit her boobs with his face – he knows Y/N is not, she’s completely calm and collected. And it’s hot.
They walk beside each other in complete silence, enjoying the touch of their hands and the strong scent of the ocean. Unspoken words are silently being exchanged between them, stolen glances from both parts and cute smiles hidden at each turn of the head are making them feel lightheaded. 
Is this how love feels? Is this how feeling comfortable with each other feels? Is this how they’re going to feel from now on? They love everything that’s happening.
But... Time is ticking.
The sky is now painted with a light blue shade, the clouds have disappeared and the sun is finally up, bright and yellow. They have spent at least two hours on that beach but it felt like two minutes, and it’s all because they were so excited to be together, so eager to kiss and having fun that they didn’t bother looking at the clock. 
Y/N didn’t think she’d end up on the beach with Spencer, she just wanted to sleep with him on his bed but she doesn’t mind at all what has happened here. In fact, she’s even more awake and more energetic than all the days before that.
Maybe it’s because she’s so excited about the kiss and the desire hasn’t left her body yet.
“We should go back to the Hotel, though. – says Spencer, looking at her for a split second – I’m getting hungry and we didn’t bring any money, so we can’t even stop at a coffee shop.”
Y/N hums, wrinkling her nose. “Yeah, we should go back. I need to take a shower before we have breakfast, though.”
Before Spencer could actually stop himself, he talks. “My bathroom has a bathtub.”
There’s a moment of silence.
“Are you going to join me, then?”
Another moment of silence.
“If you want to, yes.”
Y/N hides her smile, following up back up to their Hotel in silence. There are so many things she wants to say but she keeps quiet, not wanting to make him uncomfortable. At the end of the day, having sex with him is all she wants right now, but she doesn’t want him to do it just because they kissed. 
She thought Spencer would want to wait for this step, especially if it’s his first time – but does he really want to do it the same day he had his first kiss? Not that she minds, of course, but. What if he feels compelled to do so just because he had his first kiss? What if he’s so overwhelmed because of that? Y/N doesn’t want to take advantage of him, she would never do that but he seems so eager.
Spencer leads her in the hallway of their Hotel, pressing the button for the elevator. She can feel his nerves creeping up on his neck, but she’s nervous too because she doesn’t know what to expect. Are they really going to take a bath together? Or was he just teasing her and asking her to see her reaction? Was he trying to test her somehow?
Even though she’s a bit more experienced than him, she’s not much as experienced as he thinks she is. Does it make sense? She has had a boyfriend before, yes. She has had sex before, yes. But she has never been so nervous to be with a guy before. She has never taken a bath with her ex, she wasn’t even that interested in him at all – but she’s definitely interested in Spencer. 
Y/N wants him probably more than she should’ve and a part of her thinks he knows that, that’s why he not-so-subtly told her that he has a tub in his bathroom.
Y/N leans her head on his shoulder, biting her bottom lip as she watches their reflection in the metal doors in front of them. Is she really going to take a bath in his room because he asked her? Why did she say yes? And why did she ask him if he was going to join her? Is she dumb?
“I’m nervous.” he blurts out.
Y/N looks at him, stepping outside the elevator. “Nervous? About what?”
Spencer shrugs, walking back to his room. “I don’t know, I’m... I want to ask you something. But inside, not here.”
She doesn’t waste any time, following him down the hallway before closing the door behind her back. Y/N takes off her sweater, leaving it on the chair next to the main entrance, and follows him to the window. Spencer is lifting his shirt off his chest, his skin glistening under the lights of the morning.
“I want you to be my first time.”
Y/N was right, he is a virgin. He never said it out loud until right now. And he wants her to change his status.
Spencer shrugs, now feeling more self-conscious about his bare chest. Y/N hasn’t looked at it yet but she quickly stops his hands when he tries to grab his shirt to cover up. His hands are shaking and his eyes are darting between her and the mirror behind them, where their reflection is being captured.
“Spencie, look at me. – says Y/N, snapping her fingers in front of his face – Look at me, okay? Focus on my face.”
He takes a deep breath, managing to calm himself down as his eyes finally meet hers. Y/N gives him an encouraging smile, using her hand to caress his cheek before leaning in and gently pressing a kiss over his mouth. If he’s this nervous, maybe they shouldn’t do it. But when his hands find her cheeks, forcing her mouth to stay connected to his, he feels the desire burning deep inside of him, lighting a fire inside of her as well.
He wants her. More than he can describe.
“We don’t have to do this if you’re not ready.”
Spencer shakes his head again, kissing her lips again. “I want to do it. I want my first time to be with you. I don’t care if I had my first kiss today, too. I know I want you and I trust you.”
Y/N feels her eyes watering at his words because she can feel the tension in his voice, but also the lust and the desire behind it. She wants to have sex with him. She has dreamed of doing it for a long time but now that she’s about to do it, she feels like she doesn’t even know where to start or put her hands.
“You have to calm down though, love. – whispers Y/N, moaning softly on his lips when his hands push her hip against his – If we’re both nervous, it’s not going to end well and I want you to enjoy everything.”
Spencer nods, realising that he’s not really nervous. He knows what to do. He has read so many books and medical journals about women’s bodies and the whole psychology of sex before actually thinking about taking the matter into his own hands. 
No, Spencer is just very excited because not only he’s going to try the magical world of sex, but also because he’s going to lose his virginity with the woman he likes and wants, a woman he trusts with his own life and knows would never hurt him.
“Do you want to take a bath before we do it?” asks Y/N.
Her voice is low, sweet, filled with love and affection. Spencer could melt into it if he could.
“No, I want you. Now.”
She hums, her hands caressing his chest. “Alright, Lover Boy. Tell me... Do you know what to do?”
Spencer doesn’t want to nod but nods anyway. “I may have read a few articles about first times and sexual intercourse.”
“Explain to me what you read.”
He clears his throat, moaning softly when Y/N’s lips travel down his mouth to his chin, then his neck. Spencer tries his best to be focused, to keep control of his mouth and tongue so that he can actually say something but the feeling of her warm tongue sliding on his skin before her teeth gently bite it, it’s overwhelming.
His neck is one of his sweet spots – but he doesn’t want Y/N to stop, this is just perfect.
“There are five phases, kind of. Foreplay, arousal, optional, penetration, aftercare. – utters Spencer, his right hand gently caressing her hair as she kisses his chest – Foreplay is basically kissing, touching, feeling... Fuck, Y/N.”
She giggles, licking the soft skin beside his navel before biting on it and bringing her mouth back up to his neck. Her right hand settles behind his neck as her left hand gently scratches his chest, the goose bumps on his skin rising quickly. She loves the effect she’s having on him, it makes her feel powerful – she has never felt this way before.
“The “Optional” stage doesn’t make any sense. I found that article pretty dumb if I have to be honest so I’m going to just focus on what I want to do, what I like to do and... Please, stop me if I’m wrong or if I’m hurting you. – explains Spencer, his voice sounding a bit higher than normal because of her tongue caressing the skin underneath his earlobe – I want you to enjoy this as much as I am enjoying it right now.”
Y/N pulls away from him, sliding her top up her arms before throwing it on the floor. Spencer almost chokes on his own saliva at the sight of her breasts, now completely bare right in front of him. 
She tilts her head, grabbing his hands and gently placing them on her boobs before biting her bottom lip and looking back at him. The young doctor is blushing hard, her nipples brushing against the palm of his hands and his pupils are dilating quickly.
Y/N chuckles, pushing her hair back. “You’re right. Tell me what you want to do and what you want me to do to you. I have a few things in mind, though, but I’ll tell them later.”
Spencer closes his hands around her breasts, feeling the tenderness of her skin and her hard nipples against his palms. He has never held a pair of boobs before in his life – he has never seen one in real life before too so he’s trying his best not to freak out and not to come in his own pants already.
“Sex is all about pleasure, Spencer. There’s nothing wrong that you can do because you’re learning, you’re trying everything you’ve always wanted to do and see what fits you and what doesn’t. – says Y/N, her voice low and sensual – Foreplay is all about touching and kissing, as you said. It’s about getting your partner in the mood, arousing them with your fingers or your mouth, see how they react to your touch.”
Spencer keeps his eyes on her chest, twisting her nipples between his index and his thumb as a loud moan escapes her lips. He found something that she liked and it wasn’t as hard as he thought, so he keeps doing that. When he watched a porn video for the first time, he saw the guy getting his head down to the woman’s breasts and sucking and nibbling at her nipples so Spencer wants to do it too, see if Y/N likes it.
“Can I...”
Y/N nods, running her fingers through his hair. “You can do whatever you want, Spencie. I’m all yours.”
He looks at her for a moment, her eyes shining and burning with desire. He grabs her right hand and gently lays her down on the bed, admiring the way she instantly spreads her legs for him even though he didn’t ask her to. Y/N puts her head on his pillow so she can see whatever he is doing to her.
“You look so beautiful right now, Spencie. – whispers Y/N, her hands massaging her boobs – But you’d look even better with that pretty mouth of yours on my nipples, you know?”
Spencer blushes hard at her words, her praise and her dirty words turning him on so much. Even though his fingers are shaking and he can’t really focus on what’s happening because of his nerves, he’s ready to do whatever she asks him to. 
He doesn’t want to disappoint her – and he doesn’t want to miss the chance to put his lips on that soft skin either – so he bows his head and wraps his lips around her right nipple, wetting it with kitten licks. 
Y/N moans again, her back arching from her bed as she grabs a fistful of his hair but doesn’t tug on it. 
Spencer needs a bit of guidance but he’s doing amazing as if he’s made for it. She bites her bottom lip, a tingling sensation diffusing in her body and bringing heat to her cheeks.
“That’s perfect, you’re doing amazing. – says Y/N, her voice breaking when Spencer sucks on her nipple just right before slowly biting it – Fuck, just like that. Are you sure you’ve never done this?”
The young doctor shakes his head, his tongue flattening under her nipple before he jumps on the other one. He has never done this before to anyone, but he may have had a few dreams about sucking and licking her nipples a few days ago – he has always loved boobs, especially hers. He doesn’t like to say out loud that he may have stared at her cleavage a few times every single day, but he has. 
It’s difficult to keep all of those thoughts in his mind, terrified that they might disgust her – so Spencer decides to gather some courage and, after licking and wetting her left nipple, he pulls away to look at her beautiful face.
“I’ve thought about you like this for so long, Y/N. – says Spencer, his hand gently caressing her cheek – And I want to touch every inch of your skin, worship your body like it deserves to and make sweet love to you until you’re crying out my name and forgetting yours. But I don’t want to rush anything.”
She puts her hands behind his neck, bringing his face down on hers. He’s always so sweet and respectful even when he attempts to dirty talk to her – she’s already turned on but the way he’s looking at her, watching the goose bumps rise on her arms with those hungry dark eyes, is making her dizzy.
“You deserve a handjob because of what you just said.”
