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Kezia's Anesthesia
The operating table was harder than she thought it would be. They look padded in the photos, Kezia thought.
She sat on the end of the black vinyl table, legs uncomfortably hanging over the edge. It was smaller than she imagined it would be, too. How was she going to fit? The gown they put her in was loosely draped over her, and she was acutely aware of it being open in the back. All she wore were her panties. The room smelled of…plastic? Maybe rubber. Everything felt alien to her.
"We're almost ready, Kezia," Nurse Farah touched her gently on the shoulder. "How are you doing?" She smiled. It was hard to see anything besides her eyes, as she was dressed for surgery with a mask and pink cap on.
Kezia shrugged her shoulders. "Okay, I guess." She tried to smile back, and her lip quivered a little. Her heart was pounding.
"Dr. Kim will be here any moment, and then we'll get started."
Kezia watched Nurse Farah continue to bustle around the room, getting things ready. She was gathering things that Kezia had no idea about. Despite the fact that it was all supposed to be for her comfort, Kezia felt nothing but anxiety at everything she saw. Wires, tubes, bags…ideas swirled in her head.
The other nurse - Kezia didn't know her name - turned on a machine up on a stand that had wires attached to it. It beeped and the nurse started typing things into it. She saw her name flash by.
Kezia L.; F, 25; 55kg; non-paced; Adult w/EKG…
She took a deep breath, and her body erupted in goosebumps.
"Yasmin?" Nurse Farah called quietly to the second nurse, and now Kezia knew her name. "Set up for SpO2 and BIS as well."
Nurse Yasmin nodded as she pressed buttons on the machine. "Got it, ok." Subtly, and for the briefest moment, Nurse Yasmin glanced over at Kezia.
Kezia was lost in her thoughts, watching Nurse Farah arranging a long, clear tube, when the door to the OR opened with a sudden sound. She turned to see a compact, slender woman enter dressed in green scrubs. Kezia was struck by how she immediately seemed to command the room. She strode right over to the table.
"Hello, Kezia," she said, but obviously didn't extend her gloved hand. "I'm Dr. Kim, and I'll be your anesthesiologist today. Ready to take a nap?" Her curt grin barely showed behind her mask. She had beautiful eyes; light brown, with long eyelashes.
"Hi." Kezia said. She had trouble getting anything else out. "…I…" She stammered.
"Don't be nervous, Kezia, we'll take great care of you. It'll be easy - all you have to do is sleep." Dr. Kim turned to Nurse Farah, briefly. "We ready?"
Farah nodded. "All set, Doctor."
"Great, let's go."
The room seemed to shift into action at Dr. Kim's word. Nurse Yasmin begain collecting wires and hoses near the machines and Nurse Farah came to Kezia. "Let's get you laying down, honey. Just scootch back a little…there, that's it. Now lay back - here, your head goes right on this cushion." Kezia, guided by Farah, found herself laying back on the operating table, her legs still dangling. The vinyl was a cold shock against her backside, which was bare except for her panties. She stirred in response. "Oh, is it cold?" Farah smiled. "It'll warm up quickly. Now your legs, here we go."
Before Kezia could respond, the nurse deftly adjusted something, and two padded legrests were swung into place. Oh, that's how that works, Kezia realized. They jutted out in slightly angled directions from the table, and were the same color as the table vinyl. Farah helped Kezia lift her legs and get them onto the rests. Soon Kezia was laid out flat, her legs slightly spread on the padded legrests. She was surprised - it wasn't as uncomfortable as it had been. Maybe it was meant to lie on, not sit on?
As Kezia was getting settled into place, Dr. Kim moved to the wall behind her where a touchscreen allowed her to bring up Kezia's case. "Okay, Kezia, so you're here because of persistent cholecystitis, is that right?"
Kezia was busying herself with trying to settle into position. She unsuccessfully tried to look up behind her, over her right shoulder. "Um…what?"
"You're having gall-bladder surgery today, is that right?" Dr. Kim clarified.
"Y-yes, that's right." Kezia spoke to the ceiling, unable to turn her head to see Dr. Kim. Her head was cradled in a weird little foam cushion. She felt awkward.
Kezia heard Dr. Kim tapping on the screen. "And how are you feeling today? Any discomfort, any issues?"
Kezia tried to think clearly. "No, but…I had pain yesterday. None today."
To the side, Kezia saw Nurse Yasmin approach her with a blue something in her hands. She spoke softly. "Hi, Kezia, I'm just going to put this cap on to keep your hair secure, ok? It might feel a bit crinkly." Yasmin stretched the elastic headband of the bouffant cap over Kezia's hair as Kezia shifted her head to let her fix it in place. The material crinkled audibly as she lowered her head back on the contoured head cushion. The look on Kezia's face caught Yasmin's attention. She smiled down at Kezia. "Oh, that’s just the cap making that sound, sweetie. You won't notice after a while."
The cap started out cool against Kezia's forehead but began to warm right away.
Dr. Kim continued. "Abdominal pain? Or, somewhere else? Any trouble breathing? " Her questions were rapid.
"No…uh, abdominal. Like, here," she touched her left side, under her breast. And no, breathing is…ok." Almost unconsciously, Kezia took a deep breath for effect. The cap crinkled in her ears.
"Mmm-hmm. Okay, no allergies to meds I can see…" Dr. Kim trailed off. "You've recently complained of intestinal discomfort, any diarrhea recently?"
Kezia blushed. God. "Oh. Ah, yesterday. Yeah, some…diarrhea." She didn't know where this was going, and she couldn't help blushing.
"Farah," Dr. Kim spoke in a different tone. "I think we should prep for flatus bag if we can do that."
As Farah spoke, Kezia turned her head to the left to see her. "Ok. Want to start without first?"
"Yes, that's fine." Kezia had no idea what they were talking about.
"Kezia," Dr. Kim leaned in enough for Kezia to see her directly overhead. "Do you have any questions for me?"
