#speifically being promoted to lord privy seal
fideidefenswhore · 8 months
"Anne's name was reviled as far as the Welsh hinterland, areas staying loyal to Katherine and to Princess Mary, who, like her mother, had lived for a while at Ludlow. In 2004, a forgotten sixteenth-century Welsh poem by Lewy Morgannwg entitled "To Henry VIII because he married Anne Boleyn" was reliably transcribed and edited. In this fascinating piece, the poet echoes popular opinion by choosing to castigate Anne was the reincarnation of Alice and Rowena, two legendary women synonymous in Welsh literature with betrayal, poison, and murder. 'Do not suppress those of gentle birth and favour those of lowly estate,' the poet warns Henry in a clear reference to the differences between Anne and Katherine. Nor should Henry elevate 'one of low blood to be a prince'-- a possible allusion to Richmond, or to the son Anne promised to give him. While it is unlikely that the poet would have dared to publish his work while Anne's star was so high, its very existence, had she known of it, and the feelings it expressed, would have comforted the exiled Katherine." Sister Queens (2012), Julia Fox
"But Anne would have been even more satisfied still if she had been able to read a despatch written by Chapuys on 10 August [1535]. For the [Summer] Progress, he reported gloomily, was achieving its aim of 'gaining the people": 'The king is still in the confines of Wales, hunting and traversing the country to gain the people; [where it is] said many of the peasants he has passed, hearing the preachers who followed the court, are so much abused to believe God has inspired the king to separate himself from the wife of his brother.'" The Queens of Henry VIII (2004), David Starkey
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