He blushes hard, his cock pressing against her inner thigh. Why is he so turned on by the fact that she said he deserves his dick touched for his words? Why is he so turned on in general, even though she has just kissed him on the lips and all over his chest? He just can’t stop thinking about how he’s going to finally be inside of her after waiting for so long. His dreams are coming true and even though he might not last for long – unfortunately he’s too nervous and excited at the same time to actually make this as long as he can, and he hates himself for that – he wants Y/N to enjoy everything he can give her before he loses himself inside of her.
“Then, give me one.”
Y/N doesn’t need to be told twice, a smirk slowly forming on her lips. She knows she has to take the reins for the moment because Spencer is nervous and he doesn’t know where to start touching her – well, he’s going to learn everything. 
The young woman rolls over his body, straddling him before unbuttoning his trousers while leaving soft kisses all over his chest, his collarbones, his throat. And those kisses steal little moans out of his mouth, as he throws his head back to expose more of his neck that, of course, Y/N marks with a little bit under his Adam’s apple and his chin.
Spencer tries his best not to come at the sensation, her skilled fingers pushing down his briefs. He’s naked for the first time in front of a woman who actually likes him and wants him as much as he wants her. 
This is really happening, this is not a joke. 
When Y/N frees his cock from his briefs, she grinds down against it for a second. Her wetness coating it as it slides between her folds, Spencer almost ready to pass out at the feeling. If this is how it feels to be close to her, Spencer knows he’s never going to last long for her.
When he looks back at her, his eyes quickly slip on her breasts as she settles between his legs. Spencer holds out a hand and plays with her nipple again, his eyes almost asking her if this is okay – and when she answers him with a moan, he smiles in triumph because at least he’s doing something good. 
When his erection springs free, Y/N’s mouth waters at the sight because it’s perfectly thick and long. Dicks are not exactly attractive in her eyes, but he has the prettiest cock she has ever seen in her life before – she wants to tell him, too, but she doesn’t want him to think she’s weird. 
Y/N knew he was packing, he’s the classic tall skinny guy with Heaven between his legs and she can’t wait to be blessed by it. She’s dying to feel it deep inside of her, touching every sweet spot inside of her and sending her straight to Heaven.
“Spencie, baby, don’t hold back. – says Y/N, pressing a little kiss at the base of his shaft – I want to hear your voice, I need to know how you like to be touched.”
He quickly nods, letting out a strangled moan when her tongue slowly wet the tip of his cock. She doesn’t break the eye contact, her fingers wrapping around his length tight enough for him to tremble under her touch. Spencer’s body is on fire. The deep burning desire spreading in his lower abdomen is bringing heat back up to his cheeks. Is she really going to do this? Is she really going to put his mouth between his legs? Is he dead and already in Heaven?
“Can I p-pull your hair?” asks Spencer shyly.
Y/N nods, licking and swirling her tongue on the head of his cock. She has to lube it up before actually using her hands on him but now that she’s settling between his legs, she thinks a handjob might be overrated. At the end of the day, she wants him to feel as much pleasure as he can and a blowjob right now sounds better than a handjob.
“You can do whatever you want, baby.”
Even though she hasn’t given many blowjobs in her life – her sexual experiences weren’t as much as she thought they would have back in High School – she knows she has some skills. And she wants to show them all to Spencer, allowing him to actually feel pleasure and have fun.
Spencer lays his hand on her head, running his fingers through his hair. “You l-look very pretty.”
Y/N looks up at him, smiling softly but not moving from the place she’s in. He looks so flustered, she’s never going to forgive this image. It’ll be stuck in her head forever – and it might become helpful in the future, if she’s in the mood and needs something to push her over the edge.
She focuses on the head for a few seconds, sliding her tongue over it and sucking it gently. Her spit is wetting his length, making it easier to touch him. 
She wants this experience to be unforgettable for him and it seems to be exactly like that because that gesture sent Spencer into overdrive. His fingers are pulling on her hair, his chest rising quickly up and down as a litany of little moans leave his lips, begging her to do more.
“Could you, uh... – Spencer grabs her right hand, placing it on his balls – Please?”
Y/N swirls her tongue up and down his shaft, her fingers now pressing gently on his balls while she uses her right hand to massage his shaft that is not inside of her mouth. Allowing him to decide what to do, hearing his sweet voice echoing in her room filled with desire and need, is certainly something she’ll never be able to forget. 
She can see how he’s trying to hold back until her mouth ends up on his balls, licking them and sucking gently on them. Spencer gasps, his fingers tugging harder on her hair; he’s overwhelmed by the feeling of being inside of her warm mouth, her tongue caressing him just where he needs to and he knows he’s already close.
“Y/N, I-I’m... Close, very c-close.”
She doesn’t want to pull away from him because it would be extremely hot to have him coming down her throat, but what is going to happen next will be even more interesting and hot. So, after giving one last lick to his shaft, Y/N gently pulls him out of her mouth and makes her way up to his chest until she reaches his face again.
“You were g-good, very good. – says Spencer, his cheeks flushed and his pupils blown out – I’m not going to last long and I’m...”
Y/N shuts him up with a kiss, straddling him again. “Don’t worry about that, baby. It’s your first time, it doesn’t have to be perfect, it has to be special.” 
He stares at her, trying to catch his breath. “It’s already special because it’s with you.”
Her heart skips a bit, her mouth turning into a soft smile. She leans down, her knees on the sides of his hip. Her breasts are not pressed against Spencer’s flat chest, her nipples brushing against his soft sweaty skin. His hands quickly rest on her hip, feeling her wetness slowly grinding up and down on his cock – and he feels like he’s going to die.
He’s never going to make her come because he’ll be too far gone.
Y/N doesn’t seem to care as she kisses his mouth, their tongues meeting. Spencer moans on her lips, bucking his hip up as if he’s trying to make her understand that he wants more. He could kiss her for hours but right now all that he can think about is his cock slipping deep inside of her, watching her as she rides him nice and well with her hands on his chest.
“Do you want me to be on top, baby?”
“Yes, please. You look incredible right here.”
Spencer nods, running his hands up her torso to play with her nipples again. Having her on top means being able to touch her like this, play with her cit- and he does it, bringing his left hand down between her legs to press his thumb over her clitoris. Y/N bites her bottom lip, moving her hip against his mouth as she tries to hold back as best as she can.
“Alright, I’m going to stay right here. – whispers the young woman, whining at the feeling of his thumb pressing and massaging her clit at a steady pace – Are you ready for it?”
Spencer gulps, a drop of sweat streaming down his forehead. This is really happening. “Yes, I am. I want to be inside of you.”
Y/N grips the base of his cock again, brushing the head against her folds. Her wetness is coating his dick, making it easier for it to slip deep inside of her. Spencer can’t even breathe right now. Having her on top of him means his dream coming true, but the overwhelming desire and excitement burning in his body are bringing him quickly over the edge.
And with a swift motion, Y/N lifts her hip, aligns herself with his cock and slowly lets it sink inside of her.
It’s like all the air has been sucked out of his body, the time has stopped.
Taking him inch by inch, her body stretching to adjust to his size as Spencer forces his grip on her waist. He whines, his eyes rolling in the back of his head as he tries to keep his eyes still on her face but this whole thing is so new, so intense, so overwhelming for him. He didn’t expect sex to be so hot.
Spencer’s fingers are pressing on the soft skin of her hips, leaving marks where he’s grabbing her. Her warmth is gripping him tightly, his heart beating out of his chest as he lets out a deep growl. His eyes are on her face the whole time, wanting to see the effect he has on her.
She’s wet and tight around him, his cock disappearing inside of her as Y/N puts a hand over Spencer’s chest to balance herself on his body. She gives him time to get used to the feeling – also because she wants to enjoy this moment, making it the perfect experience for both of them, and because he’s quite big. It has been a few months since she has had sex and going from months of nothing to being filled by Spencer, with his size, is a bit... different.
“Don’t hold back, baby. – says Y/N, her voice nothing but a whisper – I want to hear your voice. I know you’re...”
Spencer interrupts her, grabbing her face and pulling it in to kiss her mouth. “You feel amazing. I can’t even talk.”
Bending down and feeling his cock twitching inside of her, forces a moan out of her lips. “You feel even better. Can I move?”
He nods, helping her to sit back on his hip as she lowers herself back onto his dick. Spencer keeps his hand on her waist, watching her as she starts to rock her hips back and forth, keeping a steady pace; it’s not too quick, it’s not too slow, it’s perfect. 
And the view Spencer has on her beautiful body, her breasts bouncing up and down at each move, his cock slipping deep inside of her and her wetness coating their hips now united is everything he has dreamed of.
The noises Spencer makes are enough to push Y/N almost off the edge. They’re sweet and he keeps whispering how beautiful she is, how perfect she feels around him and how good he is feeling right now with her on top of him. 
Spencer tries to keep his eyes open, not wanting to miss a single moment but the pleasure is too overwhelming. He throws his head back on the pillow, his mouth open as little huffs and whines come out of it.
He can’t focus on anything else but the tightness and her wetness gripping him so tightly.
The only thing he can do is grip her waist, pushing her down on his cock each time he feels it slip out. Y/N doesn’t need guidance, he knows, but it’s the only thing he can do to ground himself and hold on. He wants to come, his orgasm is building up quickly enough right behind his belly button as heat spreads over his face but he can’t come. Not right now.
Sure, Y/N is moaning and he can feel her clench around him but... What if she doesn’t?
“I’m going to come. – he whispers, his fingers running up to grasp her breasts – I’m too close, Y/N, I can’t...”
She leans forward, kissing his mouth before starting to move quickly. She rocks her hip back and forth, feeling his cock twitch again inside of her as she clenches hard around him. Y/N wants him to come, it’s the whole point of what they’re doing. And luckily, she’s close too.
“Touch my clit. – says the young woman, her voice more stern – Please, I want to come with you.”
Spencer doesn’t need to be told twice, desperately sliding his hand between her breasts right to her thighs. He quickly finds her clit and when he touches it, slowly massaging it with the tip of his thumb, Y/N releases a long moan as she throws her head back.
“Good boy, just like that. – whispers Y/N, her voice sensual and low – Come for me, baby. Please, come inside of me. I know you want to.”
That’s exactly what he needed.
The mixture between her voice asking him to come inside of her, to mark her just as he has always wanted to, and the sight of her losing herself in her own pleasure while giving him even more than he hoped for, is enough to push Spencer over the edge. 
Y/N’s thighs shake around him, her whole body burning with the desire as she tries not to fall off his chest. The pleasure is intense and it’s burning, sending shivers down her spine.
“Come on, baby, come for me. – says again his colleague, her little hands caressing his torso as she lifts her body up to rock her hip back and forth – Let it go, baby, come for me.”
Then, she feels Spencer tense up right underneath her body and as his mouth opens, his eyes snap open staring back at her, she smirks. And he comes, spilling his warmth deep inside of her while playing with her clit. 
