#speech recognition ai (artificial intelligence) camera market
data-bridge · 2 years
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appu143 · 1 day
Humanoid AI Robots Available in Dubai
Robots created for imitating humans in both look and behavior are called humanoid robots. These robots have artificial intelligence (AI) systems set up, which enable them to see and respond to their surroundings in a manner akin to that of humans. Humanoid robots, equipped with modern sensors, cameras, speech recognition, and mobility features, may now carry out jobs that were previously believed to be human-only.
Pepper is a humanoid robot that is frequently utilized in the service sector and is meant to welcome and engage with humans.
Availability of Humanoid Robots in Dubai
Optimus Robo
One of the top robotics companies in Dubai, Optimus Robo focuses on creating the moment humanoid robots for both production and domestic applications. The company sells a variety of robots made to help in sectors like healthcare, customer service, and hospitality. These robots are capable of efficient completion of ordinary activities and come with characteristics like facial recognition and voice interaction.
In Dubai, humanoid AI robots are becoming a reality rather than just a creature from science fiction. These robots are transforming industries throughout the city with their capacity to carry out activities, engage with people, and increase corporate efficiency. Dubai is taking the lead in the use of humanoid robots as the market for AI technology expands. With humanoid robots now available in Dubai, there are exciting future possibilities for anyone seeking to improve their daily life or operate their own company.
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aisaasblog · 1 month
Innovations in AI: Breaking News and Updates on Artificial Intelligence Technologies
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Photo Credit:incubator.ucf.edu
Artificial intelligence (AI) has become increasingly prevalent in our society, revolutionizing the way businesses operate and individuals interact with technology. As advancements in AI continue to progress at a rapid pace, it is crucial for us to stay informed on the latest developments in this ever-evolving field. From self-driving cars to virtual assistants, AI technologies are reshaping industries and transforming the way we live and work. In this article, we will explore the latest updates and breakthroughs in AI that are pushing the boundaries of what is possible. From cutting-edge research to real-world applications, we will delve into the innovative ways in which AI is being utilized across various sectors. Whether you are a technology enthusiast, industry professional, or simply curious about the future of AI, this article will provide insight into the exciting advancements that are shaping the landscape of artificial intelligence technologies.
Latest Advancements in AI Technology Impact of AI on Various Industries AI Startups Making Waves in the Industry Ethical Considerations in AI Development Future Trends in Artificial Intelligence
Latest Advancements in AI Technology
Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology continues to evolve at a rapid pace, with groundbreaking advancements reshaping the way we interact with machines and analyze data. From advanced robotics to machine learning algorithms, the latest innovations in AI are pushing the boundaries of what was once thought possible. One of the most exciting recent developments in AI technology is the rise of deep learning. This subset of machine learning uses neural networks to analyze vast amounts of data and uncover complex patterns and relationships. Researchers are using deep learning algorithms to improve speech recognition, image classification, and natural language processing, among other applications. As a result, AI-powered systems are becoming increasingly sophisticated and capable of performing tasks that were once thought to require human intelligence. Another significant advancement in AI technology is the integration of AI with robotics. Companies are developing intelligent robots that can perform a wide range of tasks, from manufacturing to healthcare. These robots are equipped with sensors, cameras, and AI algorithms that enable them to navigate complex environments, interact with humans, and make autonomous decisions. As a result, robots are becoming increasingly versatile and adaptable, opening up new opportunities for automation in various industries. AI technology is also making strides in the field of healthcare. Researchers are using AI algorithms to analyze medical images, predict patient outcomes, and develop personalized treatment plans. AI-powered systems are also being used to streamline administrative tasks, such as scheduling appointments and managing electronic health records. These advancements are revolutionizing the healthcare industry, improving patient care and reducing costs. In the field of finance, AI technology is being used to analyze market data, detect fraudulent activities, and personalize financial services. AI-powered algorithms are helping financial institutions make more informed investment decisions, manage risk more effectively, and provide personalized recommendations to customers. As a result, AI is reshaping the financial services industry, driving innovation and improving efficiency. AI technology is also being leveraged to enhance cybersecurity efforts. Companies are using AI algorithms to detect and respond to cyber threats in real time, protect sensitive data, and strengthen their defenses against hackers. AI-powered systems are able to analyze vast amounts of data and identify patterns that human analysts may overlook, enabling organizations to proactively prevent cyber attacks and minimize the impact of security breaches. In conclusion, the latest advancements in AI technology are transforming industries and reshaping the way we live and work. From deep learning algorithms to intelligent robots, AI-powered systems are becoming increasingly sophisticated and capable of performing complex tasks with speed and accuracy. As AI continues to evolve, the possibilities are endless, and the potential for innovation is boundless. With ongoing research and development, AI technology will continue to push the boundaries of what is possible, revolutionizing the way we interact with technology and changing the world as we know it.
Impact of AI on Various Industries
Artificial Intelligence, or AI, is revolutionizing various industries around the world. Its impact is being felt in sectors such as healthcare, finance, retail, manufacturing, transportation, and more. The integration of AI technologies is transforming the way businesses operate, enhancing efficiency, productivity, and decision-making processes. In the healthcare industry, AI is playing a crucial role in improving patient care and outcomes. AI-powered algorithms are being used to analyze medical images, detect diseases at an early stage, and personalize treatment plans for patients. AI is also being utilized to streamline administrative tasks, reduce errors, and optimize hospital operations. With the help of AI, healthcare providers are better equipped to deliver quality care to patients and save lives. In the finance sector, AI is reshaping the way financial institutions manage risk, detect fraud, and make investment decisions. AI algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data in real time, identify patterns, and predict market trends with high accuracy. This enables financial institutions to make informed decisions, mitigate risks, and seize opportunities in a rapidly changing market landscape. AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants are also being utilized to provide personalized financial advice and improve customer service experiences. In the retail industry, AI is revolutionizing the way businesses interact with customers and optimize operations. AI-powered recommendation engines are being used to personalize product recommendations based on customer preferences and behavior. This not only enhances the shopping experience for customers but also increases sales and customer loyalty. AI is also being used to optimize inventory management, pricing strategies, and supply chain operations, leading to improved efficiency and profitability for retailers. In the manufacturing sector, AI is driving automation and efficiency in production processes. AI-enabled robots and autonomous machines are being used to perform complex tasks with speed and precision, leading to increased productivity and cost savings. AI algorithms are also being used to predict equipment failures, optimize maintenance schedules, and improve overall operational efficiency. Through the integration of AI technologies, manufacturers are able to innovate and adapt to changing market demands more effectively. In the transportation sector, AI is revolutionizing the way goods are transported, and people are moved from one place to another. AI-powered algorithms are being used to optimize route planning, reduce fuel consumption, and improve the safety of transportation systems. Autonomous vehicles, powered by AI technologies, are also being developed to revolutionize the way people and goods are transported, leading to safer and more efficient transportation systems. In conclusion, the impact of AI on various industries is profound and far-reaching. From healthcare to finance, retail, manufacturing, and transportation, AI technologies are revolutionizing the way businesses operate, making them more efficient, productive, and competitive in the global market. As AI continues to evolve and advance, its impact on industries will only continue to grow, driving innovation and shaping the future of work and business.
AI Startups Making Waves in the Industry
AI startups are increasingly making their mark in the industry, bringing unique and innovative solutions to the table. These startups are disrupting traditional industries and paving the way for new applications of artificial intelligence technologies. One such startup that is making waves in the industry is DeepMind, a London-based company that specializes in deep learning and artificial intelligence research. DeepMind gained international recognition when it developed AlphaGo, a computer program that beat the world champion in the ancient game of Go. The company has since expanded its focus to healthcare, using AI to help analyze medical images and predict patient outcomes. Another startup that is gaining attention is Zensors, a company that uses AI to automate the analysis of video data. By applying machine learning algorithms, Zensors helps businesses monitor store shelves, analyze customer behavior, and detect security threats in real-time. This technology is revolutionizing the way businesses use video data, saving time and improving efficiency. In the healthcare sector, Paige.AI is making waves with its deep learning algorithms that help pathologists analyze cancer slides more accurately and efficiently. By leveraging AI technology, the startup is able to provide pathologists with valuable insights that can lead to better patient outcomes. Paige.AI's innovative approach to cancer diagnostics is transforming the field of pathology and improving the accuracy of cancer diagnoses. Another standout startup in the AI industry is OpenAI, a research institute that focuses on developing artificial general intelligence (AGI). OpenAI aims to create AI that can outperform humans in a wide range of cognitive tasks, paving the way for groundbreaking advancements in technology and society. The institute has made significant contributions to the field of AI, with its research papers and projects garnering widespread acclaim. AI startup Genetesis is also making a splash with its innovative technology that uses AI to improve cardiac diagnostics. The company's CardioFlux system enables healthcare providers to quickly and accurately screen for cardiac conditions using electromagnetic sensors and machine learning algorithms. Genetesis's cutting-edge approach to cardiac diagnostics is revolutionizing the way healthcare providers assess and treat cardiovascular diseases. Overall, AI startups are playing a crucial role in advancing artificial intelligence technologies and driving innovation across various industries. By developing groundbreaking solutions and pushing the boundaries of what is possible with AI, these startups are shaping the future of technology and changing the way we interact with machines. As the AI industry continues to grow and evolve, it is clear that startups will play a vital role in driving progress and shaping the future of artificial intelligence.
