spellbounds-brayden · 3 years
Women who don't even acknowledge your existence just want you to try harder. I recommend hiding naked in her closet with a block of cheese.
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I might have started drinking a little too early. 
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spellbound-aaron · 5 years
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spellbound-ashlees · 7 years
Blame It On The Alcohol | Group Para
Spellbound was beginning to get on Ashlee’s nerves once again. Since the party from about two weeks ago, things had been annoyingly quiet and even her usual pastimes weren’t offering her some form of relief. She was wholeheartedly bored and was eager to find something better to do than to mope around. So, when Cordelia invited her to a party, she jumped at the chance. She didn’t even bother asking who else was going to be there, she would be civil no matter what if it meant having some type of fun. 
Once the party came around, she grabbed some things from her secret stash along with a present for her sort-of friend and headed towards Blake & Tyler’s room. It didn’t take her long to reach their room and as soon as she arrived, she knocked on the door, pushing it open once she heard Tyler’s voice. Before entering the room, she spotted Rachel and smiled slightly before walking into the room. 
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spellbound-braydens · 7 years
Now i know why Peter Pan didn’t wanna grow up.
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