Kezia tried to clear her throat, and all she managed was a squeak. "I've…never…you know, gone under before. The, the mask, it's kinda - I dunno." Kezia heard the nurses moving around. "…needles make me really nervous." She managed, finally. Her heart was pounding, and she could swear they could hear it in her voice.
"I understand." Dr. Kim nodded, and looked up briefly at the nurses. We'll take this one step at a time, ok?" Kezia felt herself nodding. "Let’s start with something easy — let's get the pulseox on you so I can see your oxygen levels." Again, Dr. Kim looked up.
Kezia heard Nurse Farah. "Yas, go ahead and start." Nurse Yasmin was standing to Kezia's right side; behind her was an array of machines and readouts, all with wires and tubes attached.
"Kezia," Yasmin reached behind her, picking up a small something with a wire attached. Touching Kezia's hand, she said "I'm going to put this on your finger, ok? It doesn't hurt - just a little squeeze." Kezia held up her hand at Yasmin's gentle touch, and a white plastic clip squeezed her finger. It glowed with a weird red light. Just as she lowered her hand, a soft beeping sound came from somewhere to her right - it was in time with her pounding heart. And it sounded fast.
"98, HR 85." Yasmin said.
"Mm-hmm, thank you." Dr. Kim responded. Kezia heard her tapping on the touchscreen. "Can you also prep IV, please?"
Yasmin appeared to look over at Farah, who was on Kezia's other, left side. She looked back down at Kezia. "Kezia, sweetie, I'm going to get you set up with an IV. It'll be quick, ok?" Kezia nodded. "Okay. First I'm going to…"
"Gown first." Nurse Farah gently interrupted. "Kezia, let me get your arms out of this, okay, honey? That'll make tings easier. Here we go." Nurse Farah helped slip the gown off Kezia's arms, deftly unclipping and replacing the pulseox monitor. Instinctively, Kezia drew her hands in to cover her breasts. "Here, let's cover you for a bit." Nurse Farah arranged the gown as a sort of sheet, covering up Kezia's chest and leaving her arms free. "There we are."
Nurse Yasmin smiled; she had turned away from the table to grab a small tray. "Okay, right! First, just let me put this one here…" Awkwardly, Nurse Yasmin wrapped a soft blue strap around Kezia's right arm, tightening it uncomfortably. "Just want to find a vein, sweetie." She palpated Kezia's forearm a bit. Despite her fear, Kezia couldn't help but watch. "Great," Yasmin said, seemingly satisfied. "Now, I'm just going to swab you with alcohol first. A little cold." Yasmin pressed firmly on the skin of Kezia's arm, wiping several times. In her other hand, she held a long tube that Kezia couldn't see. "Okay, Kezia, just a little pinch now, okay? Here we go. Deep breath."
Kezia tried to look at the ceiling. There was a light there, and some other things hanging over the table…"Ow!" She yelped. She was surprised to find that she almost felt she was about to cry. There was a sharp pain and a longer, searing burn as Yasmin inserted the IV cannula.
"All done." Still pressing down on the site, Yasmin started to apply medical tape, securing a short tube to Kezia's arm. She covered the IV site with a clear bandage and connected a clear tube to it that dangled off the table. "Just leave this still, sweetie." Yasmin unstrapped the blue tourniquet from Kezia's arm and turned away, busying herself with something else. Kezia stared at the IV site, where a clear tube exited the tape, and several other thicker tubes of different colors dangled.
Nurse Farah saw her staring. "All good, Kezia?"
Kezia looked to her left, where Farah was standing. She had a blue package in her hand. "It's…it's my first IV. So weird."
Farah smiled. "I'm sure a lot of this is new, honey. You're doing great. Isn't she, Dr. Kim?" Farah looked up to the anesthesiologist, who was still tapping away on the digital chart.
"She certainly is." Dr. Kim didn't sound as enthusiastic as Nurse Farah, Kezia thought. Maybe she was in a hurry. "Farah, BP, please."
Farah moved toward Kezia. "Right here. Okay, Kezia, let me put this on you." She unrolled the package in her hand to reveal a bright blue long blood pressure duff attached to a hose. "You know this, right? Just a BP cuff. Here, lift your arm for me, honey." Farah deftly slipped the cuff under Kezia's arm and, pulling it snug, flattened the cuff to the velcro strip. She smoothed it firmly on Kezia's arm and routed the hose underneath. "There; just relax and let the cuff do the work." She smiled again. The cuff was a distinct feeling on her arm; odd, but not unfamiliar. She felt it brush against her breast. "Yas, could you…" Farah trailed off.
"Hmm?" Yasmin looked across Kezia at Farah. "Oh! Of course." Turning to the bright screen behind her, Yas touched part of it and the cuff stirred into life. With a distinct whirring from somewhere, Kezia felt the cuff tighten around her arm. She couldn't fight the urge to lift her arm up.
"Oh, honey, just relax it, ok?" Farah gently guided Kezia's arm back down onto the table as the cuff continued to inflate. "There."
"Mmph." Kezia grunted involuntarily. She could hear the velcro straining as the cuff reached its limit.
"Too tight?" Farah asked. Kezia nodded, staring at the distended cuff. Her arm felt swollen. "It might be the first time, honey. But you're a healthy girl and that should relax over time." The cuff began to deflate, in steps, clicking and hissing as it released her. She felt the blood rush back into her arm as something on her right beeeeeped. For the first time, Kezia saw her pulse jumping on the screen, a little blue line pulsing with every blip of the monitor. Below that line a pair of big numbers appeared.
"131/90." Farah said, out loud, to the room.
Kezia heard Dr. Kim from behind her. She was sitting down, now; her voice was closer to Kezia's head. "Let's give her a bit. Kezia, try to relax. Deep breaths. You're doing great. Farah, let's get the EKG going. Resp as well, please."