Ethical Considerations in AI Development
With the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, the importance of ethical considerations in AI development cannot be overstated. The potential impact of AI on society, including issues related to privacy, bias, and accountability, necessitate a thoughtful and comprehensive approach to ensuring that AI systems are built and deployed in a manner that respects ethical principles. One key ethical consideration in AI development is the issue of bias. AI systems are only as good as the data they are trained on, and if that data is biased, the system itself can perpetuate and even exacerbate existing biases. For example, a facial recognition system trained primarily on data of white faces may struggle to accurately identify faces of individuals with darker skin tones. This could have serious consequences in applications such as law enforcement or hiring where accurate identification is crucial. To address the issue of bias in AI systems, developers must take steps to ensure that the data used to train these systems is diverse and representative of the population as a whole. This may involve collecting and using data from a wide variety of sources, as well as employing techniques such as data augmentation to increase the diversity of the training data. Another ethical consideration in AI development is transparency and accountability. AI systems can be complex and opaque, making it difficult for users to understand how they reach their decisions. This lack of transparency can be problematic, particularly in high-stakes applications such as healthcare or criminal justice, where the stakes are high and the consequences of errors can be severe. To address this issue, developers must strive to build AI systems that are transparent and explainable. This may involve using techniques such as interpretable machine learning models or developing algorithms that provide users with insights into how they reached a particular decision. By making AI systems more transparent, developers can increase trust in these systems and ensure that they are used responsibly. Privacy is another key ethical consideration in AI development. AI systems often rely on vast amounts of data to function effectively, raising concerns about how this data is collected, stored, and used. There is a risk that personal information may be misused or compromised, leading to violations of individuals' privacy rights. To protect privacy in AI development, developers must prioritize data security and implement strong data protection measures. This may involve using techniques such as differential privacy to preserve the privacy of individuals while still allowing for effective data analysis. Additionally, developers must ensure that users are informed about how their data will be used and provide clear mechanisms for individuals to control their own data. In conclusion, ethical considerations are a critical aspect of AI development. By addressing issues such as bias, transparency, and privacy, developers can ensure that AI systems are built and deployed in a manner that respects ethical principles and promotes the well-being of society as a whole. By taking a thoughtful and comprehensive approach to ethics in AI development, we can harness the full potential of AI technologies while minimizing the risks and negative consequences associated with their use.
Future Trends in Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has rapidly evolved in recent years, with new advancements and breakthroughs being made on a regular basis. Many experts believe that the future of AI holds even more exciting possibilities, with significant trends shaping the development of this technology in the years to come. One of the most prominent future trends in AI is the rise of autonomous systems. Autonomous vehicles, robots, and drones are already being developed with AI capabilities that allow them to operate independently and make decisions without human intervention. These systems have the potential to revolutionize industries such as transportation, manufacturing, and healthcare, by increasing efficiency, safety, and productivity. Another key trend in AI is the increasing integration of AI with other technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and blockchain. By combining AI with IoT devices, businesses can collect and analyze vast amounts of data in real-time, enabling them to make more informed decisions and improve customer experiences. Similarly, the use of AI in blockchain technology can enhance security and transparency in transactions, creating new opportunities for industries like finance and supply chain management. Natural language processing (NLP) is also poised to be a major trend in AI in the future. NLP focuses on enabling machines to understand and generate human language, allowing for more natural and intuitive interactions between humans and AI systems. As NLP technology continues to advance, we can expect to see improvements in virtual assistants, chatbots, and other applications that rely on human language processing. Ethical AI is another important trend that is gaining traction in the AI community. As AI becomes more integrated into our daily lives, concerns about bias, fairness, and privacy have come to the forefront. Ethical AI seeks to address these concerns by developing frameworks and guidelines that ensure AI systems are transparent, accountable, and aligned with societal values. In the future, we can expect to see increased focus on ethical AI principles to guide the responsible development and deployment of AI technologies. The democratization of AI is also expected to be a significant trend in the coming years. As AI becomes more accessible and user-friendly, people from all walks of life will have the opportunity to leverage AI tools and resources to solve complex problems and drive innovation. This increased democratization of AI has the potential to empower individuals and organizations to harness the power of AI for social good and economic growth. Finally, the convergence of AI with other emerging technologies such as quantum computing, 5G networks, and augmented reality (AR) is likely to shape the future landscape of AI. These technologies have the potential to unlock new capabilities and applications for AI, leading to unprecedented levels of performance and efficiency. In conclusion, the future of AI holds immense promise and potential for innovation and growth. By understanding and embracing the key trends shaping the development of AI, businesses, governments, and individuals can position themselves to thrive in the increasingly AI-powered world. As AI continues to evolve and transform various industries, it is crucial to stay informed about the latest trends and developments to harness the full potential of this transformative technology.
In conclusion, the field of artificial intelligence continues to rapidly evolve, with constant breakthroughs and advancements shaping the future of technology and society. From machine learning to natural language processing, AI technologies are revolutionizing industries and pushing boundaries in ways previously thought impossible. As we continue to witness the remarkable progress being made in this field, it is clear that the potential for AI to transform the world as we know it is boundless. Stay informed and stay ahead with the latest updates and news on artificial intelligence innovations.
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govindhtech · 3 months
Google Pixel 9 Series Launch Confirmed for August 13th
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As Google gets ready to reveal the Google Pixel 9 series on August 13, 2024, the tech community is a flurry of activity. The debut this year looks to be historic, with a focus on cutting-edge AI, design enhancements, and lightning-fast performance that might completely change the smartphone market. Let’s examine the features of the Pixel 9 series in more detail and discuss why you should put this event on your calendars.
An Intimidating First Date: Taking Centre Stage When announcing the launch date of August 13th, Google appears to be acting strategically. In order to potentially capture consumers’ attention before they make a decision, it deftly places the announcement of the Google Pixel 9 series reveal between the upcoming Samsung Galaxy foldables and the anticipated introduction of the iPhone 16 lineup. Google’s deliberate timing shows that it is confident in the Pixel 9’s potential and intends to compete strongly in the flagship smartphone market.
The Pixel Revolution is Powered by Tensor G4 Presumably, the Tensor G4, the next generation Tensor chip, will be the brains behind the Google Pixel 9 series. The artificial intelligence capabilities of Google’s proprietary Tensor processors have continuously amazed, and the Tensor G4 is expected to push the envelope even farther. In domains such as total processing power, picture and speech recognition, and on-device machine learning, we should expect major advances. This might result in improved computational photographic skills, a speedier and more seamless user experience, and even yet-to-be-unveiled, potentially revolutionary AI functions.
Improvements for the Camera: Getting the Perfect Shot Famous for having outstanding cameras, Google Pixel phones are anticipated to improve even further with the Google Pixel 9 series. More megapixels, better low-light performance, and even faster autofocus are all suggested by leaks and rumours about the next sensors. The Tensor G4 is expected to enable Google to further hone their computational photography magic, producing amazingly realistic and detailed images and movies. Another possibility is the introduction of AI-powered camera functions like sophisticated video editing software or real-time object and scene recognition.
Redesign: An Optimal Pixel Appearance Google may have introduced a new design language with the Google Pixel 9 series, despite their previous design decisions being quite conservative. Rumours suggest a more sophisticated, contemporary style with possibly smaller bezels and better construction. To give the Pixel 9 a more upscale appearance and feel, more opulent materials like metal and glass might have been used. When it comes to colour selection, there may be some surprises as well. Google may provide fresh and intriguing hues to suit a range of tastes.
Foldable Future Unfolded: Pixel Folding Google Pixel 9 rumours go beyond the ordinary Pixel phones. Many expect Google to release a new Pixel Fold. Google may have improved the Pixel Fold’s appearance, hinge mechanism, and user experience after first receiving mixed reviews. Google’s software skills and a cutting-edge foldable display might make the Pixel Fold 2 a strong rival in the foldable phone industry.
Using AI: A Pixel Enabled by Cognition The Google Pixel 9 series is probably going to demonstrate a more thorough integration of AI throughout the user experience. Google’s strength is its artificial intelligence capabilities. Personalised voice assistant interactions, more intelligent call filtering, and context-aware suggestions that streamline daily activities are some of the improvements we may expect to see. When it comes to anticipating your wants and offering proactive support, Google Assistant may grow even more intelligent and beneficial.
Android’s advantage over other software.
With the most recent version of Android pre-installed, the Google Pixel 9 series will definitely have special features and optimisations not found on other Android smartphones. A primary selling feature of Pixel phones is Google’s simple, bloatware-free software, and the Google Pixel 9 series is probably going to carry on this legacy. For years to come, your Pixel 9 will remain secure and current thanks to timely updates and security fixes.
The Pixel Ecosystem: Looking Past the Hardware Going beyond the phone itself is the Pixel experience. With Google Photos and Google Drive, for example, you can enjoy a smooth integration between your Pixel device and a variety of Pixel-exclusive services from Google. To create a unified and user-friendly ecosystem for Pixel users, these services are probably going to get additional improvements and functionality concurrently with the release of the Pixel 9.
Looking Ahead: The Pixel 9 and Up Google is expected to undergo significant change with the August 13 debut of the Pixel 9 series. Google has a chance to produce a flagship smartphone experience that rivals the finest on the market with the upcoming release of Android 13, a formidable Tensor G4 chip, and outstanding camera advancements.
