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spatiallyawarc | Liked for a starter!
arachnidsGrip [AG] started trolling spatiallyAware [SA] at 7:42 PM
[AG]: oh so that’s what the random encounter 8utton does!!!!!!!!
[AG]: In any normal c8se where I clicked that on accident I’d just leave as soon as possi8le and hope the other person didn’t notice the chat window pop up 8ut I kinda did this to myself so!!!!!!!!
[AG]: I’d might as well stick with it this time and see how it goes!
[AG]: I’m Vriska.
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Doge Vs Doge Vs Doge. #2020isabust #2020isafail #2020iscancelled #tesla #teslalife #teslaparking #teslafan #teslafans #teslafanboy #teslafanatics #learntopark #learntodrive #learntodrivepeople #learntoparkpeople #learntoparkplease #lockdownuk #lockdownbritain #lockdownengland #lockdownscotland #lockdownireland #lockdownwales #lockdownlondon #lockdownnorthernireland #lockdown2020 #spatialawareness #spatiallyaware (at Papa Smith Custom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEhGJcMnysA/?igshid=16ejdy24ruco
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