mvchinery · 3 years
closed for zeb orrelios / @spectreoflasan​ !
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if there’s one thing meetra’s good at, it’s keeping their head in a crisis. they don’t miss a beat throughout the entirety of the chaos, taking the untraceable attackers in stride & helping depa & others beat one into submission with a stolen polearm. now they stride ahead of a cluster of frightened senators they guided out of the rubble, making a beeline for the lasat that seems to be directing traffic. “alright, how are we doing this ? “
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The sight of the planet ran cold in her blood. For a moment, as the ship dropped from hyperspace, all they could see was Mandalore. The ash, the scars of a scorched planet. Streets overrun with fire, buildings reduced to ash. It was all too familiar. Guilt surged in their blood like it had done then, her breath caught in panic and fear. Without thinking, Sabine clutched onto Zeb, their fur thick underneath her touch. 
“It’s so much worse than I thought.”
If the Mandalorian had held any doubt that Lothal needed their help, it was gone now. There was a half-glance shared, and a moment of understanding passed between the two. There was work to be done, and no time to hesitate.
“Where do we even begin?”
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versios · 3 years
@spectreoflasan​​   //   garazeb orrelios.
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“Then we’re gonna get along just fine.” A squad of Imperial remnant soldiers? Yeah, Zeb had no problem blowing that out of the sky. He eyed the ex-Imperial who’d spoken from his spot in the co-pilot’s seat, where he reclined with his hands braced behind his neck. Like any member of the Rebellion, Zeb lent a little extra scrutiny to any Imperial defector, but they were quicker than most to let present action wash away past sins. Besides, Kallus apparently thought well of Iden, and Kallus was a pretty good judge of character   (at least, Zeb liked to think so).
“Real middle of nowhere, this place.” Zeb waved a big paw at the planet lit up on their star chart. Some pit stop on the very edge of the Outer Rim, nearly into the Unknown Regions. “What’s the Empire want with it?”
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there wasn’t as much tension in the air between them as iden might have thought there to be. they didn’t exactly know each other, except that she felt like she did. not through any real interaction with him, but because of the things that she had heard through kallus. he wasn’t a mushy guy by any means, but it’d been about as clear that there was something between the two of them as it had been clear that there was something between her and del ( even if she’d remained oblivious to that for longer than she wanted to admit to ). at least he didn’t seem to be too uptight.
“privacy from the new republic,” she suggested with an idle shrug. “everything we know about the first order has them in the outer rims and unknown regions. we’ve recovered some maps of the unknown region that the empire was keeping secret at the end of the war.”
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sacreficied · 3 years
@spectreoflasan​   //   ​zeb orrelios.
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“hera said you lost an eye.” all things considered, especially feeling a portion of what hera was currently enduring, most of their crew had come out relatively unscathed. it’s something to feel grateful for: the loss, the pain, the grief had been consuming when the worst of the attack had ended. getting heavy with it wasn’t something he felt ready for, and he knew his relationship with hera was clouding his perspective, his priorities. “sounds like you’re halfway to becoming me.”
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delferno · 2 years
@spectreoflasan​ asked: “Love is like ghosts; Few have seen it, but everybody talks.”
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     A moment passes and Del doesn't speak. At first, he simply doesn't have the words to answer such a statement, considering he, himself has experienced love. The type that grew over time. The type where when he looks at her, he sees everything in bright colors and he simply smiles. She was happiness and home and despite anything that had been a problem thrown their way, they had seemed to handle it rather well together. His heart knew love in the form of Iden and he didn't see it in anyone else. Of course, Del had his moments when he was younger, sleeping around and thinking he had found that magical feeling with random others but no, he had been so very wrong. "I do agree with what you're saying." He nods just then, gaze resting upon the other. "Though, like anything, it is worth the catch. I found love and it is a battle, but it is well worth every ounce of war."
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ofiloh · 2 years
   Tevus was working on his ship that he kept near the rest of the New Republic’s fleet, due to it technically still being classified as a part of the fleet despite his own retirement from the NRDF. He heard the all too familiar voice of fellow Rebel, Zeb, a big smile growing on his face, not sure if he would be remembered from the other’s own experiences, he couldn’t help but approach the other being. 
“Zeb are they still letting you fly these old things? They haven’t found a new model to replace you with yet?” 
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galacticmilla · 3 years
“so on a scale of one to ten-” she started, looking at the Lasat beside her at the counter. cantinas were always a little wild, and she always tried to stick near a non-human who looked like they could kill her if they wanted, but probably wouldn’t. “how much do you want to bet those two are pulling blasters on each other before I leave?” she was mostly betting for good nature’s sake, but they did look a bit feisty.