It will be interesting to see if the Google Pixel 9 series lives up to the expectations, but one thing is for sure: international smartphone lovers and tech enthusiasts will be watching attentively for this August 13 event.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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robertemma27-blog · 3 months
AI Camera Market: Trends, Insights, and Forecast (2023-2028)
The global AI camera market is expected to grow significantly over the next decade, driven by the increasing adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies in various industries. The market size is projected to reach USD 22.1 billion by 2028, up from USD 7.6 billion in 2023, at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 23.9% from 2023 to 2028.
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Market Dynamics The AI camera market is driven by several factors, including:
Rising Demand for Surveillance Solutions: The need for advanced surveillance solutions, particularly in the wake of security concerns, is driving the demand for AI cameras. These cameras leverage AI algorithms for tasks like facial recognition, object detection, and behavioral analytics, enhancing surveillance, security, and analytics capabilities
Integration in Smart City Initiatives: AI cameras are integral components in smart city projects, supporting traffic management, public safety, and urban planning. The rapid adoption of AI-powered surveillance in retail, manufacturing, and healthcare sectors is also prominent
Advancements in Facial Recognition Technology: Advances in facial recognition technology are enhancing the capabilities of AI cameras, making them more effective in various applications, including security and surveillance.
Increasing Applications in Healthcare: AI cameras are being increasingly used in healthcare for applications such as patient monitoring, medical imaging, and telemedicine, further driving market growth.
Expanding Applications in Retail Analytics: AI cameras are being used in retail analytics to track customer behavior, monitor inventory, and optimize supply chain management, contributing to the market's growth.
Rise of Contactless Technologies: The shift towards contactless technologies, such as touchless payment systems and contactless door entry systems, is also driving the demand for AI cameras.
Market Segmentation The AI camera market is segmented by component, type, technology, industry vertical, and region. The key segments are:
Component: Hardware, software, services, and others.
Type: Surveillance cameras, smartphone cameras, digital cameras, industrial cameras, and others.
Technology: Image/Face Recognition, Voice/Speech Recognition, Computer Vision, Context Awareness, and others.
Industry Vertical: Consumer Electronics, Automotive, Manufacturing, Sports, Retail, Healthcare, Transportation, and others.
Region: North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Middle East & Africa, and Latin America.
Regional Analysis The AI camera market is segmented into various regions, each with its unique trends and growth drivers:
North America: The region is driven by advanced security solutions, including facial recognition in public spaces and residential areas. There is a focus on privacy-aware technologies, regulatory compliance, and integration with smart city initiatives
Europe: European trends prioritize sustainability, incorporating energy-efficient and eco-friendly features. The emphasis is on AI-driven solutions for heritage preservation, intelligent transportation systems, and enhancing public safety. Privacy regulations heavily influence AI camera deployments, ensuring ethical use and data protection
Asia-Pacific: The region is driven by smart city development, with a focus on traffic management, public safety, and urban planning. The rapid adoption of AI-powered surveillance in retail, manufacturing, and healthcare sectors is prominent. The region also experiences a surge in innovative applications like AI-driven agricultural technologies.
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simplitaught · 1 year
Online Learning is the Future of Education: 8 Reasons Why?
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With the digitization of almost everything, education is also not lagging behind as many learners opt for personalized e-learning. Covid has abruptly shifted billions of learners out of schools, colleges, and universities and sparked an interest in online learning. Institutions are embracing this change and trying to figure out unique ways to implement virtual education. Thus, online learning is the future of education that lies at the heart of it as more and more students are reaping the benefits of this form of learning.
Distance learning is engaging students and moving towards interactive formats, such as technologies like gamification and augmented reality (AR)/virtual reality (VR). We will discuss some exciting developments in the virtual education sector. But first, let’s look at online learning and its benefits.
What is Online Learning?
Online learning is a form of education that encourages students to learn from anywhere. It helps them acquire knowledge using the latest technologies. Online learning is also called eLearning, distance learning, or Internet learning. It allows learners to develop diverse skills with customized learning.
Advantages of Online Education
The future of online learning has taken center stage, and although it’s tough at first to adapt to the format, there are numerous benefits once learners get the hang of it. Distance learning offers the following advantages
It offers flexibility to pursue your course from anywhere and at any time.
There is a wide range of course and program options.
Students can acquire a broader range of perspectives as learners in online courses are from different countries and backgrounds.
It is affordable and saves time.
It enables students to build their time management skills.
Online learning allows students to communicate with teachers and peers through multiple channels like videoconferencing, emails, etc.
Why Online Learning is the Future of Education?
The top reasons are as follows:
1. Social Learning
We all use social media, and social learning takes its base from these components of human interaction, technology, and group dynamics to make the learning process easier and keep students engaged. Contrary to traditional learning, social learning is about gaining skills and knowledge through technology, interactive videos, and reading books. As a result, it is much more productive, straightforward, and effective than classroom teaching.
2. Adaptive Learning
Adaptive learning is a form of custom learning experience that addresses the unique needs of learners through instant feedback, pathways, and other resources. It offers personalization of courses rather than providing a one-size-fits-all learning model.
3. Artificial Intelligence
The worldwide online learning market was expected to grow to $325 billion by 2025, even before the pandemic. According to many eLearning experts, “an AI-based online learning platform is a system that has the power to maintain and accomplish different tasks requiring human intelligence.” AI can present solutions to human-related problems, such as speech recognition, decision-making, translation, and more.
One of the trademark features of artificial intelligence is the ability to assemble and analyze users’ data every time they interact with edTech tools. This is why online education courses can be designed to become more efficient. Using artificial intelligence technology can help to:
Decide the levels of learning expected of a student.
Aid the users to the next level by providing relevant content.
Assist students by considering their previous experience, knowledge, skills, learning styles, and preferred pace.
4. Video Learning
Video learning refers to learning experiences facilitated by video. It combines camera footage, text, graphics, animation, and audio to create a multisensory learning experience. This efficient learning technique practically demonstrates the subject material, serving as one of the best reasons for students to learn online.
5. Learning Management Systems
Managers usually use a content management system (CMS) to build and store digital information in institutes and schools. Lately, institutions have extended this concept of CMS to eLearning platforms, known as Learning Management Systems (LMS).
LMS offers several benefits as it allows educators and other faculty members to design, document, and register courses and study materials in the software. Thus, eLearning plays a significant role in a technology-based and digitalized education system. Students can go online and study any required course. Using the capabilities of LMS, educators are creating lesson plans and managing practices efficiently, thus getting rid of the old analog ways for the better.
6. Microlearning
Mostly, students are never excited about large and multi-phase projects. So, learners in collaborative classrooms have found a way around this problem. They are splitting learning materials into manageable pieces. The whole process of chunking is known as microlearning. Teachers also break study materials into modules to produce more brilliant and faster retention. For example, they can break a two-hour-long lesson into four 30-minute sessions. Besides improving knowledge retention, microlearning enables learning on the go and supports self-paced education and personalized learning.
7. Customized Learning Experience
Distance learning empowers students to study at their own pace, offering complete flexibility. It aids learners in setting the study time depending on their attention spans. Also, virtual education is customized as per students’ requirements and mastery levels which also helps students to be in a better mental health space. Many online course platforms have a record and save option, where learners can visit the saved sessions later or revise the topic as required.
8. Learning and Development
People have different learning styles and want to study according to their preferred choices. eLearning allows students to learn remotely according to their favored learning style and instructional design principles. Therefore, the future of online learning relies on Learning and Development (L&D) because it helps assess resources and overall course and assists students in learning and developing their skills.
Final Thoughts
There are varied reasons to believe that online learning is the future of education. We have discussed the top reasons in this article why most students undertake remote education and why organizations offer it. Both learners and educators benefit from virtual learning as it gives a better experience. Different educational institutions can develop and utilize e-learning software to bring in more learners and educate them effectively. Online education software aids the majority with accessing virtual study resources and opportunities worldwide.
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qrtumb · 2 years
Global Speech Recognition AI (Artificial Intelligence) Camera Market Overview and Report
Global Speech Recognition AI (Artificial Intelligence) Camera Market was valued at USD 14,290.20 million in 2021 and is slated to reach at USD 37,048.58 million by 2027 at a CAGR of 12.7 % from 2022-2027.
The intelligent service that is employed to capture voice recognition imaging is the speech recognition artificial intelligence camera. Contactless user interfaces for vision AI-based surveillance or industrial automation systems are made simpler by this multimodal architecture.
 Get a Sample Copy of this Report@ https://qualiketresearch.com/request-sample/Speech-Recognition-AI-Camera-Market/request-sample
Market Drivers
The industry is expanding as artificial intelligence is developed in many organisations. To detect speech images and carry out various other duties more effectively and precisely, it requires specially built hardware with complicated algorithms and software. Another element fueling the market's expansion over the anticipated period is the rising demand for high-speed networks in industrial facilities to analyse real-time data, improve production processes, and enable secure and seamless data transmission. The market is predicted to create profitable prospects as cloud-based services become more prevalent in the information technology industry, which will accelerate the expansion of the voice recognition AI (artificial intelligence) market. The direct attached artificial intelligence (AI) storage system market will also have a number of growth opportunities during the anticipated period thanks to technological advancements in cloud-based services, such as improved smart camera efficiency and others in the business, governmental, and telecom sectors.
Market Restraints
Data security concerns and other issues that result in cybercrime, cyberthreats, and other issues are predicted to hinder market expansion. The key aspect anticipated to pose a challenge to the voice recognition AI (artificial intelligence) camera market over the forecast period is the lack of knowledge of artificial intelligence technology in emerging countries.