"On the way." Farah said, curtly. "Okay, Kezia, now we're going to get you set up on the EKG. Ever have one of those?" Kezia shook her head, her anxiety building. With the BP cuff, the IV, and the pulseox, she already felt like a medical experiment. She couldn't imagine any more. "Well, I'm going to place some stickers on your chest so we can see what your heart is doing. Okay? Just a few little pads. Now…I'm going to have to remove this for now, honey." Farah motioned to the hospital gown that was still partially covering Kezia's chest.
"Umm…why?" Kezia was getting a stomachache.
"Honey, the EKG goes on your chest. Don't worry, now, it's just for a minute, okay?" Farah touched Kezia on her bare shoulder.
"O…okay." Kezia managed. Farah gently lifted the gown, bundling it up as she lifted it off Kezia's body. Kezia felt the air of the OR wash over her chest and abdomen; as her toplessness flashed into view, she closed her eyes. She still had on the panties she dressed in this morning, but she felt completely exposed.
"Yas," Farah asked. "Can you hand me the EKG, please?" Kezia opened her eyes. Yasmin dangled a loose set of wires across Kezia's body. At the end of each wire was a white square patch. "These are the electrodes, honey." Farah held one up for Kezia to see: a soft square sticker with a wire snapped onto it. Kezia watched as Farah peeled the backing off one. "Here," she said. "I'm going to stick this one down on your shoulder." She pressed the electrode to the skin of Kezia's shoulder, just above the BP cuff. It was cold, almost as if it was wet - but it wasn't. It stuck there, Farah rubbing it down in brisk circles. It felt weird, and Kezia was keenly aware of the wire pulling against her skin as Farah arranged the rest of them.
In about a minute, Kezia had electrodes all across her chest, under her breast, and just above her pantyline. They felt like extra layers of skin, and she felt the cold wires draped across her body. She was almost too terrified to speak. "There we go, Kezia, you look great. See? You can watch your heart beat." Farah pointed across her body to the vitals monitor, where Yas was pressing buttons. Kezia saw three green lines jumping and pulsing across the screen; they made little spikes as the electronic sounds of her pulse echoed in the room.
It was fascinating. Just to punctuate the moment, the bp cuff whirred into life again, startling Kezia.
"It's okay, honey - it's going to do this every five minutes." Kezia audibly moaned as the cuff squeezed her. After an eternity, another beeeeep.
"There we go. 127/85." Farah said, the distinct sound of satisfaction in her voice. "Coming down."
"Good," Dr. Kim spoke up from behind Kezia. "How's her EKG?"
Farah rattled off numbers that made Kezia dizzy to listen to. “HR 82. No PVCs, looks good. ST segment normal, QT…360.”
"Ok, I think we're ready to go." Dr. Kim said, finally.
Kezia breathed carefully, feeling the electrodes tug at her skin all over. She was acutely aware of her body and the things that they had attached to her. "Am…I ok, Farah?" Her voice caught in her throat. She was embarrassed that a tear fell from the corner of her eye; she felt it roll back behind her neck, lost in the rustling plastic of the bouffant cap.
Farah leaned over and touched her arm, right where the BP cuff ended. Her hand was warm. "You're doing great. We're almost there." She winked, then looked across Kezia at Yasmin. "Hand me the BIS, would you, Yas?"
Nurse Yasmin produced another thing connected to a wire; this one looked like a long piece of thick tape with lines and shapes all over it. Farah peeled off the backing, and Kezia realized it was another thing they were going to stick on her. "What's that?" She asked. She held her body very still.
Farah held it up for her to see. "This is called the BIS sensor, honey. It tells us how deep you're sleeping." She moved towards Kezia's face. "I'm just going to press this riiiiight on your forehead." And she did, rubbing it lightly just above Kezia's brow. She could feel it when she wrinkled her nose, and the weirdness combined with the rustling of the bouffant cap, which was starting to feel warm and humid against the skin of her scalp.
Something beeped. "BIS 99." Farah said.
"Okay, Kezia," Dr. Kim spoke from Kezia's blind spot. "We're going to start with sedation now. Are you ready?"
Kezia could see Farah smiling at her. She took a deep breath, and after a moment's delay, she answered. "Okay…I'm ready."
"I'm going to put a mask over your nose and mouth, and this will just be some oxygen for now, ok?" Kezia saw Dr. Kim's hand lowering a black mask with a surprisingly thick hose attached. There was an overwhelming scent of rubber, and then the mask was on her before she could think of protesting. The edge was a soft seal against her face and a cool breeze seemed to fill her nose and mouth. It was utterly alien, and she could feel everything attached to her body. Just as a test, she wiggled her fingers and tensed her muscles. She felt the cuff, the electrodes, the wires…
"Breathe normally, honey," Farah said, watching the monitors. "Resps 20. Deep and slow, Kezia. You got this."
Kezia tried to slow her breathing. Something beeped to her right, and her cuff inflated again. "129/85." Farah said, when it was done.
"Still ok." Dr. Kim said. "Kezia, now we're going to put some medication into your IV, ok? Just something to make you feel relaxed. You might feel warm up your arm as it goes in." At her right, Kezia could see over the edge of the mask that Yasmin had a syringe of something. She felt the nurse press against her IV site, and then there was a burning feeling - but just for a moment. Her arm felt warm.
"It's warm." Kezia said, under the mask, but it came out almost unintelligible. Now her chest was warm, too.
"You're doing great, Kezia." Dr. Kim said. "BP, please." There was a beep and her cuff inflated again. Kezia felt weird, detached. The cuff wasn't as tight as it shoudl have been. She started to feel heavy.
"123/75." Someone said.
"That's the midazolam, we'll watch that. Fent is next. How are you doing, Kezia?" Was that Dr. Kim talking?
"…kaaaay. Mmm." The mask started to smell sweet. That was weird.
"Fent going in." Maybe that was Yasmin. Kezia felt a brisk cold rush in her arm, then her head spun. "Getting a BP." Whirr. Squeeze. Beeeep. "115/68 now."
"Ok, let's watch that. Should come up a bit." Then something she didn't really catch. "…okay, you can cath her now."
