#special thanks to hachii for double checking my spelling :]
sneezydarliing · 2 years
Hi hiiii uhmmm, as for your requests post, would it be possible, for you to do one with Ti/gh/nari and his sensitivity to spices?
Like he’s either, experimenting or cooking up some concoction for research/medical purposes and uses just a biiit to much of a certain spice. His olfactory system then cannot possibly handle the scent(s) anymore and..
He tries to hold back at first, then just, explodes •\\\• I’m always so nervous/flustered about sending asks ヽ(´//ー//`)ノ
Hii!! i would love too ^^ tysm for the req!
reqs r still open :] feel free to send me one anytime, i have a lot of freetime this week for once
Spice overload (Gen/shin Im/pact, Tigh/nari)
words- 585
I'm still very new with fics, so please have pity on me, and feedback is always appreciated!!
“There, that should do it.” Tighnari mutters to nobody in particular, stepping back from his work table. He lowers the cloth mask that had sat over the lower half of his face carefully, placing it down next to the bottles, then stretches, joints popping from hours of being carefully hunched over. He’d spent the better part of the day working on different trial medicines, each one a different combination of spices. His ear gives a small twitch as he examines one in particular closer, covering his nose with a gloved hand- even just a small whiff of the concoctions would result in a sneezing fit, and he didn’t want to disturb anybody passing by. He sniffles, leaning over to the window to check the time, with the shock that it’s already well into the night. Guess i’ll eat, then go to bed. 
The fox starts to rummage around, frown deepening as nothing in particular sticks out. And then, a loud crash. Tighnari jumps, whipping around to the source. As he moves,  so does his tail, and he has no time to notice as the jar of carefully prepared ingredients spills across the table, fluttering out into the air. 
He yelps out a curse, desperately scouping up what he can, already feeling it start to tickle his delicate nose. He scrunches it, desperate not to sneeze now when collei is asleep in the other room, feeling his lungs fill with air desperately despite it all, turning away from the table and cupping his face in his hands forgetting the coating of spices all over them that only makes it worse. The tickle’s unbearable now, and he pitches forward with a sneeze that's too much for him to hold in. 
It has little effect. The herbs are vibrating around in his nostrils anymore, and as he sniffles it only gets worse. He puts one hand onto the table to steady him, gearing up for another, gasping for air- and then it never comes. Tighnari almost whines, the feelings all too much. But it comes back with a vengeance. He almost chokes on the feeling, coughing harshly into his elbow, the tickle in his throat only making it worse. He doesn’t move as he gives a few uneven gasps, rubbing his nose on his arm- which finally does the trick. 
“hIH-scCHI’ew! hAh-” He stumbles foreward with the force of the sneeze, gripping the table for support. “hH..hHh-ngxXt!” tighnari gives a breathy sigh, but he knows its far from over. The itch is still there, irritating the very back of his sinuses. He gives a wet sniffle, roughly pawing at his nose with his wrist, and turns to the source of the irritation. The spices are spread out on the table, two of the containers knocked over. His mask is equally covered, so it’s useless now, and he can’t help but sigh as he resumes cleanup. 
Tighnari starts to scoop up what he can, sniffling as he goes, trying his best tto ignore the worsening tickle. As he picks up the mask, it climaxes, and his nose twitches as he gasps, instinctively covering his face with whatever’s in his hands.  “t’schh! f-fuhH! hAh-tsCHH’ ndgxt-schieww!” The tickle is so bad that he can do nothing but gasp again- ‘“hiiih.. hI’SChh! aCHh-uuh.. hI-sCHIiew!” he gives another shaky gasp that leads to nothing and sits, exhausted. He stares at the mess again, eyes watering, mentally preparing himself to continue this cycle until it’s cleaned. He’s probably awoken Collei, at this point.
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