heroic-flying-medic · 10 years
Whoops I forgot to say I was on. |D
I haven't done this in forever, okay? Takes some getting used to.
I've done four replies. If I've tagged you here it means I know I still owe you. If I owe you and I haven't tagged you, please speak up. ^-^
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aureus-of-iacon · 11 years
The Family, the Pack, the Horde
Aureus had never felt that awful before. Not even on the day when he was forced to see his mother dismembered alive and his brothers killed. Not that he had ever loved Glesum and Audax, - brutal and cruel mechs, - but he had lived all his life with them, and it felt like the biggest part of his life was taken from him. But that couldn't be compared to what he was feeling now. He had to see his mother again. The one he loved, the one he entrapped, the one he hurt... to look into his optics and talk to him, to convince him going to his pack with Aureus himself - and with Blackfire who was aiding him. Looking like normal mechs, sparkeaters could visit "the world above" without a risk of being detected, but they didn't like doing it. The Above was a foreighn world, a cruel world they had no wish to deal with, but nothing more than that. The leader of the pack was coming with him - to the hospital where his mother, Lobe, was recovering after a severe misbirth. There was the third one following them, - a young sparkeater teenager named Cotter. From among all the Pack he was the one to rememer The Above better than anyone. His transformation was triggered by falling off the baby chair and hitting the floor with his head when he was a sparkling. When his parents realised what was happening to their child, - that happened when his trasformation was almost complete, - they found nothing better to do but to drive him out of the house to starve in the street. There he met Blackfire and joined his pack. The sparkeater trine walked into the hospital and went directly to the room where Lobe was. Least of all Aureus wanted to see Trepan there, though he guessed that the young mnemosurgeon would be with his mate. Cautiously, he entered the room: "Can I come in?.."
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heroic-flying-medic · 10 years
"Are you feeling alright?" [[ An ask from your admirer....
/Pharma was just about to reassure the sparkeater that he was indeed alright, when he got into a violent coughing fit that made his throat feel like it was leaking. He tried very hard to stifle it and ended up with a mouthful of energon, which he was forced to spit out by another painful cough. 
Thank goodness the energon didn’t end up on Blackfire- that would have been rather embarrassing. He wiped the remaining energon away from where it was trickling out of his mouth, only to have another lot of it forced out of his mouth again by yet another violent cough./
Well then. I-I suppose I am not alright. /His legs and wings were shaking, optics squinted in pain as he swallowed hard, trying to quell the tearing feeling in his throat./
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heroic-flying-medic · 10 years
Angst please [[ It's from Blackfire again... ]]
2. My muse is curled in a ball on the ground, screaming in pain and calling for help. Your muse comes to the rescue.
/It was late when Pharma heard the noise while sitting at the desk in his office. It was not coming from anywhere aboard the ship, but it was just outside. And it was rather loud. His audials recognized that sound anywhere- Someone was in agony. Rushing out of his office to grab an emergency kit from the medbay, he added a few extra thing he thought he may need. Once he was ready, he ran as fast as he could out the ship’s entry door and into the area below, using his thrusters to increase his speed. 
The screaming intensified as soon as he stepped outside, getting louder still as he rushed toward its source. He came upon a massive Cybertronian frame curled up on the ground. There was energon everywhere. He was the source of the noise. 
Rushing up to the heavily injured mech, he knelt down beside him and dug things out of his emergency kit. When he looked up to see his patient’s face, his fuel pump stalled./ …Blackfire?
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heroic-flying-medic · 11 years
So that Vos you've been cuddling around with. Have any sort of interest in him, hmmm~?
I er… I’m actually not so sure… I-I mean, I suppose? But not… Like that. Wait. Um… Yes? Uh. No. No, no. Definitely only a friendly interest. Er… Yeah. That’s my answer.
/See, Pharma actually isn’t really sure himself. He can’t really tell at this point. He… Does? Sort of? But he doesn’t want to in case he’s wrong again. Kind of the same reason he’s having trouble accepting Blackfire’s affection but not really. He thinks he’s unworthy of having a partner. Like there’s something wrong with him that no one will ever love nor understand. So he doesn’t want to say he is and then have the feeling not returned. Or accept Blackfire’s affection and then not deserve the full extent of that devotion.
And then of course there's the problem of unintentionally hurting someone./
((Dammit. Muses are hard sometimes. xD))
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heroic-flying-medic · 11 years
'I want the K' (that was from Blackfire)
2: Cheek kiss 
/Pharma smiled up at the massive sparkeater who was standing at full height. He didn’t understand fully why Blackfire cared so much for him; in the jet’s opinion he himself wasn’t really anything special, but he certainly had no problem with it. It was nice to be cared for, especially when that was always his job. It was expected of him to look after others and he often had no one to look after himself. He activated his thrusters, which were located in his peds, and hovered up to see the sparkeater face to face, faceplates flushing a little as he flew up close and slipped his slender arms around his neck, pecking him on the cheek./ 
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