Sure, he’s having an amazing orgasm but that doesn’t mean he’s going to stop; he wants Y/N to finish with him. And she does immediately after, the intense feeling of his come filling her deliciously and his thumb playing with her clit are enough to push her.
Her orgasm hits her hard as she clenches hard around his cock, Spence losing the grip on her hip with his hand. Y/N collapses on top of him, barely able to move as she hides her face in the crook of his neck.
Spencer closes his eyes, trying to catch his breath. He doesn’t even know what to say, the whole experience being so intense and interesting at the same time. But he’s sure about one thing: she had an orgasm, that’s all it mattered to him in the moment. 
He has lost his virginity, sure. He thought it was going to be a disaster because he was extremely nervous and he didn’t know where to put his hands, but Y/N was gentle and sweet enough to guide him, teaching him how she likes to be pleased. And she came! He came too, inside of her.
Not only they had sex without a condom, but he also came inside of her and it felt so fucking amazing – Spencer didn’t even care about it, in the moment; he didn’t think he would have sex with someone after working on a case, and he certainly didn’t think he would’ve had sex with one of his colleagues and his crush. 
Y/N was warm and tight and hot and simply perfect around him; she took him so well inside of her and she let him mark her.
Spencer has always thought that having sex with someone without a condom is a sign of trust – for obvious reasons – but he didn’t think Y/N would allow him to do that, to mark her like that, but she did. And she seems to not regret it for one second, just like him.
“Y/N, love, can you.. uh, move? Please?”
The young woman opens her eyes, blushing hard. “Sure, I’m sorry. Wait.”
Spencer helps her lift her hip, watching as his now soft cock slips out of her and a few drops of his come fall down on the bed sheets. The sight alone could turn Spencer on again, but he’s really tired and Y/N seems to be even more tired than him.
“Thank you.”
She rolls off his body, lying beside him. “For what, baby?”
Spencer turns to his side, watching her side profile. “Being my first time, being so patient with me. It must’ve been frustrating to, uh...”
She doesn’t let him finish the sentence. “It wasn’t frustrating at all, Spencie. It was your first time and it went perfectly, in my opinion. It was amazing and you had fun, that was the whole point.”
He stares at her, his hand landing on her belly. “So you didn’t, uh... You didn’t fake the orgasm, right? You actually came? Did I...”
“How could I have faked that? You fingers were fucking perfect, baby. You gave me an incredible orgasm. – says Y/N, placing her hand on top of his as their fingers intertwine – You made me come. You did great, baby, seriously. There’s no need to feel nervous now.”
Spencer quickly nods, his cheeks heating up again. “Thank you.”
She gives him a little smile, kissing his lips before stepping down the bed.
Spencer frowns, grabbing her hand.
“Where are you going?”
Y/N raises an eyebrow, turning around to look at him. “To the bathroom. I need to, uh, clean myself.”
Spencer seems to relax at her words.
“You thought I was going to leave.”
He doesn’t answer, not letting her hand go from his grip. He thought she was going back to her bedroom, but he was wrong; of course he was, he knows Y/N. He knows she’d never hurt him – and the fact she had sex with him, it means she wants to be with him somehow. She even said she liked him when they were on the beach!
Spencer wants to slap himself in the face. Y/N frowns as well, walking back to him to kiss his mouth again. He puts a hand behind her neck, deepening the kiss with his eyes closed, but she pulls away.
“Reid, you need to understand that you’re not going to get rid of me so easily. – mutters Y/N, tapping her index over his bottom lip before kissing it – I’m going to the bathroom, clean myself, come back here and cuddle you. Is that okay?”
He quickly nods, eagerness behind his eyes. “Sounds like the perfect plan.”
She walks inside the bathroom, closing the door behind her back. 
Spencer stares at the ceiling, a sheepish smile on his face as he runs his fingers through his hair. He can’t believe this happened for real. He had his first kiss on the beach and had his first time in his bedroom, on the same exact day. 
Is it weird? 
He has never met anyone who had their first kiss and their first time one after the other on the same day, but Spencer doesn’t really mind because they happened with a person he trusts, a person he knows would never hurt him. And now that he knows she likes him, he can’t stop thinking about how perfect the whole early morning was.
He asked her to go out with him for a walk. She said yes.
He told her he wanted to kiss her. She was eager for him to do so.
He said he had a bathtub in his bedroom. She went with him.
He begged her to be his first time. She gave herself to him.
And it all went smoothly – even though he’s still embarrassed for not lasting that long. It all happened so quickly: his mouth was on hers, her hands were all over his body, her thighs were wrapped around his waist, and then...
The bathroom door swings open. “Okay, we can sleep for two hours. I have to be in my room by eight.”
Spencer watches her as she lays on the bed beside him, lifting the blanket before slipping under it. Y/N cuddles up on his chest, her head resting on his shoulder as he immediately puts an arm around her to push her closer to him. When she lifts her chin, Spencer kisses her and she places a hand on his neck.
“Two hours.”
He hums, not really wanting to break the kiss. “I have to leave this afternoon, though.”
“I know, I know. – says Y/N, closing her eyes – I can’t tell JJ and Elle I’m busy, they’ll know something is up.”
Spencer inhales deeply. “If they knew what happened…”
She finishes the sentence for him. “They’ll never let it go. What if they bring it up to Morgan? He’ll freak out!”
They both chuckle, sharing another kiss before settling underneath the blanket. Spencer doesn’t really mind if the whole team finds out, but he knows that if they know, they’ll never let him breathe – especially Morgan and Elle. They care for him and they love Y/N, but what they love most is teasing Spencer and making him blush to the point he has to run away and find himself some other places to be.
“Do you, uh, regret…”
Y/N opens her eyes, looking at him. “Do I regret…?”
“Your first time?”
That’s an odd question. She has never thought about it before, mainly because as soon as College was over she went straight to Quantico to start her training to become an Agent – and all of her old life disappeared to make space for the hard working days where she usually went home completely exhausted. She could barely lift a finger.
“Well, it happened with my first boyfriend during my first year of college. It wasn’t exactly the best night of my life because it was rushed and we were both pretty drunk, but I don’t regret it. – explains Y/N, the tip of her fingers drawing circles over his chest – It hurt like Hell, though. He wasn’t as big as you but I think we didn’t wait too long, he didn’t prepare me the way I needed to, and, well... It hurt.”
Spencer frowns, shaking his head. “Maybe you weren’t as aroused as you should have?”
She sighs, pressing a kiss right under his chin. “Probably. We were kissing and then we went straight to sex, you know? There was no foreplay, no oral sex, no anything that could’ve gotten me wet enough.”
“I don’t even want to imagine how much it hurt. – mutters the young doctor, wrinkling his nose – I’m sorry.”
“It’s in the past, it’s all good. The second time we had sex, a few days later, it went much better; we were both in the mood, we were not drunk so we knew what we were doing. – says Y/N, a little smile spreading on her lips – Why?”
He shrugs, his right hand playing with her hair. “I was just curious. My first time was amazing.”
She chuckles, playfully pinching his tummy. “Of course it was, we weren’t drunk and, well... You got me in the mood as soon as you kissed me on the beach. You were lucky, pretty boy.”
“Please, don’t call me that. – says Spencer in between laughs, shaking his head – Morgan uses that nickname and, as much as I love him, I don’t want to think about Morgan right now.”
Y/N nods, giggling. “Alright, sorry...”
She raises an eyebrow, smirking. “Sorry, baby.”
Spencer blushes, feeling her eyes on his face. “I like it when you call me like that.”
“Then it shall be your nickname forever. – says Y/N, pressing a little kiss on the base of his neck – But I can’t call you like that in public, can I? We don’t want your mind to think about something else...”
When the young woman leaves another kiss right on his throat, Spencer bites his bottom lip and closes his eyes. Why is it so easy for him to get hard? It was just a kiss, it wasn’t a hand on his legs or dirty words whispered to his ear. 
Why is his body betraying him like that? He can’t get hard again, he can’t ask her to have sex for the second time in a row after she basically told him she’s tired and wants to sleep but his private parts don’t agree with those thoughts in his mind.
What if Y/N thinks he’s too greedy?
What if she runs out of the bedroom because he’s being a creep?
Spencer tries to relax, his free hand grasping the bed sheet to fight the urge of grabbing her by the face and kissing her so hard they both lose their breath. He might think about the pictures of the corpses he found, but the feeling of Y/N’s mouth leaving kisses all over his skin is making it difficult for him to focus on something else.
Before she can answer him, Spencer rolls over her body and pins her hands against the mattress.
Now she’s glad she hasn’t opened her mouth because oh, that gesture was hot.
“What are you doing?” asks Spencer
His voice is low, sensual, incredibly hot. “I was just kissing your neck.”
“No, you were not. – mutters the young woman, using his legs to spread hers as he settles in between them – I thought you were tired.”
When Spencer realises that her eyes are blown up with pleasure and her hip rises from the bed to try and meet his, he looks down for a split second. She just told him that her ex boyfriend had sex with her, for her first time, without arousing her that much; and right at this moment, they haven’t done anything and she’s already wet. Dripping.
Is this the power he has over her?
Can he already push himself inside of her without hurting her?
He doesn’t want to test his luck, so his right hand slides between their bodies and quickly makes its way between her legs before his index finger slips inside of her. And Y/N moans, throwing her head back on the pillow as she clenches around his single finger.
“Okay, I lied. I lied, I’m sorry baby. – she breathes out, whining again when a second finger is being pushed deep inside of her – I may want to have sex again even though I’m tired.”
Spencer has control over her right now but he doesn’t know what to do. Did he really pin her down on the mattress because he wanted to? How did he do it? He never thought he had a little dominant side – well, “dominant” is a strong word; he’s just horny and hard and he wants to be inside of her again – but Y/N doesn’t seem to mind he took the reins of the moment.
“A second round?”
Y/N quickly nods, putting her hands behind his neck. “Yes, but if you’re...”
“I want this too, I was too afraid to ask. – whispers Spencer, his fingers curling inside of her as she lets out a yelp – Do you like when I touch you like this? Am I doing good?”
She’s at a loss for words. She can’t think straight because he’s pushing and massaging her sweet spot. Her mind has turned into a mess and the only thing she could say is a chorus of “yes, yes, yes” – but it’s enough for Spencer to keep going. 
His fingers work quickly inside of her, growing harder each second as he feels her warm walls closing tightly around him and the wet sound of her arousal growing, too. He didn’t have the time to finger her before, too lost in his own pleasure to realise that she might have wanted more from him, but now he can take his time and play with her body.
Her wetness is now drenching his fingers and his hand, as Spencer keeps pressing his digits against the soft indentation inside of her – he has read so many books about human anatomy, and now he’s glad he did so because he knows exactly what to do. 
And he may have watched a few videos about “how to finger a woman and make her come” on websites he’s never going to reveal.
Now he can test those methods and those videos, see if they were helpful.