Impact of COVID-19
The market for AI (artificial intelligence) cameras that recognise speech was negatively impacted by the recent coronavirus outbreak. The market was significantly impacted by supply chain disruption, a shortage of labour, price variations, and the availability of raw materials. However, the total industry is anticipated to increase slowly as restrictions are gradually lifted and company operations are resumed. Additionally, it is predicted that the market will rebound when individual regulatory authorities start to loosen these imposed lockdowns. The operations that have been halted and cancelled will resume, and market growth is anticipated.
Market Segmentation
Global Speech Recognition AI (Artificial Intelligence) Camera Market is segmented into Product, Vertical and Type. By Product such as Smartphone Cameras, Surveillance Cameras, DSLRs, Others. By Vertical such as Automotive, Enterprise, Consumer, Banking, Financial Services and Insurance (BFSI), Government, Retail, Healthcare, Military, Legal, Education, Others. By Type such as 4K, 8K, Others.
Regional Analysis
Global Speech Recognition AI (Artificial Intelligence) Camera Market is segmented into five regions North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Middle East & Africa. The market for voice recognition AI (artificial intelligence) cameras is dominated by North America since there are more seasoned professionals there and they are more widely known and accessible. During the projected period, Asia-Pacific is anticipated to experience considerable development as a result of the region's expanding adoption of artificial intelligence in the financial sector and the rising demand for direct-attached artificial intelligence (AI) storage systems.
 Get Discount on this Report@ https://qualiketresearch.com/request-sample/Speech-Recognition-AI-Camera-Market/ask-for-discount
Key Players
This report includes a list of numerous Key Players, namely SAMSUNG (South Korea), Sony Corporation (Japan), Xiaomi (China), Honeywell International Inc. (U.S.), Canon U.S.A., Inc. (U.S.), Nikon India Pvt Ltd (India), Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. (China), LG Electronics (South Korea), Google (U.S.), Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd. (China).
Market Taxonomy
By Product
• Smartphone Cameras • Surveillance Cameras • DSLRs • Others
By Vertical
• Automotive • Enterprise • Consumer • Banking, Financial Services and Insurance (BFSI) • Government • Retail • Healthcare • Military • Legal • Education • Others
By Type
• 4K • 8K • Others
By Region
• North America • Latin America • Europe • Asia Pacific • Middle East & Africa.
Browse Full Report https://qualiketresearch.com/reports-details/Speech-Recognition-AI-Camera-Market
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stephenmccull · 4 years
To Free Doctors From Computers, Far-Flung Scribes Are Now Taking Notes For Them
Podiatrist Dr. Mark Lewis greets his first patient of the morning in his suburban Seattle exam room and points to a tiny video camera mounted on the right rim of his glasses. “This is my scribe, Jacqueline,” he says. “She can see us and hear us.”
Jacqueline is watching the appointment on her computer screen after the sun has set, 8,000 miles away in Mysore, a southern Indian city known for its palaces and jasmine flowers. She copiously documents the details of each visit and enters them into the patient’s electronic health record, or EHR.
Jacqueline (her real first name, according to her employer), works for San Francisco-based Augmedix, a startup with 1,000 medical scribes in South Asia and the U.S. The company is part of a growing industry that profits from a confluence of health care trends — including, now, the pandemic — that are dispersing patient care around the globe.
Medical scribes first appeared in the 1970s as note takers for emergency room physicians. But the practice took off after 2009, when the federal HITECH Act incentivized health care providers to adopt EHRs. These were supposed to simplify patient record-keeping, but instead they generated a need for scribes. Doctors find entering notes and data into poorly designed EHR software cumbersome and time-consuming. So scribing is a fast-growing field in the U.S., with the workforce expanding from 15,000 in 2015 to an estimated 100,000 this year.
A 2016 study found that doctors spent 37% of a patient visit on a computer and an average of two extra hours after work on EHR tasks. EHR use contributes to physician burnout, increasingly considered a public health crisis in itself.
Before COVID-19, most scribes — typically young, aspiring health professionals — worked in the exam room a few paces away from the doctor and patient. This year, as the pandemic led patients to shun clinics and hospitals, many scribes were laid off or furloughed. Many have returned, but scribes are increasingly working online — even from the other side of the world.
Remote scribes are patched into the exam room’s sound via a tablet or speaker, or through a video connection. Some create doctors’ notes in real time; others annotate after visits. And some have help from speech-recognition software programs that grow more accurate with use.
While many remote scribes are based in the United States, others are abroad, primarily in India. Chanchal Toor was a dental school graduate facing limited job opportunities in India when a subcontractor to Augmedix hired her in 2015. Some of her scribe colleagues also trained or aspired to become dentists or other health professionals, she said. Now a manager for Augmedix in San Francisco, Toor said scribing, even remotely, made her feel like part of a health care team.
Augmedix recruits people who have a bachelor’s degree or the equivalent, and screens for proficiency in English reading, listening comprehension and writing, the company said. Once on board, scribes undergo about three months of training. The curriculum includes medical terminology, anatomy, physiology and mock visits.
Revenue has grown this year, and his sales team has grown from four to 14 members, Augmedix CEO Manny Krakaris said. Sachin Gupta, CEO of IKS Health, which employs Indian doctors as remote scribes for their U.S. counterparts, projects 50% revenue growth this year for its scribing business. He said the company employs 4,000 people but declined to share how many are scribes.
Remote scribe “Edwin” gives internist Dr. Susan Fesmire more time, freeing her from having to finish 20 charts at the end of every day. “It was like constantly having homework that you don’t finish,” she said. With the help of “Edwin” — Fesmire said he declines to use his real name — she had the time and energy to become chief operating officer of her small Dallas practice. Edwin works for Physicians Angels, which employs 500 remote scribes in India. Fesmire pays $14 an hour for his services.
Doctors with foreign scribes say notes may need minor editing for dialectal differences and scribes may be unfamiliar with local vocabulary. “I had a patient from Louisiana,” said Fesmire, “and Edwin said afterward, ‘What is chicory, doctor?’” But she also praised his notes as more accurate and complete than her own.
Kevin Brady, president of Physicians Angels, said their scribes start at $500 to $600 per month, plus health care and retirement benefits, while senior scribes make $1,000 to $1,500 — middle-class family incomes in India. Employers are required to provide employees with health insurance, although many scribes are contractors, and the job site Indeed.com says the average salary for a scribe in India is $500 a month. Scribes in the U.S. get about $2,500.
Remote scribing is still a small part of the market. Craig Newman, chief strategy officer of HealthChannels, parent to ScribeAmerica, the largest scribing company in the U.S., said that the firm’s remote scribing business has increased threefold since the pandemic’s outset but that “a large majority” of the company’s 26,000 U.S. scribes still work in person.
It’s a highly unregulated industry for which training and certification aren’t required. The service typically costs physicians $12 to $25 an hour, and studies show scribe use is linked to less time on patient documentation, higher job satisfaction and seeing more patients — which can mean more revenue.
For patients, studies suggest scribes have a positive or neutral effect on satisfaction. Some have privacy concerns, though, and state laws vary on whether a patient must be notified that someone is watching and listening many miles away.
Only 1% of patients refuse a remote scribe when asked by physicians at Massachusetts General Physicians Organization, said Dr. David Ting, the practice’s chief medical information officer. His group, an IKS Health client, always seeks patient consent, Ting said.
Scribes aren’t for everyone, though. Janis Ulevich, a retiree in Palo Alto, California, declines her primary care doctor’s remote scribe. “Conversations with your doctor can be intimate,” said Ulevich. “I don’t like other people listening in.”
Some patients may not have the opportunity to decline. With limited exceptions, federal laws like HIPAA, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, don’t require doctors to seek a patient’s consent before sharing their health information with a company that supports the practice’s work (like a scribe firm), as long as that company signed a contract agreeing to protect the patient’s data, said Chris Apgar, a former HIPAA compliance officer.
About one-quarter of U.S. states require all parties in a conversation to agree to be recorded, meaning they require a patient’s permission. Some states also have special privacy protections for certain groups, like people with HIV/AIDS, or very strict informed-consent or privacy laws, said Matt Fisher, a partner at Massachusetts law firm Mirick O’Connell.
Remote scribing also raises cybersecurity concerns. Reported data breaches are rare, but some scribe companies have lax security, said Cliff Baker, CEO of the health care cybersecurity firm Corl Technologies.
The next step in the trend could be no human scribes at all. Tech giants like Google, EHR companies and venture-backed startups are developing or already marketing artificial intelligence tools aimed at reducing or eliminating the need for humans to document visits.
AI and scribes won’t eliminate physician burnout that stems from the nature of the health care system, said Dr. Rebekah Gardner, an associate professor of medicine at Brown University who researches the issue. Neither can take on burnout-driving EHR tasks like submitting requests for insurance company approval of procedures, drugs and tests, she said.
This KHN story first published on California Healthline, a service of the California Health Care Foundation.
Kaiser Health News (KHN) is a national health policy news service. It is an editorially independent program of the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation which is not affiliated with Kaiser Permanente.
This story can be republished for free (details).
