Okay I’m learning u a thing (with lotsa spoilers) First arc: main issue? Our main character is rusty! We love Rusty. Nobody else alive loves Rusty. Except for Smudge, the other baby who lives with people. Smudge is headcanon gay for Rusty but the books won’t acknowledge it. Rusty doesnt notice. Sad!
Rusty likes to hunt! He isnt allowed to hunt because he runs into some wild cats known for their brutality. He’s scared! They say he can’t hunt because its not his land. Turns ou tthe guy that beat him up is also a child named Graypaw, and Rusty is just unlucky enough to meet Bluestar, their old leader who is secretly divorced with estranged children (but they dont know that! Xenophobia says her marriage was null.) Bluestar sniffs Rusty and noticed he still has his balls! A miracle! Because he isnt fixed he can be a murder battle cat too! So she drags his orange highlighter little chil dself to her camp, unofficially says this is her kid now, yay! Problem!
Rusty is a kittypet or a housecat! WE HATE KITTYPETS!!!!! RACISMYAY!!!! This weird edgy man names Longtail says NO IM RACIST HE CANT JOIN US I WONT SLEEP NEAR A BABY!!! HIS BELL WILL SCARE AWAY PREY! and Bluestar just lets this grown man try to murder her new son by strangling him but it fails cause Rusty’s collar breaks! YAY! This is obviously a sign! Rusty is renamed Firepaw. Definitely because he’s orange like fire and not at all because we’re about to shove this kid into a prophecy of unknown origin (is it from the dead guys in the skin who are pseudo-all-powerful? Is it from God? They have no god btw. DOES IT JUST EXIST?? WE NEVER FIND OUT.)
Firepaw proves xenophobia wrong! Everyone grows to love him he’s literally their religion’s specialest boy everyone knows about. He’s the exception to racism. They continue to be cat racist for the next 20 real life years and still are, as the current plot problem is a racist maga cat group throwing a coup to murder all the authority in one camp which they did by grooming a child and murdering her mother and then trying to kill her. Yay!
Hi Bee! WHAT!!
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