But the way Y/N is moaning and moving her hips against his hand, as if she’s trying to ride his finger or begging him to do more, is enough to tell him that he’s doing an amazing job. If she thought he needed guidance during their first time, now she’s sure he can handle everything on his own – also because she can’t really talk, too lost in her own pleasure right now to focus on forming a coherent sentence. 
“Keep... Fuck, keep going. – whispers Y/N, her thighs shaking as she bites her bottom lip – Fuck, baby, you’re doing... Amazing.”
Spencer leans down, his mouth immediately crashing against hers as she pulls his hair and moans loudly. He doesn’t slow down his movements, a third finger slipping deep inside of her as he curls all of them; Y/N trembles underneath his body, her hands scratching his back and then tugging at his hair. She doesn’t even know what to grab, she’s too overwhelmed as she feels her orgasm growing hard and fast inside of her body.
It’s almost there, almost there...
Spencer pulls out all of his fingers and with one swift motion, he grabs his cock and pushes it deep inside of her. Just like that, without planning anything, without asking her if she wants to come on his fingers on something else. But Y/N lets out a loud whine, her arms wrapping around his neck as her lips slightly part against his and her legs close right behind his waist, locking him on her body.
“Oh my fucking God, baby.”
Those words roll off her tongue before she can stop them.
Spencer doesn’t know where he found this confidence. Maybe it’s the hormones playing tricks on his head and pushing him to his limit. Maybe they’re trying to force him out of his comfort zone, maybe he’s trying to impress Y/N somehow – and the pleasure, mixed with the intensity of the moment and his feelings for her, is taking over his mind. Y/N seems glad he has let go of himself, he’s not holding back – and he doesn’t seem to want to stop.
“Am I hurting you?” whispers Spencer, suddenly scared
She grabs him by the chin, shaking her head. “Don’t you dare stop, do you understand me?”
He doesn’t need anything else as he starts to rock his hip against hers, his cock pushing deep inside of her. Y/N arches her back again, scratching his as she tries to meet his movements by raising her waist.
She wants to scream, she wants to be loud, she wants to beg him to fuck her as hard as she can but she can’t open her mouth – she doesn’t want anybody to know what they’re doing, and she hopes the walls are soundproof. If someone finds out she’s having sex at this hour of the morning, with none other than the sweet and innocent Spencer Reid after a tough case.. if Hotch finds out, he’s going to kill her with his bare hands.
Okay, maybe he won’t kill her but he will reprimand her. And as much as Y/N likes Spencer and everything he’s doing to her, she doesn’t want to lose her job over a few rounds of sex.
Sex that is making her dizzy.
“I’m.. So close. – Y/N manages to whisper, her hands behind his neck – Don’t come inside of me this time, baby.”
Spencer barely listens to her, his ears ringing as the pleasure diffuses in his body. His strokes become faster, more demanding, deep, and exactly where she needs them to be. Y/N pulls his hair, her fingers playing with it as she meets his hip, trying not to scream too loud as he brings his mouth down to hers.
“You feel so good, baby. – mutters Y/N, holding him tightly to her body – Are you close?”
He hums, quickly nodding as he hides his face in the crook of her neck. He inhales her scent, moving his hips back and forth as he feels her clenching again around him. She’s a panting mess, whining and calling out for him as she tries to hold her orgasm back because she wants him to come before her – but he’s a gentleman, he’s not going to come first.
“Y/N, I’m close.”
She nods, tugging on his hair again. “Let it go, baby. I’m co-coming.”
And soon, the pleasure is getting overwhelmed, the intensity of the moment leaving both of them speechless as she finally lets go of herself. The orgasm hits her as she rolls her eyes in the back of her head, scratching his back. She rides that orgasm for as long as she can, not wanting to let go of that pleasure burning her body. But when she comes down, Spencer pulls out of her warm body and quickly finishes off, coming all over her belly.
Y/N stares at him, admiring the way his lips are parted and little huffs are coming out of them. His eyebrows are slightly furrowed, his expression is focused on what is happening until he completely relaxes. He closes his eyes, throwing his head back before collapsing against her body and hiding his face on her neck.
They will definitely need a shower before leaving that bedroom.
“Did I hurt you?”
Y/N traces an imaginary line from his bottom lip down to his throat. “No, baby. You didn’t. It was kind of hot, you know, the way you took the lead.”
Spencer lets out a soft sigh, not moving from where he is. “Oh, do you want me to be more... uhm, dominant? I don’t know how but I can learn. There are a lot of books regarding the...”
She interrupts him, tapping her index over his bottom lip. “I like the way you are, you don’t have to become anything for me. I like you as you. But if you want to be more dominant because it brings you pleasure, then... suit yourself.”
A few minutes later, after catching their breath and coming down from their highs, Y/N and Spencer head to the bathroom to finally wash off the remains of their fun together. She didn’t think she’d be able to keep her hands to herself but Spencer did, keeping her at bay and kissing her once in a while. Y/N felt like she was on cloud nine, enjoying the feeling of his hands massaging her hair and washing them clean for her. So she did the same for him, washing his hair and kissing his lips each time she had the chance to do so.
Once they’re out of the bathroom, Y/N recollects all of her clothes and wears them as quickly as she can. It’s almost eight in the morning and she has to head down to the bar to have breakfast with Elle and JJ. She doesn’t really want to leave Spencer all by himself in the room, but she has to or the others will start wondering where she is and why she hasn’t come down to meet all of them.
“Okay, I have to go now. – says Y/N, watching Spencer as he puts his shirt back on – Don’t miss me too much.”
He chuckles, following her to the door. “I won’t. Are you going to come back for lunch?”
She nods, kissing his lips again. “Yes, I think so. Me and the girls are probably going out to enjoy the sun but I’ll make sure to be here before you leave.”
Spencer keeps his hand on her hip, lingering with his lips on hers. “Okay, have fun with them.”
“I will.”
After sharing one last kiss, Y/N opens the door of his bedroom and looks around the hallway. She doesn’t hear anything and there’s no one around so she is safe. She quickly makes her way towards her bedroom, not too far from Spencer’s, when she hears JJ and Elle’s voices coming from the stairs. Y/N almost jumps at the sounds, trying to find her keys inside the pocket of her sweatshirt. Her heart is beating out of her chest.
“Hey, Y/N!”
She gasps, the keys falling from her hand. “Oh, hi ladies. I was, uh... I forgot my phone.”
JJ crosses her arms to her chest, noticing her colleague seems shaken. “Are you okay? You....”
“Yeah! I’m fine, I’m good. I’ll be down in a minute. – says Y/N, giving them a little smile before opening her door – Save me a seat, okay? I just need to grab my phone.”
But before her colleagues step inside the elevator of the floor, the door of Spencer’s bedroom swings open. He doesn’t notice JJ and Elle staring at him at the end of the hallway. He turns to his side, looking at Y/N with a shy smile before holding out his hand.
“You forgot your, uh, panties.”
Her panties.
She forgot her damned panties in his bedroom. And now he’s holding them out to her, with his cheeks pinker than normal and his eyes shining under the faint lights of the hallway.
Y/N wants to scream right now.
Elle begins to laugh as JJ hits her shoulder, but they both don’t hold out their laughs. 
Y/N wants to scream, seriously, but she’s completely frozen right in front of the young doctor. He doesn’t seem to be phased until he turns around and spots the other two women not too far from him as they witness the scene. 
They weren’t expecting this to happen and neither did Spencer, because he didn’t hear the voices coming from the hallway.
He thought Y/N was already in her bedroom, but apparently, she wasn’t. And now they’re both in front of JJ and Elle, as they giggle and shake their heads. Y/N covers her face with a hand, biting her bottom lip; her cheeks are hot and her hands are shaking, because she was not expecting this.
It was all supposed to be a secret, at least for a while. And now everything is out in the open. She forgot her panties in his bedroom. How is she going to lie about it and tell her colleagues nothing happened? 
She can’t lie, it’s too obvious that they have done something. Y/N hopes JJ and Elle will keep their mouths shut, at least, but she knows they won’t because... Well. They are FBI agents, but they love to gossip with the rest of the team – maybe not with Hotch and Gideon, but still.
They’ll definitely say something to Morgan.
“I... Thank you, Doctor Reid. – mutters the young woman, grabbing her panties from his hand – I have to, uh..”
Spencer looks at JJ and Elle, giving them his usual tight smile.
“We’ll save you a seat, Y/N. – says Elle, winking at her before walking back to the elevator – Bye Spencer.”
Once the two women have disappeared from the floor, Y/N looks back at the young doctor in front of her and stomps her foot on the ground. He remains quiet for a few seconds but then his laugh erupts, and she starts to giggle along with him.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N, I didn’t know they were out here.”
She shakes her head, patting her free hand on his chest. “My dear Spencer, we’re totally fucked.”
And if Morgan teases them throughout their lunch, well... It’s pretty obvious. 
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TAG LIST: @bookishspencer @allexthakatt @calm-and-doctor @reidswhoree​ @getyoutmoon​
Let me know if you want to be added to my taglist. :)
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vanessagib · 3 years
The Day All Hope Died
BAU x Gender Neutral Reader
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*gif not mine*
AN: It’s.. sad? First ever written short story! I’d like to give a special thanks to @spencereidsupremacy for giving me amazing feedback as well as convincing me to post this I seriously couldn't thank you enough! 
Summary: Reader is a new member to the team. At first it was okay that everyone was off with the new, unknowing dynamic. But as the year went on reader felt more like a hinder than a team member.  
Genre: Angst
Word Count: 1.5k
Content Warnings: sad, reader isn’t accepted, no happy ending
Part 2
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It was technically my fault.
I did this. I put this on myself. Didn’t mean it hurt any less.
Hurt was a pathetic way to put it. It was more than that. It felt as if I was in my school years again. Alone. 
Nobody liked me, that much I knew. Which is okay! You can’t be on everyone’s good side. But the tragic, depressing fact was—I wasn’t on anyone’s “good” side. 
I was new of course, well new as in 1 year into working on this team. I wasn’t a fresh new member, therefore, I felt as if my feelings should be valid. Nonetheless though, I put this on myself; so, are my feelings really that valid? 
When I was first recruited in the BAU I was Aaron Hotchners assistant. Fresh out of college, young. Not as young as Reid when he joined though. As the year, agonizingly slow, went on I was able to go with the team on cases to get a sense of how and what they did. It was very much understandable that a new recruit would change the dynamic of the team that has grown into a family. Meaning no one paid a second thought to politely invite the new member.
I was mostly a quiet person, overly reserved. So, I didn’t blame them. Not at first at least. 
They didn’t talk to me, so I never spoke. Never invited me to the bar, so I didn’t ask. Never even spared to make eye contact with me, so I sat at my desk busying myself with the overload of work Hotchner had assigned me to do. 