To Free Doctors From Computers, Far-Flung Scribes Are Now Taking Notes For Them published first on https://smartdrinkingweb.weebly.com/
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premk-blog · 4 years
“Latest Trending Technologies” --Every One Must Know
Our privacy is only private for us as we keep setting privacy and security setting in the web platform, but public for computer mastermind and intelligent people. “Nothing is private in this universe since the internet started to roam around the world.” We must know the absolute reality, “We are not allowing our mobile phone or new techno gadget to lick the information, but we are only the responsible person to make it happen because we store the information not in the brain, not we think better to put down note, but we think, the demand of the time, we keep it safe in the mobile phone or new techno gadget where the data is stored on cloud storage. And, it has better access from any type of device through application which can dig deeper inside our privacy to hurt us.” That’s true— “My phone is spying on me.” So what we need to know is— “How are we perceiving our today’s world? And how was before?” We need to update ourselves on New Trends on Technology which help us to know how to deal with and use it properly without any harm physically and mentally for the living beings but for the advantage of the world.
Let me first perceive the world from my point of view!
The world what we have been observing since our childhood is the world full of excitement, happiness and enjoyment with the family, with the friends, and with the places of the time. That beautiful days are no more.  When we were telling stories with friends while walking way up or down to reach school on time. Whether the stories were about superstitions, hypothetical or movies of the time. We have that thing— happiness, friendliness in that time. But the life is not as that as in this digital world.
Now, it’s totally different. The world that we have been observing since the Internet started and growing of technology and handy useful gadgets is the world full of collections of millions of devices showering the market place everywhere on the people’s head around the world where people can search happiness and excitement being alone sitting on the corner side of room. Even, we have forgotten that we’re also a member of this world, but we are working as a member of the global village.
So we cannot live without being unknown about the technology trends that are growing such as the fastest bullet train or like the high skyscrapers making them higher and higher soon ranking them differently higher. As the Forbes.com says, ” We are amidst the 4th Industrial Revolution, and technology is evolving faster than ever. Companies and individuals that don’t keep up with some of the major tech trends run the risk of being left behind. Understanding the key trends will allow people and businesses to prepare and grasp the opportunities.”
The future is always fascinating with the growth of tremendous innovative exciting developments in the coming year. Learning is a must to know the new technology trends to keep update and utilize appropriately or get benefit in time. Here are some of the Latest Trending Technologies.
1. 5G
5G is the fifth generation of mobile network technology. It brings a huge amount of benefits, such as high internet speed, higher capacity, and lower latency. It gives us supersonic download and upload speeds as well as more convenient stable internet connection. Year 2020 is the gateway to dive into many countries and cities to serve the internet with 5G affordable data plans with greatly improved coverage. This is widely available in most of the upcoming advanced devices like camera as well and applied in new industrial, automotive, medical and educational sectors.
2. Quantum Computing
Quantum computing is based on the principles of quantum theory. It enables industries to tackle problems they never would have attempted to solve before. And the quantum computing market will grow strongly through the next decade, according to a Tractica market report. A quantum computer can be the potential to be millions of times more powerful than today’s most powerful supercomputers.
3. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)
Artificial intelligence is serving the world greatly by its technological development to perform task such as image recognition, speech or patterns, and decision making more quickly and accurately than a human. ML and AI are widely used which will improve the performance of marketers which relatively increase the percentage in efficiency, quality and business results. The intelligent mind of human can increase the quality in work, performs and complete the task easily just like the ability of machines to learn and act intelligently will absolutely transform our world. For example, social media platforms use machine learning to get a better understanding of how you’re connected with those in your social network. They do this by analyzing your likes, shares and comments and then prioritizing content from your closest connections, serving you that content first.
4. IoT (Internet of Things)
Now-a-days, people choose the internet as a mode of communication. Millions of people are sharing their information and communicating widely creating a global village in one place. IoT is transforming our life day by day. It will connect each object to the internet in some way or the other. Whether it’s the refrigerator door or the furniture, the sensors that would calculate and send the data to the cloud will be mounted. In other words, it would soon turn out our Mother Nature would be Smart Nature. It connects ever-growing number of “smart” devices and objects connected through internet. And such devices are helpful to gather and transmit data which will be the source for Big Data and AI. Big Data is the amount of data that is created in our world due to the connectivity of internet. Augmented analytics helps to work with enormously complex and varied streams of Data stored around the world.
5. Blockchain
This is the method of storing, authenticating and protecting data while doing business through internet. It is a decentralized digital ledger that stores transactions on thousands of computers around the globe. It increases security and speeds up the exchange of information in a manner that is cost-effective and more transparent.
6. Genomics and Gene Editing
Genome is the branch of molecular biology concerned with the structure, function, evolution, and mapping of genomes and Gene Editing is a group of technologies that give scientists the ability to change an organism’s DNA. These technologies allow genetic material to be added, removed, or altered at particular locations in the genome. Advances in computing and analytics have driven incredible leaps in our understanding of the human genome. Now, we’re progressing to altering the genetic structure of living organisms (for example, “correcting” DNA mutations that can lead to cancer).
7. 3D and 4D printing and additive manufacturing.
4D printing is the process through which a 3D printed object transforms itself into another structure over the influence of external energy input as temperature, light or other environmental stimuli. Although this may seem low-tech compared to some of the other trends, 3D and 4D printing will have very wide applications.
8. Natural language processing.
It’s also a branch of AI which deals with the interaction between computers and humans using the natural language. The ultimate objective of NLP is to read, decipher, understand, and make sense of the human languages in a manner that is valuable.
9.  Cloud and edge computing.
The data centers available to many users over the Internet is cloud computing. We can store data on other computers and accessed via the internet. We can have the access of applications and data from any location worldwide and from any device with an internet connection. Edge computing – where data is processed on smart devices (like phones). It optimizes internet devices and web applications by bringing computing closer to the source of the data.
10. Extended or Crossed Reality (XR)
Extended Reality (XR) refers to all-real and virtual combined environments and human-machine interactions made by computer technology and wearables, where the ‘X’ represents a variable for any current or future spatial computing technologies. It covers several new and emerging technologies being used to create more immersive digital experiences. To the point it is a virtual, augmented, and mixed reality. Virtual reality (VR) provides a fully digitally immersive experience where you enter a computer-generated world using headsets that blend out the real world. Augmented reality (AR) overlays digital objects onto the real world via smartphone screens or displays (think Snapchat filters). Mixed reality (MR) is an extension of AR, that means users can interact with digital objects placed in the real world (think playing a holographic piano that you have placed into your room via an AR headset).
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concettolabs · 4 years
10 AI Apps That Are Redefining the Android Experience in 2021
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AI is more than just innovation. It is the peak of computer intelligence that has transformed digital evolution. When mobile applications started integrating technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, the world changed. Everything was just a word away from your mouth. Yes, revolutionary speech-to-text just made us kings of the digital world, and these apps a genie out of the bottle.
In 2017, Google announced that it will be an AI-first company. It changed the whole approach of mobile app development for Android devices. The dream of Artificial Intelligence on Android was not new, but, it certainly changed the way companies had support from the platform.
According to Technavio, the Artificial Intelligence mobile app market will see an incremental growth of $13.26 billion by the end of 2024 It will grow at a compound annual growth rate of 29% and year over the year growth rate of 28.22%. It is the sole reason there has been traction towards the usage of Artificial intelligence for android apps.
So, let’s see some of the best AI apps on the Android platform.
Do you want a virtual friend? How about a robot that answers all your questions and provides relative information! Here, Databot aces the android AI app with a robot-like an interface. It has a unique way of bot representation. When you use the android app you will see a robot interface talking to you.
The interface has several apps and AI modules that understand user requests and provide data. These data can be in text format, images, and even in other multimedia presentations. It is developed by Microsoft and gives an overwhelming experience!
Google Assistant:
It is Google’s version of a virtual assistant like the Databot we saw earlier. But, some things make it different from most virtual assistants. Google has been developing it for quite a while, even before anyone would have thought of AI in apps. It replaced Google Now in operating systems developed by the tech giant.
Google Assistant has the privilege of Google’s search engine as its main source. So, you can get accurate data with voice search. It uses voice recognition and speech to text technologies to convert your voice commands into user requests. But, it is not limited to voice search and further extended the use of Android Ai to visual search. It is next on our list of AI apps.
Google Lens:
How about searching for a product with a look?Seems like a science-fiction? Well not anymore, Google has enhanced its virtual assistants with Google Lens. It’s one of the first of its king Android app with Artificial Intelligence integration.
It allows the users to search for data and information on any object captured through their camera. It has enterprise-grade usage and you can just scan a business card and get information about everything related to the cardholder. You can even search for data on products by scanning the bar code.
Related: 8 Facial Recognition Apps That Will Rule 2020!
Artificial Intelligence apps are not always for business. Some are for fun too. FaceApp was one such artificial intelligent app on the Android platform that attracted huge traffic. The reason was the ability of the app to predict how well you look in your old age!
It offered several different frames for your face images to create effects like aging, gender change, childhood look, and others. It was really popular among Android users and aggregated huge downloads.
English is often referred to as the global business language. No firm will like to lose their clients because of a language. Grammarly is an Artificial Intelligence-based Android app that can help you master your writing. It is not just a grammar-rectifier,
it provides you with suggestions to make your writing more engaging and helps find efficacy in vocabulary. The app comes in free and paid plans with better writing suggestions.
How about an app that suggests music according to mood? Spotify redefines music with the use of Artificial Intelligence. The Android music streaming app is also available on iOS. It uses a user’s listening patterns to understand what will be the best playlist to offer!