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inspiringgreatness · 3 years
ask meme starter for @spectreoflasan - ❛ i keep on hoping nothing has changed . ❜
offering the lasat a smile, ahsoka nods her head gently in agreement. not necessarily with the hope - but an understanding at least, of what zeb’s feeling. “i can imagine. i remember when i first appeared here, it was.. a shock. to be out of time, to see how things had changed.” pausing, ahsoka pats zeb’s shoulder gently. “but your family are here, and - at least you can see the result of all the time and the work you and the rest of the crew. that’s something, isn’t it?”
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rebelworn · 3 years
@spectreoflasan as zeb said :
"Like hell I'm leaving you with this lot." Zeb kicked a persistent stormtrooper off their ship's ramp. "Karabast. Don't know if Kallus or Adenn would kill me first." She might not be as close as the Ghost crew, but they'd fought a kriffing war together. Evaan was as good as crew, as good as family. "You wanna pay me back, get us off this dirtball before they blast us off it."
" adenn. " she responds , scrambling up the ramp behind him , blaster firing red , one , two , down. " kallus likes you too much. " black boots make it to the top of the ramp , blond hair vanishing into the ship with one final blast , practiced hands reaching for worn controls before she'd even slid into the pilot's chair , ship's interface glowing & signals beginning to beep back at her. " oh, this isn't good. " muttered under breath as engines begin to fire. " zeb ! " evaan leans back , shouts down the hallway at the lasat. " guns , please ? "
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mvchinery · 2 years
"Your secrets are safe with my indifference, Leia."
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the smile that lights her face up surprises her slightly, so genuine. "thank you, zeb."
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Zeb: I prevented a murder today. Sabine: Really? How’d you do that? Zeb: Self control.
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versios · 3 years
“Dude, sucking at something is the first step towards being sort of good at something.”
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“i don’t suck at this.” iden huffed out, slightly out of breath and entirely unwilling to admit it. mechanics and engineering had always been del’s specialty – she was proficient, but not excellent. rolling out from where she’d been working on the ship’s comm systems, she grimaced slightly, pulling at how her shirt hung at her frame uselessly. “you want to give it a hand?”
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sacreficied · 3 years
@spectreoflasan​   //   garazeb orrelios.
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“i heard about what happened with invisec.” kanan didn’t remember hearing that much about master secura as a child –– which was not unusual given the size of the order, though their name was still familiar. most of his concern had been with zeb, truthfully. it was odd, in a way, that he was grateful that he was not the only one who had displaced by all of this –– though he considered them all quite lucky that zeb had not faced a fate similar to his own. hera and the others had already lost more than enough. still, he was careful not too demonstrate too much of that emotion on his exterior, a small furrow caught between his brows, but otherwise maintaining a stoic air.
“are you okay?” it’s a little more direct than what he might have normally gone for, but also given everything in the last few months... it still felt appropriate. the war didn’t seem quite as over as had been presented in this time, but it no longer seemed as straightforward as the empire and the rebellion. 
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xspectre-1 · 3 years
closed event starter // @spectreoflasan​ // zeb orelios
kanan was glad zeb had decided to come-- even if he was sure it was of kallus’ convincing, it was nice having someone else there that felt as uncomfortable as him. leaning into the table next to him, he smiled a bit at the lasat. “surprised kallus’ dragged you here successfully,” he tilted his head a bit, “surprised you haven’t grabbed a drink.”
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jedixcode · 3 years
@spectreoflasan said: ❛ no one warned me about you . ❜
           the last thing obi-wan wanted was to be a bother, but the order’s investigations were not yielding any results, and he could not help but feeling like they were running out of time. so despite not wanting to seem like he was being insensitive, to the wounded, to the grieving, there was much work left to do. ❝oh... um, apologies about that❞ well this had certainly started well, obi-wan thought, ❝i left word that i was stopping by, but— it seems everyone has their hands full...❞ it was a half apology at best, but he didn’t want to place the blame on anyone, it was best if he just went to the point.
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        ❝my name is obi-wan kenobi, i’m with the jedi order❞ he introduced himself to the lasat as he hovered by the door, ❝i would like to ask you a few questions... if you have the time.❞
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0fchandrila · 3 years
   The event had turned out to be perhaps the absolute worst debacle since Order 66, that Mon had lived through. Her arm was still in a sling as she had rejected all bacta saving it for those whom actually needed it. The first thin on her mind right now was the security of the Republic and that was why she was now sitting down with Zeb. 
“I will take any recommendations you can give. We must make sure that the New Republic does not succumb and crumble to fearful reactions alone. We must be prepared for anything now.” 
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