I would secretly listen to the goofing around Morgan and Reid took part in. The booming laughs of every team member when Prentiss would make a sly joke about Morgan. The pure excitement and adoration Jennifer would present when speaking about Henry. The giggling of the overjoyed Garcia would welcome at the break of dawn. Thinking how badly I would love to be a part of.
Here is where the problem lies. I tried; I really did try to be part of what they had. The bond they shared. But no one gave me a second to even allow it. I would build up the confidence to get up and walk over to one’s desk and as soon as I set eyes on the one I was approaching they would go to the break room; run up to Hotchners office; excuse themselves to use the restroom; and even go to another team members desk. I’d tell myself that it was okay, no one meant any harm by it, but it didn’t stop my nightly thoughts from running causing me to silently cry myself to sleep of how I was and would never be accepted into the team. 
So hurt was minor way to put it.
As the year dragged on, I thought maybe, just maybe, it would get better but it never did. Ever.
It felt as if they went through great strengths to ignore my existence. The hurt they were causing never decreased, oh boy did it expand greatly. All I wanted was to talk to them, make small talk, open up about anything and everything. Or maybe even just a ‘good morning’. But it never came. I never got to hear the absurd and random rants Reid went on about, the one-night stands Morgan enlisted, the adorable things Prentiss’ cat did, new fun stores Garcia had found, the stories about Henry and Jack. That was a lie I did hear about them they were just never directed at me. I just overheard them. Hiding my smile when hearing the things Jack has learned or the jokes they throw at Rossi about his ex-wives.
I made a point to come in extra early on paperwork days—before Hotchner and Reid. Hoping one day one of them would say a small ‘hello’ but then again, I never tried after month 8 to acknowledge when anyone entered through the glass doors. Sometimes I would have to excuse myself and run to the restroom and cry away my sorrows when listening to the “fun night” everyone had at the bar. Oh, and the inside jokes were just a punch in the gut knowing I’ll never have a day in my life to get to understand them. 
That was until one day when Hotchner ordered me to hand out paperwork. I was making my way to Morgan’s desk with the others herded around. They were making plans to go out to O’Keefe’s, the closest bar, and I silently handed each of them their files. They went silent. But Prentiss soon spoke up.
She cleared her throat taking a side glance at everyone, “Uhm... Y/l/n do you... uh want to come to the bar with us?” I stopped in my tracks slowly bringing my gaze to her. I took a chance and glanced at everyone else, who quietly questioned why on earth she was inviting me.
“Oh. If that is, okay?” I timidly answered. Feeling the strong, growing tension of each team member.
“We’ll be there at 9.” She replied shortly. 
The bubbling excitement that quickly appeared within my features wasn’t passed by the team. They saw the quick flash of a tiny smile expressed on my face that I soon realized I had to hide. I didn’t want to seem overbearing or annoying over a simple yet big invite. 
They brushed it off. Still highly annoyed I was going. It didn’t make me feel good at all. It was clear the invitation was… forced? She didn’t want me going either, it was just the fact that I happened to be at his desk while they were making plans that obviously didn’t involve me. She might’ve pitied me, felt bad, who knows all that mattered was I finally had a chance to spend time with them, get to know them personally, make friends if I was lucky. I didn’t want to push my hopes up too far though.
When I arrived home, I did a little happy dance. What can I say, I was more than excited. I shouldn’t have been though. I didn’t dress down or up, just normal attire one would wear to a bar full of humid air and sweaty people. When it hit 8:50 I made my way to the car. Inaudibly hyping myself up. This was a big night for me. Of course, I was nervous. 
Parking my car in a faraway spot I sat there looking at myself in the rearview mirror. 
‘It’s all good! I got this! Or do i? I’m going to screw this up all so badly aren’t I. No… no I won’t.’ My inner dialogue was causing visceral turmoil, making me take steps back from the confidence I so badly built and needed. Nonetheless, I stepped out of the car and into the bar searching for the group.
It wasn’t hard to find them at all. Everyone’s laughing loudly, having the time of their lives. It made me stop dead in my tracks. They look as if they are having a better time without me. I should just go. No. Absolutely not. I am not backing out of something I have longed for a little over a year. Striding my way to the table until I was smackdown in front of everyone. They unsurprisingly didn’t notice me. I stood there for a good 30 seconds till I decided to clear my throat. Reid took a fast glance at me and just as quickly his gaze met mine it left. Clearing his own throat, he politely scooted over. 
I took a seat next to him sparring a small smile that was not returned. Looking around realizing no one would make eye contact with me. All engaged in their own private conversation. Which once again, left me feeling left out and more so, alone.
I sat there patiently waiting to get my hello. But it never came. I was never once involved in the conversation since no one made an effort to do so. I tried, talking to them that is.  Everyone turned away from me further proving a point that I was and would never be a part of what they had.
Staring at my drink as the tears formed on my lash line, I was over crying about this. It took so much out of me to not be accepted. I thought maybe it was something I did. Was it because I was too quiet? Did I not try hard enough? Was I just too much of a burden to be included? Did I really want to know though?
I gave each member a yearning gaze.
Wordlessly slipping out of the booth they took place in. No one cared to notice I was slowly exiting the small building. Which cut the wound larger making me bleed with agony. The streams of tears vastly making their way down my cheeks as I sat throughout the car ride home making a pure fool of myself.
This was it. My last straw.
I sent in my resignation the morning of.
No one noticed.
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(if you enjoyed please consider reblogging and tell me what you think!!)
Part 2
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mommyemilyprentiss · 3 years
another blurb that no one asked for!!!!:)
Pairing: Dom!Spencer x Fem!Reader
Warnings: daddy kink, spanking, crying, implied overstimulation, mention of color system and safe word (but not used), degradation
a/n: this is a rare dom spencer moment bc sub spencer lives rent free in my mind. uh i don’t believe spencer’s a dom let alone a daddy dom or a hard dom, so this is strictly for my own fantasy lol. i’m also very much hoping that emmy doesn’t see this and come for my throat HAHAHHAHAHHAHA
You knew what you had done. Packing skimpy clothes in your go-bag, flirting with local officers, and sharing a room with Emily so that he couldn’t even do anything about it for 2 weeks. You knew you were in for it. And you’d be lying if you said that wasn’t your end goal.
Spencer didn’t say anything to you the whole ride from the tarmac all the way to your guys’ apartment. When he unlocked the door, you stepped inside and looked longingly at him, desperate for any kind of attention. He paid your puppy dog eyes little to no mind, walking past you.
“Bedroom.”, he ordered as he began unlacing his Converse.
You hung your head low in faux disappointment on your way there. You figured he wanted you to strip beforehand, because he always did, so you rid of all your clothing just in case. Even when he entered the room, he had no visible reaction to your bare form on the bed, retrieving something from the closet in silence. His silence made everything more erotic and unsettling at once, which he, of course, knew. He kept his hands behind his back to conceal the item from you as he stepped closer to the bed. Suddenly, your weight was swept from below you as he, quite literally, threw you over his lap. And as soon as the leather paddle touched your skin, it really settled in how utterly fucked you were.
“N-no...”, your voice came out far more broken than you wanted.
“No? I thought this was what you wanted?”
“No! No, p-please...”
“What’s your color, Y/N?”
“Green.”, you muttered.
“Good. And your safe word?”
“And you’ll use it if you need it?”
Spencer didn’t respond verbally. Instead, he stopped rubbing over your skin with the paddle. Lifting it and smacking your ass hard.
“Ow, Daddy!”, you mewled, writhing around with tears already brimming your eyes.
“Be quiet, princess.”, it was more so a warning than an order, “and hold still.”
He wrapped one of his arms around the small of your back to pin you down before landing another hard smack. You felt a few tears slip down as you sniffled.
“Crying already, hm? We’re not even close to done, sweetheart.”
His words only egged your tantrum on as he alternated the intensity of his spanks. When you got to around 20 hits, your pleas had been dumbed down to broken moans and sobs.
“What do you say?”
“T-thank you, Daddy--”, you choked out.
“You’re welcome, baby.”, he pushed your hair behind your ear, placing a quick kiss on your temple, “Gonna make you feel good now, ok?”
You nodded absent-mindedly, mind hazy. Spencer wedged his hand between your legs where you were practically dripping down them, “Aw, I know you love punishments, puppy. You just like making a big scene, huh?”
You couldn’t respond as he circled your clit, weeping into the sheets.
“Such a pathetic little thing.”, he admired while slowly pushing one finger into your pussy. Your head shot up in pleasure.
“Ah! Feels s-so...good, Daddy!”
“Good enough to make acting like a whore worth it?”
“No! Mmf! M’sorry!”
“You better be.”, he forced another finger into you, starting a brutal pace. You squirmed and moaned out for him as he curled his fingers to hit the perfect spot, still rubbing your clit.
“Is the slut going to cum for me?”
“Y-yes, Daddy! Please can I cum, please?!”
“Go ahead.”
You coated his fingers in your release with a scream of his name as he worked you through your high--or so you thought. Even after you had come down, he maintained his pace.
“You wanted attention so badly, you just couldn’t wait. Well, now you have my undivided attention. And you’ll take what I give you like a good little girl, isn’t that right?”
taglist: @spencereidsupremacy
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Secure Me [Spencer Reid x fem! Reader]
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Requested: Yes l No
Request: from Anon - “Hi, can I request something about reader dating spencer and she has like an A cup or very small boobs, and she catches spencer staring at a women with big boobs and gets VERY insecure? I just always feel weird reading fics about reader having a cleavage when I’m a literal wood board :("
A/N: I really hope this is the kind of thing you were after! I want to preface this by saying all bodies are beautiful and hopefully this is just a nice body positive fic for you all to enjoy!
CW: just some good old fun titty sucking! Booby appreciation.
Plot: You catch Spencer gawking over a woman with much larger breasts than you. Spencer is determined to show you how much he loves your body and only your body.
WC: 1K
It wasn’t as if you were usually an insecure person. Honestly you were more confident than most, and most of the time you were happy with the body you were given.
Most of the time.
That is until you notice your boyfriend Spencer staring at that woman in the coffee shop.
It took a moment to work out what he was looking at but when you did you felt like you’d just been slapped around the face.
He was staring right at the woman’s very pronounced chest, wide eyed and slack jawed.
“Unbelievable.” You muttered under your breath but Spencer didn’t hear you. He wasn’t even trying to be subtle.
You weren’t mad at the fact he was looking at another woman, you still found other people attractive, it wasn’t a big deal. It was the fact he was staring at her large bosom, and it sent a wave of insecurities bubbling under the surface.
Your own breasts paled in comparison, you were barely an A cup but Spencer had always told you how much he loved them and you’d never had a problem with them before.
Until now. Because he was staring at that woman’s chest like she was some kind of chess trophy he wanted to win.
What made it even worse was when you got up from the table, he didn’t even notice.
You scoffed loudly as you stormed from the coffee shop, turning back briefly when you reached the street to see if Spencer was following you or not.
He wasn’t.
With another huff you stormed away.