Every week the app algorithm creates a new playlist for you based on your listening pattern. It has a huge library of songs with mood-based playlists.
The fitness app from the Under Armor brand is another great example of AI in Android. It tracks calories based on the inputs of the user. It tracks all fitness-related activities daily. But, the most interesting thing about the app is its ability to suggest workouts and diet plans based on eating, sleeping, and workout patterns.
Want to know what to binge this weekend? Netflix has something great for you! The biggest Over The Top(OTT) platform in the world is the perfect example of how can you create a unique app with Artificial Intelligence!
It has a huge library of video titles across TV shows, movies, docu-series, and official documentaries. It recommends suitable titles to your profile by analyzing your streaming patterns.
This is an amazing app on the Android platform with Artificial Intelligence integration. It helps users track expenditure and money savings. It’s helps you organize your finances. It analyzes your spending patterns and provides you with different financial products that you can invest in.
It is an artificial intelligence app that makes up for a real friend. It helps the app used to create a virtual companion with whom they can talk. So, you don’t need a shrink for your mental wellness. Rather than that just use this app on your Android device and be mentally healthy.
The world of Android AI apps is getting broader. There are several different applications of such technology today. Corporates and businesses are integrating advanced innovations into these apps.
We have already seen the rise in usage of Augmented Reality/ Virtual Reality in Android apps. Many apps such as Instagram and Snapchat are using such innovation with AI to provide a great user experience.
So, what are your thoughts on Artificial Intelligence Matters In iOS apps?
Feel free to share with us in the below-given comments section.
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scifigeneration · 6 years
What alchemy and astrology can teach artificial intelligence researchers
by Ben Shneiderman
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Alchemists’ dreams distracted from real scientific goals. Justus Gustav van Bentum/Wikimedia Commons
Artificial intelligence researchers and engineers have spent a lot of effort trying to build machines that look like humans and operate largely independently. Those tempting dreams have distracted many of them from where the real progress is already happening: in systems that enhance – rather than replace – human capabilities. To accelerate the shift to new ways of thinking, AI designers and developers could take some lessons from the missteps of past researchers.
For example, alchemists, like Isaac Newton, pursued ambitious goals such as converting lead to gold, creating a panacea to cure all diseases, and finding potions for immortality. While these goals are alluring, the charlatans pursuing them may have secured princely financial backing that would have been better used developing modern chemistry.
Equally optimistically, astrologers believed they could understand human personality based on birthdates and predict future events by studying the positions of the stars and planets. These promises over the past thousand years often received kingly endorsement, possibly slowing the work of those who were adopting scientific methods that eventually led to astronomy.
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Astrologers looked to models of the heavens for signs about the future. Giovanni Francesco Barbieri via Daderot/Wikimedia Commons
As alchemy and astrology evolved, the participants became more deliberate and organized – what might now be called more scientific – about their studies. That shift eventually led to important findings in chemistry, such as those by Lavoisier and Priestley in the 18th century. In astronomy, Kepler and Newton himself made significant findings in the 17th and 18th centuries. A similar turning point is coming for artificial intelligence. Bold innovators are putting aside tempting but impractical dreams of anthropomorphic designs and excessive autonomy. They focus on systems that restore, rely on, and expand human control and responsibility.
Updating early AI dreams
Back in the 1950s, artificial intelligence researchers pursued big goals, such as human-level computational intelligence and machine consciousness. Even during the past 20 years some researchers worked toward the “singularity” fantasy of machines that are superior to humans in every way. These dreams succeeded in attracting attention from sympathetic journalists and financial backing from government and industry. But to me, those aspirations still seem like counterproductive wishful thinking and B-level science fiction.
Even the dream of creating a human-shaped robot that acted like a person has lasted for more than 50 years. Honda’s near-life-size Asimo and the web-based news reader Ananova got a lot of media attention. Hanson Robotics’ Sophia even received Saudi Arabian citizenship. But they have little commercial future.
The robot Sophia spoke at the United Nations.
By contrast, down-to-earth user-centered designs for information search, e-commerce sites, social media and smartphone apps have been wild successes. There is good reason that Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google and Microsoft are some of the world’s biggest companies – they all use more functional, if less glamorous, types of AI.
Today’s cellphones feature speech recognition, face recognition and automated translation, which all use artificial intelligence technologies. These functions increase human control and give users more options, without the deception and theatrics of a humanoid robot.
Yielding control
Efforts that pursue advanced forms of computer autonomy are also dangerous. When developers assume their machines will function correctly, they often shortchange interfaces that would allow human users to quickly take control when something goes wrong.
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Investigators search through wreckage from Lion Air Flight 610 after its crash in the Java Sea in October 2018. AP Photo/Tatan Syuflana
These problems can be deadly. In the October 2018 crash of Lion Air’s Boeing 737 Max, a sensor failure caused the newly designed automatic pilot to steer the plane downwards. The pilots couldn’t figure out how to override those automatic controls to keep the plane in the air. Similar problems have been factors in stock market “flash crashes,” like the 2010 event in which US$1 trillion disappeared in 36 minutes. And poorly designed medical devices have delivered deadly doses of medications.
The National Transportation Safety Board report on the deadly May 2016 Tesla crash called for automated systems to keep detailed records that would allow investigators to analyze failures. Those insights would lead to safer and more effective designs.
Getting to human-centered solutions
Successful automation is all around: Navigation applications give drivers control by showing times for alternative routes. E-commerce websites show shoppers options, customer reviews and clear pricing so they can find and order the goods they need. Elevators, clothes-washing machines and airline check-in kiosks, too, have meaningful controls that enable users to get what they need done quickly and reliably. When modern cameras assist photographers in taking properly focused and exposed photos, users have a sense of mastery and accomplishment for composing the image, even as they get assistance with optimizing technical details.
Without being human-like or fully independent, these and thousands of other applications enable users to accomplish their tasks with self-confidence and sometimes even pride.
A new report from a leading engineering industry professional group urges technologists to ignore tempting fantasies. Rather, the report suggests, developers should focus on technologies that support human performance and are more immediately useful.
In a flourishing automation-enhanced world, clear, convenient interfaces could let humans control automation to make the most of people’s initiative, creativity and responsibility. The most successful machines could be powerful tools that let users carry out ever-richer tasks with confidence, such as helping architects find innovative ways to design energy-efficient buildings, and giving journalists tools to dig deeper into data to detect fraud and corruption. Other machines could detect – not contribute to – problems like unsafe medical conditions and bias in mortgage loan approvals. Perhaps they could even advise the people responsible on ways to fix things.
Humans are accomplished at building tools that expand their creativity – and then at using those tools in even more innovative ways than their designers intended. In my view, it’s time to let more people be more creative more of the time, by shifting away from the alchemy and astrology phase of AI research.
Technology designers who appreciate and amplify the key aspects of humanity are most likely to invent the next generation of powerful tools. These designers will shift from trying to replace or simulate human behavior in machines to building wildly successful applications that people love to use.
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About The Author:
Ben Shneiderman is a Professor of Computer Science at the University of Maryland
This article is republished from our content partners at The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. 
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gtssidata4 · 2 years
Understanding AI In Autonomous Industry
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It is likely that you have heard about automobiles such as General Motors Super Cruise, Mercedes-Benz Distronic Plus, Nissan ProPilot Assist, Tesla Autopilot and many more are all driverless in one way or some other way. In the current technologically-driven environment, AI has emerged as an important driver of transformation for all sectors, and in particular the automobile sector. AI has a direct impact on the way that automakers create and choose and drive their vehicles. According to experts the AI-infused market is predicted to expand at a rate of 39.4 percent from 2022 until 2030.
Image Recognition can make our cars better, safer and more reliable. Learn how the technology of image recognition is developing. The idea of a self-driving automobile has been a popular subject in sci-fi films for years but the reality is getting there. Google, Ford, General Motors as well as Apple are currently developing prototypes. They have made significant investments in the development of autonomous vehicles, Uber's self-driving car is estimated at $7.25 billion.
The degree of automation attained is crucial to the product's success. Five levels are generally accepted levels:
Driver Assistance comes with safety features which are now mandatory.
The aim for partial automated systems is to offer the stability controls, detection of blind spots and collision warning , while making sure that the driver is fully involved.
Conditional automation allows drivers to be a supervisor, while still being able to be in control in all situations.
Self-parking, lane-keeping, as well as traffic jam assistance are all examples of high-automation.
The absence of a driver suggests that the vehicles are able to communicate with each other independently.
What is AI in Automotive Industry?
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a method of using algorithms and data to simulate human decision-making and reasoning capabilities. Finance, Information and communications technology (ICT) retail, life science manufacturing healthcare, oil and gas, automobiles and chemical are all making use of algorithms to assist machines learn and solve issues independently. Artificial Intelligence is used in the automotive sector is less than that in finance, ICT, retail, and healthcare sectors. Automotive companies can be classed in the category of "new adopters" in terms of AI adoption and implementation.
How AI can affect The Automotive Industry?
There are a variety of ways AI can affect the auto industry now and in the in the near future. Here are a few of them:
Preventing accidents In the process of making artificial intelligence (AI) becomes more readily available to car manufacturers, a lot have focused on a single objective that is safety. Since its start, Tesla has been a leading car manufacturer in AI adoption. A camera in the interior powered by AI over the rearview mirrors is one of the main improvements to improve safety in the cabin. The camera is able to detect and monitor the driver's eyes with AI technology to detect sleepiness and stop road accidents. In order to make this technology work it requires a large number of images are needed.
