angelkitty32001 · 1 year
Today is my birthday (and it's absolutely pissing it down after weeks of sun which matches my mood tbh), and the wonderful @sparkinthedarkuk has sent me this gorgeous thing.
I bought SF Matt at FTLOW, but they'd sold Nick so the boys have been separated. Reunion happening in a few mins. I'm so delighted and it's really made me happy!
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angelkitty32001 · 1 month
9, 36 and 40 for the movie ask thing ❤️
9. guilty pleasure movie?
I don't know if I have one, I've never had a movie that I feel guilty about. I have movies that I love that are recognised as Not Good (Grease 2, I'm looking at you), but I don't tend to feel guilty about them.
36. which movie star would you want to meet?
Channing Tatum was my immediate thought. He's pretty, he can dance and he doesn't take himself seriously.
If we're going for past movie stars, Marlene Dietrich and Mae West, because they are fabulous, iconic women who have had huge influences on my life.
Oh, and Carrie Fisher. For much the same reason.
40. a film you think everyone should see at least once
I would have said Star Wars, but after conversations with younger humans who watched it as adults, I understand that it doesn't hold the same wonderment as seeing it as a small kid before special effects where ubiquitous.
Probably Some Like It Hot. It's funny, clever, silly, has Jack Lemon being a delightful girl, Tony Curtis doing a fabulous Cary Grant impression, Marilyn Monroe being beautiful and funny, mafia, music and the best last line in cinema history.
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