It wasn’t long before there was a knock at your apartment door. You considered ignoring it, but you knew Spencer well enough to know he wouldn’t give up that easily.
You threw the door open and folded your arms across your chest.
“Where did you go?” He looked concerned. “I turned away for a second and when I turned back you’d gone.”
“It was much more than a second.” You huffed. “And I’m surprised you noticed what with that big titted woman you had eyes glued on.”
Spencer’s face fell and he gnawed his bottom lip guiltily.
“Oh.” He pulled a face. “There’s no point in even trying to talk my way out of this is there?”
“Can I please come in?”
You sighed heavily and with a roll of your eyes you stepped aside to let him in.
“I’m really sorry Y/N. I’m not going to lie to you, I was looking at her chest and I’m so sorry. But you don’t have anything to worry about.”
“Don’t I?” You scoffed. “I don’t look like her, Spencer! And if you’d rather have someone like that with massive tits then I’d rather you just say so.” You felt tears welling in your eyes and Spencer clearly noticed because he came closer to you and put his hands on your hips.
“Are you kidding me?” He looked sad. “Why would I want anyone but you?”
A small tear escaped your eye as you chewed your lip.
“Look at me Spencer, mine are barely even a handful. I get it if you want to be with someone like her.”
His own tears formed in his eyes. In that moment he hated himself for making you feel this way.
“Y/N,” he moved his hands to cup your face. “You are perfect in every single way. I wouldn’t change a thing about you.”
His hands trailed from your face, to your neck and finally moved to cup your breasts over your t-shirt.
“And let me tell you, these are fucking phenomenal.”
“You’re just saying that.” You sniffed.
“I’m saying it because it’s true. I adore every inch of your body. There is no one else in the world I would rather be with.” He still was still cupping your chest, his thumbs running over your nipples and they were hard in no time. “Let me show you how much I love them.”
He led you back towards the couch where he sat down and pulled you onto his lap so you were straddling him. As soon as you sat down he lifted your t-shirt up and pulled it over your head.
He hissed looking hungrily at your bare breasts.
“Fucking perfect.” He breathed, taking his hands to your breasts again.
He tweaked your nipples between his fingers making you moan a little.
He was smiling at you, beaming, he needed to know how perfect he thought you were.
He removed a hand from one of your breasts and bowed his head, taking your hard nipple in between his teeth.
You could feel his dick hardening beneath you from just the simple act.
He toyed with your nipple with his teeth, knowing how much you loved it when he did that. He continued cupping and squeezing your neglected breast with his hand.
He used his tongue to swipe across your nipple a few times before moving his lips over the rest of breast and sucking deep marks on your flesh.
You were moaning and subconsciously grinding your hips into his.
His lips kissed across to your other nipple and he repeated his actions on that one while using his hand on the other.
“You have no idea how perfect these are.” He sat back, giving both your tits a firm squeeze. “Can you not feel how hard I am just from touching them?”
As if to prove his point he bucked his hips a little so you could feel just how hard he was.
“I know, I just got insecure I guess.” You chewed your lip.
“I’m sorry I made you feel that way darling.” He squeezed your chest again. “But these are the only tits I want to look at for the rest of my life.” He smiled brightly at you before bowing his head and taking your nipple in his mouth once more.
And as he worked your breasts hungrily, all your insecurities melted away.
Taglist -
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@muffin-cup @andiebeaword @mggsprettygirl @measure-in-pain @ptrs-prkrs @sexy-dumpster-fire @takeyourleap-of-faith
SR x reader all genres -
@boxofsparklingmuses @frickin-bats @reidandhisgourd @ukai-hoe @dreatine @adoringanakin @amesandpineapples @goldeng1rl8 @dr-spencerr-reidd @90spumkin @battinsonn @sleepretreat @dr-spence-reid @thetiniestsupersoldier @spenxerslut @tvandfanfic @wheelsupscenehater @sunkissglow @sweetandsunny @spencereidsupremacy @bellaswanismysoulmate @manuosorioh @mcumorningstar @iamwarrenspeace @reichelhache @pinkdiamond1016
SR oneshots -
@willowrose99 @multixfandomwriter @rougewamchop
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goldensstateofgrace · 3 years
Masterlist of my favorite fic writers!! (I’ll update this if I find anymore!!)
Harry Styles
@vocalharry @harrywritingsbyme @meetmymouth @thesadstoryofme @havin-a-wee @harrystylesandharrypotter @jawllines @hazgoldenstyles @harryssxnflwr @hes-writer
Spencer Reid/ Criminal Minds 
@spencersawkwardmain @spencereidsupremacy @bunny-script @voidsfilm @mggswhorificlover @matthewscumslut @softspence @lipstickstainz @railmereid @1800spencerreid @subspencer @spookydrreid @shemarmooresfedora @reidgraygubler @tobias-hankel @spacedikut @mercy-burning @willowrose99 @gubetube @spenciebabie
@ariawritesss / @calumthoodshands @i-like-5sos
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Hello, my lovelies! First off, I'm sorry I've been so inactive lately and that I haven't written anything in months. With uni and health issues and lockdown debacles and family stress, it's been a lot.
Second off, THANK YOU FOR 1.2K FOLLOWERS. That's insane, I cannot believe I hit that number, especially after 500 followers only a couple of months ago. So thank you very much for that.
In the last couple of months, I've built a whole new blog for Criminal Minds NSFW content at @midnightreid, created a Discord server called The Conference Room with some of the best Australian CM creators. And I've met so many great people on this site.
Now, I did plan a small event for this milestone, because I wanted to celebrate and for once I finally have some time to do some small batches of writing, so look below if you want to find out more.
Select from The X-Files, Criminal Minds, and The West Wing!
Give me a headcanon: send me ANY ship/character/group from your selected show, and I'll give you 5 of my headcanons for them! IF YOU WANT SMUT HEADCANONS DONE SEND THEM TO MIDNIGHTREID!
Fandom hot takes: send me any fandom/ship/character/group and I'll respond with any hot takes I have about the fandom!
Blurbs: Send a ship, group or character from any of the shows above, and I'll write you a piece under 500 words! Just choose from the list's below and I'll do it! PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF IT'S ROMANTIC OR PLATONIC! ANY SMUT HEADCANONS SHOULD BE SENT TO @midnightreid
Tell all: tell me why you followed my blog, and I'll tell you why I'm glad to have you as a mutual!
Love letter: tell me you want a love letter and I'll tell you why I like your blog!
X-FILES: Mulder, Scully, Mulder and Scully, The Three Gunman, Mulder and Scully and Emily, Mulder and Scully and The Three Gunman
CRIMINAL MINDS: Hotch, Reid, Prentiss, Morgan, Garcia, JJ, Elle, Luke, Tara! Hotchreid, Ralvez, Gotch, Moreid, Horreid, Reidaway, Willifer, Pemily, Temily, Mortch! BAU family! Jack and Hotch!
THE WEST WING: Josh, Toby, CJ, Donna, Sam, Jed, Leo, Charlie! Donna and Josh!
Darling friends! I've tagged as many as I could and there are so many more lovely mutuals, so big thank you to you all, and I love you! @meganskane @clarawatson @spookydrreid @cacoetheswriting @spencers-renaissance @immypersonal @moderatelydelusional @lumosemily @spencersendgame @slaytherinthoughts @wandamaxinoff @wasteland-bvby @gay-prentiss @homoose @saspencereid @tobias-hankel @hotchley @reidgifs @ellesgreenaway @doctcr-reid @shemarmooresfedora @samuel-de-champagne-problems @choppa-style @obliviousreid @ssacalumsg0lden @scuttling @hufflepuffhaze @tenelvez @morceid @ropoto @spencereidsupremacy @katytheinspiredworkaholic @genevievedarcygranger @ssa-m-187 @sadspencer @reidsconverse @rigatonireid @altsvu @hercleverboy @reidingmelodies @wheelsup @hotchology @alexbllake @sparklinspence @enbyspencer @ssalaurenreynolds @dreatine @ssahotchswife
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prettyypenelope · 3 years
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spencer reid icons from this post by @spencereidsupremacy​
like/reblog to save!
click for better quality!
any credit goes to @prettyypenelope
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donald4spiderman · 3 years
hi love!! as a fellow slut for angst, do you have any angst recs? i’ve been having a hard time finding some
dying kisses by @samuel-de-champagne-problems
elle beyond the bureau (sort of angsty) on AO3 by @/kuriadalmatia
another love by @spencereidsupremacy
passing in the night by @imagining-in-the-margins
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Tattooed Heart [Spencer Reid x fem! Reader]
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Requested: Yes l No
Request: from Anon - “Hi! I saw the request you got on your second blog and it got me thinking. Can you write something about reader having a lot of tattoos and spencer thinks she’s a “bad girl” (not that tattoos make you bad but you know... stigma) and that she’ll never want him (maybe early seasons Spence?) and is in literal shock when she asks him out? I just want tattoo representation in fics"
A/N: I couldn't WAIT to write this. As a woman with quite a lot of tattoos this was very inspiring to me. Because there is still stigma surrounding tattoo's, I always get looked at a certain way and people always make assumptions about me due to my tattoos. I loved the idea of Spencer being so into a heavily tattooed female!
CW: vague hints at masturbation (male) other than that just a little pervy Spencer but not too much. Talk of insecurities and being looked at differently because of tattoos.
Plot: Once Spencer notices your tattoos, he can't stop thinking about them. But surely a "bad girl" wouldn't be interested in a guy like him?
Part Two | Part Three
WC: 1K
From the moment you walked into the BAU on your first day, Spencer knew there was something different about you. He didn’t know what it was, he couldn’t quite put his finger on it.
It wasn’t until a few months into you joining the team and a case took you to Arizona in the middle of summer that he realised what it was.
He met you at the crime scene way out in the desert and you’d rid your usual blazer, opting for a much more weather appropriate tank top.
You caught him staring at you as you exited the car, pulling your latex gloves on.
“How long has she been dead?” you asked him, trying not to make eye contact with him.
“Uh…” he swallowed. “She uh…”
You sighed, looking back at him to see his eyes raking over your bare arms.
“Stare much?” you put one hand on your hip and raised your eyebrow at him. “Yes Spencer, I have tattoos.”
He couldn’t tear his eyes away from the beautiful and intricate body art that adorned your body. You had two full sleeves, from your wrists, stretching up to your collarbones and he could just about make out one peeking out from between your breasts.
“Spencer!” you scalded him as his eyes dipped to your chest.
His eyes shot back up to meet yours, his embarrassment written all over his face. He nervously played with his glasses.
“Uh...sorry.” he chewed his lip. “I uh...I just…”
“When was her time of death?” you asked again, trying to pull his mind back to the case.
It wasn’t the first time you had been looked at in that way. For the most part you tried to keep your tattoos covered at work because there was still a stigma attached to being a tattooed woman, especially in a government job.
