#sparks that never fade ( gabriela dawson. )
rescvers · 3 years
( OPEN STARTER. ) ↪ anyone  
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"Yeah, you’re telling me. I practically had to chug my morning coffee in the ambo on the way to the call.” Gabby chuckled, resting a hand on her hip. Their day had certainly had an adventurous start. Not one that she enjoyed in the least. Not when it came to people getting hurt. But it was an unfortunate part of the job, and they all had to keep rolling with the punches. “How ‘bout you, are you hanging in?” 
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rescvers · 3 years
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| monica raymund, 25, paramedic in charge | is that gabriela dawson ? she works down at firehouse 51 ! i’ve heard they’re pretty self-confident & honest but relax a little because they can get pretty abrasive if you push them too hard. before you go visit her at work, maybe bring a quick hot hazelnut with milk with you? we all know they need it! |
trigger warnings: n/a
full character page here
G E N E R A L 
full name: gabriela raisa dawson
nickname(s): gabby, gab, dawson
trope: chronic hero syndrome
B A S I C S 
age: 25
birthday: march 30, 1996
nationality: american
ethnicity: dominican, mixed
gender: cis-female
pronouns: she/her/hers
romantic orientation: biromantic
sexual orientation: bisexual
political affiliation: liberal
religion: catholic, non-practicing 
occupation: paramedic in charge, ambulance 61
parents: ramon dawson (father), camila dawson (mother)
siblings: antonio dawson (older brother)
significant other(s): none, currently single
children: none.
closest friends: leslie shay, matt casey 
rivals: tbd.
enemies: tbd.
P H Y S I C A L   T R A I T S 
faceclaim: monica raymund
eye color: dark brown
hair color: dark brown
height: 5′5
body build: fit
notable physical traits: n/a
aesthetic/style: casual, but stylish when she needs to be
P E R S O N A L I T Y 
positive traits: confident, honest, passionate, dauntless
negative traits: abrasive, defensive, stubborn, impatient
typical mood/expression: resting bitch face :/
zodiac sign: aries 
moral alignment: chaotic good 
enneagram: type five
mbti: estj
hogwarts house: gryffindor 
M I S C E L L A N E O U S 
skills: emergency response, making a good drink, strategic planning
hobbies: standing up for what's right, being a badass
fears/phobias: losing those she loves
favorites: tapas, coffee, tequila, family 
Gabriela grew up just outside of Chicago as a part of a big family. Her immediate family consisted of her father Ramon, her mother Camila, and her older brother Antonio. However, there always seemed to be relatives around throughout their childhoods. Gabby loved the feeling of being apart of a large family, and she has inadvertently looked for that throughout her life.
Gabby was always a caring person, but it was her passion that really made her shine. Whatever she did, she threw herself into it, often head first. Gabby was far from perfect. But when someone told her she couldn't do something? Well, that just made her want to prove them wrong. Anyone telling her she couldn’t made her want to do it even more. 
But above all, Gabby lived to help people. Before she even realized what she wanted to do, there were hints that she wanted to save people. Even as a kid, Gabby would use her toys to act out scenes and scenarios where she could come in to save the day. There was a certain rush, being the hero, but there was even more of an overwhelming feeling having saved someone. Even if it only was her Mr. Potato Head. 
Gabby was smart, but she didn’t feel like school was the best fit for her. She would rather get to work instead of sitting in a classroom. After considering a coupe potential options for her future, Gabby decided on becoming a paramedic. It combined everything she was looking for--the fast-paced environment, the ability to help people, and her very own community of people to lean on and learn from.
Gabby has been at Firehouse 51 for a couple of years now, and she can't imagine being anywhere else. The folks at the firehouse have become her family, for better or worse. As much as they get on her nerves from time to time, Gabby can't imagine leaving her people at 51.
As Paramedic in Charge of Ambulance 61, Gabby often butts heads with higher ups over what's right and wrong. She's not exactly a traditionalist when it comes to following policy and procedure. Sure she tries, but if it comes down to it, Gabby will always defend what's right for her patient over a need to adhere to pointless bureaucracy.
we all know and love the one and only gabby dawson
firehouse family - would love to build up some relationships with the crew at 51!! 
you know she’s super powerful and stand’s her ground, so could butt heads with someone when she tries to go around the rules? 
also love her she deserves it 
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rescvers · 3 years
( CLOSED STARTER. ) ↪ leslie shay  @hurtsharder​
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"Well that was nothing. I bet you ten bucks that lady calls again before the week is done.” Gabby grumbled as Shay pulled the rig back into the station, inspecting a half eaten bag of chips she’d previously left in there. It was pretty annoying when people called for an ambulance for no reason, but the fact that their call had coincided with lunch now had Gabby in a mood. “Now we missed lunch.” 
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rescvers · 3 years
( CLOSED STARTER. ) ↪ matt casey  @upinsmke​​​
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The common room was relatively dead for an afternoon on shift, so Gabby took it as her opportunity to make herself some lunch without having the rest of the crew look at her like a bunch of sad puppies that couldn’t cook a tasty meal to save their lives. Hearing someone enter, Gabby pivoted, loaf of bread in one hand, knife in the other. “Oh, Matt. Hey.” She smiled lightly. “Everyone went outside to...yell at...someone about something, I don’t know. I honestly stopped listening five minutes into Hermann’s rant.” She gestured to the bag in her hand just before setting it down on the counter. “But you’re just in time. I can make you a Gabby Dawson original, come on.” 
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rescvers · 3 years
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