"Kezia, honey, I'm just going to remove your panties now, ok?" Farah was right at her left ear. Kezia felt like she was on the table with her, she sounded so close. "We need to put in a catheter to make you comfortable, ok?"
Kezia wasn't sure how to argue, she felt light-headed and she couldn't really focus. But she wanted to scream. She thought she shook her head but she wasn't sure. "ohhh…no, naaaa…" she trailed off.
"Just relax, Kezia, deep breaths." Dr. Kim was still there? Kezia felt the mask press a little firmer. Kezia's eyes swirled around the room.
From somewhere way below her, Kezia heard Farah. "Okay, Yas, Foley please? Thanks. Watch her legs." Louder, she said, "I'm removing them, honey, here we go." Kezia felt the cool room air on her crotch, and her panties slipping down her legs. She couldn't fight. Her legs were lifted slightly, the nurses bending them at the knees.
There was a shuffle of sensations connected only by the place they were occurring, just in the region of Kezia's pelvis. Cool wipes, soft fabric, gloved hands…then the abrupt piercing weirdness of something going inside her.
"Aaaaaa." Was all Kezia could manage.
"Almost there, Kezia, you're doing great." More quietly, "…okay, balloon up, we're in."
Kezia felt like she was peeing, and she moaned softly in sedated panic. The cuff again, and a beep.
"122/83. Looks great. BIS 71."
"Okay, last of the meds now, Kezia, you'll be sleeping soon." Someone touched her gently on the forehead, almost like they were brushing her eyelids. Were her eyes closed or open? She couldn't really tell.
"Prop going in - go slow, Yasmin." Kezia's ears started to ring, and she felt her cheeks flushing. She breathed slowly, methodically. The machines beeped and whirred, the cuff squeezed, and her pee ran down a tube and into a bag.
As she was winking out, she thought she heard one last thing. "…sanitary…rectal tube…okay, roll her…"
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Mylee's ECT, Part 1: Through the Looking-Glass
"Ah, we're just in time," Nurse Jen said. She stopped her brisk walk down the narrow hallway, turning to a large window. "Good."
Danice caught up with her just as she turned. Jen had been moving pretty quickly, and Danice definitely didn't want to seem like she was falling behind. This hallway was unfamiliar to her, and she had trouble keeping up. She was even sweating a little under her blue sterile cap. Jen didn't even look like she had exerted herself at all; her purple scrubs were perfectly crisp.
Danice wasn't sure if she was supposed to speak up or not.
The two nurses stood at the observation window of the Electrophysiology Lab, which Danice reasoned must be the next stop on her familiarization tour. It was her first week at SMC and she was doing the rounds under several experienced members of the staff. She desperately wanted to pass their scrutiny, and she was already feeling overwhelmed with everything going on throughout the hospital.
Looking through the large window set into the wall of the hallway, Danice saw a young female patient - slight build, pale skin, maybe 20 years old - being prepped for some kind of procedure. The patient was sitting up, slouched, staring into the distance. It was like she didn't even notice them peering into the room. She acquiesced calmly, almost dumbly, as a female doctor with perfectly styled short brown hair guided her to lay back on the procedure table.
"Do you have any questions?" Jen asked, without looking away from the window.
Danice perceived Jen's question almost like a test. What was the right response? She took in the scene: the patient was on the monitors, nasal cannula, sterile protocol…the cranial electrodes were the only jarring detail. But there was something - well, peculiar about the whole thing.
"Can the patient not see us?" Danice finally asked, quietly.
Jen was silent for a moment. "Excellent question." Danice tried to let out her breath silently, lest Jen know how relieved she was. "She shouldn't be able to, no. This is a one-way mirror, like in several of the rooms along this hall." Jen's subtle gesture led Danice's glance down the length of the hallway, and she began to notice other similar scenes, with small knots of observers standing in front of other windows. Oddly, she realized that they were all SMC staff. Doctors, nurses, technicians.
"Is this a staff-only area?" Danice asked, taken aback.
"That's correct," Jen said. "For observation, consultation, and teaching. Some of our patients are aware, but most aren't. It isn't secret, though - it's in every care agreement we provide. Most patients probably don't notice."
Danice turned back to the scene in the room before them. The patient was leaning back on her elbows, and the physician was checking the monitors. "Who is she?"
Jen looked briefly at her digital chart. "Her name is Mylee. She's under treatment for severe mood disorders with 'mixed features'." Tapping on the chart, Jen paused. "...she exhibits bipolar behavior as well as…stubbornly resistant depression."
Danice nodded, without looking away from the patient. "I assume ECT, then, given the cranial electrodes. The cardiac monitor, too, I suppose…why in the E-P Lab, rather than - well, an ECT suite or down in psych?" She was fully engaged now.
Jen looked at Danice for a moment, with a subtle approving glance. "Good observations. Did you also notice the IVs? Or the other equipment? There's a detail here you might not be aware of."
The several hanging bags of meds didn't give up their secrets easily. Danice relaxed her glance, taking in everything she could. She thought for a moment, imagining in her mind's eye what the scene would look like in a textbook, or on clinical rounds… "Oh!" She quietly exclaimed. "Um…okay, that's odd."
Waiting a beat, Jen prompted. "You see it, right?"
"There's…no anesthesia prep. Is this - is this unsedated?" The catch in Danice's voice was obvious.
"That's correct. Doctor Kari is developing an unsedated approach to this treatment," Jen gestured toward the trim, dark-haired physician attending to Mylee, "that she's calling Awake ECT. She's had some success, and Mylee has volunteered to be part of the clinical study."
Danice was impressed and also surprised - almost shocked, really - by the possibility of seeing unsedated ECT performed. "How does she manage it?"
Jen spoke easily, from memory. "A combination of muscle relaxants and paralytics, with adjusted ECT currents seem to be the answer. Doctor Kari is even able to interact with the patient during treatment."
Danice watched as Mylee settled in, fully laid down on the treatment table. "It's fascinating."
