#sparks and lightning | plipvee
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ask-plip-the-raincloud · 3 months ago
(Was taking a nap and this name came to me in a dream so now I'm not sure which to use so
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ask-plip-the-raincloud · 4 months ago
I may be a day late but this was the idea I was given in a vc the other day for halloween Plip. It was to have her and Vee swap outfits. I uhh.. Hope you guys like it. I'm gonna go hide in a corner now/j
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ask-plip-the-raincloud · 5 months ago
(I'm not sure how the fandom feels about oc x canon but uhh.. Have this wip even though they can't actually be near each other due to safety reasons/j
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ask-plip-the-raincloud · 5 months ago
So uhhhh.. Have this mini comic
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ask-plip-the-raincloud · 4 months ago
Er, what would happen if 19 Occurred with Vee and Plip instead of...
19: told them "we need to talk."
Plip was tidying up her room when she heard a knock on her door.
“J-Just a minute..!”
Although once she went to open it, she wasn’t expecting to see a slightly disgruntled looking Vee on the other side.
“Plip, we need to talk.”
“A-Ah, c-come on in..”
She quickly moved aside so she wasn’t too close to Vee, but that seemed to make her even more upset.
“This is exactly what I came here to talk about.”
“V-Vee..? W-What do you mean..?”
“You’re always trying to stay as far away from me as possible, and to be frank, I’m sick of it. I get that you don’t want to short circuit me, I really do, but how will you know if you actually will if you won’t let yourself get close enough to see?”
“I-I.. G-Guess I won’t know..”
“I don’t want any fan of mine to purposefully ostracize herself just because she’s afraid of accidentally hurting me, Plip”
“?! H-How do you-”
“I just so happened to overhear you and Glisten talking about it the other day.”
“A-Ah.. I.. S-Suppose I’ll try b-being closer.. B-But please tell me if s-something happens b-because of me, a-alri-?!”
Plip didn’t even get to finish that sentence before she felt Vee surprisingly pull her into a hug.
“V-V-Vee..? I-Isn’t this a b-bit too close..? O-Or is this a test..?”
“While it is a test, yes, I.. also thought you could use one right now.”
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ask-plip-the-raincloud · 4 months ago
20 with Plip and another oc (doesn’t matter if yours or not, just maybe tag the owner of the oc)
#20: punched them (Under the cut for length. I may have cooked a bit too much with this one oop
“T-This floor is.. Eerily quiet..”
“..Yeah, it is.”
The sudden voice nearly made Plip jump to the ceiling, causing Vee to chuckle a bit in response.
“Eep?! A-Ah, I.. Didn’t realize you were right t-there, Vee..”
“There just so happened to be another machine here. But back to the point. There does seem to be something off about this floor. Remember how when I used my skill when we arrived here and nothing popped up?”
“I-I do. I-I thought it might have been 2 twisted Rodgers, b-but are duplicate twisteds able to s-spawn this far down..?”
“Not usually, but it isn’t impossible.. Except for the fact that I already looked through the entire floor and only saw 1 Rodger capsule.”
“It’s either only one twisted decided to show up, or there’s an unknown one hiding somewhere where my skill can’t detect them.”
“T-That’s.. Somewhat terrifying..”
The rest of the floor carried on as usual, with the machines being done rather quickly since the distractors didn’t really need to distract anything. It wasn’t until panic time, however, that things started to get dicey. As everyone was heading towards the elevator, they heard what sounded like a balloon popping before something started to drop out of a grate in the sealing, and it was heading straight for Vee.
“Vee watch out!”
And before she knew it, Plip had pushed Vee out of the way and took the attack instead, and considering the twisted had fell from the ceiling, the force of the punch knocked Plip out cold.
“I got her!”
Before the unknown twisted could continue their assault, Goob grabbed Plip and pulled them into the elevator before it closed
“What.. Was that..? I’ve never seen that twisted before..”
“I wish I knew Poppy.. How’s Plip..?”
They all looked over to Goob, who was still holding.. Hugging..? A still unconscious Plip, before Sprout went over to check on her.
“Considering that whatever that was came all the way from the ceiling to attack, it’s safe to say she might possibly have a concussion, if this nasty looking bruise on her face is anything to go by.. Did anyone manage to get a clear look at that thing?”
“I got a somewhat clear look after Plip pushed me. They looked just a little bigger than Toodles in height, were wearing what looked like an ichor stained lab coat, and had what looked like a rather large balloon that popped and completely covered their face. I thought I heard it say something a couple times, but the voice was very glitchy. It’ll take me a while to fully parse it.”
“I see.. Well, I think this run may have to end early, if nobody has any objections on heading back.”
There were no objections, so they quickly headed back up in order to get Plip some medical attention, and try to find out who this mystery twisted was.
Hours had passed, and Plip finally showed signs of waking up.
“Are you finally waking up, sleepyhead?”
“..V-Vee..? Ugh.. my head hurts..”
“Considering you got clocked square in the face by someone falling from the ceiling, yeah I can see why. Sprout said you probably got a concussion from that, by the way.”
“A-Ah.. I’d.. Hate to see what would’ve happened if I wasn’t able to get you out of the way in time..”
“..Thanks for that, by the way..”
“Y-You’re welcome, Vee.. D-Did. Anyone know who that was..?”
“I brought it up to Rodger and Dandy to see if either of them knew anything. From what we can gather, that twisted’s name was Stratus, and was from a canceled side show about certain toons who grew older and had children. Stratus is apparently a weather balloon. As for who his parents were supposed to be.. The show was cancelled before he could be fully revealed, but I have a rather good speculation on who they are...”
“A weather balloon? That.. Explains the popping sound we heard before the attack and how he dropped from the ceiling.. Oh? W-Who do you think his parents were going to be?”
“I-I beg your pardon?”
“Us, Plip. Me and You were supposed to be his parents. When he dropped down from the ceiling he said something, which at the time his voice was too glitchy from the twisting to parse right away. But after trying to decode it, I eventually got out what he said. He said ‘Mama’, most likely towards me first because I was that attack’s original target. But afterwards he said it again while looking at you on the ground and started running towards you before Goob pulled you into the elevator.”
“I.. T-This is.. A lot to take in..”
“..I know, Plip.. I had a hard time believing it at first too, but from what I’ve seen and heard, all the facts add up. The only thing I don’t know is where his actual whereabouts are and how he managed to get twisted in the first place.”
“Seems a visit to Dandy is in order again.. When I feel stable enough to get out of bed, t-that is..”
“I’ll join you on that visit, because I want to know where they are too.”
“I-I was going to ask you to join me anyway.. T-Thank you, Vee”
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