#speaking of being up at 5 am i can’t belive o have to get up then (NOT FOR THE CORONATION!!)
george when he realises that he’ll need to get up at 5am tomorrow (miami time) to watch the king’s coronation
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peri-b · 3 years
being quarantined with my characters
Cato: 100000000000/10 like GOD i'd love to be quarentined with her. You'd never go hungry this girl is always making something. she wants to watch alll the horror movies, and she wants to do all the cute little pinterest idea things. Pretty much by the end your house would look like it's from pinterest. Also she'd make those cupcakes that look like ducks. That needs to be said. she would also zoom with her family like alll the time. zoom with her friends too. She needs that social interaction. She'd also wanna go on walks with you!! with a mask ofc, though don't get annoyed when she says good morning to every single tree Rose: 5/10 like, she's okay but she's also like. You wouldn't really see her a whole lot? she probably broods a lot cause she's seen plauge before. but if she's feeling nice she'll try to cook you something! It prob doesn't turn out well but it's the though that counts. She makes amazing playlists tho. Like turn one of those bad bois on and it'll be a blast. She will probably bug you sometimes, but that's only when her intrusive thoughts get real bad and she needs human interaction. Has a shit ton of fun stories tho. She would 100% turn on disney movies with you and sing along and no i'm not bitter that she's a better singer than me Nat: 6/10 she'd be fun, would def dance naked under the moonlight with her. She'd use that time to work on her witchcraft and focus on herself. She usually orders food cus like,, she will not be cooking. you order from really nice places tho so that's a plus. If you don't like crystals or candles etc. then you're gonna have a bad time because she will n o t shut up about it. personally I'd love it, def wanna talk witch stuff with her. Vixen would be fun too. happy boi loves naps Safiya: 8/10 another person you wouldn't see too often. She likes her alone time and is proably annoyed that she's stuck with someone. But like. She doesn't really bother you. Spends a lot of time in the woods, so you kind of get the house to yourself. Don't mess it up tho, she'll get grumpy. When she's feeling nice, she'll watch a movie with you, or teach you how to woodcarve. Won't laugh if you mess up, she'll just point out different technuiqes. She feeds deer and babytalks to them you caught her doing this and she doesn't speak to you for a week. but she's super chill. you'd probably watch a lot of stiduo ghibli and she def cries but will not admit it. if you like having your hair braided- then she might braid it. only cause "i'm getting really stircrazy" yea sure Safiya I belive you Chizu would prob be like a 5/10. She'd be fine for a while but then she'd get so stircrazy. like. she must do something. anything. So she goes to you. "Hey. Entertian me i'm bored." She probably says so you kinda sit there like :/ she likes going on long drives. doesn't talk much, just plays music and looks out the window. she would learn how to make hot chocolate and suddenly- she's always making it. like Chizu you do not need hot chocolate at three am but whatever makes her happy another person who has lots of stories to tell, and she would tell you (after a lot of convincing) let her do your nails plsss, or you could do hers. doesn't matter. spa day. this will be happening. after time goes on she's less bitchy and you end up cuddling under blankets watching somtin like Criminal Minds- to which Chizu will then go on and crituiqe each episode Mary is like. idk. 6/10? at first she does not see the point to all of this so she's like h u h - but she'll stay inside. BONUS THO you live in a big ass mansion so if you don't wanna talk to her- you don't have to just move to the other side of the house. like fr, you could live together and not see each other o n c e. but like, eventually she'll seek you out cuz like, she's bored. she'll bug you for a bit- she is def the person that orders too much dumb shit from amazon like pls, Mary. S T O P she'll do your hair tho. 10/10 does it really well. can't cook tho. can barely make tea. so that's kind of up to you cus she's a vampire n all. she tries to get some hobbies but ends up starting one- gets bored- starts another- gets bored... you get the idea. lots of unfinished projects around the house
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heartwarminghockey · 7 years
Meet Jay Elder
That’s right, it’s the second installment of my “Meet the Characters of My Upcoming Garbage Party Writing Project” series. Camp Nanowrimo is literally right around around the corner, and I am so unprepared, y’all. Guess I’m a pantser this year, armed only with 15,000 headcanons and a very loose outline. No worries, right?