They watched Doctor Kari continue her prep, adjusting Mylee's IV. "Would you like to assist?" Jen asked.
Danice turned to look at the senior nurse, her eyes eager. "Are you kidding? I mean…yes. I'd love to."
"Well, let's get in there." Jen smiled.
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Cassie Codes in the ICU
Nurse Farah watched quietly as Cassie's chest rose, then fell, as the ventilator breathed for her. There was an intermittent whoosh-click that came from the vent each time Cassie's breasts rose. Farah could not remember how many times she had checked on Cassie today, and she knew this would not be the last.
A quick succession of sounds from the vitals monitor shook Farah out of her reverie. Bip-bi-biiip-bipbipbip-biiip. Cassie's heart was threatening arrhythmia again. Instinctively, Farah placed her finger against Cassie's neck, feeling directly for her pulse. The skin was cool and a little clammy. Farah felt Cassie's heart trying to push blood, but she feared that Cassie would probably fall back into arryhthmia and, from there, into V-fib again.
Just as soon as it began, Cassie's cardiac rhythm corrected itself.
Farah pressed a button on the monitor and began a blood pressure reading. She heard the familiar sound of the pump, grinding away inside the monitor. She saw the cuff bulge on Cassie's slim arm - bruised and sweaty from the abuse - and heard the pulling and straining of the velcro as the cuff reached its limit. With a few deflations, and a long beeeep, the machine deflated the cuff.
102/70. Cassie was not doing well. Her pressure has been dropping and her heart wasn't doing its work. Cardiomyopathy? Some kind of rhythm problem?
The attending physician had told Farah that Cassie had come in to the Emergency Department the previous night complaining of light-headedness, headache, chest pains. Naturally, they processed her immediately as a potential cardiac case. Slim, 22, possible anorexia…the case almost wrote itself. Her low blood pressure wasn't unusual for a woman her age and build, but a 5-lead EKG gave some ominous signs. They shifted her to a 12-lead and got her a bed. After several hours in observation in the ER, it seemed that she was stable, although still weak and hypotensive. The arrhythmia was already obvious.
Then she coded. For the first time, at least.
It was unexpected and very sudden; Cassie's cardiac deterioration was very rapid - she complained of a flutter, which was probably A-fib, and then she lost consciousness and seized briefly. After a short round of CPR and a 120 J cardioversion, they had a rhythm and she was breathing on her own, although she was not conscious. They decided to move her to ICU.
That's when I first saw her, Farah thought to herself. Farah had immediately found herself suddenly fond and protective of Cassie. Maybe more than other patients; she couldn't be sure.
Still unconscious during Farah's morning shift, Cassie coded again, briefly. Farah performed CPR this time. They got her back on rhythm again and decided to intubate for safety, given her uncertain condition. The ER team had left her in her bra and panties; when Farah's team decided to put in a Foley, she decided that she would leave Cassie as dressed as possible.
Farah looked away from the vitals monitor and its terrible information, and looked down at Cassie, her body uncovered for observation.
Cassie was reclined in the ICU bed, slightly head-up for postural circulation. Her arms were laid away from her body. She was on a vent, the tube holder creasing her face where it had been quickly strapped in place. Her hair fell in disheveled curls out of the bouffant cap they had put on her. As her chest rose and fell, Farah ran her eyes slowly down Cassie's body, thinking about how she looked. EKG electrodes pressed quickly to her chest, IVs in her wrists. The thick yellow cath clumsily running out of her panties to the collection bag.
They had done all the necessary things, and now Cassie was totally transformed from how she was when she came in. Farah's fascination was deep. She found herself staring at the catheter bulge in Cassie's panties.
"Farah?" Nurse Yasmin's greeting startled Farah, and it probably showed. She tried to stifle her gasp, but she was unable to hide her blushing.
"H…hi, Yas. What's up?" Farah smiled at the junior nurse.
Yasmin looked briefly at Cassie, then up at the monitor. "How is she?"
"Same. BP is down some, and she's still throwing PVCs." Farah sighed. "What's up?"
Yas looked at Farah. "Attending told me to tell you that we should put an AED on her and prep for corrective cardioversion. The team is on the way."
Farah looked at Cassie again. Here we go.
"Can I help out?" Yasmin asked.
"Of course," Farah smiled. "Let's get her prepped."
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Connect to SMC on Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/special_medical
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Miwa Gets Prepped
"I don't think anyone told her to dress for this," Nurse Sarah whispered to her colleague Yasmin. Yasmin stifled a giggle. Their patient was sitting on the exam table, wearing what looked like a very uncomfortable set of sheer lingerie.
Dr. Kate looked up from her digital tablet, where she was tapping information into the medical record. "What was that, Yas?"
"...oh! Uh, nothing. What's first, Doctor?" Yas threw a glance at Sarah.
"Let's set her up on a five lead EKG with resp monitoring. I'd like the limb leads on her thighs, please. And double cuffs." Dr. Kate looked at her patient briefly, and Sarah could almost see a smirk cross her face.
"Got it." Yasmin said. She gathered up a set of EKG leads that had been draped over the prep tray and walked over to the exam table.
Their patient's name was Miwa, and she had come in for a dobutamine stress test. For a 22 year old woman, this was an unusual exam to experience, and her chart suggested that she had previously been in good health. Yas imagined that she would find today's activity a little unfamiliar and even unsettling.
Miwa was a tall, curvy girl. The lingerie wasn't entirely unflattering, either, Yas thought.
"Ok, Miwa, I'm going to put these on you now. Just a little sticky - they might also be cold; sorry about that, sweetie." Yasmin systematically started peeling the backing from the rectangular EKG electrodes, already attached to the leads. She pressed them against Miwa's pale skin, smoothing them with her fingertips.
"So weird." Miwa mumbled, staring as Yas pressed one against her abdomen. Yas laughed in sympathy.
"These go on your legs. Here," and Yas pressed the last two down.