Vehicles that are personalized: A vehicle is an effective way to express themselves. Porsche offers the latest AI features to make sure customers have a personalized car along with a better driving experience. Porsche's "Recommendation Engine", a machine-learning configuration system recommends vehicle options based on the drivers' individual preferences.
Assistance in cars: Voice assistance has been restricted to luxurious vehicles for many years. AI has now become a commonplace because it is becoming more accessible. It is driven by AI using a mix of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML) which is typically thought of to be one of most challenging aspects in AI production. The ability to recognize human speech transforms into digital data after it has been taught to interpret driver signals. In order to train machine learning for voice recognition, there's an urgent need for a high-quality and precise speech data.
Artificial Intelligence's role in the automobile industry
Automobile manufacturers are always searching for ways to increase the quality of their vehicles while also speeding production, design, or manufacturing. Customers want vehicles that offer an enjoyable, relaxing and productive experiences instead of just transporting them from one point and B. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and ADAS Data Collection may provide the solution. AI technologies are extremely powerful when applied to the production and manufacturing processes and in cars to enable in-car functions.
Let's take a look at ways we can make use of AI and Machine Learning in the automobile industry:
Manufacturing and design: AI-powered solutions and machine-learning algorithms aid vehicle manufacturers in making production more efficient and speed up the process of data classification in assessment of risk and damage assessments, as well as performing various other tasks. Manufacturing in vehicles, AI systems and robotics solutions that rely on technologies like computer vision, natural language processing, and conversations are commonly utilized.
Its Quadro RTX graphics card [PDFFor instance, it makes use of AI to greatly speed up workflows for design. Rethink Robotics develops collaborative robots to perform laborious tasks, such as carrying heavy objects and inspection of manufacturing parts.
Supply chain: Car manufacturers must be able monitor every step of the component's journey, and be aware of the time it will reach the plant of destination. In the process, modern IoT blockchain, blockchain and AI technology are often utilized in supply chains of today.
Automobile manufacturers have the option of implementing solutions that are based on a variety of machine learning algorithms as well as artificial intelligence-powered prediction analysis. Manufacturers can determine demand for component and anticipate possible shifts in demand using their aid.
Control of quality: AI can help detect the underlying problems with technology in real-time. A AI system can alert users that a specific part or system needs repair or replace as quickly when the need arises from data collected from in-vehicle sensors. Quality AI Training Dataset control systems that are powered by AI are also employed by manufacturers to spot defects in their products before they are put in.
Quality control systems in cars use techniques for data processing and analysis and manufacturing solutions utilize AI-based image recognition as well as processing of sound.
The experience of passengers: Manufacturers equip cars with range of AI-powered programs that aim to improve the passenger experience , ensuring that everyone is secure and happy.
To determine the health of the passenger and driver Some systems utilize facial recognition technology. Other systems use natural language processing as well as natural language generation to let people to watch movies or listen to music or even place orders for items or services in the car.
Assistance for drivers and driver assistance: Not forgetting the improvements to driving offered by AI technology. There are AI devices that aid drivers and safeguard their safety by alerting them to weather and traffic changes, and recommending best routes and even allowing them to pay for services and goods while driving.
CarVi is a sophisticated automated driver aid system (ADAS) that analyzes traffic data by using AI or artificial intelligence (AI). It also alerts drivers to possible dangers, such as unsafe conditions for driving, lane deviation and forward collisions, all in real-time. Real-time video and image recognitionas well as object detection and motion detection are all utilized extensively in these applications however the speech recognition as well as natural language processing techniques could also be employed.
Automotive Insurance when it comes to managing insurance claims AI-powered solutions hold many possibilities. The AI-powered features in a vehicle are able to be used by the driver to gather incident information and to fill out claims. Smart data analysis, speech recognition, natural language processing as well as generation of text are all required in this kind of system. On the other hand, AI systems that make use of image processing and detection of objects will greatly enhance the accuracy of car damage assessment. A good example of how to use AI in the field of car insurance includes an application called Ping An Auto Owner application which makes use of AI capabilities to evaluate the photos uploaded by customers who submit insurance claims. Nauto's smart fleet management system has collision-detection powered by AI feature which permits insurance claims to be processed more quickly and precise.
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Global Technology Solutions Global Technology Solutions have spent more than a half-century working on and perfecting our skills in the automotive field. We are in active partnership with reliable OEMs and suppliers and offer multi-lingual assistance. With our traffic life datasets and car databases, GTS has a team of specialists as well as the necessary tools on the ground to assist you with improving the development of your products and test workflow. We are experts in the management of data quality and our clients include various kinds. Machine learning offers a wide array of possible applications within the automobile industry. Manufacturers can utilize AI technology to create and create new prototypes, enhance the efficiency of their supply chains and provide automated maintenance for manufacturing equipment as well as on-road vehicles. 
Global Technology Solutions Global Technology Solutions provide services such as audio data collection, speech data collection, text data collection along with video data data collection and ADAS Annotation. Our products are top-of-the-line and we make sure that the data we collect is top-quality and of the highest quality.
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smith078blr-blog · 6 years
The Role of AI in the IoT Revolution
It is true that IoT or Internet of Things revolution is going on, and AI or Artificial Intelligence can play a vital role in it. Let’s know how the amalgamation of both technologies can change the scenario of the future in the current post.
According to Statista, the global AI market in 2018 was $9.51 billion, and prediction for 2019 is $14.69 billion.
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Revenues from the artificial intelligence (AI) softwaremarket worldwide from 2018 to 2025 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Statista also predicted that a number of connected devices in 2019 would remain 26.66 billion in numbers.
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Number of IoT –connected devices worldwide in 2015-25
Now, statistics of both technologies on the web indicate that AI and IoT are emerging and fast-growing digital technologies.
When I write a post, I used to consider a technical and non-technical audience. I know a technical usually knows that modern technologies are intersecting somewhere and often. The growth of any technology in isolation is not possible today.However, some emerging technologies have strong & more often connections with each other while some have thin and seldom.
In the case of IoT and AI, the connections are strong enough, and both technologies are intersecting in providing a variety of solutions. Before discussing the role of AI (Artificial Intelligence) in the revolution of IoT (Internet of Things), I would like to clarify both terms here. It may help you to see & understand the connections between them clearly.
What Is Artificial Intelligence Technology?
Artificial intelligence means the machine’s intelligence where machines gain capabilities of behaving or simulating a real human brain. So it can
Enable machines to learn them selves using an AI algorithm.
Machines can grasp human speech with the help of voice recognition, natural language processing, machine learning, and deep learning subsets of AI technologies.
Machines can perform analysis.Big Data originated from any source and provide deep insights as well as offer predictions based on analysis with visual presentations.
What Is an Internet of Things Technology?
When we enable machines or non-computing devices to connect with the world of the Internet and generate useful data with the help of sensors or other techniques applicable on non-computing devices, the Internet of Things application happens.
What Is the Role of AI Technologies In the Growth of IoT Technologies?
Now, we know that in IoT applications,various non-computing devices or components are generating data, which are mostly in the form of non-structured data and No SQL formats. It means computers connected with the IoT devices have a hard time to make use of these raw data without further process and convert those into useful formats.
Now, AI comes in the picture. AI has subset of various technologies like M2M communication, machine learning, deep learning,natural language processing, and many more. These technologies enable AI to run an analysis of abstract data.
It believed that the AI process on Big Data is so quick that it can provide real-time responses to the other connected devices or interface where humans can act quickly.
Real-World Examples of Amalgamation of IoT with AI
For instance, a self-driving car can detect a sudden intersection of a passerby human inits way and order the car to use the brake mechanism in it to save a human life.
A sudden break happens within a fraction of second without any intervention of human or human-operated interface at remote places. A quick M2M communication takes place once the AI mechanism detects the threats with the help of a laser sensor constantly running ahead on the road from the car.
The next example is a smart shopping mall where a repeat customer gets entry, and image recognition software detects him based on her previous images in the videos recorded via surveillance cameras.
Now,AI takes the seat and drive sales mechanism to offer highly personalized incentive based on her previous buying data buried into the sales record of the mall. Here, prediction and recommendation AI-powered engines are playing a crucial role.
How Can the Modern Businesses Benefits from the Mingling of IoT with AI?
Here, I am going to pinpoint only a few useful hints, such as
Combination of both systems can create adaptive learning and analytical system to get insights into the business processes.
It enhances the sync of processes, communications, and integrations further.
It intimates business to take proactive actions to keep pace with changes.
It makes the business system intelligent, self-learning, and cognitive.
AI-enabled IoT system automates the business processes and provides a collaborative environment.
It boosts the productivity and performance of the system and eases the maintenance.
What Are Reasons for that AI Can Aid in Revolution of IoT?
It is true that IoT and AI both have different histories of evolution.However, many similarities are existing between two technologies and their path of evolution than differences. These similarities are:
Both technologies favor automation of business processes and take various domains at the next level.
Both technologies are capable of triggering transformation from product-oriented to service-oriented models.
Both are offering new value propositions and SLAM (Simultaneous Localization & Mapping) technologies used by Drones performing in disaster management.