People always make assumptions about you and you could tell by the look on Spencer’s face that he was doing just that.
Spencer couldn’t get the sight of your decorated skin out of his mind. He didn’t think tattoos were something he would find attractive but seeing them on you had awoken something in him.
They were so delicate and artistic and Spencer wanted to trace his fingers over every single one of them. He wanted to kiss every inch of your inked skin.
The thought of this made him hard beyond belief. Sitting in his motel room later that night he was straining against his slacks as he closed his eyes and pictured your artwork, specifically the one between your breasts he hadn’t gotten the chance to see properly.
Did you have more under your clothes? What else would await him beneath layers of fabric? Maybe your ribs were decorated, your thighs too. God he wanted to find out more than anything else in the world.
But there was no chance of that. You were clearly a bad girl, and bad girls were not interested in Spencer Reid.
He was the perfect depiction of the nice guy. He was awkward and a little dorky with his thick rimmed glasses, parted hair and penchant for ties, sweater vests and pressed slacks.
There was no possible way a woman like you would ever be interested in a man like him.
So knowing never stood a chance with you, he freed his aching member from his slacks and wrapped his hand around his shaft.
He closed his eyes and pictured your glorious body and its stunning artwork as he stroked himself.
It didn’t take long at all for him to reach his climax.
Months passed and Spencer kept his desires for you to himself. Every time he caught a glimpse of your tattooed flesh he would add it to his sordid box of images for when he was alone later.
It was coming up a year since you joined the team when the whole team was on a night out. It was a warm night and you showed up to the bar wearing a sundress that showed off your arms and the full extent of the tattoo between your breasts.
It also gave Spencer a glimpse at the tattoos that adorned your calves and thighs.
It drove him wild. And clearly he wasn’t subtle about it because about half way through the night, you sidled up close to him while he was getting a drink.
“You’ve been staring at me all night.” you raised an eyebrow at him. “Do you have a problem with my tattoos?”
“W-what?” he stuttered, staring wide eyed at you. “Far from it, actually.” he chewed his lip, his cheeks turning red.
“Oh.” your own eyes widened. “Oh.”
So that was what this was. Spencer wasn’t disgusted by your tattoos, he was attracted to them.
“In that case,” you stepped closer to him hearing his breath hitch. You placed a hand on his chest and smirked mischievously at him. “Why don’t you take me out to dinner and maybe I’ll let you see the other ones I keep hidden.”
“Ot-others.” he swallowed, his pants tightening.
“Oh yes Spencer.” you let your hand trail to his tie and you toyed with it between your fingers. “There’s a lot more you haven’t seen yet. But play your cards right and you just might.”
Spencer couldn’t talk, he could barely breathe. He just nodded dumbly at you.
“Now I’m going to let you watch me walk away. Pay close attention to the backs of my thighs.” You winked at him before turning your back on him.
He watched you walk away and as your thighs met as you walked he saw it.
Half a heart on each thigh. When brought together, they made a whole.
Taglist -
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@muffin-cup @andiebeaword @mggsprettygirl @measure-in-pain @ptrs-prkrs @sexy-dumpster-fire @takeyourleap-of-faith
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@mcumorningstar @iamwarrenspeace @manuosorioh @bellaswanismysoulmate @spencereidsupremacy @sweetandsunny
@sunkissglow @wheelsupscenehater @tvandfanfic @spenxerslut @thetiniestsupersoldier @dr-spence-reid @sleepretreat @battinsonn @90spumkin @dr-spencerr-reidd @goldeng1rl8 @amesandpineapples @adoringanakin @dreatine @ukai-hoe @reidandhisgourd @frickin-bats @boxofsparklingmuses
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@willowrose99 @multixfandomwriter
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Wax Lyrical [Spencer Reid x fem! Reader]
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Requested: Yes l No
Request: from Anon - “You dare Spencer to wax down there, because he says tattoo pain is worse that waxing, even though he doesn't have any tattoos and has never waxed, Idk i feel like that would be so funny."
A/N: just a silly, fluffy third part to Tattooed Heart and A Work of Art. Set about 3 years later.
CW: none really, vague mentions of erections but other than that just fluffy.
Plot: what’s more painful waxing or getting tattooed? Spencer might be about to find out.
Part One | Part Two
WC: 0.9K
“I have no idea how you do that.” Spencer leant on the door jamb of the bathroom watching you intently.
You looked at him over your shoulder from where you sat on the edge of your bathtub as you smoothed the waxing strip on your leg.
“What, waxing?” you frowned.
“Looks really painful.” he grimaced as you ripped the waxing strip from your leg.
“Do you forget how tattooed I am?” you laughed. “This is a walk in the park in comparison.”
“Yeah probably. But still. Is shaving not easier?”
You stood from the tub and came close to him, placing your hands on his shoulders.
You’d been together for just shy of three years now and Spencer was still obsessed with every inch of your inked skin. You’d had a few more since you’d been together and he always insisted on helping you take care of the new artwork, any excuse to rub cream on your body.
“But waxing is so much smoother.” you grinned. “It’s really not as painful as you think, why don’t you try it.” you played with his tie.
“Absolutely not.” he scoffed.
“I dare you.” you smirked, tugging his tie a little. “I dare you to either let me wax you or get a tattoo. Your call.” you wiggled your eyebrows at him.
“Neither.” he frowned. “I am not rising to that.”
“Ok.” you stepped away from him shrugging. “Chicken.”
Spencer’s back went rigid. You saw it and it was exactly the reaction you had expected. You knew how to press his buttons.
“I am not.” he huffed like a small child. “Fine. One leg.” he groaned in defeat.
“Nuh uh.” you laughed. “No one said anything about legs.” your eyes were sparkling with mischief and he knew by the look you were giving him what you meant.
“No.” he shook his head. “No way.”
“It’s either that or a tattoo.” you smirked.
He sighed heavily which made you beam.
“Pant’s off Reid.”
He sighed again, why was he going along with this? Oh yeah, because he would probably commit murder if you asked him nicely enough, that was why.
He unbuckled his belt and shimmied his slacks over his hips before letting them drop to the floor. He was a little more reluctant in removing his boxers but he did so anyway.
“I wish I didn’t love you so much.” he chewed his lip.
“No you don’t.” you laughed, placing a soft kiss on his lips before picking up the tub of wax. “Now this is going to be hot so just breathe ok?”
He bit down on his lip, nodding stiffly. You took the wooden stick and dipped it in the wax, twirling the liquid around the end. You knelt down on the floor and placed it on Spencer's pubic hair making him groan.
“Ow!” he grumbled.
“I told you. Hold still.” you scalded him while you wiped a strip of wax downwards through his hair. You exchanged the pot of wax for a paper strip and before Spencer could back out, you slapped it over the wax.
“Ready?” you looked up at him from the floor.
“I’m ready for you to do something down there.” he blushed a little. His dick was hardening at the sight of you on your knees in front of him.
You pinched his side.
“Mind out of the gutter Reid.” you rolled your eyes. “Are you ready?”
“I guess. Is this really going to...FUCK!” he screamed as you ripped the strip and a large clump of hair from his body. That was enough to kill his erection instantly. “Mother of god!”
“It’s not that bad.” you laughed.
“It's worse! Seriously that fucking hurt!”
“Well there’s more where that came from.”
“No way, no more.”
“Spence, you have one patch of missing hair. You have to let me do the rest.”
“You’re the only person who will see it.” he grumbled.
“Yeah and I’m not looking at it while it’s missing a patch of hair. Come on, it will be over before you know it.”
With each new strip came a new kind of pain and Spencer screamed bloody murder every time. By the time you were finished and Spencer was sufficiently hair free, your sides hurt from laughing at him.
“You are such a wimp.” you laughed, standing up from the floor. “It really isn’t that bad.”
“I haven’t been bald down there since I was a preteen.” he grumbled, moving to the sink and running a cloth under the cold tap before holding it to his throbbing, hairless pubic area. “I think I would have rather gotten a tattoo.”
“No you wouldn’t have.” you laughed, helping your pathetic boyfriend get back into his underwear.
“I don’t believe there is anything in the world more painful than what you just did to me.”
“You are so overdramatic.” you rolled your eyes, taking the cloth from him.
“I am not.” he whined pathetically.
“Fine,” you called his bluff, folding your arms. “Get a tattoo then. Then you can tell me which one is more painful.”
“Maybe I will.” he shrugged in a nonchalant fashion.
“Oh really?” you laughed in disbelief. “Doctor Spencer Reid is going to get a tattoo?”
He chewed his lip contemplating this for a moment.
“I’ll get a tattoo. One on condition.”
“Oh yeah, and what’s that then?” you raised an eyebrow at him, challenging him.
He stepped closer to you, taking hold of your hands.
“I will get a tattoo on the condition,” he smiled lovingly at you. “That you marry me.”
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A Work of Art [Spencer Reid x fem! Reader]
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Requested: Yes l No
A/N: this is just an unnecessary smutty follow up to Tattooed Heart.
CW: tattooes, tattooed reader, oral (fem receiving), penetrative sex, unprotected sex, swearing, confident baby! Spencer.
Plot: Now Spencer knows you are interested in him, he has to get a glimpse of every single one of those tattoos. Especially the ones you keep hidden from the rest of the world.
Part One | Part Three
WC: 1.3K
Spencer was usually shy when it came to women but seeing those tattoos on the backs of your thighs had driven him wild.
So he did as you said and asked you out to dinner, only one thing on his mind the whole night.
He walked you home and when you stopped outside of your building he knew it was now or never.
He placed his slightly shaking hands on your hips and came close to your ear before whispering “I want half of your heart on either side of my face.”
That was all it took. You knew exactly what he meant.
You took hold of his hand and led him upstairs.
No sooner the door of your apartment closed behind you, his lips were on yours, his hips pushing you back against the door.
You’d never seen this side of Spencer before. He was always so awkward and timid but right now he was hungry and desperate and you loved it.
Without breaking the kiss you led him to the bedroom and you laid down while he climbed on top of you.
“I want to see them all.” He ran his fingers over the ink on the tops of your thighs. “And I mean all.”
“Guess you’ll have to find them.” You smirked at him and it made him hiss.
He fumbled with the hem of your dress, feeling more nervous than he wanted you to know. You noticed his shaky hands though.
You arched your back so he could slowly pull the fabric up your body and over your head, revealing you were only wearing panties underneath.
Spencer stared down at you in complete awe.
On top of what he’d been able to see with your dress on, he now noticed the tattoo between your breasts trailed underneath them, cupping them a way a bra would, he thought. You also had a large rib piece on your left side.
He looked back up to meet your eyes that were sparkling in mischief.
“You’ve missed one.” You smirked again.
Spencer swallowed, chewing his lip as he looked down at the only item of clothing you still wore.
He looked back at you and you gave him an encouraging look.
He took a few deep breaths before hooking his fingers in the sides of your panties and slowly peeling them from your body.