"Are you going to put me to sleep?" Miwa asked, looking down at herself. She had an uneasy look on her face.
"No, honey." Sarah said, walking over. "You need to be awake for this test. Why do you ask?"
"Well..." Miwa looked confused, and a little bit sheepish. "What are these stickers for, then?" She was lightly touching the electrode that Yas stuck to the skin above her left breast.
"Oh, those are EKG electrodes, honey, and they let us see what your heart is doing. They're not just for anesthesia. We'll need to watch your heart for this test." Sarah explained.
"Would you like me to explain it again, Miwa? I know we last talked about it a few days ago." Dr. Kate offered.
"Sure, yeah." Miwa said, not very convincingly. She was absent-mindedly feeling at the edge of the electrode on her right thigh.
"Last we met, I heard some things when I listened to your heart that I'd like to look at more closely. That, and the fact that you mentioned some shortness of breath and - palpitations, right?" Kate prompted.
"Right, that's right." Miwa nodded. She was looking at Kate now.
"...well, we can look into all those things with this test. It's called a chemical stress test. We'll hook you up to the monitors - I know, there are a lot of them - and then we'll give you some meds to make your heart beat pretty hard and fast. This way we can look closely at your cardiac activity when your heart is stressed. We should be able to see what we need to." Kate smiled.
"How long does it take?" Miwa shifted herself, looking uncomfortable.
Dr. Kate thought for a moment. "We should be all done in about 30 minutes, then you can rest. But all you need to do for the test is lie still and breathe. Ok?"
"Miwa, I'm going to put this on you now." Yasmin interrupted gently, holding up a long blue fabric strip with a hose attached. "This is a blood pressure cuff - you know what that is, right?"
Miwa nodded, pleased to see something she recognized. "Yup. On my arm, right?" She instinctively held up her right arm.
"Exactly - here..." Yasmin draped it over her bare arm, deftly wrapping it under and pressing the velcro against itself. "Just going to wrap it a little tight...great." She smoothed the cuff against Miwa's arm. It felt like a hug.
"I need to put another one on you, sweetie, ok? On your other arm, now." Yasmin produced another cuff, and immediately started to wrap Miwa's left arm as well. That was weird.
"Oh..." Miwa looked a little taken aback. "Um, sure. Why two?"
Sarah spoke up, adjusting something on a vitals monitor. "We will want to see your blood pressure really accurately as the test proceeds. We're going to measure your bp in both arms: first one, then the other, then repeat."
Miwa slowly nodded as Yasmin secured the second cuff. "Ok, yeah." The feeling of the two cuffs was not as pleasant as just one. It felt restraining, confining.
"Let's get your hair out of your face, honey," Sarah said. She was holding what looked like a blue shower cap, and Miwa was momentarily confused. Sure enough, Sarah placed it over Miwa's hair and gently tucked the loose strands up. "There - neat and tidy."
Miwa was starting to feel really self-conscious. She was...all hooked up and she felt very exposed.
Dr. Kate stood up, placing the digital tablet aside. "Ok, we're going to get started, Miwa. Sarah, let's get a baseline."
Sarah nodded, and pressed a button on the monitoring machine. "Miwa, we're going to inflate the cuffs now. Just relax, honey, and try to keep still for a moment." Miwa wasn't sure what to do.
There was a shrill beeeep and her left cuff started to swell up. There was the sound of pumping air from somewhere. Miwa kind of held her arm gingerly away from her body.
Yasmin touched her on the arm gently. "Just relax it, Miwa." Miwa tried to do as she said.
Beeeep. "One thirty over ninety-one." Beeeep. The other cuff started, and Miwa began to feel sweat in her armpits.
"Just a moment, Miwa," Kate said, seeing her discomfort. Beeeep. "One-thirty-six over eighty-eight."
"Maybe a little anxious; we'll watch that." Kate said. "Miwa, we'll be taking your bp every few minutes during the test, ok?"
Miwa said nothing, but quietly groaned.
"I see no obvious issues with her EKG..." Kate said, looking up at the monitors. No PVCs, rhythm looks ok. Lets get her medicated and see what's what. Let's set her up on an RT." The tone of the room suddenly shifted. As if following a script, the nurses started to set things up around Miwa and the exam table.
Sarah placed her hand on Miwa's back. "Honey, I'm going to take your temperature now. I'd like you to lay down on your side."
Miwa instinctively began to lean over, following the nurse's gentle pressure. "Wait, why?" She asked.
"We're going to place a rectal temperature sensor," Dr. Kate said, impatiently. "You'll need to wear it for the duration of the test."
"Okay, let's go. And let's puncture her for an IV."
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Your Regular Dose of SMC, 1/20/25
Mondays come and Mondays go, but the best ones are when you get Your Regular Dose! Check out coming attractions, inspiring webfinds, and join the conversation on our Deviantart.
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Connect to SMC on Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/special_medical
See us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/specialmedicalcentre/
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Soon-Mi's ICU Visit
We loved doing this collab, many thanks to our partner for making it happen. Words by medical_ai_pics - show them some love over on IG! For those who don't know, we also have a previous collab with them in a character.ai medical chatbot. Check that out as well! Read on for Soon-Mi's story. =====
“You’re alright miss…. just keep breathing.” The muffled and masked voice of nurse Emily was calm, but stern. Soon-Mi sat in a reclined stretcher in a busy hospital ward, holding an oxygen mask to her face and gasping like her life depended on it. Probably because it did.
“Pneumonia’s not being shaken. SpO2 still at 92% even on a non-rebreather.” Nurse Emily says to a medical student, Hannah, nearby. Soon-Mi, her hand drenched in cold sweat, claws at the mask and pulls it down to her neck. “I… ack… I’m a bit.. scared.” She wheezes, her lips turning blue from the effort. Nurse Emily firmly pushes the mask back up. “Don’t remove that. Hannah, go grab a BP cuff and some electrodes. We need a clearer picture, not just some pulse oximeter on her finger.”