Anyway, today I am introducing the secondary main of garbage party 2.0, using the same format as last time. See you once again under the courtesy cut!
So I don’t have a fancy picture for Jay, unfortunately, but just imagine that there is a beautiful portrait here of a hesitant dark-haired well-built man. He’s looking at you like he wants to say something, but you’re pretty sure he won’t.
Jay’s the Love Interest, as you probably assumed. He’s the old flame that never really went out. No spoilers, but they’re still in love. He was a big part of Miles’s life, and when they reconnect after Miles’s Big Breakdown, he’s a big part of Miles’s recovery.
So! Onto the questionnaire.
1. Full Name: James Ronald Elder III
2. Age: 30 at the start of the novel
3. Gender and Sexuality: Demisexual gay cismale
4. Pronouns: He/him/his
5. Ethnicity: Straight-up white, Welsh ancestry
6. Birthplace and Birthday: Jay was born April 24 (Taurus) in Selma, LA - one week after Miles, and shared birthday parties were just another facet of their early years.
7. Family Ties: James Ronald II “JR” (father), Lynn (mother - deceased), Samantha “Sam” (stepmother), Martha Jean (sister - 12 years older), Curtis Jones “Jonesy” (brother-in-law), Linford “Lin” (nephew), Veronica “Ronnie” (niece)
8. Career/Job: Owner and General Manager of Elder Paint & Supply, a hardware/home improvement store in Selma, which has been in the family since the first James Ronald Elder
9. Guilty Pleasures: A lot, actually. Sometimes Jay takes bubble baths to relax. He puts on his favorite jazz albums and just soaks in the warm water. He has a lot of old injuries from his time in the US Army, and this is the only time he gets to tend to them. He also loves chocolate and sets aside his Saturday nights for TV and chocolate pie, because he keeps a pretty strict regimen most of the time. Jay loves anything cozy, so there are so many knitted blankets in his house. He’s trying to learn to knit because he’s heard it helps with nerves, but his fingers are so big that he’s having trouble.
10. What They Would Be Famous For: Sensational gardening. Nothing would make him happier. Or workout videos, but that’s less fun.
11. What They Would Get Arrested For: In his teen years, this could have been anything - “criminal mischief” - because he was a bit of a troublemaker then, when his mother was dying slowly and his father was turning to alcohol and the pretty bartender to cope. But now? He would be more likely to be “arrested” during a safety/crime demonstration at the local elementary school.
12. OC You Ship Them With: The love of my life and his, Miles Ignacio Larue
13. OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Lin, out of sheer frustration when Jay refuses to make a move, or Miles, because Miles has a temper and Jay lives to test it
14. Contents of Their Pockets: Wallet full of cash because he doesn’t like keeping up with debit card transactions, multitool, keys, phone (yes, Lin keeps track of all his upgrades), actual hard candy/mints like an old man
15. Typical Dress: Dark colors and neutrals only, his favorite being navy blue. Tends to stick to buttonfront shirts and dark slacks for work. Sweaters in the winter. Catch him at home in old t-shirts, cutoff shorts, sweatpants. Jay doesn’t follow fashion. It makes him nervous. He has no idea what looks good on him.
16. Talents: Carpentry, automotive work. He has a notoriously lovely singing voice but he’s very shy about it. He’ll only sing if he thinks he’s alone, but he’ll hum if he’s very comfortable with you.