Impacts of AI-enabled IoT applications on Various Business Domains and Industries
Now, we accustomed to ensue of the mingling of both AI & IoT technologies. Let’s go a step a head and learn about the impacts of the amalgamation of both technologies in various business domains and their solutions.
IoT with AI in Industrial Automation
We know both IoT and AI are capacities to help in various industrial automation processes.The following domains are the most beneficial of amalgamation of both technologies in smart ways.
Factory Digitalization
Quality Control
Inventory Management
Product flow Monitoring
Packaging optimization
Safety and Security
Logistics and Supply Chain Optimization
AI-enabled IoT Applications in Home Automation to Create Smart Homes
In smart home concept, various devices& systems, including freeze, ACs, oven, water supply, electric supply, and security systems equipped with sensors in a home act like smart devices and connected with IoT applications. Here, AI acts as data gathering, analysis, and decision-making system to act automatically in some instances, and work under the hood of an interface operated by humans or home owners via smart mobile devices to obtain critical decisions/instructions.
AI Combined with IoT Applications in Creation of Smart City
Just like the smart home concept, smart city concept is working at a large scale and provide an example of the combination of various upcoming technologies, including IoT and AI. Here, both technologies aid in water management, waste management,drainage system, transportation system, parking system, electric grids, road and rail management, safety & security aspects of the entire city, and a lot more things encompassing in the automation of smart city model.
AI-enabled IoT Applications in the Healthcare Industry
Healthcare is a huge industry with numerous stakeholders. IoT is a combination of AI, and wearable technologies are going to change the entire scenario of services. Healthcare generates a vast amount of useful data and IoT along with wearable add in it a big volume.
Thereby, AI provides deep insights into the data and also offers assistance in HR management, real-time responses, inventory management, allied pharmacy services, and predictions as well as suggestions.
IoT is making machine connected and communicates with the entire network. IoT also generates Big Data, but AI is only the technology that makes those Big Data useful and meaningful for an industry. A reciprocally beneficial coexistence occurs between IoT and AI technologies. There are tons of domains and business niches, which can reap the advantages of the coexistence of both technologies.
If you are smart enough and looking for smart IoT solutions for your business,SysBunny is an avid team of software developers. It has flairs in emerging technologies, including IoT application development and AI application development. Let’s leverage the expertise of tech experts at SysBunny with cost-efficient projects.
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govindhtech · 3 months
Apple to Reveal Silence AI at Developers Conference
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Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) is eagerly anticipated since it previews the company’s software and hardware. But there was a hint of mystery surrounding the meeting this year. Industry observers anticipated Apple would eventually break its silence and reveal their all-encompassing AI plan following years of comparatively quiet activity on the artificial intelligence (AI) front.
A Cautionary Step for Silence AI
Apple has been more cautious than Google and Microsoft in pushing Silence AI frontiers. From Siri’s virtual assistant to Face ID’s facial recognition, Apple has discreetly added AI features for years. They haven’t entered generative AI like ChatGPT, which revolutionised the world in late 2022.
Debate has been spurred by this quiet. Certain observers maintain that Apple is pursuing a “slow and steady wins the race” approach, concentrating on refining its Silence AI base prior to making a major debut. Some contend that by behind the competition in the Silence AI race, Apple exposes itself to competition gaining market share and steering the next big technology shift.
There’s A Lot On The Line
During WWDC 2024, Apple was under pressure. It was anticipated that Tim Cook, the CEO, would make a historic keynote speech. Cook had to present a plan that could not just match but maybe outperform what competitors were giving in order to convince investors and developers that Apple was a genuine participant in the Silence AI space.
AI Takes the Lead
AI turned became the conference’s main topic as expected. Cook acknowledged Apple’s methodical approach to Silence AI in his characteristic cool, collected manner. He underlined that the business prioritises user security and privacy while concentrating on ethical AI development. This struck a chord with an increasing number of people who are worried about the possible moral ramifications of advanced Silence AI.
The Exposure
Cook unveiled the “Apple Neural Engine 3,” the company’s newest iteration of its proprietary AI processor, and that’s when the real excitement started. Specifically built for on-device AI activities, this new chip touted considerable improvements in processing power and efficiency. By addressing user privacy concerns and promising quicker performance, this emphasis on on-device processing replaced a heavy reliance on cloud computing.
A Quick Look at the Apple AI Ecosystem
After that, Cook demonstrated a number of Silence AI-powered capabilities that will be included in Apple goods. These are a few of the highlights:
Siri 2.0
Siri 2.0 is a completely redesigned virtual assistant with enhanced natural language processing, multi-step request handling, and the capacity to execute complex tasks. With its seamless integration, Siri 2.0 would provide a more contextual and personalised experience with other Apple services.
Enhanced Photography
By using Silence AI to recognise objects and scenes in real time, the iPhone camera would be able to capture the best possible photos and videos. This would allow for features like automated corrections. Consider how your camera would know how to modify settings for low light, landscapes, and portraits.
The Revolution of Augmented Reality (AR)
Apple’s AR projects would heavily rely on Silence AI. Envision sophisticated filters that subtly blend virtual components with the actual environment, allowing for a smooth and natural interaction.
OpenAI is not partnered with (for now)
A big topic of conjecture was a possible collaboration between Apple and ChatGPT’s developers, the OpenAI. Although there was no formal declaration, Cook did allude to Apple working on generative AI technologies of its own, emphasizing areas that support Apple’s privacy-centric philosophy.
With an Emphasis on Development Tools
During the conference, Apple devoted a large amount of time to introducing new developer tools that would enable them to take use of Apple’s advances in AI. With these tools, developers may produce intelligent apps that fit right into Apple’s AI ecosystem.
The Path Forward
Apple’s AI approach was well received by analysts, who commended the company for emphasizing on-device processing and responsible development. Apple appears to be taking a measured approach, putting user privacy first and creating a strong basis for future AI innovation, even though some may have wished for a more “show-stopping” introduction.
Apple AI’s Prospects
What does this imply for Apple AI’s future? These are a few options:
Siri’s Integration
An innovative wave of intelligent Apple products is anticipated, which might revolutionise user interface design. These gadgets will make creative use of artificial intelligence.
App Developer Adoption
Apple is expected to maintain its focus on customer privacy as a top priority in its Silence AI development, which might set it apart from rivals.
A competition for supremacy
The IT industry’s struggle for AI dominance is far from ended. It is reasonable to anticipate that Apple will persist in pushing the limits of ethical Silence AI research and development, competing for a prominent position in this vital area of technology.
In Conclusion Apple Makes a Stand
The company’s attitude to AI saw a sea change with Apple’s WWDC 2024.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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ivaninfotech · 2 years
AI in Sports Software Development - Utilise the Game-Changer for Your Business
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Artificial intelligence is progressing at a breakneck speed. Human intelligence is currently being simulated, extended, and expanded via new technological applications and systems. With the advancement of AI science and the advancement of simulations of human consciousness and mental information processes, AI has gotten a lot of interest in a lot of different disciplines.
As a result, industries like medical treatment, robotics, environmental protection, manufacturing, and network building are gradually adopting it. AI has become a top trend in practically every software solution, including sports software development, due to its allure and disruption. Furthermore, as science and technology advance, AI applications will continue to appear in a rising number of areas of daily life.
AI Technologies in Sports
AI-based technologies are already being used in practically all major sports software development solutions, including baseball, football, and cricket, as well as non-professional leisure activities such as grassroots sports, according to a PwC study.
We can count wearables, sensors, and computer vision-powered cameras among these techniques for collecting athletes' performance data. Simultaneously, natural language processing systems can use speech and text recognition to glean information about the audience's mood.
Machine learning and deep learning in sports software solutions will process all of this data to construct forecast models and assist coaches and managers in their decision-making, as well as automate a variety of broadcasting and fan experience procedures.
How The World Is Interacting with AI
Sports are an important part of the entertainment business. According to Statista, the global value of the sports market in 2018 was $471 billion, up from $324 billion in 2011. A global media report estimates that sports media rights will be valued at $44.6 billion in 2020.
As a result, it's hard to overlook all of the factors that contribute to the sport being a full-fledged media product to sell, such as broadcasting, marketing techniques, overall user experience, sports journalism, and betting.
Experts, managers, investors, and others in the sector appear to agree. According to another survey in 2019, fan engagement tools were cited by 78 per cent of sports experts as the innovations with the largest impact on sports in the next 12 months.
How AI Is Implemented in Sports
Gate revenues have remained the most important revenue source since 2010. However, according to a PwC study analysis, beginning in 2018, media rights are expected to become the primary source of revenue.
Media sources are increasingly focusing on using technology in sports software development to improve the spectator experience, and AI is assisting in shaping the appearance and feel of the sports fan's experience.
There appear to be four broad categories of AI sports software development solutions now in use:
Wearable technology: Companies are combining AI with IoT devices to collect data in order to improve training and performance.
Computer Vision: Researchers are using deep learning neural networks to educate them to be more accurate than humans in identifying specific cars at fast speeds, which generally results in blurry photographic photos.
Chatbots: Virtual assistants are being used by sports teams to react to fan questions on a variety of topics, including live game information, team data, and arena logistics.
Automated journalism: To expand their sports coverage skills and earn income, media outlets are turning to AI-driven automation.
If you are on your way to implementing AI in sports software development, make sure that you connect with an esteemed service provider so that your investment is justified.
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xyz35569 · 2 years
“AI Camera  Market ”gives detailed outlook by Type, by Application, by Segmentation and Regional Forecasts.
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