Hidden from sight in your pubic region, until now was the final tattoo. A bright red set of lipstick slicked lips.
“Good god.” He moaned as he spoke. “What are you doing to me?”
You reached up and pulled him close by his tie so you could kiss him. You carefully slid his glasses off his face and placed them on the bedside table.
“I think it’s only fair, now that you’ve seen all of me, that I get to see all of you too Reid.”
He nodded, his nerves returning now it was time for him to undress.
He pushed himself up from the bed and stood next to it, toying with his tie.
You watched as he undressed slowly. First his tie, then his shirt, then his slacks until he was left in his boxers, hard and straining at the fabric.
You eyed him hungrily, begging him with your eyes to remove that final article of clothing.
He took a deep breath and pulled them down, tossing them in a pile with the rest of his clothes.
“Get over here.” you smiled at him, inviting him back onto the bed.
He climbed back on top of you, looking you up and down.
“You are an absolute masterpiece.” he ran his fingers over the ink on your arms. “I want to touch them all, kiss them all.”
“Please,” you nodded, giving him complete access and control.
He lifted your left hand and started kissing your wrist where the tattoos started and worked his way up to your shoulder while caressing your skin with his fingers.
He moved his lips to your right shoulder and worked down your arm.
His kisses and his touches were so tender it sent goosebumps flaring on your skin. Your whole body was tingling. When he moved his focus to your chest, you couldn’t help but moan.
His lips kiss the tattoo between your breasts while his fingers toyed with your nipples. You started writhing on the bed beneath him, your toes curling. His lips got lower, ensuring to kiss along the ink under each of your breasts, all the while he caressed you with his hands.
“Jesus Spence,” you mumbled, chewing on your lip. “That feels wonderful.”
“I’m just getting started.” he spoke into your skin.
Goosebumps flared on your skin again when he directed his lips and hands to your rib tattoo, and your fingers found their way into his thick hair.
He repeated his movements on your legs, lifting each one so he could kiss each half a heart on the backs of your thighs.
Once he was done on your legs he looked back at the tattoo on your pubic region. He had been looking forward to that one the most.
He made eye contact with you, his eyes dark and blown out wide as he bowed his head towards your final tattoo.
You held your breath, your hands dropping to your sides and screwing up the sheets.
When his lips connected with your tattooed lips you let out a ragged breath.
He was so close to your core you felt dizzy. You wanted nothing more than for him to be between your legs.
He spent more time on this tattoo than the others, really working his lips on the skin to really build up the heat between your legs.
“Spence,” you panted a little. “For the love of god, please.”
He smiled to himself, amazed he had this effect on you. He trailed his hands down your thighs, parting your legs a little, and his lips started getting lower until he found your clit and lapped his tongue over it.
“Fuck!” You moaned loudly, your legs spasming at the sensation.
He continued to lick, suck and kiss between your legs, lapping up every little bit of you.
You were writhing on the bed, your toes curling at the feeling of his glorious mouth.
He worked you right to the edge before he stopped, pulling back at making you whine.
He chuckled, moving back up the bed and placing your thighs on his shoulders.
“I told you I wanted half of your heart on either side of my face.” He smiled darkly, pressing the head of his dick at your entrance.
“Please god just fuck me Spencer, I beg of you.” you gripped his biceps. Your words made him shudder.
He couldn’t wait any longer to have you and he thrust into you with force, making you both moan viscerally.
He gripped your thighs tightly in his hands as he pounded in and out of you, eliciting the most wonderful noises from your lips.
You ran your nails over his chest, leaving light marks behind in your wake. Spencer placed kisses on your inner thighs, diving deeper inside of you and making you scream when he found your g-spot.
“Oh fuck Spence, that’s it right there.” tears pricked at the corner of your eyes as he focused his thrusts in the same position over and over bringing you to your orgasm quicker than you’d ever reached it before.
You clenched around him, digging your nails into the flesh of his chest as you came, mumbling his name.
He felt extremely proud of himself and after a few more forceful thrusts he was coming undone too, spilling himself inside of you, profanities falling from his open mouth.
He didn’t move for a few minutes after he came, trying to catch his breath before he pulled out and fell to the bed next to you. He rolled on his side and leant on his elbow so he could look at you properly.
He let his fingers trail over the ink between your breasts making you sign happily.
“You’re a goddamn work of art.” he spoke softly, placing a kiss on your temple.
You smiled sleepily, looking up at him.
“You’re not so bad yourself Spence.”
Taglist -
All ships & genres -
@muffin-cup @andiebeaword @mggsprettygirl @measure-in-pain @ptrs-prkrs @sexy-dumpster-fire @takeyourleap-of-faith
SR x reader all genres -
@boxofsparklingmuses @frickin-bats @reidandhisgourd @ukai-hoe @dreatine @adoringanakin @amesandpineapples @goldeng1rl8 @dr-spencerr-reidd @90spumkin @battinsonn @sleepretreat @dr-spence-reid @thetiniestsupersoldier @spenxerslut @tvandfanfic @wheelsupscenehater @sunkissglow @sweetandsunny @spencereidsupremacy @bellaswanismysoulmate @manuosorioh @mcumorningstar @iamwarrenspeace @reichelhache @pinkdiamond1016
SR x reader oneshots -
@willowrose99 @multixfandomwriter @reidsplaytoy @flipperpenguins
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Tumblr keeps screwing up this post, so I'm going to keep this brief, but thank you to everyone who has ever followed my blog, made this page what it is, enjoyed my fics, wanted more, encouraged me, become a friend, understood when I need breaks and been there for me when I'm going through rough times. Thanks for reading my 57 fics, for dealing with my indecisive moments, my constant changing of fandoms and times where I don't talk to anyone. I love you all, and I love this blog and how it's kept me sane.
Underneath the cut, I've created two little events to celebrate this milestone. You can participate if you wish, absolutely no pressure! One's a writing challenge for my fellow fic writers, and one's a request activity. Take a peek if you want, I would love you too.
Will x
The rules:
Choose up to 1 trope and or song prompt, as well as 2 action and or dialogue prompts from the lists below! They will be listed below the REQUESTS section!
Select your character/ ship that you'll be writing for! Can be from Stranger Things, Criminal Minds, Marvel, and or Criminal Minds. Trust me, there are no limits as to who you could pick, write for whoever you want! Just make sure it's ya know, legal!
Submit an ask or DM with the ship/ character you've selected, the relationship (platonic, romantic, family) and the prompts you would like, and I'll be sure to put you on this post! PLEASE DO SO OFF ANON, so I know who to assign to what prompt!
There can be up to 3 writers per prompt, and 3 writers per trope!
There is NO DEADLINE, I do ask though that you use the #willsannievent
Please tag with the appropriate warnings, and make sure that you're tagging NSFW pieces with the right tag!
And most importantly, have fun!
This is your chance to send any request you want to me, within reason of course! Please make sure if you're wanting something NSFW you're over 18 and preferably off anon, so I can confirm age! You can choose from the prompts below, choose up to 1 trope and or song prompt, as well as 2 action and or dialogue prompts from the lists below! Please be mindful that these will take some time to get through, and I'm about to enter essay season. Please be kind, please be patient, and please recognise that I have the right to reject requests BUT you'll always have the chance to submit a new one! And please, have fun! I want to write something you'll enjoy, so truly pick prompts you love. DEADLINE FOR REQUESTS IS THE 31ST OF MAY! You can request for: CRIMINAL MINDS: Spencer Reid, Aaron Hotchner, Derek Morgan, Emily Prentiss, Hotchreid, Moreid, Jemily THE X-FILES: Fox Mulder x Dana Scully MARVEL: Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, Steve Rodgers, Natasha Romanoff, Wanda Maximoff STRANGER THINGS: Jonathan Byers, Steve Harrington, Stonathan, Stoncy
Share the bed
Enemies to Lovers
Mutual Pining
Bookstore AU
Rescue Mission
Can't sleep
Long Lost Friend
Caring for the injured
Secret Relationship
Truth or Dare
Action Prompts:
Lazy morning/evening kisses
Sudden needy passionate kisses
Stealing clothes
Making the other food or drinks
Tucking someone into bed
Protecting them from danger
Bandaging wounds
Holding hands
Reading to each other
Napping together
Dialogue Prompts:
"Everything is better since I met you"
"I never liked vacations until I met you"
"Please don't leave me"
"I missed you"
"How can I trust you?"
"And I thought you were just a pretty face"
"I'm not leaving without you"
"You know, I kinda like it when you call me -pet name-"
"I can't wait any longer, I need you to be mine"
"God damn it, you're beautiful and sexy and...and you make me go insane"
Song Prompts:
Share Your Address- Ben Platt
Another Love- Tom Odell
Let My Love Open The Door- Pete Townshend
Nothing Matters When We're Dancing- The Magnetic Fields
Scar- Missy Higgins
It Gets Better- Rex Orange County
Golden- Harry Styles
Only Angel- Harry Styles
Paper Rings- Taylor Swift
Love Story- Taylor Swift
PLEASE BE SURE TO READ THE RULES AND SEND YOUR REQUESTS, WRITING CHALLENGE ENTRY TO MY ASK BOX OR DMS! TAGGING SOME MUTUALS AND THOSE WHO MIGHT LIKE TO CELEBRATE WITH ME! @spacedikut @reidemandweep @reidingmelodies @reidsconverse @mercy-burning @samuel-de-champagne-problems @spencereidsupremacy @morceid @morcias @anaagraceeberr @katytheinspiredworkaholic @sadspencer @honeyharreh @ellesgreenaway @voidsfilm @scandinavian-punk @luvofyourlifeliv @lumoshotch @ssahotchswifemain @wheelsup @drreidsboyband @reidgifs @homoose @bvttercupbby @masterwords @dralexreid @laurnrnlds @reidyoulikeabook @spencersawkward @spencers-renaissance @rigatonireid @alltooreid @b-a-utiful @makaylajadewrites @pusheen1802 @reidsnose @altsvu @writing-in-april @tobias-hankel @hotchsbabygirl @lunalovecroft @anxiousblanketqueen
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donald4spiderman · 3 years
do you have any angst recs pls i’m craving it and you write it so well i trust your judgement
hi! ty for trusting my judgement. i’m planning on organizing my tags better so y’all can find specific recs from me.
passing in the night by @imagining-in-the-margins
say something by @spencereidsupremacy
vienna by @strawberryspence
don’t be happier by @reidsacademia
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dreatine · 3 years
Getting to Know You
I was tagged by the awesome @illegalcerebral
Last song: Eva by Ozomatil
Last movie: A month or so ago ‘The Night Manager’ part 4
Currently reading: ’ The Last Apothecary’ by Sarah Penner
Currently watching: Law and Order reruns
Currently craving: Popsicles
Tagging: @rt8815 @andiebeaword @spencers-dria @fortheloveofcriminalminds @a-mended-pact @writing-in-april @spencer-reid-in-a-pool @spencereidsupremacy
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