17. Why Someone Might Love Them: He’s very reliable, you can always count on him to be where he says he’ll be, on time, and follow through on all of his promises. You can literally wake him up in the middle of the night because you’re stuck on the side of the road, and he’ll be there in fifteen with his toolbox. He has a deep, soothing voice and a calming presence. He’ll never judge you for indulging yourself. Also, he’s had a little bit of therapy in his time, so he’s good to talk to, very good at helping you sort out your problems, and will NEVER betray your trust. Also, he’ll always do what you want to do - like, he keeps gaming consoles just for when Lin comes over and loves to play with him, but would never do it by himself.
18. Why Someone Might Hate Them: He’s stubborn as hell, slow to make decisions, hard to read, won’t speak up for himself, a little prideful, and I mean - not necessarily the most spontaneous or riveting company. Keep in mind that most of these things could be followed up with “unless he’s with Miles.”
19. How They Change: Jay’s journey is just as much about acceptance as Miles’s. At the start of the novel, he has more or less given up on love, and that’s okay with him. He initially resists the way Miles makes him feel, until he accepts that he actually can have everything he’s ever wanted - because he had kind of got to thinking that after everything he’d done, and all the way he felt broken and damaged, it was never going to happen for him.
20. Why You Love Them: I love Jay because he’s quite tender and broken, and he’s simple in his wants and desires, he’s anxious and nervous and awkward. He’s gone through some pretty major life events with the death of his mother and a pretty brutal break-up shortly after, and everything that happened overseas...He doesn’t realize it, but he’s very strong, a survivor, and he just has a lot of love to give...He thinks of himself as this dark soul, but all he needs is someone who takes the time to understand and lift him up.
Loves jazz trio, anything with piano, especially if it’s in French. It relaxes him. This is how he bonds with Maurice, Miles’s dad, after he gets back from the Army. He used to love nineties rock bands, but he can’t really take it anymore. It’s just one of the things that changed. His Army buddies call him “Pops” now.
Loves gardening. One of his favorite weekend activities - you can find him puttering about with a spade and a watering can and some pruning shears.
Has a little black cat - Maxine. She’s been with him about three years now. Cat person all the way.
Keeps a daily journal at the recommendation of his old therapist. It helps ground him, keep him organized. He’s self-conscious about his handwriting, but no one sees it except him.
Hates pictures of himself and genuinely belives he’s never taken a good one. He’s very self-conscious about his body as well.
Keeps up with all his old Army training - jogs in the morning, up the hill to Martha Jean’s mailbox, three miles roundtrip, and does his sit-ups and push-ups. It’s a good time to think about things, plus it keeps him healthy. He can account for his bad knees.
Wiggles his ears when he’s thinking, or when he’s curious or pleased.
Has a speech impediment - a stutter that developed after his return from overseas. It acts up more when he’s nervous. Miles was so patient with him that summer after his service was over, and over the next eight years, he’s learned to control it by speaking more slowly, but he uses a lot of filler words - uh, um - especially when he’s getting started trying to say something. Jay takes patience that a lot of people don’t have. It’s another thing he’s self-conscious about.
Goes through eggs and milk like nobody’s business. Loves chicken and fish. Loves food in general.
Quite cold-natured. His feet are always freezing.
Some Jay quotes:
Jay “chronicologically” Elder
Jay “Smiles Larue” Elder (Miles loves hates that)
Jay “act like you got some raising” Elder
And a few songs from Jay:
“Make You Feel My Love” by literally anyone, although he’s partial to the Adele version
“L-O-V-E” by Nat King Cole (he loves this song - the brass - he loves to watch Miles dance to it)
“All of Me” by John Legend (truly a masterpiece)
“Luckiest” by Ben Folds (it has piano, and it makes him think of Miles)
And that concludes Jay’s introduction post! I can’t believe Camp starts in like three days, holy cow. I’ll probably do one more post for all the other characters (Lin! Dean, Miles’s ex! Parents and step-parents! Martha Jean! Zuzu, Miles and Dean’s roommate in CA!) but I’m not sure when. Stick around if you want to see how much all this changes when I actually start writing, lol.
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