Hannah rushes off as Nurse Emily unties Soon-Mi’s drenched gown. “Alright honey… it’s all okay, just be calm”. Hannah soon comes back, her naive eyes eager. “Got them…”. Nurse Emily places the electrodes over Soon-Mi’s drenched breasts and neck, and Hannah puts the BP cuff on her arm and another on her thigh. They begin to inflate and tighten as tears prick Soon-Mi’s eyes.
Nurse Emily begins to read the readings as they come through. “It’s not good. BP is collapsing, and heart rate is dropping slowly in line with SpO2. Can we get some IV fluids?”. Nurses begin to rush about around Soon-Mi’s writhing and gasping body. The mask she’s wearing is soaked from her breath, and her gown from her sweat.
Hannah looks expectantly at Nurse Emily. “What now? She’s not getting any better…” Soon-Mi grasps at Hannah’s scrubs, groaning under her breath. “Call a doctor, tell them she’s close to respiratory arrest.” Nurse Emily replies. Soon-Mi murmurs, her hair sticking to her forehead; “Wh…what’s happening?”
“Just relax honey, the doctors coming..”. As if on cue, Dr. Alisha comes in, tying a surgical mask on. “What’s she like now?” she asks, checking Soon-Mi’s vitals. “I’m not sure she’s improving much. Antibiotics seem to have no effect.” Nurse Emily says, curtly, as she removes the painfully tight BP cuff. “She’s hardly breathing.” she adds, as Soon-Mi clenches her eyes shut, rocking back and forth with the mask.
“I think it’s time to consider the ICU. If she stays like this she won’t survive the night.” Dr. Alisha says, pulling on a pair of gloves and pulling the railings up on the bed.
“If you’re sure doctor…” Nurse Emily starts pushing the gurney down the corridor, as Hannah hurries along, pulling a bouffant cap over Soon-Mi’s hair and mask strap.
As the team arrive in an empty ICU bay, Dr. Alisha immediately pulls off the oxygen mask, replacing it with a nasal cannula. “They’re better for pre-oxygenation when we intubate.” She explains, after seeing Hannah’s puzzled look. Nurse Emily pulls off Soon-Mi’s soaked gown entirely, strapping on a makeshift diaper for discretion and as a precautionary measure. “Hannah, put a BP cuff on each limb.” Hannah obliges, tightening them all at once in a symphony of desperation. Soon-Mi’s gaze starts to drift, as the lowered oxygen therapy takes its toll.
“Get that intubation team in here, stat!” says Dr. Alisha, noting Soon-Mi’s deteriorating condition. “Quickly!”.
But at that point Soon-Mi’s dizziness and breathlessness had taken its toll, and she fell unconscious and unresponsive as the 3 staff members rush around the room.
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Connect to SMC on Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/special_medical
See us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/specialmedicalcentre/
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Thank you x1000!
1000 likes is a lot! We were pleasantly surprised to see this Tumblr milestone come across last week, and we instantly knew we wanted to put together something special as a thank you to everyone who has been liking and supporting. Your shared interest, creativity, and just plain excitement for this odd corner of erotica means the world to us. So glad you're all here.
We've only been part of this community since November 2023, but it definitely feels like home.
"Just breathe in through your nose, honey. Try to relax." Nurse Jen took another look at the vitals monitor. "130 over 90. Let's slow down that breathing, ok?" She was trying to be patient.
Tessa was trying to listen to the nurse, but she couldn't get herself to relax. The cuffs, the stickers, the...thing in her nose - it was all too much. And the hospital gown was rough against her skin.
"I'm...really uncomfortable. How much longer?" She felt her heart thump against her chest, and she could swear she saw the wires attached to her bounce a little.
Nurse Jen looked at the clock. "I'd like to get your cardiac baseline before we start...say another thirty minutes. Hang in there, honey."
Tessa felt herself getting upset, and tears began to well up.
"Look on the bright side," Nurse Jen said, glancing up, her face brightening. "SMC just got 1000 likes on Tumblr! Now...let's get back to your treatment."
SMC's home is on DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/specialmedicalcentre
Connect to SMC on Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/special_medical
See us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/specialmedicalcentre/
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Your Weekly Dose of SMC, 10/16/24
We semi-regularly post weekly(ish) goings-on around SMC and some art/creator recommendations from our idle browsing.
Come on over to DeviantArt and join the conversation!
SMC's home is on DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/specialmedicalcentre
Connect to SMC on Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/special_medical
See us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/specialmedicalcentre/
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2025 Valentine's Poster: First Cardiac at SMC
It's every cardiophile's holiday season. Head over to our Deviantart to grab a free poster download in honor of Valentine's Day! Patients are still coming in, interested to learn more about our First Cardiac program. Stay tuned for more!
SMC's home is on DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/specialmedicalcentre
Connect to SMC on Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/special_medical
See us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/specialmedicalcentre/
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Mitra's Surprise
"We're almost ready, Mitra," Nurse Lan said, adjusting the nasal cannula under her nose. "Do you have any questions before we start?"
Mitra scrunched her nose a bit, trying to get used to the feeling of the tubes in her nostrils. She realized with some awkwardness that she hadn't asked a single question as the nurse was prepping her.
"Actually…I do. Ah, I don't really know what…well, this is all for." Mitra lifted her arms slightly, tubes and wires moving about. She felt like an experiment.
Nurse Lan smiled, discreetly making sure that Mitra didn't pull on her IVs. "Ok, sure - what do you want to know?"
Mitra took a deep breath and looked down at herself, her eyes scanning intently over her body. Sheepishly, she asked, quietly, "…first, I guess…can you tell me again what we're doing?"
"Sure." As she talked, the nurse busied herself checking a nearby vitals monitor, tapping on the screen to enter data. "Your doctor has prescribed a stress test to examine your heart under exercise. Look, it reads here…" Nurse Lan consulted a chart. "…that you may have a slight arrythmia and possible tachycardia. Right?"
