#sparrow oak swallows Garcia
It’s Mr. Steal Your Kids
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risetherivermoon · 9 months
hc that once Sparrow learned wildshape as a teen the kiddads all went buckwild with it
they have a video of sparrow as a horse staring at the ocean, you can hear the other kids giggling profusely behind the camera, it zooms in and you can hear him sigh, see him duck his head down solemnly and say "Man" quietly, then they all fucking lose it and the video ends with Nicky, who was filming, dropping the phone because of how hard he's laughing
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yeahprobablyamimic · 10 months
crawling out of the hole that is my dorm to post this but we know now that they've preferred hero since normal was at least six. if code purple was all about normal there's the implication that they've resented him since he was truly a child he was six and innocent and bored and wandering around because his parents didn't want to pay attention to him. he wasn't good enough to be paid attention to. normal is the they lost their friends and he's potentially the reason Henry pushed them away- "I love you, but i don't like you" i think thats where Henry is with them right now. he loves them. they're his two beautiful boys but. he moved realms, he hasn't made an effort to see his grandson he left on purpose. but the kicker is, it wasn't Normal. it was sparrow and lark prioritizing the fucking apocalypse over their kids
normal and hero shouldn't have BEEN THERE IN THE FUCKING FIRST PLACE THEY SHOULD NEVER HAVE BEEN AT DADDIES THEY WERE KIDS. THEY WERE INNOCENT GODDAMNIT and then, they had to record the video, and only THEN did they ask not to involve their kids in DADDIES ONLY THEN and even THAT they probably considered Normals fault and then they still used Hero as a fucking pawn
and if you think about it even further. it means Nick got to raise taylor for at least six years. Nick was gonna break the fucking cycle. It was gonna get better he was gonna be there for his kid goddamnit and then. he didn't get to. he was ripped away from Taylor just like he was ripped from Glenn.
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masterrainb0w · 6 months
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-Through tears- They were high school sweethearts....
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nat-without-a-g · 8 months
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So how do we think the twins managed to pull the “same man twice” shtick so good Normal overtly misidentified them? Like, Sparrow getting slapped and responding with a millisecond of rage and Normal going ‘oh that’s absolutely my dad’ when Lark is Known to be the angrier twin.. it has to be a convincing getup. I have some theories.
1. Dress Code includes short hair and no beard
2. They intentionally chose to dress differently knowing lark would be the one to meet them if they encountered each other
3. Lark’s disheveled state is how they Both wind up if they neglect grooming themselves.
Bonus: what was probably running through Lark’s head when Lincoln rolled an EIGHTEEN to slap him TWICE while he was trying to signal he was fully lucid.
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bread-stickk · 4 months
My favorite normal boy
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(This is part of a bigger piece I drew in the undercut)
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honeyspotpie · 1 month
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LOVESONG MY BELOVED... Gorgeous Sparrow and her cringe fail bf Nicky /j
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lemonofthevalley · 9 months
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this is a stupid joke sorry . it's only funny to me
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birdifulhuman · 4 months
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How about a lovely Sparrow on this fine Tuesday?
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chiefhexagon · 9 months
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Kiddad Portraits are finally done, I may go back and fix some after finals are over. If y’all wanna take about the portraits/design elements hmu ✌️
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ale-draws-stuff · 6 months
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keepin-it-on-the-d-l · 8 months
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Something something, Henry giving Lark unconditional forgiveness and Lark wanting nothing but to be found at fault VS Henry placing Sparrow at fault for code purple and Sparrow hoping for forgiveness when they reunite.
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risetherivermoon · 8 months
not enough people talk about how funny the scene of lark pretending to be sparrow in the papa johns arc is when you relisten to it knowing it isn't sparrow whos talking 😭
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not-actually-human · 4 months
transfem sparrow for the doodle rqs? :3c
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i adore her :)
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masterrainb0w · 5 months
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Did you hear about that, mother? Broke her daughter's legs in two And said, "It's too dangerous out there to walk, so I had to save you"
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justablah56 · 8 days
Can I request raspberry Sparrow?
ofc ofc , here she is <3
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