Nodding, Mitra said, "…right, ok. I remember that." The doctor visits, the embarrassing exams, and the worried feeling in her stomach were reminders enough. "But…how am I going to exercise with all these - you know, things on me?"
"Well, that's easy - you won't be exercising on the treadmill today - you're going to sit right there. This is a chemical stress test. We'll make your heart work hard, and we'll measure your cardiac performance with these machines. All you have to do is breathe."
She made it sound too easy, Mitra thought. "Okay…well, the…the blood pressure thing." Mitra slightly lifted her right arm for emphasis, finding that the tubes and hoses sort of prevented it. "Why do I have to wear two? And they're…kind of tight."
Nurse Lan leaned over, and placing a hand on Mitra's BP cuff, smiled. "Oh, that's just how we have to do it, Mitra. And you're wearing two cuffs so we can track your pressure closely. They're going to inflate one at a time, and we'll compare them as your heart works hard. You might be uncomfortable at first, but the inflation pressure will even out. Look, I'll start the measurement now. Ready?"
Lan pressed a square on the monitor screen, and the cuff on Mitra's right arm began to tighten, inflating with a buzzing sound. She could hear the velcro straining and popping against the pressure. Instinctively, she held her arm up as it was squeezed.
"Just leave it at your side, honey." Lan gently guided Mitra's arm back into her lap. Mitra was only wearing her panties under her exam gown, and her hand was hot through the fabric; she could feel it on her belly. Absent-mindedly, she checked to see if her breasts were visible through the thin fabric. The cuff squeezed her arm savagely.
"Oww." Mitra said, involuntarily.
"The first time is the hardest." Lan said. Suddently, the cuff stopped inflating. Step by step, it began to release her. The machine clicked each time. After a few clicks, a loud boop sounded, and the cuff went whoosh. "One-twenty five over ninety. Maybe you're a little anxious." Lan wrote something on Mitra's chart.
Mitra flexed her arm to relax it. "When…when does the other one do that?" She motioned to her left arm.
Lan looked at the monitor, squinting. "Every…three minutes, honey."
Mitra looked down at herself again. There were pads stuck to her chest and her shoulders, wires everywhere…and under her gown, too. She could feel them pulling on her breasts. "So…what are these for?" She motioned downward with her chin.
"Those," Lan said, writing some other things on the chart, "are to measure your heartbeat. They're for an EKG. Ever have that done?"
Mitra shook her head. "No, no I haven't."
Lan nodded. "Well, each time your heart beats, we can see the electrical activity here." She motioned to the screen. With a final tap, Lan brought up Mitra's EKG, and a shrill beeping began, accompanied by a bouncing green line on the screen. Three lines, in fact. "These are your EKG traces. We can see all kinds of things…arrythmia, heartrate, cardiac muscle activity…"
The beeping was irregular: sometimes fast, sometimes slow. A green number glowed beside the traces, hovering around 77..78..76.
Lan followed Mitra's eyes. "That's your heartrate, honey. We're going to get that good and fast during the stress test." Lan checked her watch. "We're all set, Mitra. Do you have any more questions?"
Mitra stared at the screen, watching and feeling her heart beat. Her left BP cuff began an inflation cycle, jarring her out of her reverie. Three minutes gone, she thought. She watched the magenta BP numbers counting up on the screen. "No more questions, I guess…wait."
Lan was busy preparing something, her back to Mitra. "What's that, honey?" She responded without turning.
"…um. How is my heart going to work hard without exercise, again?" Mitra asked.
"Oh, we'll handle that." Lan said. She turned to Mitra, holding a large syringe full of a milky yellow fluid. "Remember, this is a chemical stress test."
Mitra's eyes went wide. Her BP cuff squeezed her tightly; she could hear her heart rate begin to speed up already.
Lan continued. "This medication will stimulate your heart; I'm going to inject it into your IV now. Ok, Mitra, here we go."
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Connect to SMC on Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/special_medical
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We're Number 1!
...in years, that is. This week was our First Tumblr Birthday! We're so excited to share our work and our interest in med-erotica with this wonderful community, and so glad to have spent the last year here with all of you. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your love, support, and collaboration over this last year! We'll be thinking of ways that we can celebrate together. In the meantime, what do you want to to see in the next year? Let us know - maybe it's on our list, too. Whatever it is, we're positive it's going to be exciting. Your comments and likes are the best Tumblr-birthday presents. ----- Our image below finds Penny in the ICU, not so happy that she can't partake in a birthday cupcake.
"Ah ah, you need to keep the mask on, honey," Nurse Evelyn reminds her. "Remember your asthma." Well, we can still celebrate, at least. Sorry, Penny!
SMC’s home is on DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/specialmedicalcentre
Connect to SMC on Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/special_medical
See us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/specialmedicalcentre/
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TBCA Poster Series 1A: Healthy Hearts
(We completely forgot to post this the first time around - let us know what you think, and enjoy!) Introducing the first in a new series of printable posters from SMC! The theme for this first series is built around our new tagline:
"The Best Care, Anywhere"
Previously featured in the background of Nella's story, this promo poster advertises SMC's health services and dedication to care. The poster is designed to be printable up to A3 size at close to 300 dpi.
Purchases of the printable large-size file will support SMC's mission to bring you more mederotica with more attention to detail. Click here or on the image below to head over to our DeviantArt for the full-size file!
Thank you in advance for your support!
SMC's home is on DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/specialmedicalcentre
Connect to SMC on Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/special_medical
See us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/specialmedicalcentre/
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You're Invited to Your "First Cardiac"!
Be our Valentine! We know everyone is nervous for their first time. SMC makes it easy.
Give your heart to SMC this Valentine's Day and let us check it out. Don't worry about the details - we'll take care of everything. EKG, BP, vitals: it's a date. Young or old, if it's your first time, it's the right time. First Cardiac is the right thing for your heart. (You don't really need an invitation, do you?)
SMC's home is on DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/specialmedicalcentre
Connect to SMC on Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/special_medical
See us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/specialmedicalcentre/
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